HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-10-17, Page 1VOL.. III. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, RSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1889. NO. 12I, The o!sons Bank. Valuable ran21 for tale. (Chartered by Parliament, 1845,) Paid up Capital ... , , , , , $2,000,000. Rest Fund . 1,00O,OOQ, Head office Montreal, F. WOLFERST,+ .Nei THOMAS, Esq., ., GENERAL MANAGER. Twenty Branel offices in the Dominion: ,Agencies intheDominion.'V. S. and Europe. Open everylawful day from 10 a. m. to 3 p. ret., aturdays 1Q a, m. to 1 p.. nn,. J general banking business transacted Three per cent. per aurnua allowed- for money on Deposit Receipts And Savangs Bank, R. II ARCHER, Exeter, .Tan 28, 'SS. Manager, THE eater Abram ai published every Thursday lt[ornfng, at the Office, 2d l+l-STREET', --- EXETER.. 13y theS+1.NDERS'PUBLISHING COMPANY. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION, One Dollar per ao in U gists u Advance. ISI.R.. a; -t•- G =sates =a. .1 i.s4 s a., do pp�p#r. diecor�tinned, until all arrear.& goo aro pa hdvertlsements without•apec flo direotiona will be published till forbid and charged aaceordiugly, Liberal discount made for tr*nactent advertisements inserted for Long periods., Every deieript,on. of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest 'style. and ere, &e moderate ter advertising, A boo ripe .ii,Qetc, ord- ure, snAde payable to William Sanders,. Editor (,burch Directory. TAInT r MEMORIAL CnexCn;-.Rev. S. F Robinson, d 7 p. ii . Sabbath School, 2 1 p m.00,i�l a, m. Mnvii0 • ST CiwuCrt-•Tames-st., Rev. B. Clam mit, Pastor. Sunday Service e,itf.30A.m and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, Y p. M. MAIN BTfasrt—Rev. J. Wilson, Pastor. Sun day Servieui,IRSSa,m.and 0aOp.m, Sabbath School/450 p. PRESAYTERIAATCltt vL—BRv. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday .SerrieeM, U a. m. can$ sae p. rn. rsktenath9oleool.I,4 a.m. "Profess onsi Carte. T -T L. BILLINGS. • so✓rrz's Office over O'Neli's Bank, Exeter, Ontario, Nitrous Oxide Gas for painless extraction. ii. KINSMAN, DENTIST, L. D. S., *- treats teeth "without pain by giving Vegetable 'Vapor, or rosin the new A itesthetio on the gums. Makes Bold Fills Inge and other dental work the best possible, Goes to side of Thursday ain stree in mouth. T B. WRtTEL�t, AL D.. C. IL. PHYSICIAN CJ• and Office and residence— Corner Viotoria and Elgin streets, Goderrich, Ontario. rilt. Z. A. ROLLINS. O 'FIDE• --MAIN fir. 1J Residence—Corner Andrew and North Streets, Exeter, Ontario, rT'. A. AMOS, M.D., C. M L. C. P„ EDIN.; L, .1.. R.C. S., Edna.; L. F..P. & S., Glasgow; L. M., Edinburgh and Glasgow; M. 0. 1', & S.. Ontario- F. T. A{. S., Toronto. Night bell at office. Crediton, Ontario. 3y12-8 Dai., COWEN, OFFICE --MAIN STREET,. 1J Exeter, upstairs, opposite Centre Hotel, Side entrance on sontla-James street leading to the Methodist Church. T W. BROWNING, M. D., IL C. P. S. d. residence, of University. abo atory, Exeteand WILLIAI{SWEET, NETER- inary Surgeon. Graduate Toronto. Office and Residence one block east of Sam well & Pickard's store. Opposite skat- ing rink, Exeter, Ontario. VETERINARY DENTISTRY.—A,ILFITCX, Veterinary Dentist, graduate of Prof, H. H. Davidson,s Dental School, Toronto. A21 work in connection with horses' teeth prom- ptly attended to. Examination free. Mcer with Wm.,Sweet, V.S. A. H. Pyrex, V.D. l) H. OOLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT - 1. ,. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office-Samwell's 731ock, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. LH. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR . of Supreme Court, N otery Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan Office—k'anson's Block, Exeter. LLICT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOL IC- E itors, Conveyancers, &o. Money to loan at s por cent. . B. V. ELLIOT. J. ELLIOT ofTAMES OKT3, Exeter, Ontario, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron.. • Sales promptly attended to and satisfaetion guaranteed. Sales ;Arran ged at this office. BROWN1 Winchelsea. Licensed Anat- . ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township. of Usborne. Sales promptly attended to and terms reason able. Sales arranged at Post office, Winchelsa SJ.Benscci A ioneeHrefor the Countnsall Ontario, y Lie- . Huron. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. ITV HOLT, Khiva, Ontario. Licensed auot; . ioneer for the Counties of Middlesex and Laui:bton, and the townships of Stephen and flay. Allsales promptly attended to. HEILBER, Licensed Auctioneer for Hay . Stephen and McGillivray townships. Office—Crediton, Ontario,. Comixisin 100 acres marc or less, being composed of Lot 20, Con. 8, Township of Ste- khan, County of Huron; 13; miles west of Exeter. On the premises are a fine Brick House 80x40; kitchen 10x18; wood shed 20x90; two good wells; a find orchard; 2 barns; driv- ing shed; stable and other buildings; also a small portion of bush on the premises. There is a river running through the bush part: which is never dry. The farm is well drain- ed. and in a goods tate of eultivation. further particulars, apply to SAMUEL RUNDLE, Exeter, Ont. RE�El1�SER The Old Stand Elf t FISEP If you want ^ an easy shave as good as barber ever gave just call at E, H. FISH'S SHAVING - SALOON At Morning, Eve or busy Noon. He will cut tied dress the hair gracefully to suit. TEE CUSTOMS OF THE CE Ladtes' Defr dressing done to perfect ou, Stand hear the Post Office, DOWN GO TUE ''RICES la order to make room fox our fall porches, es which are now arriving, we of- fer reduced. pricer.in Summer 333ress-Qeclo, Masi s, Prints, Iaices, Timbroideries, &c. alga balance of Slimmer MilUnery at faaRt+.: SUGARS! Wo have a quantity of Sugar on hand which was purobased before the Heavy Ad vanes which wo aro offering at toss than pro,. sentwholoe+alo cast, Our valuoP in Teas seed Coffees areA-t and aro not excelled in till County, A calx solic1E0. and an inaneotion. iuvitoa. asi'leAll kinds of produce taken in exchange. Butter 14 cents ; Eggs, i4centa. Happel & Ole horn ilk g RI . ZU CII1 New Talor Shap Everybody cin gst Sait��. Ladies Garment Cutting a Specialty. Gents own material made up in the latest styles and at the very lowest figure. A. CALL SOLICITED. F. 'V1 I D L E! , E,AIISON'S BLOCS, EXETER Additional Locals The audience that attended the an- niversary services, of the James street Methodist S. S. last Sunday morning and evening, were delighted with the sermons that were preached by Rev. Mr. Livingstone, of Clinton. The both. discourses were thoughtful, logicala,nd practical,and if the lessons, as observed by the speaker, are carried out by the officers, teachers and parents of our Sabbath schools, the future of Can ada will be a happy one. The Mass meeting of the school in the afternoon was a very pleasing service. The ad- dress ddress delivered by Rev. Mr. Wilson,' M. A., and the acrostic address ;as given 'by Rev. Mr. Livingstone, were listened to with rapt attention and were highly appreciated by the.large audience pre. sent.. The, singing by the school was :t pleasing part of the service. The music and literary entertainment on Monday evening pas a decided success. The singing of the motto and motion song by a company of little girls all dressed itt white, each carrying a beautiful baguetofflowers, presented a very attractive appearance.nd was a part of the program that gave gen- eral satisfaction. The other part of the program was well sustained by those who took part. Miss L. ,Iiellancl presided at the organ, at which she filled the bill very admirably and de- serves great praise. The proceeds of he anniversary that were added to d Sabbath school. fundsa ie Sob mounted to $55. Cola wet winds. Softly the leaves are falling, As they have fallen lh fore, And the sad old avows are calling In the cold, wet winds once more:. And already the nation is balling, "Shut the door. sparking by the 'lire. Soon the wintery winds will whistle, The town and country o'er And the yong mall' and miss'fl Not stand in the entry door, But beyond within the parlor, They will seer, love's blissful goal, While the fire keeps a burning Up the old mans costly coal. A11 to short. Between the summers torrid heat And winter's frigid storm, There comes a chariningbreathing spell That's not to cold nor warm. It's after we'er relinquished from The ice man's feerful clasp, And just before we get into The coal man's fatal grasp. Thea t ataaelan queen, a'he now and elegant magazine is sure'topleaeeeveryCattadiauwoman It is devoted to fashion, Art,Feney Work, Flowers, Toilet, Home Decorates% and Ilousehold Matters. it is hued- solnoly illustrated, and is equal to any of tho higtepriced English and Ameri- can ptrblieations. It should be its every cultivated Route. to introduce it the publishers offer to send it three months on trial for only lac. Actress The Canadian Queen, Toronto, Out. Obit. We regret to announce the death of the wife of Mr, John Papplestone, of this village, which sad and melancholy event occurred on the ifith lust. Dem cea.se'd has been Idling for some time, And her death was not unexpected, She WS one of the oldest residents, al- though not having reached the ripe old Age of some of our other residents. Deceased was Hauch respeeted by all who knew her and all will be sorry to learn of her demise. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved. Dig Cheeses Shipment. I1r. Alex. hfetearn, the well known cheese buy er,sbipped from Listowel fast Tuesday evening, Oct 1st, ten cat load of cheese; the largest and most value. able single shipment of merchandise ever amide from that station. It took 139 teams to haul the cheese into Lis- towel, and there was a. great crush of wagons and horses in the vicinity of the shipping paint during the day. The value of the ahecse was in the neigh- borhood of 0213,000, and Mr. McLaren's commissieit on the big puvebtstl vas a out;,$;3QO. ire li y s for ,Miesers J. L. Grant & Co,, rneroll. Narrow Eseape. Yesterday, while Mr. John Pront, of Usborne, was driving up pni - Btreet with a largo load f - grata, and whenen about opposite J. P. Clarks store, a bag of grain slipped off. Mr. Prout at once stepped down onthe doubletree with the intention of replacing it,when another brig came down, scaring the horses. Mr. Prout hnd hold of the lines and at once commenced pulling them in order to stop the horses, which were running. One of the lines broke and r. rout by some means got down and was struck by the front wheel and was knocked down and dragged some fifteen or twenty feet. His injuries are very severe, two or three ribs are supposed to be broken and his back severely injured. He will be laid. up for some time, Hymen. Last evening one of those pleasant oceurences took .place at the residence of Mr, John Saget, Stephen, it being the marriage of his daughter, Emily, to Mr. H. J. Glanville, of this village. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Jasper Wilson, in the presence of a few of the most intimate friends of the interested parties. Mr. A.H. Fitch acted as groomsman, while Miss Char- lotte Sweet, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid. The happy couple leave this morning on their wedding tour, and will visit alI the principal towns and cities in Michigan. We offer our congratulations to the needy wedded couple, and hope that their journey through life will be crowned with prosperity. Masonic. On Tuesday evening last, R. Wor. Bro. W. G. Duff, D. D. G. M., paid an official visit to Lebanon Forest Lodge, No. 133, A. F. & A. M., Exeter. During the evening two candidates were rais- ed to the Sublime degree of a Master Mason. The work was exemplified by Wor•. Bro. ILSpaokman,W.M.,for the first candidate,and by R. Wor. Bro. Duff for the second ; both acquiting themselves in.a very masterly way, showing that Bro. Duff was well up with the work, and also Bro. Spackman.. After the business was concluded the lode was closed in the several degrees: The Visiting Brethren werethen invited to partake of an oyster supper, which was being prepared at ' the Commercial House. About thirty of the Brethren' sat down, and alt did ample justice to the delicacies. After the "inner man" had been perfectly satistied,Bro. Sack - man opened the toast list by callin on the Brethren to drink a toast to Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of Canada, coupling the name of Bro. Duff there- to, to which aro. Duff'repliecl in a very suitable manner; after which ' the fol- lowing toasts were proposed and repli- ed to:—The, Press, Bro. W. Sanders; the Agricultural interests, 13ro. .1. W. Treuman 13ro. J. McLaughlin; Britannia. Lodge (Seaforth), Bro. W. J. roar; Song,Tit o. Duff; Lebanon Forest Lod�,g i.e , Bro. 'II, Spackman; Host and, Hostess, Bro. J. Hawkshaw; the whole concluding by all the Brethrensinging «God Save the Queen." ,Among some of the distinguished visitors present, he - side Bro. Duff, D. D, G. M., of Seaford), we notice Bro. W. J. Fear, W. M., ' of Britannia, Lodge No. 170, Seafortb, and Bro.. J. W. Treuman, P. pi., St, James Lodge, No. 73, St. Marys, Taking it en the whole, it was one of the most pleasant gatherings ever held, and. U is to be hoped it will not be the last. Farquhar, qtr, R' m. Moodie has rented the s' ndi cote farm at the the rental of MO a year. efr. Wm. Fletcher who has been on a visit to friends in Bad Aace Ditch r turned lest week. Mrs. W. K. Passmore who has been confined to her bed with inflamatioli for the past two weeks. is, we are glad to learn on a fair way for recovery. Usborne. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Thad Jones, of the $rd concession of Usborne, who while driving along the road, about two weeks ago, fell from his wa- gon hurting his arm. So warty as it is donbtfni whether he will have the use of it spin, On Friday last, while Mr George Fisher, of 3 concession, of Usborne, was engaged in picking apples from a tree hi the orchard,tfic step iaddcran 'which he was standing capsized, time, felling him to the ground and Beverly lnjur. leg his leg, H1li7.. Messrs Peter Munnn end. Isaac Jack- son, who received injuries by a land- slide in Canibell's gravel pit, we are glad to say, axe able to be around a- gain. Mr, John McMahon of the 2nd son. of Ilasehas purchased the faarin known as the Hawkins homestead, from Mr. Rich- acrd Ilawkins, paying they„efort a hand- some figure. Mr. Hawkins intends to remove with his wife and family to route in 4h4lit it month, The neigh- bors of Hay will loose in. the removal of Mr. Hawkins an upright dealing gen- tleman and an obliging neighbor. Zirrton. Mr. Hall, of'ioropto, returned home hist week- "Jakers boys” 1 my time's coming. Best of joy W. IC Harvey expects to put an full ste.'un shortly as the kitchen stove is already purchased. The barn belonging to Air. IL Payn- ter, of 4th concession, Blanshard, was destroyed by fire on Friday last. Rev. Steele, of Point Edward, has been appointed to fill the vaceney caused by Rev. W. P. Ireland's absence from Kirkton. The Medical Health officer of this Mrs Wm, Harris returned to her home in Atwood, on .Saturday, after visiting friends for a Couple of weeks here. M. Oswald Walker, who was taken sick in Exeter two weeks and had to be conveyed home, is convalesent, Mr. Wm. Cranford, of the 13th con,. was made the reclpitant of a bouncing girl last week. Wm is quite prowl, of his treasure. Dashwood Mr, F. Baker commenced his fail saw ing oxr apiouday last. Miss Mary Cack,of Waterloa,is hereat preBent visiting friends. lift. a Willett, shipped a, carload of lambs to Beffelo last week. Mr, & Mrs, Halt gave our 'WWII at flying visit on Sunday lost. Miss Matilda Miller,of New 1 amburg is visiting friends in this vicinity. The Dashwood gun club are going north on a bunting tour this week;. We wish them luek. Mrs D. Vincent, who has been visit- ing friends in Buffalo for some time, re- turned on Saturday. Mfr, troll, uetr'house is fast nearing completion, and will be a handsome residence wheel finished' Mr. H. Willett received a carload cif potatoes from the U.S. which he is dis- posing Oat (ie eta. per bush. Mr, Schrader, son of :lir. John. Sehraa- der has opened out a shoe shop in our village. We wish him every success. Crdittili, Miss Bertha Gtlboure is home on as Ilett. Miss Teeue Hodgins ia€ at present home on, a visit; Mr, Arch Bishop, M. l?!. P., was in town on Friday laet. Miss Carrie Wuerth left on Tuesday for Ingersoll on a visit. Messrs. Samuel and Jacob hoist have returned from Michigan. Court of Revision was held here on Friday last. Judge Tom presiding. Mr. W. W Tali has resigned his p0- salon as principal of the public selsool here. We undera#Ind that Mr R, R Carter has made: an assignment for the bene- fit of kis creditors. DivisionCourtwas w s held liege an s 'Tuesdary,wha,n a. large number o£eases were disposed off by Judge Doyle, Mr.Wilson Anderson, of the 2nd con. Stephen, is about to remove to his old homestead on the 4th eon. of saidtown- ship. Mr. A. H. Fitch, the Vetreinary Den- tist of Exeter,witl be here on Saturday, 19th inst. All in need of, his services had better secure them then, as this willpositively be his last trip here. Mr. Mathew Morlock has built a large and commodious kitchen to his residence, here in thevillage, prior to his removing from the farm to enjoy the pleasures and joys of a retired life. neighborhood would do well to take a Centralia. walk iu the direction .of thb sister city of Woodhamoccassionally,andno doubt his proboscis would detect a certain cellar that needs a thorough renovat- Our butcher shop has been turned into a harness shop. ing. The young sports of our village are out hunting everyday. The farmers around this vicinity are busy with their thrashing. A raffle will be held in Mr. G. G. Essery's livery stable on Friday even- ing for a first-class revolver. The Ladies Aid are going to have an oyster social on 10th Jan. 1890. Good Bye Editor, until after that time. Miss Mary Winer is the guest at the Dufferin House at present. Glad. to see you tat our midst again Mary. Mount Carmel Ths farmers are very busy threshing just now. Quite'a number are visiting in and around this place just now. The roads are in an excellent condit- ion, while the weather remains very: fair also. Mr. Wm. White and Mr. L. Leary were the guest of the Misses Quinlan on Sunday last. It is understood that the Rev. Father Graham, of St. Thomas,will be appoint- ed Pastor of the church here, which was rendered vacant by the death of Rev, Father Kelly. While coming from the Parkhill Fair Mr. C. McLaughlin had an accident befall himself and buggy. uggfellows.It appears that a couple of rough run into his rig, upsetting it and injured him somewhat, also damaging the buggy considerable. Hibbert . Mrs. S. Speare is visiting friends in Brampton for a short time. Mr. John Mitchell,; of Cranbrook, is at present visiting friends here. Mr. Thos. Cha el has been ill for some time but we hope a soon to see him around. again. Mr, H, M. Speare and wifey df Sea - forth, were the guests of Mr. W, Speare on Sunday last. Mr. F. L. Hamilton is having a kit- chert erected, which will greatly im- prove his dwelling. Mr. W. W. Thompson, and wife of Cromarty, spent Sunday with friends in McGillivray tp. 1 Ourtown has gone to sleep for fif- teen years, trying to beat "Rip -Van - Winkle", on his twenty-five years sleep. We -notice an addition in the way of a new Kitchen in connection with the hotel, known as Mo+fatt's Hotel, of this place, has, just been completed, which adds greatly to the appearance of the place and also to its conviences. Mr. Wm. Quanee, who has been a re- sident of Biddulph, occupying the farm owned at one time by 1VIr. Isaac Hand• ford, but now owned by Robert Walk- er, has removed to the farm belonging to Mathew ICelland,on part of lot 6 con. 1, Usborne. WIIO STOLE TED DUOIC.—Twog g entle man from Exeter, well known as Scott Act pushers, who, were returning from Ailsa Craig- fair, with a load of poultry, halted at the Duffern House, Centralia, to get the inncrman supplied with a little of 8 X. Some person or persons went through their rig and took there- from one of their prize ducks. After a search for some tune the duck was found, but nearly dead, HAvlxGG suffered much from weak lungs and colds, I could find nothingto give me permanent relief till I used Everest's Cough Syrup. S. B. Windsor, Centralia P. 0. He a n s . ll Lots of property ischangim .hon at present, ' Messrs. G. &J. Petty are busy slrsjp- ping Iambs just now. Lots of grain is conal, into the ial< age at present, : which makes ,thiegg rather lively. A� e welcome to our village Mr, Olive L. Petty, who will move here aboti,t the first of .November" The Oddfellows Hall is now nearing completion,and will be opened. and (seas ieeted shorty. Fnr«her I,trticelere biter. Mr, T Berry porch .st;d a "Joe (ale,"` 4 year old colt from Mr. T. Murdork.'nt Tuesday, payingrherefor a h:u:dseese sunk, 'Ibis speaks well .of eJou itelt'" as a stook getter:, Fanners in this . section shrilled be more careful in killing their hogs. Those killing should fast at least IS hours beforekilling, and after aia'emiug. should open theist right thrcar ees Irate. throat to tail They should he ;Wowed to hang over night,.aud not be hraughe to market while warm. All farmers acting on the ;*hove advice will find it. to their nuttuel advantage. Messrs, Geo, G. Petty* and J. Clarke have exchanged; residences. ;kir. time meted into Ids new playa on Tuesdey Mr: Petty has disposed of Ills propetey $ Mr. John lfotigbten. Mr, Thomas Ballentyne, of Usborne, purchased friar ltfcssrs. Brown and Beds -Word a tyre story frame residence, fraying filmier afairfigure. The Hettsall Packing Hous, se open for the s'arson. The firm w again assume a change on. November let, Mr Oliver Is Petty will be admit- ted and the firnx will be known as Petty Bros. The business will be extended somewhat, and will he cnnduete'd on x larger scale. The highest cads:p ee will be paid for dressed bogs +t1 gee Packing 'louse. We wish the fins. every 81100023, Nr' es Mi .< E. Striltii his returned horn= after a five wee las absence ht Londe* and elsewhere. Mrs. R;'Coultico Is at present leeme elangerously ill, and very little hops. are entertained of her reeovere At the Court of Revision iteldbere'art the 12111 dist., eight names were admit to the, Township Voters' list by the Reformers. On the 22n1 lust., the Court of Reviles ison for Dominion purposes will be be herr, E. Sidney Smith, Revising Bar- rister for South Perth, presiding. Ilemesna.u.--0n Wednesday ere ing, the. Oth inst., at the residence d the bride's another, by Be.g*WilliamPenhall, Methodist Minister, Mr. E. .t. Stoner, of Lobo, to Miss Ivaeades Zane, youngest daughter of the late-Lawrela- ce Bennett. The above event mat place in the presence of a few of t1e bride's friends. After the ceremony was ended all sett down to a saniptiotag wedding dinner and did envie juetioe to the same. After dinner arfew hears were spent in musical entertainmer and pleasant conversation. On tke following morning the happy eon* left for an extended wedding ta= through Michigan, where both the bride -•and groom have near releti es residing. We join their many friela in wishing the happy couple a longs happy and prosperous life together. Around About Us. Griffeth's woolen mill, Parkhill, wag broken into on Tuesdey night of tale week and. over $100 worth of goo& werestolen by the burglers. Like tines burglars of last year, no traces wege left. But it is likely that the matt= will rest here as a private detectiss will be on duty here shortly, On tita evening previous Mr. John Fountain. was knocked down by a burglar Harrison mill, adjoining Griffetfsts. He noticed a light in the mill and +tea. going in to see what caused it he claim to have been struck heavily on tliie head by the thief, who than escaped. The Central hotel, Parkhill, was the scene of a lively eneounter between brave young man and a burg ular last Thursday night. Mr. Holland, the baa - tender, was awakened by- strange noose about two o'clock in the morning and, taking his revolver, he . went to the stairway just' in time to see the 1a glar crawling through the ' back sett dow On asking the intruder who Ise was, Holland was answered by a bu&. let which passed very close to bis'hea+d This shot was returned by Holiaaati. when the burglar again fired the bele let striking the wall close to the former shot. Holland's second shot evidently Struck the lean as blood -spots wenn found on the window and ground s;sst- side. ' The burglar mode his eseayta as rapidly as possible and fortatnately for him, Holland's revolver only contaiasce two cartridges. No clule;has been Ass tained of the burglar and his accm o- plice. Insist on your grocer giving Fun London Electric Soap, it is the best.