HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-10-10, Page 8READ -MAKER'S
lizeui Das TO W? i n3r,I.CTlcK.
186 3. Crlgxsfoo1 Store. 1SSe•
SgC1.r1I„ The shortening days of
Fall and approaching Winter: are upon
us, an ominous ehilt in the air makes
itself felt at times giving its warnne
that out-of-door pastimes are soon to be
set aside and that our pleasures are to
be wort found once more: by Lou°r gin
reside." Boobs and magazines will
be sought for and their lack supplied,
games will be used to promote the
Good Cheer aforetitne produced will
ruder sports, tate latest songs by be
sought for, their inspiration to higher
thoughts and nobler deeds and choice
thoughts from the best minds in the
shape of Readings and Recitations will
be laid under contribution to provide
aon'.attsemeuts for the soei l circles as
well is the larger pubhe gatherings.
T;1'ill not waleniter thought recall with
pleasure the source whence much of
the needed material has in times past
been supplied and look once more to
the s, IRO spot for preserve needs. We
hope se and will thataltf>,nl.y welcome
the old bees whose support has been
suiast:anetal zaia( in the past as well as
the new faces who may see tit to pat-
ronize us for the first time. Our variety
will not be less het greater.
J.CRIc o,Exacter,
The choir of the 3arnes. St. church
furnished vocalandiestrumental music
at the Sexsmith church opening on
Monday evening.
On Thursday last, while 7,1r. E. Fol -
lock, of the North Egad wasremoving
the box from the wagon, the horsetoek
fright and ran away. Tho animal was
captured before any damage was done.
Mr. A, Cottle' has p`hrehased from Mr.
John Vasey, the Turning Factory,
where he will be prepared to furnish
all with. gates, land ropers, turning &c,
on shortest notice,'
The Messrs, Weeks Bros. erected a
handsome monument, Stanch granite,
in the Exeter • cemetery on Tuesday.
It was erected to the memory of •the
The offer made elsewhere in these late George Bl etclifoxd,
columns to mail the ADI;0OATE from
now to January 1st 1891 for one dollar,
only, should give us a large list o#new
subscribers. We have endeavored to
furnish a paper acceptable to our read,
On Menden, while Mr John Rendle
was dressing a bullock, by some
means he let the hta;fe•slip which cone
in contact with his arm, severing an.
artery. Several stitches were required.
ers, and wekhave reason to beiieve we to dress the' wound,
'urns; u easureble st cceeded. Let all Yesterday (Wednesday) Mr. R. 3,
Eacrett, of this place, received a tele-
gram, announcing. the sad intelligence
of the death of his brother-in-law, Mr.
Andrew Dlurdock, at West Bay City,
Mich, He was A native of Lueau:
On Monday a young son of Mr, John
Rendle was at the station while the
several buyers were loading their cat-
tie for shipment. The young lad had
his hand an the deer jam, when the
door was pushed forward, jamming the
little fellow's hand severely.
Elder, James McIntosh, of the re org-
anized antra of Jesus Christ of Latter.
Pay Salute, Allieton, has been' holding.
forth in Draws Opera, House every eve
ning this week. So far the attendance
has been Tory slim. He preaches at
the sante hall this evening and a large
attendance should greet lhinn,as be de-
series a crowded house
rerspual ientto(a,
The Rev. Mr. Ilenderson, of iiensall,
oeeupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian
church both Morning, and evening on
Sabbath last, and preached two very
able and impressive sernionfi ---4in R.
C. Brewer washere the last part of last
Creek and beginning of this, inspecting
the books &c, at the ylolsons Banks --
Sire. T Tyndall, of Brockville, is visit-
ing friends in town. --Met F. Ilolbein
Son, bark dealers, of Dashwood, left for
Loudon on Mondey.--Mr, Jaas. Bissett,
,jr. left for Berlin on Mouday,.--Rev. J.
Wilson visited Weisel! on yl'ond•av,-
M. 1, t `-1
MTr. ,lag ai, Gra.,.. cls, of 1I(nsa.11, Surtd.►y l ei
in town, --Mr: John Spackman man spent
fonda • in Clinton, on ibusiness.telLaame
lens, I,. 11. Collins and John Elliott
weane in the County Town ontbusia,ess
on Saaturdaay* Meesrs. R. IL Collins,
AV. Gundy, Geo. S:ttnwell and C. Snell
left for laoderich on Mondry to attend
some court. --Thea Rev. David Ramsey
and wife are spending a few days in
towneeMn Rich t iailey visitedMyth
mid was in atteu(hlnee at the Fair on
Tuestl ay.e-Mrs. Crocker and Mrs. 1).
Joints visited friends in l owmauville
East week.- Mr. W.Trevethick visited
ii'ingli am on Monday. ---Miss \iochrige,
who filled the position as organist in
the Trivitt. Memorial church a short
time ago, has been appointed organist
in one of the Toronto ehtreles.-Mes-
srs. J. Grigg and George Satmwellhave
returned from Chien o,-;a:r ` r: Treble
spent a few days in Lueknow last
week. --Mr. W. Bawden, of Goderieh,
spent a few days in town bast week. --
Mr, John Snell was in Stratford on Fri-
day last. Be was one of the judges on
horses at the Fair in that city*, -Mr,
Blatchford, of Usbornc, left on Monday
for Toronto. -Mr. Jas. Neil, of McGilli-
vray, who has been in Manitoba the
past summer, has returned .and was a
caller at the ADVOCATE] office. Jinx.
looks as :hearty and healthy as ever. -
31r. Ism Short, who left here some two
months ago on a visit to Europe, has
returned. While away he visited Par
is,and spent several days at the world's
Exposition. He also visited Eiliel
Tower, lie stated that it is a a rand
sight, and Hurt thousands daily ascend
the tower.ai a
H waited over three hours
with the expectations of mounting the
large structure, but the crowd was • so
great that he would have had to wait
isIll aa. length sat l r gth of time before he
could have assendeii. He reports a
splendid and enjoyable trip. -Mr. John
Floyd and wife, of Woodstock, former-
ly of this place,are visiting friends and
relatives in a for towndays.-Mr.
few d. ys.-Air:
E. Cosh and Mrs. Tyrdell, 01' Brock
vine, who have been *visiting friends
in town for the past two weeks, return-
ed home ycste rd Ly. -Mr. R. H. Archer,
of Maisons Bank here, spent yesterday
in London on business. -Mrs. A. Q.
Bobier, of London, arrived here on
Tuesday evening and will visit friends
for a few days. -Mr. Wm. Southcott
spent a couple of days in• Blyth 'this.
;reel. -Mr. Daniel Davis returned from
Toronto on Tuesday evening, where
he had been with a load of cattle.
our friends and subscribers at present
on our list, talk up the merits and
claims of the ADVOCATE to their neigh-
bors. If this is heartily enteredinto
our list will be very- much increased
and the influence of the paperfor good,
strengthened. We -confidently appeal
to all our friends to assist us in extend-
ing and enlarging the number of our
weekly readers. Remember the offer
means the balance of the yearfree, or
tifeen months reading for the price of
one year.
With this issue it becomes our sad
duty to plane on recent the death of
Rev. Father Kelly,pastor of 11.a church
Mount Carmel, The deceased had only
been. ailing :a few weeks with malarial
fever, viten on Monday morning the
angel of death visited hien and bore his
tut away tathose bright and .happy
res., leaving his name to be recorded
arntang the numbered, The funeral
it place yesterday= (Wednesday) aud
ssemblago of between 2,5.00 and
was present. On the coffin was
ral beautiful wreaths, front differ -
friends, showing; the high esteem
n which the deceased was held up to
e time of his death. His remains'
Caere interred in the yard adjoiuidg
An k ilrergent meeting of Lebanon the magnificent elutrch, which was
Forges: /Agit, -see lit;, :Aa F. et ;t`e et. dedicated not more than a, year when
i'tr, r 0-, wilt lha� h..lali at thee M;as,nn nether Kolb' officiated. The p;tll bear -
I aail, Exeter, on Tuesday evening, Unit 1 era were:==Rer- Fathers. Rowan, Cor-
inst., at 7,a5 p. nt. All that members air;an, IAilen, of Parkhill; Quigh'r, of
, 'Stratford; West, t, o
, f Goall�ri h- and
, e
).a d
n ,
are a ¢a yr:� la►t, : s t 1 ,
a ata.a'i be r +r. a h l
G "Si.at% (ether distinguished vieitore, K*a*;ileS.01 Coronn;a, Arch Bishop Welsh,
.are eel a°a teal, "of Toronto, pre iebed the funeral ser
Il, Sl'.sti,n.sz,ag. W. ;al; i101011 whielt was to the affect that now a li.at Rwrr .�att°r'l: „year ago Father holly assisted. in dein-
teiting the church from which he wa s
' going to be burled, and eautioned s
hearten to be prepared for death which
►was very uncertain. Requiem Mass
xtt<ieea, a Was celebrated by Rea*. bather Bron-
- IL le Amiens, raenttst, roar true beet non, of St. Marys, assisted by Father
artificial teeth. Conley, of lbiddulpit. Father Gahan,
Mr. :
Verity is malting
Fc C. ' of London, NM
master of eerCinai►ies•
additiouto his residence. 1 Wonted.
-11. 14. Ilitltna ta,Ii<a+f►ttHt. (01d itinarzaa Aped strong boy with a fair edu-
aaipl*elalta•. Oaten over 0'%i tt:+t ICrtifilt, ;anion to Intro the art of rioting Ain
1xeter. p -1
Ectad Carling Bros. change. of salver.
ply at the avue'AT F office, Exeter,
tismeant in this issue, it will well ray- I"Pert/. Citrini eS•
LLaant Week Mr. Philip Iiowteli.e,
p rehltmed A%r.Thormas Gregory's resit=
+ataear laay irtg therefor the suet, of $750,
00. Mr.1111liama Sutton also purchased
last week a lot from Mr. John David-
son, and the house nearly opposite the
Trivia Memorial church, front Mr, A.
G Dyer,which he intends moving, Mr.
Sutton paid for house and lot $340,00.
pay yom,
Mr. W. It Hutchins, ::hilted four eel.-
arloads of butter font this station to Det-
roit on :Monday.
Mr. R. Davis shipped from this stat-
ion a fine cariold of cattle on Monday
last to Montreal,
Mr. Jos Oke shipped a cer load of cit-
tie and a carload of hogs to the Montre-
al markets on Monday.
Lanus. ---Wo have the very newest
in Costumes, Damns and fleuriaittaa
dress goods. James Pickard.
A number of our residents were
attendance to the church owning aat
Sexsrnith on Monday evening,*.
Mr. Samuel Hersey is moving down
town furthertand will occupy the prem-
ises vended by Mr. John hall.
LADIES. ---'ti's e carry the best Black
and Colored Silks in Gross grain,
& am Pickard.
es.,Shot c James P c .acrd.
Mr. IT. Si inert, of Dashwood shipp-
ed a catrlo ed of Lambs from this station.
on Tug>sdty, to black Rock Mich-
Lenens.--We have something new
for Jackets and-t'lsters, and we cut
free of eh trg e and give a fit. James
The old Established ha ln.
au T a. d Lstlth .ted s s� com-
pleted its Fall Importation of Dress
Goods from Bradford, England, in all
styles and shades. James Pickard.
A game of baseball took place on
Saturday, between the juvenile: clubs
of Exeter and Crediton on the grounds
of the former, which resulted in favor of
Exeter by a score 25 to I6.
On'llionday, lir. Wm. Welsh held an.
atttetion s Ile and disposed of his house-
hold effects. Mr. Welsh intendsremov-
ing to Ti:i11n1a zoo, Mich, where he and
his family will reside in future. We
wish them every success in their new
We notice by the Brussels Post that
the 73rassels baseball club issues a
challenge to play any club in the coun-
ty for $50.00 town against town. We
hope our baseball club will except the
challenge, as we know they can "knock
the stuffin" out of the Brussels club.
The Woodstock Sentinel Review of
last week announces the death of Mr.
Robert Todd, who has been employed in
that place. The deceased is a brother
of Mr. A. M. Todd, Editor Clinton News
Record. He was much beloved and high•
le- respected by all who chanced to make
his acquaintance. We extend our
sympathy to the bereaved friends.
At the Luean fall fair,held on Thurs-
day 26th Sept,Mr. I. Handford receiver
2nd prize for single horse in harness,lst
prize' for single buggy and 1st for.
horse shoes; Mr. R. Hunter of LTsborne
received 1st prize for Durham milch.
cow, 1st prize for Durham heifer calf,
1st prize for Grade cow, 1st prize for
pair 1 year old grade steers; Mr. L.
Bunter Vsborne received 1st and 2nd.
prize for Durham bull eelf; Mr. James
Oke received special prize for pest pair
• of horses in harness; Mi. R. Eacrett
received first prizein the 400 yd. , foot
race and Miss Bawden 2nd prize' for Exeter
best Lady driver. Lucan
_ a
Sharpers Stilt Exist.
One of our town shoemakers started
out the other morning in search of
work and noticing a gentleman drive
up ztnd stop in front of a shoe shop he
at once accosted hint and faced out
that he wanted work douein his line,
so he convinced the gontlemnn that the
would do the work: as well as the
man he was about to take it to, thus
beating his brother, knight of the last,
out of the job. Brotherly love.
Not Shared by the Fair Sex.
A Pennsylvaniaeditor answers the
eorrespondent who propounds thequery,
"Did you ever see a baldheaded wo-
man?" in the following strain: "No, we
never did. Nor did we see a, woman.
waltzing around town in her shirt sle-
eves with a• cigar between her teeth.
We never saw a woman go fishing with
a. bottle in her hip pocket, sit around
ground n theago
o d.m all
day, an
home "boozedin the evening. Neith-
er have we seen a woman yank off her
coat, spit on her hands and swear she
could whip any man in town. •
Too 11iuc1t.
Young ladies who neglect to take
sufficient exercise in the open air, and
have an indifferent complexion, should
reform their habits and not attempt to
obtain good looks by dangerous arti-
ficial expedients. Those who are tempt.
ed to take a short cut to beautl should
profit by the experience of MisChaun-
eey, of Columbus, 0. who used for her
complexion a mixture of arsenic and
nitrate of silver. Then she went to the
white sulphur springs and took the,
baths. The sulphur decomposed the
sulphur salts in her skin and turned.
her so black that sh3 has gone into re-
Rase -]Call Match.
On Friday last a baseball match took
place between the Exeter and Lucan
clubs, onthe grounds of the lattert
Both clubs were short of their regular
players and the game was not -as inter-
esting`as it otherwise would have been.
This will likely be the last game of the
season, as the weather is getting unfit;
for the popular past time. Below is the
Exnrnn Luci
Ea Brett .. ... 7 Ea crett ..4
Anderson ...... 7 Collins T ..`3
McDonell ..... 3 Edwards .1
Hawkshaw 1 Porte 1
Gidley ...1 Collins R.........0
Tait 2 Hawkshaw 2
Rannie........2 Jackson • 3
Billings .0 Stanley ....0
Hyndman • • • .2 Ellis..:.... 2
25 16
1234567 89
84'02502 6 3-25
2 1 203 0 1 01-16
t Aa
aa JIlost COf Cools
�' ifie� 011X11�C
In DressGoods and Trr mmins�� are 1�4� the � largest and most
taking ranges ever displayed ed in tarn.
Our Millinery Opening will take place on Mondayand Tu s
September 23rd and 24th, when we will make a display of
and MANTLES surpass ig anything of the
bind ewer before seen in Exeter.
0 -tax, Ci-erats? contains all.. �' ,� � �.�
the latest novelties. We have just received a large consignment of Imported
Suitings, Overcoatings and Trouserings, amongwhich will be found every-
body �u. making t '' uxl 1, goods to please every
y up hese ids we guant a perfect it and satisfaction lin eve irespeet
BICwBi an4 �f�1S(EI
Wells' ONION �a aqd
XXX Porter a Specialty.
A Fresh and New Stock of
0r00e1ies & 0011090111
Family - 1P rocerry.
A beautiful piece of glass-
ware given away with 1 ib of
Mayes Baking Powder
Dashwood. Roller Flour
For Sale.
Gait and examine our goods
befarepnrchasing elsewhere.
llivi60O't & SHOE STORD
W. H. Trott
wishes to announce that he
opened out business in the
stand recently occupied by
the ADVOCATE, and is pre
pared to manufacture frst-
Absolutely Pure.
Thin powder never varies. A marvel of
purity, strength and wholesomenema, ?Coro
economical than the ordieary; kinds, and
cannot be sold in t;ompetttioal'with , the
multitude of lowtest, short .weight arum or
phosphate powders. Sold onin cans.
ROYA.LBA&IN4o Powo111 Co.,nus til. S6:.SY.
for all customers.
Our rnotto is good work and
square dealings.
WEAK MEN qt t 'may euro tial!
g111 meso 31.
selves of Wasting
Vitality', Zest ratan7Iooa, from youthful
errors, eta, quietly, at home. Boole on ani
private diseases gent free (sealed). Perfectly
reliable. Over 30 years' experience. Address-
LADIES our'•Relief for Womca" is e¢fe and a ilo
reliable ; better t1.sn (Ergot, Ozklo. Tansy
or Penuyxoyat Pius. Ineuraa regularity.
Bend Inc Partienlare. Address
BEARDS FORCED on smoothestfaces, hair
on beident heads, in 00 to 00 dope. Magic. Latest and
greatest achievement of modern 'valence 1 Most won.
dorful discovery of the ago. Like no other preparation!
Magical, Bute. alomnat instantaneous in action! boyo with
w hiskcre 1 ffa�l1d beads "hired l" Curious spectacles, but
pdeihwotrotliii. Only geneino article in meshes, and certain
to give ahsolate satisfaction. Guaranteed. Price$la bottle,
or three bnttaosfor$2. Esehbottiolasts one month *drives!
MIOfME 6101A1111111'S PRE1 BiTiU�S.
u without
� _ s oua Lair wi hfout -injury to tlii ask[o rlWarenamntal.
from lOt000day11. Warranted. Pr -Footmen days treatment, Si.
point is a matter oracifeitede, whether beeaa.o it fa saeom
!sortable or mi4.bionable-FAT i'OLES nth ANTI.
CORPULENCE PILLS lore 16 Ib,. a month. They ease
no sick -nem; contain no poison, nnd never fail. Price for ono
month's treatment, $2; or three m.,nth, medicine. 13,
Bluth the akin, gnaw the form. llatmte.a. Permanent
in effect, Warranted. Priced! a 1. nt. er six beree for g.3,
Address Idia tandll Q ANie
• 208 Eng Maid W Toronto
FortuflB For 111!.
--T--0 -----
It is said that every person has n chance
once in their lifetime" to raaake a fortune, aud if they
allow that tuna to pass may never have the opportunity again.
You can depend upon it that everybody purtdiesi es their goods
at Parkinson's s•a es mailracr, U; • ming so will soon Tun3e.
their fortune. His prices are gale ays down.
ou, are not asked high prices to make up losses, for debts contracted by bad
=towers; don't you see thea is thousands in it. Parkinson's Stock
is nein and consists of I.1ryGocils, (groceries, crockery, Glass-
ware, Tweeds, Boots and Shoos, ht fact everyfhiug usually
kept in a first-class General Storer. Saye his Ii1i k and Colored Caeluneres
OM 25 cts. up. You can get the cheapest all wool suit in Exeterrnade to order
Make no mistake. consult your own interests
examine his stock before making your pircllases elsewhere
and you will soon save enough for a fortune. You can de
better at the Cheap Gush` Store than any other
Exeter. Highest � � ' � 1 place 213.
Exeter. Highest market price Allo«•ed for farm produce at
PARKINSON'S. First door north of the Town Hall Exeter,
The popuiar voice. The Ays have it.
Actions speak louder than Words
The popular preference for
- -. 1-:--;;--:I---t-t•-----1-t-----H
Garliiji -.•OOfl3
Is abundant evidence that if a vote were taken on the quest-
ion, are CARLING- BROS. selling the
X = + = + ea x =+ _ + = } + _
Mafiosi Hog Best Googs 111 Exeter�
x+ x x x x x x x )' x. x; x 9
x x x x
The entire population would answer A ay. Instead of
�, �;, ..lr ,
saying this collectively. . they are saying: it individ
ually every day in the year by their purch-
ases. Those who are interested
in the fact will natui ally
ask why
- 0 00 00 0 0 0 o O 0 0 0 0 0 o O ce coo O i3, o O.
All Trade 'iglu Brothers.
The answer can be given in a few words. People trade
where they can get the best Goods at lowest prices.
They trade where they get fair treatment
and a reliable deal every
time. Wild horses won't
keep people
from trading when they
get these advantages. That
whythey trade with CARLING , BROS
• and that is why you should trade with them BROS.,
fn cn ce in to rn•Co 'rl1 r/a rq C/a Zn t!-' m cn r!l rn th tnTA' ri 'ce C/1 1 V2 t7.
C2L• t=�.V CT EleCDS�' r7 CIL=•
to t/1 W to W CP t/s m .ilk U1 ii 31 111 ,U2 r/1 :r/2 Cn 7. t/2 r11 ug. CC 441, 171:
Is positively headquarters for the finest and Best Goods. We
take the lead'in bargain making and will yield. to no
competitor the Palm for low rices or goodoy
p p Goods. At
CARLING BROS. produce taken in exchange, Butter
.16c., Eggs 18c. A call solicited: `