HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-10-10, Page 5EVEREST'S C0118H SIRUP CANNOT 8 UMW., #41r it and be convinced et its wonderful curidlut. properties. Price ss cents - Tko Nowt SUCeeiPArOt Remedy over eevered, as It is certain in its elects and does no; baster, amid proof bow, Synerassttsa. Y:q.. Nay 9,159?,. DIt• R J, X:+—OMA. Co , E'wsbiiFE.14 Fails, Vt. (fe tucute's hove used Ken- daila Spavin .Cure fort+pavins *wham:. int atase A/lameness and SOK.' int* and foundltasure cure Inevery respect. I cordially recenataead1tto:. off horsemen, Very respectfully yours. Cates 3 Ts.+u, RENURI.LS SPAVIN CURE, sr. Timms. a'. A]Prt1 '. e�uo Its, it J: KosC, Enosbur•b Facie tit. c( -LL. used i fey.' 9ettteS9f letil K n- 4'alts spavIn Cutts on my enff, sirvial, was suffering trent 14114- 9441 19, a very Lad term. and cart that :RAM Pe3ad cure, I east recommend it WA titer bt•sL inti ZOOSZ etteellvdltn,xnent Itiaveever handled. sfudlymend ynitrxalu,•4lttebeekaeotlaled *•d,Trea- lier,e," Teurareseecttttaly. I V.1vrtiteiSOI. MIL' SPAWN CURE, Fear F,wcr, Msg., 31!tv as a5;h. Dx U It a ] t D4.Co,rMuosLurt,a t+s 114 Qetitlsnten"•- I alwayA keep your 4414109$ lleselaVurel4ndPaster onUaad and titer have never flled 10 wla,4t spa state titer twit coo. h,avucured abed, cape or Swift. Auld also two canoes et lilegbone ofrearsstaadinf: onmar'e9\sWeb >ibought tobreedtro n, oudhave noteeeu any signs et 415ea:Q In, their oaspr tt,. Tenn trui Prioritperbottle,orstsboth sfest Ain druggists bare it oroan get At furyou, or twin t?o wog to any address o1 reeslpF of price by the3trt. Itr ' :17aI, t CQ..1'itosburglt Fells, V , SOLD BY fi%,t« DRITQUUSTS. CARTEKS ITTLE IVER PILLS. (=APR )r?t?tl£. `ry Everest's Liver Regulator or pi$easea of the liver )(Mew. Yo., and Purify, log el the Wed, I°rnt-e Si, Six betties lex tt5„ For Sate ler 43.4 Dati4014-1S: l[ouufacteukd only by. t#E0. 11.11YEltll.W. Cuitiusr, ruza.R, E r. NYROY'AL WAFERS. Prescription of a physician who loss had a life iQugexperleneq in treating:male dtsenses, is used, monthly with perfeet ,success by over lo.O )ladies. I'leasant,safe, effectual.. i.adfea ask our drug, gist for Penttyreyel Wafers' And Ata no substitute, or inclose ppost:•, PROfarseatc�dporUcuiats; fold by all druggists, $t erbow Address P- t CU- 0AL CQ. Parfsor hors Sold inExeter byDr, lints, and druggists vory where, Jan, 4•8, This '"'car's MYRTLE cut & Plug Smokmg ■ Tobacco INET TAN EVER» See RDA N; 0 1 The famous heavy -bodied Oil made only by MeCOLL PROS. 86 Co'y1, TORONTO. Use it once and you will use no other. McCoIi's Famous CYLINDER OIL Is the taloa in Canada for engine cylinders *fir ,s '1 tea SALE ela•Ta,�. ,. e.. FOR S LE BTi. Bissett oa ExETEt,, ONT. Til ' PROVIDENT Life and Live Stook As - sedation INCORPQRATED, AUG. 1887. Mad Office room D Arca< e% TORONTO, ONTARIO, In the .Lice Department this I10so• itlat providers indemnity for Sick- ul Accident, std substantial as. istance to the relatives of deceased nembera at terms available to all.. In the Lite Stock Department, two- thirds indemnity: for loss of live stock of its members, Seed for particulars, claims paid ate. WILLIAM JONES, pt,G,'SS. MA'rArt O DIRECTOR CURE Sick Ileaidaclroanti relieve all the trouble'sfnei• donor a l+iliOwl *tato of the system. such as Dos l Nausea. Drowsiness. Tiistrew after remarF remarkable in the hw been shown is cur most SICK Iloadltelts, yet ('Anwar s I.trrt.ta LIVER Pitrot ern equally velnable Int COpstipatfon, curing and preventing this annoyingcomplaint, whfto they plso correct all disorders or tee itolne ch, stimulate tho'livcr acid regulate the howelL ZYon'if they only cared HEAD ea Weald latimnt priceless to thoseorf who sufr from ds dietrerin; complaint: but Soli:moiety Abele goodnft does not end bete, ind ;,,neio''who once try theyrn fl flnit those Busy putt rating to do wittier t them. they trill not 1st , Bntafter ail sicklMe.;l ACHE is the bane of to many lives that her? id KIM': uo make our great boast. Our p311s Nora 11 •chile ethers do not. C+nraa's LBrrt tv Lti•tat Pitts are versatriati and very easy to tale. One or two pins make] a dose. They are strictly- vtgetabtc and do rot gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. In vials at eli cents; five for Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. iLftrilia11E010IN4 CO., Ilam Fa:i. 12. Small Dose, Sma11 hicat THE LIGHT RUNNING IN BRONZE O1' toting ant'ackage. �✓1 ?^Ci'l n11 the olc;ged aveneao of tho Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying afl gradually without weakening tho ays.. teat, till the ianpuritiea and foul ]mmor0, of the secretions; at tho sante'timo Cor- recting Aeicdlt/ of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, DIzziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness n? vision, Jaen- cut:v, ,.?:1t Rheum, Erysipelas, Scro- fula, Fluttorinefl r the Heb , N r- vnusneSs,,, .nfl y t these and mat.,-' other similar Complaints yield to rho I�l_a11p `t: ilaCaoogZBAUAQO1{ BLOOD BITTERS. For Satsbpatrl3da TJILBURN & Pro ieters, rho Great English Preseriprtlorr. A successful Nedicino used over 30 years In thousands of cases. Cures SNerrctforrhea, .Drerrotu*t j Weakness, Emissions, Impotency . and all diseases caused by abuse.' inayoas] indiscretion, or over-exertion. [Amu]Sic packages Guaranteed to Care when a others Fail. Ask your Druggist for ran Great English 1're.erlptio,,, take no substitute. One package SI. Sit$c,, by mail. write forPampbiet. Address Eureka'. Eurekchem cal to.. Detroit, 1U1ci>. :Sold in Exeter by Ds. Lutz, and druggists everywhere. Jan.4-8 SEWING 111i A S EQUAL. ACHINE THE LAD iES' FAVORITE THE. ONLY SEWING id11�it9 .. THAT GIVES • NEWHOIE E 11NG MACNINE G:OR NGE,NIASS: CHtcaso - 28 UNION SQUARE N.Y.' DALLAS, I 1L1� TLANTA GA: TEK. SANFRANCIsCC.CAt. George Vickers, rs Kirkton r EXETER MARKETS. Wheat per bushel.. $ 80 to 88 Barley40 to 48 Cats 24 to 25 'Peas ...... 50 to 53 Glover Seed 4.00 to 4.70 Eggs per doz 13 to 13 Butter, Rools .. .. 14 to 15 Butter, Crocks . . • • . 14 to 15 Potatoes per bush ......... 70 to 75 Hay per ton 9.25 to 10.00 ROYAL HOTEL, LUCAN, ONTARIO, � PROP. HODGINS. R The Dar supplied with lest brands of Liquors Anel Cigars. Have you tried the Celebrated ELECTRIC SHOE DRESSING ? If not don't fail to do so at once. Itis not .a polish but a wonderful leather preservative it will make the finest or coarsest shoe as soft and pliable as kid and very easy to the foot. It will make them absolutely ute l water- proof, and if occasionally dressed with this dressing will last more than twice as long as otherwise. We Mean What We Say. It is the very life of leather. It can be applied at anytime. No trouble-- Shoe Pcan be olished immediately afterwards. MICA, 10 & 15 Cents per Box. Sold by all first-class stores. Sam- ples mailed—Stamps taken. OLIVER CABANA Jr., SOLE MANUFACTURER, BUFFALO, N. Y. Furniture and Under —GO TO --- o e 86 Andrews I:OR� BEIa-IOOM ASU PARLOR, SLIrrS SIDEBOARDS ANEXTENSION TABLES, LOl' \G F.S AND EASY CHAIRS, The Largest Wnreal'oo ' town. Undertalting outside of the Undertak t�•rh Ring; in all its Branches. Oyer, day axed, night, TAND•- Chte floor north of Moist)), 's Bank. • - E X BTI R. Half a million of dollars in gold was engaged for export in New York. Fri- day morning, This is to certify that ley wifehaving been troubled for over eight years with. it sore throat and symptoms of bron- ehettis, and !raving tried, many remed- leo without obtainiegacure,I was induc- ed to try Everest's CoughSyrup,and af- ter taking ,dye or six bottlesa cure was effected. --`elm. Hester, Arkona P. 0, Whitby Town council !las given a contract for lighting the street -with. electricity. SEVERELY BITTEN. To be healthy and have lots of life and vim, be careful in diet, take plenty of sleep, and regulates the bowels, bile and blood with 13. B.13., a sure cure for constipation, billousness, dyspepsia, all blood humors, scrofula and all broken down eonditious of the system. A delegate of the Winnipeg Knights Templer left for iirashingtee Friday. A STRONG FOLLOWING. f Whereas much disease is e-uisecl, by wrong action of the stomach, liver, kid- neys, bowels alyd blood, atm whereas B. B 13. is guaranteed to curt: or relieve dyspepsia, liver complaint, kidney complaint, dropsy-, rheumatism, sick. headache, etc Therefore, Be it resoly- ed that all suilbrere should use I3.13, 13. al la be restoeed to health. Eighty seven, cases of smallpox are rt liorted at Sodorro, N. M. Noire but first•claee grocers sells I,oeilon Electric Soap. The Women's Chrsti,'in's Tempera! arnee Union of Qubece closed its annual eonforenee in I4outreal Friday. n old playsician.retired frorxt prautiee,lttiv- ad placed in his heeds by as Fant .Ttt,ila onary the formula oft,, pie vegetable ely toe the �s"peedy and permanent cure of Com.uinptorn, ,1-.4ronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma aneiaL root 4114 D,un, Affections. Also a xtiva ansl railic:ulettre for nervous Debility da1LNorvouscorn plairdS,aft4:- bowing test tilts wonderfulcurative powers inthou>aiods teases, ba 1t It hi1uty10 make itltnowr. e his suffering fellows. Actuated by title motive and a desire to relieve bunion auffer- ..I will send free ofcltargetoall who desire thisrecefpe,in0ern" an, Preach orEsig1b11 1tth full directions far preparing and infng, Sent by *jail by aeicire->rtnfi'vitli *tiuta pnum- lag this4 paper. W. A. ti QY i$, 140 .l'ower's Week, N. Y. i 0 CITY HOT LOINDOW, O t'rilmO. si per day. J. J,316 T1i , PnpriclarE. The Grand Union Hotel Enlarged ed and, Improved. 30 rooms elegantly fmrnisfacti`i Tables auuplied with aii geelyciliclraics of the season. S convenient 3iitlp1e rooms. House heated with hot air. Electric hells throughout. Si PER DAY. R. a. TUFTS, PROPRIETOR.+ CHRISTIE'S OMERGIaL) Lft) First Class RIGS And HORSES. i ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWS.- SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. weeerss : Rearos:La Bp Telephone Connection. To THE DEAF.—A person cur'erl of Deaf- ness and noises in the Bead of 23 years' standing, by a simple remedy, will send a description of it Fitnn to any person who ap- plies to NTOnot.eoN, 30 St, John St: Montreal t1.2Z1'83.—t v 12 Pounds OF WHITE suG For $1. lOIDs. Raw sugar FOR $1. E%EtBt EtEE OIL acre. 1. MAMBO s he Subscribers wishes to inform the Farmersand . t 11 G e na C'C it Public that he is Frepered to furnish all Sizes and Kind S i of t,sf ■?.Vicar tai .r Well' Digging Promptly' Done and at Reasonable Rates. Residence watt Siwe on Ann Street, behind Christie's Livery . Stable. A CALL SOLICITED. JOHN MOORE. 1890 SUBSCRIBE X590 FOR THE Weekly Empire t`auadats leading newspaper PATRIOTIC IN TONE TRUE TO CANADA. TRUE TO THE EMPIRE TILE EMPIRE IS NOW THE GREET MEEKLY PAPER OiN THE , D0:3S1141LON and special arrangements are being made to add new and attractive features, which will greatly increase its interest and value. As an inducement to place it in the hands of all Patriotic Canadians the balance of present year will be given FREE TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS, Together with.the "A1)VOCATE'7 making- it eS1.70, until end of year.. Address "Anvocaas," Exeter, Ont. 13SSETT PROS LIVERY. First Class Horses. and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros,' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS REASO.NAL'LE: A TRIAL SOLICITED. BISSETT BROS. r sayw��c �t POWDERS Are bleardnt'to t'/ce Cent -de Purgative:Is a; JO, sure- atzn°F "� ' rri.•'" ae sirej4Y of -worms CANNOT FAIL. My little son aged two, was seized with diarrhoea, followed by piles, two doses of Powder's Extract of Wild Strawberry gave relief and half the bottle completed a cure. Irs. J. A. McIntyre. Gladstone, Man. This med- icine If a specific for all summer cern phiints of children or adults. The vestry of St George's church Montreal, is strongly opposed ritualism so exhibited Ivordesire on the part . of Sonne of the cougreation to haze a supplied choir and the Psalmscanted. Washerwoman's friend is Loudon Electric Soap. .Pearce, the third prisoner who escap- ed recently from the Toronto goal, is still at large; but Detective Cuddy, who is searching for hien at Maitland,, Ont., is confident that he will be eaptur- ed before long. Don't forget to try London Electric Soap once and you will use no, other kind. In the ease of Jars ieVallace, of Bete lin, Ont., who died suddenly oat Septem- ber 7th, the corners jury yesterday brought in verdict finding Irv. Alice Wallace, widow of the deceased, guilty of having poisoned him with arsenate. Washing made easy end homes made happy by using London Electric .Soap. Mr. Charles Conybeare. M. P., who was about being discharged from theLoondonclery prison, where he bas sojourned for three tnonths for infrac- tion of the Cringes Act, br'olce one of the prison rules and was again placed in a ecll. Just think washing " day anade shorter by using Loudon, Electric Soap. The trial of Donald Morrison, the I e ;antic outlaw, for murder*, was eon- tinued Friday at Sherbrook Wald thin ease for the Crown finely closed. The evidonce for the defence will be heard, to clay, but it is not Oxpeeted that the verdict will be reached before Tuesday Ij Loudon Electric Soap will not in- jure the hands or clothes acrd do more stork for the money, try it. An extraordinary attempt was made, on Wednesday to poison the Episcopal,, Presbyterian. and Methodist clergymen of St John, N 13, by mean of potsonett ceudiee„ eb of the role gentleman ri ecived a paeltgeofsweetmeats,which, tris heavily dosed with strychniile- Mrs. McNay, wife of the Presbyterian minister, were the only one to partake ke of the eandies,and she died in great agony it few minutes after eatilltM„ a gum drop, FROM BA.D TO WORSE. Mr. ORSE- Mr. Jas. );!once, of Toronto, suites that his little baby three months old was so bad with summer complaint that under the doctors' treatment her life was dispaired of, Four dosels of Dr. Fowler's Extr et. of Wild. Strawberry' cured. her. TRII�:1)? TI;�STI I), PROVED. l A y little boy had diarrlteoa and came �fi $vIc sea sflorlx> U . very near dying. Aftor.the failure of seat byyou a too' iiiiisuir lrii�c` n at 'i w tn. everything else we used DL'. Fowler's s tpain of eutt3ng tc'uth? if so. sant! atotteu and Extract of \\'1.11 Stra\vlicrr, t\ Int tlrancntuan*:N'1' s.rni qoz tv in lelncaaui t abl.It a vet d and]. 'ire f q w3llr 13a he nor t n quick CArC know 1 tleauir rartm 'at ;d ao d =te- se c, un q , cl3ato' I7en.i i ei4ltt ul o t mottle; t:ie 4 1s 71 tf ti�oatliers were cured Icy thesatne-imtstu�aalrt�atft. �tctirostiysent�ryriildlAr reinedy. I+\1tEl;alr>u C,Anox, 11thixa, regulatesthttstonxaaltattd"bowels,cares Hiller, Ont l't1ndoollc,softensoticbtuns,cativo'3111ilatnina• ytion,. and glees tone ani3 energytotho wliohs r 1aystens. filta.WetlsLow'sSooruulaS nrrioa 1N x11.41 FORNI5' Catran Tr lsrtttsoielaleasanttot3letasteatnd Skis diseases appear o11 the surface fu nape z nurses end physk fa s itdt ttie kiir \ted are aro otter lrnlnillatinn to the sufleaa t tes,anti is for sato by nil druit latstltrougls er f1'ont 1heIn, bivm two to tl11,00 butt• oattii4 wOr1d. rmeo ea cents a bottle. " W.ill CU2'( » les oP Burdock Blood Bittern • salt rheum, erysipelas, slafnales, tcue , nettle rash, eczema, boils, pimples, or) blothes, at the same time restoring the general health. The action of Carter's Little Liver Pills is pleasant, and natural. They gently stimulate the liver, and regulate the bowels, but do not purge. They are sure to please. Try they County. t1r1trrlldaiy evening :ill aged tramp called at the door of Mrs J,ra.,+ Steallles Millet, and requested lodgifig' fez the night, which was granted. The sur- prise of Mrs.Steeples and family tnay be imagined when on rising in the Morn- ing to find the man quite dead. The The assement of Kingston shows an name of the unfortunate and the. increase of $52,000 as compared 'tvith whereabouts of his relatives if he had last year, and an increase of 8,900 in any ,being unknown. He was decent - population. ly buried by the municipality. .insist oft your grocer giving you The brick chores in connection with Loudon Electric Soap, it is the best. the Belgrave Methodist circuit was re - Tho Earl of Galloway, who is 54 years opened on Sunday. .Rev. Mr. Scott, of of age, has been committed to trial ti`ingbam,. preached both morning and charged with indecent behavor fo• evening, and the Rev. Mr. Geddes, of wards a little viii. 'i1-ltitoc(aurch, conducted the service in . Ask your grocer for London Elect the afternoon. The collection amount- cie Son p. ed to over $40. A tea -meeting was Lord Stanley Friday opened the prize held in the church Monday evening, meeting of the AssinihoiaRifle Assoeia- and alt11011 h the ee s. t was stormy, it rind, Wird afterwards left for a tripover turned out a success. Irv- Messrs. the Regina and Long Lake road. MeTorrance, Isaacs and Godfrevodist choir were bpresent. The Wingham Methodist 4 bars of London Electric Soap for discoursed sweet music to a delighted 25e. audience. Dr. Godfrey presided an- ceptably. Four hundred dollars were HOSPITAL REMEDIES. spent in refitting the churehy.and that sum of all been provided for. What are they? The growth of intern genre in medical matters has given rise to a demand for a class of genuine, reliable medicine. The opportunity of the ignorant quack, who grew rich curingeverything out of a single bottle has passed. To supply satisfactorily this demand this list of reme- dies has been created They are the favor- ite prescriptions of the most famous medical practitioners of the day, gathered from the hospitals of London, Paris, Berlin and Vien- na. Prescriptions which cost the patients of these specialists from 1126, to $100 are here offered prepared and ready for use at the nominal prise of one doiial.each. Not one of them is a eure all; each one has only the reasonable power of curing a single disease, and each one keeps is contract. Sufferers from Catarrh, Diseased Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Consumption, Rheumatism, Dys- pepsia, Liver and Kidney Complaints, Fever and Ague, Neuralgia, Female 'Weakness, .Leucorrhala or Nervous Debility,should send stamp for descriptive catalogue to Hospital Remedy Co., 503;y West King St., Toronto, 'Canada. If your drugotet does not :keep these remedies remitpliae and wewillsend direct. Senator Hardisty; who was recently in lured by a fall from his buggy in the North West, now lies at the Winnipeg h.sspita:1 in a very precarious condition. ` ho wonder of to -day ie London ellew rie, So, p. "he; t'hili in representative to the s tor Hon 1 Atiieriean Con reSS ltas vi h 'r bee use Mr. Blaine, who is f Congress, has been elected president. Lord ni El '•trio Soap is only made "• "lIsis, Woodstock, Trade Mark Registered. On Saturday evening last ns iLfi*. Jno McDonald, the wellknown cattle buyer was going into Seaforth fronatehe south, and when near the Carding- Mill, he stopped to speak to. a farmer whom.. he met in at wagon. Ili doing so he turn- ed his buggy partly'across the road behind the wagon. Whi le thus ena; ag- edin conversation Mr. Beniie`rees,of DIc- Killop, and Mr. James Stewart of Sea - forth came davit) ; past in an other buggy. They d5iove two close. to Mt:. McDhnald's rig and the vehicles. collid- ed and both were upset. Mr. MeDon- all was thrown with great fomree from his buggy, falling• on the bard road :Ile had a rib fractured and received other bruises which laid histi.upfor sev- eral days. The occupiants of the other buggy were also thrown out, Mr. Beneewisejallieg directly under the upturned vehicle, Fortunately, Mr. Stewart was thrown clearar of both and was thus enabled to secure Mr. Bennewises horse before he got away. Had this horse not been secured it is certain that Mr. Bennetvise, from his position under the rig, would have been killed. As it web he was the least injured of the three. Mr.Stewart re- ceived sundry scratches about the face. No farthur damages, however,; was i in, t dobe. All pall es tie no doubt; he more careful in future. We acre glad • to learn that Mr. McDonall's injuries, Although very pai>, ftil et the tame are not of a serious nature, and We hope toe,: see him pround antro soon. *a,