HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-10-10, Page 3The Oki That rounds the Keys. fiy_oBlee of late has seemed brighter, More cheerful by far than it was; :It May be the pretty typewriter Who sits near my (leek is the cause. A'radiant, daehing young creature; In typewriting circles a belle; Although Pm unable to teagh her To 0,tuictuate rightly or spoil, Her mount lace a half -opened rose Fier hair rivals gold itt itS hue, Tia -tilted Iter dear little nose is, Her eyes are a heavenik bine. X really should feel lost rkithont her, nor senile therea no cause oralarm. There's something attractive about nee, A thrilling. intangible *barna Her typewritten lettere axe fearful, Wine errors they thiehly arson -awed; Iscebl her,.and she•becoroes. tearful. Awl thinks I am awfully rude, : Rio breaks into silvery laughter As soon as forgiven. and I've Rewritten uo end of vbeta alter She's gone -sue leavesPromear at ?iv@ • My wle, wintia somewhat suspicious, Dropped into ray °dice to -day, And found --well, I thought it 'judicious To send my typeweiter away. I really shall feel lost wtbon her. For wine) I intended no harm, Hy wife noticed something about her That Mica her dear sold with alarm, Mother and Child. *WIWI() ie the giel that you weree" said the And the mother smiled back to her lifted qeSo " &hs lives where the tadzd 4atets go. And the old tun Woes in the skies!" 4' Wilere last year's birds sing last year's songet she eaueet at the limey as children will. if Yon abenld meet with the gal oat you were. Do you Walt you would blow ber etour I remember ber eyes and ber wo,viog hair; see titan now as I look at yen. y daugbter. when oue dream dies Amather vonietauve comes truer mother! aro better than girls. I (bink; They wipe year tears anti find out the pale, Awl wbou you 430410 -,-POW do 3let go back rr yeti have tbe ()lance again r "Ab 1 there le OQ tear at that my sweet. A mother forevermore awl it dey I ahau be, we yenta the girl .thet I wee 'Witt( your faded violate stay.' —014404 Melton .Po.ebard. The Tacht Race. A rattling breeze from out tbe weet Stretches bee drumheads every sail, Red( wave 1 eate like a melded nail Ikon tbe glint/bag hulls *bet breast Tbe mime drevee at toseleg manes Ilutrelle; Strosa the WitAllwafedpleine. pea tent cacti sheet until It singe Lite thores irOM an ietenan beep • Now aeo the long bey,. (Alen and harp. Mush Torero rd. sanl he *fracas %VIM That ClefilVO their way Into the wind. 1Vhile bug waves stretch Away belated. 1Vbet grander seem) of newer than tuts To feel the se3.13 tarot g shoulder preeted againat the helm. ea tooteek 'twined, wreet It from thy Grasp: while eat sprays Idea The wings that Glance across the *melte And tcuppere featalike boiliug Tau miles to windward. croup and cross The wbito fleet bawl towarda the mark, While hemp and movneetran. Now,liarla Bow tbe giad WOVOIltose aud tots The troll buoy breaks upon the CM ItO brazen note more clear and clear. Ind uow it reounta npon await. Another reach aud aelee, Now swirling In Om heavy no. Tito leader turns, witb ebeeta eseed well. And the next nutmeat bursts ber aloud Of epinaker athwart her thread. Mien ILke some downy., snow white fleet( mica blown Romeo the blue enema, 'rho freslowind seem to riuso iu trance, To that° who stand upon Inc dace, Who seal to orate their headlong race In, homage to her matchless grace. breete 014wwith the itemise; oun, But slot ntitil thadrovaldlne air, Runtime the waters Dere laid there. Has waited on Its chosen ono Across it goal at gleaming gold. And num tile co:venlig pillions told. THE NORTHWEST. don, was entered by buglers and geode believed Sttehatoon will be reacleed this party ran at the rode a 45 miles per hour last she waa at a ball. ingammation, of the 'bowels. Oa Friday The special train conveying the viceregal naltted at 0300 were steden. between Rat Portake and Virinnipag. wife of the Iinlien Commissioner, took place to -day. She died on Monday from Lake read are already graded, and le is The reeitlence of Thos. Rooke, at Bran. The funeral cirMre: Hayter Reed, the Neerly 100 miles of the Regina & Itone - fall, Traelnleying on the Soule extension of the Canadima Pacific Railway began to. day. ISIT and 1878, the '4 grasslaopper years," the Dominion Government made adveames for seed grain to a number of settlers et the Red River district, takiog mortgages for the mime. Two or three thoneand of these mortgagee aro still in existence, and now, under the Towns spa tem, it is found they. constitute a cloudy title. An effort is being made to eecure a Settlement. man ranted Illesoch has been arrested at St Boniface on a charge of robbing langlale" bottler atop of 0610 ill bine. Is is also eaid be is suspected of robbing one jeau of §1,000, Lord Stanley and party visited S. Boni- feee this morning. Ur. and Mrs, nloVicar, MI= McIntosh SUa Mise Grellana,of Torooto,Itresbyterian ennaienariee to China, arrived to -day and proceeded wed to Vancouver. They were met at the station by a number ot Preeby. team friends. The Governor -genera and party went out to Woman to -day and opened the Anneal Pall Pair of the Bookwood Agricul- tural Society. An address Wriapresented fr0113 the 11111111/0i141 C(11111011 at Stony tdountein. An =cello= view of the herd of Initial° was had. McDopeld, contractor Inc the Northwest Control, arrived from Ottawa on toodefe train. Toe:arrow be will go on to Brendan where work has already been beguu, in order to gained the new road with the Canadian Peeifie. John, Gunn, of Gem; has finally decided to be e candidote for the representation of Eiltionan in the Legieleture. While reeking arrangements at Stone- wall to Ors a salute for higl BMPliency. wind blew A spark into the c eater and AU exploalon followed, aertauely injuring a Men named Macau and be Team eon, 'Ito 'Mimeo feu is badly diefigured„ and the bey has mono boo= broken. The readmitted Swift Curled witheesed a remarkable and unmet eight at about 8 40 lest evening, when a meteor was ob. serve4 in tee hove= of iniftlamat bright. meet in A clear decry elty to realer (Mode as visible as by a good moon. It hided for a period of about three sectoode oud was travelling in it northwest direction. The report ot an explasiou which rumbled Met ot A =moo fired at a considereble distance was )nerd *bout two minutes after the disappearance at the body. A special Own with European oreigrents on board arrived last night. Tho city engineer Is going to °dime to euhreit plena for the Aesinihobee water tidier= for the approval of the Government. A repreeentotive of Sir Thount Whiney, one of the wealtnteet members of the Eng- Iith aristooraoy, is expected to arrive here Ueday or to -morrow to complete tho por. ohm of certain large interests in North. west lands, to be used for colonization pur- poses. The idea is to erect cottages and start new colonista iu life. The rale for fifty mites of the Northwest Central will arrive at I3randon to -morrow. Track -laying begins Immediately, and building operations will be renewed at the earlint possible moment next epring. The Art or Prolonging- Lire. Dr.ltobaca noose io Winner Science Monthly. Somewhat different advice must be given 'with reward to bodily =ordeal in their reference to longevity. Exerolee is emu. tial to tho preservatiou of health; inactiv- ity is it potent =use of wasting and degeneration. The vigor and equality of Tho circulation, the functions ot the shin, and the iteration of the blood, aro all pro- moted by muscular nativity, which thus keeps up a proper balance and relation between the Important orgats of the body. In youth, the vigor of the system is often great that if one organ be sluggish another part will make amends for the defi- ciency by acting vicariously, and -without dny consequent damage to itself. In old age, the juke cannot be thus ultifted from one organ to another; the work allotted to eaoh sufficiently taxes its strength, and vicarious action cannot be performed without mischief. Hence the importance of maintaining as far as possible, the equable action of all the bodily inane, so that the share of the vital pro- cesses aseigned to each shall be properly accomplished. Por this reason exercise is an important part of the conduct of life in eld ago; but dissretion is absolutely news - nary. An old man should discover by ex- perience how much exercise he can take •withont exhausting his powers, and should be careful never to exceed the limit. Old persons are apt to forget that their staying powers are much less than they once were and that, while a walk of two or threemiles may prove easy and pleasurable, the addi- tion of a return journey of similar length will seriously overtax the strength. Luxurious Cars. The Grand Trunk Railway Company lave jest completed two very fine Penman parlor buffet oars for the Pullman Com- pany, which ate to be run daily between Montreal and Toronto. For finish, elegance, , etc., they are unequalled. They are called the "Honore"an4, " Lenora " and are 71 feet in length. The emoking oar is all that can be desired. It is finished in English oak, upholstered and draped in myrtle green plush and resplendent with plate glass mir- rors. Adjoining this room is the buffet, which is filled with all the...necessaries for refreshment. The body of the oar contains 28 easy andrattan alidtre, besides two sofas. in the,centre of ehoh of the oars ere two hay windows so situated that a person heated at them can see up. and down the m trick. A library contaieg about 200 readable books is also situsted at one end of each oar.--Illontreal Herald. One hundred and fifty shoemakers, em- ployed by titillarky & Cm, Montreal, struck work to day because the firm refused to dismiss the foreman, to whom the men had taken a dislike. They claimed that he was entirely too strict. The 'firm stand by the foreman and the factory is idle in con- . sequence. , • At 6 o'clock in the evening Mr. Wm. Green was attacked by four young men on Fortification Lane, near Bleury street, Montreal, struck down, kicked all over the body and robbed of about 1110 and his boots and hat. Some persons found Mr. Green lying on the eidewalk unconsaious. He is in a precarious conditime Emmons iBlaine's gift to his bride was a diamond flair de tys worth 1114,000. The • bride's mother gav,e a magnificent silver . set. Among other wetly gifts was it gold - mounted, toilet set from Mr. George Childa. property they have purobased in the Rookies. The papitaliete were well plotted with wleat they saw. It iet antiolpated that * large coast trade will be worked up this fell. The intention is to develop the mine very largely and turn out a heavy (peppier of coal. A meeting was to Wive beert nelehthie forenoon topay overtaxed make it *render of the stock to the newtownere, but it was poetponed. dr WAte maxim). A Ow Viet Went orr at the W Aveg Tone The emell advertisieg man with the large. netuateehe bait been. et iv main, eaya the 0hicage Herald, Tbie time he did not know that it was leeded, Be never ereoltee cigar that ie given him, and this is why he escaped dieineter himself, but he ma.do. an =Ong. The other day an advertiser. gave him a cigar. Ue clled.it. awe), in bis treat pookes with the eterootyperl, re. merle: "111 smolt() thie after eiheeer." whee he reoched th.e cf0.00 be I.XW,3 it reporter Whet had on SeVer.*I occasions "jothed" hire. Here Wee A chapel§ tor him to get even. • Se hed eized. tne °Igor up tee a bad one, aed be gave it tO the seribe, expecting him to light 14 at Orlee. Instead of donig se he pet it in. his pant and geld Theatlee, Old man. Smoke Selo after dinuer." Aboue an hour later the reporter met an editor. He thoogh* of the gigs, and aeked the editor it he- would woke. The editor took the weed, .thanfeed the reporter and. said he would arnoke after diaper.. The editor aid aot meetapy- eae who enlaced, before he teem home, and otter dinner he eat pot on ble front peeele and litt the ciger. In %hoot three mead= It e$ode4. A.leen who lived woo the otreet thouelet the editor was theating. at . The editor le wea. Pert of hie team was Awed. off. be fiat wining he nailed the reporter to the ereae. The erecter deviated that be did not know it wee loaded, hot the editor did rot believe him. Then the reporter threatened to Mk the emelt acivertieleg Man ,011 eight, The only reen who knew the eheteee wee Rattled was the etivertieer, who heel dodges. en the emelt colvertieim zen. But he miesed hie merle. Re sleet et the month/ - roan and bit the editorial eteff.. IL Campion, the Conservative candidate in Del101ei has withdrawn, and Hon. Ur. McLean, the new Provincial Secretery, will doubtless be declared (sleeted by acclama- tion to.morrow. In his letter of rest= tion Mr. Claropion nye "1 find in a personal canvass of part of Dennis that the Liberal Conservative party, while not in any way approving of theepest record of the Greenway Government, and especielly of Hon. Mr. MoLean'a vote on the reilivey question, are*ansions to eee it the present Administration will carry out the policy In reference to the dual language and Separate Schools questions'foreehadowed by Bon. Mr. Martin in the speech at Portage la Prairie, and that tbe past acts of the Government for the preaent appear to be lost sight of. I deem it therefore in the best interest of our party that Hon. Mr. McLean should be allowed to be returned without opposition." Six hundred teams and 1,500 men are working on Regina &Long Lake Railway. Sixty miles of line have beet( graded, and it is now thought that the road will be cora. plated to Saskatoon this fall. The Combination Tea Company have entered an action for libel against the Sun claiming a10,000 damages. The Governor-General continued hie tour over the Northwestern Beltway on Satur- day, receiving addressee at Russell, Birkle and Gladstone, reaching Portage le Prairie in the afternoon, where a grand reception awaited the party. e At a meeting of the Doneinion Alliance, held on Friday night, it was decided to petition in favor of a local option law being submitted. A deputation waited upon Mr. Dewdney on Friday evening to secure it locatios land grant to the Manitoba 'University. The Ministers intimate that the remainder of the grant would probably be given in Lake Dauphin country. The nominations for the Least Legisla- ture took place yesterday, and, as expected, the new Provimnal Secretary was eleoted by acclamation.. Mr. Campion, his °ppm nent, says the reckless charges madeby the Free Press against the new Minister is the principal cause of his loss of support. The Governor-General reached Brandon to -day, where an address was pregented. • T. W. Taylor was elected alderman for Ward 4 to -day, defeating James Penrose. The vote stood: Taylor, 344; Penrose, 800. The vioanoy was caused by the removal of .Ald. Currie to Hamilton, Ont. The MacLeod Gazette repeats the state - Went that the Canadian Paoifio Railway had engineers at work throughout the sum- mer surveying a route for a road through Crow's Neat pass. The objeot of building subh a road, it claims, would be that it would be a less expensive line to the moun- tains than the present one, reaching Roo- tenia mining regions and developing a rich agricultural and mining region. Lady Selkirk and Countess Shrewsbury are doing the eights of the Pacific Coast. , The Governor. General and party arrived at Elkhorn to -day, and received a warm welcome. They spent most of the time visiting Indian schools, and were greatly surprised and interested in what they atm. During the first nine months of this year 20,199 immigrants have arrived in Mani- toba. Daring the same period last year 15,381 arrived. Mr. McLeod Stewart, Preeident of the Anthracite Coal Mine Company, has re- turned from the West after an extended trip, (allowing the English' capitalists over HOW to Ii4t1tO it .cleby. alWayfl dread the ham for ray beley'e bath," said A yOting mother with wheel I was ependlog the day reoeutly, "and I am quite sure the poor little fellow dreads, it as much as I do, for he aka end stregglea 40 that I am alma tempted to omit et wheoever be ie * little =twat m I am etauenaly tired. I feel its. it we were neither at us equal to it." Now, no baby naturally dislikes being weelted, end I knew there was somethiug wrong eoniewhera A bell is like A bone —quick to rammed to the mood of QUO Vibe la handling him. The motheee fear true. ratted Well to the child, and so both bad it sad time ot what both should have onloyed. have never forgotten the loom of actor old nurse, end in the hope ot helping isomo frail mother whoa e joy in the poenesion of her firet.born is tempered by the corieciate. liege of her Ability to oars for him properly, I will give some of her rules. Olzoose the time in the morning when be is the most wakeful for the &at betle under this new regime, and afterwards always give the beth at thet hour. Atter it few claim he will netorally keop imam until the same hour. Most babies take an early morning nap; the bath should come atter *his, and at least an hour after his brealsitist. Get everything in readiness before yon begin, in order not to make him nervolia by delays. FM the inhtsvo.thirds full, and he sum that the water is exactly the right temperature. 11 11 is too hot or too cold, be will shrink from it ever after- ward. It should he a little more than blood warm, and you hand, which is much less susceptible than hiatender body, is me test. Plunge your elbow in, but it safe rule is one part boiling vtateaand five ot A half -teaspoonful ot borax will make him clean and sweet, and in hot weather it emelt handful of nett salt, which °omen in boxes ready propered for the bath, will strengtben him. A silk sponge, it piece of scenting soap, towels and all his little clean clothes, most also be in readiness. Lay ft large piece of old blanket with a piece of rubber cloth rider it on your lap, disrobe his baby raajesty, lay him on hie stomach and sponge him all over quickly, being very careful not to let soap and water get in his eyea or ears. Wet and soap the sponge, and wash carefully in the creases of the neck and under his arms, lathering the stomach well to get tip a circulation. NOW lower him gently into the tub, and amuse him by letting him splash the water with his hands while you sponge hint rapidly all over the body for four or five minutes. Many young mothers are clumsy and awkward, and baby, who knows a great deal more than you give him credit for, feels that he is not treated properly, and resents it in the only way poseible to him, by it free use of his lunge. Lift him out on a piece of dry blanket, cover with a soft Turkish towel, and dry thoroughly; then rub chest, back, armpits and the entire body well with an old piece of gauze flannel. All this takes longer in the telling than in the doing. Plain rice powder is the safest and best. By the time baby is arrayed in his dainty, clean garments, he will be tired, and ready for his next meal, after which a healthy and properly brought up infant will take the long nap that gives mamma time for the thousand and one &Wee that she oannot always perform in his waking houre, or for her own much-. needed rest.—Albany Cultivator, sugar of milk a Diuretic in Disease of the Heart. M. See, frem his investigations, has arrived at the conclusion that sugar of milk mote directly upon the renal epithelium, which- it stimulates into action without augmentation of blood-preesure. Lactose actsaimilarly to caffeine without produoing cerebral disturbance. The diuretic action of milk M. See fade to be due to the sugar of milk, which he regards as one of the most powerful and Barest diuretics. Its action had been carefully observed and re- corded in twenty-five patients. One hundred grammes of sugar of milk will produce te more profuse diuresis than, four or live litres of milk. Its • action- is certain in cardiac affections, but is not so in renal disease. As a medicine it is borne well. After eight or ten days its use should be suspended for a few days and then resumed. It has this advantage, that it does not preclude any other diet.—L' Union Hedicale. _ TEIoBGR.PiO SUMMARY. Theeallineoxtu7 0 fi00a0 "lava caused damagetothe f Q0,000, Capt.Wiseman repte that the exporta- tion Of elevee from hie atetriat is decrees - An explosion in it Rriassiali colliery killed ten men and injured many others, gortie fla 1:111: Le: Henry iwLaronbee nIsaatteece4Ala dronevianurfaerr Prozoti Leodon. flhoTslitieivite:s.tbinigielemineneWfgfliretreenailgahrtestghlottuing Tbeboy0lta1raaglwaf°niPl ntheQ:ebeoeaiontlg and yeaterda. Tleetteitration in Germany in favor of a war with Russia, is being renewed by the secii-oMcial press. Tile Dominion exports for August amounted in -value to twelve and three-- quarter million dollars. The triaI of Douald ,Morrison, the Megan - tic outlaw, for murder, will take piece at Sherbrooke, P. Q ou TsesdAY- William O'Brien, X, P., editor of the Mated Trefand, who ie coufieed in cialmaY atal. i Alow.ky regaining hie health. A 7-yeardsld SOU of George Ethaimoo, Douro, tua hie leg taken off above the ankle the ether day by a mowing machine. Extenelve toirieye are beim elude with the object of making it new theunel lathe Theme cepa* ot ileatiog the lergoet whip. /en =id thet it sufficient aura of money hoe Item eubeeribed in Home to erect there mouareeot commemorative of the temporal power of the Pope. The Chid of the Domini= Police Ina been infeerned by the New Toth police thee they 1111,110 UlleOribea a gang engaged in counterfeiting Canadian money. Twenty themed postai' bave neeneoh. mated tower& organizing a new mail. tion to the North Pele* te be coudooted by Dr. Neneen, the Norwegien explorer. It is officially statedthat the amoet futile cempaign. coodoefed by Italy in Abyseini4 cot King Ilumberths Govereo coot epwertis et 20.060,600 hence. The Wealth Government Wend to eqoaliza the beget by malfieg beevy re- duetioee in the avow, eod thereby aloe A aaldag at 4.2,000,000 in the expeuditme. The Letteelaua Stet() =Mier in it report to the eagtetner Pep that over d700,000 ot State Wide which were in Major Berke‘ii charge when be was State Treneurer have not h. nu am:punted for. Cement Allen, ot Megaton, littnidee, tide. gracile that an 1ngIis1r warehip has ree turned :COM Novena, briogiug mine clervi. vore ot the slate, and reports that ell is la anifinion on the laud. Avail:nines Stephivele, widow of Crown Prince Rudolph, ot Maria, is PhYtuff a to the enter of her dead nushand, Arcbducheee Oriente, wife of Prince Le000ld ot Bavaria, at Munich. Siete, who was shot by Deas ou Mize - both etreet, Toronto, the other night, it still aloe,but bee Inver been conscious since the shooting. Dees is in jell, aud tokes hie oesition philosophically. A boiler in it (merry at Wrightsville, Pee, exploded with terribleforce yesterday. Mo. Lemuel Bathes was killed blatantly. Her head was blown from her body. Her hes. bend bed bia ate feaethred and cannot live. Ambroee Lepine, who played such &pro- minent part in the fleet Northwest rani. lio-eh•ot`o.eteerho was the prinelpel figure in the triatfor the ramtler of Thomas Scott, has been on it visit tollontreal for several days visitiog friends. tameseemeameetwomanwatmetwemaseas 0, Tr watt Pinnate CpCOAIIITT FIBER As ATEK0E„ Near a Whole eitarfall, rrieud She Had, Noe. The story of Mary Maine, the young mother, who was turned out on the etreet with her two children, and whose =by died in ber torroo while she was sitting on a doorstep, is a pitiful one in many ways. The young woman had been apparently eleeerted by her hoebend, and her friende had advised her to pea her children in a Qberitable inatitution. But oho could IL* bring herself to put with the little 011eBr and being feeble after it long aim she became unable to work for them Her baby being flick (the took it to a hospital, wheretthe was told that it had broncleitia,. but that it Wee agaiaat the rut= to take it in, though the pcor mother explained her helpletisness and leek of thelter for it. It was against the rules to take in it sick =by, which was morally certain to die if sabiected, *0 further =pour% and which would ba Bo expand, because the mother uwoate balms ient ee tabned duel es: t lotre hthis t ere:: creature to evoneh all through * old night on the dometeps of a house, until her baby died en her boom. Then, however, the rules" came into play again. The eergeant at the pollee station where the wed- could do nothlog for her," Wm meet go to the =retie, and, being panni. leae, must milk there, carryiog her dead baby, after a night in the streets. At the Morgue the rules" again con• frouted her. They OM not receive the little body withoot a permit from the cora ner, and the gamer coold net be found; oh the wretehed weenie had te Vita another pellets station, reed there, eft= being at inet allowed to surrender the dead baby at the worm, the beet the police could de .for her was to lode her up. Apperently it is ageinet the " rubes" to be deetitate, to he honteleee, to he bereaved. The cruelest blow that oeu fall on st mother ifoeccerding to the "rule," ouly it roe= for -greeting that mother AP it criminal- EYOU though 110 Qh_lira whetever Call be brought rigeileat her, she muse be droned before a pollee justice with the rnilleury of the night, and may mu= berslfAwkyif ehe le clietharged aod permitted to take leer grief, mieery bad inditeoce hack into ehe amen tint offer her neither food, mutter, nor ceneoletlen. That thie elioad be tenable in one of ,the mot eloseiteble and tender-hearted com- inunlilia ieeto gay the lost, etheoge, hat it is not. lees evident that Ted tape Is largely acceninehle for it. This haire life if Imedd lave been axed. The beeping surgeon who deolared it against the =lea to tithe the infant so, no molter whet the elterin. rive, should have =arced the respoosible thy of overacting all rate in such a cote The pelice aergeont, the morgue keeperand the coroner etc &tattle= equally sheltered by their regulatleas ; hut la there not room for amendment la roles which produce resulte ot tine kind ? Ot course it may be fetid that Mary Malin was to blarne for not puttiog her children lu AO asylum, But for the credit of human sigma there arc mothers who cliog to their bebies with it peinclonate affeetion, and swum= and inatitotioes which make no provieion for =oh cam arta defective. 'What le it poor mother to do who Andy hewn in Mary Melina' posi- tion 2 Experience whoa to warrant the concioatoo tint Hate lied gone to ingather shelter or assylune al: that boor of the night oho would have beeu refined admisaion. Been in the daytime she would probably have been reenired to go through loons and ceremonies, and in mot =see she would hews bent made to next with her children as an indispensable condition. Is it not time that some provision should be mule somewhere in our complicated systera of cbarities and correction, or in the auxiliary network of private and gemi.puldie inatitte tiona, for cases et urgent)), such as this ono? Should there not be somewhere in the city it place—hospital or asylum -- where the "roles" were broad and flexible enough to incluae the preservation of a baby's life, euddenly =posed through the heartletsnese or the helpleseness of others? To expect so emelt relief does not seem extravagant, and we are sure the people of New York would be glad to hoar that a aeoond case of the Mary Mulling type had been rendered impcesible.—Nete York Tri• bunc. Imperfections of Imbeciles. A peculiar tendettay in idiota to imper. feations and disease In the teeth has been roticad by several physicians and it has been studied by Madame Bonier in a hun- dred cases of idiota taken at random. The multiplicity and variety of the dental lesions were remarkable and the conclusion has been drawn that idiocy, with or without epilepsy, pre-dispases to arrests of devel. opment and to anomalons dentition. The effect rarely appears in the first teeth, but almost wholly in the eecond. A SMOKELESS powder is said to have been produced by Captain Noble, of Elswicli, England, whioh appears to be perfectly reliable, and which is at the same time practically smokelese and noiepless in its explosion. The powder is a oitrions greyish - looking material, in long threads of a whip. oord•like form, it awe probablyducat() hydraulic preseure. i Its action s most startling. At 300 rade range not a sound is heard when a volley is fired with it, and only a faint haze arises, which is almost imperceptible, whilst a shower of bullets is seen to fall upon the targets, an effect pro- duced seemingly without cause. This Waste rrodact Develops /Street Resistance to Bullets. A possible no to which CoCOartnt be may be anPliedain the future it to form hacking eubetance for the iroo platee of men -et -war vessels. The Aber is first Phwdered and theo, before it is quite dry, subjected to pressure, wheu the /lateral viscidity of the cellular sabstance of the nut auses it to cohere and form a plate morph like milibettrd in Appearance, but a great deal more brittle, says the London Court 'leered, If it hole is made in *his material, and then water he applied to the - portion adjacent to the puncture, it imMe- diately swells th such an extent as to fill the hole. Experiments with bullets verging from one.half to three goorters of an inch in diameter have been made neon a plate of thie material 18 inches square by three quartered an inch thick, and with very satiefactory results. Whether, however. She eubetance would really prove efficacious as regards CaU11011 shot has not yet been tried. Should it prove of nee inancbcasa5 it eetga be supplied in large quantitiee, for millions of tone of =coated Aber ore anomaly allowed to go to waate in Indio for went ef use. A matt named John Leslie, a carpenter, IOU A distance of thirty feet off S. Lloyd's new wareliome at Owen Senna on Satur. day morning, in consequence of a guy breaking from a hoist, and received severe internal injuriee, although not fatal. Allan Ohelker, it farmer, and his two daughters, Mitts Chalker and Mrs. Comp- ton, while oroseing the Erie Railway track in it buggy itt Garrateville, were straits by a drain. Mr. Chalker and the single daughter wore so badly hurt that they lieve died, and Mrs. Compton is not eXpeCtea tO reCOver. The Czar leas sent it letter to Emperor William saying the Czarina has caught cold, and her physicians have advised her to delay her departure for several der. The Czar =Its that the final directions for his reception at Potsdam be delayed. The Wade:tat Zeitung says the Czar's visit is officially fixed for October Oth. Ex -Queen Natalie arrived at Beldrade yesterday. Her presence was totally ignored by the Government officials, but she was received Moat enthusiastically by the crow& that thronged the etreets through which she passed. On private residences and places of business through- out the city nags were displayed in her honor. Mrs. Elliott, Toronto, is now almost re- covered from the severe illness which fol- lowed an alleged criminal operation and will probably give evidence in the police court against Parry to -day. A few days ago she was quietly placed under arrest, oharged with being an accomplice in the orime, and as soon as she may be removed with safety from the hospital will be made a prisoner. Saturday forenoon it brakesman named Wm. Cole, of Havelock, was knocked off .the top of it freight oar by it collision with another oar, and fell to the track with his lege across the rails' By a leaky chance the wheels instead ofpassing over hie legs shoved them teane side and only pinohed the fleshy part, lacerating them badly. No home were broken. The young man was 'taken to Havelock. This was only his second, trip out. It is announced that fbr political reasons Count Von Hatifeldt, German Ambassador to London, will shortly be re -united in marriage to the wife from whom he ob- tained it divorce eight years ago. The lady is the daughter of it prominent Canadian named Moulton, and was married in Paris in 1863. This announcement ie made in connection with the etatement that Prince XFiemsrok has advised that Count Von Hatzfeldt return to Berlin, and that Count Von Waldersee succeed him at the German embassy in London. Likely to Prove a Murder. •• Louis Dees, the Toronto colored lunch - man who was arrested early yesterday morning for shooting and mortally wound- ing Michael Birtle, was brought before the Magistrate in the Police Court there yes. tetday. He appeared to feel his p0Sition very keenly and kept very quiet, only speaking when spoken to. He had no counsel and.pleaded not guilty, and asked to be tried summarily. The Magistrate advised him to be tried by it jury, as he might have a better chance from what he knew of the particulars. The eleOtion was defetred foe a week, when he will come up on remand. Birtle is at the Hospital and till is very low. The dootors entertain little hope of hie recovery. Vainness or the British Dominions. History affords no parallel to the position C.f. the BritiSh Empire, Great Itritein (anode &Men -rimer 10310Pg the ItraticOnt. ThetBritiele cleg ileitte over one-eighth ot the banteble glebe Our Qneett =lea over ;Me' SiXth Of the world's populetien •, and out country enjoye oue.third ot the world's trade. Canada has an area equal to that et Europe without Spero, and cioneee fourth CO the world'e list et thip•oweing uations, Australia is About founfifthe the glee of Europe, and COntaine the eltenenta ot an olenet fabulous wealth, South Mace, with AU Area elneout AB large as Austro. Hungary, or nearly tOSC times that a Ella. 'And, has so fertile a coil and so excellent eliroete tint, although Ito progressing been slower thee that of the other great colonial!, its future will entitle it to rents 05 fourth only in importance to oorselvee. India is tUi large ea the whole of tftope if WO omit Reath., aed contain e A much larger papa, letien, unwept whialt order is eaeily Metre, tabled far while at home one petlioemen Id required for every 635 I:areal:a, in Ird114 • only one policeman ia needed for oer 1.20 People. Thug ledia, with its omit it halt raillioile of Plum toil= and its two hundred and lifty millions of klub!. tautporausk be regarded as au empire in heat. These magnificent commons, together with some eixty smaller territeried lying on the scattered frioge ot Many oCeans, irresistibly led us to see that the boast of the breve Spanish soldier, that the tein never seta on the impulse eropire of Charles V., receivea its moat forcible appli. cation when applied to the dominions of our beloved Queen. The powerlul world - kingdoms of Assyria and Persia fade into insignificance aa composed with the Britialt dominions. The imprint of Roineht Ern- pire is indelibly fixed on all the most civilised notions at Europe. The dominions of Rome extend from the Straits ot Gibral. tar to the Euphrates, froto the mouthing of Caledonia, the butte of the Rhine and the Danube, to the horfler of the great African desert and to the first internale of the Nile. But the British dominfousexceed fourfold those of ancient Rome. They to- day excealby an eighth the vast territories ot all, the Rustles. Feu= is it great country, boasting colonial possessione, but the British poseessiona aro sixteen times larger than those of Prance, and forty times as exteneive as the powerful dominions of United Germany, and nearly three times the size of the United States. Then facts enable us to appreciate the eloquent words of Daniel Webster, and to see in the British dominion, "5. power to which, for purges= of foreign =mined and subjugation, Rome, in the height of her glory, is not to be compared; it power whiele has dotted over the surface of the whole globe with her possessions and military poste, whose morning drtun beat, following the sun and keeping company with the home, circles the earth with one continuous and unbroken strain of the martial sire of England." With so vaet an empire occasional local wars are inevitable. But never in the history of the world have the blessings of peace been preserved over so wide an area as the lands Over which the sceptre of our Queen exer- cises beneficent sway.—Westminster Review. Germany wants Bauld Exit tor Criminals. Emperor William has inatraOted the Ministry of justice to report on execution by electricity. He favors this method of execution 11 1* willproduce painless death with absolute certainty. He has sent the Ministry copious notes on the American and European soientiets' inquiries into the matter. The Emperor believes electricity ought not to be applied unless the prepar- ation for the executionbe short and simpler than for hanging or beheading. He thinb he motheds hitherto suggested are olumsf. Sealers cooking Di. A 'Victor* B.C., despatch of Saturday says: Three sealing schooners arrived in port yesterday. They are the British schooners Favorite and Theresa, and the American schooner Bessie Renter belonging in Astoria. The Favorite brought 1,700 seals.' The Rush was sighted by hunters while out in canoes, but the vessel was not interfered with. The Theresa was boarded, but as no green skins were found she was merely ordered out of Behring Sea. She brought 825 thins. A Foregone Conclusion. Canvasser—I have here a work— Master of the house—I can't read. Canvasser—But yen have ohildren Master of the home—I have no children (triumphantly)._ Nothing but a oat. , Cenveseer—Well, you, want something to throw at the cat. (He took it.) • Thomas Burt, who was the first British workingman to get into Parliament, was for years it hard:working miner. He studied political economy, made temperance speeches, and in 1874 was elected et member fromAlorpefin. e Mr. Wilson Barrett's company having 'closed its prahnciariour in Liverpool last night, will leave for this country on Wed- nesday on the City of Chicago. The com- pany numbers about thirty-five and inoludea Mr. and Mrs. George Barrett, Ur. and. tits. Charlet; Cethoart, Mr. and Mrs. Cooper - Cliffe, Messrs. Charles Barrett, Austin Melford and W. A. Elliott and the Misses Lillian Belmore, Lila Garth and Alice Cooke, en of whom have been identified with Mr. Barrett for the past eix years. Lady Wilde has finished another volume of the MyStio CustOMS of Ireland. The J. W. Morrissey English Grand Opera Company tang "Carmen" last week for the first time. The Doctor Was There. The curtain had risen on the het act of the play and the diabolical plot of the villain was about to be exposed in all its hideousness, says the Chicago Tribune. Suddenly there was a commotion near the entrence and it voice called out breath- lessly : "Is Dr. Xellowmell in the audienee ?" With the grave, preocoupied manner of a man on whose skill the life of some fellow creature might depend, the doctor arose from his seat near the stage and paned slowly down the aisle. "What is it ?" he asked. "Doctor," said the breathless as he drew from lais breast pocket a of folded documents, "I'm Spotoash tt Co's. new collector. Would it be convenient for you to settle that little billthis evening 2" Vndeubtedly Healthy. "Is this house healthy?" said the pros. peotive tenant to the reel estate man. "Healthy? well I should say so." "Yon speak very positively." "Yee, I have a right to. The last family in it had the smallpox from the father to the youngest baby, and not one of them died." A Society Mystery. Mrs. De Style—My dear, yottr wardrobe is three months behind the fashion. Why don't you have your husband buy you some new dresses? Married Daughter—He can't afford it ; he has no money. Um. De Style—No money? Well I I can't imagine what on earth you married him for. • Got Back Home. • Mr. Blinks (in dairy restaurant, New York City)—I'm most eterved for a bowl of milk and some berries with real cream on 'em. Bring me a double order. . Waiter—Yes, Bah'. Been summering ori a farm, I s'pose, sale? —The season is at hand when the inex perienced fool goea hunting and looks down the barrel of his gun to see if it is loaded. No floweret. Stn Wriaaem Gum Bays that whenfagged out by professional . work he recruits hie" strength by eating raisins, and not by drinking wine or brandy. Another good saying from the same Source : A. pint of warm water, taken on an empty atomach in the morning, is the safest and Fairest, of all remedies for habitual constipation. It dissolves the fecal matter and stinatilatea periateltio action, thereby giving a normal action without pain. If the tongue is coated squeeze it lemon into the water and drink without Sweetening.