The Exeter Advocate, 1889-10-10, Page 1•
VOL, Ill
The Moisona Bank.
(Chartered byParlrament,1855.)
Paid up Capital , , , , ... , .. $2,000,000.
Rest Fund.. , . 1,000,000,
Head °thee Montreal.
Twenty Branch offices in the Ilem,inton"
Agencies in. the Deminicn,•Ll, S. Mind Europe.
Open every lawful day front ZA a, pato $ p.
m,,'�a'ataa;days 10 4.10.-t0 1 p, ur,
A 'general banking business transacted
Three per cont, per ennarn allowed for
money on llepos8t Roaelpts and lia,vings
Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Manager,
beter abUrrCatt,
Is pubiielhed every Thurr,rday Morning,
at the Office,
One Didier liar Minion if paid in ;advance.
teit.40ifnotsc paid.
,t,sz ata..
No paper di' eontintied until all arrrearagess
are paid. Advertisements without pec fi
directions will bo published till forbl.i and
charged accordingly. Liberal discount made
for transcitnt advertisements inserted for
tong periods. Every deseriptioat of J(113
PRINTING turned out in the finest style,
and at: moderato rates. CleequesonOnesorat-
era, &c. for advertising, aubacriptian,apete. to
be made( payable to
Sa. s
WliXlilrtin atciq1*
enure l► a /iter tore•,
TRIVITT 1. mtellrAr. Crrt'b:t:rr,--Rev. $, F,
Robinson, Rector. Sunday Services, i1 a. m
and'? p m. Sabbath School, :,fru p. m.
]ia5T110DIRT Gunnell -•Zanies -Mit„ li.ev. B.
Clemcu4, Pastor. Sunday;tervices,10.50 a.m.
tend G.30 p.m. Sabbath, School, : p m.
Jvicei;a 6'r t1 &T—'ltov. d. =Wilson, Pastor. Sun.
day Servieea,10.3tr a.1n, and OSO p, m. Sabbath
Seiroo12.SO p.m.
I'i rTF.rtli (U 1tCA—Rev. W. Martin,
i'Aq w .. finndavServices, II A.M. and 0.50 p.
nth School, 0.45 a.. m.
0Strral +Gmel($.
Office over O'Pieil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario,
Nitrous Oxide Gas for painless
tracts teeth without rain by giving
Vegetable Vapor, or using the new
Antosthetio on the gums. Makes Gold Filli
ings and otherdental work the beet possible.
Goes to Zuriolt,laetThureday in eachmoxth.
East side of Main street.Exoter.
• and Surgeon. Office and residence—
Corner Victoria and' Elgin streets, Goderich,
Ontario. •
Residence -Corner Andrew and. North
Streets, Exeter, Ontario.
TA. IMOS, M.D., 0. M. L., 0.P, EDIN.; L,
• R, c. S , Edin.; L. P. P. & S14 Glasgow;
L. M., Edinburgh and Glaegow•:IL C. . tr. P.
Ontario; F. T.11E, S., Toronto. 'Night bell at
office. ` Crediton, Ontario. 7y19-8
Exeter, upstairs, opposite Centra
Hotel. Side entrance an south --James street
leading to the Methodist Church.
<J W. BROWNING, 3l. D., M. 0. P, S.
Graduate of Victoria University. Ofiieo and
residence, Dominion Laboratory, Exeter.
inary Surgeon. Graduate
Toronto. Office and Residence
one block east of Sam well &
Pickard's store. Opposite skat-
ing rink, Exeter, Orrtario.
V'eterinar Dentist, graduate ofx'ro£FI.
H. Davidson s JJental .SohQOI, oronto. All
work in connection with horses'teeth prom-
ptly attended. to. Examination. free. Unice
with Wm. Sweet, V. S. A. H. Prrcri, V.D.
1.1,• on, Conveyancer, Notary. Public.
Office— Samwell s block, Exeter, Ontario,
Money to Loan.
• of Supreme Court, Notary Public, .Con-
veyyancer, Commissioner &b. Money to loan
Offloo—lfanson's Block, Commissioner.;
itors, Conveyancers, &o, Money to loan
ate per cont.
MES OKE, Exeter, Ontario, Licensed
TAMES for the County of,Iluron.
Sales promptly attended to and satisfaction
guaranteed. bales arranged at this office.
HBROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auct-.
• ioneer for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the township of TJsborne.
Sales promptly attended to and term s reason
able. Sales arranged at Post office, Winchelsa
• liOSSENBEURY, Hensa11 Ontario. Lic-
ensed eiuct,oneer for the County of
Huron. Charges moderate and satisfaction
1HOLT, Khiva, Ontario. ;Licensed auct-
. ioneer for the Counties of Middlesex
and. Lamhton, and the townships of Stephen
and Flay. All sales promptly attended to;
HEILBER, Licensed Auctioneer for. Hay
. Stephen and McGillivray townships,
Office—Crediton, Ontario.
Valuable Farms For Sale,
Two Farms for Sale in the township of Us-
borne, County .of rluron,adjoining the thriv-
ing Village of Exeter, comprising lots r8, in
3rd con., and lots I8 and half of is, 2nd. con.
of said township, Lot IS contains too acres.
with a comfortable brick dwelling and con-
venient ont.bnildings. The other lots 18 and
half ofie with good out -buildings. This pro-
perty will be sold separately or onbloek
Terms to snit purchasers.
.JAS, liODGSON,Exeter,Ont
'1' e Old Stated
E. E. 71$E
If youwant an easy
shave as good as barber ever
gave 'Mist call at E. H. FISH'S
At Morning, Eve or busy Noon,
Hs will cut and dress the
hairral l�
g coful � to suit
Lathes' hair dressing done to perfection.
Stand near the Post C?ffice,
now& G0
its order to make roonm for oar call rumba*.
es which aro now arriving, wo of-
fer reduced przeea rn
Sulmler rens
Muslts,Prints,races, Pmbroidorits, &c'. balance of Swaunaer Millinery at Cost.
We have a quantity of Sugar on hand
which was purchased before the heavy Ad.
vance w bleb wetsre offering at less than pre-
sent wb olesale nes t. (Mr values en Teas and
Countyaro AA arid aro not excelled tn. the
ACali solicited and an inaocation Invited.
'All kinds of produce taken
In exchange,
Bettor 14 cents ; Eggs, 14 cents.
Happel. Uleghorn,
New Tailor Shop
Everybody oan gei Suiied.
Ladies Garment Cutting a
Gents own Material made up
in the latest styles and at
the vela' lowest
Additional Locals.
.A. number from here • attended the
funeral of the Rev. Father Kelly at
Mount Carmel yesterday.
They are Comic, it I
The Suberb Brass Band of the
Household Troups of the Salvation
Army will be here on Wednesday
and Th=ursday next,Oct._ 16th and 17th.
They are a first-class organization and
will be worth hearing. Secure a ticket
from the Local officers, only 10 cents.
Mrs. Patrick Iielly,wife of the Reeve
of Blyth, was buried there Tuesday.
The occasion brought together the
largest' funeral cortege ever seen in
that section of the country.' Tlie pall-
bearers were:—Judge Doyle, his broth-
er James, and Edmund Campion, ban
rister, of Goclerieh; Mr. Hawlshaw, of
Seaforth, and Mr. Tanner, and Mr. Em-
igh, of Blyth. MraJolinston, of Gocler-
ieh, accompanier( the pall -beaters. The
Venerable` Dean Murphy, of Irishtown,
and the Rev. Fathers Boubat, O'Connor,
Cummins, West' and Awylward assist-
ed at the ceremonies in the church"and
at the graveyard. The Rev. A. Mc-
Lean (Presbyterian), Rev. Mr. Racey
(Episcopal) and the Rev. Mr. Tonge
(Methodist), were also present: The
Requiem High Mass was sung ,ly the
Dean, and the funeral sermon was pre-
ached by Father Cummins: The church
was crowded, and half:the people could
pot get in. Mrs. Kelly was highly re-
spected and esteemed by all who knew
her. Mr. Kelly has the synip.athy of
the whole community. The town band
accompanied the procession, playing
the "Dead March in Saul" through the
Why don't you try Carter's Little
Liver Pills? They are a positive cure
for sick headache, and all the ills pro-
duced by distroyed liver. Only• one
e 'dose.
Thearsons e stable l? g t e has been re
shingled and adds to its appearenee,
Miss M. Parson was in town on Su
day attending the anniversary services.'.
It ie currently reported; that Mr.
Samuel Davis of this piece, le about to
resume the blacksmith business. If
the report be trues hal will commence
about lst January.
The opening of the newly erected
brick church took place Sunday and
Monday, On Monday evening; the
church was crowded to the doors, Exet-
erraid Hensall sending a largo rcpre-
septation. Addresses were delivered
by Rev, O. IL Bridgman, Rev. Cousins,
Rev. Heudorsou, Rev Wilson, and Roy.
Torrance. The addresses were very
interesting;, especially the address of
Rev. Torrence°Itle'h WAS filled with wit
and humor. The choir of thuJawes St.
Methodist ehu. reh rendered music suit•
able for the oceasion,'
Mr. F. Ruse of Exeter is sec
quite+ a large class in mus=k, in
aeetion. 0
Matin is a thing no longer craved for;
ars ive
have an ;tbuudant'e. Street
waterilig has begun at once.
Urs. Horn drove Mr.Jas Oke's . term
:at Exeter and Lorean WI' ,anal se urcd
the red ticket an each occaassion.
Revivals services conduetcd by flat(
Rev. Mr. Mihail and his as;yist,nnt Ux
Down, begin in Free Will church on
W t'dllesday evenitn .
:1Ir..las. Morley visited the Detroit
fair last week. He reports the now,
grounds as beautiful, and the show al.
though large, of no higher order then
our own.
Thos. Neil, of Centralia, was tlle
guest of Miss Lewis, on Sun,la.y,
The people in this vieinity are about
through with their thrashing and the
crop yield isdaetteele flatly( oxpsxted.
Quite n number from here wont to
Centralia to take in the Auniversti7
on Sunday and lecture mil Monday.
Mr. Jas. Neu returned fronrManitoba
a few days ago, and looks halo and as
though the country agreedwith him.
Some of the young men of this
neighborhood aro talking very strong-
ly of going to the lumber -woods to
spend the winter.
Mr John Glavin it/ sinking a new
well on his premises; and not before it
was required as water was very scarce
there through the summer.
„Mr. Rich. Neil, of Biddulph, has rent.
eel his farm and has obtained a situat-
ion in St. Marys.
Wo regret to learn of the serious ill-
ness. of Mr. J. Shoults, youngest son of
Mr. Milton %hoults, of Moorsville. We
hope to soon hear of his speedy recov-
ery. .
• Mr. Franklin Neil, of Biddulpb, car-
ried off several lst prizes for sheep and
pigs at the Lueon Fair. Mr. Wilbert
Reving ton carried off 1st for carriage
Mr. Cluff has rented the Glavin farm
which contains 91. acres, at a rental of
$150. This is considered vefy low, but
as the tin=es are very bad the price is
considered fair.
Mrs. Crowley has rented her 100 acre
farm near Liman to Mr. B. Hodgins,
for a term of five years for the sum of
$225 per annum. Land has taken a
considerabledrop inside of live years,
as five' years ago this farm was rented
for $325 per annum.
Usborne Council,
The Council met on 5th inst.
By -Laws numbered 6 and 7 for 1889
levying the several rates, were read a
third time and passed.
The collectors boud wits duly exe-
cuted and accepted by the council.
The Collector was instructed to make
returns to the Treasurer at least once
in two weeks.
An application by Messrs. J. Hawk-
ins and T. Miners to have an old under -
drain between lots 5 in con. 6 and 7
cleaned out, was laid over till next
The following orders were granted
and the Council adjourned to meet
Nov. 2nd, at 11, viz:—M. Samwell
charity $13; Thos. Smale, rep. and coy-
over;>bridge $3; W. Gilfllan, new
br , ge $3.75; John Allison, new bridge
and removing' old one,$107; W. Moody,
culvert $2.25; R. Bell, `radieea $7.25;
R. Bell, deepening ditch, $5.75; J. Pope
piestone, breaking stone $3.75; J. Mc-
Dougal, rep. bride $1: Jas. Glenn,
underdrain $3; Thos. Veal, culverts
G. W. HOLMA I', Clerk.
day School Report.
Following is the report for Septem-
ber. the names areal. order of merit;
FkFrll;--John Chapman:.
SEN. Fouaxll:--Homer Russell, Jas.
Campbell. Willie Murray.
Jnr Fel*na'lf:—NeiheShirray,Alfred
McTag erd, Charles Chapman.
Toll» ---David Shiirry, Rachel At-
kinson, Este Chapman.
SEeO n'^ -Mathew Tinaey, Alice
Gould, Willie Hawkins.
Sax.. S;`; oxs► PART,:—.Maud Russell,
lleatrest Warren, Jessie Hawkins,.
Juts. Sl eaiilr PART—Faster Corbett,
Nellie Gould, Sarah Corbett and Ralph
Chapman equal,
FIRST PART—Reale Northcott, Ellen
C'oriaett, Sitrraia Tinney.
RNS tr• CCITT OP COxf+nntaaet3, At
the last rre cellar meetin ' of L. O. L,hlo.
80$, of illlisgreen, the following resol-
ution was unanimously adapted;-
Resaked--'That the officers and mem
hers of 14.0. L., No. 808, hereby desire
to express and convey to our worthy 600.--,Enraraa Hens, 439; 3lilton Buchan-
Bro., George Parker, auk sincere aym- nu,431; Ida ((rill, 411; Tillie Well, 850; e
paths in his sand bereavement in the;, Mlle Johnson, 881';Emanuel F'tust,868;
death of his dear Partner. It Is our Minnie Doan, WO, (Tara Smith, 269" t
catrnest,jralyer that the consol.ttion of Reuben Eee1,-er,268; Marta Strempfer, w
the divine spirit may be given to en• 227; Wes* Sehoellig, 221; Edmund W e
;tyle trial tri fear with Christian resin- $ippel, 190; Wm. Derstein, 11,9; Saar, ' e
refiner the (fess ' �S
Mr, R. Haymaker, formerly in the
employ of Mr. F. Kibler has proved to
Port Arthur.
Seamier. RPreer--The' following is
a correct report of the pupils of Zurich
Public school, for the months of August
and September. The report is based
on the result of the written reviews.
held every: Friday afternoon. Parents
should send their children regularly, as
upon this their success largely depends.
Tho low marks taken in many cases is
due to absence from school:;—
F1 rrn,.--Marks obtainable 800.—
die die Steinbach, 249; Rosa JIalueteh, 24.-.
Foi-lrlru-Merks obtainable, ►00,
Win. Hess, 44a; Lydu Stremfer, 6;
Wna.Johnson, 285;`John Kibler,
, 259;
a Williams, u. ,
Maur li' "
Alta . ,,
m 261•
John olr
Gies , . , es ,.39
Emma Johnson, 163; Flora Hess, 160;
Annie Lippert, 93,
SENIOR Trrnal .--:harks ' obtainable,
500.---iforaiee Hardy, 832; Wm. Baker,
3#S; Lydia Koehler, 284; Alf Moritz,
220 • Louisa Koehler, .22 - ti
, 1 Nettie Well,
a , el
208; Lizzie Becker, 119; Emma Zim-
merman, 111.
Ji non Tuutlr.---?harks obtainable,
NO. 123.
some men who join. thou?; and after-
wards apostatize, and divnige the:
secrets of their oaths and other doct-
rines of devils, must exppirate icy 118,7
ing their own,blood shed to Atone for
that sin, and Christ's blood will atoue
for all his other sins.
6th.—Un the matters of tithing, ;ath.
eying, Divine Authority, i'rlestheod
succession, divorce, end items, there'll;
as great difference hetween the twe
bodies as the foregoing.
Row eamr. THERETO OE A Rn o1.',GA r
AT10N? In 1;5;30, April 4th, the
Church of Jesus Christ, n.;s lira organ.
Ized by Joseph Smith and others. In
10 4 • June 27rw, Mr. Snaith was i *virty-
re frit his religion. On his death
numerous ,
r us profess::d lt�rder.s sprung up
a the:church. Sonne twenty- Jive Jif
erent claimants professed to be the
successors and ie-,ders of Mr. Smith
and the people,. Brigham Tatum one of
them. The ehurch at thedeath of Mr.
Smith numbered about 30,uui.aches'
enBrtsi n the 'how and foreign teissorrs
g r. rn succeeded in gettli,,g 10,000
to follow hire, `Rigden, Biekerten,
Wright, Strang, Cutler, rte,, other, of
e so-called h iders?, got from a few
uftdred to few thousand :to follow
acts of their loadings. Many refused
o follow' any ono and refrained as they
ere from 1844 till 1853, when then
ffected a Re -organization, which u�arz
=pitted iu.l�i; when. tile son of Mr,
' itll 'as a flied to lead. The greater
:art of the otht�r farti+lliS (lissolvge:d, and
tatted with the re•orgauization, except
Dse folloi+t.r, of Rri,•.b inl I-r,rrng they
cut to l'zrfia, ar;•1 e n tb. tet+•
.li dfti• of,
he Iris sustained, th,.
fluff of .o Melt h'ts been removed by
the bless;ehope of a meeting in the
land where there is no breaking' of the
ties which unite loving hearts tire'
only commend our dear brother
send his famil • to that source of carry
fort which our heavenly Father van
give iu eery time of need.
Holtzman, 5:i.
.S+r;eo1A theism'. ' P
'Dunn Ji"sron.--Marks odcteinablea ! t
00.—E. Geiger, •
22;1;1. Jolirast m, 214; ` w
i. IIt`
t'Fs 1, -- -1rrlr .1t i lli•(, J Di
, . 6
,; ... ,
11?; S. I'aust, 98; L. Prdtt"r, 94; J, Del.
ehe rt,' '; I. Kibler, 44; M. I nntlell 4:1.
Setanen Ci;\loll.'- • Iarks obteinable,'
450.-(1. Steinbach. 169 L. Williams,
JOSri'I( FOSTER, W. 31. 163; ( ateeel,13.1; I. Wc11,112;
wl.,- f. lilt (.`ossl"re RCC See
, , • (tz, 81.
Snt 0\D JCstun.--Marls obtainable,
Grand Bend. Haunch, 805; T. Kibler, till ;
E. Holtzman, 23S; R. Hidernann, l i0;
Mr. William W',,de is visiting. is bro. J. Weber, 90; J. Johnston, 87; L. Dunr-
tlter near Chattiest). `� art, 78; E. Schnell, 74.
The weather is cool Meng the' shorn , rall1r S1,£U\1) Sl:SlOR.==-�3lrtrkS ab -
of Tonka eat ton; we don't know' sh it tuneable, 400,.-L. Zimmermann, 251;
is above. A.11e' % . .11; I. Lippert, 192; N. Buell.
auan,1891 R. Lippert, 180; P.'Iiatberer;
The farmers of this vicinity Imo ltd); R. Strenmpfeeroee; A. Smith, ',l54t
their fall wheat all in and it is looping
well so' thfir;
Grand Bend L. O. L., No. 826, are
talking. of building a new hall this fell.
'We wish them every success in their
. Ire/rimier.,
K150;1 :r •
In � � y
t r 1. 1 t .i.
* x,1.�.�I,, . ,c ex ry . Alk 601.
waim, 186; C. 't illi rens, 1135: E. ;Moritz,
1118; 'Sl ..Geiger, 1131; L. Brenner, 12(1;;
La Prang, 118; W. Grel> 107; S. Becker,
56; W. (Weber, 52; F. Hatter, 48,
Stebbins, ofthis vicinity has ,w
rented his farm for a term of five years, ' The Latter Day Saints,
and is going to Uncle Sam's domains,
We wish hire every success in the part A i.*xoclatnmatlwm
he is taking for his abode. Whereas in the minds of many thous
0. Wade is working the old home- ands of honest professed ' Christians,
stead again and is at present keeping there exists a bias against the mine of
lbetch. A good chances for some of the Latter Day Saints, and that prejudice
fair sox, as he says it will be lonesome arises by the fact of the most tlagarent
to remain alone those long winter evils which have been perpetrated by
tai ;Its tQ
Mr. Michael Smith, who was seriously
ill is recovering
Mr. and Mrs. Link, of Detroit, aide
visiting among their relatives here.
Rev. G. Thompson, of Centralia, ex-
changed pulpits with Mr, Redmond on
Rev. Mr. Wing, agent of the Upper
Canada Bible Society, lectured here on
Wednesday evening.
"Mr. Israel Smith has built a safety
bicycle which for ease in running and
finish fully equals any of the imported
Miss Annie Kablin, of Stratford, who
has been visiting at Mr. Raider's re-
turned home on Tuesday after a two
weeks stay.
!(ergs. William and Charles Taylor
left this week for Michigan. A num-
ber of other young men are also pre-
paring to go to the same place.
Once more the collector is let loose
on the innocent and over -burdened.
tax payer. 'Mr.Gottleib Brown started
on his quest for the filthy lucre last
week and ezpeots to get over the town
ship in six -weeks.
The brickyards have closed for the
season. As many brick have not been
made this year as formerly, owing" to
the wet weather during the spring but
the burning in all the yards has 'been
successful and the bricks are of a su-
perior quality.
While the Rev. Mr. Staebler, was
driving to Boston last wee(., his horse
suddenly took flight at. some object by
the way and sprang.into the ditch, up,,
setting Mr. Staebler andrunning away
with the buggy completely demolishing
it. Mr: Staebler escaped .without any.
serious injury.
Rev. J. Strempfer has been away on
a visit in Wisconsin.
Mrs. ' M. Zeller has been ' visiting
friends in Michigan.
Miss A, Brown is employed as mil-
liner in Mr. D. Steinbach's store.
Mr. E. eapple is moving into the
house ,opposite the Evangelical church
re Mormans, or followers of Brigham.
-oune., who likewise aro &ion' as
Latter Day Saints. It not beg ; en -
rally known that there are. two dis
tinct bodies: one known as the Re -
Organized "Church of Jesus Christ" of
Latter Day Saints, and the Brighamites
are called "The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints."
Not only do the names differ, but the
two churches also differ in doctrine,
faith, usages, etc., as follows :
lst—The Re -Organized. church Be-
lieves in God the eternal Father as the
creator of all things, visable and invis-
able, who made the worlds by Jesus
Christ, and all that are in them.
lst--The Mormans believe, that Adam
is the God of this world, because he
was, and is tile' head of the human mice,
and should be reverenced by all his
211d -The Re -Organized Church be-
lieves, that marriage is ordained by
God and is not a civil contract; end
that the lawofrGod provides but for
one companion in life, for either man
or woman; except where the bond of
marriage is broken by death, or the
only transgression of adultry, which
on being proved against the 'guilty
parties, leaves the, innocent at liberty
to divorce the adulterer, and the inno-
cent may be at liberty to marry again;
but the divorced one is not so qualified.
2nd—The Normans believe, on the
contrary that they are justified in hay°
ing .many wives (or conenbines) at the
same time.—(A most' damnable heresy,
and opposed to the law of God.
3rd—Re-Organized Church believe,
in being subject to civil la=w of what-
ever nation they are living -under;
that the powers that be are ordained' of
God; and a violation of such civil law
is a violation of. Divine law, by which
they are ordained,
3rd ---The Mormans believe in defy-
ing the civil law; governments, and
magistrates, who have legislated. and
executed laws against bigamy, incest,
polygamy, etc..
4th—The Re-Organizative believe,
that man and wife are bound only as
long as this life lasts•, that death severs
the bond.
4th—The Morinaes believe that
marriage is consumated for time and
for eternity.
5th—The Re -Organized believe that
the atonement of Jesus Christ was un-
iversal, so far es the human' family are
5th -The Mormans ,believe, that
s'uig,labt, 1I Zu2. eight: t'4rs, two .months
and two days after 11;•. Smith 'wag,
kIIkd, (traiau Pratt. et t1* iri.tahe'e Of
ilriAhvtn1 Young, lusted poly;;.tniy ora
his faction. std the world ,ronerelly
knowing th'tt lie h Id hew t a follower
of Mr. Smith le -lie; ill astir rl,tigatny
was a doctrine of the eriaina1 ehurch
but it was trot. Th *gllarae Young was
the author of it after Mr,Srnith's death.
The Rook of Mermen denounces
p t1 gsnit in the ruts" 1''tbhig 1tn
nage, and tit. lore te'r iod revelation*
through Mr. Srnith, all denounce it iu
the most pronounced language.
These two hooks, the Book of Mor-
ainal, *rid I9netri,:es and Cravtenantgt,
contemn, :lir. Smith's revel ;amis./me
-open toIlta go,r1ty,,a,7r. kevid
Daneer, TAmOnf, Dee :tar to. iow;f.,
where the headquarters of ih:t Re -
Organized Church is, and obtain these
books maw see uvlzat Mr. Smith taught.
Price $1.25 each.
I remain your humble servant,
J. A. MCINT08If, AmaeroN,
Of the Re -organized churelz.-
British Grain Trade,
The Mark Land Express, in its we-
ekly review of the British grain trade,
says: --English wh'ats have been a
fraction firmer The sales of English
wheat during the past week were 86,-
301 quarters, at 29s 8t1, against G',534,
quarters, at 20s 7d, for the correspond-
ing week last year. An improved de-
mand for wheat s;itferred prices. For-
eign wheats were weaker. The large
offerings of English wheat undersell:
the imported. Corn is declining. Amer-
ican, January delivery. was quoted at
19s. Barley is in sellers' favor. Beans
and peas maintained prices. To -day
English wheat was ed dearer. Foreign
wheat was' firmer. Corn was 1d cheap-
er for. La Plata; fiat corn is down 3d;
round is firm. Malting barley is in
active request, and has advanced lid;
grinding has risen 84. Rye . is six
dearer. Linseed is Gd cheaper.
Sale Register.
On lot 16, con. 9, Hay, On Friday, Oct
18th, farm stock, implements, .c. ,
Cober, prop., E. Bossenberry,
On Lotil con 14, Hay, on Tuesday.
Oct 22.nd, 1889, Farm, farm stock iarr-
plements, &c. E. Eossenberry, auct,
14Irs. J.Haug, proprietress.
On lot 9 and 10„ con. 1, Stephen, on
Saturday, October. 12th, 1889, fern
stock, implements, etc. George Web-
ber, prop; James Oke, aria.
On Lot 8, Con. 11,. McGillivray, on,
Friday, .Oct. 18tH, 1889, farm stock &c,
David Steeper, prop. Jas. Oke uact.
On Friday, Oct. 25th, 1889, on Lot 21
Con. 12, Hay, one mile west of Zurich,
Farm stock implements: &c. Danica
Geiger, propt. E. Bossenberry, anct.
On NI of Lot .7, Con. 2, McGillivray,
on Tuesday, Oct, 22nd, 1889, Farm
Stock:' Marshall Miller, prop.; Ja=mes
Oke, auct.
We evidently find Everests'Cougia
Syrup the best family medicine. -Gera
Donaldson, Forest P. a•
The dedication of Hotel Dieu, Wile-
sor, by the Archbishop -elect of Tor:onts
took place Sunday.
Send me another half dozen bottle
of Everest Cough Syrup, I cannot keep
house without it. -John^ Stephenson,
Sanilac Co., Mich.
Derangement of the liver, with corgi
stipation, injures the complexion, in-
duee pimples, sallow skin. Remove the
cause by useing Carter's Little Liver~
Pills. One a dose. Try them.