HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-9-26, Page 8B0M',8 . WEYEt. FAO 10 CM SA7lsfAono t Ka SALE B ( ALL DEALERS, 1565, Grigg's 'Seek Store, 1$S9, SPF,(si[ei+,-`.Che shortening days of Fall and approaching Waster are upon. us, art ominous chili in the air makes itself felt At times giving its warning that out-of-door pastimes. are soon to b3 set aside and that our pleasures are to be soon found one more by tour ain fireside," Books and urigisines will be sought for and their lack supplied, tomes will be used to promote the Good Cheer aforetiane produced by ruder sports, the latest songs will be sought for, their iuspiaation to higher thoughts and nobler deeds and choice thoughts front the best minds in the shape of Readings and Recitations will be laid under contribution to provide amusements for the social elides as well as the larger public gatherings. Will not talo az thought •hecall with pleasure the source whence nitwit of the needed material has hi times past been supplied and look once wore to the sante spot for present needs. We hope so and will thankfully welcome the old faces whose Supper, ha S beep substaneial aid in the past as well as the new faces who may see tit to pat- ronize us for the first time. Our variety win not be less but greater. J, Gaiety, Exeter, 7—.ae00a.--� L ar On Monday, a sant of money. The tinder will be suitably rewarded by leaving the same at Oda office. St, Leon Water,. The Great Health Restorer, If you feel out of sorts, drink St. Leon Water. EL<ixiit vrr. for Dyspepsia and Piles; positive curs:. George Sanders. Gawae jowls. Follow ing, ;are the dates for shooting ass set down by the statute:- ., September 1st to January ,cxideQeth August 15th to Janu- arylett Snipe Reit and. Golden Plover September 1st to May lst; Quail, Oct., kith to Noveenber 20th; Geese, Septem ber 1st to May 1st; Hare, ,eptelnber lst to March 15th; Beaver, Mink, Reindeer or Caribou must not be killed till Oct. Bath, 1595; Deer, October, 15th to Nov. 20th. Mulch Eatll The annual Ffair of the Hay Agri cultural Association was held at Zur- ich on Friday last. The entries were fully up to list year's, The inside show was extra good. Grain, roots, vege- tables and fruit were good,considering the dry season. The show of horses and cattle was fair only. Machinery was not well represented. An interest ing feature was the electric town clock Invented by G. Hess, of Zurch, which was an full operation on the grounds. The receipts at the gate were about one-fourth of last year's. Considering the weather, as there was a constant rain from morning till night and very stormy:, the officers are well pleased with the result. -1;C,L.13illiu s, Dentia,, for the. best .rt.feInl teeth. The salt works is running again in full blast. Herds. Wilson and Clement exchang led pulpits an Sunday evening. L.11111inga , Dentist. Gold fillings o stpeeiatty. Office over O Weirs hank, Exeter. -Our thanks are due ?wfr: Alex. Robin- son, London England, for copies of the London Times. A few loads of soft maple or hard- wood taken on new or old subscription at tiae ADVOCATE office. TWO hundred and two converts is the resulted the tabors of Messrs. Crossley d-: Hunter in Parkhill. Mr. Henry Willert, of Dashwood, ships two carloads of lambs to the east- ern markets today. Mr. Levi Lewis, of East Saginaw, shipped a cax:oad of fine heavy horses to that city yesterday from here. Owing to the crowded state of our columns we are compelled to hold over the report of the West Huron Teachers' Association. The report of the list of conVictions has been published for the quarter ending Sept. 30th, Fifty-nine cases' were tried. On Monday morning a horse belong- ing to Mr.* Fred Fisher fell down in front of the. Mansion House, breaking shafts of the buggy. It is currently reported that Mr. Geo Powell, of Winchelsea, has fallen Heir to a large legacy left by friends in Eur ope. We hope the report is true. An interesting game of Croquet will be played on the grounds of Mr. Wes. J Bissett, between London and Exeter players, on Friday evening. A game of baseball was played here on Tuesday morning between the juvenile clubs of Exeter and Luca.n ,and resulted in favor of Exeter by a score of 22 to 15. Mr, B. Case, of Usborne, has purchas- ed the 100 acre farm from Mr. Abel Waiper, paying therefor the handsome sum of $6,000. The farm is in the township of Hay. The most absent-minded man was not the mien that hunted for his pipe when it was between his teeth, nor the man who threw his hat out the window and tried to hang up his cid ar on the peg,nor the man who rend tiie notice on. his office door °.Back By Half Past Two, and sat down to wait for himself no! but the man who put his <umbra/. to bed and went and stood behind the door, Our local sportsmen are all becoming quite eorpulant on a patridge and Mack squirrel diet. It is to be presumed that they always keep the tail as a Sotcuenir of their achievements on theramrod line On Monday Mr, John Satulake, of Stephen left his horse standing tied in front of the residence of Mr. John Cud. more, the horse, became frightened and commenced running around the post and broke the shafts of the wagon. Don't use rubber stamps on your letter heeds. This is a dead giveaway on your businesson the town, and the newspapers published in it. Get yotir are to be seen, but it is believed, that! he received several internal injuries, which may prove of a serious nature, as he lies in a critical condition at pre- sent. A young son of Mr. Alex. Campbell, lot 12, con,, 2, West Zorra, has been suf- fering. terrible for about a year with a pain in his leg, which it was feared, would ultimately turn to blood poison- ing; A short time ago it was decided to have an operation performed, which was accordingly done on Monday of last week. Skilful medical aid was ob- tained :and the fiesh•from the . knee to the ankle was cut and laid. back from. letter heads, envelopes, business cards ` the bone, when it was. observed - that etc., printed at the AnvocarE office. several splinters had grown on it They were out off and the lea dressed,. On Monday evening Mr. Jt h a Cud- The boy, who is only ten years of age, more received what might be termed has been prostrated since the operation. a serious accident. He was shoeing a: horse and by some mentis his foot One of the saddest and most solemn slipped and be fell on the amino- funeral oeeaasions ever known in Staffa Meting a deep gash in his forehead, was that of Tuesday evening of last Wweek, Dir, John Hotharn, jr., left Staffa Z1 On ednesday morninga; young about a year ago for Colorado, buoyed lady by the name of Miss Deo,ves, who up with warranted hope for the future, resides near Clinton, was struck by:. as strength of body and quality of mind the train going north on the L. H. S gave every promise of success in the B. and was instantly killed, She was deaf and dumb and was going to the Clinton Fair, Cu Friday last, the ratepayers of Bayfield carried a by law granting $5,000 to Messrs. IL ,, J. Kaibteisch, of Zurieh, for the purpose of establishing asaw, pbnining and grist mill, The mills to contain all the modern machin ory. Considerable interest Is being taken in the twitched stallion race fora purse great field of human competition. Every succeeding report brought en- couraging tidings to his friends here of success in the far west, until they re- ceived the startling intelligence by tel- egram on Thursday of his death on the 214 instant. Ur. Uothaarn took ill with typhoid fever a few weeks ago and went immediately to St, Luke's hospital Denver, where he was eared for up `*o his death on the date mined^ His pee- ple on receiving iutelltgenee of his of $1,0001, between O'Neil S Ferguson's death, telegraphed to the hospital ants t' s ora atot London Moonlight ,93:37, and Joh11 q send the bodyhome.Itonday, Eeacow s Clinton'1'ontine, 1827, to be hey° arrived set afiteh d ori Moi3iinot trotted on the Western Fair rrountise but in consequence of delays did not best three in fare, on Sept, 28th next, arrive till conTueveyed othe evening. It was from there con,vay^cd to the old home - Get your concert, picnic and other stead Staffs, where a large number a bills printed at this office, We will friends had been waiting for hours. give you a free notice in the Anvoearn,; At the old .home the casket was uncov- 1 aarmers and others who intend having ered and the remains viewed ill the sales this fall will do well to get their friends and assembled sympathizers, work done at this offnee, We have after which the body was conveyed, by excellent faculties for work of this hind the light of the moan, to the Methodist ;and will get up as neat a bili. as any . church buryinggrounds, and at the office in the eountry. Prices reasonable ! solemn hour of neidnight, beneath the sand good work guaranteed. bri;bt moonll filet, ]:aid in its last rest - 4= ereanalw ing place. 'Very encouraging words Mr. R. R. Archer and Wife returned have en conveyed to the deceased's on Thursday last, after spending a parents and friends in Staffa from those' couple of weeks in. Now .or1:,-lir, L. who witness ids illness- and. death lin iI Dickson, visited the county town on the far away west and on Sunday even business on Mondaa; .-Mr, John Raw- ing as memorial service was held in tile, day who resides at winghano 'ia here chure, Statfa in connection with the for a few days. Mr. Jos. Bowden, of !sad creat, Alvinston, to: , z is .here for a few days. -:wiles '' The people of l3ruc°field and vicinity Bella Acheson returned from °Torentq were pained a and shocked at the an- Saturday evening; -Messrs. Alex Dow nonneoment of the death of Mr. • John Ross, of the London Road, Stanley, near thereon Thursday morning. Few had heard of his illness and it is only a few days since his genial face and familiar form were seen on the streets. It seems that on Tuesday last Mr. Ross had pre- pared to go to the Seaforth show and had gone to the stable to hit"' his horse. While so engaged -44.13=14e Creech, our town coustab]e, is able to suddenly i11 and decided not to go. 'He be around n ;ain.—llir. inc. Gould and wentto bed and from it he never rose, wife, who have been visiting friends sinking rapidly until Thursday morn - in London for a couple of weeks, re ing when he passed peacefully away. turned on Monday evening.—Mrs. Thos. previous to this he had been enjoying ,Nestle, of London, is visiting friend his usual good health. The cause of in and around the village,—Amon;; death i8 supposed to be some afflictionthe visitors at the fair on Tuesday we' of the :kidneys which resulted in blood noticed Messrs Geo. Moir and H. Fred poisoning. He was an intimate friend Sharpe, St. Marys, Jas. ,Riley, London, of the late Wm. McMillan, and was one of the pall bearers at his funeral, and none who saw his fine, robust figure there, ever supposed that they would have the painful duty of following kis remains to the same cemetery soon after. The ways of Providence are indeed mysterious. Mr. Ross was a native of Itosshire, Scotland, and' was one of the first settlers on the London Road, where, by industry and good and John Willie Wt on. Tuesday morn- ing for Manitoba. They will visit all the prineipa^tl towns and villages in the Northwest, -Miss Lizzie Stewart return ed home from visiting friends in God- °rich on Saturday evening, --Mrs. Hooper, who has been visiting friends hi. London, returned on Friday evening. -We are glad to notice that Mr. Jas. R. McLeod, Thos. and Richard Coursey, Lucan.-Mr,.1. N. Hooper is home for a few days. -Mr. Tsaac Carling is back again. -Mrs. R. Bissett, of London, is visiting friends in town.—Mr. Joseph Bowden, jr., left on Wednesday for Hamiilton-Mrs. Chas. Perkins vial' daughter left on Wednesday for Ne11e's Corners,—Mr. Wm. Fletcher,of Usborne, left for Bad Axe, Michigan, Thursday morning.—Mrs. B. S. O'Neil left for management he made for himself. and London Thursday last.—Mr. John family a comfortable home and laid up Hawkshaw, of the Commercial Hotel, a liberal competency. Ile was a worthy 'left for Detroit Thursday.—Mr. Chas. citizen, a good neighbor,. a kind and Snell left for Detroit on Thursday last. faithful friend. Ile was worthy and Mr. L. H. Dickson left for Goderich on useful member of Union Presbyterian Monday to attend court.—Mrs, E. Chris- church. He leaves his aged partner in tie left Wednesday to visit friends in life and a family of four sons and five Clinton,—Mr. R. H. Collins ]eft Wed- daughters to mourn his loss. He was nesday to attend court in Goderich.— 69 years of age. The funeral took Mrs. George Knight of Ethel, is spend- place on Saturday at 11 o'clock. ing a few days in town.—Mr. Frank Gordon returned home to Lucknow this morning, after spending a few Ministers Lawyers, Teachers, and ot weeks with friends here.—Mr. H. Hunt hers whose occupation gives but little of the Toronto Truth, gave us a call exercise, should use Carter's Little Lir on Wednesday evening.—We are er Pills for torpid fiver and billiousness sorry to learn that Mr. Jaynes Greeve One is a dose. Try them. is on the sick list.—Mr. M. Y. McLean of the Seaforth Expositor, was intown on Monday and Tuesday.—Mrs. Greeve is visiting her son Jaynes, who is ill —Miss Cook, of Johnston's Mills, is the guest of the Misses Gills for a few days. General News. A SAD CASE.—A case has just come to our notice of a young lady who liv- ed at Cross Hill,dying from an ingrown. toe -nail. The said ;young lady had friends in Wingham,and they the other day received the sad intelligence. It seems she was the picture of health, with but the exception of the said trou- ble. Last week she resolved to have, the nail removed, and a doctor was call ed in who performed the operation, and leaving a mixture to be administered to the toe he left, but soon had to be summoned back again, but he could. do nothing, and she died in the great est agony, on Thursday last. ACCIDENT. --Mt. David. AIexander. cf 8th eon., Wawanosh, met with a p iiia- ful accident last week while assisting Durnin Bros. to move their. engi,,e. One of the hind wheels thud broken, gnd'. they thought to move it the rest of the way byusingg a rail . As a substitute. .•This 'powder never varies. A marvel of The engine gave a jar, and by so do-. purity, strength and wvholesontenesis, More ing tossed M. Alexander viol-ietly ag- cel(i mie, •thaii the ordinary icings, .anti .tenant• be sold in competition' with the ainst a fence near "br,--injuring him multitude of low test, ,sort weightelum or x�hoapbiate powders. Sold onl,v in cane;, about the breast. No external marls 1toYaLl3nxixG Puavua It ca., lsoly u.sa.N y. Absolutely Pure.. RICHARD:PICK411.1YS... LL ANNOU - E :ENT. Wg Mg jaw Ogflapd fi Jilosi Colll!ete Stuck Of Goods 011 as Directirom 140 OIC NM 841 Dollgt slticllg for NI In Dress wads and Trimmings we are showing .the largest and most taking ranges ever displayed in town, fOur Millinery Opening will take place on Monday and Tuesday, September 23rd and 2 4t 2 h, when we will make a display of HATS, S, BtlNNET3 and MANTLES surpassing anything k o f the kind ewer before seen in Exeter. contains all the latest noveltim We have just received a lax ae eonsi =lent .�. Suitht Ovc tings and Trouserin g �'hicl ' w'goods 71t every- and 'flaking � among z will be found to please every- body. g up these goods we guarantee a perfect fit and satisfaction in every respect. Richard HENRY WELLS, Biewer Rd Jilaisier GODERICH, ONTAMO. ararrUFacaitaa a: fletkatei pie nd PORTER. Porter Specialty. NOTICE l.l~resh and. New Stook of loitfectiogro JUST ARRIVED ATTER Fatuity :- Grocery ' Alto Pure EXTRACTSI and SPI ` beautif-al piece of glass- ware Vii: away with 11b of Mayers baking Powder. Dashvoacal Roller Flour I'm Salo. Call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. &L DMAl IN BOOT STOIC W. H. Trott wishes to announce that he has opened out business in the stance recently occupied by the ADVOCATE, and is pre- pared to manufacture first- class Boon & .IIOEs for all. customers: A CALL SOLICI ED. Our motto is good work and square dealings. W. I TROTT. WEAK FiENtn-LY.WC)=1312-21 selves of W Vitality Lost a smbtoad„ from youthful errors, etc:, quietly at homes. Book ou all private diseases sent free (sealed). Perfectly seYlsblm Over30 rears' experience. Address— QEE DiILR[ PELL CO, V0201[20, Caaads. LADES =arm!' iaate.udattoaya or &re,. better thaw , Inver Osida Tansy or Cenn,ra,ad Pilar Inverts eegolarit7 Send for,p,er5c.,I.ra- Sadism Gramm PILL co.,,t'* ois'r'Oy Canada. BEARDS FORDED en. slamMeettaeeabets eebetaecctbesda,lea Wdsps—Magic. Latest and greenest &chieremeet atmodem mimeo 1 Moat woo- dories dieeeceey ot the ate. i.tke no other preparation) Magical, we, erste* i>adas,tatteaaa fm Ration! Boys with rrhtcaceat Bead heads tlesiredr Curiae apeetaatea, bat.. peeitaretrutha. Grip gamine striate in teethes. and.eertate t give abralnte estirtactima Guaranteed. ?skeet a bottle, or three bettiester W t. red&bottteF.,teone month. Address A. DIXON, Box eas. Td;I UNTO CANADA. NAME 6dR1 1 N' FflEflRITI6 S. ShlPFRFLi ONS AIR AWee nenv.y erdn, a3tafr without talent to ,aa ek o. W eearrented. Pace = PIMPLES ARO INICKNEADS'e n, a , Strom3pteSediya-Warrantet fit icetortadspstreatment$1. ANT!-fi6lEfRP EXCE PILLS r�vkoae?arbbgle 1, wuettm ssstterolsoliettcda a rluhberl,,taase it is nacos- Imtable or a nLaahir asble—FFA5 ToLam ming "'ANT/. GOttPIILCFIE. MMES. Tarte Watt a month They =Me Lb,kbutralaoateu0rna paien.md aeeerfa0.. Prieefarone romenhatsd t. 52; et tiucb month* medieiae. Os. COMPLEXION tit S -A4 51 Bbacir theekfa, drams area: farm- irartnlaa .- PeamanhaI Address Wer,nutet, Price$l whoa, ret erecter 55. Address Ist i .a 8E excArBMN� 31115,31ng Street Weft. Toronto, 73uAt. A Fortue For All Q IG le said that every person has a chanee once in their lifetime to make a. fortune, and if they allow that time to pass may never have the opportunity again. THAT TIME HAS O You can depend upon it that everybody purchasing their p , a� goods at Parkinson's saves mousy, by doing so will soon make their fortune His prices are always down. You are not asked high prices to make up losses, for debts contracted by 'bad customers; don't you see there is thousands in it. Parkinson's Stock. is neand consists of Dry -Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glass- ware, Tweeds, Boots -and Shoes, in fact everything ususlliv kept in a first.elass General Store. See his•Black and Colored Cae1nueress f m 25 etc., t s, Youwool ca. nget the h up.cheapest alltilool suit in Exeter made t4order Make no mistake. Consult your own interests and examine his stock before making your purchases elsewhere and you will soon save enough for a fortune. You can do better at the Cheap Cash Store than any. . • �^ . other place in Exeter. Highest market price allowed for farm produce at PARKINSON'S. First door north of the Town fall, Exeter. CD oat CD c -t CD gada Of course you drink tea. Then you must be interested in tea to theextent of desiring to get genuine article, so little is genuine you know! The heathen Chinese are wonderful adulterators and what the heathen doesn't adulterate "Melican Man" does. We make a specialty of pure goods, and if there is anything we do pride ourselves on it is s Senllig a Pure UQa�uhteratea We have spent a good deal of time and sparest no expense to be able to offer our customers an article whose genuineness would- be undoubt- ed. We have it in the various growths that are known for pure and delicate flavors. GET A DRAWING FREE. Anyone who does not know what our teas are is welcome to come to our store and get a trial drawing ---;just enough to enable you to test its quality. Do not forget that we have as large if not the largest stock of groceries in town and all A 1 goods. ` Our motto is "Everything a person can want and everything pure. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange, utter 914; Eggs, 15 its. If you aven need of cash at anywill time �e will be' leased to accommodate � dafe you CARLITSTG