The Exeter Advocate, 1889-9-26, Page 5ro The Meat Suece,,fial Remedy ever d12- eorered,;.at ttiseertztn to Its effects and docenot bUater, Read proof below, driu ersvimx, P.' Q. May 3.VP, meat J Krumat.0 C0., Enosburgh FAUs, vt. Gentlemen —1 have used Ken, d.11% Spavin carotin Spavins andatso in a case or lameness and StiffJoiute and found Its sora cure Meyer/ respect, x CordieUY recommend it to ail horsemen- Very respectfully yours. Quotes T >3pelters, KENDALL'S SPAVIN. OHRE' ST. Tatou%. P Q., A rit ," 2,1P09. IX J. Ewes:4 co., rtuosb h felts. yr. nate —I lbws used a few potties of your Sen. dell's Spavin Cure on my colt. 'which was suffering from Iaau enza In a very bad form, and eau say that your Mendall's Spavin Curti Made complete and tapld cure. 'call recoimnnut It the est and most effective liniment ;aye over handled. Kindly sin,* moon 0ofyonrvalu.blebonkaentitled "A Trese tl9Ronthollors " Ttoursreslieettuiis, 1. it wa1,Rino , KENDALL'S SPAVIN OURE Four Enter, assnas ta1S74 Pet. lt 7, gsarisw.Co, i£nusburi;h Pail.• St, gentlemen,— 1 always beep your endalll'z epaYln Cure and Blister on hand wthey stiiiirillotI ooeyd,have caresa bag caro of $pavan and slap two eases of Ringbone ofYears standing, 0n mares which X heUght to breech from, mud have v+otaaen any {af -disease to theiroi'f9prIng. Mourn, trukv, b. J. Q•gxe int. dreirekta iureitore or six bottles for 05, i•le Boat to address OIL R• ss t revel c any ad tot price bythe p p 1i Da e. T \'Aall. CO., Enosh:ash Falls, Vt.. SOLD itlf ALL D1tAGGISTS, EVEREST'S COUSN: SYRUP CANNOT BE EXCEL O. Try it and be oonyinwed et nit w4toderfar walks Properties, Peke 20. tints, ta El "pi b: 14o • tT1 ADE 31ABS.) Try Everest's Liver Regulator for Diseases of the Giver Ieidneys, am., and Parity. *u t of the Blood,_ Price 31. Six bottles ter 35, For Sole py ALL Ddlig !lbTS, Wanutactured: only by 4Ao, M. Emu:Sr. cleans; 1'9ar.o. 9la?> PENNYROYAL W Prescription of a physician who lies batt a life Song experience in treating female tttseases, lsused wonthly with perfect success by over le,oes lana s. Fleasent, sates effectual. Unties asks yourdrvg tgist for Pennyroyal Waters and to O no substitute, or inclose Post- 1 druggi sealed $1�ner be Adicldrees Elw'A CHEMICAL. CO., Asznor "Ltt;sr. Sold tri Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and druggists Jan. 1-8.1 CARTERS ITTLE VER PILLS. Cu Sick Lleadaebeand relieve all the troubles hug. dent too bilious statetl e of t system, such as ;Ills aleta, Nausea. I rowsin es.'Distress after eating, Pain in the Side, fit While their most remarkable success bus been shown in curing. n. SICK, Iiaadeche, yet C.snrru's Lamer. LIVER P..tra dpruventingltl fsann yina compilaint,wile they also cermet all disorders of the etonaaeli,. stimulate the liver and re>ra>;late the bowels, Even if they only cured HE,. *`•D Ache thoy would lit, almost prleoh sn to those who suffer from this diitres..die complaint: but fortunately their goodneie does not end bere, and those who once try them will find those little pills valuable b so swum ways that they will not be willing to do without them. But after all sick head 1 The . famous "heavy bodied {til made only by McCOLL BROS. � Co'y., TORONTO Use it once and, you will use �.o other. McCoy's Famous CYLINDER OIL - AFERS.'. everywhere, This Tear's MYRTLE Cut& Plug SniokIn Tobacco FINER T AN EVER. ix the bisne of so man lives that here is wIse we matte am groat ) m boast, Our pills cure 1t while others do not. CAitrsan.% LITTLE LIVER n I'11.18 aro Very r mall and very easy to take. One ca• two pills snake e dose. They aro strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by theirgentle m tion phase all who use them. In vials at 25 colts; Ike for Si. Sold everywhere, or sent by nsalL CUM 1mDICINE CO„ Ilea To:Y. 1i11i Small basal Small lilts. THE LIGHT RUNNING IN BRONZE ON ach Flue and reookage. THE KEY TO HEALTH. 1 tralec':a all tae clogged avenues of tho Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, e:xrying ofii ,gradually without weakening the sys- tem, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions; at the saute time Cor- recting Acidity of data Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin. Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Sero- fula, Fluttering of the Heart, Ner- vousness, and General Debility =n11 these and many other ei•ar ar Complaint; yield to tho happy iufiucnco of BUII'OCIK BLOOD BITTERS. For Saic by all Dcaicrr. .3IU;BUR1 o&CO„Proprietors, Toronto. Pile Great English Prescription. A successful Medicine used over 4���1yr 30 years in thousands of cases. Cures Spermatorrhea, Nervous �.. 1Weakness, Emissions, Impotency and all diseases caused by abuse, (neronzl indiscretion. or over-exertion. Darnel Six packages d uaranteed to Cure when ak others Fail. Ask your Druggist for Tho Great Encll„ h Nre„erlptaon, take no substitute. One package S1. Six $.1, by mail, Write forPamphlet. Address Eureka Chemical Co., Detroit. Hie!). Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and druggists everywhere. Jun. 1-S 3s the in Canada for engine cylinders. Ca om FOB S 1 t BY Bisset EXETER, ONT. THE PROVIDENT Life and Lige Stook As sociatio1>te INCOR1 OEATI ,Atm,x3 7; React Orrice tuella D Arcade, TORONTO, ONTARIO. In the Life Department this Asso- ciation provides indemnity for Sick- ness and Accident, and substantial as- sistance to the relatives of deceased members at terms available to all.. In the Live Stock Department, two- thirds indemnity for loss of live- stock of its members. Send far particulars* claims paid etc. WILLIA111. JONES, Scpt,G,'88. Ilsasaonia Manor° CITY HOTEL LONDON, ONTARIO. 1 per.g. J, & J llellARTRI,Pffilitters. The Grand hien Hotel, Enlarged and improved. 30 rooms elegantly furnished. Tables supplied with all the. Delicacies of the‘ season. 3 convenient sample rooms. ]louse heated with hot air. Electric bells throughout. SI PER DAY.. - R. A ..- R. I. TUFTS, PROPRIETOR. CHRISTIE'S SEWING MACMNE HAS NO EQUAL. THE LADIES' FAVORITE. THE ONLY SEW!!IG MACHINE 1 THAT ;GIVES NE111ONE• E ZING MIACHiNE GRANCE,MASS: CHICAGO -Y8 UNION SQUARE,NZ, pALLASrf SLouts Ad0. ATarmi a TEX, - sANFRANCIsco.cAt. George Vickers, Kirkton. EXETER MARKETS. Wheat per bushel.. - ...: $ 80 to 88 Barley 40 to 48 Oats, . 24 to 25 Peas 50 to 53 Clover Seed,. 4.00 to 4.70 Eggs per doz .. 13 to 13 Butter, Rools . 14. to : 15 Butter, Crocks . " 14 to 15 Potatoes per bush........,: 70 to 75 Hay per torn . 9.25 to .10.00' Have you tried the Celebrated ELECTRIC SHOE DRESSING? If not don't fail to do so at once. It is not a polish but a wonderful leather preservative it will make the finest or coarsest shoe as soft and pliable as kid and very easy to the foot. It will make them absolutely water- proof, and if occasionally dressed with. this dressing will last more than twice as long as otherwise. We, Mean What We Say. It is the very life of leather. It can be applied at anytime. No trouble Shoe can be polished immediately afterwards. PRICE, - 10 Sc 15 Cents per Box. Sold by all first-class stores. Sam- ples mailed—Stamps taken. OLIVER CABANA Jr.,. SOLE MANUFACTURER, BUFFALO, N. Y. R OY AL H OT LUCAN, ONTARIO, HODGYI�TS PROP. OP' R arse liedwith het brands The � pp � s d of Liquorsand Cigars. To TUE ''D +'AF.—A person. cured of Deaf- ness aiid noises in thelsend of a3 years' tan,lin b. m s , tr e s tm Flo em rl sw'll s �', y 1 .V, x and a. doscri j tion of it FR , •,to'an ers p F Y �n else a r p F plies to Nlcttal,soN,:;:80 St. John St. Montreal 11-2: '88.-1v.. Ccon—blirm) u First Class RIGS And HORSES. ORDERS LEFT .AT THE HAWK - SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Serm� Televhona € onnection. 12 PouAs s OF WHITE For $1. 2010s. easugar FOR ': 1. AT THE /edor Iorta Cis, s�srs. J. MATHEWN. !Furniture and Undertatting. —00 TO— Rowe FOR BED -ROOM AND PARLOR I.OIt SUITS, SIDEBOARDS A, \D' k.N ' � 1 Tl;� S 0N TABLES, LOL NGES AND EASY CIrAID,S, The Largest Wareroo»is in town. Undertaking outside of the Undertak- ers Ring, in all its Branches. Open day and night. STAND --One door, north of lois On & Think. MAIN -ST. EXETER. The Subscribers wishes to inform the Fanners and General Public that bo is Prepared to furnish all S' •res �,, a��xed/ZBi+n�dt)of 1 Well Digging Promptly Done and at Reasonable Rates. Residence and Shop on Ann Street, behind Christie's Livery Stable. A CALL SOLICITED. JOHN MOORE Look Here? If you want Bargains in LandRollers, - Gates, Hay Racks, of Rakes, —call at tire— Exeter Ttnitg rutuy. Handles of every description always on hand. Turning done to order on the shortest notice. Repairing neatly and cheaply done. Circular and band sawing done. A number of bee hives on hand. They are the best and handiest bee hive made. A quantity of excellent machine oil for sale. Dry wood taken in exchange. J. D. VASEY BISSETT BROS LIVERY. First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RAES W : I COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS REASONABLE. A TRIAL SOLICITED. 13ISSE BROS . FREEMAN'S PowaTrPS. rt re •2Icasant to take. Contain their' own, Purgative. .Is a safe,' sure and effectual destroyer CfZr"S Y Adults. Catarrh, Gatarrha1 Deafness, Vag rover. A NEW NOME TREATMENT, Sufferers are notenerally aware that these diseases are :contagious, or that they are due to the presence of living parasites inthe lining mem brans of the nose and eustachian. tubes Mieroseopie rese•trch,however, has prov- ed this to baa #•.tet, and the result is that a simple remedy has been formu- lated whereby cat writ, eat trrkt tl deaf- ness and hay fever are permanently cursed in from one to three simple atp- pliettions made at home by the patient one in two weeks. Nr B.• ---For Catar- rhal diseharges peculiar to females (whites) this remedy is a specific. A pamphlet explaining this new treat, mens is sent on receipt of ten cents by A. H. Dixon & Sox. 303 West King St., Toronto, Canada,-,-SeientifeAmeri- can. Sufferers from catarrhal trouble should carefully read the above, (19-22-'86.) None but first•class grocers sells 'London Electriic Soap. CUSteianer hitt restaurant)---"Wa. iter, how long have you had this i:sh on hand?” 11'aiter 'tColrldlt t say, S. Have only been working Hera about at Weei A LINI'a FROIi GL,tDSTONE, :�1Rv little sot aged two, was seized with diarrlltra, followedd by piles. two Icloses of I'"oweler's Extt'net of Wild • Strawberry ;ave relief and half the .Samir, bottle completed a cure. Airs. J. A. Don't fo1•get to try London. Electric Soap once and you will use no other kind. It takes live men to make live towns Dead mete are only tit to inhabit come- teries." A FACT WT,ORTA REM AIRERJNGR„ Air. Jas. Binpie, of Toronto, states that hislittle baby- three months old, was so had with summer complaint nt that. under the doctors' treatment her life was dispatired of. Four doses of Dr; Fowler's E.xtr,iet of Wild Strawberry cured iter, Silk petticoats are now lined with flannel, This obviates the necessity of wearing more than one. Washing made easy and homes made happy by using London Electric Soap. Au idea for tabledecorations to have ar wreath of flowers edge the table, so, divided that they may be used as bout, milers by the guests when they are seated. Only the flowers that are h seatsozr are suitable for hart trimming. ON THE SLTBFACE. Skin diseases appear Olt the »iurf tee are are otter humiliating to the Sufic>r er from them. From two to three bott- it;s of Burdett Blood Bitters will cure tstlr rheum, erysiixlas, shingles, totter, nettle rash, eczema, boils, pimples, or hliotite$, at the same time restoring the general health, The ippearanee of ostrich feathers and birds' wings is an indication that xlutuon millinery is lea order,. Just think 'Wit Atingti ty 11lanht shorter by using'', London Electric Cloth dresses are urtde with tight- ?4eintyre, Ula(lstorio, lista. `Phis alt d- fitting sleeves, as full sleeves of so thiel;, iciue if a specilla for all summer cool- _t materiel could be worn with auttln> plaints of children or adults, • jackets.. , lfl T �� > z'l, A DE T The directoir4 styles, which seemed� to have last favor at tate ;liinilig o£ , illy little flea) hadII diarrlcttrarslid camp summer,are destined to comp back into very near dying. After the failure of xista ace, , t',verythiti;; els:: we us..?Al lar. Fowlers colftii;MIPTieN crimp. 1iNti,tet or Wild Strawberry which, c➢l1sTti at quick crag, aril I Islrotr of An old,�teysieia lai hands b m p East a ndv- },ti'Q frt:ll! 3 3 tit'i'r2 ei:r,'fl h t11,' i..t1ne ingbad pieced inkishaaof I.vanlast India y tnta�ionaary thoforutnla(,t a ailrnpleve„t 14..b remedy, r l.1 i:V.11 C, :idol,, roascdy for the speedy:tad permanent cure of hiller, (lift. Consumption, bronekitia, Catarrh, Abthrna� and ell throat and Lung Affections. Also a . Standing colors ;arc still p:ttr;inized positive and rad iculcure ger nervous Ilability by M1➢tlalnen of f,lSltion. corners arra and fi editswentlerfuleurativepowersinthousand a sliglltL• rturned down. ofeases,has felt itltiadiatytomake time r•al to his suffering fellows, Actuated by this1 ADVICE TO 11GTI:E1tS. motive and n desire to relieve human suffer- .htYsyou slisturbedutnlglstauid rokenof os t will I Il s • >a vine i Lg,I, i enti flee afaalaar^r to rest b>• x sick child autferhti and ory'!u>gtrtSh it; thisreceipe,inUerman,`FrcncliorEnglish ;mitt ofcutting teeth? 1fso. send atonce and .v!th foil directions for preparing and te.ing. vita bottle of stns,wtaei.ow'SSoQ;uixaSrital' Sent by mail by addrossin,g'witlt staml.nacos- .t'O8 Cnt1.nttcx ''i rETtttrta, Ito vatlueIs inaalcaq. ingthis paper. W. A. Heyes, LID l'ower's tible.ltwillrelievethtalioorlIttloantfereramane- lilock.Itoeiiostec. D'. 7. 1- (1,tliatoly. Depend utaon it, methera,there ill, no Washerwoman's mistake Mutat it. 1t cages dysentery and tiler. AF asherwolnau s friend is'Loudon. ,r21/1a, regulates the atemncls and bowels. wires Eltectric Soap, Nei micelle, sot tens the gum.. reduceshiilamma• tion, and Rives thane and energy tothe whole Customer ---These cuffs don't appear a stem. litus. wt xuaw'a 5oozut,ia sxuoexou to be reversible. Clerk—No, o sir. These nes prescription ofoi of the older tans bt a z nes of one ofthp oldest and baa are what are called the self respect female nurses and physicians to the United States, Coa and is for sale by t lt is RR!n N theo EL ,bralld. Dnt1k0 tiV rld. Priem _Scunt* n battle.. Everest Cough Syrup is the hest London Electric Soap will not in - used for and Colds �' Coughs I ever ,.• . jure the, hands r clothes a :, used :in myfamil • farm] .--A Dickson J o ..o l t a td da more Arkona P. y y tori: for the money, tri it. Articles called face Rids are used ex - The newest neckties are made Of? tensively in England by ladies arise electrie.blue silk picked out with tiny a ha`.e llibh cheek 'bent s with lUibcconl- white figures, London Electric Soap is only made by D. Richards, Woodstock, Trade Mark Registered. It ism, credit to say of a man that be is regular as a clock. To some it might imply that he moves through, life on tick. The most suitable travelling dress for autum wear is made of blue serge. Will positively cure sick headache and prevent its return. Carter's Little Liver Pills. This is not talk, but truth One pill a dose. See :advertisement. Small pill. Small dose. Small price. The wonder of to -day is London Electric Soap. in;; hollow places underneath.. The first autumn dresses to appear will be made of cashmere,. GOOD) .ADVICE. To be heriltlry :and have lots of life and viol, be careful in diet, take plenty of sleep, and regulates the bowels, bile and blood with 13. B, B., a sure cure for constipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, all blood humors, scrofula and all broken down conditions of the system. Dandelion clocks makes the prettiest sort of bonnet trimming' for this season of the year. Sale Register. There is but little in life to live for. On Wednesday, Oct. 2nd, an lot 12, The world is a hollow mockery, full of con. 17, Stephen, farm stock. John Me troubles, trials, and bad piano players Isaac, prop; Wm. Holt, auet. WHEREAS. On lot 15, con. 9,1 lay, on Friday, Oct 18th, farm stock, implements, &c. S. Cober, prop., E. Bosscnberry, auct. Whereas much diserse is caused by wrong action gf the stomach, liver, kid news, bowels and blood, and whereas B. On Wednesday, Oct. 2nd, on lot 7 B. P. is guaranteed td cure or relieve con. 2, Stephen, farm stock and imple- dyspepsia, liver complaint, kidney ments. David Manning, prop., Jas. complaint, dropsy, rheumatism, sick Oke auet. headache, etc Therefore, Be it resolv- ed that all suffers should use B. B. B. and be restored to health. Young girls at the summer resorts wear wreaths of smilax on their heads as an accompanimentito the ball -room toilet. 4 bars of London Electric Soap for 25e. The Emperor of Russia (to his Prime Minister)—I hear that the Germans have got a smokeless powder. The Prime Minister -Ah, sire, that is only an invention of the enemy. Everest's Cough Syrup is the most remarkable medicine I ever -used for Coughs and Colds,'two or three doses invariably effecting a -cure.--- Wm. Gillis, Forest P. 0: • The newest yachting• hats looks like an enameled saucepan turned upside down. Ask your grocer for London Elect- ric Soap. The St. Joseph News 'surmises that most of the 47f. carriages owned by the Sultan of Turkey are baby carriages'. English walking jackets are made a triflic Ionger this season than last. Are free.'from all crude and irrating matter, Concentrated medicine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Very.small very easy to take; no pain; No griping no purging. Try them, Insist on: your ,grocer Biting you London Electric Soap, it is the best. Some bugs are eretitures of a slim- mer ummer day, but the humbug has all • sea- sons for his own. Everest'sExtract of Wild Blackberl - y beats the world for Dysentery, & . Hiram Smith,, Forest P.0. ' More truth than Poetry. Mary had a little lamb. Its fleece was white as snow; It strayed away one suminer day, Where lambs should never go. Thou Mary sat down, [eyes; Tears streamed down her pretty She never found lror pretty lamb Because she did not advertise. And Mary had a brother John, Who kept a village store; He sat down and smoked his pipe, And blinked his sleepy eye. And so the sheriff closed him out, But still he lingered near, .And Mary came to drop with him,. A sympathizing tear. "How is it sister that These other merchants here, Sell all their goods and pay their bills And thrive from year to ,rear?" Remembering now her own bad luck The little maid replies, The other fellows get there John, Because they advertise." Kirkton, The fall fair which. will be held' here on 1st and 2nd of October promises to be the best ever held in the'viilage. Everything will be done to make it interesting and pleasant to all visitors. It is expected that a game of base, - ball will be played here on fair day between the Elimville and. .l Kirk ton cl'ulis. We are certain that Elim -ille. no match arei tc r far the"iri: and I`` torr club tb an 1 `will be"wiped out" before the game closes.