HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-9-26, Page 4TIDE exet.e ` 4brocette. W� SANDEk2S. Editor, Thursaah. September 26th 1889, GODERICH ,POST OFFIO.l . R has now been settled that Mr. Wm Verapbell is to be the Postmaster of €zoderiele Two applicants were ment, z'•,..trhea::,bein;; Mr. Fred, \ir, Johnston and fir; C6tinpbell, With the rssistanee of the pleSeitt NI, P. for that constituency, Mr, Ceropbell succeeded in getting, Fred Left in the Cold," Whither or not this xppoihtment meets with the general approval of the Goderich people we are Actin a position to say,but,if the feeling that existed some months ago has not aulteidedeve are of the opinion that the treatest dissatisfaction prevails. How evezethe constitueuey is not ours, and ww hold no enmity against either, this w :'.wive h:o reason er right tocO1111) 41 ere!, we leave diem to light the battle ., : e s t themselves. THE f.I' ,:I. ROCK SLID) . The awful disaster which has befall. YIIt the 4ity a.f Quebec will send a thrill g,I horror throughout the civilized world What would have required ail the ingenuity of science; all the e nbined energy of a. host of workers 2nd taxed industry of an army of =pelts, Nature accomplished in the twinkling of au eye. Thousands oe, tees. of root;, huge piles, which bore pen their fronts the historic memorials of ,•ages; great boulders, with which :atm iaingled the dust of centuries, were cast from their granite beds and *varied, like so many shavings, upon fee doomed multitude beneath. The whole face of Canada's Gibraltar has ieeaa ehanged, and sad to say, scores of &DIMS made desolate; the fatherless+ motherless, the wife or the husband, eieprived of means of support, or of all thaee who were near and dear to them. There are more to he pitied and grieved i'nr, than the cold, inhospitable stone which sent them to their lona homes. Roney will erect xaln:ptrts, skill device buttresses capable of holding in check iaosntain of rock which has been ciusturhed, but money nor sympathy will restore to the bereaved, these hearts which a few 'hours ago, beat responsive ;tor their own. 'There remains then but c hey method of alleviating the sufferings cttlae victims, namely, generous con- tributions towards assisting them. fj'nebec is not a wealthy city,; her uople in general, although open hand. auk and kindly, have been called upon too afters of late to relieve the distress- ed; fire has devastated the poorer dis- iets; the needy are God's children, rend those who are blessed with this world's goods, should willingly con- tribute towards assisting less fortunate ethren. That portion of Champlain Erect, which has been devastated, was :Inhabited mostly by laborcrs,stevedores and the smaller classes of artizans and :mechanics. Not a vestige of their possessions Ti mains; household furni- ture x1;1s been crushed into kindling - woad, and even that is locked under tons of boulders; scores have been kilfed, leaving their little ones in a famishing condition; scores so maimed That they will be unable' to toil for '.case dependent upon them during the surd winter months. The duty of the charitable then should be clear, even though instinct failed to point it out• Jany of those who suffer did not own the. premises occupied by them; the buildings fronting the coal yards on ebamplain street were in many cases -utilized as tenement dwellings, and this accounts for the large number fled and wounded by the slide of Tburs.lay night. All these people had in the world was the health Providence vouchsafed them; to be deprived of this would have been sufficiently ter- rible to contemplate; but with. life :spa.red,,only to prolong an existence whose physical energies are virtually drAa1, their position is pitiable in the extreme. We doubt not the citizens of Quebec will respond liberally -out what of Canada and Canadians? Is not this a case where each should give his .iie,,eaeh contribute according to ability,?This being done, the Govern anent should at once order an investi- ga'tion; and adopt such a system of buttresses and retaining wallalong face of the monstrous cliff, as -to valent even a suspicion of the probaa- Ildlity of a recurrence of so harrowing a a, catastrophe. Berg,. -an Mount Carmel, on 23rd inst, tlle.wife of Mr. Edward' Hall, of a daughter. Corrnn.. --Ill Exeter on 23rd inst., Ann Cottle, aged 76 years. McGillivray couuuL Council met pursuant to• adjourn, mot in town hall aleGill xray, 204 Sep,, 18$9. --Present, W, II. • Taylor.' Eeeve'W, L, Corbett, and. G. T. John - sten, Deputy Reeves l' . Richie •and E. Morgan Conneillors. Minutes of last meeting read, approved off slid signed. Moved by G, T. Johnston, seconded by E. Morgan, that l'. L. Corbett is here, •o a • a by appointed to iha�est � to the e c . lam m of Mr. A. McWilliams, and examine the bridge where the accident is said to have oeeurcd and report at next greet. ing oz Council, -.•.'Carried. Moved by W L, Corbett, seed by W. Richie, this council make the usual grant of $15 to', the McGillivray Agricultural Society, Carried. Moved by G, T, Johust6u, sec'cl by W. Riebie, that action on the complaint lodged by Wm, Lewis re presenting that he ai,d his neighbor are deprived of the, praviledge of water iup, their cattle on account of the fence opposite. lots No 73 in the 4th and 9th con. being, oli the road allowance, be- taken by imistrueting the clerk to not- ify Messrs. Drought, Donaldson sand D01:111au to remove their ft*we .off the O et ati l.s s',.on as possible.--Carried. 8� aloe ed by U. T. Johnston, seed by W. Ix. Corbett, that the Reeve Wait upon JQ li I tial. with . 'view ohaving g the grievance removed, regarding the waiter priviledge and line fence on Pat, rich side eoad,-Carried. Moved by W, Theile, seconded by W 1- Corbett,. •tbat , II Taylor ox auhtl a id have the Sebee bride, put in a proper state of repair,. --Carried, Moved by G. T. Johnston, see'd by W. L, Corbett, that by-law No. 2,1889, levying. two tni1rs' on the dollar for tp. purposes, two and one half mills •n the dollars for County purposes and the amounts rewired for schools purposes per trustees orders aa • . read as a first and second time, be tiow a' third time and pa.ssed,�Garried.. iaelaE sQro ! d u byW. L.Corbett cued,y Mg, oran, the Hereinafter gained andivad uals be paid the several a-uounts as sot forth riz,- -I. Johns, overseeing gravel - Div. No. 12, $$; J. W. Rey., pruning voters lists, S25; J. Darrach, printing account, $5.16; R. Sails, plank account, $27,16 A. Stewart, plank for culvert, 75c,; W. Dickson, repairing Sebee bride, $2,60; E. Foster, damages heu1- ing gravel, $10; A, Nichols building bridge Ttlh con. at centre road, $7; E. McPherson account for cedar posts, $3.- 40; C. ale;hiipf, g>sadiu on Karen's side road, 87; T', 0. Ryan, ;ravel contract 13iddulph town line McGillivray portion $52.50; J. Thompson building culvert Biddulph town line McGillivray portion. $1.0.35; J. Thompson building bridge station •street, Clandeboye. $11.65; W. Dixon, grading on Eodgins new side road 9th con., $9:5. --Carried. Moved by W. Richie, see'd by W. L. Corbett, that this council adjourn to meet in:tlhe town hall, the first Monday in October at ten o'clock a. In. d Carried. W -x, FRASE,n, tp. Clerk. NOTICE. I hereby forbid all parties from giv- ing credit to Iny son, as I will not be responsible for any debts he may con - tract. He having left no and gone to parts unknown, any information lead- ing to his recovery will be thankfully received. H. FINK. Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the Estate of Gideon Yager, late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron. Sawmiller, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, PUIt- suant to the provisions of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, chapter 110, section 36, that all creditors and others hav- ing claims against the estate of Gideon Yager,late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, Sawmilier, deceased, who died on or about the Twenty-sixth day of May, -A. D.1S89, at the said Townshir of Hay, are hereby roluired to deliver or send by post Prepaid to Jacob Kellerman, Dashwood P.O. Ontario, Valentine' Ratz, Khiva P. 0., Ont- ario,Executors oftheisaid deceased, or the undersigned, on or before the 1st day of November, 1889, their christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their accounts or claims and the nature of the security Wally) held by them. And farther take notice that after the said 1st day of November, 1889, the Executors of the said deceased Gideon Yager will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said do - ceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have had notice and that they will not be responsible for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims they shall not then have had notice. R. H. COLLINS, EXETER., ONTARIO, Solicitor for the said Executors. Dated,19th September, 1889.-2t t'all,Fairs. Mitchell, Sep. 26 to 27. Guelph, Sep. 25 and 26. Hamilton, Sep. 23 to 27; Stratford, Oct. 3 and 4. Staffa, Sep 30 and Oct. 1. St, Thomas Sep. 24 to 27. Clinton, Tues., Wed. S, Thurs., Sept. 24th, 25th and 26th, A. young man leading two horses through the streets of Clinton to -day, (Thursday) when the animals became unmanageable, rearing up and struck the young man on the head with their front feet, killing' him instantly.' The animals were being led to the exhibit- ion grounds. .. Get ,your job work at the Anvocixn Office. Cheap prices and good work our motto. ALLAN LINE. ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. LIVERPOOL AND QUEBEC SERVICE. F1toaldl LIVERPOOL. STEAMER, q From QUEOEC, Friday, April 16.... Thursday, «5,. Friday, Thursday, Friday, May tc 16.. .. ih «4... CiRCASI � Friday May PARISIAN ... Thursday ca POLYNESIAN,, „. CATHHAGENIAa' SARDINIAN.... , i Thursday, June *CIRCASSIAN Friday, ii Thursday, `i 30 ....... PARISIAN ... , ... Thursday, F 1 ac June 6' , ... , . POLI 10.1;�IAxv . ..'i ch Friday, 14 , .... e CARTIIAGENIA� is Thursday, 20, , .... SARDINIAN....1Thursday, Friday, " 23... , . aCIRCASSIAN . Friday, Thursday, July 4..... . PARISIAN.. ,. . -i Thursday, i1.,.,,, POLYNESIAN ...1 Friday, " 19 , ...... u C ARTHAGENIANi Thursday, i; 2J..,.... SAIIDINIAN,,., ca it 44 July +i, sc August Thursday, " Friday, August 2=CI$CASaIAt1 , , . !. F iday, ss Thltasday, ,a, ...s PARISIAN, ... Thursday, ah poL.YNISI 1,N, , a +a September Friday, a ,.:v4:�Ill'ITt trIA IEIN.. Tltursdaay, , he 29 ....... SARDINIAN .. 46 <a Friday September 6. , ,.... a L' I 1 ' ASS1AN .. , , Friday, is Thfirsdny: " 1l PARISIAN..N 'h rs av Qctob a;. 19,,,...„ rpl,.'1Nl',SIAN, ii as r 10 16 23 6 14 20 27 11 19 25 1. 15 23 29 5 - Eyes front, WZOIC, MARC 1 W. SQUTHCOTT'S 01othing' anal Gents Fur a nr ci norm. Ex.ETE+R, - - ONTARIO. Some of the finest goods that can: be secured, are arriving every day. GENTS' FURNISHINGS IN THE LATEST ST't,Es. AT RIGHT PRICES.. A CALL SOLICITED, IR SOU TROD T, • Corner Main and John Street, EXETER, ON ARI 19 • IARKE UARE �31 RA ES OF PASSAGE BY NAIL STEAMERS. 4c+atraauGnc,aP30 1. a,lacegoglina #o ceemmQlation, d6 orvents in Cabin, *50. Inter- nS.teciat , �Fa^c,$i4 setar1Tickets, Caku,S ,LISOo ala). 4aPond�tbi u, 64 io tQ , *Bs !rcaSxIanor other attrh�i a e ,. Cabin, r ,S AMAA $10, accarein oa camr a - tion, Second Cabin, so. Steerage, $:l i,;Qtuxaa tickets, $O+d, sue, and $lsQ, Intermediate, ,edo. Steerage.. $10. i,�T he CAR UAGEXIAN will net carry 'Passengers from this side. There will be, no Steamer surac$ie asscn ere trona Quebec May 314,Ial sth August 9th, September 13tb.Yassougera an sil from 3tontreal JOHN SPACTAN, the only authorized agent .for Exeter, Out, Look before AND BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR, Building Hardware, Binding Twine, Harvest Tools, OR ANYHING STOVES or TINWARE, Call and see BISSETT BROS.' large stock and get prices. TURNIP and other f"ietd seeds a specialty. Cash paid for Eggs, Hides, Skins, and other farad produce. BISSE": T BROS. UALITY W THE THE TEST OF CREaPrrEss. J. H. NORTHCOTT -o-I NOW O1i ifERING--o---- BREA NS, CAKES Etc., ca -1 TI=2E3= S Of Every Description :.n n ade to Order. J. H. ,Northcott, ONE DOOR NORTH OF FANSON'S BLOCK. Main -street - - Exeter. THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT _--TXpF:__ from which this paper is printed was supplied by the Twunin TYPE mitirnRv Dealers in Type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies. J. T. 'JOHNSTON, SO & 82 Wellington St. west TORONTO, ONT. GENERAL STORE The undersigned would inform the Public that he has just received his F w SUMMER ha STOOK, C INCLUDING A FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS BATS AND CAPS, AND CROCK- ERY, ROOTS AND SHOES. Thom wishing anything in my line will .find it to their advent gle to call and inspect 4 dig. tgoods and prices. iM!c my�,Ih . Cca, Best Boiler 1'Io111' ne1war15 011 basad. Highest Price paid • for 'Rutter and Eggs, and all hind of Produce, J. P. ROSS (10.22-'88.) C. MAME: MOO TEL Up stairs, over H. Spackman': Hardware.Store. He has in stock some of the finest summer goods to be found on the market. A CALL S C LICIED. J. G. SMALLACOMBE. London Huron & Bruce Railway GOING Nowrii--TINE T uiLn-Pass'lhr. London, dep in -.805 A. 3I.. 4,25 r. et. Lucan Crossing...8.47 , ..... 5.20 Clandeboye .8.52. , . 5.28 Centralia .........9.05 5.45 EXETER.... .... .9.16 5.57 Hensall.... 928 6.09 Kippen 9.34 6.17 Brucefield ..... .. 9.42 6.26 Clinton. 10.00 ... 6.45 Londesboro' 10.19....... 7.03 Bl'§tih .10.28 7.12 Belgrave.... ... .10.42 . 7.27 Wingham .11.00 7.45 GOING SOUTH. Passenger. Wingham ........ 7.05 A.M8.40 pm. Belgrave ........ 7.24 Blyth.. .... , .. , .. 7.38 Londesboro' 7.47 Clinton..... . 8.07 Brumfield- 8.26 Kipper 8.34 Hensall.... 8.41 EXETER8.56 Centralia .... 9.07 ...... 5.45 Clandeboye 9.18 5.56 Lucan Crossing.. 924 6.02 London, arrive ...10.15 6.45 4.00 4.15 4.25 4.45 5.04 5.12 5.19 5.33 FOR SAVE_ Farmers, Gardeners and IFlorists, • A fair sized brick cottage containing dining -room, sitting -room, 3 -bedrooms, en- trance hall, with two good cellars under- neath, large kitchen 14x20 feet, with wood- shed attached, two large greenhouses, small stable, good well of water; with 114 acres of land, all well fenced 'arid in fair condition. This property is within five minutes' walk of the Exeter post office. The land will be soldon easy terms. Apply to A. ALLEN, Exeter, Ont. April 11, 6 m. CLQTHIIITG A. J. SNELL, raiz, st,r EXETER, T ONTARIO, U1111fasuinsiMER IN THE FOLLOWING LINESS s. West of England Suitings anti Trolls cringe.; Scotch Tweed SuitingS and Trouser- ing:. French and English Worsted. Cloths An spade lip the Latest e, at best Rates, , SNELL. MEDICAL. THE CELEBRATED DR. LE CARRON, .OP PARIS, FRANCE, HAS ESTABLISHED AN AGENCY IN TORONTO FOR THE SALE OF HIS MEDICINES, 'WHICH AJ1E A POS- ITIVE CURE FOR ALL CHRONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES OFLONG STANDING, ALSO YOUTHI JLINDISCRE ION,EAR,LY DECAY, ETC., SHOULD' WRITE FOR IN- FORMATION. CORRESPONDENCE CON- FIDENTIAL. AnnnEss ALL LETTERS 't THE E. 13. CRANE AGnycv, CAMERON PLACE, - - TORONTO. L. H. Dickson's L■It:to for I,ot No 22 int tones . o s o o a oaf town the 1 i n the t w a ably ofHibbert,coutlainiug 10 acres. Thi ; farm will be sold ehan% ea.)1, and on easy ter The farm is situated inaday between l+eaforta anti Hamblin, on the Huron (ir:,.vei 1ioa,i. (lunch and School within leVo yards of f iris. Soil the best. la the county. A number of Exeter village i+ro rerties for sale on the best of terms.iuelanling soanv of the moat tioArai,le re'kle'nees In town. Some prorertyin the villa ,ge8 of Centralia aint r+laahar, whieh eau Lo tough; cheap. To Bearding Hona#tx keepers -On coaxpla- tia,n. of Verity's Fonntlr. it,; calculated that fr+hua 1st o l additional t _ a lataoaeetl lauds are to to 4hXi• alo�•ed. A. House to let, ata small >n - ble o(ahceomodating 8 to 10 h o ►r.h.'r , About five minutes walk from the foundry, Forfurther particulars apply to IA H. DICKSON, Mardi 7t11. 1a . Marxist% Exeter. S. GIDLEY. HE LEADING fete AND 4 Furniture Dealer OF HE TOWN I have an immense Stook of Furniture and Undertaking, Goods now on hand, which I: will ill at right iirices. UNDERTAKIH1 A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. S. GIDLEY. Central Shaving Shaving Parlor EXETER, Ontario. 3 2& �3�,+stgs, PRO PRIEOR. Every Attention paid to Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting. A GEN FOR HE TROY LAUNDRYI ,�. 3-astings. Exeter Pkolo Studio. Why is it that , in other towns and surrounding country they speak so highly of the photo- graphs that are taken in Exeter.. And how is it that there are so many photos sent into the different cities of Ontario from EXETER PHOTO GALLERY Because Senior's work is as good. if not better than any of the leading galleries in the cities and their prices are $4 and $5 per doz., while they get them at Senior's for .x$3.00.