HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-9-19, Page 8LADIES --Don't forget the READ MAKER'S 0 dates of 'the Gravid pit h* "Xla. ..151 .' ery Opening at James Picl.- . NEVER FAILS To OWE SATtsrenlelt arc's, from Tuesday, Sept. FOR SALE By ALL DEALER% 24 to Saturday, Sept. 2Sth, James Pickard, The Fall Exhibition of the Stephen & Usborne Agricultural Society will be held here ou Monday and, Tuesday nest best Sept. 23rd ;unci 24th, It is to. be, hotted fair the that the people of this section will put Hastings tale barber, chaunes Ills forth every effort to make the show a `ad' in This issue, grand success, Everybody can assist in ex Mr. Wm. Folland is getting lois horse t ilug ute v k pbrieeinathe sho ba and Iidnterlesting in shape for the Fair" people in distant sections, ooa . e z's.t refit. ltaii';linl„^s, Omits artiuettte teeth. A large quantity of hark loaves the Exeter station daisy. We have just received direct from Quite a heatvy hailstorm passed over the inanuf ieturers ie England (via S. this section, say h i S. Adriatic) all the most fashionable ReadCarling-chine things iuLadies'waHung Coe tS,Ulsters, n a e or adver- Paletols and Dolmans. Those goods tisment in another column. aro made expressly for our trade :and Read the advertisement of F. Gidley, fit beautifully, We guarantee their which appears tat this issue, wenn, and the prices ore correct at Don't forget Brawn's sale of falrnit- Richard Pickard's. ure, Tuesday. See posters. Every west: we receive by mail it Mr. Thos. Prier shipped a earloaad of eons for publication not accompanied cattle to Montreal eau Monday. , b4 the name of the .se nder, and they Do roti want a horse? Attend are consigned to the waste biskE.t. We positivel Bratsn'sB tikrnpt Sale, See posters. we trill not insert items than Lon e Tables an we do not know the author of. We g sr a and Bedroom suites, wish our readers. would b au bigthe u 1 err this in at -Sale; . a t, range1 , la,air Day -mind, mind, We aro glad ad to ,get notes, btiG lv,�, Iain. cl la a ala,, popular , pap i ,aa ,,rRcea•, has we want to know who furni9lai?sit. change, of advertisinent this issue Read x,•11 those requiring -1x,1[. Mllen> 3,Iteattdt*t,b�f►Id'til7t,asiaFh ems" for the Fall Fair will asPeeitalt •. (Mee over o'Neill's linuilt r. I �e12 to 1Ba`ar 8 titeiia o>•itiex S 1Xxertcr. the ADVOCATE Office. O , Read Richard Pickard's ch•tng;e oaf 1ro)Gl� lfi �11'St e111Ss sal, eve ndvertisnent in this issue; it will reg z'2spect. Leave your orde pay you. Early. Dir_, H. Wiliam ai, rt of Dashwood, i shippeds a1', al oddter, St. . i, rLateen, Str;athr a carload of sheep to the eastern mark- � and base Cr I i' are ave eachproud d . ets yesterday, Drop in and buy a nice bit of furnit• idled that they can "down" the otll ore at Brawn's Il: ukrupt Sale, on 1"air lr o siz i est that they "greet on neat do at 11I sick list,—Mr. J. Kennedy, of ()rang e - sine, with Gale Harrow Co., spent Sun- day with friends here. We are always glad to see you Jake, --Messrs. George Baker, Rout, Smele and Ed, Sanders visited Dashwood on Sunday. They were paying attention to their best girls,,• --Mr, Geo. Yes, of Brantford, once a resident of this place, spent Monday evening in tewu, Mr. Frank Gordon, of Luck;low, sen of Mr. James. Gordon, butcher of that place, once .a resident of this place is ;igen), in our midst for a few days --Mr, Jas. Creech, our town constable is off from duty at present owing to a sick 'spell, --Mr, Bert Knight, who :has been visiting friends in St, Thomas for the past two weekayetu,tniedonSaturday—Mr Chas Knight, of St. Thomas, spent Sunday in town, -.-Mrs, Wm. Dunsford left for Toronto on Monday to attend the In- dustrial Evluibition,—fiev, Col. Fletcher left an Monday for Toronto to attend the Exhibition. --Mr. R II, Collins, Bar. rister, returned from Toronto on Tues. day, --Messrs, Joseph Senior and lint, Sanders took in the Toronto Fair last week.—Mr. L. II, Billings left on Tues- day for Oshawa, He was called thith- er on account of the illness of his father.—Mr. lam, H. Dickson left on Mon- day evening to take in Toronto Fein. --Mr, and Mrs. William Verity went to Toronto on Monclaay morning' to take in the Exhibition.—Mrs, J. Gillespie and sister left on Tuesday morning for .Detroit Mr, George Sanders leaves to day for Detroit to attend, the grand •. ibis o I';�ht;i n in tlari '• t Gt t —M l:J. r, l Me- ry Roberts, of Parkhill, is •with us again. rs Last year he purchased gratin on the market here for Mr, W. H. Hutehins, of I.ull.hall n cengaged n t will be on a cc"1 in: the 4f same pursuit this year. Glatt to wet- sat, cone you back "tllack,"---Mr. Welling- Mlle ton Johns returned from visiting no friends in Michigan on Tuesday eve- Day. See pesters, ground sot Parkhill some day and s Mr.JamesOke shipped irate this std- i tie the chempionship in a tourname bort :t carload of hoespots NI l' io Tht'prare Innnev foie slteh ata eve Montreal marketa, " would be verylarge."- Parkhill , effe. et- nine.—Miss 0, Thompson, of Ad re, is the guest of Miss Ethel Lovett,•-�Mr, nt, Eduard Prost, who has been in Port alt , rra- Huron, •;thein. for the past year, has re- turned and will be employed by ?air, ;ut `E• H-1 ish,---.Mrs, John lkawe leaves this. •s dot l Ta a u tnorntni, for Iat�.s,tio.�-- x- Miss Maabel'Hersey returned front vis- au‘'; is- od , itiug friewls its Loudon on Tuesday orhe ' Commercial Hotel, ,stl" hase, of t slaeuta coupleof ,u4 days tat Seafortli this eek.tylie in - d tends taking in the Detroit Fair this week.—lir. George Bowden and David '4' Tait, our famed curve pitcher, left yesterday morning for Detroit.. They ct intend visiting the great Exhibition.--- to Mr, Samuel Rundle and wife left fo g, r , Detroit yesterday morning. ---Mr, Wm. is- Gould, who his been spending his vo- x- cation with. friends and relatives here, returned to Oshawa yesterday -morn- ings—Miss Bella Acheson left yesterday morning for Toronto, where she will rentlain for a few slays,—Mr...tiF m. Tapp is home from Scaforth, and ,is ou the sick list, -.Mr. Fred Moore,, tvh� has been in the employ of Mr. Ed, ,fish for some time Past,leaaves to-itag for Blyth. Fred leaves the barbering• business to study for,the ministry-. He is a ster- ling young man and we hope tae may. succeed.—;hiss Lizzie Verity* left on Tuesday for Toronto.—Mr. A. Bishop, ef.'le P., is attending the Toronto Ex- hibition this week, -Mr. H. Lovett and family are in. Toronto attending the exhibition. --Mr. Robert .hicks, the jew- eler, is spending n few days in Toronto this week.—Rev. W. M. Stettin left on Monday for British Columbia. }Ie will be accompanied by his brother, who resides at Mount Forest.—Mr. Alex, Dow is visiting friends in Mount Morris, Mich. --Mr. R. Gidley, Miss Mary Gidley and Miss Fanny Pinch are attending the Toronto Fair.—Mrs. S. Gidley is visiting friends in Toronto.—Mr. Jas. Hodgson of Usborne, is visiting his mother at -Myrtle. Ont.—Mr. F. Ander- son left yesterday for Brussels to:play baseball with Brussels against the Guelph club.—Mr. Johnston, butcher, left yesterday for Watford . where'. he' will remain for a few days.—Mrs. Jas. Fairbairn is visiting her friends in Detroit.—Mr. McDonald, of Usborne, is visiting friends at Inwood,Ont.-Miss H. McLaren, of Staffa, was visiting friends in town on Friday last.— About ten morals of wocul to tae saidp ii e are very leaded to learn flu be . action Fain Day at Br.:tarns taunt - D1r,.Alex McPherson, our practical to rubs Sale; See posters. iderwist, met with, exceedingly g. Mr. W. Ir. Ifutehaus of Parkhill, ship- success at the Provincial fair held o Tied a e:arloed of butter Irani this gat- London, hay taking; there some four ion to Ilaalifax on Wednesday. live. cases of stuffed ;animals and bir We unuda�rs.:and that our ericket elute' for exhihitiou for thiel he reeeiv will play a ;much with Parkhill on the two first prizes and two seconds. 'll grounds of the hatter, week after next.are satisfied as a taxidermist Mr. Messrs. rl . I% Verity & on will ship cannot be beat. as carload of ploughs to Manitoba some Some one makes a note of the fa time during the latter part of this that the nine in our date has come week. stay. No man or woman now ilii, liessrs, weed and I3;allentvne, sill will ever date a document without ed 4 earionds of fine cattle` from this ing, a nine. It new stands at the e treme right,1SBJ. :Mixt year it will move up a peg -®1880--- and there it stay for ten yeaars. It will ,then move uptothe i third place,-1900—and rest there for 100 y cars. On Friday evening* last while Mr, Wln. Folland, together with two of the fair sex, were driving; down Main street at a1 live!,• rale had the misfor- tune to collide into a passing lumber wagon. No damage done except seam- ing the young +idles. When driving with young; ladies Will, do not get so interested in their conversation as to neglect your driving faculties. What might have been a serious ac- cident befcl Mr, Alfred Taylor while engaged in pressing hay for Mr. Jas, Oke on the farm of Mr. Frank Abbott, of Biddulph, on Saturday last, It ap- pears he was tramping lay into the press whenthe leaver came up a little before he expected it, caught . his loft foot and squeezed it badly, which, no doubt. will render him unable to work for several days. station on Friday last for Montreal mar ket. Half a dozen Tatpestry covered Lounges included In Brawn's Furnit- ure Stock. Don't forget the dtty of sale, Fan Day, 10 a. m. See posters. Mr. Willlitani Ready, of Stephen, shot latgc coon one evening last !reek, which weighed thirty fivepounds. One gallon of oil was extracted from It. Several thousand feet of Lumber, Elm, Basswood, Cherry, Walnut, and maple to be sold by Auction at Brawn's Bankrupt Sale next Tuesday. (Fair Day). See posters. We are making a specialty of Gents' Furnishing a and Tailoring this season and aro showing the nobbiest things to be had in imported Suitings, Over coatings and Trouserings, at Richard Pickard's, On Friday evening last a horse be- longing to Mr. Henry Rundle, of 8rd con. of Usborne,while standing in front of the foundry took fright, ran away and smashing the buggy to fragments The 'Parkhill Gazette of last week. Just receired at Richard Pickard's a says:—"The revivals care still drawing large consignment of boys' and youths' itnmence crowds every night. Last ready made suits, bought at a great Sunday evening there were over 900 reduction. We are offering them at people in attendance at the Methodist big bargains. Call and see them at church. The nu,nber of converts is ,Richard. Pickard's. reaching large proportions. An espeei ally pleasing feature of these services is the fact that so many vigorous young men of the town are giving their heart to god. Messrs. Crossley & Hunter will continue the meeting all this week and a tart of next." LADIES. ---Grand Millin- ery Opening, conunencing on Tuesday, September 24, and continue until the 2S, at the 011. Established House. James Pickard. By a recent regulation of the Edu- cational Department only the following will be permitted to write for a second- class non-professional certicfiatein 1890 Those who have obtained a third-class certificate, and those who made one- half of the total number of marks and failed in one or more subjects. We take great pleasure in inviting the ladies of Exeter and vicinity to inspect our display of Millinery land Mantles on Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 23rd and 24th. Do not fail to see them as we have something splendid to show you at Richard Pickard's. Lieut. Major, Levi Colosky, , of Dash wood, was hear here on Monday dress- ed in hill military suit. He was here making arrangements to go to war at once. He was put through his facings by a number to prove his efficiency- in the art, which he accomplished with ease. LADIES. --To the Ladies of Exeter and surrounding. You are cordially invited to inspect our Grand Display of Millinery, cozxanencing onTuesday , September 24, to September 2Sth. James Pickard. 'We are pleased to learn that Mr. Alex Robinson and fr. Robt Le:ithorn have landed safely' in the old country. whither they went., some four or five weeks ago. Tliey intend visiting dif- ferent parts. Mr. Robinson intend Nfis- iting the friends of Mr. Ed. Dyer of this Place, who live in Devonshire before be goes to 'Chelsea, Hospital. Mr. Robin- son wishessto be remembered to all his friends in Exeter.. The following Huronites were win- ners in the Montreal Witness prize com petition. The following; was the prize winner for the county:—Robt Baird, Clinton. Those who took school prizes were:—Alex. McLeod, Albert E. Jervis, Clinton; John. Simpson, Whitechurch; Miss Jessie A. Gibson, Wroxter; Wi'lie T. Gardner, Lucknow; Wm. Howell, el; David S. Scott, Belgrave; H. J. D. Naftel, Goderich; Miss Priscilla May Aldrich, Newbridge; Miss Bessie Low- ell, Turnberry; Joseph Foster, Varna; Norman Bailie, Nile; Miss Alice Bell, Hensall; Miss Mary J.. Henderson, Salt ford. The competition was conducted by the iF'itness managers in a fair and impartial manner. rersonaib. Mr. R. Elliot, of the 1lfolsons Bank, Toronto, and Richard Farmer, of this place took in the Bend, ou a shooting expedition, two days last week and re- turned with a well filled bag of ,game,. —Mr. H.'Bee, of this place, is at pre- sent cnga ;ed in grain buying at Park- hill, for Mr. E. Stiouits.—Mrs. S. Sanders is visiting friends at Hespeler.—Miss Carrie Drew, who has, been -.visiting friends in Florence and London, return ed on Thursday lase -kir. H. McIntosh is suffering from an injured hand.,,; Mr. Robert >• Tye, of I3ai s+i n lie, N. S., spent a few days in town last week. — Mr. Isaac Carling jr...left for Toronto on Monday morning. -Mr, and Mrs.' Reginald Elliot, of Molsons Bank, To rento, who have ;been Visiting friends: and relatives for a a few weeks,eturn edhome on Monday morning. -Miss Amelia Sanders who has been visiting 11 g friends lir Kincardine for the past four weeks, -returned hoi'ne on Monday olld'Xeve- ning ,y last.-Mr. John Gillespie is on the Property Changes. Mr. Thomas Shute, of Usborne, has purchased the residence of Mr. Richard Handford, paying therefore the sum of $800. Mr. Thomas Heaman has also putchased the Marshall Pollock resid- ence on John street, paying therefore the slam of $725.00 Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of -s n e strength wholesomeness, s Afore purity, , t; hand whop , oro economical. than the ordinary kinds, and cannot. be sold in'competition with the multitude of low test, shot weight'alatm'or phosphate powders, Sold only in cans' korai, EAKING Po Co.,108'i'xllSt, XV' RICHARD PICKARD'S ALL ANNOUNCE: ENT, Wej&veopt o � ffai 11 stoop of Googs mous us toot 1�ristrictlyfor A ���\\\\\\ rr a rrrllllll In Dress Goods and Trimmings �e are ��o �h� largest and most taking ranges eyer displayed ' in tom. r Our Millinery Opening will take T. place on Monday and Tuesda y,g September 23rd and 24th, when we will make a display of1 HATS, BONNETS and MANTLES surpassing anything of the kind ever before seen in Exeter, J Q L'i r Ci-erlts' - contains all the latest novelties, We have just re celvedalarge consignment of' ImportedSuitings, Overcoatings and Trouse1ngs, among which will be found goods to please every- body ee a perfect fit and satisfaction in every respet in makin11. these goodswea'llal �lil,t Richard HENRY WELLS, Brewer aqd jilaisier GODERICH, 3iANUF4CTfIRER OF Wolfs' OIefir1etE �e aid PORTER. XXX porter a Specialty. NOTIOE. A Fresh and New Stock of rr.00UiieCoteot!ort JUST ARRIVED AT THE Family :-w Grocery. Also Pure EXTRACTS I and SPICES. A beautiful piece of' glass- ware given away with 1.1b of Mayell's Baking Powder. Dashwood. Roller Flour For Sale. Call and examine our goods purchasingbefore elsewhere. D. A. HYNDMAN{ )ltvi QQT & KO W. H. Trott wishes to announce that he has opened out business in the stand recently occupied by the ADVOCATE, and is pre- pared to manufacture first- class BOOTS & SHOEs for all customers. A CALL SOLICITED. Our motto is good: work and square dealings..: W. H. TROTT. WEAK MEN and WOMEN elm quickly cure them- selves of Wasting Vitality, Lost Manhood, from youthful errors, etc., gtti tly at home. Book on sit prlvate diseases .sent free (sealed). Perfectly reliable. Over 30 years' experience. Address GILDDD PILL CO., TORONTO, Canada. LADIES oor' Band for Women" 1. ufe and dwa,a tellable ;. bettor t on Ergot, OxIdo, Tansr or Pennyroyal PUU. Insures regularity. Bend for particular,. Address GIZ DED Pile CO., TORONTO, Candia. BEARDS FORCED on smoothest faces. hale on bat est heeds.in so to ire days. Eagle. Latest and greatest acbterement of modus selenee 1 Moot won• dertnl direovery of the ego. Like nn acts r prep cloys withwhisker, euro. almost sntantaneone in action t. Boas with gelawhito rs l Bald heads "bsirad r e in market. e t.atnd certain but t oaiihetmthl. Onlyalef genes article in d. Price and cert tle t, throebetties for ELotlon, Guaranteed. Price El ubottle,. or throe bottles for 32 Eachbottls lasts one month, Addrd,R A. DIXON, iloz ,905, TO11,iNTO, CANADA. RUNE III I 6 II6NI I' S P6EPI IT O 8165. SUPERFLUOUS NAIR ",,=1:13,..11 that wet remora Rotierlinooa halt without injury to the sk'ia.arr►aiad. Pnce.BL PIMPLES AND BLACKHEADS "l'man°"`i"` rtment, in from letoladayr. Warranted. Prlwloreedays lre■tment, {L ANt1•CORPULENCE PILLS for `bete {aeapae wht i emboa. p�oola� le&*ostterofeolfeitndo Kbether became 1t G incom. to,�,,a�bbte or' nnfa6hionsble.4I!r VOLES o " ANTI.CORPULENCE P ILLS" lore ]a IDamort h� eau no eiebnes.•contain Nihon,no 4on, and never fail. Prtefox .oa aioa,[ etreatment, 39, or three mdntbs medicine, {4, wag _ rte. aur tax Iv C A re— OIYN!L6:XION WAFERS ABBP nmun Bleseh sue iiti the form. Iiarmtese. Permau . in effect. Witnictid. leer gal a bor. or sitiiores for µ *Mimes Mrn DAZIE MCCANN 2,5 mtng'Btrtet West Toronto A Fortu Fir fflI. It is Said that every person has ;t (Immo once in their lifetime to r.rtke a fortune, and if they ztRow that time to pass may ;lever have the. opportunity again. THAT TIME HAS COME. Ton eau depend upon it that everybody purt'hasing their goods at .Parkinson's staves money. by doing so will soon make their fortune. His prices are alio:,•s down. lits are not asked high prices to make up losses, for debts contracted by bad etlstomers; don't ou see there is thousands in it. 1' arki,ason's Stool: is new and Consists of Dry -Goods, Groceries, Croekery, Glass- ware, Tweeds, Boots and Shoes, in fact everything- usually Rpt in a first•class General Siete. See his Black and Colored cd Cashinmms from 25 ets, up. Voir can get the cheapest all wool stilt in Exeter made to order .was P.. RICII\T'S©N'S, Make no mistake. Consult .'our orw'n 111tCI"@ � 8t6 and l examine his stock before making your purchases elsewhere and you will soon save enough for a fortune. You can do better at the Cheap Gash Store than anyother' n Exeter. Highest market priceplace illo• allowed tad for farm produce at PARKINSON'S, First door north of the Town Hall, Exeter. 0". 1=5axkirsson.. Of course you drink tea. Then you must be interested in tea to the extent of desiring to get genuine article, so little is genuine you know! The heathen Chinese are wonderful adulterators and what the heathen doesn't adulterate "M4 Bean Man" does. We make a specialty- of pure goods, and if there is anything we do ride ourselves on it is SeIHg a Pure ffnaau1tratea Tea. We have spent a good Ileal of time and spared no expense to be able to oi%r our customers an; article whose genuineness would be undoubt- ed. We have it in the various growths that•are. known for pure and delicate flavors. GETA.DRAA, ING FREE. Anyone who does not know what our teas are is welcome to come tg our store and get a trial drawing --dust enough to enable you to test its quality. Do not forget that we have as large if not the largest t steek of groceries in town and all A 1 goods. Our motto is "Everythingy� everything thin a person can want and g pure. Butter and Eggs _ - �>� taken ,a�ken' in exchange, Butter, 14; Eggs, 15 cts I f ® �6 are 6 tri need e e d o'� cash at any et1rn we i be sed t pleased Q accom n'i' Od . t �e CARLING BROS.'