HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-9-19, Page 7lasamomPlasnalligilisul""11.1111.1"
ing flannels. Arid it need no be suppoeed
that flanuel garreente lenet be ugly gem,
They Will bear A greet deal of ornameotation
if the maker of them feel so disposea. TheY
Perils of Overfeeding.
ExcestIve eating ia net the most striking
or tbe meet widely prevalent fault of the
present; generetion. • QS, the contrary, mod-
eration Ana even sometimes undue limit*.
tion in diot thepteveiling fashion. There
it still, however, a ooesiderable ioumber of
Person% who babituelly evereatat meals,
and hi /pooh a, few phytiolegical hints may
not be witheut tlaeir value. Dr. Rend=
kas been at elle palas to make some careful
inveetigstions on the sAtjeot, and ids remit*
have recently been peaniebed. AceordIng
aim ahaped prettily, and eau be embroid,
erea either with silk or that dm thread sir. Danae notee are a. nemesity with, me.-
known m fionrishieg cottoe, aietr let them fOreelici World.
be merle ratiorialtv. What grown rill Man or Rev. Prinirose-"You have & Yell: hind
woman woolo go *boot with bare frge, * 'too, father, little boy, I heard hire say it weer*
and neek And, ii Woven PeOPI0 N-04,410, 0.0b simille to Vinleh children," Little( Jabot:no
Wear this kind Of drosai.whyshOnld we moire -"Re oal lova that when ma does the
young children odopt tt io e, tali° Of 11010314.! —4,ZP0Qh•
WIT AND NMI) 0.14.
Cemmitteeinan-Befere engagivg you tor
our postorate we World like to know if you
elm preaeh withoet notes, Pastor -le 0,
horbarisili- • fieOattae the 4114'0 arms are First Shopping Taady-Wee.that a, clerk o'
pretty, no account *talon tee to hOW it May, the py00,0or we traded, with? Second Shop
suffer here. this *hinted vanity. Eve*: WOMOD, pero-A olerk. certainly'. Didn't you notice
who go to parties with their teas Mod he arda "
to tbia observer, a not el:mom/nut beam tbinandthet line of goalie
ehoulders bare hove some mop to tbr.otv The proprietors alwriag say "W0,".-,9010110
nuence of overfeealog le the develop/neat 0 round them when oconing away, u
b e
series of syraptogol to mow els/Oases Am. Ten ran from rOOM t0 the other in eilid
weather wizen th
he ouse ia not heated they
gio Feeligree.--Roglialemare (to otranger-
NXQUIM Me, sir,but aren't you foreigner ?
Stranger-o-Pereigner I No, air, l'or. an
Amelia= pure and eitnple, Rogliehtuan,
Ala 1 and. what tribe do arm inking ta,
pleatei-plexper'o Baser.
ilex to those of tepheid fever. The tempera-
ture rises, there se a feMing of serious illneso,
the sleep is diaturbed, the brain locopaci-
toted, and In Severe emits t•he ditedillita is
eemplete. The cause of tioese symptoms is
insufficient eliminotion and an alteration in
the blood brought about by the impregnetion
a the organiam ociannoulaten vemte
products, In addition to them typhoid
symptom tbrombraelt troser in the veseele,
and weal) iii known aciepontaneous gaegrene,
or Modification of ports without ouy obvious
or eutecient cense. Now, tileee are oendi.
tame of very rearke4 danger, prrtleulArly
the thrOMboSee and the sponteneoes
gangrene. There is &auger to life
hero. The obvious remedy for ouch a
eerlea evil is, of coorse, rot for the over-
worked digeating an. eliminating organs,
Both the quantity end the cittelity of the
foarl must be SR Cheesed ea to admit Of thn
performeato at orioy digettion, perfeot aa.
ohnilation and odequate eliminotiou of
run 9[0 On the hall door stein with, their
throeta and chalets exposed to the cold, and
what wonder when illness follevia,--aThe
alliSing and Swearing.
The great Diptist preacher, Elder Knapp,
remembered by many of to -day, yeera ago
portrayed vividly. in his charaoteristle oro -
tory, opine of the great eine. One sermon -
wee remarkable, in whioli he Idetlired
scone at the vestibule of hell, the arclo5end
in Adam:lance gaestioniog some arrive -to ae to
the particular OriMa Or OriteeS that had
brought them to his awful kingdom. One
augment(' t "I killed a MEM when I was
"O b through there," sad Sete% "We
crowded, yet room enough."
Another answering, ooI4, robed
book Ana thou oat it en lice to ovoid demo.
"Well. you ntey have needed money for
Your 1 amfty ; but go right Aced, there Is e
place for you hero."
Warattla filld Oleauliness for the Aged,
Worenth is very important far tho aged ;
0 OSUre tette ehills should be ecropulonoly
Sold another_, 0114111v4 mettablioloW
when angered by- bar lutermerldliog."
" Tarr, to *4140 ; you might bow) been
avoided. Bronebitio is the malady moot to eorei5,
bo loved, and Its ottocito are very easily who seat reepouaed. meaty, it a euty
provoked. Reny old People soffor from need to swear."
more or len QQQ811 during the vitute The Datil at MUM SboWed hi anger, corn
month*, and this symptom may recur yeAar monding love to heat the torrid eeotion
ttor year, and be mammal unheeded. ..at hotter. Torniog to thoo wearer, he eeid
st, yerhapo * few roinutee' exposure to a "You seem to regard spleados as oztly
°°14 Vilna /33ereaSe° th° irrti3"49° tho Mall matter, YOU, forget your month was
lunge, the mink becomeo worse, and tbe nov34111;0 unto the Goa tell° madeyour 'body
difficulty of breathing increaoos until suffo- „na eeui ; you have befoniedit, vettliont the
cation tercet:name lade:loth. To Owlets, such ,dightoat cocoa/ion, teropt%tieo eny rove,
risk the alcht ehoula be carefully protected cation, too who 3aseo the world with -
by Warta flatUiel OlOtb,01, tbo cot 000r them. *toed an ma snureakeuts and immolates",
mometer oltool(t be ifotiood and winter but eh000 to suffer %Qua and
gement% *bow AhroYA b.; all bend. 1:_,u dylog upon the coax to sieve yam go lett
0o1d weather the luukle Alma vrotecit—, et **remand so oasIIy obeyed, and you would
breathil through the uoso eto much an not, iron .not tot enough for now.
1111`" "3111" "ex" 'Um mil The ter°. third ooramonderient prevail's unblothlogly
3401s,—"g".bel.. X AM ashomed of you.
saw thet Frenchman in the conservatory
ittsidog you repeatedly,. Why didn't you
tell him to stop?" Ethel- 441. couldn't,
4'40/r.4-aek--4T04 000ldrot Why not?"
Oriusl,,—"I Can e speak Frenott."-[Judge.
Wife -"]he twentieth of rearliori we
viva oeletrate eat Alyce wadding. Don't
you think we ought to hill the fat nig ana
have u. fealib liadand-PROI the pig?
I don't soo how the unfortunate animal is to
blame for what happened twenty-five years
Pc'silible• " by wil'ilbic ° lit Wa°144k or it ill A netilielahle rant dot) violation of the
Pereture 01 the lAtirVI eed bed ,80041., 111 on the) port of many whom esultivotIon ap,
*nether row oroueu r°°1°14°1 "t°21"°°' parontly is scooted, in cities where galleries)
Some Old wool* pride 4,, ernooto" on u.„t Mil 0v,_58 oi Art, ochoola, (*Bogen mut public libteelea
requiring a fire in thaw 1004r0013411k Aob000di some in taw* al leo euttirAted
b, 'mewl"? 6 4457 05 or
,ex01341380. 14 aorrountliugs ourtfint and swearing fo not
tempormura Or ISO Or 4U negreee VW hood. Among tho liegroee oi the senthern
ono 15 or 20 &Wert lower), As a 8011°114 StAteo, in their days of slavery, they rare.
rula, for parson' faxty-five years of ago and ly, If ever, italtated the Maul WO*, nor yeb
upward, the ternporathre of tbo bodroo, In as freed MOU beNS thee, adopted it. Supersti-
ohould not ba below 60 degrees, and woofs. times they may be -though tido Into been
there era 'symptom' of bronobitio It ebouid greatly exaggerated -hut they ars not
bo robed 6 to 10 degrees higher. Cerefal ougatore oi God% third oonnnondroent.
olomming of tbo akin la the loot point which
=Nieto be mentioned In an article like the 111••••••••...................=1..........
preempt. Attention to Meaulinees le deal& What la a Lire?
adly conducive to loogovity, and we may A curlews point of law, bearlog upon the
congratulate ourselves on tho general ira. responsibility of inourovicto oompoolo4 hos
provemene in our habits In this reo3)eut4 jest boon decided in the Perla IOW courts
Frequent washing wItio warm 'rotor 15 vory (Fifth Chamber of the Civil Tribrartel of the
advantage= for old people, In wham the Sie))at tho suit of the writes* Biliz Jamas
akin is onl too ant to beemne hard and
7 the TrillOrt VICO Insurance companies roust
dry ; and t e loom b Will be inotemea If the idomay ou /ones :whined maen matirea
coarse aminel or linen gloves, or with, 881traction of ptornitos hos been canoed by con.
ago,- •
-ger father. -Stern VOIOQ (from #tet
ing. .totop, ig 10 p. 14 Alice
istlitlY)-..;"Yesto• Po." Voice (withthreeiten,
OS ring ha 101,-,°Plles that young mon in
the lieriOr tehla VA or ooffeolor brooki
("Door" to -and be was gone 0-goondon
FOoola '
Rural Simplicity. oo;Mro, Vrban-0 Sco
here, Ittletioue), those bens Ton oold MO lent
IMMO! IlIeVen't laid an egg ;doge X bought
tboro,° Ituationoo-0Wby, Marrn, the'
01040 SeaSefl. for he011•in thio State. Iles ogle
tho low for .beros to ley Moro the .fewt of
Septe_mbor."-o[Lowoll Clamor, •
Ceoodo. (in grad wroth, to jobte Bull)*
Why don't you briny= ironoleds over both
and teaoh these Impudeut 'Yankees a /0000
John Ball -Sit down, child, sit dem). I can't
afoul to quarrel with them. Got too new*
money invested in their blowoted country. -
(Chirlogo Triboro.
Jimmy Froohmen (Mopping in front of the
now liOighher, and gagillg intently e/t
%IWO I, a breve boy, bin. Spholaila Mrs.
Spioko-"W127 41rennyo-.0 'Comm, mum
ma ma yen were *period fright, but $04
&MA IOW UM a Mt." This Froottler and
Sploksto ore not ori opooldog towns.- [Law*
mom American.
Little Bobby -Ma, wilt I go to Bowen
when I die Mother -11 yon *to a good bov
you will. Little Bobby -Will you go, tool
Mother -I hope so, Bobby. Little Bobby -
And will poi Mother -)e we will all be
there Immo time. Bobby didn't *am to bo
altogetber oetisfiesi, and after Nome thought
ho old; °I don't 400 bow Pm going to have
tottob.fun."- Pomo Seated.
wuAT Tani W.611B
First Jury, 207.
Fiefs made, 1450.
Needles osed, 1544.
Matehee made,1829.
First oosh iron, 1514.
Viet newspaper, 1494.
Qoal need MI fuel, 144.
Surnames tima ie 1162.
Vint) gold coin, B. 0. 200.
Tobaoco ititosaueed, 15$3.
Virat eteam rallroao, 1g30,
Leed pencils used in 159a.
Window' glass toed 10.694..
First politage *harms, 100.
lavrociene introdeeed, 1826.
Electric/ light futootod, 1874.
First inourmece, meting, 533.
First; AMMIOart. eXPreeas 1821.
Float wheeled wattages, 1560„
First Illotalordog goo in 1792.
Iron found in Americo en 1818,
Latin ceased to be spoken, 5130,
blUidoal nOtes intrOdnoed, 1328.
BIM° translated into Smon, eao,
Gunpowder used by Chinese, $0.
oa, teetamezit O. alla
Bible tranoleted into Gothic, 572.
Pbotogrepho Cost prothmed, 1802.
Emonolpotion procleimation, 181l3
Paper made by Chinese, It. O. 220,
Bible trestodoted, Loth B141410534,
The Boolt of Lubon.
A- Kelt Withont Wisdom Lives h3. Veol'e
Paradise. A Treatise especially writtee
on Dleeases of Men, .containing recta Per
Menet All Ages Should be reed by Ola,
Middle Aged and 'young Moo, Provenly
tte Sale of Half e Million to he the matit
pepelar, begrime written IA language pletn,
forcible and instrootive. ttracticelprotento
ation hiefficail Common Soon. Valueble
to Invalids who ore weak, nervous and ens
balloted, *hewing new means by whiela they
may bo cured. Approved by editoere oritios,
and tile People. Sanitary, Soeiel, Soienoe
Subjects. Also gives a description of Speet-
fic No. 8, The Great Health Renewer ;
Marvel of Reeling and BOO -poor o Medi -
claws. largely expiator the mysteries of
rife. By lie teachtnwt health may be mew.
tained, Tho Book will WW1 you bow to
make life worth living. If every adUltr. in
the tivilized world wont' read, understand
and follow our views, there woeld be a
world of Parietal, intelleetuol coni moral
&into. Tate link Will be fennel It truthful
Prime:Wien of Woo calculated to do good.
The beak of Labonl, the T41817344 o! Health
Brings bloom to the cheek, otrength to the
body and oy. to blX0 heart. It Is a inesseye
to the Wise and OtberWlSe* Speci-
fic No.% tare Spirit of Realth. Tileae who
obey the laws of this book will be crewned
with et fadeless wreeth, Vogt numbers ot
en leave felt thetower and testifiedi to the
E.N0RaviNG ' J.1„. -.JONES,
os•ttedoc STREE T EAST
rthe. of Lobon'a wide) NO, 8, AB Men
He Might Bitir Who are broken Down from ovezworic or
other minsimema Month/nett tio the Above
eheeld maid for and reed thio a rka
Treatieo, which. be cent to any addroso, sneda sargatns scennd,band
11004AQae alk 8,o? OPP 01 ten °•„,"4, /1_4 °tun"'• iVileels daring thib Month.
Auurete ell en groan to ors, ootoon, room Soon ;or list,
15, 507;010 Street R., Toronto, Canada. eta to see our Evtnot at *he + Toronto
A alematolt soya 44 lo going up i trial Exhibitleit during Septembers
r.Woybsele-0 Too, dr, lithe that thar
Ober foot rate. Whot did you say the
85 WMI
or -.881t le a MY line 00 Of -WO
Viraybaekw" Titer* only One objeo-
thou 14 Wile is 40 .ternal religious that
4110 den't thlogo o thls Mod. Now, if
yon conld baVer whitsouteree petticoot
guyed out and fitted onto the Omsk olavo,
darned if I would'; buy her and riok ite)o,
ablutions be anoraded, by friction with caused fire, even In +moat w aro no dos.
MM" "» Every gert of tho shin should fiegrotion. The CountemPitz Jamas insured
thns bo washed an rubbed The
&Realist fire, In tho obovo oompany, 811 1
Waken rento708 worevant pertioles ol t e bra", ana moot% eata 55800 foam,
skin, and the exereise pretootes warratlo mad
excites preepiration. Too much, attention
ar can laaraly be peld to Om state of the Akin ;
the comfort ofthe aged in greatly depend-
ent upon the propar diseharoe of its tune -
flow and Row Not to Lift a Child*
In lifting a ohild both handa obould be
Ma Alla so placed as to clasp the b?dy about
In her policy, under artiole 7. were mention.
ed her jewels, among *blob Spred, epecial-
ly a pair of emaluge, ooirsposeci of firm pearle,
valued at 18,000 franc*. Oa Apr1117, 1887,
ono of thee° (Harlow, wbiet bed been pieced
on the Mantelpiece, wee accidentally lama
ea down by the Countees and fell into the
fire, where it was commuted, riotwitlistaun-
ing every effort marl° to save the jewel, Ex,
pertj eveollers 400004184 inby both parties to
tamoto the botrinsio value of the property
.IIow to Seleet A Wife.
Good lie 1th, good ultras, good ;case a
g per, are the four osseatiola tor
good wifo. These are the inclIspeutelalee.
Atter tlieM asele the minor advantoget of
good loolte, tsocompliohmeote, femily poll;
don eto. With the &rob four metrical life
wiU bo oonfortablo end happy.
Mow, it trill be In moro or loss degree A
Bum Upon good health depend): largely
good temper and good lode, and to limo
Moot good noose oleo, as tags 'best mired
1404011 effeetea room or les* by Oho week.
nooses otol whims atteedent on troll licolth.
Young mao, it your wife is falling Into a
state of involullem Bret of all thtuge try to
restore her heath: be troubled with
dobilitoting females WrAlinesilee, Imy
Florae rAYOrite RreleriptiOn. Will Miro
A Kongo* rolulotor toys; "I have been
a far more useful man slums the Lord reveal-
ed to roc that woe never to bo a greet
Boults of Ribdr.-Mosso-aeolo, mine
emu, go awn to the slim nod askdu doter
for o d000 of dot tomb elixir. goat
nodding*, und you will grow a Boo all -wool
malt of olodings. lossot-No, fodder, it
Woteld ruin toy gabacity for Viacom Behlett
would bull the wool favor the epee of your
aou. Moses (teilectivoly mut attele)..-Doli
poy vent *muter ids redder.
ONEV A Urge AMOInet orrau
'Want° Ithanat 4
'°W er wore:40u
osoisisesl ontossecterity. Avpirt.
•liarristers au 1 Solicitors,
rfsillugtonSes, or, Orwell, (over liank Tinto**
Partite witting to paretic,* 1" 078d litrattlie
Pons, from se aqua memo* with Imenelote
poosession, all or write to G. I. AEA.1111/0X, Mo.
Arthufe Meek, Gain Winolpog. inionnatiou
ternisited tree at Marge, atel iseitteili *404 4
24x) was tz)..-4‘,2•T
AT Cumin IWO Or UMW.
Are geollele liecblues aehnowledgen :the ASO
tho World. Send to
Davies to Co, Church st, Toronto,
FOf ilinstrated Csislogue *Adger:0nd Uot.
auc*IP,Z4 llar(=Y 44V659513
Now York; Tho Now Yorkers aro prob
obly socking It tlarough strews..
A Folinto.-14r. Slowpoppet (*alai')
TalkIng of Moth and Marie% r11316Way
match, Sa3M0, When you and I get married
.it Vila not be inthat etyle, will hi Solite--
Whoa you ood I got monied 1 Mr, Slow•
popper, yea 486 entirely too -presumptuous.
I would never merry you, even if-. lila
Slowpopper-Oh, I meals-er-thet is-
wben yen marry somoother man and Irony
some other girl,
the waist or hips, and the body raised with- 1d etre ed and 9 OM francs WaS ttate11 to be
• out any force being exerted upon the mma.
Every day upon our streets cart be seen
little children just able to toddle along who
have to be carried across the street and over
or around obatrnotions ; atel the torture tbat
they oftentimee have to undergo from the
thoughtleasnesa of those who attend them
causes many a headache to a careful ob-
server who feels for them. Untally, with a
hand grasped by the mother or other person
caring for the child, it is hurried along faster
than its little legs can carry it. a portion of
its weight being mod and causing a constant / amides.% however unimportant ench acol-
tr in upon the arm when a crossing is
reached the mother takes a stronger pull, the
child dangles by one arm until the opposite
side is reached and then the feet are allowed
to partly rest upon the ground again. Some -
persona taking the child between them and
times the process will 130 varied by twa ifremcs end coste.-tirteh Lew Imes.
h takin a hand,When the weight of the Badly Used up by Bees.
the amount loss 60 !rates for molten sold res-
cued from the ashes. The inaurance com-
pany 80102011 10 pay for the burnt pearl on
the ground that there was no conflagration,
that the fire whiob, consumed the objects was
an ordinary fire, in other words, that there
etas no fire, ana that the company was not
responsible where combustion had only oc-
curred by the ordinary use of a grate for
heating purposes. Tha court, hovvever, re-
joined tibia, and ruled that " ths Word. 'fire,
in matters of insurance, applied to every
dent maybe, so long as it is canoed by the
-action of fire It was therefore, ordered
that the Union Company should pay to the
Countess Fitz James the value of the jewel,
less tint of the gold recovered, viz., 8,000
A.P. 467.
An ugly complexion mode Nellie a fright,
Iter face was MI pimply and rods
Though bar features wore good, and hsbburi
oyes were bright,
41 What A plata girl ts Nolilo I" they sold.
Bat now as by ma to, Vein Nobile imd, grown
Ate, feir rut am lir et s amens ;
Her feria is as sweet eli.* dower now -blown,
Bor cacao aro like paoolies and cream.
As Nellie wake) out In the fair morning
Bar booty ottraots every eye,
And as Inc the people who coiled hor *fright,
0 Why Ifollia is henclsoma ;" they try.
And the reason of the amp is that
Nellie took Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery, which regteloted her liver, Cleared
her complexion, made her blood pure, her
breath -meet, her fece teir 'ma veer, and
removed the detects that bad obtoured ter
toeuty. -Sold by druggists.
Miaii Line Royal earuhips
Lin du dee 'winter from Porn ere Th-ands7
end every/It:4day to idve , *34 10 gnat.
Soesan.d and Ireland; aleo grojn ire, Hou,
WHY YOU SHOutia "SE firtg:a4rt07.11ZIY.rui wee": 11°44144re rce•
tax and Ms John's, 11,8'., to lAvoxpoolqoxtrissittls
ovine monner recathe, The insamereci the GI*
;ow in mit during wioter to sod bozo Dalillaw.
Portiann, Poston and Phltadelphis, and durinf gams
emir between Glasgow &ad Kentr
Row 808 08403 weekly, ran elogow and kbilidel-
QA.1314/:= Ce,Paltiteere; Os Canard A Pe.,
For bright, pump or other lotormailen apply_ to
..Pialliax Oho* it Co, St. .icinealifin, Wins Tkorap,
tea a Go., Ian, N. H.; Alen * 0c., Cleerso
* ,kiew Pork; /loroller, TO.PC0010
nato A 146, quebee .• Wm. Weekly. Philadet•
01'0013 1.IVER OIL
Zt io Palatable as ViiM.
t▪ hree times as Acacia=
lain CoaIdivor Oil.
' far superior to all other
peed Emulzion,
eparate or change,
onaerful, as - a flesh proancer.
is the best reraeay for Consroup.
tion, Ecrofula, Bronchitis, Was
ing Diseases, Ohronio Cough ana
Sofa ay sat DrugOstareVac, anti
es not
Giant Spiders of Ceylon.
Par up in tho Mountable Of Ceylon And
India there la a spider that team a web like
bright, 'yellowish aLik, tho nentrol net of
which is five feet in dietneter, whtle the sup-
porting lines, origuya, as they era -called,
roeasuvo tomato:too ten or 'twelve) foot long,
and riding quickly in the early morellos you
may dash, right .into it, tho stout threads
twining around your fame like a veil, while,
as the (meatus who luta woven, it takes np
Ma position in the =ladle, no generelly
ostobee ooti right on the nose, and though
he madam bites or stings, the contact of his
largeabody And long lege is anything but
planer:a. If you forgot yourself and try to
oat& tim, bite he will, and, although not
venoinoua,131s jaws 880 88 powerful 128.8 bird's
beak, and you will not forgetthe eneormter.
The bodies of them spiders are very hand-
isoraely decorated, being bright gold or some
let unierneatb, while tho tipper part is
covered with the most delicate slate -colored
fur. So strong are the webs that birds the
size of larks are frequeatly caught .therein,
and even the eniall but powerful scaly lizard
falls a victim. A writor says that he has
often sat and watched the yellow and scarlet
monster, measuring, when waiting for his
prey with hia lege stretched out, fully nix
inches, stridink across the middle of the net,
and noted the rapid manner in which he
winds hiristoutahreadsatonnd the unfortunate
captive. He usually throws the coils about
the head till the wretched victim is first
blinded and ‘then choked. In many unfre-
quented dm* nooks of the jungle .you may
come aerbsamost perfeot skeletons of ouzo
birds caught •in these terrible snares, the
strong folds of whicitOprevent the delicate
bones f rom falling to the ground after the
wind and weather have dispersed the 'fieah
ankfeathers from the body,
child will be divided between two arms
which is only onehalf as bad. But such
' practices should never 1313 allowed. The
arms of a child were never intended to serve
as handles for the purpom of lifting or carry-
ing:, Strains, dialocationd and fractures
,causing deformity and imperfect use of arm
or shoulder ,or both, result from mph care-
less use ot the arms of a ,ohild, whirl were
designed for the child's um in doing things
within its strength. lawouid be impostible
for a child weighhog thirty pounds ao so
exert its ahrength as to lift that amount with
one or even both hands and yet that is what
it is compelled to do, when the arms are
made the handles whereby the chila is lifted.
Baud fox the Baby.
Mi. George Murray, a tember at the Col-
lier, Board &hoots, Upton, Eng., with the
sometime° of two other gentlemen, was
preparing to carry some haladczen hives of
bees froin the Colliery Pena to the fella at
Viraekerley. Daring the proems of packing
them in a cart the bottom fell off one of the
hives, and, as a natural conseqUencie, tile bees
oarne buzzing pub and stung Mr. Murray rind
his companions, as well an stinging the horse
attached to the cart. The animal bolted
away la fright. Hundreds of bees found
toeir way out of the remainder of the
hives, and not only stung the moupants of
the cart and the horse in a dreadful manner,
but the insects alio fastened themselves
upon a number of achool children who were
having a ride through the village on a hay
°ark Mr. Murray and his corapanion (Mr.
Ellioota nem left lying on the wound in an
exhausted end almost unconscious state, and
the hone WAS so badly kijored by the insects'
Menge that it fell down upon the road and
succumbed the same night. Mr. Murray
was also confined to his bed fer some time,
but on Saturday be was reported to be much
better. The rest appear to be very little
If mothers knew the iminense saving
ao,aof trouble. thatithere is in dressing a baby in
flannel altogether, even putting Out ' Of the
w • ,
question nes great physical benefit to the
child, dwonlei be a strong argument in its
laver. Every motker knows the quantity of
washing there is to be done where, there is a
• babyipt wbtob the starching and ironing is
nob the least part of the trouble. • A1,1 thisie
done awey with where Round le used., Half
an hour or lens wiit huffiest to wash a baby's
whole Rennet wardrobe. ,Some will think
• that to Provide a "layette" entirely Of flannel
inuat be a very experisive oroceeding; but it
need not be so. There will not be required
. 430 many prinentaof flannel as there me .of
cotton or linen, and they do not re grate any-
thing like' the same iimeunt of fine sewing in
the ,eoaktna: ;It is ridiculous the amount of
time some young mothera.epena in preparing
their' 'firit layette. 'Hants ate paa,eed, with
head bent, shoulders stooped, and .eyes
etiatned, manufaourieg muntlee tucke and
frills to linen shirts end petticoats ond'yobes
that after all, are only fo Niue the little
creature for wtona theyere prepared.. 'There'
is often art Ionia citoent in the pirotatie of
• useless laee for the adorement ,of these
imam:titan/ garments as would puroliase a
yernaoreippita of cc mfortabte, health, premerv-
Every newspaper reporter in New 'York
Is my pereonal friend. 'lavabo= betrayed
by ;Mont limey class of men in the world,
but mace by a =trapper roan, and I be.
lieve theta is itspirit of fame* abroad in
the novrapapors that is hardly to be found
anywhere elso.-Dr. Talmaga.
CANCER sal DJMQ12 5PIC18 -'
moo nisgara 81., 1258850,
; 14, Alien t liesten
EACTIERSIcan wake money during garatierk
by evAISVS01e0 for *near room ot car not selling
kit and113tt.KjspectaUy UtatorY 01.
18.11. Vlibrew, 11.13, latest nod bed stallion aver
rebuttedprime low, terms Sherri. 'Trite for
illustrated eiroulare and terms. . WM. 131001:38,
Publisher %Narrate,
0131 why should the spirit of mortal be
proud"? We bare often wondered vollyt
and hoe concluded, that we don't 'know,
-anima it be that tbe aforesaid mortal le
eanecieurt of the fact that at his dispool, at
are Dr. Pierce's Pellets, to relieve
hirn should ha auffer from torpidity of the
of the liver, sick or =moue headache,
dpapepsia, ecinatipation, etc. Druggiete.
Dia you ever fall in iove ?" "Yea, but
got out -with the aseistrume of her father.
To the St. Leon Mineral Water 0o.
Genottints,-I ' use St. Leon .Mineral
liter three tinea daily. hand iaothing
otter as a regulator andto promote good
ealth and buoyant feelings, St. Leon la
mph, grand for the whole system,
IL H. Tmestemne, Mayor.
Testimonials as above come from all qnarb
rs down to the lowest despairing sefferers.
ter afree nee of St. Leon Water all are
hanged. raised to heights of health pilot all
ormer conception, Purohase Sit Leon.
It; is never clearing weather for the man,.
Swallows on a Stehmer.
A rather enrioue episode in natural history
000terrea the other day_ on board the French
steamboat Abdsel-Neder during the peonage
fromdderseMes to Algiera. lust as the vete
sel was about two hours one the skies betatron
quite bleak with Swallows. was then
about eix oarlock in the everciag. The birds
alighted in thousands on the sail% ropes,
and yardts or the Abased -Nader. After a
perkyaurvey of the deok from their emin-
ence -aloft they descended coolly on deck,
• hopped about among the sailors and passim -
gem, and eventually found their way into
the cabins both fore and mit The birds
• Not EreharraSsed. were evidently fatigued after a long flight,
d "Rowed themselves to be caught by the
"Doesn't it embarrass you to be .kissed root of the Fillip, who gave them a welcome
by your husband before a 0128 full' on •peoreception and provided 'them Ovith need,
which they era oyed heartily. The little
"Embarrass me ?" replied the lady who '
winged strangers remainecl all night on the
was etarting efr on e, journey, as she seated
herself in a seat and looked at the question-
er. "Did John kiss me when he said goad -
by? 1 declare I didn't notice it. 'It rey
hat on etraight, Laura ?"
That Settled It.
" Were you ever in Poland, Mr. Por-
ridge ?" "Nevar, Miss Shawtale.", " No ?
Well, oan you tell me why the Poles, as a
people, aeem to be in such had odor ?" "1
vessel, and in the morning at seven o olook
the head lookout bird had, no doubt, sight-
ed the Balearic Telma for the whole made for
land, after 'having Spent a comfortable and
refreshing night on board ship.— [North
Chiba Daily News;
At the Elyse° ,the S al met Ai. Qarusel
Duran, "What kind of -plotttres do you
paint" be Inquired. "Are they landscapon
or anireabi 1" Animals, Your 'Majesty, and
moat ferocious ones," replied,,artiat.
e '
"IL gere;
1`4111.11.t l'u"'"'Dex
McCausland 8z Son
&Meg Weekly between lliONTREAT, and
EIVERP001., Saloon TIckets,f40, 8513, and
goo. Behan Tickets, ViO, SiDe and $110, uccording to
steamer and accommodation. intermediate ISO
Round Trip Tickets, 400, Steerage, SU. Apply to
IL E. SIVERA.T, Second Sianagar Canada Ship.
Pint uo.1 3. Craving Muse Warts, iloaraitan,
to Tool Avant* le all Towns sue Clem.
ea Wing Street PAO, TorortiOs
Pornierly, ler over live year% Principal at the Short.
beerl Institute in moneetinit with the Csoadlon Suet.
VMS 1.1111VCreity. MYynwritindepartment under tim
manegement et OSO. PEN GOMM, agent for the
Itemington Typewriter. Apply for oirealar. libation
tbis paper in writior,
fillEtP11 Bosoms vottEGE, nutaph,
eor Ont.—Tlie sixth scholastic. year begins sept.
Pod, An Axt Department has bean added. in which
Drawing and Wood carving will be tanabt by tbe
most noted specialist lathe Dominion. Our Short-
hand Department has scoamplished phenomenal
results. We lead the Non Praetical Emotion.
IL !data:M.311M Principal.
B ion LES14. 5.1inod z
IMO= JONES.'llaroging Director.
Artificial Limbs
to doesn't mean to clear up his debts.
Thaurtle Mountain Region,
Thousands of acme of choice free govern-
ment land, now open for settlers in the
Turtle Mountain Region of Dakota. Here
was raised the wheat that tookfirst premium
at New Orleans Exposition. Rich soil,
tinaber in mountable, good sehools, (lunches,
congenial society. Tor further informatibn,
reaps, rates, pto.. apply to P. I. Whitney,
G.P. & T.A., St. P., M. & By., St. Paul,
Minn., or J. M. Huokins, Can. Pass. Aga,
A contented mind with one pair is better
than form aces with strife therein.
Chinese Sacred NitrOiSSUS.
Orientsi Lily, or joss Flower.
Provident Lire and Live Stotklagosn
Mutual Benefit Association.
1101.10 INIVESIIKEIST--Ily paying to tile above
Association ONE °ENT PER 113.11, a parson aged
twenty.two, and two cents per day a person
fort -$.100 can secure Plea Dollars pm. week w
disabled through sickness or a=ident,„ also tor tent
and tines cents per,rlay. p823058 *ed as dbove caw
secure for theirdepeedants, Elva Unmixed Dollars la
event of death.
UTE SPOOR OIVallalig can provide against test
by death through disease or aeolobeit tneir Mock,
et easy rates, Those interested, send lox erospeetuset
eta. Itallable Agents -wanted in unrepresented die.
Iron einentan AtiionESS. YOR CONVEYOR,
All Sizes ant4
Send for t30
Page Catalogue
on link-13elting.
BY 1)5128* THE
Picketing apring
J. DOAN & 00.,
87 Northcote Ave, , Toronto. Oat
lierch9 ants Butchers
and Traders generally,
We want a OOOD MAN In your locality to pickup
or * Oash Furnished ,on satisfactory guarentl
CI. S.. P40...131.33:1,
Mins Pant, vermainan. it,
This beautiful variety is grown by the
China*, according to their ancient custom,
to bloom rit the advent of their New Year.
It is highly prized and called by them "Jess -
Flower," or "Flower of the Gods." The
1 r nb a method
bulbs are specie ly g ow y
known only to themselves, hvhereby they
attain great size and fibroma*, insuring lux-
uriant growth and remarkable profurcion of
bloom, in a 'very short period. Miley are
generally flowerea in shallow ornamental
bowls containing water, the bulbs being eur-
rounded by bright colored pebbles to prevent
them front toppling over'when in bloom.,
The Rowers, which are borne in clusters
or tall spikes, are white with a golden yel-
low center, and delioiously fragrext. The
00,31 grime. I met a polecat once, and if the
bulbs bloom in six to eight weeks after phut -
people are anything like the oats that set- 1 "Yes, I remember," rejoind thelimiting ing.-The Steele Bros. Co'y, Toronto, Bulb
tlea it." ^ • t Kluge "7081 paint handsome tattier, . elegu 12andfor lb
• .
YOUR rouggee this Pentad Pencil Sameme
With Bottle ot Ink and eue, 13 to gO per day
.eamsemeemonsesmomo _
"4 sadly
rade tly lies agents, Send Mr sain-
t/ els and terms. The Canadian's*
earoneesberOttl."14P31mlien"ilm9- .17.11101.1.1"
Is pleasant to use.
It heals the skin, and de".
stroys insects and germs
on the hair of Man or
Easily adjusted to nal,
Engine. °
Special faenitiesrormak-
mg has reduced.prices.
Womis Co.,
Cor feber at ion %ire
Ce1Ega 0 Cis nrx 1aa att.. INT asir .
0 0 0 0 0 °ASSETS.
111. W. P. IE OWLAND, President.
Vi" c. w&CDO1€4U),1. vitt. olooroT, 12. 120001212,
t, wavier Dam:mos.