HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-9-19, Page 6ennothnollithinintethatteneentetieranillimeitege wrought ia scetteeed (beige§ with embroidery "' -- — — ICIBNTIFIO AND usEruL — iha piece of the bordere cif embroidery. Tbb --- nousBiloix. In The Linen, The geed housekeener hats the best yoga- ble weerant for keeptng her linetwroom stip- lolled with the choicest products which her rem will elle% for " fine Unen, clean and *bite*" is& biblical. synonyra for righteeos- meal a.ntl purity. Ale a febrig it commands admiration, for int fieeneenefirmnots axed aurae bitty. Teethe moat ahreates o Scotlaael and eeenese gramma, end other Empre eaig 'Ireland the- best flax its groyne, le lea tough These 'mottle me shown in edema% Moe, rose, and vi genet( Itttle plent, emeetienee growing pale yellow, antique greenh. the new ruse M high as thirtIr fortY inebcs, tPul hews ehade and olive colors. Deco with deep Aswan, bine floWer not unlike -the forget- v,xicifte, pante ere freely- eleewn ahem - embroidery hi often in trills be metallic color, but Tory little metallb 'rnbr'ide'Y b '486°' gel gp en fo. wh xm' eoirt eadulaixridth—rthe otuasgPliblyalilinoaonra- TovelY gwwrio In the IS•Tew Qrlet938 b114°/' eorated with. each other, will, meld hag Vandyke red or in rust oolofare aleo aten „„lese„ Eisen with a trimming of bleck velvets wrought, ^t tthn me a wool background, or erabreideries of PaPier'mache articles ehould be chimed, bleak, with or witheut a elighe 13raidy pat- with soaP and waraiwatori auddnaly poliaa- ohno, some exereisses weseena are iss the quentity of beetewex has been melted. eeeigo ene 3 eci with sweetatil in who hat the tern wrought ehrough the diet patterne of bottercepeetinY Levenderevater. st, meet n ft 1,0 e • se us aejuno. the teilet,.la made by adding me ounce of the essential od of lavender mid two, drachma of eethergrie to a pint of proof 'Oat of wine. Place in %mart bottle, and Oahe the miz. titre longs:el vee1l. atiould not be used for a day or two. toomet. alesorlet'the steer gth of the soil windows le fine poterna of Irbil, oroeheo wblela it grows. to bud, an eetent thet the following ereh, jende little debut, ide, The and other effective levees, fine, delicate stake, not mech exceeding in Intimate; an ortlintwy nin, contein the elend- TELEGEAFHICS er Momenta which form the linen threw), Thevre pulled from the ground carefully, Three riemitngand the aralha are then plac-people diceppecl dead et Quebec on , e tifle he we or 'made taken off br a Pomo seeeraev. 0.3 Ise a fiax.pie where they are kept under wine vapour, were killed by lightniug in water for it mouth or mores until the touch e Georgia on Satorday. woody heart begins to itoften. They are then "Fend gently en the grass and the sun lends Hamilton grain lowers will buy only by hie iefluenoe and bleachea end. recidera brittle the teeter in the tuture. the tough little pith, whiele le broken up and are fmegy removed by the eeuneing preeeee The Menitoba nOffici „s zette" has a in tile mill , ito aM ppearance R ken ouly. The best at longeet fiber le 'selected to The detalle a the explosion Arid are at =eke the beat linen. The thort idolise which oeetwere, are iswfid-16Q dead, 5rA wooed - w in a dry agawn or on poor scalars med. eg, or the poorer meanies. The tiny threads Mr. P. S. Steveneon, Taw:Went of the are Iiire the etroiageat elk. New Br:mewl* ra)lway, died at Montreal Neweet desigue en 'Wale linert are beenth fa and ertietie area fre general like deeerta tlone in ell department* of the howiehold A tidal wave etrinik Ree'kewey Beech, L thie leenleWileit larger than hereto. 1,, yeeterdey* drenching eeetlrei thettelind lore. Alleen the choiceet may be maned pereouti, tbe wah.leat kettern, the corn flower, largo Inveuter Thomea A. Edison le attemptiog cluetereendvinea of wild rosea, the red olev- to intim Canada under the petene conven- er, lea and. Bleat:one, 'large lezeogee,elnitera et lily of -the -valley and great Tenni lillea Seating en a fine gain demeek earfece, all a Patera size, Same hetsdeartm plehneur. face '0004 were Shown with A large niedelt lien oepter and a border to inateli, Others were entirely without decorations, except a eleep tender representiug a waning otin ribbon or a eucceesion Of fine tetin Mime Tbe cheaper gredee at clothe are good end firm awl artiatic pattern; while the eatin &maths are thlege of beauty. Vox. lunch and tea clothe, the delicate - valved aprettda are altill med and are aherill 1 n rxceodingly rich pattern*. The pink, bine, *teem, buff, eelu and pea-green covers ere either frieged er deeply hetnteleed. SeMe flee baud embreldered inwide pattern* Ob perfectly plain grouuda* others diepley severe' rows of Mexican work, Par the bentstitelied burden the bent is two inched wide, and for the napkies accompanying the set, One inch ha width, We may glance at the elegant ;it warp See= which are among** meat beautiful iebricelet atiewri. Rae is a delicate but decided malmorecolored lipreed richly cov- ered with Egyptian dodges a ambient; obelisks, pyramids; and ether strecgo theme each Attending out plaioly from the brilliant ground. A gorgeeua orange tover bee large floral patterne witb ilovea flyieg among the Sower,. A rcee-cnier cloth hae a mole border at wheat and for.get.r.c.note drewu with artistic ageuracy, end n Pretty ember cloth is crowded with deueing figure; of squints and other graceful figure'', while still mother repreeenta scenes in a Bennis charlotlace. Of comae for many elega.ut luncheon, the centre -piece* alone aro used. Theee are shown in all the etylee and coitus tion et 1883. Sefficieut moray bee been solitserthed at Johootown, Pa. to carry on a Imo aggest the south. Ferh4 riehIng Club. The eteatner St. Leverenee emaislied her eellieener while epproaehleg Iter dock at Kingeten ou Seterday. The damage iLaQ airbus that the boat cannot be uged again this season. Shooting tbe Cataragte. There le ;lathing Wee emphaeizing the Malty ef an eedertekleg for the purpose et ailing etteritien to Ontl'it Oten prowess' in grappUzig with It. A party of t.revellere in gypt, whese adVentaree are nerraled in reuPharaeti tn Volleb," were on the relate to Philae, and expeeted to eltoot the cetersebt by tbe'way. AN they approached the mere dertgerous pent oi the river, the beet wee pulled to the shore, *hex° a group of donheyhoee were walfeng with their aulreein and the guide declined the project to be too daegeroua to attecopt at that ilmon, of the year, "Tell Wm te g000 at QIICe I" cried Om of he laxly. Then the two Egyptian boatmen iell on their keen, and begged the trovellere to abandon enth *wild attempt, They were the elavee of hie excellency, the paella, who accent peeled the party; trey would die for Wm, but would not go down the cataract with biro, "Thie iv all rubblah," cried the pethe, exesperated ; " bundrede do it every year, and we meat do it." li.nother egouized convereation followed, and than the latepreter reported. " Well, mentioned for cover; anti emoeg the newest your exeelleuisa he lay not mind kill other aro thole' whirl aro llearil.00rerod with tho gentlemen, if they give him certificate they open-work embrolaery. vv ben the eerare- don't mind, but he say if he kill your ex - boa hosed, the remainder of the table„ to eenmey bo heoaga.o the depth of eight or tea inane, is hand- "Tell hint wo have decided to die to - lamely busked with amens and fern*. gather eau one. Among the most serviceable end, at the 44 Tell Mtn he shall have four napeleone," slime time, the newest oentrellecee, dollien anotbse. a,od carving cloths are those which ar1 The Egypt -hues eyee twinkled. flubbed in the Gerratin Spaehtel work. f simake ib evep he void. This le a strong crebreidery on the linen j to You go at once, or you, shall be hanged whicbebeing cue ant, leave; a handeorno, whether I um drowned or not," announced durable opezowork embroidery. This QM, 'braider; le a favorite ornanientetion this season, and appears on bedespreade and pil- aw -slums, as well. Napkhut are of the ustuel sizes and nuttob. the cloths endoentre•plecerwith whith they see to be used. But the doilies, whether /or finger -bowls or ordinary tee.dollice, are exquisite worke of are. They are In greet -variety and one looks tor their pretty designs, at a grand luncheon with as =nth interest ae for the choice china which the bootees displays. Soule are mere Iscreps..of white, pink, blue, bat or green satin ale Trask, with A angle pond lily, rose or da- odil spray stamped on their ;smooth aurface and with fringed borders. Then there, are the squares et rule linenlawn, a mere breath of fabric's. hematitehe or embroidered into delicate pink or blue wallops with a anal' eyelet hole in each goallop. Others are of fine white or oream-china sillr, hemstitched or fringed, and painted with bits of color taken from Japanese fasee--here an odd tower, there a mandaxin or a strange for- eign scene. Or you may choose a faint; shade of pink or bine faille and, after finish- ing it nicely with a hemstitched border, pahat quiet' bit of iandscape with a few dainty -conches, in monotone if you please, or a Bete view, e snow scene, or a branch with a bird or birds in any possible arrange- ment, and you will have a set of doilies for which tbe dealer -charge' live dollars per dozen, asdellght to the eyes of your guests. Berwool-teeth, especielly the better colour; is very apt to catoh the diet; but hi may be (dewed, by dipping said agitating it irk aospe, lather. It met on no aceount be rubbed or wrung; tied, when the dirt hail been extracted be this Paeans, it meet be well reload in plenty of water huug to drip, and then pulled. into shape and stretched to dry. Tbe Italian Admiralty have recently oar- rieel out a number of experimeate with a view of testing the comparative merite of ezter•eil and eliveleil for lubricating pur- poses" OA beard ship.- on the remits oh. taped, they have given, ordera that hence. forth all exposed parts of machinery are to be lubriceted exclusively with caetor-ofl, while mineral elle are to be Urea for oylinder aud alectiler lubticatiou. Oaet often reade pethetie stories of pee bird e that dieamulteneeettly with, or alertly after their childsownerte It eounde pretty ; but the ample moo of the metter °ben ie theet the owner; lufected the We, Canariee and other mongetera will Cat011 isearlettever, nmealee, diphtheria, or ammo) any other human dieease, and, if left in the sion-room, they are almost Etre to be infecteds Ihst cats and small dogs, too, are ofteu sacrifieed in the eme way ; and in their case there le else the risk that they. will go out and become the unwittiug Instrument(' of die trends:sating dieeeee. Cherry etain ; Mix together, by etix ring, one qtlaet 01 Spiribt of turpentine, one pint of japan, one pound of Venetian red ground • In ail, and tire OtEnCea of dry burnt umber. Apply with a brush, goad wipe off with a elotte ; /Web with one coat of Shellac and two con% of varniela 4 tl4z solution of pereariegthate ef vetoes% in hot water will make a good walaut colour. Apply several oat; ialowing plenty of time for drying between meek erett. Belled oil may be used ean polish. If a little turpentlue le stifled to the oil, it will work easier. A very fine mahogany etein la made by barb& eight manes at fettle in cue gallon of water. Tho old rule is to streek the wood before ibb quite dry with bile* stain to produce the grein of matagany. How to Cook a Steak. Now if you only knew how to cook s. steak Wreaks it good that; would do, but it always makes me sick to see a woman look a steak. She invariable puts her fry- ing -pen on tbe stove, and puts in a chunk of grease about as big as my fist; and when it is hot enough to begin to crackle, sherbet in her beef, and never thinks of coverbg it. The smoke arel steam Worn it goes to the -very (selling. After the cooks it this way until it begins to look like an old rubber shoe sole, the calla it done. When you go to est it there Is no more taste in it than a chip. Novr, if you want a good bit of steak, have a clear hot fire, set your clean empty pan on a spot, cover it up, then pound your steak, and when yore pan le very hot lay i'n your steak, and cover quickly. As soon as It has crisped though to let go its hold on the pan, turn over and cover quickly; turn again as ab Oran and continue to de;. about every two minute's until you have turned ib about six or eight tfmes. Have a hoe buttered dish ready for it and lay it In; add a eprinkling of pepper, salt and sumer, and cover tightly. Now, if you wish a gravy, pat a bit of butter in your pan. iihhen hot, rub in a phsoh of ;flour, add :a email teacup- ful of boiling water, let it boil a few min- ute; then pub in a gravy boat Instead of putting:it over your beet ;to draw out the jace. Now try this plan , just once, e.nd you will eee you women know nothng About cooking et good steak. Tea GoWno Negligee^ Dainty and charming gowns for house are imported cashmeree yarrows bright ehades7 We have lo the ereas of electricel waves Due a who a dieturbance °abide the wire and A current withia it ; end the equations of 2tleXwell Allow ea to calculate thole 'with perfeet eceeraoy and give eti the tam with veapect to them. We thus find, nye Mr. Ak. Rewind, flat the velocity of pro- pagation of the Waves Meng a wire, bungler a Ay from other bodice and made of good condualug material, is that of light, or Ana boated end eighty-five thougaud mike per tecond; but, when it ia hung neer any eaducting elector, like the earth, or encloied in a cable and sunk lute the see, the velocity become Much, IOU. When bung in owe, away from other bodies', it forms as it were, the coo of system qf wove; iu the °thee, the Amplitude at the disturbance becoming lea and less as we move array from the wire. But the moat curious feet le that the eleatio current penetrates only a short Mamma into the wire, being mostly confused to the thaw, especialln where the number of oscillations per second is very great, LATEST FROM EUROPE, Incidents of the Antwerp Horror—Scotlepds Bcirning, Min—The Brown- Ueqnard Prooese. It is now estimated that two hundred and fif ter pereera were slightly injured by the en- plorsion. The firemen and troops worked rhough the eetire night on hiYarlY Shift!. AlArly Ot them enceombed to the heat and smoke and had to be conveyed to hospital insensible on stretchers. All the week era lane bleokned faces aod bear ea. dehoeit of the lfickeniug eflectee Work is now entir' ely confined to keeping the fire from • lipreading beyond, the ebeelli and faotories within the dry dock. The wind still oen. time! favorable. • Sin million Hem of petroleum are in fame's. The oil, it is expected, will con- tinue to burn at least till next Monday. euniteri TO TIME DEATH. At the moment of the exploeion many of the workmen jumped into the Scheidt in their fright and were drowned. A neither of sailors and eneterna offieere were hilted on hoard alive by the flying bellete anti shine were xiddled by the unesilece It is estimats ed that two thouseard tons of metridges OX- ploded. The noise was heard thirty railea Awey, nun soon= 31rtiE niaLexen. At laiaurithwood Pits Pe:Attack, beyond the alight noille Ceneed by the monotonous clank of the eogine, ell wee quiet, and where yeaterdey etood. large &troupe of the relatives and friends of the entombed miners, eagerly elingiug to the faint hope thet was then held one, only * tew, drawn by ourlaeity, are preeent. Before dewel. eix other bodies were brought up, melting twenty-seven recovered in all. A (*pieta supply et water le kept on the burning coal, but it is evident thet little progreaa is made in reducing the flame; the drehoviag got hold of the eaet Aide. wenneln leatnXii Pletlentleallee, The bodies were found lying on an elevat- ed portion of the working, and the only Way an which tbey could be raised was by placing them three at a time in a hOX and floeting therie along on the water to tile mouth of the incline. As an inetauce of the clifficelty experienced in geareisiug the mous log put)? State that they bed to Towle through water for fully it enuatem of an hour before they ewe upon thevorpsee. At five edaloole in the morning the weter Ma four feet deep ma wee riang at the e of three bailee an hour. Consequently 11 was deemed advisable to MOM searching, At this time the fire on the eastern aide Velta burning brightly, and the hose their was beteg pleyed oven it had little Effect ere YnetTlielt FOIL SIX WRICXe. later in the day a congultetion of mining experts and the manner of the colliery wan held, at which it eves resolved to (temp down the mine, and this haviug been done there will be no further operations probehly for eix weeks. It le eatinated that there are thirty widows and aeventy fatherleta children, and that £20,000 will be neeclea as e rellet fund, toward. which, several of the leadiug collieries and landed proprietors have already (mita, lotted, Shottti colliery giving £500 and the Marquis at Lothien Z100, A method. of treetnient for foreign bodies in. the stomach, which appeara to be Practised with almost uniform mom in the pule, and tinchng that he meant bush both &gland and on the Continents, congas' zees, the guide aceepted the ablation. Up the stream goem tbeloan cautiouelY approaching the told enrrent a few beton at o atroke. "Hold tight!" end suddenly, with a Awing, the heath bow wheels round twlee, end we are 101E111 steam. Very gently move the care now, for they are not needed, and only keep near the water to ateady her. Quick fibs the boat, and the whirl of seater belies angrily against the black botddera on either aide. olleb ye, Abu Bab 1" cry the sailors in monotonous chent, and the old guide sits grim and black in the stern, with watchful eye on hie Men and grim outlet* ahead. " Great Ammon 1" look at that rook ahead 1" whispered the pasha. It grew tearer, and the guide, apparently frantic with anxiety, ecreamed his direc- tione at the top of his yoke. Back eoreamed the sailors angrily, es 11 10 mutiny. "Allah help us 1" Great Bab help us 1" rise in agonizing cries. " We'r in it 1" said the pasha. ." Don't waste your etrength fighting with the stream," sad another, quietly, as he slipped Ws arm out of his coat. A big wave Beamed to lift the boat in air, and Co be about to data in on the black rack. A look of horror came over the guidees face, and he uttered one despairing shriek, as akimming tbe crest of the breaker, the boat gave a tarn to right angles, passed the rock at a yard's distance,turned esompletely round twice, and was riding placidly in open cur- rent. " All finish I" cried an Egyptian, and the guide added, solemnly. "Very clever 1 Plenty bekeheesh His fear and horror had merely been the proper dramatic: accompaniinent to bhe situation. A Very Sudden Death. Tonoateo, Sept. 19.—Shortly after nine &cloak the other nighe David Cleary, an Elizabeth street grocer, rushed into No. 1 police station and informed the sergeant on duty that a drunken woman would be found lying on Jarvis street in a moat helpless con- dition. The patrol wagon was immediately sent to bring her in. When the reached the station she fell upon the floor apparently in a drunken etupor, but when the pollee ab - tempted to move her they found her dead. Mrs. Adam' s the matron, thinks that the dead wouninis the notorioue Annie Kinny, but is nob positive. Her Pa Was Engaged. Fond Lover—" If your pa in, Addle ?" Gentle Maiden--" Yes, but you may come F. L.—" I don't think he likes me, and he might—" G. M.—"There's no need of being afraid; h engaged." F. L. "Engaged, is ?" G. Mehe" Yes. He otayee out till after twelve last night and wout off thie morning without geering ma a chance to talk to him, She is talking to him now and he won t be in this part of the houee for the texts three hours, aeCome eight hi.", in the administration amply of largo emonnte of potatoes, to which the diet should be restricted. Potatoes, as is well known, aro composed of nearly twenty per cent. of carbohydrates, eighty per cent. of the solids being ataroh and °abbe°. On account ofthis large amount of carbohydrate, a great portlon will resist the action of the digestive juice& The oelealose and other carbohydrates increasing greatly in volume from imbibition with water lead to an accu- mulation of an immense amount of indigesti. We residue; consequently the intestinal tube is, throughout the mare time of the administration of this food, owl with large mines oltionmintorbable matter. The folds of the intestine 'become obliterated, and fixation of the foreign body in the intestinal tube is thus avoided. It seeing their from five to nine daye, or even longer, are required for the evacuation of the foreign body; and in every case whish does not gem desperate a trial of thie aim. ple planed treatment should precedeprecede resort to gastrotomy. In fact, at a recent meeting of the Vienna Medical College Pro- fessor Bilked' said that since tbe introdue. tion of this procedure gastrotomy for foreign bodies should become an obsolete operation. Recovered for Spite. The chuckling and ether symptoms of sat- isfaction led the Oxford County .man to tell another story, nye The Lewiston (Me.) Journal. "A woman up our way was very sick," said he. "She grew worse and worse, and the doctor finally gave her up. She had fought is good fight for life, but at last made up her mind that she was going to die and said her parting words to her friends. Last of all the had a talk with her husband. "'Yes, Miranda' gad he, dropping a ear. 'I ain't like some women, John. I want you to be happy and have a companion through life.' " 'Yes, Miranda" "'Yes, I want you to marry again, and I've been thinking that one of Mr. Smithes siirle would make you an exe.ellent wife "'Yeo, Miranda I've been thinking of that same hieing myself.' "roe. have, eh you brute 1 You better wait till I'm gone before you .pick out an. other wife 1 Oh, you wretch 1 Fixing your heart on another -woman before your first wife's under the ground 1 Bus you ahana have her. I'm going to get well just to rapite you and Ann Smith.' "The woman WM true to her promise. To everybody's astoniehment she recovered, and lived to attend her huthandes funeral." . The popular Cronus of Spain hass junt died in the }moon of the Marquia de Urquijo. HiEl executers have paid into the Spanish Treasury succession dutiee mounting to £96,000 on his fortune, which exceeded five mililone eterling. Thb was mined fifty yeers. The owner had begun ifs as a Basque village lad, and died it Senator, grandee, and ex Mayor of Madrid. He left £180.000 in bequeete to charities in his native provinee, wetly of wbich he forinded himself, and £20,- 000 for masses for himeelft The Worn -ant Potato, Few the lack of frequent heathy oresemg the entire vitality of the ram has been slow- ly dissipeted ;the entire stock las grown old together, and we atand now face to face with the awful poseibility of a pobtolese universe, But why can't we go baok to the fountain. bead onoe more and abet afresh with brand- new potatoca trota their native foreet Ay, thereti the rub, as Hamlet justly puts it. We can'b discover the fountainhead any longer. Nobody knows where the potato comes from; the native forest iteelf is dead. The aboriginal wild -potato seems as extinct in our day the wide world over as the dodo or the deinotherium. This is often the way with important food plants. Nobody can trace with certainty the ancestor of wheat or Indian corn, the primitive father of the plantain or of the banana. The fate is, whenever a plant lays by these rich stores at =Acrid for be own use, either as seed or root or bulb or tuber, man, greedy man, is euro to divert ib to hie own purposes as ruthlessly as he robs the bees of their honey and the cows of the milk they have prepared for their calves in their own udders. Every important human foodstuff is essentially at bottom a. seed or a tuber, eggs in the animal world answering to the one, fatted beasts answering roughly to the other. Wheat, barley, Indian corn, peas, beans, dates, and cocoanuts ereinstauces in the first direction; potatoes. turnips, yam, beet root are instances in the second. From the very firth moment, then, that the ancestral potato began to lay upstart:thee and foodstuffs for itself in its own under- ground tissues vremay be perfectly sore that rodents, monkeys, and other animal enemies did thew level beat to circumventits innooent (ledge by digging them up and incontinently eating them. Presently man, ae the red Indian, arrived upon the goalie and subjeot- ed the incipient and starchy potato to some rude cultivation. In ono way he was lees destructive, no doubt, than the rodents and monkeye who had gime before him, became, while he rooted up and grubbed out more indefatigably than they, he kept is little back for "seed " for the future. He out up Ws potato into many small Fleece with en " eye " in each, the eye being in facts an undeveloped leaf -bud, whence branches, would issue in another season. Thu he husured in some way the continuance of the plant; but alas 1 he only cared for his own equaive and papooaes in the unmediate future and took no thought for the convenience of the intruelve white man in this then remote nineteenth century. And considering how little the white man thought of his congeal- enoe some ages later perhaps his remittances In this respect isnot to be wondered at. At any rate, what the red Indian wawa to have done was haat this: As in almost every other ease of primitive agriculture, he brought the Wild plant into caltivetion and improved largely its 'special yield, but in so Whether he grubbed up al e wi owes and ate them on the epot or whether he merely encroached upon their open feeding grounds and so crowded them out,. as farms and fences are orowdbig out the buffalo in the far west, dew( not appear ; but what is certain is that the wild potato itself doe's not now appear either. We have loth all count of the primitive stock, eo that we can't go back to it to (noes it with its own degenerate descendants or to develop anew from its bar- bario tubers the encoulent regent or the ash - leaved kidney. Bee Battlers, At a recslet meeting of the DabliniPhiloso Phieal Society, Mr. J. M. Gillies read an intereating paper on hilatefiattles"—of which the following is a oondeneetion Standing in froot of a bee hive ou a sum. mer afternoon, when the flow of honey hag been somewhat cheeked by the advance of the Season, one observes several bees wait- ing about the. entrance. Oa the snivel of a would-be entrant, one of them steps forward and extendits tongne. The new coiner, in reply, extends its tongue With le little honey taleen froin. be hooey -ease and the wimple being found gatiefactory, it plusses in. Should, however, the new arrival refeee the conetersign one may satsuma it to be a robber, and such a enese the sentries will immediately attack it with an angry, deter. mined buzz. Should the intruder be alone, the eonfilin will be short, and the opere.tion of throwing the memo of a dead bee from the edge of the flight -board will soon be witneeeed. If, as mese likely be the cave the attack be preconeerted, tae position will have been carefully reconnoitred, and ad- vantage wiu lemediately be taken of the confusion by a strong force of bees, which will endeavor to effect an entrance at another part of the openings The firth sign of wen. fare will bring down the whole force of the hive, and unless this be inadequate to realist tlae atteclibg party, the result indicated before will be repeated on a barer The outcome of the beetle will net altogether depend upon the relative sizes of the contending partiee. Defensive ar- rangements have a good deal to say im the mato. A hive genii opens ite Winde width wetild probably be lompletely et the moray of *angrier fere; but as the outranoe la narrowed the stratgeticacivautege tondo to the defeudere until te„ point is reach- ed where, in the worde ot Macaulay, " thousand may Well be ',topped by three." When elle akillod beekeeper observes wer in progrese, he stands ohne to the hive with allover dredger in hie heed. The lace are 00 much excited to =ace bbs presence, and he quietly degas tbenl ea they pees in and ent. Thisenables biltt to trace the citteat- lug party to its stronghold, and a few pith of emokeadminiatered in the enemy's camp frightens the bees within door's and keeps them there in a state of alarm, which le com- municated to each returning °matador until the whole colony is at home in a 'date if terror. The entrance of the laeleeeured hive ia then nerrowed down, or it may be %Wo- bbly °lona with a pieta of perforated dee. Wheat Obtuse beau Oone, a pieta of cloth, maturated with carbolic aoid, hung ale inch or two from the entrance, will prevent stemma of hostilities. The boo' dislike the emelt of etiebelle acid. Tim regular lambitenteaf the hive will peat it, beceuee they none do ao to reaele their home, but the etrangere aseatellates the odor with dapple and retire when they znel1 it. Observations on the weather and the :rectories of pleuts will generally enable the bee -keeper to anticipate theta ettatike or their renewal. As to the tectice of the beets 10 wrier°, it 10 aoraceibet difficult to epeak, on aCCOnnt of their mold proem:buts, but the piste .001110 to be, when possible, to detaxis two bees to deal with each one of the opposing force. An intruding be, when Rebated by only one other bee aeldom mount* the effensive. itis one ohjecl 10011111 to be te get into the hives and when "razed he gathers up his abdomen into a email oneness ea as to prevent his bang *tang between the rings of his body, the joint's being apparently his °ply valuer - able -pinto. By oath:dog him, and following him About into various contortions, the de- fenders, eapecially If they be two to one, eventually manage to discover an unprotect. ed .pots, and then he is very rapidly etung to death Ono bee is Able to 'sting another bee .102d withdraw t.he eting, which it seldom able to do when it stoma a man. To ding a roan, the extremity of the body, and frequently even the entrails, are left elm; with the sting by the unfortunate insect. The combat, like limey gathering, is invaribly conducted by the worker bees. In 'the event of the attacking party proving successful 10 aohlevitsg an entrance by force, they then ammo the offensive and :daughter the inhabitants. Apparently in order to save themselves frora this fate, when tbe idve has been Overcome, the remaining inmates will make comtnon astute with the ateallente, and even display vigor in tarrying off stores to the enemy's hive, which they permanently loin. The attaoked hive, unless very light, *Ill take one or two day; to clear, excepting, indeed, as frequently occurs, the robbers be joined by other hives who wish to share plunder, and then the store disappears with greater rapidity. Reference has been made to the rapidity of the movements in what may be called hand -to hand encounters. This exceeding activity is intimately associated with the formation of the sting. 11 has a series of barbs, there being about nine pockets form- ed by these on each side. The aeration on one side comes opposite the barb point on the other in such fb way that although a bee is usable to withdraw its sting, by means of a direct motion, 11 is able, by making nine turns, to screw tbe sting onteeand thus free itself. Thics supposes the siting to have been driven in up to the hilt, which is not usually the case. Numerous other questions intimately assooiated with this fighting occur, but they would gradually involve rthouenednintirgee.eoonomy of the bee mad its sur - The drone has no stint and, therefore, cannot fight. The stinging to death of the drones, when they are no longer required, were it not for the very positive assertions of Huber, would now be considered a myth. Apparently they are not stung, but simply (heeled from the hive, their Mega being frequently nibbled, until, weak and ohille&, they .drop *mat:anted. The pathos ex. paneled on the subject of the slaughbered voluptuaries of the hive is no wasted, although somewhat shaky as regards its foundation in fact. , We now (some to the "battle royal." Under peculiar oireumetances cases have been occasionally found of two queens exist- logIn the same hive, though generally no hive can have t wo queens, but the addltimoena °courts in nature when a second queen oo out, the previous queen being still alive, and artificially, when the agriculturist throws tee weak swarms together to mate a strong one. The peculiarities of title eecoonter are that the two are left strictly alone to fight the matter MI, and by no chance are both mesons killed; the aurvivor is never known to • STATISTICS. Of 51,857,775 lbs yarn imported into India bet year all except about 500,000 lbs came from the United Klisedem, In Ireland lest year the. cope -amps goner - idly showed an inereesed‘ aceeege 114 8,714 acres, the ingreese in wheat being '.483,204 acres and in barley 3,780 iietes, whilee oats the newt important oorn-orop in Ireland: were lees by 35,190 notes. The issue to the publto of specimen' coins of the new design? adopted in 1867 Elaci:ot the medal's struck in commemoration of her Majesty's dobilee bowel in June, 1887, and was, brought to a cloth in December last, No lees than 1,084sete of (meant= cans—beside individual plecee—were sold, and 7,490 medal; of which 944 were gold, 2,289 ailver and 4.257 bronze. The coal -producing area of the world, so far as.knewn, is about 400,000 %Mire miles, Of which. about theee-fourtha. ie to the Unit- ed States and one fortieth in Great Britain. But Great Britain is eatimated to poems 240,000,000,e00 tons of fossil fuels. At the Paine rate, Wel:Jailed States poeeesees 4,000, 000,000.000, and the world, it is preeumetit about 6.400,000,000,000, tome allowing for ait yet undiacovered deposit* A study of the atatietice of urban impute - tion shows that during the put 40 years the rate of increase in the poi:subtlest of the pricipal cities of Europe and ierneriett hae been ranolegreater then that of thepopulation of the globe. In this period, nearly every large community which poeseseed fair natural advantagee has inereesea ite population from 100 to 290 per acute, while the total 11140040 of bahabitauta la estimated at 40 per eel* In a large portioned Europe, from ono -hall to two thirda of the population is crowded into cities. In the United Stetea the older Stabil exhibb coaditieue The horde of the Australseden celooles furnieh $84.400 cattle for eleughter ennuallys of which 743.980 are required for home-coue aumption, leaving 141,000 avaleble for ex. pork Ati the populatioa bermes by 4 por cent. annually, 'while the herds borealis> only 1 per cent, the demand is expected to over,. tam the emptily in sin yam. The liaoke furnieli 11.951.886 eheep for slaughter anet nuttily, 5,716,000 being required in the colonies and 6 236.886 being avellable for export. The 'acreage in sheep is 3 02 per ceut, per anneln and At this rate the, our. plea will note it is eatimeted, be treuelord epee. In 1888 only About orreesixtlas of this eurplas was exported as frozen meet. Strongly Beaded. Sir 0. Baden ixt a vigorously writ ten letter to the London "Times," defends the new Canadian route to the eilt egaltat the (mitten:1r( ef Sir George Caraptaii and ether*. Ile paint; out, 'A the first place, that 1010 ta be supplementary to the Perlin. eider and Otientil company's route, nob its rival and shows by figures haw ulna can be itaid ite fever. To japen. for instance, the journey will be inane in 22 dept, instead of 4‘1, as by the P. and 0.; to Shanghai, in 28, inetead of 34. It will reach Kong Kong SO011 as the other route. Buie adds Sir G. Radon -Powell, "comperisons are °diem' and unriecsaaery,° ana then he pante out, that, owing to the rapidity with which British trade In the Paoida fa redvanoing. "thole isnot only room but positive need for inoreased accommodation for the in- creased traffic." Refraining from saying anything of the new route's military bud& Wes, as °below', be paste out the advain testes that it will offer for mails, pateengere and light truffle; bow it wilt open up Cin - ado, including British Columbica and the whole Pacific to Britieh trade, bring us near. or to our kinsmen in Aunt -rale and give an alternative trade and mart route that will be Imply invaluable in 000 of a European war. doing he destroyed its native e alto ether., bebiuredi ao mic%rhe assumedtthat the first Men eet up the drinks and the drinas up- set the men, Here's only a slight ciifforenoe but m large and growing distinction, advantage attaine b either is takon had of The Kissing Compact. Thus writes the author of Girth Gossip in London Truth :—Why can we not do as men do, and write to each other only when we really Jaye samethiug to atter? And why math we kiss each other every time we meet I Elam are really nob agreeable greetings to exchange. Very few people know how to bestow or receive them in a neat and Bathe factory fashion. A slovenly kiss is really is deteetable article, and makes ono dislike and despise the beatower. Of all my girlfriends who Wes me when we meet, there is only one from whose mulatory greeting do not involttutarily shrink. Some butt at the kbees with lips made into a hard ball for the purpoee. These almost give one the tooth- ache. Others bestow their dewy lips upon one's cheek Ino way that makes the reelpi- cub grope hastily, buts furtively for a pocket - handkerchief. third contingent kiss in a cold and chilling way that says plainly enough, "I Ides you because I suppose you expects it of me." I always sympathise with thee; and would gladly fall tie with their views. Amy, do let us make a Non -Kissing Competes Company, and see how many of our acquaintances wiU join it. The rules would not forbid a kiss after a long absence, nor would fa interfere with lovers' kisses or anything of that sort, but only combat the custom of daily greetings by osculation. I feel quite sure that woman's friendships would be firmer and more durable if they would. abandon &Usual:. heavy demands upon. it. Do you agree with me? with a vengeance. When the two , queens gee into such position that both 'might be simultaneously killed, by common consent • they with draw and:renew the battle with their start, ebiotly according to,"Queena! bury rules." • 8. B. , Chromo,...Perhaps. < " Do yeti see Oat) young woman over there 1" Said a young man to Miss Sharp- leigh. 46 yme "She's as pretty ea a picture'isn't she ?" "1 don't know that I can contradiat you. Even combo valentinee are known as pie. tures." Seizure in Toronto. Oeeswe, Sept. 19.—The seizure of the valuable landau made at Toronto wee under peculiar ciroumstances. Recently a Toronto millionaire ordered a earriege from a lead- ing English firm of carriage builders, the price agreed upon, including freight and duty, paid. The landau was duly shipped to Canada, and a Toronto bank was commis- sioned to close the transaotion £200 having at the outset been paid by the intending purchaser on account. The bank placed the matter in the hands of a broker, who, in ae. cordance with the leev, had to get the in- voice verified, and when it was presented to the purchaser he at once stated that there \et was a mistake in it. that the price charged was $500 less than bad been agreed upon. It was therefore sent to England to be veri- fied and came back attested by a notarial statement, the sum charged being the sante. The mattedwas represented Mahe Customs authorities and sazere followed. Consider- able speculation exiets among the Customs officials here as to what induced theEnglish firm to act as 1± hae done, causing annoy - awe both to the would-be purchaser klud the bank weith acted as ite agent. The Volume of NitiAltra Falls. The 4p-ioimp a water paining over Niagara Falls virlea with the height Of the river. Prof. W. D. Glanning.eetimates the'everege amount at 18,000,000embie feet per minute. Allowing 62t pounde to the 'outdo foot; thie would give a total.of 562.500 tone, per Minute, or 25,312,500 eons in 45 minutes, of which aoenevehae more than two-thirds passers over , the Horseshoe Falls. °thin, estimates plane the total amount •peeeing' civet botb laillaft, high as 100,000,000 tons per hour, in com- parison, tho recent) flood at Johnstown was O gill.