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The Exeter Advocate, 1889-9-19, Page 5
EVEREST'S COUGH SYRUP CANNOT BE EXCELLED. Try it and be convinced et its wonderful ahem, s properties. 1!'rioe 94 cents. The MostSuccessful I3emedlr giver di. covered, as It certain in its, effects and proof below.. 8Tna>fasmzzx P. Q. May 3,1669.. ;Q T K&tw LCR. Enoabuzgh Falls, Yt gentlemen ,—I have used Ken dell's Spavin Cure for Spavin. And aLMo in acaso of lameuess and St IrJclotsendfounditasure oaroltteveryrespect, ,cordially recommend it to alt horsemen, Wry respectfully yours. CJTART.S 3 BLACK/al. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CORE. sT. Tztoxes, P Q., April 22, 1S . pa. B. Z., KEseet.f, Co.. Enosbumn, trots. Yt. Gents -lhave used a few nut tlea Of your Ken- dall's Spavin Cure on my colt, Whleh was suffer .. son. 1144.ease in. a very bad germ, and Can. say thatur Kendall's Spavin Cure mad complete and rapid cure. I can recommend 1t as the best and most effective liniment Th. avoeverhandled. gladly tmisf Mt of Ibl se 4 Tours respectfully, Tri 7 P. W.u.SISSalt,: KENDALL'S SPAYIN OURI Tear Ewes. fate.. Nay10 lila, DnIl . . X Irsu Mu Co . Ennsbuzz;h kuls 31t. Qanttenen -• I always keep your ,senders Spavin Care:aud Blaster on hand and they have never tatted In wheat you state Moywlit do, a Aaveottrad a bad casae of Spavin Aust MOO two epees of Ringbonq ofycarsstoneling onmareswhich I bought to breed frons, and have not ecru 1t31'4gns of disease in tneir offspring. Tours truly. b. IT, a'lfErr= Price 81 per bottle. or sir hottles for *:5. all vlaissistshaveitervansetitforyou,orig.*vtltbe Mt to any address sus receipt of price by the proprletor DR. B. y. 113ND.&LI4 CO.. Euosbursit Faile,Yt* SOLD AY Aril, DRUGGISTS. \CARTER'S IVER PILLS. MADE MAI, t$-) Try Everest's Luer Regulator 'or Diseases of the Liver Kidneys. ire., and Purify - bag of the Blood. Price $1. Six bottles for ai5, icor Sale by ALL DRUGGISTS. Manufactured only by Geo. ki. AVEREST. Cumin; yvsrsx, off', ENNYROVAL WAFERS, Prescription of a physician Sebe has hat. a life long experience in treating, female diseases. Is used monthly with perfect success by over 10,000 ladies. Pleasant, safe,. effectual. readies Ask our dreg; Fist for Pennyroyal Waters and *Piro no substitute or inclose est nee for seated particulars, Sold by \ au drtl gist%SI perbOx, Address T.EXEIM A.OTIEsiiooa.Co.,Dlvrltor -flee. $olo in 1 xeter by Pr. Pitz, and druggists overywbere. dau.18. 'has Year's MYRTLE Cu 8c! Plug Smoking Tobacco FINER TANN N BVER6 See CUTE SiakXieatiacUean,irelieve au the troubles incl dent to a biitous state of the system, such as AIss, Nausea, Drowsiness. Distress after t1a naa.1'aan in the Sitio, fie. 'While their most remarkable sueeesg.bns then shown in curing si Fttutdacha. yet CARTEu'o L15'r1.P Lw tui Pari%% arocgnnUyvaluable in Constipation. curing and preventing this annoying c'.1u al,tiut, while they also correct all disortl e,s of 1130 stt emelt, stimulate the liver anti regulate the bowels. Even It they only cured ,Ache they would bo almost 'prlrc cera to those who suffer *mal this tit atresiins complaint: but fortunately their goodness: tines not caul more, and those who aero try :then% will tin,( these little pills valuable in so nunavan nway,that they will not be wlilin to do rritliout them. ilutafter all sick head is the bane (Aso many lives runt her:. is Pliure we make our great boast. Our 1>ilis cure 1t while others do not. esnrsn•s Lunar,. LIVER TILTS are very. small and very easy to take. One or two pills naako a dose. They are slrietlt. vetaetal !e and Selo not grim+ or purge, but by their gentle aet.t+n please air who use thele. In vials at:::, cents; live for Sl. Sold everywhere, or sent by ntail. CA$TZR 14E1).101* CO,, row Solt, 111a1 Pill. Small Dasa, THE LIGHT RUNNING SEWING ilhailliNE H A S Na EQUAL. IN BRONZEON ash Plug and 'ao%age. TL DIN N; UI 1 The famous heavy -bodied Oil made only by Mc:COLL BROS. & Co'y,, TORONTOI Ilse it once and you will ase no other. JcCoII's Famous CYLINIIER OIL Is the £est in. Canada for engine cylinders. 2Lelm 71ox 1.4a1c15=9., FOR SALE BY E. i +a6 Catar. � a1 Deafness a Catarrh Fever. A NEW .NOME TREATMENT. Sufferers are not generally aware that, these diseases are contagious, or GOOD ADVICE. To be healthy and brave lots of :life and vitt,, be earcful in diet, talcs: plenty of sicep,;znd regulates the bowels, bile and blood with B. B. B. a sure cure for constipation, billousnessr dyspepsia, all blood humors, scrofula and all broken; down collations of the system.; that they are due to the presence of It is .a great deal better to live a hely' living parasites in the lining meld- life than to tam about it,. bra ne of the nose and eustachian tubes Everest Cough Syrup is the best Microsoapie rese.trch,however, has pros ^ tthilllr far Coltl,�hs slid Colds I ever ed this to he a # tet, Ind the result is nsed in uty f4itlil fttltiily.-•-A Di;e oeur that a,. simple remedy has been forum - toted whereby catarrh, cat'trrh3l deaf- ness eafness and flay fever are permanently cured in from one to three simple ap. pliettions Inmde at home by the patient one3in two SYe.iks. 13.—Por °altar^ rhal discharges peculiar to females (whites) this remedy is a specific, 'A pamphlet explailmieg this new treat- ment is sent Ulacelp e.. t o f't. r ten cents by A. II. I)Ixos % So , 30:. West King St., Toronto, Canaria,. -Seienitifie.A.lneri- an, stida$=Q ,fi " Sufferers from catsrrhi4 " should carefully read theoboe (1Q-22-'&3.) THE PROVIDENT Life and Live Stock A 5oaiatioRt INCORPORATED, AUG. 1$87, Head. Order room 1I Arcade. TORONTO, ONTARIO. In the Life Department this Assn- ciaatian warbles Indo/mats- for Sick- ness and Aeeident, and substantial as - "stance to the relatives of decease(' embers at terms available to all,. In the Live Stock Department, two- thirds iadenmity far loss of Rve stock of its members. Send for particulars, claims paid ete. WILLIAM JONES, Sept.(,'8B. I)litr•,ero CITY T l •l ar1.1.'i1. X n'1 tiltl &' oeec(l 0.7on0e:'a of the. Batt -els, I{stint y;^i •nd Liver, c*'yin; off 1,ra,lnnliy. 7witilemis weekcning the sys tele , . e:1 113 ineaii t2. i 'anti foul Lnilh0r3 of tete "t:a:•.etUt'1 s; rtt the tam3. time Core reetirg Acle 1t,,• of t'w13 Stomach, c'l..' fere 1'ri1a011. iia y, ,1.17 r..eppsla, Fleattd.elle$, Ol`i.Laixa«.+:'+, I34'wl°uu�ita•'.1, Constipation, Dr,,'n ss uir fila Skier, Drops}', Dimness of Vision, Jaill:- d3co, S;.41t Ithsulll, rysinelas, Sere. Pula, Fluttering, of th Rears, lIcr- 3 ,ol•es,, and Cats*',4" 1 Beat lits tail those ;41,1 t.lttly. 1'a i.a.0 lntil".al ('un.14.:ti13 i 3`10411 fish la 2nvFtlitte',t.ecf IT:IDOCIC. ALOi,`D BITTERS. - r'or Sa.v L;l cs21 Dater«. T.1.101t19 & CO., k0'iviciol'S, T000nb , rho Great Euglisb Prescription.. A successful Medicine used over , 3o years in thousands of cases. Cures Saacrnaatorrhea, Nervous it freak /less, R,nissfons, Impotency/ 4*�u and all diseases caused by abuse. (nhronal indiscretion, or over-exertion. faarsRj hit packages Guaranteed to Cure When au oilier, rail your Druggist for The Great English Prescription, take no substitute. One package SI. Six e5, be mail. Write forPampblet. Address Eureka Chemical Co., Detroit Mich. Solon in l:seter hyDr. Lutz, and druggists everywhere, Jun. -1-8 THE LADIES' FAVOis2 TE. HE ONLY SEWING MACHINE' THAT GIVES NEITHOT ES ING h1ACNINE C:ORANCE,M SS. CBI CAGO — y8 UNION SQUARE N:(,• DALLAS, I ATLANTA GA: TEX.- SS LOUT MO. SANFRANCISCO,CAL. George Vickers, Kirkton. EXETER NIARXETS, Wheat per bushel. $ 80 to 35 Barley 40 -to 48 Oats . 24 to. 20 Peas..:......'..... , . 48 to 53 Clover Seed . 4.00 to 4.70 Eggs per doz 13 to 13. Butter, ,]tools .. 14 to 15 Butter, Crocks 14 to 15 Potatoes per bush, . • . 70 to 75 Hay ,per ton 9..25 to,10100 ROYAL HOTEL, LUCAN, ONTARIO, I. H ODGINS PROP. The Dar supplied with hest brawls of .Liquors and Cigars, Have you tried the Celebrated EL; CTRIC SHOE DRESSING ? 6mc -If not don't fail to do so at once. It is nota polish but a wonderful leather preservative it will make the finest or coarsest shoe as soft and pliable as kid and very easy to the foot. It will make them absolutely water- proof, and if occasionally dressed with this dressing will last more than tWice as long as otherwise. We Mean What We Say.. It is the very life of leather. It can be applied at any time. No trouble -- Shoe can, be polished; immediately afterwards. PRIOR, 10 & 15 Cents per Box. Sold by all first-class stores. Sam pies mailed—Stamps taken. OLIVER CABANA Jr., 80LE MANUFACTURER, BUFFALO, N. Y. i rias .' *essmse1sw.iist. ellaY t rTIO TUE DEA.p,-A parson cured of Deaf - A. nese and noises in the, head of 3' years' standing, : by a sample remedy, will send a descriptton of it ('RET. to any person who ap- plies to NICf1O].So's, 30 St. John St. Montreal 11-22-'88.-1v Furniture and Undertaking. —GO TO -- Rowe)-.- Rv a Andrews' BEDROOM AND PARLOI'* SUITS, SIDEBOARDS. Ex-rglNSI�yeN rAn S, is t)1 OIN AND EASY (TAIf1j• Th L 'a,est I'(trill'er to:Wxl. Undertakdrag. outside of thet'udert. ars Ring, in all its Branches. Open day and night. STAND. -One door north of :Ilolson's haat. ►i ail* -ST, - - EXETER, None but first -Blass. ,;rase Landon fIlectrie Soap. A fool allay by clatmtace say 'istg. W"skits" Invetriall'$. friend is I. Electric Soap. )llblm sells u 11 Arkona P. 0 Only a few favored by fortune eau scale the rodk of fame. Everest's Cough Syrup is the roost remarkable medicine I ever used for Coughs and Colds, two or three doses il3variabIy effecting a cure.—Wm. Gillis, Forest P. 0. The unhappy finds nothing aft itis heart's supplication. Everest's Extract of'{i fid Blackberry beats the world for Dysentery, &:;-- M Bf INCH Snaith, Forest P.O. There eO613e a time in most men lives crh sin tlto'faeIQ ribs for pr:.t: &-rs. $ ill positively Curet sick headache ata prevent its return, Carter's Giotto s. This is not talk„ lint truth. One 11 ,I doss'. See :advvr.i+rnent. Small 1. Batt:t11 dose. Sin 'til pries?. fere ttl,'e two things needed in these star u: Ma ,'fest, for rich n to find out how alioir men live; and second, for poor Smith were ;oft ever (lis Iallninted 1t1 , I{t,:tt i'l i:nw h'ity rielt Melt work. . Iava? Janes'• ---No, but l'v a bees alfa- Pala from indigestion*, dyal,.'paiae,'it;t : appointed in marriage. two hearty ea tirrg,is releas.-il at mice London 1:1eCtria :cap is only ,li4 tatltilttt;• One 01 Carter's Litt[t:.I,t><Qr II made by 7. Richards, 4todgtaClfills imnedtatcl� after diirer. Von't wi:t,nl.i. tht I rskdnP3iv't sfiest e3Plaon gltiwt itah;;hxi sV innlminlGt iosf l iiartihtrsnM g; 1 dmaor'ed ttlo an+ttftiere f;arntiTrade :kink Registered. furet tiis,, with him; she's too rich, n1', mitt being praised behind your A LINlei FJOM GLADSTONE. , back owe hundred ;i t,.: h'nea,'- Iy little son aged t•tva, was seized 1 If yon aro tired. t•alealit; 014 lair ,ts Old with diarrhoea, followed by piles. two fashioned griping pills, try CaartC1 doses of Powder's ke'wtraet of Wild P Little layer Pills and trai t.; sante ' u111. Stxawbt•rr,.} gatverelief and half the fort. ;.alms can't stand Over•,vthIng ')onto completed a. ettre.. Mrs. J. A. One pinta cites'. Try the+nt, eIilty re. llladstone, Mau. TI;is rrtetl bias v-Qal;;tl tat. drli ;l:: 4 snap if uo Ilan if at Chia for all summer OM' did not h WC to drag alai* Sledges 1, Le plaints of ehiltlren or adults. uta the hill. The wonder.' of today* is London : tviev To merrZIEIrq. Electric Swap. Are feiny^,estrus;urlter411133 otfixtgl 1.rtrokenniynuf reit 1ty a Biel: child latadrr➢alt; easel ery.11a>f with An earthw'arai t is NOW to I1tt I:alma fat e;att.:3.1 Zt'h'6I.1 1r,we, acute to gin4N ;least 4;ottt121431) tailII1.. d1i'�RtoR°Asia yapa;7ti*Ii14' ,6013 41111. tam.Tl TcE.T111$0. Its value is inealIC132, able. rtw911rt•llertltbcponrilftiestilI,+re:,tslme• tlitate"v, Dovetail upon it. t i'.'---. tlie•r,3 i9 nO. niastalie about it.. It circa tiyamstery mad dint* la a a, rt galatea the atomaleh anal bowels, Cored SY ittIlleeneisetten9thegum°,resalne:si161lt3mma- tion. and gives twine tinct ener,65 to the whola 2.S' 3001. Mao. W:?SI.tR al-ut,TIIMiG SYait riot: M11,1= T,.triIC%iii pleasant Lathe traileAud 9s the preser4nio t nt one na ILO 11):11er. start hcEi \A71eleds mhlvle ilibl rani, edlISNt I'V (' 3:3 io nter-ed and phyoieianet in t1..- t^osteal wrong action of the stomach, liver, kill• a'itttr�,Qza03 i r"pb.neoln1 : utp t14.1{.'.,'9„;atilronete r+ gatih© 3v---' " befell gS -4'14 4'1 t4 -case, ney s, bowels ;laid 1, .trtl, and wltt're;is A. Ile re.►clu's silt's-.. ties. ails itis reporelieve 11. I:. is guaranteed to euro t11 rc,t: 3vh;'t•1ea Ii iib civflt•1-. dyspepsia, liver ceomril:tiut, kidnie.. complaint, dropsy, rheumatism, Biel: L lis' th iuglt it ht' trilled and dead, Illiaelaehe', etc '1hi'rt'ftlre, Int' it rosoie. 0;111 sting1 °.:Dirt,?time•`'. 1I'.a (lentil wase. eta that all st .Y'rs should itso B. 11. B. A Ku12.l tale mato is try to form a syn land be restored to Ii„alti iiott' to rba t 3 af 1•ns and feet Ask ;our fir, u r for LondonI,leet and Mai whits under tit;. city. fie Soap. A fail who ',pain,, tin” truth i, l..•tL''r The� e s , , tit t , im t li tr. T11L accounts of a �l it: dear K'llct-t.i n n unit tl kept by that double t, tart' sr.tent. ,, LONDON, ONTARIO. 3. r day. J. £l J. MCMARTIN, Minden ,.poor...... The Gr.' n,o 'fetal Enlarged and Laxproved. 80 rooms elegantly furnished. Tables supplied with ;111 the Delicacies of the season.' 3 convenient sample rooms, House heated with hot air. Electric bells throughout. S1 PER DAY. T J. TUFTS, PROPRIETOR CHRISTIE'S .y6TgQl4. 1,,`N. seekte. e ERC@AL) Lim First class RIGS And HORSES. ORDERS LETT AT THE HAWK - 'SHAW HOUSE OR AT TRF1 STABLE WILL 13E PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Telephone Connection. OF WHITE OIbs Raw sub FOR $L AT THE a1ni 11h Gen. Sake. J. MATHESON, The Subserdhers wishes to inform tii+e Far*u61r i and General Publle that lee is Prt'pt,r,•tl to furnish all Shot's and Kind of Well Digging Promptly D0170 andResonabe ates.. Residence 111111 Shop on Am Steed behind Clirislie's Livery Slade, A CALL SOLiCITID, ti 81 N IVJ�_eF.E . If you, leant bargains in Land Roller~, Gates, Hay Racks, or Rakes, --call at the---• Erose Traigg rut 1, Handles of every description always, on hand. Turning done to order on the shortest', notice. Repairing- neatly and cheaply dolls Circular al d band sawing done. A number of bee hives on hand. They are the best and handiest bee hive made.' A quantity of excellent machine oil for sale. Dry wood taken in exchaang e. J' D. VA.SEY- ,ISSETT BOSLvRY1 First Class :Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH OOM1V +aRCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention, TERMS - REASONABLE. A TRIAL; SOLICITED. BISSETT BROS. POWDERS the pleasant to taZ . Caantakt their awn 1�zorynt1z . ZsaSCre,,S JeaandCffec'tual destzoyerofeeorntsa _vire L s 1 etxorlidttlts-. rmed. 4 bars of London Electric Soap for 25e. The trust rage Is being run into sift', ground. WI E1U'.AS. a insist on your grocer giving you London Eleetrie Soap, it is the hest. ;tat' without seal ince the piling III:cv] T tags. -Mr. T. 7=i.•ksnn, of s., tot 1 Mali too !)ashllli to pop the question. `� e1for�lt, heal tin• 1 k:714111W tai heti; al i 1va1l11athlet't spices last week. The horse si PACT Wf1ItTA 1tE s1EMBEitiN(.. took very sick and all that could be \Ir, Jas, Blade, of Toronto, status done for it seemed to fail in giving it h - ' three mouths ill. . e that his little hall, t 1a.a it oath, old ls.luf. After it crud a Ii,st lilttrt.,tn was 8o bald with summer complaint that w;Is ,held and it was found th•tt by Ender tle:t doctors' tr.';atnlent her life some mean3-, the inteetioes bet: me ,Watt dispalved of. Four doses of Dr. knotted, thus tallla113 de!th. Fowler's Extract of Vsild Strawberry (lti TuestlRc lfth inst., while thresh- Soap iIig with a ,"warn tats nerd; r t t134, farm i]on't forget to try London Llectau of 11 111 i.t•'k , tea l0, ;:3cs i' n the Soap 011Ce and 3'01.1 will use n0 0tlr'2 'i it,,int' (.1t1 ,11t ai ,fit. (gin it tis till ire. 1reuied, I)e,irite the eT0rts of the th1•esai13 A lawyer depends on words: the real : hands everything wee burnt, b.erns, est:Ito maul on steeds. • °yelp Ieav and t:vt r3thing that gnaw •Sl atshing mode easy Ind ,homes on the farm of 100 ner<es. There is it made happy by using London Electric Soap. A laying of blares usually proceeds a hatching of schemes. CoXStM3'T11Ob CI RR,D. General News, An old physician,retired from practice,hav- ing had it aced in his hands by an last India missionarythe formula 1 0 or n ria o#'a sun m love etal,le p s ee • for s rem l the speedy 33 andpermanentcur Consumption; Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, Also a positive and radi cal mire for nervous Debility and atllNervous Com plaint s aftor having test edits wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his Baty to make It known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and e, tiestre to relieve human suffer- ing,, will send free of Charge to all,who desire it, this receipe, in German, French or English -with full directions for preparing, and using. Sent by m ail by aaldressing with stamp nam- ing this paper. W. A..11 OYES, 119. Power's Block, Itoehester, N. Y. 1 O Just think wasting day made shorter by using London Electric Soap. Lighthouses do not ring bells and fire cannon to call Attention. to their shining. London Electric Soap -will not in- jure the ]lands or clothes and do more work for the ,nosey, try it. People should always' make the most of fine when it comes, because there cannot be to much of it. ON THE SURFACE. Skin diseases appear on the surface are are often humiliating to the suffer- er from them. From two to three bott- les of Burdock1 i B cod B ttersit w l cure salt .rheum, erysipelas, shingles, tetter, nettle rash, eczema, . boils, pimples, or blothes, at the same time restoring the general 118111611. , There is plenty of,work to do for the multitudes, that are good and true. AT DEATH'S DOOR. My little boy had diarrhoea andcame very near dying. After the failure of everything else we used Dr. Fowler's Extract o/ `'Wild Strawberry which caused a quick cure, and I know of two others ,were cured by the same remedy. , ]nate nr teN C. Amos, Hiller, Ont. :mod insure= taut it will not nearly cover the laws. • While ploughing one day last week Menne lleseh, Zurich, met with a pain- ful accident. lite ground being hard the horses wer-a hulling hardzlnd walk- ing fnst.whell the elevis broke, and Mr Oesell baying the lines round mina was drawn in ahead nuad atltl fell 0u his Estee on. the colter, cutting his upper lip and nose. I)r. Euchat,nt:a was elided and put nine stitches in the wound, Rolllnuuv.--The Caledonian games were field il'. Lucknow, on Wednesday, being attended by a large crowd In the evening a concert was given in the To3vii Hall by a, travelling company of musicians. After it was over the lady treasures of the companyleft the pro- coeds of the evening in her room and went out. When she returned she found that during cher absence some one had entered And stolen all the - funds. A FxusAx or 'NATURE.—The other day an egg which was truly a freak of nature was discovered at Mr Geo. Teti - ford's house Clinton. An ordnary-look- ing egg was picked up for use, and .e hen broken, instead of a yell: inside was found a secondegbfnilyde rc)oped. This was hrol.en, and another found inside of it, whieli,, upon being broken, was found to contain an ordinary pea, 'that had started to sprout. Mr. Tedford vouches o • the• rn u for truth of thi - this,being 1e sent in the house at the time the egg were broken. Suppling DEATr3.—Mr. William Mc- Millan,of Tncksrsmith, township Treeas- urer died studrlenly otic day in the early part.of last week,, at his home near Brumfield. He Was n•riting when his head was suddenly bowed to the desk, and his soli: who was in the room at the time, on going forward immedi- ately, fotuud that leis father was dead, He was in his 62nd year. In his earl - ser years he taught school and was afterward book-keeper the Mt;Pllcr- son al • fou clay employ of. Clinton. The burial took place on Tuesday.