HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-9-19, Page 4TRE wheat was neglected. Flour was firmer. Barley was 6d cheaper. There was a v* ori fall of 3d to rye. La Plaata, :corn was down, Od to is. Oats were firm, Cal- WM. ,i11DE$, Editor. eutta linseed was 9d lower. Thulrsday, September 19th 1889, a't,17' O:�TAI DEBT: Below we give the National Debt of cal: nation which, NOR prove 'interest. tg;..,. Fr:tnea, $5,950,000,0001 Great 3eritain, $3,701,653.270; Russia. $2,601, vr,00I;1tal i ', 0i,9i13, 85.; ;Austria, ,0!'a5O00,000; United States, $1,563x. :'.is"x'7a�s; Sp<aln, t1,28,1'26,5O% Oer- man , $1,145,000,000; India, $806,501,- 1 ;Turkey, 5744,839,018; Portugal, ,314,570,• Egypt$518,625,840; .,tats Zraha, $185,000,000; Belgium, 8408,- 922,4d6; 08,-2446; Holland, $400,000,000;Canada, a55,96b,417; Sweden and Norway, Deeliwood,. Mr. D. Willett is at Detroit at present attending the great exhibition in that city, Quite a timber of the young; folks are going to take in the world's fain at Zurich on .Friday next, "tar. George Baker, of Exeter, spent Sw lay here visiting his best girl. She says you may come again, George. Messrs. E. Sander end Robert;artiale, of Exeter, spent .Sunday here. We believe there must be some attraction here for the young men. The much wished for rain cameon Sunday last. it was much needed as the brash fires were making rapid head- way destroying everything in the *tO0.400,000; Greece, *50,496,669. Yt•oarls, On Friday last one of Mr. D. D. Wilson's teams was left standing in fort .of Mr. Jonas Hall's stare, While , the driver was inside cloizrg; some busi- ness the horses took fright and ran k , : of nzenabers of the Reform par- away. 'any t•:tn at"t-t►ss the street to the Commercial Hotel stable, the door ue n.143',i'i„na thfie to time ban'+j ia<<n Ilan of w ide it ' M open. No damage was .-Mace ina tet:*i-atuenc e of a resort ttr there except She btu.".Mailing of a -whiffle. QN1, tisivc.1 :" lion. toseeure the eke ."n being Mr. Colter, n,a a f;:ait;ra al Dominion electioncot The ern ireutioa, of the Bishop of Lincoln will cost laop00, of Nbt ti a. I,tat.y of lialcliuinid. 47,000 Inas already been raised. Fears will be; remembered At the genes are now entertained that If the ritual - or 1832, the late fir, David ism, of which the bishop is an exponent, a r�raltatl :a wry muter man ill the * declared 111t,,.t1, it will c,ln&s a Ms -- was re-elected. Ile died in ruptiolt ink the c welt' HAL DI31r.1NDA°M . Another name hills Wen added to 1S-?' lie(, i Ma{ expitlit len of tang, ?alit e excel in 1842, when Mr, Col• •-tl;'azed. in the Liberal inter- EXETER, Sep. 25 and 24. H. Merritt, of Tor Mitchell, Sep. 20 to 27. Toronto, Sep 0 to 21. ons rs'ative, by a vote of 1,870 Guelph, Sep. 2( and 26. to LW -or as nt•t ;cera, of 110. This Hamilton,, Sep. 23 to 27. ;an nasal: place in September 1556, St, Marys, Sep. 24 and 25. ..a: Stratford, et, �,ad .s tt.l t it nntS dissolved ed in Sta'd;i, Sep. SO and Ott. 1, .x,aa, r,,,.•P 1without, meeting again, Goderieh Sep, 17 to 19. otter was unable to to he his St, Thomas Sep. 24 to 27. t.it, general election which Clinton. Tries., \Yed. & Thurs., Sept, l►1:. C,alt9'1- was opposed by l 24th, 2.0th and 20th. ;ag; tae, who was declared return l,t scrutiny before the county •164t14';'• a7; by a >nlajorit. of one 1 Thr+ best paper for your family or vote et, File, inti vco being Montague, nous friend's family is the Montreal its prat}c},,a1,end at nrtF• election took Il at.P'.Y , whieb,whilc it is abreast with P:tr4. cr. the 12th avenber. t e7. re- tarp r."1 fl, innt:a14(1 f." its unezectption aline for its adherence to the k'all Fairs. Two Good k'apers, Suiting, L ;1 sr, ;:,glen :gue'aa eketiou, :tar• II great principles which it has consist. ither •f,r;ite d by a. vote of aptly advocated for t, generation. It lir. montvwfs Gleet- has beam during hint time the =coln- ielt WWI at tin l,r„tes.tel, and the seat' Protnihitcg fuer of eec1esiasticisin, of the china: tr. tllie, and all forms of oppress- a.4+:tit 114,11,1,0 Iva vaelnt, it ilt,.w' ion, among which it counts protection. qac *reit tar 1. Ipl tee in January, ISM). It h i,s d,9 anted itself much of late years zt' 1a h 'r.hsit:t,•.1 in the return of Mr. to the promotion of reciproeity with the r.'olke l., a vote of 1,503 to 1,757: twis ted States and has recently been '44z Colter.tt;a11 throughl st s ',ifln idled with the contest against Jesuit: tggIVSSIon, on whieh battle -field it is, �+ eted vale +a::ar of the most frequent as might be expected, the foremost and • 4 1.•..9 ,9 ALLAN LINE. ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. LIVERPOOL AND QUEBEC SERVICE. Fatoet LIVERPOOL. § STEAMER, Facet QUEBEC, 1 1 6 � Friday May Friday) April . , , ]. , . 'rtCIRCASSIAI I' nd �* Q 1 Thursday, " 25.. „ , , , PARISIAN. .., Thursday 44 16 " Nay 2.....,, POLYNESIAN.... 4! 44 23 Friday, 44 10 ...... OATHHAGENIAN Thursday, " 16 .. • .. , SARDINIAN. .., .. Thursday, June 6 Friday, " 24 .. .... *CIRCASSIAN , Friday, 4t 14 Thursday, " 30 ....... , PARTSIAN ... , , . -, , « 20 4a June 6....., POI. YNESfAN. .Thursday, 44 27 Friday, " 14. • .. 14..,,., SCARTIIAGENIAN Thursday, " 20 .... , . ! SARDINIAN, ....,. Thursday, July 11 Friday" 28 ...... *CIRCASSIAN .. Friday, u' 19 Thursday, July 4 . , .... I PARISIAN , ...... Thursday, 44 25 44 ,� 11.. POLYNESIAN 4t. August 1 Friday, 4419 ....... e C ARTHI ADEN IAN Thursday, " 25 ..... , SARDINIAN,. AN, Thursday, sc 15 Friday, August 2. -,, .. *CIRCASSI AN .., . Friday, 44 23: Thursday, • F4 5... , . , . PARISIAN... .Thursday, 44 29 ;, " 15 ...... µ POLYNESIAN.,.1 " September 5 Friday, " 23 , ..... tCARTII AGEN I A v . Thursday, 44 29,...., SARDINIAN.. ft 19 Friday, `September 0. ...;;tCUR('ASSI AN ° .. Friday, 4a 27 Timrsdaly-, .c 12.,.,,.'I PARISIAN Thursday, October 8 c4 " 19,...e.l POLYNESIAN. 4 " 10 RATES OF PASSAGE BY MAIL STIPAIIJERS. Ca?ain,$c0,$70Ana toso, eceording to accommodation. Servants in Cabin, $50. Inter. mediate, $01. Steerage, SI.), ueturn Tickets, Cabin, $110, $lSD, .$150. Stearal C41)1111 $00, Steerage. 4900. *,Dy cireiassilntx et other tette steemer . tlon. eabin,�A, 553, au $ 0, according to EC2Oiailft< Second, Cabin, $30. Steerage, S. tcturn ta cati, $oo, Sat0,a d leu?ternt+dtate , $Gx Steerage. Sic. rThe C4tR1~IIMIENIAN gill not carat•assengers from this side, There will be no Steamer carrying Passengers from Quelace Slay ynst, July Stat, ,August 9th, September 15th. rasseupers rtta mail. from. Montreal. JOHN SPACKMAN, the only authorized Agent for Exeter, Look before you Leap. ANS BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR Building Hardware, Binding Twin, Harvest Tools, OR ANYTHINGIN of TI x"; * ARE Call and see BISSE l.T BROS.' large stock and get prices. TURNIP and other field seeds a specialty. Cash paid for 'y Ren. E,.: "•he' .1111ESit iou Slap!. Haan- Mont feArl,r+fach:tialllitan. The question alg so often et.d'1ror:d ta) r<!'uuit tate arnl answer departments of the W'it felt baund to melte the xrv, Iiai'c grown into an institution in the a otuitry, and the piper is well ate t o his time after his pcaiitieal am- known xa:; as Nat till Emend had instruct ipition h.td been rt'atli;ed. Dr. Monet- or of tate fame; "Lindenbnnk and ,web wttlaI1 r:crs lowing had substant- "`ltustiens" being still constant eontrib- 511 nestles fur believing that corrupt- utnrx. 1 he thildrell look for their spec iatl :5 011 an extensive be a24, prrratled 1n nrent. 'storie1•halad for tate puzzle depart a; yearly subscription to the 'she desperate er:ort made to defeat that Valk.7f fitness is 33 and to the Weekly +'utitnn tn, L s`daea to enter a protest a Witness 51. ivhieh should be addressed against Mr. Colter's return. Tlvit eseIn inn wee duly carried out, and several days' patient investigation vroved that the usultl Liberal letics In:s been practisd by his ,,gusts in his interest, the result being that Werdnesdey last Mr. Justice Fal- etzltbridett declared the; seat' vacant. We have no doubt that the conserv- atives of Haldim•tnd will again insist ,on Dr. Mont-igue becoming their candidate. At great personal sacrifice he hes pluckily fought the battles of the p arty in that Liberal constituency, and if his friends insist'upon it, it may be taken for granted that he will again be prepared to carry the Con- wevatives banner in opposition to Mr. eater. The electors of the constitu- ency are deserving of sympathy, for they: have had so many contests of late, that they must find them 'a political sfatisanaee. Dr. Montague is an able rnan. During his short parliamentary esreer•he won for hiniself a -front place eau dell ater, and' was a general fav- orite. If he consents to again be a candidate we hope he may be reward- ed for his gallantry by, winning back "Abe seat. .British Grahi Trade. :'lie :liliaatkv. Lane Express, in its week - 3y review,' of the British grain trade; says: -The deliveries of now crop wheat are largely increasing. Some sell as low as 29s per 480 pounds. The sales of English wheat during the past Seel: were 55,989 qrs. at 30s 2d against 1.5,655 qrs. at 38s ld during the corre- sponding orrespond ng week last year. The large tiierenee in the price between now anal,, a' year ago is partly due to the Palet that the wheat offered at the time, sweli;e months ago, was old grain of the fine crop of 1887. Foreign wheat kkl:lower. Fleur shows a fractional decline' Corn is weak. The prices of leans and peas are in buyer's favor. Bye is 6d. lower. At to -day's market English new wheat sold at an average of 37s per qr. and old at 30s. Foreign to the publishers, Dougall & Son,. The 2 or'liaern Messenger, issued by the same publishers is still the cheapest illustrated paper published, ane is full of the best of family reading as well as reading for the young. The subscript ion price is only 80 cents a year. Sunsliiue. HAltvtsr ICoun.-The people of this appointment of the Elimville circuit took :a new departure this year. In- stead of holding the usual tea, it was decided to substitute the more oppro- priate Harvest Horne Dinner; and it proved a success. On Sunday the 8th, two very appropriate and impressive sermons were preached by Rev.. E. A. Fear, of Hensali. The church was beautifully decorated with the products of farm, woods and garden, and pre sented a very pretty and pleasing ap- pearance. On Tuesday 10th, from 5 to 7 p. m., a old fashioned dinner of potatoes, cabbage and chicken, with all the necessary accompanying palat• able delicacies served up hot and steaming, in the large shed adjoining the chi rch. After the inner man had been supplied, a platform meeting was organized with Rev. W. Penhale in the chair, and stirring and timely ad- dresses delivered by Rev. Revs. E. A. Fear, Jasper Wilson, M. A., of Exeter, and T. IL Down, junior minister of the. circuit. We must not forget to men- tion the excellent service rendered by the choir, which dealt out liberally sweet and appropriate melody. Pro- ceeds over 550. The people of Sun- shine church have reason to congratu- late themselves on the success attend- ing their efforts. DY: rD.T RS. McCov.-In Stephen, on 13th' innt., Robert McCoy, aged 72 nears. WILSON. -In Usborne, on 3rd inst., the wife of Mr. S. Wilson, of a son. S1inaiun-In`Exeter, on 7th inst., the wife of Mr. A. Sheen, of a son. VAIL.-In Exeter North, on 15th inst., the wife of 1Vir. William Vail, of a 5011. BIssnxr^.-In Exeter, on 18th inst., the wife of Nlr.'E. R. Bissett, of a son. a.la Skinsy, Ula stairs, over H. Spackman' ATTENTION Acis front, QM= i,¢BRCii W. SOUTHCOTT'S Clotraing and Gents 'VRNISEZ T ' - STOILE. EXETER, - - ONTARIO. Some of .the finest goods. that can be secured, are arriving every day. GENTS' FURNISHINGS IN THE LATEST STYLES AT RIGHT PRICES, A CALL SOLICITED. W. SO ITH OTT,. Corner Main ornerMain and John Street, EXETER, ONTARIO. \. G IIURKET SQUARE STORE The undersigned would inform the Public that Le has just received hi; w SIIIER .STOCK, INCLUDING FULL LINZ OF DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAT'S, AND CROCE,. ERS, BOOTS AND SAES, Those wishing anything In my line U1 find it to their advantage to call -td inspect an • goads and d ' ,ile 3 g prates, est Roller Floilr always onlband. Highest Price paid, for Butter and, Eggs, and all kind of f Produce, J. Y. ROSS. ierona1it Tallor0 and other farm produce. ISSN ,+.. r I. 9•� S UALITY X? THE TRUE TEST OF CRE PNZBS. J. H. N.?THCOTT -o--I NOW OFVERING-o- BREAD, BUNS, CAKES Etc., Of Every Description Made to Order. 3. H. Northcott, ONE DOOR NORTH OF FAANSON'S BLOCS. Main -street Exeter. THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT TYPE me from which this paper is printed was supplied by the TORONTO TYPE FOUNDRY Dealers in Type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies. J. T. JOHNSTON,. 80 & 82 Wellington St. west TORONTO, ONT. Hardware Store. lie Ilas in stook ;soilnc oftllo finest summer goods to be found on the market. A CALL SOLICITED. tT. G. SM. ,L7,&OOs° BE. London Huron & BruoeRailway GOING Norval-Tnua TAnz;E-Pass'nr. London, dep'trt .... 8.05 A. M..4.25 r, at. Lucan Crossing ...8.47 5.20 Clandeboye .8.52. , 5.28 Centralia.......... 9.05 5.45 EXETER .. .9.16. 5.57 Hensail ........ . 9.28. .. 6.09 Kippen 9.84...... 6.17 Brucefield ...9.42 6.26 Clinton.. 10.00 6.45 Londesboro' ..10.10 7.03 Blyth...... ...10.2a. 7.12 Belgra e ........10.42.. 7.27 Wingham........ 11.00.... 7.45 GOING Soups. • Passenger. Wingham ........ 7.05 A.M3.40 r.bs. Belgrave .... 7.24. 4.00 Blyth. ..... 7.384.15 Londesboro' . ... 7.47 4.25 Clinton .: .. 8.07 ... 4.45 Brucefield .. .. ...8.26: 5.04 Kippen 8.34 5.12 Hensail . 8.41 5.19 8.56 Centralia.... 9.07 5.45 Clandeboye ...... 9.18 5.56 Lucan Crossing .. 9.24 6.02 London, arrive 10.15 6.45 FOR BALE CLOTHING Ito ■ J. Ma,. Wit. EXETER ONTARIO, Has now in stock PllI AND UMMER IN THE, FOLLOWING LINES West of England Suitings and Trous eringe,, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser- ings. French and English Worsted Cloths All made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates, A, C. tS`'E'zs4, L. 11. 1 ' Ic son's L■Ih.g for Slic. Lot No. SS, in tate leteoncessiouof the town ship ofaiibbert,00ntaaning too aures. This farm will 1* sold cheap, aanld on as e The farm is situatd taiday between Seasfa tT ll, and Dublin, on tlae Huron Graa•el Road, and School, wathm lu0 yards of farm. Sod the best in the county. .A number oflasoter village properties for sato on the best of terms,anciuding some of the mast desirable residences 441 town. Some property in the villa es of Centralia and Farquhar, which can bgaought cheap. To DoAtilitaj Hoare keepera-.0n comtle' tion of Verity a oundry, its calculated t tat from 1s to 10 a4 alta , 4 "a, 1 alla l at aro d a tttuo o ldo:Fed, A. Rouse to lot at 41. small rent es - able ofasc:omodating s to 1u boardora..&bout Avo minutes walk from the foundry, Forfurther particulars apply to atr,Erob7t1t,1. lr eaotor. S. GIDLEY. THE LEADING 'LT ndorzotalmer .ANI) Furnibre DaIer OF THE I have an iminenSe Stock of Furniture and Undertaking Goods now on hand, lv-hich I will sell at right prices. 1UDERTAKU'Ri Farmers, Gardeners and 7a! ioriste, A. fair sized brick cottage containing dining -room, sitting -room, s bedrooms, en- trance hall, with two good collars under- neath,larggekitchen 14x20 feet, with wood- shed attach;•df two largo greenhouses, small stable, good, well ;ofwater; .with 1% acresof land, all well fenced and xn fair condition. This property is within five minutes' walk of the Exeter post, office. The land will l e sold on easy terms. Applyto A. ALLEN, Exeter, Ont. April 11, 0 m. MEDICAL. THE CELEBRATED DR. LE CARBON, OF PARIS, FRANCE, HAS ESTABLISHED AN AGENCY IN TORONTO FOR THE SALE OF HIS. MEDICINES, WHICH ABE A'P05- ITIVE CURE FOR ALL CHRONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES OF LONG STANDING, ALSO YOUTHFUL INDISCRETION,EARLY DECAY, ETC., SHOULD WRITE FORIN- FORMATION. CORRESPONDENCE CON- FIDENTIAL. _ADDRESS ALL LETTERS TO THE E. B. CRAisr 1 Ae nmet, A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. S. GIDLEY. -THE----- Central Shaving Parlor, EXETER, Ontario. . atiastin.gs„ PROPRIETOR. Every Attention paid to Ladies' and Children's Hair ' Cutting. AG -ENT FOR THE TROY LAUNDRY. A. Iastaisgs. Exeter Poto Why is it that in other towns and surrounding country they speak .so highly of the photo- graphs that are taken in Exeter. And how isit that there are so many photos sent into the different' cities of Ontario from EXETER PHOTO GALLERY Because Senior's work is as if riot better than anyof good the leading galleiries in the cities and their prices are $4 and $5 per doz., while they CAMERON PLACE, - TORONTO, get them at Senior's for c$3.00.