HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-9-19, Page 1VOL. III, The Nelsons Bank* Sphartere4l_. lryrrevilement, 18&3,i Paid up Capital , $0,000,000. Best Fund , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1,040,000, eaclefilee Montreal. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GEATnaL MANAGER. Twenty yraneh offices in kho Doanlnion' A.genc eo hn the Dominion. U.S. and Europe. Open . every lawful day from XO a, m. to S g, m., Saturdays i.Q a.m. to 1 p. m. '• M A general bankingbusiness transacted Three per cent. ,per annum allowed for money on Deposit Receipts and. Savings R. H. ARCHER, All 28, 'Su, shag THE Oxeter Ai Is pu:4101a (every Thursday Morning, at the Office. MAIN -STREET, EXETER. 11 be SANDERS' PU'llusluxo COMPANY, y TERaia OF $. D'CRTI'TIOAI. Ona 1)oliar per annum if raid, be Advan r.+1.5o if not $0 peed. ,saore-t ts.' eeee.ters ate. ..y No parer discantinue,1 until all arrear:age are pnt+i. Advertliementa without ape eiIle directions will lit published ti19 ierl,id and nhsvacd eecotelin^ty. Liberandierountmade for treuocient a,.Ivcrtieentent$iuecrt,'d for longperiods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned cutin the finest style.: knd at moderate rates. Chenucs,monny ord- ere, &e. for *dvi rtieing. subat:rrptioure etc. to he anaade 'payable to. Williaala Sanders, Editor .eltutcelt 1)ireeteryy. Tutrirr :II:aIOUTA1. (i err.--7Bov. s. E Robinson, In(etar. Sunday $ervIeee. 11 a, m and 7 p. m. Sabbath : chooi, 2.so p. m. Iliter pease cittati.wi'-Fans es. ft. BON". Clement, iotabalin,top. zn. SUnG j 8bthSieda. MAIN Weltivt:x.-Trow. J. tiVileon, Palter. Sun .1'av St•rvicee,Ittso a.m. and Q.so p,m. Sabbath School..ao p. ria. PR>:SItYTitI1ANCnUACi[.—Rai.. W.Idartin, Pastor. Steele vServiette n a.rn. and QHS) p. m, Sabbath Sahool,145 u.m. • Frofeastauai. (:a-vdtt.. TT L. BILLINGS, Office over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, QntarlaT painless 'itrous Oxide Chas for r extraction. H. KINSMAN. DENTIST, L.D. S.. ex- tracts teeth without rutin by giving Vugetelilo Vapor, or using the new Aatesthetic on the gums. atiakee Gold ?Illi Jugs .and otherdee tel work the best possible. Goes to Zurich last Thursday in eechanonth. East side of Main etroet. Exeter. if B. WHITELY, IL D. MIL, PHYSICIAN es is and Surgeon. Office rand tesidenee-- Corner Victoria and Elgin; streets, Goderiole hltario. TaR.S. A. ROLLINS. OFFICE -1f AIN ST. 3J Residence -Corners Andrew and North. Streets, Exeter, Ontario. TA. AMOS, !IL D. C. M. L. 0. P., EDIN.; L, • R.C. S. Edin.; L. F. P. & S., Glasgow; TAM., EdinbnrgghandGlasgow; M, C. P.B. S. Ontario• P. T. M. S., Toronto. Might bell at office. Crediton, Ontario. 3y12-8 DRDR. COWEN. OFFICE --MAIN STREET, . Exeter, npstair$, opposite Centra leaotshutmos street leading entrance ehdit Cch. T W. BROWNING, M. D., M. C. P. S. EP • Graduate of Victoria 'University..Offiee and residence. Dominion Laboratory; Exeter. -17(7ILLzAM SW 'E ET, V ETER- Vinary Surgeon. Graduate Toronto. Office and Residence one block east. 'of Samwell & Pickard's store. Opposite nkat- ing rink, Exeter,' Ontario. VETERINARYDEN TISTRY. A.jg.FITcx, Veterinary Dentist, graduate ofProf.H. H. Davidson's Dental School, Toronto. / All work in conn ection.with 1lorses teeth prom- wityh attended Sweet, 8. A. H. Fiamination mch, Office. RH. COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office— Samwell's Plock, .Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. �, T IL DICRSON,BARRISTER, SOLICITOR . of Su,remo Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan Oftice-Fanson's Block, Exeter. ' IaLICT & EL LIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- .L' itors, Conveyancers, &c. Money to loan at6per cent. . B. V. ELLIOT., \ J. ELLIoe TAMES ORE, Exeter, Ontario, Licensed tAuctioneer ,for the County of Huron. Sales promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged.at this office. HBROWN, Winchelsea.. Licensed.Auet- '• . foneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne. Sales promptly attended to and terms reason able. Sales arranged at Post office, Winchelsa EBOSSENBER RT, Henson Ontario. Lic- eased. Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Chargee moderato and satisfaction guaranteed. XV HOLT, Rhiva, Ontario. Licensed auct- 1/Y • ioneer for the Counties- of Middlesex and Laanbton, end -the townships of.$tephen awl Hay. All sales promptly attended to. HEILBER, Licensed Auctioneer for Hay Stephen and McGillivra • townships. • , 3 office•-Credhton, Ontario. EXETER, ONTTARTO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1889. Valuable Farms For Sale. Tvo Rar-ans for Sale in the township of Ts - borne, County of Hnron,ad joining the thriv- ing Village of Exeter, eon -xi -rising Tote in, in• srd con., and lots 18 and half of 19, 2ud con. of said township. Letts contains isle acres with a comfortable brick dwelling and con. veniont out -buildings. The other lots 18 and half of 19 with good out-luildings.'I'his pro, perty will be sold separately or enblock. Terms to suit purchasers. JJ JAs. HoLGSO ,!,Exeter,Ont REMEMBER The Old Stand 4 R=SEP If you want au easy shave Os good barber ever gave just call at F, IL FISH'S $RAVING - SALOON At Morning, Eve or busy Noon. Ie wi11 cut and dress the flair gracefully to melt CUSTOM3 ages' hair dressing done to perfection. Stand near thte Post Office. DOWN GQ" THE PRICES vier to make room far our fall pie es,,tlalc 1 aae uow arriviug.v:e ol'- li r r(thlee4.. rAe(,s to manor s ss -oOas, l0ellns,l'rtht%Laced, Dmtroideries, &e. 9 between of Summer Millinery at cost. T SA�GIA,RS. whichhve a. eqnantlt of Seger on Yhand hick was ppurelaat,cd hefore the Heavy ltde canes which we. tare offering at less than pre- sent oeeeereeellseleandureanot exeelledelu the County. A call solicited and an Jnanection invited' 8 All kinds of produce-;taiken ill exchange, Butter 14 cents ; Eggs, 1e cents. Rappol tv Ula horn , g , r wale . CANADA'S GREAT Industrial —AND— EXPOSITION AN D— BB�IC9LTOQ�. QPUSffIBb 1eae TORONTO SEPT. 9th to 21st. Increeeeti Prizes. Greater attractions and a Grander display than ever before. Newest and, Best Special Features. that Money can procure. The Greatest Annual Entertain- ment on the American Continent. Cheap Excursions on. all Railway's' Over eseeoo0 visitors attended this Exhibit - non last year. Entries close August 17th. Por Prize Lists and. Forms. Programmes, etc., drop a post card: to H. 3, HILL, 3. 3. WIIHRiOW,Pros. Manager, Toronto. New Tailor Shop WHERE -- :1101171017 can can get Saitca. Ladies Garment Cutting a Specialty._ Gents own material made up in the latest styles'and at the very lowest figure. T .. A CALL SOLICITED. F.O!DLEV, FANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER. Saltintrthe Calf. A farmer named Hilton, living near Gananoque, hired a very inexperienc- ed boy to help him about the piece. One morning lie told' the led to go and salt the, calf over in the pasture. The boy* took about a quart of salt,, rubbed it all over the calf, working it;ioto the hair.' A gang of colts scented the salt and got after the calf. They licked all the hair off the calf's back and tried to licit the hide off. too. The farmer tried to catch the calf to wash it, but the' creature thinking he wanted a lick too, kept out of the way. The boy,calf and farmer are all happy. The colts are the only ones that got any full out of it. St. Leen Water. The Great Health Restorer. If you feel out of sorts, drink St. Leon Water. N:icixie. ViT: for Dyspepsia and Piles; positive eure. George Sanders. iienefits of Advertising, A good advertisement is the best of all possible .salesmen, It is a salesman who never steeps; who goes after busi- ness early and late; accosts thelnerch- ant in his shop, the student in his study, Me lawyer at his office, the lady at her breakfast table; who can be in .a thousand places at once, and speaks to thousands M clue ads ofpeoplen • each � e week saylnb to each one the best things in the best manner. Changed Viands,. The property known as the lietrt'ip, olitantem ranee house) o11. corner of blain aild. Station street,wasU1eIlased from Mr. J. P. Ross,. by Mrs. Sarah Inge, of Staffer, for whicit she p lid the handsome sum of a 1,000. She will take posession some time in Oetobor, and said. property will illus be cli.altged from that of a tennper.lnce house to n. g etleral hotel. The store tt eonneet- ion, nolw occupied by Mr, Ross, will be converted into .a bar Nellerl said pro. prietress takes possession, Nefarious Tuck, (lu Monday evening some evil die person posed l r so. tl o r persons entered the t1lestable of lir. George O'Brien, 4th Iiay 'blit harlte4secl one of the Horses anal hitched it to the buggy and. S°ter away. The horses a aaIiugg y and btl!r,„,v vas founts in the pitturte field of elle John'Willis, Exeter North, It is not known how far the horse was driven. but when found it WAS lying doweetrtd looked very tired, k horse had broken the slz,•tftai of this buggy i