HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-9-12, Page 8SUPPIIES,
Wraopiugs and Combs;
P. S.—Our traveller wi11 be
en route on first week in Aug-
H[. Y<. Killings, Dentist, for the hest
artafleiat teeth.
Mr, til ►lt.. udrews has our thanks
for a mess of green corn. Come again
Messes. Wood S Balteuty ne shipped
theme c :ds of fine export cattle on
Tuc;a.l ay .
We had a beautiful shower en Thurs
day last. Some more is badly ueeded
just now.
—H, ne.1iII11t;ige, Deeds#, Gold fillings
a►M1uevi:aiea. 4 eeeverO'Nei1'saslant:,
Axe( er.
fat timers were purchased for Lon
dm on Saturday llarnumn'n circus
was ilio attraction.
Just reeeiked at Biehnrd Pickard's
all, the newest things in gents furnish.
ings, tier, scarfs, handkerchiefs, gloves,
site., ete,
For nobby snatiugs, overcoatings,
end pant aag', go to Richard Piekard's
where pines are right and a, good fit
Mr. Ales:. Chang is visiting his sister
at I".ayntsville, Min. Ile will not re•
tiaras lark re, but go to Manitoba, where
he will permanently remain.
The south mail was one hour late on
.lttwrfil"let i vening,owing to Barnums
aroyl, 'Ila,o' earth mail was half an
Astir lezW on Tuesday evening.
1►e are indebted to the Directors of
the Hamas Central Exhibition, which
will he held at Clinton on 24th to 2Gth
for ccanaplinwntary Press Ticket.
Tarte crowds trill leave today for.
the I'rov itav'inl Exhibition at London
enol the ledustriel at Toronto. The
fairs this year promises to be a good
Mr. A. W. IIath:am. teacher in school
No. 3. Stephen. received a telegram.
last week nnnnuneuig the death al his
brother in Colorado, The body nits ex
pressed to the parents in Ribbert.
Richard Pickard: will make a grand
display of Pattern Bonnets, Hats and
Mantles on Monday and Tuesday, Sept,
23rd and 24th. Every lady in Exeter
and vieiuity i& invited to call and .in,
speet our stock.
LADIE-.--,Gr,'and Millin-
ery Opening, cortimeueing
on Tuesday, September 24,
and continue until the 28,
at the Old Established
House. James Pickard,
Few who call the honest farmer mean
think how he has to swet for every dol-
lar he. gains • At this seasen he works
front sunrise until the; gloaming dies
ite darkness. His hands grind money
out of the soil, It conies hard and goes
out hard. A farmer gains wealth some
times in a life time of long days and
short taights.. Cash earned by the
hands cannot be spent so readily as
that which the head wins,.
The case of Priskator vs. Kerniek has
been determined. This was an action
by the plaintiff W recover front the
I)efend'tut the sum of 8300 upon an
award trade by the two arbitrators
Felber and Ballenty ne in the ease of
Eernick vs. Priskator which our readers
will probably remember was a horse
ease tried in November at the
town hall hese. Jndge Toms has a tow•
given judgment dismissing, this action
with costs. Mr, R. H. Collins acted for
11r,' 1 riskator and Messrs, Elliot S.
1;!liott: for Mr. 1ernieln Wo understand
that, the other ease Wilt be tried at the
county Court in December the award
being no good.
Newspapers one sometimes accused
showing irtiality
in publishing some
personals and not others, One says
that if, so and so, had left town, the
' name would have been published, etc.,
Now we don't eare who you are, rich,
or poor. blaele or white, if you have a
personal item let tis know It. We are
not supposed to know everything that
is going on,wislt we did—what, a paper
we eoutd mite! 1f :local items are not
published} it is beeuasa we are not in-
' formed of them or they are not fit items
to be published, Header you eau do
much to assist us as we are obliged to
spend eonsideraable time with office
work, Send in your items,
St. LoueWater.
The Great Health Restorer. 1f you
feel out of sorts, drink St, Lean Water,
ELIXIR'''v r n for Dyspepsia and Piles;
1 positive cure, Geargo Sanders.
Large Plums.
We were shown one day last weelr,
by Mr. David Johns, our postmaster,
twelve peach plums, which weighed, in
the neighborhood of three pounds. Some
of them, weighed 4 or. each.
Eeanonyor'Tlune sinal Trouble
There are a great many people who
send a copy to friends and pay postage
They ny 52 cents in postage, and be-
sklees their trouble fifty two times, the
paper always goes several days after
'publication. icy plying vs the sub-
serilanion price they are saved both post
age and trouble and the paper leaves
promptly at the hour of publleatiou.
The Anvoeseat is the best letter to send
to rt friend. It gives all the local news
and It never fails to go. People geuer
ally neglect to write letters and have
more bother over correspondence than
the eost of a pauper. Only 81. a year in
advance, or 25 ets. until the end of
!tow Slho was Dressed.
The average roan usually finds him-
self at sea when he undertakes a des-
cription of a lady's dress. Ai old far-
mer, returning from the wedding of a
niece in a distant city, was eagerly
questioned by his family as to the bride's
costume, "Well," he said, "she had on
some sort of a dress with a lot of flub•
duibbery of some kind or 'nother down
the front of it and a thing -a -ma -jig on
the back of it, and a long trail of some
stuff, I don't know what it was, dragg-
ing behind, and a lot of flip•flap flounces
over the whole thing. There wa'n't
no arias to it, and she had a lot of white
truck, soft and floppy -like on her head
and that's all I know about it," all of
which must have been very unsatis-
factory to the ladies of his household.
The Wild west.
A Jamestown man in Missouri sends
home the following in a letter.—"They
have changed the time so- that the
trains run in the day time now, so we
get the Eastern mail at 10 o'clock a. m.
They had to quit running nights be•
cause the mosquitoes were so thick
that the locomotive wheels slipped on
the rails, and the largest ones would
catch lightning bugs and flag the trains
and stop them, so that they could get
in and kill the passengers. The boys
up at the milts tell me that they have
to take an ase to cut a hole through
the scum on the water to get a drink.
I don't know if this is true or not, as I
don't drink water."
Make a display.
Ere many days. our Fall Fair will be
here. Every citizen is interested in its
success. A spirit of unanimity ought
to actuate the citizens in regard to the
Fair. Our merchants • should show
what they can do when they set them-
selves to it. There may be little trouble'
and expense connected with merchants
and manufacturers exhibiting at the
Fair, but a wholesome pride and a little
public spirit when he argues that noth-
ing is to be gained by exhibiting at the
Fair. The Fair brings strangers to
town. The better it is the ' more will
eome,and the more strangers will come
the Vetter it will be for the town and
business. Much depends upon our busi-
ness men to make the affair a success,
and they ought to be patriotic enough
°even' to 'credit
a little to make the
Fair a credit to Exeter. Viewed in
another light, a poor Fair gives strong
ers a poor opinion of the town and its
industries, and as a ,matter of self-in-
terest our merchants and manufactur-
ers should arrange to: Make large dis-
plays at the fair 23rd and 24th.
Mr. Dna Dyer, an old Exeter boy, has
puns ased the plant and good wilier the
i'. yn+e+a itie Mina \'.:r;s. Dan is a
ler and. and. wiii make things boom in that
line. We hope that the affair will prove
u grand seeress,
LADIES --Don't forget the
dates tri' the Grand Millin-
ery Opening itt James Pick-
ard's, from Tuesday, Sept..
24 to Sta,turtl ty, Sept. 28th.
Janes Pick441,rd.
While Messrs. L H. Dickson and J.
McDonell, accompanied by Mrs. Dick-
son, were going to St. Marys ono of the
horses stumbled. and fell breaking the;
tongue of the vehicle, when about one
anile from the village.
Now is seeding time for the weeds,
dock and thistles that promises so abun-
dant harvest in many localities. Every
property owner with a growth of this
rant; vegetation around his premises
should destroy it at once.
Visitors to Toronto Exhibition will',
find ample acccmdation and first-class!
appointments at the Arlington Hotel,
corner of John and Bing Sts. , This
house has been thoroughly refitted
throughout, and will compare farourly
with the leading hotels in Canada.
An exchange says, doing business
without advertising is like winking at
a pretty girl, through a pair of green
goggles, you may know what you are
doing, but no one else does. Therefore
if you"want people to know what you
are, and what your business is, adver-
We are showing all the latest novel
Mies of the season in Dress. Goods and
Trimmings. Our stock consists of
Robes in all shades, Embroidered and
Fancy patterns, Broadcloths,Henriettas,
Paramettas, Foules, Twells, &c., &c., in
all the fashionable shades, at Richard
LADIES. --To the Ladies
of Exeter and surrounding.
You are cordially invited to
inspect our Grand Display
of Millinery, commencing
,on Tuesday, September 24,
to September 28th. James
P. T. Barnum's wealth is estimated at.
:$10,000,000 and the number of houses
Le owns in Bridgeport about three hun
dred and fifty. He has made and lost
:several fortunes, but would appear to
be so comfortably fixed just now as to
rave no fear of any further financial
disaster. He is one of the few editors.
that have made a large amount of mon
Don't hill the toad, the ugly toad,
that hops,around your door. Each meal,
'the ugly toad doth eat a hundred bugs
'or more: he sits around with aspect
meek until the fly has neared, then
shoots he forth his little toeguo like
lightening double geared, and then
he winks as he's wank, he shuts his
ugly mug, and patiently doth wait tan,
tail there conies another bug.
Jest think washing day made
shorter by using London Eleetric
A Curiosity
nTear Hawl stone, Silacoe county,
living on the lake shore with his sister
is a boy named Smith, is .a curiosity to
see, It is claimed by his folks that he
haS tact a bona; in his beds*, at least his
"bones" cio not possess the qualities of
other people's. Ile is f.7 years old and
is 'abbot 5 ft. 5 in, long. His node of
progression is somewhat similar to that
of a snake, his body wiggling, and tabu
ing from side to side in the same tort,
uous manner. Laid fiat on the floor
he can be taken by the feet and Tolled
up like a bale of cloth and this does not
in any way hurt him, The bones of
his arms are equally pliable and they
eau be rolled up tightly commencing
with the fingers, A striking peculiar-
ity of his tongue is the elastieity of it,
he. can stretch it out to the length of
twelve to fifteen .inches. We under-
stand that young Smith was not al-
ways in his present state and that his
elastic condition is beeenting more
pronounced all the time, ills appetite
is good, and his sister, who takes care
of him, has her hands frill in doing so;
Itis intellectual developments is not of
the highest order, though he is not
dull by any means on some subjects.
The boy is netting so large now, that
it is with di ileulty his sister carries
him as she used. to. When she lifts
him he coils his body about her and
remains thus until she lets him down.
The cease of the conditionof this re•
writable Hawhstone boys is something
none of Ms relatives can understand.
They know that the bones la'ave soften-
ed, but Can't make 011E whit caused'
them to. He is certainly the premier
novelty of Simcoe, which can boast of
its five -legged calves, two -headed
chickens, giants and other equally in-
teresting, freaks of nature.
Those exhibiting flowers at the fair
here on 23rd and 21th will be allowed
to bring; in their exhibits up to six
*leek en lirst clay of the fair.
0, DYER, See'y.
Mr. L. H. Dickson Attended the Mit-
ehell Division Court on Friday- and eon
ducted a number of cases, --Miss Ethel
Levett was visiting friends in Parkhill
last week:, ---Mr. Wm. Box, Mr.
Chas. Bryant, and bliss Eva BOx, of St.
Marys, spent Sunday in, town. ---Miss
Box, of St. Marys, who has been visit-
ing friends here for the past, left on
Monday for London, where she wil! re-
main for a few days prior to her return
home.—Miss Susie Weeks returned on,
Monday from visiting friends in Lon-
don and St. Thomas. --Mrs. Jas. pomp,
sey,of Killarney,Man.,is visiting friends •
in rsborne and ;l3iddulph.----Mr . Drew rr
and A. I nailsp s aecompanied the base- .
Me OMR / 1 A 000111111k8
11!1 k8
bell club to Belgrnvc on Monday last --
Miee Tillie White left on Saturday far f
here.-- titer spending her holidays od a .
here. ---The itov*, lir. Ireland of y ,
IKirkton, occupied the pulpit in. the
Trivits Memorial Unwell on Sunday
last. --The Roy. Mr. Robinson preached
thanksgiving sermons in the Kirkton
church on. Sunday and Monday last.—
Mr. C. Balsdon left on Friday for Michi-
gan where he will reside in future' ---
Mr. Wm. Tanson, of Thornbury, an old
Exeter resident, spent a few days in
town, last week. ---Mr. 1I* Hutchins, of
Parkhill, eons in town on :Saturd ty last..
Mr. 'lain, Grigg, sr, who hens been on a
trip up the 'lakes,rvturned en Thursday
last.—Mr, Thos, Sweet is able to be
around nein, after his illness.« --lir. S.
Carter, Rochester, N. Y. is spending a
few days in town. He is the guest of
Dir. Jas. Faifbairn.-Mr. John Farmer
and family accompanied by Mrs. and
Miss :xicConiff picniced at Grand Bend
on Monday. --Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Dick-
son and Mr. John McDonell spent
Sunday in St, Marys.—Mr. R. H. Collins
intends taking in the Toronto exhibit
ion this week. He combines pleasure
with business,—Mr. Wm. Gould, who
has been in Oshawa for some time past,
is visiting relatives andfriends in town
for a few days.—Miss Mabel Hersey is
visiting friends in London.—Mr. Sam
Gidley spent Tuesday in Goderich.—
Mrs. Robert Rowe, who has been visit-
ing friends in Clinton, returned home
on Wednesday last.—Mr. David Mc-
Coll, of Hay, left for Dakota on Wed-
nesday evening.—Miss Louisa McColl,
of London,is home on a visit at present.
—Miss Amey Heaman, who has been
visiting at Mr. Jas. Pickard's, left for
for her home in London on Tuesday
Great Summer Sale
Everything must go.
We want the Money and you the goods.
Dress Goods Millinery G ttons Gloves Hosiery Parasols, Embroideries,
Prints, laces, Muslins, Shoes, etc., etc., etc.,
at your own prices during this sale. Everybody should come and secure a bargain.
We have the best values in TEAS in toxin
and anyone wanting a
first class article should not fail to give us a call.
Try our 25 cent line; it will suit o'
Bowel aid jilaisia
° 'T 'FACT`R;l 0
We s' Oeldrateg file aft
XXX Porter a Speoialty.
-- -AT-
0 Ak.
olutely pure.
•'This powder never varies. A marvel of
purity, strength and wholesomeness, More
economical than the ordinary kinds, and
cannot ,he sold in competition with the
multitude 6f low test, short weight alum or
phosphate polyders..; Sold onto, in cans.
Roi.Lltii.iusa POWDER CO., too Wall St. N.Y
We aro prepared
to supply the Public through-
out the season with
Ice Cream, Ginger Ale,
Sarsaparilla, Pian Soda,
Leon Soda, Lemonade,
Milk -shako
Lemon, Stawberry, Van-
illa, Pine ,Apple
or Raspberty.
t9.AHY MM.
Now 800T & ZIO 1 0C
W. H. Trott
wishes to announce that he
has opened out business in the
stand recently occupied by
the ADVOCATE, and is pre-
pared to manufacture first-
for all customers.
Our motto is good
work and square
An old physician,retired from practice liav-
ing had placed in his hands by an East India
missionary the formula ofa Simple vegetable
,remedy for the speedy and permanent eure of
Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma
and all throat and Lung. Affections. Also a
positive and radical cure for nervous Debility
and all Nervous Com plaints,after having test
edits wonderful curative powers in thousands
of cases, has felt it his duty 10 make it known
to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this
motive and a desire to relieve human suffer
g,1 will send free of charge to all who desire,
it, this receipe, in'0 erman, French or English`
with full directions for preparing and using.
Sent by mail by addressing with stamp nam
ing this paper. W. A. NOYES, 119 Power's
Bloch, Rochester, N. Y. 1-
111O THE DEAF. -A person cured of Deaf-
ness and noises in the head of 98 years'
standing, by a simple remedy, will send a
description ofit.rnE11 to anypersonwho ap-
plies to Niciionsors, s0 St. John St. Montreal
1i -22-'88.-1v
It is said that every person has as Chance
once in their lifetime to make a fortune, and if they
allow that time to pass may never have the opportunity again.
Yon eau depend upon it that everybody pa aslg their goals
at Parkinson's saves money, by doing so will soon make
their fortune, His prices are ah ays down.
Yon are not asked high priers to make up losses, for debts contracted by bay
customers; don't you see there is thousands in it. Parkinson's Stock
is new a and consists of Dry --Goads, Groceries, Crockery, cam.
ware, Tweeds, Boots and Shoes, in fact everything usually
kept in a,first-classGeneral Store, See his Black and .Colored Cashmeres
from 2'5 eta. up, You can get the cheapest all wo ol suit in Exeter made to om
+ de
211' ike no mistake. Consult your own
examine his stock before Il ki t.0- your purchases elsewhere
and you will scop save
enough for a fortune. You can do
better at the Cheap Cash Store than any other place in
Exeter. Highest market price allowed for f u'm produce at
PARKINSON'S. First dont' north of the Town Hall, Teeter, !
G0011 EllOUgh Stilt
is all that any man wants.
If it is good enough then there
is nothing left to require. When a
man says 'this is goad enough' he means
just g wants.that he has got j
what he wants. don't
t look anyfurther.
1 is good enoughathmeans
A suit more than good
enough would be too good for the
purpose for Which it was intended.
Enough is all that any man wants, and when
a thing is good and he has enough
of it no man is going to want
more. If he does its
long odds that he won't get
more. We don't want to sell anything
that is too good for the buyer to use. Like a
silk hat on a harvest hand, or a silk lined broadcloth
swallow coat to the fireman of an engine. There is
. enough fit in our goods to satisfy any man.
A Good Enough Price
is what we offer every man without discrimination.
Good enough means fair enough, square enough,low enough,,
high enough for us to live, and low enough for you to buy,.
and fair enough for. both to feel satisfied.
Now Look at Our Offer
A good enough suit of .a good enough quality, and a- . good
enongh fit at a good enough price; is that g
P mood enough fol.
you. Come and get one of Carling.Bros. 55.00
suits, _ 7.UO anc1.
$10.00 suits, (Al) goods or no sale
Butter and Eggs taken in exchange.
3 cts. `
Butter er 14 c
If you are in need of cash at any time..,
we can accommodate you.