HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-9-12, Page 7YOUNGFOLICO. of Mr, Punch, and other suggestive objuis.
Tom end Annie were in the higheat eptrits
an they sat side by side, writini; and number.
T13B B. A. S..' '8QUIETY.,
her okter, gre. Graham, 'inking whether' wee quite InrOken+ .3;44 MP- Zene.
came befere the ;dock of " missiles" was
cousins from September till the folloevieg
Jannariri ehe Wall *Inch phlaSed. Annie ex:""tect
The next dey Mrs. Berton ogain
was twelyeyeath old, Joet the ege of
-94 geeted Aonie's going to eohool, rued ALIA
Burton ; and as the foor other children were made no objeetion. Annie wee Very nozeh
molt older, ttheir ages ranging Imo: Ogle
liked by teubtere and pupils, and the Wee
-10114TetrItPwleeltief:111:;' T°11f II:44:1711 a fla a 14W PI, P.!' anielrebe losseee cl4hYla thf:r4gaut5troagl her nioBrirentre
104 02 hie nwn ege. Tbe 1°91e fent-^"."' nose, she was cheered by the thought that
thought a bright Mole erlwe04 be eefiegree" /94y remarks merle upon it would /swell the
able Addition to the heireebold chefs I but riumber- recoxdocl in her lelaeh-lsOnit, rood
Where A400 ;sane they : were • MU* dift*P. i!bo was aecomieg very modem* to excel
pointed, efer eiVeeTaAce was Ple"/ 4g' Toni in thie regara. Annie thought that
he had a trim little figere, bright Wen her being ..6111W0r Win Tam An news.
he'ess Pretty detk.entles .8.144**4s4etkeg‘tmca4 advantage; but Tom raid that was balanced
were rather 41'elieler, her eiProem wee by toe fob that "the fellows knew be would
both andeble intelligent ; her manners, thrash any one that spoke of his hair."
toe, Were grectial and reacted ; but glee Wee TOM did net hinter thee, it was his Very rage
pokfully Shy. She eeeenee 401,1%1 if ee ouch upoione that tempted, she eeye to
fug the remarks and jokete-, missiles," as
. they agreed to call theme Annies sh nese
' When MIA Burton received* letter from they
Annie Graham could ator with her aunt end, and she was full of anunatien. Bedtime
:molten tot aod, even a glance would came mehe them. Before loug hie old enemy,
her to shrink as if trYing IiO bid° fr°°1 overY Sent waltney, uthrued to the :Marge.
OYe- Tie though', of going to 0401 nem' 44 Salle, Viroedyacker," he called out to
ed eo dietreetiog that ildre. Burton, deopped
To, '0 1 wish you'd get your hair cut.
the subject And allowed her to stay e, o, It you don't Ill have to gat A pair of green
home. goggiee to wear if you are golog to an in
TOM WAS disappointed, and eemP4'4"‘" to front of me.
bis mother than he could. not get Agq441Ated• "Get them then," wad, Tom saying to
with Aunie. himself, with a feeling of satisfaction, "Teat
oNeyer mind, dem," said Mrsh 33nrben^ 1makes 107." Sem was. surprieed at Tom's
"I think Yon will tc*,,ether nicaltY coolnese, hent en with °Mel"' fltena'
waen the ice ia once Woken, ig but Tom ed to he provoking, whit* UM quietly
fee" "Ver weel4 Meeb' teeertiod iu hio hook, bringing his number
A- Pillar Of Viai About Vivo Feet With, with
Onilialoelte41 Interior.
A letter from Australia save: "Upon the
brow of &small, rounded, eminence there:404
a sort of pillar of , play about five feet high,
which, had once filled up the center of a
hollow tthe the shell,of which lied been
from time to time, broken and burned away.
Thie Olin was the work of white ants. As
it iaterfered with the working,of the Plow,
commenced breaking and digging it down.
• not without AMMO diffiddiy,
"The elaY, which, Watt elirprieingly 80,
hard,• &IA 411, broke OS in !ergo fragments.
At leogile, near the leyel of the surface of
• the ground, a rounded °rot was uncovered,
looking like the crown of a dome. Oa breaking
through thie the whole city of the ane WA*
laid bare- a wonderful rams of cello, P21 -
lane cbembere, and passages. The vette 641314
perhaps two feet among the °dap and crack-
ling ruins, Whieh seemed formed either of the
excavated remnant of the tree or e thin, alien -
like cement of day.
'4 The arrangement of the interior was
eieguler. The central part hiscl the appear
awe of imuttnerable emalt brottobing piltere,
like the minuteet daleotitio productions.
Towards the touter part the materials as-
sumed the alMearaue of thin laminae,
about hoolf the thickness of :twofer, but moot
ingeulouly nieposed in the shape of low
elliptic whole 44 PIA0A4 tinV4 the owner of
the Arch below formed the resting ph:cater
the abutment of the molt above.
" Theo eiritmerito neinformed eloping
lettorras for went to the higiler apartments..
In other places I thought 1 coutd dieeern
kalmeento not unlike 84=4401 Oak -
" The -whole forma pleh an logoutoee
specimen of olivine -tea architedure and each
an inikee labyrinth of lotclote mom to
mold hid delimee to orb and to Ariadrat'e
dew, But even the anoint of ants are sublet:it
to nuttatien. The greet city was deeerted-
it few loitetets oldie reineinedto tell to Whet
race it lied formerly belonged. Their great
atorehouse had become exhausted -even the
very rooto had been laid under contribution,
till at latit ks myriads of lubehitapte had
oroigratea to begin anew their operations in
some Other soil.'
T4/41 W" g4:4'IWO& tell41 bqt- 4.14 th4 TA44tho *er* en4 he weeTom aid uld count t e Annie Ind Tinane
eed that
lie heel very
4 good looking boy, bat- hair woo red" 4 now Ine, Annie sagely eemaelciog
4 ;eke repeated Mom
NOW, eke *MUM peep% objeet to red hoir, I old jokes were the moot provoking ot AIL
should filo to deorthe Tom% tut auburn or After a 11 50 mint'golch quo tuna
goltleu teem ; but the truth I!, that if
are oe thet ett enygettion they made
ever hair was reaselenuinile ver4leteke''''6,„ ' up a Set Of race, ena formed themoelvee
unmitigated, fiery red•-•-tionhair Was Tore's, loro o tootot society of two members, each
Torn knew 1"14;41‘1°eer bei be eeel'iel wearing a bodge on width was ineeribed
1461P knowingfer 1" had bean "eee". the nitotie letter; F. R. A. a. 8„ eignifiog
Omit it from Met earned roolleotion, *Tolima itamatht, ana. 41,o &atty.!
triala WathAY2Ith bin eblert bnthere eb bey"' Tho,y each carried a iittronetehook. in which
hue they enlmbiated at school whoa the boyo they mode how fo, a land of shorthand ot
found, how it plagued hira to hue any al- their own invention, to he Afterward copied
Won mule to hie hair. Bottle after battoa into
did. Tom fight: to uropel ellence On the sltb• hadgets'hoendlaurtater-tbo%ka.exelQtfede°trelleciirir402;
5001; but all in veto, of the other pupil, but Won and Annie
One day when A:ente had been *43 4er could not be perelieded to divulge their
m401, for neerly o week. Tom roehed home wt000fog, on, Qua day, Annie said:
iron: eolittel Awl built into the eitting.rOoM, 4,Toms / teal 707 sorry for cototo soak
wbeee the fen417 were eleembled* In "eh n She is dear girl, hut she ist Tether etout,
plight thet hie appeaneee was greeted by rt and some of rho ea" ma° two ti hor,
chotos of !uproot end reroonetratioeu Conde never goto atm, but I found iter
"Dor me, Tom," said Iss21111ene Ubte crying toalay, became Ida Loring called
Clue, "you blokes the you had been• her a verpase, suppose: we invite her to
ti The sleeve 0 yottr iseket half torn ',Agreedn sad tearal 441 yen will lot
rating In an aiteheep.'" onr Soddy!'
if and your caller la Imegieg," add Mite t,oo ineits Nad waren. Ran good fol.
low, but sOme ot the boys Isegh at hita, too
" Rollo, Tom whot's 014 =Attar with aohoo he's orolet.oyett
leur eyes 2" eideW/ll" *ITheY (Ine'e Ale" i The Society, thua edema to include four
004 bine and the other's Idea." : id members, began to bad xegulax umetinga, at
44 8411e421441 'ne;bing tb you, Tom, se which each member wasadareesed by a name
Bert. '4 YOtern a taniulsr 11,""gg Pawn' dust hed lion diginolly beetowed in aerie.
emu," Ion. Annie was Sword-fieh, Tom, Wood.-
" Tom, dein, I hope you heven'ts been pecker, Ned WAA knOWIR **Bat* while Condo
fighting Again," void Aire, Burton. cheerfully reeponded to the title of Forel:ohne
. i 1
"YON. I have, Mather," sold Tom ' Th EchtdobyeboTookral
, mala.ol
fellows won't; let medone, midi WM:Rb 81503 metym
hales celled Carrot -top by any one." collected "'inleolles," the, it was soon evident
"Nonage I" :mid fines Julio. "What Corale's would exceed on the others, her bet
berm does the ustne do you?"growing at a wonderful rote. The Society
04 A rose by any other mune," quoted grew more and 'Mere to be a social club, and
literary Bert. WAS Seen jointed by Charley Gittion, is frecld-
"The boys are only in foto" odd MiSit ed boy, eurolled es Leoperd, and Brame
"AO your heir ie red, Tom," veld Willt Dtirell aGiIaralliflol" inilia4lihp ule°141Y bc" tb4
eying the odd hair critimilly, with the Air of Tho P. R, A, j„ noeyety was kept up dux..
having his attention called to it for the first beg eso whole, of Annie's stay, and it proved
tims. more nee(ul then many seriatim more pro -
l' You should try not to give way to anger tentleate,
'bout Walt* trine, dear," said lava. Burton, 'When it cum time for Amite to return
"Tot should cultivate a forgiviog :mirk." home there was general regret at her de -
"This fighting must Atop, lir," odd Mr, pertao.
Burton, Sternly.. "Don't la me hear any "We shall miss you very numb, my dear,"
nor° of it." said Mrs. Berton. "Yon have been like
Than, to the utter estoulehment of every a little sunberon in the house. I hardly
tun, mother voice wet heard, and Annie thought that would he so when you Brat
Graham rpoke, voluntarily, for the first time orne to us a little maiden all forlorn.
since the had entered the house. She spoke iew h '
o ad only to svait till toe ice wets
a dear, rather higitpitthed, slightly broken mid lake olere,
plaintive voice, that gave dietinetnese "Ana I think," said Units, laughing* "it
every. word. wee my big nose that broke tbe ice."
"I know just how you feel about your +coc my red hair." eald Tem
hair, Tom, tor it is just the way I have "!cur heir may ba,ve melted it," said
felt *great many times." Will.
Every one was amazed; even Mr. Bur- And Tom never winced, but only thought:
ton laid down his paper when Auto spoke, "Another joke 1 That macro 253 1"-(N. Y.
eed every eye was llxe& upon her. Tom Independent.
was as surpneed as the other, huh he
"How can yeti know anything about
it, Annie 1" with an appreciative glance
at Annie's dark owls. "Your hair isn't
"No," said .Annie, solemnly, "it's my
"Why, that isn't red, either," said Will,
" No," said Annte, in the same (dear,
plaintive voice, "bub We so large. It is
dreadful to have such a nose; it seems to
east a shadow over my whole existence."
Will opened hie mouth, seeing a ehance
for another joke, but, at a sign from his
niother, he shut it again, and Annie centime
"1 think a large nose is even more trying
than red hair, for you can dye your bair, or
out it off and wear a wig, or it may turn
gray ;but a large nose can never poseibly
grow smaller, and, as you grow older, it will
look even larger. I never can forget my
nose. It lute been laughed at ever since I
was a little, tiny girl, and every one that
saw me would say: What a large nose
that child has 1' The girls at eohool laugh
at it, and one of them was angry at me, and
niolatained me 'Sword -fish,' and the °there
took it up. I dread to go to a new place.
I dreaded even to come to 868 you, and go to
school here, on account of my nose."
Annie paused, and Tom, whoa own trials
had taught him something in zegerd to per -
Ronal sensitiveness, _
. "1 don't think your nose is bad-loolcing at
all, Annie; and, even if it were A great deal
larger than it is, it couldn't be so bad 95 107
red hair, for 11 doesn't give a chance for ad
manyjokes. After any one has said „it is
large they can't say any more."
" Oh, you do not know," said Annie,
"She number of jokeas thee, 03,11 be made on
a large nose. I believe they would fill a
"Those on my hair would fill a whole ad
of volt:mere" millirem.
aIN 43D OD; TEStit WAYS:
They Know Better lbali, Any other reopie
what Economy Demo.
witTelloieeOrbinkesbesAi4re porleinatiniogentthl: enottemnobeniricepli failTuhreeSthisonthroafr!relend mackerel fishing is a
froerpereeesoinntsikughreeatmdeneani, axis: urenalvie:reatalidtitelet SVtaratendeetlirdltbhieed-C°1345:Zenti°11$3f5aZi
visa*, in preventing waste, or in adjuitterig 11 is
consists of rice, tau% garden vege-
, D. N., gophern,of 74aneaster,
tables, ated, Ash, with * trieat on high
fest:mak wholesome feed in abundastee, $6,0°0 Oelen from him in Montreal.
may be supplied at bee then * penny a dee Ur. Gleastone arrived. in Parte the other the elixir of WO* leEroWn-S(ereerti. Beau-
tr:011°,,neat tedontipete renfoteLershv 1r:bob:ago% toimuyeet =in and was Presented with bouquets Mal results here, dieeestrone results there,
f or months on About, a halfpenny a day a' 4AigndbeeePr :ifinfhriefprOdir: gA1808) M (lilts Moo In'etclailTeriekluctirt:taedultatoefiveetrtYitheereq,' tianestatio7thiPany
dtiae;rhe'a Tel; iLleuitulinPaUre; sllicelircliqntentcheci °Ofhalitiet. ituhoebraes bIsseaboeWeaeieLfEllifftelr,°In e" Now
what are the lams in the °Me t
aleivrariose. There is he waste everything Bank, N. J., on MondaY, Thema 73durray, w-hcc7"8.3:44:rad 11.112:4711nPi: tehx"P:brilelve:
modes of preparing food are thorough while. risbr.big smell 6 gy, bail at nee aod ietearity comparea favorably with soy,
h7tdclace nal tittilit torto rheoveechttlatruurfte3,701..4Pinli, aaftTeelehrwle8ab,roo4.:yer eoXter jt:Isi:eirallelaofiacni:djiewdlwaohor.stvi: aelvledryhepueevwebtvo xtpb,:keeuefewntfer°4111234;94. n413:
has te live on the leavings of the family, drowned in the Nino, river!. ee-ohippewe, mmatoltrord aWbi°11.°t;,e wwhilli.}44;w8cohniccnedtlerbto4 hitlot
shTowbse:ihein- efiTehareye naorte eoxietarerityn le:veptuocidisota4r: Lat;nonit .aonw,nek ago, was fatwal the aver, ex great ; no one ilonbte BLACerity or his in.
vation allowanets.
one of the leadieg medical omelet -ions of
in Mara to food ; all is fish that comes to Forty car-leada of seelekine, the eaeire tegdbY. grand
°Id r464‘ P411" 1344°"fr.
'Oak net, and. mese tbinge come theca catch of the Alaska Fur Company, pone trhaepewrilerledatasiler4ntacsaZetle74:°mlaatre auPsseeirsielfeeet
through Caeyenne the other doy from Ela oftlt, Ho Om fo, detaiethe tormulafor pre..
"(ciller " DiVIEMBANGES Vtaaareact on the Way to E3gland. paring tee medicine, &Settles minutely the.
the people, but it is ceesidered better to German °pinto f meriedt4tVet% itiltapesielt WiVCrlitatleSlitteltameweentsix.'
of the lumen organizetione doe te eatiog
diseased, moat, ere well reoeguizsd among
eat the meet the cher:peens of whiele is ger, Theo who had already helf °retied the heTz-helPen"litnuutirreiroaoire.sPetimentete Mesa
tab, MI run the sbk ot ocoluquoucool name 0 Seglend /rear the rail 0 the great to teat the Matter end *WO for thennelvers
wbioo ere not quite oeryalo4 than to buy Pesten noW driti that they boo reek- whet volue there lo in the treetment.
dear meet (won with the magnum of au cuing without their but. 'Rae Angle -Sex- meet be. Ilene in Wad that thia testing Mete
el,,1 rosette, indeed, the mot of auleesee on euergy and tou hues have atoll proper- or Is not to decide whether Brawn -S -(1,1=d
weigh elm Mod of ordinary 00008 la ed 'dement ourpr Rea for theme who were opoke the truth. That le not in any SUMO
rate" dorer than that of thote which hoer diepeeea to treet them with oenteeept. If the Reuther. The question is to decide
ruerunauspiaepoo such smplouroleeuroony6, the Boolleh Government will uove favor 4 whether his results can be duplicated, and if
Another example of oreni, calculating ranprocheettrib to Germany oad her allies Aft IA MAO paraantags of omen:mil to what
economy is the conetruetion of the cooking w44 Peat" deeki"' and 11, by the 4eveleP" degree'
pots ace bailor!, the eateree which are meut of Ito incomparable filet, it gives war- Not OAA of these AlnerleaU experimentsor
thfu, poeertee that the eentent4 m45, vohoth friead4 few:Alike that the eo for atf has been reported, Imo tried the ex.
aa boa oa are none; for fool to oor,x1 end Soglieli people mint bareeltoned with In fair periwig:on in mord:moo with BroWn•Se.
do4n EAo4 meats g000r4y uotblog but WIL31.12.Ar and in Anil, Eagland'a poeltioa quord'e directioue. Re need deSeend 8tfieehe
the ey,,ote 44,1 roote of the crop, rrhioh worldpower will be floured more firmly than Tnihgue.s iat tho vmeirt;troorosnagastinoeuraiolloyt nuts: tTebitriz
make rapid Kozo and 4loappeer. The ever"-PerlIn NetienelZ .44 n'Z'
butanes of gathering fuel is °omitted to monk they ignore * fundemental toter..
children, for one who can 4C1 nOthing eke Very few of them try any experlinent on.
can at lean pick up straws and loves and - Rig CeneptOUOUtt themeelveet and their wool subjects are
Weed* In Autumn. Ina winter a vest ACMY A StOrekeepar was hoaatiog in the pro- about liplike BoWn-Seqtend as it is pee.
ot feagetherete epreati over the lend. Buo mica ef a cuetomer "thin he could eOenre eitd4:t4 ff,.od among men: .Then, instead of
otomd treee and beet: them with clubs to (raster of pound At tea la a smaller piece welting for 4 rat$41A tid6 aff dull:00W
hake ail the leaves the very Jarmo get Zr enzywleterirallmoulpiraysotheucoat:ntwryh.: operator waited, they melt Into print witk,
no time to show width way the wind blows. an ollizmotion or desaial that is al. Yalueleee
before they are enuexed eeme collector. d to hear the reinerit, you'll tut their OXPrOXIIIttt U14 ClefOOtt44 and hangs; -
wane over the roads of the country. eny
profeesiond manure collectore uer van that I ever bee, anyivey." That emit have been "nee et hteett Pas'
' t of rum _la bottle then
Chintne Women wry this minute economy Miing is nut etrauge. The wonder irt that
into their dreos. Liver and Lightot.• there have been, so UM. The prebehilitp
it that theme have been many more than
reported, for Teeth and hougliug operator
does not vush into print to advertise his own
When it is ousidered that , there ara.
many Xiske tO ren and, that any one or more
of tin= may occur in every experimeut it is
coolly eon whet exotiedingly greet cave k
rehecyomuir:ed at every atop- Rae are a few of
Is the anindi xeleeted healthy-eel:thirdly
in the poets used '0 Hee ler:been overheeted
in catching end killing him? Has the opera.
Mu been porton:eel with p eriectly glean
kande itud, kolvee 1 Has every pracese been
oorried On Manny Ara toeedily, With per.
featly don implerneute, xeceptholes, nessels,
mothers, eludes, altering cepa and papers?
Tfee the eiloir bon edministered promptly
while it wits absolutely freth and hos
rho ayvInge been absolutely clean and
properly eternized Rea "„the patient heeu
m is proper condition. to votive the medicine
has he had the proper coordinate
Brown- &guard, who reporters progreo and
finds encouragement in Itio experiment, is an
old roan in the deolisie of lite. He le on
who hes wor:a out) in the herons of deep
thinking and honest, hard work. He be.
longs to those who hove overtaxed the brisk
and, nervoue system by unremitting znentel
opplication. Whatanalogy is there between
him and the men brogan -down. by drunken..
nese, gluttony, or lechery, and what simill-
tode between him and the ordinary listless
and ehifdees inmate of a poor -house or a
he:vital # Why expect that the -remedy ape
proprisee to Brown-Sequard would. be the
proper one for the numerous results of those
auto ailments Mitch are only the beginnings
of such persistent and troublesome ehronie
devitaliz Wiens e
The enthusiast svho tries a few experi-
ments and it ready to indorse the remedy
for incsamarably mere than Brown -Sequent
even suggested is nob a safe leader, a we-
ful operator, or a reliable witneee, and is
likely to be one who is more dealsous
sewing his name in print than he is of know-
ing or teacniog the truth. The censervative
who sneers at obis, as he does at neve remw.
dies and new methods genet -ally, as being
absurd beguilings or egotistic charlatanienis,
is equally with the all-beliefing enthusiast
unworthy of recognition as a teacher whose
opinion is worth 'reading.
The honest, careful, and progreeeive phy.
sialan will quietly and in his own time and
manner teat the availebility of MU: elixir as
he does other remedies, and he will be in
no hurry to rush into print with an opinion,
for he knows that in medicine any opinion
not founded on experiment is not worth 000
sideration by any layman, much less by any,
PanhdY8 every standard rneveethryodaocrPmteedaicaaPlecaifinda
surgical treatment has upon it introduotion
been lauded as the universal panacea by the
unthinking enthusiast, and at the Beano time
it has been denounced. in acientific and pro.
fessional anathemas by the recognized
of the profession.
The indorsements and the denuciations of:
Brown-Ssquard's elixir are, so far, not worth;
the paper upon which they are written.
And this is true becentee no one of Brown,
&guard's ability, integrity, and experience
has given to it the time and the attention
which be has bestowed upon it Few of any
of those who have rushed into print have
tteedhits material, mitered it according to
hislormule, or admistered it In line with hie
experience, -
So far as bloodspoisoning is concerned that
could only occur from criminal negligence
The skippers and water -nese men. on „the iciunns eet uhocefepcoi proper et er dps ieouphoat rr auatml oenno oot efiltdhi teoiroe al it:cent:ion the
upper lakes are said to have been affirded
needed a very slight
ruelakseonsluapteerlyiofrohrarservtlinage.tmTohide belief tshtaet. opeetaniotn as only
for its manifestation. There is
Nterie News da"ribaa a eereewhet uomeel certainly nothing in the elixir properly pre -
taint to be inoculated
" The weter, all of a sudden, began to low! ipnareeht tphatecoata."8 any :at ovinemsfeanitlyofththreeewf eaette water Ito twh eibostinuaLitshtokaregepe;
er, and one could ahnost see it go down until The elixir may be a valuable remedy; it,
iv mayJa ib0:15 u;sebleuste,twor ointem-anyotbeevdeirs Brown.
egArol irgasnut ptaht nen:toiler lebdaerifehpaanbdh.a°1) And,ri liesfaoonoidtt hflifluno: iSnevqeueatrigda-tiiosactoomppreotneonutneast nsoteagoeu,sofIctahye
tinted More or leas e.11 day, causing. no end - or the other. Of course there are shallow.
oufattoluslepleecatolabtiooantso,nanthdegpivarinbgoi rise to
wise Per'Pite imaginations f or their facts, and upon their
the peted wiseacres who depend upon their
The rapids were a sight when the water leoir. of coryorler,o, for their °peewee, who
lowered. The shoal places were high and are sager to indorse or denounce. Brown
dry, and the iogged moils that lie in welt Segura, howbver, who is intelligent, helmet
for ehe Indian canoe unlimited, so that their coeefar end considerably experienced in the
"ne shapes were leerued." Setenries bhve matter, declines to 0•111101113C13 is verdict, con -
a fair chance of airing their knowledge oe tooting !aimeif with reporting progreee.
the question, but meanwhile that cotnet, v‘Then athere of similar integrity and
Endre, ei Professor Wiggins', reported t° ithility with a yet wider experience announce
be keePinfl unieleeshntlY 01°8° to ‘3111r eartli their experiments and results there will be
may have something to do with it. Eseke some good ground a deaden _ant tin
should 'be warmed. then,
virm., 0 ntion, serieuely ill in
Galway jell.
Drovnr-Sequard Mere), taave ibe
eat of Experiments Made Upon
with, iris pollsters the nuestion Is to Den
eide Whether elle leventis Can ce
Beery morning Whigs- reports of this do
tor or tint one hoving prepared and tried
Bel Bane ter Bbenmatiem.
A. reporter the ether day paid a vielt to
Billiogegete and tawde IMMO bamirlev. One
of the lomat tel dealer; In the, great Lon-
don Doh market gave ;tome lutereatieg In-
formation an the *abject,
"4 Weil,* he said, "1 know of nurabers
01 moo in which thee' bave been mad with
complete *emu. They are stretched on a
belga and dried; then to make them pliant
they aro slightly moistened and tied mound
the suireritig limb. They are woro
;tutors, Anklets, breolon and armlets.
They are even worn around the waiet-oaext
to the akin, of coureno-for lumbego end
eddies. Ifuntirede of, carmen wear thorn
and wear by them ; and T have a number
of gentle:um ouotomere in the country who
ask me to tend them eol Aloe to givo away
to the poor people of their dietrioto. Per-
sona who hove moo worn them will never
be without them if they tam help it. But
oanuob tell you what medicinal property
they ponces ; pedlar; after an 15 is may
warmtlh for of couroo they must form an
almond; air -tight bandage, like a place of
grate percha or goldbeeter's skin. Perhaps
le only fancy, and that goes s very long
way, as you. prohibit, know. Why, 1time
heard that 4 skein ef silk tied, rouud the
Waist; will auto lurabasic, or round the knee
will cure thounietieux in the leg. Now
what earthly medicine!, property on thero
oe In a skein of silk 0 Of tiouree the alibis
are generelly oomidered es refuse or oft],
and are oonstqueetly thrown away."
Plain Talk.
With its habitual ignorance of all eubjeets
requiring work and study, the Rochester
"Democrat" (Rep.) says that for 140 gems
previous to the sale of Alaski to the United
States. "Russia enjoyed undisputed sover-
eignty over the waters ef Behring
Read what Secretary Adams 'wrote on the
22nd July, 1823, to our Minister in St.
_Petersburg in regard to BUSBilefl claims to
exclusive control of Behring Sea :-" The
United States can admit no part of these
claims. Their right 0! navigation and of
fishery is perfect, and bas been in constant
exercise from the earliest times after the
peace of 1783." How the "Democrat% "
greatest statesman on earth will get Great
Britain to acknowledge what we disputed so
emphatically, no one oan tell; but if Mr.
Blame should engage in any such tremendous
undertaking, we can readily imagine what
kind of a hole he will leave his organ in. --
(New York Post.
"Suppose you put the matter to the
test," said Will. hl Each of you take a
blank -book, and write in it sn the personal
remarks and jokes you can retell, and see
which bas the most,"
"Agreed," said Tom. "P11 bet get
the most."
"And I feel sure that I will," said Annie;
**but we will try."
By the time evening came Tom and Annie
had each a blank bookin readineso. Mies
Clerahelped to make theme and they were
'very pretty. The covers were of stiff,
cream colored paper. On Tom's wait painted
a boy's head, &owned by a carrot ed bril-
liant orange, wbile around the .edge ran a
fantastic border of poppies, torohee, flamin-
goes, comets, ad other objects of san-
guinary hue. On the cover of Annie's book
was a swordAsh, and the, border was made
up of elephanee trunks, crencee bilis, heado
Life on a Cuban Tlantation.
tuDAkote. aria Manitoba the employment
on single wheat unites of a hundred reapers
and an aggregate of three hundred laborers
for a sewn hes been regarded as something
unprecedented in agricultural induatry ; but
ono= sugar estate in Cuba -"El Balboa" -
froth fifteen hundred to two thousand
invariably nearer., are employed, who work
:ruder severe discipline, in watches orreleys,
during the grinding season, by day and
night, the same u 10 the large ironanills
and furnaces of the United. Steno and
Europe. At the same time there are few
village communities where a like number of
people experience the mime care aua surveil.
bone. The male worker's occupy quarters
walled and barribaded from the WOMeny and
the women (rem the men. There are irk
all villeges an infirmary, a lying -he hospital,
a physician, an apothecary, a chapel, and
priest. At night and morning mass is said
in chapel, and the crowds are always large.
There is of a Sundey less reetraint, thoult
ceaseless espionage is never remitted. On
these days and in parts of holidays there are
rude mirth, ruder musk, and much dancince
This picture is given somewhat in detail,
because it illustrates how all-pervading and
tremendous are the foi ces that are modifying
uolety everywhere, in civilized, partially
civilized, and even barbarous countries,
conjointly with the new conditions of
production and consumption. --(Popular Son
mace Monthly.
if it io not need in ono plots 15 15 in another,
whet ell; appease,' a tillage! booty. Foreign
ridded% who give their odooff donne to
Chlueoe may be owned the moor of ueefui-
noes of theoe gement' is at lost About to 946, "thly are making with that house
oommoace. Chhieie wheelbarrow* *peak "Ye*; aid thy others " YeaterdaY the
for want ota few drops of oil, but to people aver went out and now they are taking out
who hue no nerves the *quo* is cheaper tho
than the oil, Siinllarly elirt is clever thou
hob water, Arid so, ea a rule, the people doA. Brity Oent Borten e.
net week Tho motto, "Cheaper thau Young Girl at fortuutoteller'e) -"Whet 1
whielt the eothp dealer pute in hie WindaWe
could not bo mede intelligilde to the Chi! Ism fiaiag to marry a ear ta4U and 44/6
nese. To them the average foreigaere aro 46T*Eiteen C121144°21 051 °Utralle*W1 1 My
friend Sarah had her fortune told her, luta
you add the was to Marti millionaire and
live on Fifbitavenve. Ilere'syour quarter."
Vortune.teller, with dignity -"our friend
Sarah got 4 fifty -Dont fortune, idle
entlemeu Wittig *long the 'treats,
obeerved aoun workmen taking ;he windows
from% home whicli they were about pull-
ing down aria which the townie bed lefq the
dey before. " What tearing work," said
Culture in the West
A teacher who had asked a girl to par,
chase a gunmen tectived the following note
from the littie girl's mother
"0 do not desire that Mattis shall ingage
in &rammer, as I prefer her to ingage in more
y,ousful studies and can learn her to *peak
and write ptoper myself. I went through
two grensmars, and I can't say as they done
me no good -I prefer Mattie to ingage in
German and drawing and yoked musio on
the piano."
mere soap wooteri.
Soarcely any tool am be got ready made,
it le go much, cheaper to buy the parts and
pub them together for youreelf, and as *tweet
everybody takes dile view, ready-mede
t0014 are not to be gob. Two rooms Art dinaly
liglAnd with a slog% Temp deftly placed Ina
hole inthe dividing well. Ohineso, seem to be
eapableof doing anything by mous of almost
nothing. They will give you an iron foundry
on a mbinte nolo of completeness in a hack
yard, anti will make in an hour a cooking
rauge a strong end perfeeb draughe, out of a
pile of mud intake, lasting indefinitely, oper-
ating perfectly, and. costing nothing. The old
Woman who in her lamb moments hobbled as
near 6II poseiblo bo the family graveyard in
order to die BO as to avoid the expel:no of
coffin bearer', was Chinese.
; Taxation 'Without Representation.
Sexton-" Mr. Healthy, I called to vet
your share of the fund annually subscribed
for keeping the cemetery in repair."
Mileinialthy--" Well, I've contributed
for fifteen years and none of my family have
as yet got a cent's worth of benefit from
it. '--tOmehs, World.
Tea is so little an article of necessity in
Francis that tbe total consumption in 1888
for 38,000,000 of inhabitants was only a
little oyer 1,000,000 lb., the greater part of
which was probably. consumed by English,
American, and Russian visitors andreeidents.
The &vertigo per head of the population was
13i,geammes, or 1664 than half an ounce.
The use of tea, insteed of inoreasing, lo
diminiohing, as the average per head was
141 grammes in 1886 and 1887. Coffee on
Judge (to presener)-So you were deunk
and. &orderly. What have you to say
Friona -Po a good deal to say, Your
Honor, if you'll only give me time to say it.
Sudge-Certainly with plower°. Sixty
days will be enough, even'e it? Oar object
le tee:lease.
What They Were Tor,
Inquiring liouth-Whot are thote water-
proof gloves for, Mr. 0 Petrick
Mr. 0Patrick-Why, me jewel, mire, and
they re for the convenience of thica folks as
wants to evaeh their hands without wetting
their shirt at all, at ail 1
A Love Romance of loyalty.
The Ptincess Deemer, before she became
the wife of the Czar and relinquished her
own name in favor of that of Marie Feeder -
°vim, has also bad her girlish romance:
"She was engaged to his elder brother, the
Cznevitob, a tall, hendeorne man, with fine
clear-cut features, closely resembling his
beautiful mother, and she loved him with
all the fervor of a young ardent heart In
1865, at )Tice, the fertind Deka Nicholas
fell from his horse and was so badly injured
that his rife was despaired of. xiis thince
hastened to him, and never left) his side
till he breathed his last The succeseion to
the throne devolved upon the Grand. Dake
Alexander. He stood by the deathbed of
the Czareviteh. who, in presence of the
Emperor and Empress, placed the hand. of
the weeping Dsgmar into hie. saying to
her with almost his last words: 'Marry my
brothers he is true as crystal, and 0 wish it."
Enforced by political reasons, this bequest
was law to the bereavedgirl.
"The Imperial Bagman."
Emperor William of Germany well de-
serves the name of "The Imperial Bagman,'
given to him by London humorists. Hurrying
from the moial review at Spithead, he imme-
diately appeared conducting the sham fight at
Spandauforthe entertainment of the Emper-
or of. Austria. The moat interesting fee.-
rure of this display was the use of the new
smokeless powder which is the latest inven-
tion relied upon to increase the efficiency of
email arms. Wherever William the German
sovereign goes it knot thepeopleof thecoun-
tree that he visits or peuefulinstitutions that
he inspect:. Ib is the army or the navy Pulpit and Pew.
that he is.everywhere anxious to see, in his Storiee of discourteous smartness in either
eagerness not to keep the peace, but to study pulpit or pew abound, The following is es
the most approved methods of making war. fresh as are the winds that blow across Cape
The essentially military character of En- Cod, where the incident occurred. Ihe con-
repean monarchies is a fearful feature in gregation was not attending to the sermon.
present civilization, and the Emperor Wil- The minister stopped io hiereading. "My
limn seems to be the very incarnation of hearers," said he, "1 have given much
restless warlike rule. How different was thought to this Hermon. It has cost me
the course of his father,"Frederick the many days of labour. I have meditated on
Noble," in observing foreign lands 1 13ut She 15 10 the night seasons. If you catinot listen
spirit of Frederick has died with him, and to it, I wili stop right here and now," The
dragoonism dominates the Empire he sought reply was prompt from a member of the °on-
to lead in the psths of peace. That general gragatio, "Go on poem, go on ; you numb
harmony cannot long be reserved during boabout through."-tChloago Advance- •
the strain of the rivalry between eatione in ose ,
warlike equipment and construction, is oer- Some jails would make good piddle speak-
tain. European powers dad inevitably e, they.have such 50 0587 delivery -
soon fight. or disarm, and the aseentien°Y of Egg.shell was onoe used in medical prep -
the element typified by Germany's young oriptions. When calcined at aline red -heat,
the shells afford a very pure term et carbon -
Emperor does nob tend toward disitereament
ate Of lime.
The nests of Bulgarian and Eestern
Emmen& gives the population ..ef the 'two
A Large Family.
Whenever a prize is offered in the United
States for the family that has the great-
est length, breadth, and thickness there
would appear to be little doubt tget the
"Coulter boys" of Walker county, will be
sure to take the cake. Of these interesting
"boys" there are six, end going up by steps
and commenoing at the lowest the record
stands thus :-Jim is six feet four, Mack six
feet six, Will six feet six, Tom six feet
seven, Oscar six feet eight, and Richard
six feet eleven. The parents were SIX feet
four and five nine feet respectively. Their
weights run from 290 to g62 pounds,
making a total of 1,867 pounds, And an
average of 228 pounds.
The tailor hopes to succeed by clothes
attention to hosinese.
Several oi the tinge land owners of Scot-
land haveimported a number of reindeer
from Norway and turned them out in the
hope that they zany become acelineseed and
The generally accepted theory that a waxm
summer followe a cold winter, Ittla vice versa,
has been examined by Science with the aid
of temperature records merle in the same
place, under the wane conditions, twice a
day for forty years. Soience cannotfind any
rule on the subj sot, and comes to the conolu-
sion that no estimate can be formed in regard
to the character of a coming mason merely
by knowing the character of the past season
of any greeter value than could be gained by
mere guessing.
A Judge of the United States Supreme
Court is slapped in the face by a desperado,
who la immediately shot by a Deputy Mar-
shal of the United States The Jetta who
has taken no part in the affair whatever, is
accusedby the desperado's wife of murder, is
arrested on a warrant issued by an obscure
Californian Justice of the Peace and is now
ottb on bail. This queer chapter of inci-
dents is the result, not of peculiar American
laws, bub of peculiar American =miners. In
theory the same things might happen to an
English 'raga but they never will.
The idea of making Qieen Vietoria a
Colonel of German Ihregoons has struck a
good many people as rather odd; but it is
said that female officers were quite common
Li the British army about a hundred and
fifty years ago. At that time, it is aid,
pertions who had a pull 00 550 Government
were in the habit of christening their dangle-
ters by masculine names, getting.thera com-
missions in the army, and drawing the pay
for the service which the girls did not per-
forra. Colonel Victoria of course, does not
draw pay, but is content with the militsry
glory which goes with the title.
It reached its maximum -of 136,000,000 es. felharlie--" Yes, I hear him. But lie is 2,326 250 are Bulgarians, 607,60 Parks,
Time for Action,
the other hand, increaees in favour, and' thel
t' h than d Auntie—" -
consump ton as more an qua rupled Charlie, your father is calling
since 1841, and nearly doubled since 1861. yore" principalities as bewg. 3,1 4 e a 0 whtam
in 1886, and wars 134.000 000 lb., or more calling ' Charlie.' I don't have to go till he , 68,000 Greeks, 50,000 giopies who hove no
than 3i th per teed in 1888, yells 'Charles 1'" i fixed residenoe and 23,400 Jewe.