HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-9-12, Page 4THE', Q5x.etier Abooicate. WM, SANDI RS,-ditor. THE rumor is. again entrant that a movement is on foot to bring about the deposition of 11f. Laurier from the leadership of the Liberal party and to have a bolder: and Snore aggressive'. Thur day, September 12th 1889.1 gran placed in the position -the 'bolder aand more aggressive ratan, being ,Sir THE J?RSPO $IBILIT.I'' IIL?il Richard Cartwright. H organs daily keep barking at the Dominion Government on the Jesuits' Act question, and they persist in reminding their readers of its re sponsibility, They have not a word to implements. James Glavin, proprieto say in eondei kation of their friend. Mr + James Oke, electioneer. Mercier � , .I ei e t,t for passing th.. Act; not a At the r , p yesadanto of the proprieto word about the action of Messrs. Blake, Sale Register. On lot 7, con, 1, Biddulph, on Tiles - day, September 17th farm stock and r FOM LIVERPOOL. STEAMER. Friday, April 16 ...... *CIRCASIAN„ .... c I•, Thursday, 25 , ,. PARISIAN- „ . .. , ALLAN LINE. • ROYAL MAIL. STEAMSHIPS. LIVERPOOL AND QUEBEC SERVICE. Wa ATTE!I 01 Eyes front, QUI= MARCH -TO Gridley st. on Saturday 14th inst.,hous Mills, Laurier, and the claire Liberal hold furniture. John Gill, suet; Ja Jew•ei, prop. representation in the I..r oese of Con►- mons, with a few eeceptioue, voting .� all Fairs, in support of the • course token by the Government. That would never do; EXETER, Sep.23 and 24. only Sir John Maacdo t ed nett his col- .Mitchell, b� p...4, to 27, leagues must be .censored. :tipvv, as a Toronto, Sep .9 to 21. IontlOUSep,9to14, matter of fact, the Dominion Govern- t:ueS.ple Sep, 25 ate 26, enen:t has not attempted to evtic',c*. re Hamilton, Sep. X23 to 27. 4pansibitity in any wady, and of that ! St. Marcs, Sep, 24 and 25. fact the people of Canada are well ;a_ Stratford, Oct. 3 and 4, la l Statin, Cap, 30 and Oct. 1, ware without the.. hypocritical Reform ii Ooderieh Stip, 17 to 19, organs t'mindiese there of is every dayn fit, Thomas xs `ep.'24 to 27, in the week, In, this coutct'L tion we! Clinton, Tues,, Wed, C Thug., Sept. 21tie, :,vatic and 261h, c" icy' 2 , POI. YNESL.A.N.. _, s Friday, " 10 ., sCATHIIAGEN1-41ci Thursday, " 10. , , , , , SARDINIAN„ , , ,. Thursday, June 6 Friday, i. 24 r. *CIRCASSIAN ...'. Feiday, « .14 Thursday, " ' 30 , PARISIAN , .... , .: Thursday, u 20 ,a:., June 6 POLYNESIAN- .. .". - e 27 Friday, e 14 i CARTHAGENIAN Thursday. " 20 .. , SARDINIAN. `Thursday, Jnly 11. Fr zd.ay. is 2g .. *CIRC ASSIAN .... Friday, a 19 Thursday, July 4 ...... PARISIAN:. , . , Thursday, « 25 ai 11, , , . • POLYNESIAN.. , August Friday, idaey, '� 19 i CARTHAGENIAN Tleusdsy, ea 25 SARDINIAN, , . Thursday, 't 15 Friday, August 2, , .... e'CIRC4eSSIAN . Friday, " 23 Thursday, „ S , . , , ' PARISIAN. • , . , , . Thursday, 4s 29 „POLYNESIAN, , , o, 15 a` Septeanber 5 Friday, ido-ay,. „ 23 ', CARTIIAGENIAN Thursday, to 29 5:\.11DI\IAN, ... , 'e to 19 I t idev, l+r pteu ber to , *GIRC.1.SwSIAN , , , , Friday, 6e 27 1 I Thltrstla,-, ca 12. , > * * ay, October 3 PARISIAN. , , . ,.. Thursd RATES OF PASSAGE BY MAIL STEAMERS. 10.a ,w POLYNESIAN. Quao- t.7.4.•.-...70.3.. desire to ask the organs a few plain questions: Do they consider the: ale• eision arrived at by the I lov , rnznt nt in regard to right of the Quebec Leg- islature to piss the Jesuits' Estates :let Usborne School Report, To late for last issue. The following :ire the names tint right or Wrong? If right, why do they 4 laercentige of than paalzils in seed el.ts persist in utt zc'l.iia=' the (inyern►nnte t the made a0 per cent, or over duein ;' p a the. month of August. I 'wrong, v ' ti ,. If ,.,, vv 1a, do they not .t; . a, deed <, Fltxlt.--•.�,.I,rzm:z(:otltbe, 82. tell their readers that the Liberal lead- Fof nTix.••. -C. Andrew, 72; J. Turn ers, LIieh ding the great constitutionals hall, 69; G. Powell 56; Ttuno,•--•C.Delbridae;a7;L. Andrew :authorities of the part; ---Messrs, 131.abe 7•1; G Ilia►ers, 73; E. Ttkrllbull, 69; N. fau1 elills� are worthy of censure be.. r Rind, 6,; 0, Brock, 59, H, Spicer 59; L cause the;. upheld the n 1eheel Tory Hulls '50, Government in its unconstitutional ° Srxlon sncotin,-.-E Smith, 86; E. Min Fume QUEBEC, Friday Thursday May 10 aa. 16 " 23 t'abin,;,rl,$7:wand cRD eecnrdiug toI�a accommodation. Servants in Cabin, MO. _1,iter- 5 midi arty r al. Steerage, $ . Return i.aae,aets, eatee, etie, ',theta, ,4►,ri0, Seco, d Cabin, . ,. � ,,yl. $s4. �Iaw. ,ireau3siatn or other cstraa . Steamers. Cabin, 50, $60 , and SIO, nceore ling to a c¢amnda- i tion. ti,a,wn4 aaloa,j). steerage, �?). Return tiotiets, i�ItattletaleStsD, astcr edicttc,$,a. Steerage, can libel GA.t ittl NTA.N will not carry passengers from this site. There will ke no • Steamer parrying eassengers from Quebec Ma.y Sist, duly 5th, August 9th, Septeusber iSth Passengers eau sail :from 1ontreai. JOIN SPACKMAN, the only authorized agent for Exeteer, t. course' If the Tore Government de '' ers, $1; A. Hunter, 71; S. Johm, 71; E. a ,: e ., ]a 1.4 Johns, ' fu Protestant Liberals in the Mous'. JI„ PART sgeoNI),-G.Sp cer,8laiii- .Br•oc. serve to lee turned out of office for da azdrev+°, tt3: A. Harris, fa;r G) Powell, I Powell, ll ,3U. • ,n n a , • it an a t l as i -.,. t ai 1 surely Messrs. , Blake,- e . 1, c .It'\ita11 SFe,'o:tli', ... ('leerlealtS .i0.1?„ 00 e�oreyoap � � O► Mil1S aalatl: all the ether 1'ul;li �lt yI al "J I , 80, l? Francis, 62. � � 1 AND BEFORE YOU BUY YOLTR of Commons who voted that its mars:, a'.0* L Vaal 70i A Woods, 60; L„cutlers l was right and Proper: are deserving of a I jrsr..--.\\ Francis, 83; 1.. Fraliei baying the co tfidenee of their support- ` 80; L Brock, 76; M. Broc,1;, 75; L. :tin ars withdraeten If Sir Johan elaacilonalp, ers!.75; \I, Woods, 73; 0, Ii avrkins, 1 and Itis colleagues were wrong, �Ie,Sra• :1 zenith 60; W. liuutcr,56; J. Taerryleil Blake tililis Co cannot be right. But E. I3.:13' hill, 00. G1'i' Iibl.am.N. w e do not hesitate to s ay that that or- gans area convinced that the et+urs,a taken by the Government WAS the' right one, and that this daily .howling' abits •,c `a about ra,puiariirility is prompted i'ay a desire to encourage the. agitation on Teacher. Ontario Farmers' Bons. The O .. T nttrio Agricultural College alai Experimental farm Tire designed to give young men a thorough insight the question, in the hope that it will into the theory and practice of Caned - result in the reins of office pissing in. tan fanning. For this purpose, a. full to the hand:, of their politie•ai frieztds cot►rse of instruction is given in goner - 'That, sand that only, hi 1118 :notice al agriculture; the points and char:zet- eristics of the different breeds of caattle, which Is behind the cry,"Llou t forget sheep and horses are taught; also the that the Dominion Government is re- Judging of cattle and sheep by points; sponsible." But the ;teat mess of the the treatment of the diseases of flame electors are not fools, if the journalistic animals; butter making; farm :accounts road making, gardening, etc. The opponents of the Government are sciences bearing on these subjects, such knaves. However strongly they may es chemistry and botany, :are also be opposed to the legislation of Mi taught, apd a thoroughly~. practical 11lercier on this question, they, au" training is furnished in English ,sand ialeineaitaly mathematics -,;just the giving the subject their calm awl dis-.p branches in which the young fanner needs instruction, without Latin, French, or any other subject which he does not require. It will thus be sten that the course passionate consideration, will, we have no doubt, come to the conclusion that when men like Sir John Mcdonald, Sir John Thompson, Mr. :Blake and Mr. of study is better adapted to the real Mills are of the opinion,thatthe act was wants of young farmers, than any within the power of the Quebec Legis-! other offered in the Dominion. It "nature, and when that opinion is heel ed contains what they Hoed and nothing up by the Law Officers of the Crown, else, and it casts them Tess for board, washing and tntian than in any other the Government is not deserving of 1 good school or college in the Dominion. their censure at the polls. EDITORIAL NOTES. LAST WCCc closed without a Single juror being selected in the east, of the trial of the men arraigned in Chicago for the murder of Dr. Cronin, although the entire week was spent in the effort to secure a jury. WHAT is the matter with the Maid? A week has passed since the decision of the Law Officers of the Crown on the ,Iesuits' Estates Act disallowance ques- tion was made known, but it has not yet discussed the decision in its editor- ial COIunins. SIR° Hector Langevin in Toronto: "I am not a local gran, nor a Quebec man, but a Dominion man. I have always tried to feel that we were one people and the good of the entire community should be studied," Such is the senti- ment which all patriotic Canadians should cultivate. TT is pleasing to notice in many of our contemporaries a growing - mate. provincial sentiment and a recognition of the fact that there is such a country as Canada as a whole. According to some politicians, of contracted views, to be a provincialist is the ers`; duty -of the residents of each province; where- as broad-minded statesmen; in their elisire to promote the unity of the Dominion and to secure its growth upon enduring' foundations, urge all the people to look capon Canada as a common country, in the prosperity of every portion of which all are deeply interested. Attendance may be for one, two or three years, a diploma being granted at theendof the second year and a de- gree at the end of the third year. While the best results are secured by taking tke regular course of two or three years, a ,young man is amply re- paid for his time and expense by what he can learn from 1st October to 16th April, or 1st October to 30th June. TERMS OF AD?,LISSION. 1 -Candidates should be sixteen years of age. 2 -They should be qualified to pass a fair examination on (1) -Reading, writing and spelling. (2) -English grammar, parsing and analysis. (3) -Arithmetic to the end of simple proportion. (4) -Outlines of Geography-, espec- ially the Geography of Canada. First, second and third class teachers holders of intermediate certificates, or certificates of entrance into the High Schools or Collegiate Institutes of Ontario, graduates or undergraduates of any University in Her Majesty's Dominions, will be admitted on presen- tation of certificates or diplomas. Candidates should enter on the 1st October, which is the beginning of the College year, but in special cases they may be admitted at later dates. NET COST PER YEAR. The net cost of board, washing and tution.- 1. To an Ontario farmer's son, able and willing, with considerable experi- ence at farm work. is 345 to $60, a year, if he be a county ' student, the cost Will vary from 625 to 640 ,z year. 2. To an Ontario student without. any previous knowledge . of farming,' e60 to $70 a year. The costto students 'who remain there during the summer' term, 'July and. August is a little less, because during these two months they work' ten hours a day. Building Hardware, Binding Twine, Harvest Tools, OR, ANYTHING IN STOVES or TINWARE Call and see BISSETT BROS: large stock and get prig. TURNIP and other field seeds a specialty, Cash paid for Eggs, Hides Skins, and other farm produce. BISSETT RO S. UALITY I THE TRIIKTEBTOF CEEAPS7: SS. J. H. NORTHCOTT READ ----o--I NOWO 'FET TNG- c CAKES Mo., C)m-' DIEB=ST Of Every Description Made to Order. J. H. Nort cat, ONE DOOR NORTI OF FANSON'S. BLOCK. Main -street - - Exeter. IVIMitrar THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT .......... Do , 0 me Kr mit from which this paper is pzisaated was supplied by the Tom TYPE I Dealers in'Tjpe, Presses, and Printers' Supplies - J. T..JOI-HN\TSTON, S0& 82 Wellington St. WeSt TORONTO, O, 1 SOUTHCOTT'S Clothingie1�a�nd Gents U ISE' ��.F`. STORE OREa EXETER, ONTARIO. Some of'the finest goods that can be secured, are arriving every day. GENTS' FURNISHINGS IN THE L.&TEsT STYI.P,SATRIGHT PRICES. A CALL SOLICITED, W. &OUTFiCOTT3 Corner Main and John Street, EXETER, ONTARIO. Ami ,T SQUARE #. SIT 1T�E GENERAL STORE The undersigned would inform the Public that he has just received his it ti11 STOCK, I' A FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS, II'ATS AND CAPS, AND CROCH- ERr, BOOTS .AND SHOES, Those wishing anything in my line va-ilI find it to their advantage to veil dual inspect my goods and priees, Best Roller F1ou1<, always on hand. Highest Price paid for Butter and Eggs, and all kinolobf Produce, J. P. ROSS. (10-22-'88.) 'J. G. SM91L@C9MBE iffeldint Tait. Up stairs, over H. Spackman's Hardware Store. He has in stock some of the finest summer goods to be found on the market. Cf.CALL SOLICITED.A/�t Ci. iii, 'f.1.. LLrftOO1P,t.�E. London Huron & Bruce Rahway GOING NonTlr-TIsus TAnLE--Pass'nr. London, dep trt , , .. 8.05 A. ar.. 4.25 P. M. Lucan Crossing . ..8.47 5.20 Clandeboye...,. .8.52 • 528 Centralist... -.....9.05.. 5.45 EXETEIIR.... . - .9.166 5.57 Hensall- - - ....... 9.28 Kippen 9.34 trucefield ........ 9.42 Clinton.. 10.00 Londesboro' 10.19 Blyth. .. 10.28 Bela rave .. 10.42...... 7.27 Wingham - .. 11.00.... 7.45 Gower Sunni. Passenger. Wingham ° .. - 7.05 A-ar... 3.40 P.M. Belgr.tve ... 7.24 4.00 BIyrth...... 7.38 4.15 Lolidesboro' . .. 7.47 . , 4.25 Clinton.... ...... 8.07 4.45 Brucefleld. • 9 26 Kippen .... 8.34 Hensall - ......... 8.41 . 5.19 EXETER.... .... 8.56...... 5.33 Centralia.... .... 9.07 5.45 CIandeboye 9.18 5.56 Lucan Crossing.. 9.24 6.02 London,arrive. , .10.15 6.45 6.09 6.17 6.26 6.45 7.03 7.12 5.04 5.12 FOR SALE. Farmers, LE - Farmers, Gardeners and L'Iorists, .A. fair sized brick cottage containing dining -room, sitting -room, 1 bedrooms, en- trance hall, with two good cellars under- neath, large kitchen 14xaO fent, with .wood- shed attached, two large greenhouses, small stable, good well of water; with i/, acres of land, all lanced and in fair condition. This property is 'within five minutes!? 'walk of the Exeter post office. The land Will be sold on easy terms. Apply to A. ALLI N, Exeter, Ont. A.prll X11, 6 m. MEDICAL.. THE CELEBRATED bit.. IgE CARILON, OP PARIS, FRANCE,' HAS TSTABLISHED AN AGENCY IN TORONTO FOR THE SALE OP HIS MEDICINES, WHICH'. ARE A POS- ITIVE CURE FOR ALL; CHRONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES OF LONGSTANDING, ALSO YOUTHFUL Ti DISCI1ET]:ON,EAI,iLY DECAY, . ETC., SHOULD WRITE FOR IN- FORMATION: CORRESPONDENCE CON- FIDENTIAL. ADff GS$ ALL Lr'lrnRI TO . . Tan E. B. CI:eem AGENCY, CAMERON PLACE, - TORONTO. CLOTIiING A. ar ■. tv... ■ - .iiu,ti. EXETER ONTARIO, „ 1las now in stoci ee 005 IN THE FOLLOWING LINES West of England Suitingsand Trous erings, Seoteh Tweed Suitings and Trouser; lugs, French and English Worsted Clothe AR made 11» in the Latest Style, at best Bates. A. T. SNELL Lia H. Dicksores Litfitftt /041. Lot No.99, in the lot eoneessioaofthe town elaip i+f lf►bbert,evnta(ning loo acres. Titin far m will ho sold iia cheap, a it<. P, t 1 gas gees to The farm is situated middy beth sen aforth au,i Dublin, on the IIuron Gravel Read - Church and School within loOl'ardsof fame. 1 oil the test in the county. A number of Easter villageopesties for sale was the Beat of terms ,inclu ing some of titor,mvstdesirable re?.i,lestce igtown,, demo pro perky in thovillagesof centrads and P.'nj lukr, vehicle can be boughtehear, Ta xloaradinfi House keepers -On emu e - tion Waltzes uafl t'rs t a •o , :, Foundry, r ' i v its from 35 to 26 aadditiot al hawed acetbe n,o%ed. .2l ilial+o to let at.ti.ssnaltrei1t eaw- iihla of accomodatisat; az to lU boaaders- bosttt live minutes walk from there/wary. For further particulars apply to Marcla tis, & !. „H. DICKSON, Ba ri►tcr, Exeter 0 THE LEADING Undertaker AND furniture ilealer OF THE TOWN ? T have an immense Stock of Furniture and Uncle tak ng Goods now on hand, which 1 will sell at right prices. UNDCRTAKINC A SPECIALTY An examination of our Stock Solicited. S. GIIILEY. IF YOU WANT A Ian and Ease Svc OR Neat Hair Cui, CALL AT TRE Colltral Barber Shop, 'anson's Block, Exeter A. Hasintgs, PROPRIETOR BUT Pft$o moo. Why is it that in other t0W113 and surrounding country they speak so highly of the photo- graphs that are taken in Exeter. And how is it that there are so many photos sent into the different cities of Ontario fro1'Jri, EXETER PHOTO GALLERY Because Senior's work is as good if not better than any of the leading' galleries in the cities and their prices are $ and 85 per 'doz., while they get them at Senior's for 4',3.00.