HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-9-12, Page 3. • • hl;T,H GROST1I.:NIARFEST.PQ11, Ilethre I tell lay story, it will be well for me to make it perfectly clear that it is a perfectly true one. Ae a lad, and as a young man, neither ghosts nor tho idea of ghosts ever troubled Inc. I heard Orange storiee of them, told with all the vivid description which would tend to fr1ghten eleep away- -told, too, when the wind wr-E1 bowling side, the rela pettoriog against the wiadowe, and the only lighe vietble that which found ite way through the obinke in the shatters to the "pitch-dark"- outside -told when everybody wes ready fcr bed. But they never disturbed my slumbers. I could listen to any number of them at any time, •and they never had any effect on ine In fade I disbelieved them thoroughly, and though I could not doubt tho veracity of the narrator I always regarded them as the out- come of a stroug imagination, or the reeult of too heavy and too late dinners!. A white tombstone in a churchyard 414 net frighten me on a very dark night, nor did the mys- terious movements of a donkey whiah had broken into it cause me to stare, as he moved in the darkness in and out among the graves, eta that I was thoroughly unprepared for anything like fer nominal experience, sad Considered myself one of the lest pens= likely to be affeeted by anything like a ghostly manifestation. But now to my dory, 'which 'Shall tell eimaly a the Weir took place, leaving it to the reader to draw his or herown orieeeeiee. And to meke it ;mite latelligible 1 meet explein the plea of the haute where it Up- peried. The home iteelf was a large enee built of brick, and wise what le celled a "0..4;9 that le, Obeid no ropier npaoteirs rooms, though over the ceiling there wee great dot of room under tile roof ; mod the lower inol4e walls had been. coaled up to the roof to opport It, a doorway being Merle to get from one PAO to the other, "Xioe wells were thick and the doors and. 'random were made of heavy hard weed. There was not a ,gene of glom in the home and loath doom and winclowia-exe:ope two l doors, ef whlch more promotive -Wore (ideated byeaneeuelly strong iron Inane. My wife and le -for my tete was with me and shared all my mover. ieneese-alweye entered the house by. the big doorway leading We the largo ifeancirceler p_orch, where or plenums were kept. Venting on.wo came to the pamage. Going along thie we came first of all to the doer on our left head, opening tnto the dining Teem. an our right, directly oppeelte thia dieing room door, was another door, ee the foot ot a circular stairome, in the thick well leadiag up to the empty epee* under the roof. Straight in front of no was the door loading into the greet Central reeeptionirOOM evhioh eantalmed no furniture except 50 armoire, Deb% and a few chain. There was a Urge front doer to this room but It wits seldom open, and we rarely malt, our vhdt. ors coming mostly through the porch and passage. Going farther on Wel Mae to ear bed room, whieheenteined only our bed, a *reveling chest of drawer's, whit& serve4 as a demoting table, a washstand and one or two °halm Loading out from this was another roam which we did not use, simply became we did not need it. And nova must call your ettontioa to our bedroom door. It was Merle of wood, the lower hell being pencilled, but the upper hall was Atted with: framework to rerlellre panes of glass, Which bed not yet been inserted. Tim door had neither look nor holt, There Was only an iron dog, hauging loosely, by which the door could be pulled te. But it could. not be closed, for at the bottom, ohm to the aide on 'which the hinges worked, it caught Against the sill, width had not been auffielently planed away to allow the door to shut ptoperltr, aratreeo it was always ajer, and could very comity be *Wizen backward and forward, as itworked on the place where it eaughe ; awl in oinking, the iron ring, to which I have referred, e clattered against the door, making a groat nolo in a more or 1034 .empty large house. The only remark I have to make about tho other door leading up into the spiral stair - use, is that iblopened outwards, and was simply fastened by an ordinary door Utah. The affair of wild). I em writing took place in a largeisland in the Ent far away from Cenatia-in a country full of ghostly stories, and equally full of a belief in all kinds of ghostlynaanifestations. Ihad heard, but had taken no notice of them. The native town to which we had gone in search of health contained very few foreigners and fewer acquaintances; consequently wo had to " shiftier ourselyee and with the email ammount of luggage we took with us found our home in this large house, whi.th we rented from a native. We liked it ; the air was fresh, very pure and bracing; medical help was at hand, and with our cook and servants and my pupils we settled in. The house was surrounded by its own grounds, and the kitchen as usual, stood away by itself. f`Please, sir, we are afraid to go 1 he seid Account or I must confess 0 hoPo n a trembline voice. lately puzzled, and, without being alarmed, ".Afraid, my boy 1" I exclaimed in see_ wes certainly very uncomfortable. What rise; "afraid a what? Tilers nothiog was the noire.? Who or Whet made itt The nobody here to laerm yea; whatare you, Irian ring made diet awful banging, hut what "ct f ?"• caused the clatberitg sound and the furious "They are afraid, eir 1" chimed in the " f f lb • 11 maid. "Afraid of what r 1nein demanded, "Have you eeen any thievee abeete" "No, sir," elle relied; •"but they see of!ald tie go;" and that welt all I could gob out of her, "Come along. boya 1 and doe'b be mere children," 1 said to encourage them,; "the light le ready for you, and the hellee will bc' safely fastened up tee 11/141," 47111,43, eir,u Field oue of them, john by name ; "but we are afraid. LeSt night--;" "What I inquired in wonder. "Last night, dr," he went on to say, tf there were fearful nolwa up-etaire where we sleep, We heard men fightiog, and we trembled -e--" "Rousseau l" I cried. "Code, wimit did you give the boys fer their ',tuner 144 Dtglit 'Only beef end rico, sahib," he replied; 46 the same as they always have." "And no mere ? nothing else ?" "No, Sehito,' "Theo you beye were dreamiug or heard the rate, I heard nothing feed saw nothing, Se, eome along r I went into the house and they followed me. Oe reaching the door at the foot d the acratcineg I So gen% into tho dieing -room I called to the maid by,uame, and said ; " Are you awake?: "Yes, sir," washer reply ; and she reified herself on her mattress and threw back the cloth le whioh, She had enveloped her heed, " Why are you, awake" I inquired ; " too can't sleet). Rave you heard the reds riming about?" shtsil not forget the look she gave Me as I held the small lamp near her and its light lit up her dark fem. But the eYeS seemed to light up of themselves, and a look of die -- gusted veeminees crept over her features. "}WI" she exclaimed. "That's not rats, and I an,afraid. I heard them, r "Heard what „I' 1 asked. "11 the sound did not come from frolicsome rats, what made it? 'There are no people In the house except ourselves, and the boys are un-stArli Won." "They Ath spirits 1" she exclaimed, "1 heard them, and a row they have been mak. ing. I have been Retelling to them -but I kept mg head covered, for fear. I heard them rushing with a kind of noiseless step to your door; *boa ecratehing and rattling ; teen I beard them rush 'emit to the dem Attlee foot of the stake and rattle, rattle awey at the latch: then bade to your room " Why?' 1iequired, 4, Tell hint, Jolan,'• said one of them ; Whilst tha other broke in. " Although you com- ree.nd us to sleep up there again, we can nob. We are Wiled with fright l° "What is it I again inquired. Thee /dm spoke. "Ib was awful, sir, and We Gantlet hear It. Ib was thie. What we heard the utglithefore last we also heard last night, lx111 le was fer woree. There were, as it seemed to us, two men up stairs engaged in a fierce atrugyle. They seemed, to be ia the middle of the home, wider the rod, and they fought deeperetely. We hued a kind Of whieper. lug, quarreling, as it were, but we heard no words. It seemed as if one wite wearing bootie an.1 the other weenot. Theo ti/ii one wearing hoots ran, and. the other ran atter haelewmde and forward, backwards and forwards, all In the dark ; down they re% 'local the staite, and we beerd them rattling the latch as if they wanted, to get out. Beek then they would come, and nigh spiral staircase I gave them their lantern agate, beekward and forward, backward (Poe an open geed* for fear of fire) and doh and forward, They Imo been making a of them again exclalmed ; row. They API opirits, and I with they " We ere afraid, sir 1 we mon not Sleep up would rest, for 1 went to eleep 1" there," "Se do I," I replied, Stilt her word* " Noreenee, boy* I" I replied, firmly ; rather abiggered me. Yet amonet for thme 46 there is nothing there worse than your. =ism on any ether bypotheale 1 meld not, aolveel 1 AM down below, and the maid sleeps Bat Writs 1 and le mg own Immo, 0,0 dm In the dielus room right neder you; thereto to the heed of any bed I Strange ; but what Welt it? I wise in wide toweee as poseible. nothing to ceuae leer, so go along." witeout Another woo, they tgag the Un. gVerY ftlealtY Wee le good workiog order, tern, and Med off up Metro. WW1 the laet and now the uttfrr dieheltof ot Team gone bed gone I carefully latehed the deer, elkie byWAS toba rnde*mani X thought Tor/ the Meld WO her eleeplog guertere under rude of them no to intrede on my root and the ilining-room tablel=mined all "the hate peace; of mind -shattered. as neuel and went aito bed. The meld threw her cloth over her hoed I told my wife whet had hepponed, and again and retired under the table; but her she put it down to nightmare on tite boys' room, too. Was inIctOnellti Of any thing cap. part. However, it paned out of our heads, able ofbeing turned to aceount for musing We always kept a light burning in oer room the redo. at night -a mall hand perafflee lamp. This Again I returned to my room but would was kept on the cheat of drawers ageinet the not Pell my wire whet the meldsaid. (eolith wag oppogeto tem foot of tea beg, ea wipe elletiRn for Me to hevemy OWle thelighni OP Of Mile I turned le down very low, and got the matter without disturbing her poem of into bed, with my head as need trite oleo tele& to the dem. It wee A small room, rather, " Eowever," 1 thottglit to myself, "If and the lied gem eneeet up to the Immo of I Men, pot a Mop to this I will, It Ion the doer. Meantime, I had, of MVO, pull. only get tide door over the bed piece ed the door to, as far am it would go, but et the bottom, whoever or whatever they mold not actuelly glom it, so it hung ejsr at IneY he won't he *Me to =eke it the place where It ought the filth Tbs. eliake amide, and we shell be mired all the framework for the glen we bed covered, with clatter. So with it. groat effore flitted the A cattalo. door so a* to bring lt over the mem pi 1 was tired otta 814 to got oomo rest and and thou witha Strelig Ida I oloafid ir tight) latmPs More particularly se I was just re- at lute . overbill/ I tom a very the* attack ot * week. "Now shake its if you our I thought, emus etee,e egragio vory soon vitae off .and, turning down the Imp curie mere, to deep, soundly, aud I quickly followed her. went off to bed. The IMMO WAS perfeetly (pleb, and I wee Vain hope of pow i The enemy, whoever foe asleep, veer, or whatever the enemy was, monad to be 1' Seratoh, sereteh, eeratela 'wretch, rattle. simply infuriated with my etterope to balk rattle, bang, huge rattle, rattle, herig, him, for no fowler efee my heed on my orate!), I" and up I tamped, uprighb in bed, pillow again then the gereteldng was renew. my wife jumping up at the sem° moment. ed with tenfold vigor, as if the very door In an instant ell tho blood in my body seem. WOuld be torn to &me It was .Imply ed to curdle, my face grew pale and cold, awful, and 1 seemed to exped to hear end we Ituitantly asked mob of the other In shrieks of anger added to the frightfal, a whisper: matching. I sat up in bed eind looked "What's that?" at the door. It could not, and did note Scretoh, aerate], seratoh, math, rattle, reeve, and the iron ring hung motionless; rattle, Nog, bang, bang, rattle:, soratob, hut down in thet fey corner the: poor eoratoh, aeratoh, at the doe:realm to my head panel rimmed to be the point of &thole of as it &thousand oats were aoratohina and a thousand fiends, Suddenly I cried orit tearing away furiously at one of the lower in the natwa tongue pewee, and clio vibration of the door mused "Be quite, and listen. 0 ye, 'whoever the loosely hanging iron ring to make a fear. and whatever ye are," and, ;strange to say, ful din as it was breught in contact with the no sooner did 1 begin to speak than wood. perfect silence -dead silence -reigned. We listened-breathlosel A penes I Only Listen, 0 ye, whoever and whatever for two mooed; however, and then It set off ye are," I continued, "for I don't again &watch, aoratoh, tattle, bn eng, ben1 know; only youraelves know. Ye are "What 1, 11?" I inquired of my wife, freo to come to my hones and 'visit me du - "1 don't know,' she replied -ane was all leg the daytime, but now it is night. I am of a tremor ; but "Thin won't do," thought tired and want to sleep, so get yo to your Daul out I sprang from boa, the noisehouses I If ye bo friends, speak 1 if ye be meanwhile continuing with unabeted fury, not, depart; or if yo will nob depart, and I rushed to the lamp and turned ib up, quite and enjoy yonreelves in peace, for I Instantly the noise ceased 11 scarcely aura am tired and want: to sleep. So good ed to think what to be about -if burglars night 1" were in the home 1 was powerleile &gland Alas? my libble address had. no efface. them -if rho noine were of supernatural Quite the contrary 1 At lb they went again origin, what then ?-if the result of some and 1 pitied the poor door. If they scratch! cleverly designed plan to frighten us, it ed furiously before,now they seemed to must be exposed. These thoughts seemed tear away at mercilessly. How they did to Rash through my mind, and., Attic& as peg away at it 1 and the noise was almost thought, I slipped on my dressuig.gown, deafening. However, there teemed to be seized the lamp, and made for the door. It nothing more to be done. I had been out was as I had left it exactly I I puehed it and examined everything. All was safe. I open, and went out into the big central bed used plain words and words of perms - reception room which tho small lamp sion, and lihey had no effeot. So I gave up scarcely lit up, 1I looked behind the door in simple despair, and lefe the "spirits" to where the sounds came from, and there was their own sweet pleasure. nothing ! Next I went carefully to everyIt was now long past midnight, and quite door and window, looked into every corner, tired and worn out I dropped off to sleep to examined the armoire, everything was fas- the music of the seratohing and tearing close tweed, the house was perfectly silent -there to my head. Uneasy sleep it was, and in was nothing! the very early morning I woke to the ;sweet I went back to my room. music of the scratching which still continn- "Hue you aeon anything ?" my wife ask. ed 1 ed me. "I must find out what it is, if loan!" I "No," I replied; "everything is fasten- thought. Just then I heard the door in the ed, and just as we left he Ie is etrange." porch ab the other end of the house open'so I turned down the lamp again, and got I knew some one was going out. Is the into bed, wondering all the time what; it myetery about to be solved? No, for the was and what it meanie and little inclined scratching mill continued with unabated for sleep. fury 1 There was the attack on the panel No sooner was my head on the pillow still going on au hard as ever. But the open than- door allowed a certain amount of light to Soratoh, soratoh, scratch, bang, bang, get through to our door, and I thought I clatter, ()latter, bang !began again. would avail myself of it. I fiew out of bed, hurried into my dress. "I'll catch you this time !" I thought. ing gown, turned up the lamp, again sallied "11 there be springs or trap door, wires or forth, and with the same remit. Instantly string I'll see what they are." the noise stopped! All was quiet ; every So whilst the noise was still progressing I door and window was eafely bolted -all es 1 very quietly and noiselessly drew myself up left it I Bat, thinking that, perhaps, the in bed, ready for a spring, 1 stretched. out natives might be playing tricks on us, 1 ex my left hand and pushed aside the curtain amined the neighborhood of the door, over the frame for the glass in the door very whenoe the sounds came, very, very carequietly and cautiously, sprang out of bed; fully. There was no string, no wire either and in lees than half a oecond my head was at top or bottom, or nail to which it could through the opening for one of the pahes, be attached. The wall, every inch of whioh I and I was gazing at the place whence the examined, was solid as bricks could niake it. sound came, and narrowly searching for The door? I examined that, too. It was a something, though what I did not know. beautiful door, inlaid with different kinds of But quick as I had been, it or they had beau wood, forming an artistic pattern. Every as quick, for no sooner was my head through bit of wood was in its place -there was no the opening than the noise ceased. There trap-door, 110 sign of interference of any was no wire or string to be seen, no trap - kind. Hence there was no trickery, or oun- door of any kind; a moue could not haee ningly devised Mealle of frightening me out got away; all wise silent. of my wits as well as out of bed. I was pee- "1 on not understand it," I said to my ded and beaten 1 Again I went off to bed, wife. "Bab I shall get up now and go for after turning down the lamp, and again, no your early coffee." sooner was my head on the pillow than- I partially dreesed, put on my dress- ' ing•gown, threw open the windowe, and was going out to the kitclaen to • get the usual morning coffee for my wife, when, just as I got opposite the door bead- ing to the spiral utairoase, I met the boys coming down. I saw at once there Was aomething wrong. The poor boys' faces were gloomy and of a pallid hue -there was nob the usul cheery " Good•morning, sir" - and depression and even arxiety seemed to be written on their countenances. "How have you slept, my boys?" I in- quired of them -and they knew absplutely nothing of my night's experience. "Slept, air r they inquired in return, in astonishment; we have not dept. Row could we?" ' Great Cry for More Women 1 good many years. BO the ory le not for pale, lzaggard, debilitated women, The pushing western rnea are not anxious for beauty, but they need healthy wives. .great cry for health is contitutelly going tip from thousands Id weinee, young and old Allover the earth.. 0:maim remedies have ap- peared in answer. A few have succeeded, and pone hold a higher play than Dr. Pieretee Fevorite Preeeriptien, a Aare enre for all those peculiar weakeepese" aol dietreesing ailtriente peculiar O the ilex. The race is not always to tbe fleet, bemuse Eornetimes etorm keeps the fleet at anchor. When everything elee feilie DA $3130 Patarrit Remedy eines. As a rule the rieh love to display their wealth, exeept wben the aseeesor comes mound, Get well and stay well. Rut how shall WO (10 has bon going up from the tar west for a it? °°:11 rillazteucltraeYthwe7°uP114484edOttheaanitir w4arlgigalye fulerYtfleraletnrecil tattelsra, ttbheerree nosecretel:rot:11; again, and we heard the weisperiog sound; then again they weuld rna ; the one wearing boots ran first, then the other atter him. DOWD. they would run, down the Maio again, rattle the lateb, and I was tereibly frightened," the poor boy added, almoat cry. Ing "for once as they were going down one of teem seized my leg and dragged me half way down. Hie bend* were like ice," he add, drawing his ahotilders together, and shiveriale at the remembrance, bat he let go and crewied heel; te plane agaim tremblieg. Thia went en for 'mg tinee. Thee, they fought egein, and at UM tee Mle withoat bode threw detwu the one with hoota ; he ehea derma 41;040, then fell hint sell. Thee All Was DOW." It Was strange, ;ma ,I, Wee Went, Whet to think I knee` Dor, ner do 1 to thie day. The other beye manned John'e stetement, audeteod logeleg frightened and aorely puz. zled. I PRI perfectly Certain that I wee neli miotehee ; the meld. bad heard the extraor. ;Beery nude, the movereente of epirite° downstairs, aridlho rattling ot the letoli ad now eonfirmatioa comee from the boys of something ueganny, Ia the full deed - light of day I exavained every inch of well and dem near that doer, hut their wae uelther mark on it, nor piece for striver, wire, or trap door near it. All wee perfeee. I meutioned tide extraordthery effair to deoter aeer, And he and his wife ar anged to *Imp la the -house with tui the next night. We *pane the evening at hie house, and wo ell weet to oar CM» about 9 p, Sitting outeide, round, the door el the porob, I found my servant, together with the ten el the landlord, to wham I had sent word el the effeir. "Well, lads," I said, es we approached them, "lame you seen or hoard anythin e" The isndioas SOU ; "Wo hinni not WA anything, but whilst wo hew been sitting here we heard 4 sound, A9 of emu, out) having hurled A big stone egainot your bettroom door." "Wu any One In the house 1" "No, sir," they all ammered, WO Went In And exeralued overyth found neither stone nor mark. The clootor Ind I turned down on g% (mule of mattress:ail In the reception room on t floor, oppoeito the front door. Ilia wife alept with mine; and the boys had, *gale oneepateirs withthe rnotasetvaute and the andloriVe eon, feeling safe in their eonmentr. The (looter soon fell mleop, bet I kept ;make. At shout 11 p, m. I hoard a, steady march over me of ono -only one-merching heck. werde and forwerde. Th1s was kept on at a eteedy peat till 12. Then there was &indent' hang at the frout deer as of a huge atone having been hurled' against It. There wee then a howling of doge and then all wu quiets'. I heard. nothing more, neither did those up -stair* but, that was tho lasb night I slept in that'house, Others tried to live there afterward, but had to leave, What was ib Now for a bit of history by way of ex. plenetion, if it can be explained, Toe King of the country hod A few getwe bolero beea assmaineted-etraneled, WAS entwined in lag plan, and an full drew; an he was, *haled from room to room by the amanain, until at leogth he tried to find safety in bid. ing among the ?Afton, job under the roof, Frain hie hiding place be was dragged and slain. The actual regicide died in the haute where I lived, on a bedstead close to the door whence all the noose proceeded -he died tbere about three menthe before I took the house, within three yards of where my pillow was! 01 this fact I was not then aware, loan only- ask, How kit to bo explained? and add that this story is absolutely true in every reaped,. Cr,Ennt'uxtr. We were simply on a visit ; we did not burden ourselves with unnecessary hard. tare, but were content with buying what few things we needed, and servants and pupils did not add much to our burden, for during the day they were all engaged in one way or another, and, provided they had a fairly comfortable mat or mattress on which to lie, did not oere very much where they slept. Conk, a swarthy son of Madras, guarded his kitchen and cooking utensils at night; my pupils curled up on their mattresses upstairs, in the "zoom" •at the top of the spiral staircase tinder the roof; and my wifeer mail slept under the lining room table on her, mattress; which was iemoved every morning the first thing :and breeglit in,thi3 last thing at night. I .always saw them all se.fely in the 'louse, .and go eaoh to his or her , own apartment, .before retiring myself, and made my nightly peactioe to see that all the doors and windoVre wee securely bolted -for we ,did nob care to lose the few things we had with ns, which in such a far aliatant place could not easily be replaced. ' The few days we had pawed in the house had passed pleasantly and the nights undis- turbed, eave by the howling of dogs outside, when one night our pupiss were later than usual in coming in to retire for the night. I went out to look after them, and found them and the maid all gathered round the bright fire in the kitchen, busy in amusing and intereking 'conversation. Their eyes were glistening in the -firelight, and their laugh was very hearty, • "Come, boys" I eaid it is time for you Saratoh, scratch, scratch, bang, bang, oat - to be going to rest now. And you," to the ter, clatter, bang 1 It went again. maid "bring in your mattress, for ib is "That's right 1 Go it r 1 cried, air I again sprang out of bed. " getting tiresome, though, "1 paid to my wile; "1 can't make it out! Bat if I can only get hold of the evil -doer, he shall feel this," for I felt angry at the continued disturbance, and seizing a huge stick with one hand, and the lamp with the other, ent I went again. But the noise ha e etoPped as quickly an before, and again all was quiet.' Again 1 examined every window and door - all were safely fastened It then struck me that perhaps, as the noise was so terrifio and peouliar, pos- sibly my wife's maid had heard lo, or could V, Alt many a man enderetands very well, If mere low-spirited, gloomy, depreseedl If nothing therm good and yorr nights bon no reit, If goer atom eole hi feel Ana your mouth teeme much fewer. Aud, so mom you beoome that they cell you 4 "growler," Be ewe that the trouble be &tato yourliver, Aud the biped is as sluggiela sontetimes river Beeorem when 'It'e Ailed with ell manlier of stuff, Clem It out and the current roue amoothly nough Go to the drug Owe and get a bottle of Dr. Piereeei Golden hledieel Plegovery, tite greet bIood puria mid liver invigoretor, la ie a eine more ler the law eDirlt9 and, general depreadou 11144 feele when hie liver Is th. eetive end bie blood iropere. This remedy makee tilan well, P. 400, night." -• there was a dead silence. The laughter was hushed; gloomy counten- ances at once appeared, and a kind of Dlr. tive booking glance was oast from one to the other, Not one of them attempted to move, except the maid. I may here say that the boys' ages ranged from about 10 to 14. "Come, boys 1" I repeated, "come along; it's time for going to rest now; why do you wait ?" Still there was no answer. "Are you not tired ?" I inquired. Then one vouchisafecl an answer. g, bat The Turtle Mountain Region. Thousands of sores of choice free govern- ment lend, now open for Battlers in the Turtle Mountain Reeion of Dakota, Item was raised the wheat that tookfirstpremium at New Orleans Exposition. Rich soil, timber in -mountains. good sahoole, churches, congenial society. For further information, maps, rates, eto.. apply to F. I. Whitney, G.P. T.A., St. P., AL It M. By., St. Paul, Minn., or j. M. Hackins, Oat. PASS. Agt., Toronto. Wonderful Flesh Producor. Sena's Ernnisiort anet segrot remedy. Coritabang the stimulating Ilypophos- pletee and Pure 'Norwegian Cod Lim Oil, the rotten of both being largeley isle crewed. It is need by Phyinelans ell over the world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Soid bt1 alt Druggist,, lide. and 81.00. 11V1011E1 ''Ijar?eaS:Etlt:efi:;E1. ir ....... tells ecturity. Apply*. BEATTY, CHADWICK, BLACKSTOOK & CAL Barristers act Selleitera. Wellington St, or, Outten, (ova lee* oilowealoi TORONTO,. 014T. CHIME FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL PAill4 OF MANITOBA. rartles wlsblog to purchase Improved alanttst'ais Pure; trom 80 notes inwards-, with named/ to pone:Won or write to G. I. InAIELSON. ¥4- Artimee. iMook, Main st, Winnipeg. Wen& fore famished nee a charge, and settlers sallided ta making ssisaion. zer:o '2' 7.7. T.4 AT COUNT Bans er intleno. .1 - TERS OSP MA1C11 annoy during vaeation by eanvaning kr One or more ot mu lssbaelllng Books and Mitt (Potently Watery at erode, by W. U. Withrow, D.D Oldest and best edition ever Mibliehed, prices law, t,errae liberals Write for illustrated clrencian and tenni. . WM. VIIIGC18, Publisher Toronto,. BE WARE OF IM ITATIONS. ROYAL Dandelion corrEE, NeSezesuise hid the Royal. Prepared by Ellis & Keighley, - Toronto, Rau Lloo Royal Nall Otoam flotin winter tom tort:le:4 Ovory Tkaloir me twits*. esinaaterday to Werke at, end 1 1,11W PM Iron ollUebec every Saturday to 14iverpool,ralllsel at .cloaderry 10 lanci mans sad pawners' Re peoan4 aad Ireland z also tom Bettionno, vla Hatt 114 tit, jobless N.P.. to Lives -pea lortaglitir 4suinm ouosnisr menthe. Tin 'teen:sere of the nil (hiring wiletar tO and DOM TI:slifl'.- 9 1,1tonon ARO eletaieueee ant tiatin tweet °Lwow and Montreal weekly 4 Bostoe weetly, and GlingoW &ea Pelisdit. phis fortnightly, ref freight, pimp or other Infcrentdola apply fie As 8chumactier Ca.. Baltimore; 8. Outterd A Goat alliag Shea le flog 8*. John's, NM, Wm. Ti le Co., $t. John, N. 04 Allen h Co., Ohltip;il 4 *Aldecii New Yoral k ; Li. Barer, Tome* Ras. 11 u0.,gt.lebeci; Wra. Speckle, Riallarki.. ; II. A. Alien Portland Boston Moutreal LOOK-Ovar 00.000 Dreemnaken new proclaim the Wonderful MeDawellGerrnentDrnting Ma - clime to bathe greatest inventiOrt et the age. It sett Bantus, Ccuts, Polon:duos Pricier:sew, Wraps, Sleeve', eta, to perfection. Dort be without It Send far cirott'ar, Head OfIlci-5 Adelaide Steed West, Torauta. WILLIAMS & Oft, - SLATERS & FELT ROOFERS Manufacturers aud deatert laRoonsar meter - lel end Building Papers, etc. Orrice: 4 Adelaide 11 . East, Torardo. Prourictors of Willfanue Fiat and Roof. Telephonebll. BloyoLEci ISOSnd lo; 4t.0 lionrazia. Qua fl LAVER UNE STEAmSELIPS. Salop Weekly between MONTREAL and LIVERPOOL. SaloOon Tickets, $40, OD, and ON Return Ticketa, SW, SM and $110, aoeording to steamer and accommodation. Intermediate MO Round Trip Tickets, 840, steerage, $20. Apply to 11. E. MERRILY, General Manager Canada slap. ping vo., I Cusioat Roan SOARS, zo Leal Amu: in aU Towns nue Calm When a young married couple go out boating the baby sometimes furnishes the yawl. The Book of Lnbon. A Man WiChout Wisdom Lives in a Fool's Paradise. A Treatise especially written 011 Diseases of Man, containing Facts For Mend All Ages! Should be read by Old, Middle Aged and Young Men. Provenby the Sala of Half a Million to be the most popular, because written in language plain, fordble and instructive. Praoticalpresent- ation of Mediae' Common Sense. Valuable to Invalids who are weak, nervous and ex. balloted, showing new means by whioh they may be cured. .Approved by editors, critics, and bhe people. Sanitary, Social, Soience Subjeota. Also gives a description of Speci- fic Igo. 8, The Great Health Renewer ; Marvel of Healing and Soh-i-noor o Medi- cines. It largely explains the mysteries of life. By its teachings, health may be main- tained. The Book will tee.oh you how to make life worth living. If every adult in the civilized world would read, understand and follow our views there would be a world of Physicial, intellectual and moral giants. This Baok will be found.a truthful presentation of facto, calculated to do good. The book of Lubon, the'Talisman of Health I Brave bloom to the cheek, strength to the body and oy to the heart. It is a message bo the Wise and Otherwise. Lubonti Speci- fic No.8, the Spirit of Health. Those who obey the laws of this book will be Orawnen with a fadeless wreath. Vast numbers ot men have felt the power and testified to the virtue of Lubon's Specifie No. 8, All Men Who are broken Down from overwork or other cameo nob mentioned in the above, should send for and read this Valuable Treatime which will he sent to any address, sealed, on receipt of ten cents in stamps. Address all all orders to M. V, Lnbon, room 15, 50 Front Street E,, Toronto, Canada. COMMERCIAL EDUCATION. Write for ciroulars from the largest Commercial and Shorthand College in Canada. Over three hun- dred pupils ladyear. Reopening Monday, Seri. find. 1889, Addrese-CANADIAN InISINIESS IINIVER.SITIV, Public Librarytuildings Toronto. Tnos Balcootfon Cues. IL BROOSS, President. Secretary and 71lanager. CANcER tezt..01,stvitori;,:t 14.1.1cMicilate..„M. D. No.63 Niagara St., Dutrato,li.Y. YOUR NAIE on this Pen and Pencil Stamp, with Bottle of In and case, 25e. 48 to M per day easily made by live agents. Send 75o for sam- ple and terms. The Castadlan Rub. ber Stamp CA. 17 tdelaids Street Rad. Toronto. Ont. lienidon ilals never. The 11bert Toilet Soap Ooyir Oatmeal Skin Soap MAKES THE HANDS ROFT'Li AND THE COMPL,EXPON DEAUTIPtit. See that the Cer's pinme Se atoned en the Soap and ase. e 'Wrapper. Ronan, el' Provident Life and Live Stoek Asso!il CHIEF OFFICE, ROOM D, ARCADE, - TORONTO, CANADA ONcoRrounEit A Mutual Ileneilt ASSOCiation. soma iNVEirif,EST-By_payltar to tht :dram Asnciation ONE CENT PER Da?, a perm aged twenty-two, and two cots per day & person arad lortvour eats Mere Five Dollars per week w . cilia tittougla &know or a trident, alas for WO and tbree cents periday, persons aged nt above can secure for their dependauta, Five Handfed Dollanita event of death. LIVE STOCIL OWNERS can provide naleet Iran by death through Munn or incidtrit of their stear.. at easy rates, Theseinterested, tend for prospect wee eta Iteliable Agents wanted in untepreeented triets. WILLIA3I JONES, Managing Meeker. WONDERFUL WATER enres DIABETES. W. T. Raymond,journalist, Boston, Mass., says: "Was troubled with incipient Diabetes, Indiges- tion, Sat Tried freely all the famed waters of Europe and America; but absolute relief and oure was wrought in me by St. Leon Mineral Water." True, if used freely and persevered in, St. Leon never tans to effect life-long lasting cures. Patent mixtures are as trash, a momentary delusive, cons. pared with nature's pure essence, the sixteen ele- ments of life to the body, the work of ages, and evolved by hydrogen gas from deep Mineral Caverns to earth's bosom. What an amazing study 1 Fresh Ole springing from the deft rocks to restore suffering humanity. From this grand spring•ilowing life we trace compassion on a sick, fallen race, The St. Leon Mineral Water 00., Ltd., Toronto, Montreal, Quebec. KNITTING MACHINE Send for Illustrated Catalogue and this adrertisetnentwith your order for our NE'W -RIBBER and we will allow you $10 PREMIUM DISCOUNT CREELIVIAN BROS., 1111'gs EOREETOWN, ONT. 2 A. DORENWEM TORONTO, manufnhurr 011 HAIR GOODS FOR EVBRYBODY. Lidless Bangs, Waves* Wigs, Switcbes, etre, Gents' Wigs, Toupeeketh The largest house for Mr Goods in Canada. Goode ordered by mail guaranteed ai satlefacto/yas by per- sonal selection. Send for desoriptiorm DORENee END'S PARIS HAIRWORES,. 103 es 105 Yonge St., Toronto, Canada. ENGRAVING - FOE Att L LU STRAT ,s,ADVERTisiNG\ , PURPOSES. J.L.JONES, WOOD. t NCRAVER. iostinic ST44EK,TEAs T, T0RONT0e.CANA0A CONROY'S CARRIAGE TOPS F11;0 all the latest improvements and are unequalled r durability, style and convenience. The leading Carriage Builders sell them. ASK ron TREK and BUY NO OTHER. Whaley IlioYeetGe Dealers in all kinds of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Agents the BESSON and HIGHAII Band In- struments. VT SHEET MUSIC and Brirsto BOOKS. Manufacturers tits " IMPERIAL" BAND INSTRUMENTS Best in the world, Elght Year.' Guarantee. Send for Illustrated catalogue and Testimonials. 288 Yonge St . TO WHEN LOOS ARE HELD UP FOR WANT OF SNOW Take your Saw Mill to the Logs, by purchasing one of our Portable Saw Mills of 12 to 40 Morse -Power. Most Practical, Efficient and Economical. Mills Built. Send tor Circulars., WATEROUS Engine Works COMPANY. BRANTFORD WINNIPEG..