The Exeter Advocate, 1889-9-5, Page 8Stationery,
Wrapping and Combs;
J. OR1041
P.. S,—Our txaxeller will be
en route on first week in Aug
London Pair begins on Monday,
Threshing is the order cif the day.
f .1.11111.1118 Deuti t, for the hest
» rtinei:al teeth.
The Toronto exhibition opens on
leen lav next.
Revel Carling Fria, change • or aadver
all.,. tae,.+at in this issue,
The daily nail between Exeter and.
1aelte, e i s:,nn 1n11C.need on ,Ilonnda.y.
)fee re Verity 4. Son arty melting
li a a. a e,e,. to none in the llonninniona
1.7G li4iiings,Inez; tt++t.fluid 011in»o
teetalt -. Oillee nverA';1ieiL's It auk,.
pry, of Ihishwoad, has purebas.1 tailoring business of Mr. Ed
,, Iitnsn'il.
Ilii t hu�a
been falling an all sides of
the; town, lint we- have not as yet re-
eetv'ed any.
A !area-"erewd intends lea; ing' ou
Saturday next for London to take len
B.:lruurn s t'ircus.
n uinnf esr of our young mon togeth-
tea" with their far antis, spent Sunadav
at the i t'n 1
F.Yeter L..O• L, No. alt meets to -mor
lav pieshe at i:') p. in. Fiery mem. mem-
ee,reeqtal to attend.
The Tal,, stern Fair opens next week,
act the nem! lerge Crowd from this
Cies. u3,1 Inc in attendance.
Tl't T. P. oetie of McGillivray will
i"a l.1d to day in Mr. John Dollha, s
grove, 2a miles east of Limerick.
Owing to the ground being in such
.a'dr, easel hared condition the farmers
have net t«em neuced fall plowing.
A eentmeof erlele t was played be. The Ontario crop bulletin of July
tyreeu the Forest nee Clinton owe; l 20th is to hand. lt, estimates the yield.
esterelaay and resulted m favor of " of .fall Sheet this season in Ontario at
airmen 19.19. ,007 buishels, and spring wheat,.
S4 a understand Roth- 7'679'642a bushels respeetivealy 2;3,3
�� and alta a A. lIotln bublle ls, nd 1J.13 bushels to tlao acrn.
am has leen.* n ru ene;ar,,,�d tet teach at ,
;l fox y o tr il',a0. Isis salary Last year of the two, Ontario praduc
you all know who) has secured a pass.
to the by menial alter. He intends mak
ing the trip in a few days. We would
make it right off if we knew we would
meet such a Jeannie (1) companion."
One of our young townsmen, in con)-
paany with a pair of the fair sex, took
in the Bend on Sunday last, All went
well until, the young gent got into a
Roweeliffe) and was stricken with
alfaire c "amour and had to be return-
ed to his home between a Cushon and
>a lleuS,
Mr. A. H. Jenkins, formerly of the
now def toad BrnsselsBudget hakaceept-
ed a position on the editorial stale of the
Brantford Daily T'elegr'am, The Tele -
grant's renders will doubtless be treat-
ed to a plehora. of racy contributions
from Mr. Jenkins' versatile pen.
We have been informed that a cer-
trin resident of this village, after gett-
ing 'boozed,' went home to his residence
where be laid out side for a consider-
onsiderable length of time and then made
entrance to the house and abused his
wife. Such conduet is not manly and
slamid be avoided.
AIr. Frank Gidley:, one of one young
to eisnnen. has opened a tailor shop in
eon's bleach, Having been eauplol; -
in or C,..n da
he will, no doubt, he in a position to
give satisfaction. tion. Wi e wish him every
orasp airy and hope he may make the
hotness a thnaaueial siwces&.
We are sorra toauuouuce the death
i f Pia. James Jewel, which sad nud.
melalueltol event oecurxed on Tuesday
night last. She has been 'ill for some
months past, and hes suffered greatly,
She was melt respected by all who
knew ierd all will be soniy to1 learn
of her death, The funeral takes place
to day (Thursday) at 2 o'clock p.
for Exeter cemetery.
To those intending to ply- Toronto a
visit during the nest two weeks we
wouid mime thein to Rinke their head-
quarters at the new and commodious
hotel, the Arlington, situated on le -t ng,
street west, corner of John, This bongo
is nneet pleasantly situated, and is fur-
nished throughout in first-class style,
Street ears,aass the doors every few
anirnutes to Exhibition,
hall]' Vox, Atil.ui.
An eminent English surgeon says
thud :a kiss en the lips ought to be felt
for at least twenty minutes afterward,
,rand that kissing produces a sensation
the system requires to keep it
in a healthy condition. Bless his old
heart: There is a man that thoroughly
understands a .good thing.
Crap Yield.
was slightly increased also.
lire Manville. of Port Frank, died
feet week at the ripe .ol,t rage of 117
vc qtr;. ::410 w us in passesston of her
srtenities up to the time of h'r death.
eel. 2tielti1,346 bushels, so that this year
the crop is 0,59.7,303 bushels larger;
barley is given at 20,539,517 bushels,
or 3,1112,94si bushels larger than last
:eats are gives) at 76,063,001 bush -
Is, or 8,196,1.,U larger; peas are given
of 117 bushels larger. The report promises a
A Mrs. Glanville, at Port Prank, died as 15,439,1$2 bushels, or 1,169,269
;1St,we week at the, ripe old age
years. aa,t.s was in possession of her ,revised issue early in September, based
Esirtts tap tci tha' 'haw of hair death. Ion the threshing results, winch may
The White Rase Degree of the Sots: disturb rhes figures somewhat.
A Malignant horse DiSeti14e.
It is stated that Dr. Bruce, of Toron-
to, alai Mr. A. Blue of the Department
of Agriculture are taking evidence at
Chatham. One, relatin to the exis
tealce of a nnalignaant venereal disease
among horses, alleged to have been in-
troduced some time ago by an import -
oaf Lugland will be opened this evening
Every* member therefor requested to be
pressor as important business to trans-
%Ve are glad to learn that Mr. Thos.
Sweet, who was injured last week by
]lung trampled upon by the horses, is
felt recovering and will be able to
resume his ditties :again in a feat' days. i anion from Illinois. They will prob.
Mr. Joseph Beck, reeve of Colborne,
is spoken of as the next Conservative
candid'tte for the Local House for West
,Baron. Joe would make a big fight seventy horses and mares in Kent are
and would stand a good show of get_ alleged to be afflicted with the disease,
ting there. and heroic measures are proposed to
ably recommend the appointment of
county inspectors and the issuing of
licenses to owners of stallions. Some
The Eye t r fall show this year prom-
' is to eche .;y those of alI former years.
ming secured the old English church
the fine arts and ladies' work will be
exhibit. OE therein and will make a vast
Our base -ball club go to Belgrave on
Monday next to compote in the tourna-
ment. We hope our boys will distin-
guish themselves and carry ori the
laurel. We would like to see some of
our citizens accompany them.
The Belgrave Than. bus changed
hands. Mr. A. E. Eddy will be super-
ceeded by the Messrs. Strachan Bros.
We wish the new proprietors every
success and hope that their expeetat-
.tions will be crowned with gold.
`Daniel Dyer came up from St. Paul
Thursday evening and will remain a
levy days visiting Dr. Henderson. He
is a pieasant young man and we hope
le may be induced to stay with us, per
rnanently.—Paynesville (Min) News.
The firm of Messrs Verity & Son, of
rthis place, received the other day an
order from Manitoba for 2500 of their
celebrated plows. This speaks volumes
for the Verity plow. It is stated that
:it will be about, the first of June before
the work will be completed.
1t has been stated that Mr. Geo. W.
Bosman was the writer of sonae of the
communications which appeared in the
issue of the ADVOCATE on. 15th ult.
We emphatically deny this as Mr. Hol-
man never wrote a line of the .articles
to our knowledge.
MI W. W. Fitzgerald, barrister of
Londoir, is spoken of as the next com-
ing member of the House of Commons
for the East Ridin of Middlesex.
There is a very strong Orange vote in
this riding, which would likely go solid
for Mr Fritzgerald, should he consent
to run.`
We clip the following from the Pay-
uesville (Olin) News, and has reference
to Dr. Henderson who is well known
here. --"One of our genial p
prevent its spread. Heretofore this
milady has been unknown in Canada,
and as the value of the horses in tient
is estimated at About $1,500,000 the
magnitude of the interest affected may
be judged.
,f,uvest Rome Service's.
The annual thanksgiving Harvest
Home service's of the Trivitt Memorial
church were held on Sunday and Mon-
day last. Four service's were held on
Sunday and one on Monday evening.
The church was beautifully decorated
with evergreens, flowers and fruits.
The chancel was decorated with three
beautiful arches and rail of evergreens
festooned with grain and flowers. One
arch in the centre and one over each
of the prayer desks. The windows
were set out with moss and flowers,and
appropriate mottoes in grain were
hung ander the west one. The Rev.
W. T. Hill, B. A., rector of the church
of St. John the Evangelist, London,.
commanded the Sunday services—pre-
aching three most eloquent and appro-
priate sermons. The Monday evening
service was Conducted by the Rev. Mr.
Farthing, of Woodstock, and the Rev..
Mr. Robinson, the rector of the church
The Rev. Mr. Farthing preached the'
sermon which was one most suitable to
the occasion and very eloquent. The
choir of the church rendered the musi-
cal part of the service, which was
specially prepared for the occasion, and
after the highest order. Miss Mock -
ridge, of Parkhill,presided at the organ.
Large congregations atten .1 the
different services, and the Offertory
which was in aid of the funds of the
parish, was in 1 eepirg witli the occas-
ion and the congregations.
Mr. Wm. Smith and mother, return-
ed from visiting friends in Iamilton on
Thursday evening,—Mrs. J. P. Ross re-
turned from visiting friends at Halifax
N. S., on Thursday evening. ---Mr. Wel-
ellington Johns left on Friday morning
to spend his holiday at Jackson, Mich.
—Tho Martin TI e Tte� . W. 1�1 r occupied the
h3 sicians pulpit in the Presbyterian Church
Chatham, last Sunday, --.Mr. J. W. Brod
erick,of London,was in town last 'n eek
--Air. A, Lennox;, of London, at one
time employed by Mr. Jas Pickard at
the Old, Established house, was in towii
on Thursdays—Mr, Frank Anderson
left on Thursday morning; for London
where he will pernnantlyr reside in fat-
sue. Mrs, L. Ri,eks, of Palmerston, was
visiting in toren last week.—Mrs. R.
Thompson, left on. Saturday eveming
for $Bich, She having received a tele -
that her bother was lying dangerous-
ill.—We received as pleasant c zll
from. W. W. Revington, of Biddu.iph,on
Saturday.—Mr.John Atkinson has re-
turned from Wingharn, being unable
tofollow his occupation on account of
Ins hand,, which he got eut in a circu-
lar saw some time ago. --Dir. E. Space: -
tan, who has been on a, visit to Mont-
real, returned on Saturday evening,—
We had a pleasant call call fro.. Mr,
J. Clegg, of MitoheU.---Mr. R.L,Wilson,
of Greenway, was in town on Tuesday,
—Mr. Win, Nugent has returned from.
Palmerston.—Miss Inman has returned
after taking her holidays.,—Miss Lizzie
Wilcox returned home on Saturday
evening,—Mrs. Jos. Myers, of Fingal,
returned home on Thursday after a
week's visit here. -••-Mrd Jos. Senior
visited friends in Blenheim. on Saw-
dayeeelin Edward Sanders returned
from visiting friends at Kincardine on
M'ondny. evening. -:Hiss Tilly White, of
Sande, is spending herholidae-s here.—
Miss Lydia Rind returned home on
Saturday. ---Mr. and Mrs. Reginald
Elliot, of Torouto, am spending an few
days with friends hero. ---Mrs, Joseph
Senior returned on Saturday evening
from Blenheim when she has been
t ming friends,—fli. and Mut ll. 1I,
Archer, of the Molsons Bank, left on
Tuesday morning for Chicago.-- Mir. 't
Walters, our popular shoe maker, bus
been on the sick list for the past few
dam's. ---Mrs. W, Waller, of Mayville,
Mich., who has been elating feleetla irk
this neighborhood for some time pest,
retnrucd honna on Tuesday morning,—
Mr, John Rawden, of Toronto, who has
been visiting friends in town for the
past few weeks, returned. on Monday
laat.—Misses Jennie Gould and Lilly
Remy intend. taking g itt. Toronto Fair
next week, --'Air. Chas. Verity, who has
been visiting friends in Toronto and
other places, returned on Saturday
last.-- essrs. D. DAVIS, S. Sweet, Jas.
Sweet and Geo. \Tosper, who have been
rusticating on the shores of Lake Unroll,
returned on Monday last, They report
a good time. ---Mr. A. Bennett, who has
boon visiting friends at Orangeville,
returned on Monday laast,---Mas. Me,
Combs is visiting friends in. London.—
Mr. Wan. Pollard has purchased from
Mr. Jas. Pickard a magnificent driver
which he purposes putting on the turf
next season.--Mr.Wm. Reynolds, who
has been engaged inthe printing busi•
ness for some time, Inas left that occu-
pation and returned home to Hensel].
He is a smart and clever young man
and we wish him every sueeess.—The
Rev. W. P. Ireland, M. A. Oxon.., will
preach in the Trivitt Memorial church
on -Sunday next, morning and evening.
—Messrs. Thos. Snell, Robert Sanders
and John Snell returned from camping
at Grand Bend on Tuesday eveanin.—
ilir, Eeorge Enerrett who has been in.
Lucien and elsewhere for some time.
past, returned to the village last night,
--lir, John Elliot, barrister, visited the
county town one day last week. --Mi.
Robert McMichael, of Michigan, spent
part of the week here the guest of Mr.
Alex. Dow,--11tr. M. Eatcrett, Town
Clerk, is on the sick list.—Mr. A. J.
Stewart is in Toronto at present on
business. --Miss Lizzie Stewart isspend-.
ins her holidays in Goderich.—Air. H.
J. Glanville has purchased Geo. Hind,s
residence on Andrew st. praying there-
fore a good tgure. Mrs, R. and Miss
Elliot, of The Forest City, are spending
a few days here.—lir Felix Wilds, of
Dashwood, spent Sunday in town.—Mrs
B S. O'Neil who has been visiting in
returned on Friday lasts -R. H. Collins at
tended the Divison Court at Seaforth
Great S���mer Sale
Everything must go.
We want the
Money and you the goods.
Dress Goods, Millinery, Cottons, Gloues, Hosiery, Parasols, Embroideries,
Prints, Laces, Muslin, Shoes, etc., etc;, etc.,
at your owls prices during this Sale, Everybody should come and secure a bargain.
We have the hest values in TEAS in town
and anyone wanting a
hest class article should not fail to give us a call.
Try OUP 25 cent line; it will you.
Richard P
B�ewe[ an4 �laisle►i
weds' Ce1grate fite
XXX Porter a Specialty,
—O- .
ft is said that every person has a chance
onee in their lifetime to make a fortune, and if ;they
allow that time to pass may never have theopportunity again,
111—"AT itl�' ' A
You can depend upon it that everybody purclnnsing their goods
apt Parkinson's saves money, by doing so will soon. make
their fortum His prices are always down.
aRed highprices to make up losses, for debts coutraeted by bad
; don't you see there is thousands in it. Parkhison's Stock
a.ew and consists of Dry -Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glass-
ware, Tweeds, Boots and Shoes, in fact everything, nsnally
kept in a first-class General Store. See his Black and Colored Cashmeres
from 25 ets. up. You can get the cheapest all wool suit i1. Exeter made to order
Make no mistake. Coni Itotu .
� own interests and
examine his stock before making your purchases elsewhere
and you will soon save enough for a fortune. You can do
better at the Cheap Cash. Stole than any other place in
Exeter. Highest s market ,,
CSt I. al kat )11Ct' allowed Al'
�, f farm produce at
PARKINSON'S, Fiat door north, of the Town Hall, Exeter.
We are prepared
to supply the Public through-
out the season with
Ice Cream,Ginger Ale,
Sarsa ri ll Plain Soda,
Lemon Soda Lemonade
]Milk -shako
Leydon, StrawberrV , Van-
illa, Pine Apple
or raspberry.
C. A. HYliDhlAti,
nae day last week and Parkinson
a #� niviz number l casesekMiss Parkinson, a �tiNay
Detroit, is the guest of Mr, J. P.arl>in-
son.—kir. Chaffs Tom returned to Port
Hope the beginning of the week. -Miss
Woodly, who has been visiting friends
in town for the past two weeks return-
ed Home to Port Hope on Monday.—
Muss Susie Weeks is visiting her many
faxouds in London and St. Thomas at
present. -Mr. Geo. Hind left the begin -
bee of the week for Durham, where,
we understandhe will in future re-
ROYAL °own
Absolutely Pure.,
This powder never varies, A marvel of.
purity, strength and wholesomeness, More
economical than the ordinary kinds, and.
cannot he sold in competition with the
imiltitude of low test, short weight alum or,
phosphate powders, Sold only in cans.
ltorALB4axae Pownl•:1c 00.,1061ya11 St,;N.Y
W Trott
wishes to announce that he
has opened out business in the
stand recently occupied by
the ADVOCATE, and is pre-
pared to manufacture -first-
for all customers.
Qur motto is good
work and square
An old physician,retireci from praotioe,hav-
ing had' placed in his hands by an East India
missionary the formula of a simple vegetable
remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of'
Consum tion, Bronchitis; Catarrh, Asthma'
and all.throat and Lung Affections. Also a
positive and radical cure for nervous Debility,
and all Nervous Com plaints,after having test
edits wonderful curative powers in thousands
ofcases, has felt it his duty to make it known
to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this
motive and A, desire to relieve human suffer-
ing,I will send free of charge to all who desire
it, thisreeeipe, in German, French or. English
with full for preparing and using.
Sent by mail by addressing with stain pnam
ing this paper. W. A: NOYEs, 140'Power's
Block. ochester, N, Y. 1- 0
M0 THE DEAF.' -A person cured of Deaf
ness and noises in the head of 23 years'
standing, by a simple remedy, will send a'
description scriptlon of it E'nF.a: to any person who ap-
plies to NicnOLsoC, 30 St. John St. Montreal
11-22= 98.-1y
(}on[I Erjoufi 31111
is all that any man wants.
If it is good enough then there
is nothing left to require. When a
man says 'this isgood enough' he means
that he has got just what he wants.
STOP! don't look any further.
It is good enough, that means
A suit more than good
enough would be too good for the
purpose for which it was intended.
GO 13 Ell nil FIT
Enough Ll '1
0 1
is all tl1a� �.
�1 =.
1 man wants, a
rxlcl. when
f 1.
a thing is good and he has eough
of it no man is going to want
more. If he does its
long on odds that he won't get
more. We don't want
t to sell anything -
that is' too good for the buyer- to use. Like a
silk hat on a harvest hand, or a silk lilted broadcloth
swallow coat to the fireman of an engine. There is
enough fit in our' goods to satisfy any man:
A Good En .0 h Price
is what we offer every man without discrimination.
Good enough means fair enough, squame enough, low enou h, .
high enough for us to live, and low enough for you to buff '
and fair enough for both to feel satisfied. y'
Now Look at Our Offer.
A good enough suit of a good enough quality, and
a good
enongh fit at a good enough price; is that good enou o'h for
you. Come and get. one of Carling, 'Bros.'
5 �rJ.QO $7.00
$10.00 suits, (Al) goods or no sale ' and
Butter and Eg'
�s taken in exchange.
Eggs 13 Cts. • Butter 14.
9 Cts.
If you are in need of cash at any time
we can accommodate you.