HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-9-5, Page 5EVEREST'S COUGH SYRUP CANNOT BE EXCER,LLED. Try it sad be convinced et its wonderful curative Prgpertler.. Re= 25,cent& Tihe lUUoet Successful Remedy ever dis- severs/mit Ls en-air/au iteNfecta au1 dogs not bILter. Read proof below. Sraserst LL#. P. Q.. MAY 3. le49. DL B. J.IlstteALL co., Enesbntr&li falls', Vt. QeutaeMea.:Ibrae Used gen, den's Sparta. Clue for Seavinc and a1soln a cast, of lameness snot: stiff'.] cin tg.and found, itaatlro cu.'Iuerery re.4,Cet, I cordfanly recomrnentl it to ail horsemen. very resgecttl?.Uv s'onrs. CrAttrys J. $l+tC ,,1TT. * KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Sr,T Pe. P. xoxasr std. u . 1,Wasbuutla rsiL4„ vt. Geetaz-1stavewe.'1afew port eaof your Ii etc- dais', Spavin Curer oa my colt.. vitiOuwas suffering From Infi4- ebza In a very bad sorra. add Sara Eng tltat�onr %ien{fall.$ Sp,asia Care n4,40 Eva410.e and rapid cure Term reooiumend It es Ole &Stand; i. i, ejectmeladegtest at yeiIgo �ury%lauajk` bandied. : Tre E leis , 7Cotlxtni . 11 .ix$vI~ KEUDA ' SPAVIN CURE Fear =saes, MAIL. Ma I)lt 11..T. Uses] Co -.R ito-bnrrb i• ttentlemenv., I slaraSit keep. Spann Cure 41413110a on it am* they hate hetes tatiod whit Tan Slate Owls* de. andealsotwocasesor ut Ebo, Ibouset ebz e":ffrront,anedbba3re mat sort 40iaigue of diavaset fa thetrvzrsprlo 1. Totts truly. z, +t ' Price � Iperhorde.o1r bottlourfor aittst�atowitsreau set tforyou.ot, or sent to say a.ddresii tea receipt at VWO fes n. r sus Y. CO„a nosburgh vens,vt. tB07,1'k ItT AI.b PitlIOPISTRit CPRADP NARK-) I The famous ;heavy -boded Oil made only by y'McCOLL ROS, & Co'y., TORONTO, 'C"se it once and you will use no odder. McColl's FamousCYLINLJR 41L 'dry Everest's Liver Regulator Foo Diseases of the Meer Iitdueys, &o., and Purity. 114of tbe Bleed. Price 0. six bottles ter 0, For We by l4J,a ISiiL'et>;is 'a;r. 3€elet?lORC 1 M APi , Clsatlar, 'otxs; A NNYROVAL WAFERS, Prescription PC 43 pbysiefart whe has bred .e, lite long twpertenee fA treatingt€za ala dt.ease3. l Usedmonthwithertect suecess by over lO.COOledi s. 1' eat txit;. sate, effectual i.udies ask your drug- take no substitute,, oor 1:,ciose pp000sss�t--., a' -e foreeatedpa,rticutrtxt, Sold lay lel rimegis#sem', it per bolt. 4.44ireSS3 if 'Ii1711E tf13Iltrlits OQ,t DCrr,or Sold in "i by Ilr. Lutz, and druggistl� orrwhere, ,1au. 1.5.1 CURE Gic4iIl'ex la:tear i rifilere all Om art ut,les fact, AT; too t:Mass atRt:‘ c! the synch. Buser as adiet, Natty 1, Drowsiness. Distress after f'e:titin the Side. &e Whiie their most adde slectss iia a been %hews is curing I Headache yet Csattrais ? irn a Lrirxtt rtGarll are equally valuable lott'aucttpetfon, coral aridpa:vont:to; tail. manttytog elan platat.whilb they atao pnrrei t. all di.rgeivrs of the stonoec ,, p iiIiiittil �F tares Mad Mt/1M the bowels. y cured HEAD Ache they wm.14 her almost peteir's' to thoee wild tuner from this distressing romplaiatt tut fortunately their goodness does not end bend. and those who once try them will Mel theSo llttfepills valuable in so mom rays tact They will net bit wiling to do without them. But atter all ere c head ACHE is the beefier so mar Uses 'that here is r'hem wo Intake our great boast. Our pills cure tt while others do not. t.'anrett'a L 1Trra: Lions Pieta are very email and very easy tofalzet. Ono ortwo pI2k nttkt% a tIOse. Tiles are,rttietly vegetable mid do not gripe or purge, but by their' enter action eaall who use them, In viae at D.5 cents; flee for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by nail. De= 31ED1D11 fl CD., NAW Tc:k Salad Small Friel Small Ea E LIGHT RUNNING is the finest in Canada for engine cylinders. FOR SALE BY B1t st Eros. hi�1 EXETER, Ole 1 T. This "en's MYRTLE Cut & Plug Smoking Tobacco Nun THAN EVBR. ao� See 0 7.E ON and'aolr THE PR`VWIENT k a s � +,Ro.. f �c 86 Andrews' soolation; Furniture and Undertaking, -00 TO--. I'. T RPORATED, AUG. 1887. d, OMee room D Area('Lea ITO, ONTARIO. Life Depxrtnnent this Asso- ai9ntita n provides indemnity for Sink- nrss and Aw eluent, and subst.anttatl as. time to the relatives of deceased me Alters at terms available to all.. fit the Live Steel: Deplrtlnc�nt, two. thirds indemnity for loss of live stock', of its members, Send for particulars,' ems paid tate. WJLLIAM JO\ES, int.G,'sS. ?a ASAOINC, DIRECTOR SEWING MACHINE HAS Pio- EQUAL. THE LADI ES' FAVORITE.. .. THE ONLY SEWING MACHINE THAT GIVES NEN(HOME'SENJNG MACHINE C:ORANCE,M9�S�' CHICAGLL.O - 28 UNION SQUARE N.Y.. DALLAS. EILOUiS MO- ATLANTA GA SANFRANCITEX. AL. 3rOR..yFi4 DY George Vickers, Kirkton. EXETER MARKETS. Wheat per bushel. $ 80 to 85 Barley . ' 40 to 48 Oats . 24 to 26 Peas'.. 48 to 53 Clover Seed. .. .. 4.00 to 4.70 Eggs per doz 10 to 11 Butter, Roots . 17' to 18 Butter, Crocks 15 to 16 Potatoes per bush . 20 to 25 Hay per ton .. 9.25 to 10.00 ROYAL .HOTEL, LUCAN- ONTARIO, PROP. N 5 Ia HODGI , The Bar supplied with best brands • of Liquor. and Cigars. IInliltai;a as the elorgea avenues of The Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying off gradually Without weakening the sys- tem. all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions; at the same time COT - reeting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, r Dimness o f Vision Jath -- D Dropsy, A s t dice Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scro- fula, Fluttering of the Heart, Ner- vousness, and General Debility Ia. those and many other similar Complaints yield to the ]zappyinlluenceof BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. rrr Sala L� ail Deafer:. T.1 E Ri & CO., P &p!ieters, Toxonto. The Great En' -bait Prescription. A successful rMedicine used over 30 Cures, Spermatorrrrhea. 64errvcao sae Weakness, Emissions, impotency and all diseases caused by abuse. tnirrert ] indiscretion, or over-exertion. tAFTEal ;ix packagesGuaranteedto oureschen all others Fail. Ask your Druggist for Tho Great English Proscription, take no substitute. One package S1 Six $5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address Eureka (Lemieal Co., Detroit, ditch. and drugjangists COMMERCIAL) UVERY!) First Class RIGS And HORSES. ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK - SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROIIIPT LY ATTENDED TO. 'Perms = Reasonable Telephone Connection. CITY HOTEL LONDON, ell�1 per dea Is J. S J. blcllttltTI , Proprietors. The Grand Union Hotel csrsN C:aT. •.. Ofi l.a.xaz0 Enlarged. and improved. 80 rooms elegantly furnished. Tables supplied with all the Delicacies of the season. 8 convenient sample rooms. House heated with hot air. Electric bells throughout. S1 PER DAY. R. L TUFTS, PROPRIETOR. CHRISTIE'S RYSTA eLF Sohl in Exeter by Dr. Lutz, everywhere. WEAK IGEN qua WOM$Ilf t;'° quickly once them• selves of Wasting Vitality, Lost Manhood, from youthful errors, etc., q .1.10tly at home. Book on all private diseases sent tree (sealed). Perfectly reliable. Over 30 years' experience. Address - GILDED PILL CO., TORONTO, Canada. LADIES oor!'Rollet for Women" to este end alwoys rollabl'o a bettor than Ergot Inc.nee, Tans . or Pennyroyal Pule. ure. regularity. Send for particulars. Address GILDED PILL CO., TORONTO, Canada. BEARDheeds, In ESOon smoothest 5 50. Latestaad greatest achevement o! modern science 1 Most won. derful diwovery of the ago. Like no other preparation' Magical, sore. almost instantaneous in action! Boys with whiskeral. Bol&heads "haired t" Carious spectacles, but Dotitive troths Only genuine utak in market, end certain to give'abaolnto satiatsation. Guaranteed. Price $1 a bottle. or three bottles for $d. Eoohbottielaets one month. Address A. DIXON, Box 305, TORONTO, CANADA. MIOII1E BIOIANNINI'S POEPIOITIOIS. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR A. preparation that WBI pp permanently' remove Pdco ¢,one La's Without injury to the skin. Warranted. PIMPLES AND BLACKHEADS �rmanen g xemovedtn from 10 to e0 days. Warranted. Prtceter60days treatment, 4L ANTI•CORPULENCEPZLLS per tboee mbon. Whose embon• point to a matter of soltottude whether because it le snobs. lortobla or unfashionable -FAT YOLKS uuni "ANTI. CORPULENCE PILLS" lose 1e lbs. a month. 37iey cause no sickness; contain no poison, and never fail. Price for ons monrh'a treatment. $s,; or three months medicine, $5. Warranted., COMPLEXION WAFERS GIAAB NNiod'L-' Bleach the skin, developpthe form. Harming. Permanent 1n etleet. Warranted. Price $1 a box. ft six boxes for 51. Address a'tADANCE GIOV,ANNAN't, SU Sing Streit West Toronto, Oat. 12 Pounds OF WHITE s For $1. 2OIbs. flj:dllga7 FOR $1. Dotor I;tk1ii1 Slur¢. J. MATHESON. FOR BEDROOM AND PARLOR SUITS, SIDEBOARDS AND EXTENSION TABLES, LOUNGES AND EASY CHAIRS, The Largest Waren ooans In town, Undertaking outside of the Undertak- ers Ping, in all its Branches. Oen day awl night, STAN11,...One door inortlt of Molson's Bank. :11�1I;v'•ST. _ EXETER. A Complete History of the Conemaugh Io nstowD �� D bracing also, a history of the floods in Willirtntsilort. Lock Unveil: Sun- bury and all, the flooded districts in the State ofPennsyivanta, also in Washiax ton, D- O-.Axewn, orkt,'ltaryiand,"Virginia And Vest Virgina, all of which caused the total loss of over 11,000 rhes and the destruction of over $40,000,000 worth of Property, BY GEO Ir. At'2 ktfill , A. U. fall 7)lgel;2 ngraviii .t Price $1.,r,).tlFir,t edition issued August 10th. lir pay riuty of alt book. AGENTS WANTED. Send 51 etc. for compete outfit. If. S. GOODS TIED &CQ., NEW YORK, The Subscribers wishes to inform tht Farmers and General Public that. he is Prepared to furnish all Sizes and Iind of Well Digging Promptly Done and at Reasonable Rates. Residence and Shop on Ann Street, behind. Cllrislie's Livery Stable. A CALL SOLICITED. JOHN MiOORE. Here? LO . If you want Bargains in Land Rollers, Gates, Hay Racks, or Rakes, -call at the - Dater Tuning Factory. Handles of every description always on hand. Turning done to order on the shortest notice. Repairing neatly and cheaply done. Circular and band sawing done. A number of bee hives on hand. They are the best and handiest bee hive made. A quantity of excellent machine oil for sale. Dry wood taken in exchange. J. D. YASEY BISSETT BROS LIVERY. First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE. A TRIAL SOLICITED: BISSETT BROS. FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS Air••e pleasant to take. Coxtailstheir own Piers alive. Is a safe, sure and a dual . gestroyeriof uormriuCIildresserAdults. st. Have you tried the Celebrated ELECTRIC 4 SHOE DRESSING ? If not don't fail to do so at once. it is not a polish but a wonderful . leather preservative it will make tete finest or coarsest awe as soft and pliable as kid awl very easy to the feet. It win make there alisAlutely water- proof, and if occasionally dressed with. this dressing will last more than twice as long as otherwise. Wo Mean what We Say. 2t is the very life of leather. It can be applied at any time. No trouble -- Shoe can be polished immediately afterwards, MICE, , 10 4110 Cents Per Pos. Sold by all first-class stores. Sam - pies mailed --Stamps taken. OLIVER CABANA Jr., BALE MANUFACTURER, BUFFALO', N. Y. Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness, May Fever, A NEW HOME TREATMENT. Sull'erers are nett g.wntirally aware that these diseases are cautagious, ar that they are due to the presentee of living parasites in the lining mein- brtnne of the nose and eut:schian tulles Microscopic research,howevt r, has prov- ed this to be a, fact, and the result is that a simple remedy has been formu- lated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deaf- ness and hay fever are permanently cured in from one to three simple ap- plications made at home by the patient oncein two weeks. N. B. -Far Catar- rhaldischarges peculiar to females (whites) this remedy is a specific. A pamphlet explaining this new treat- ment Is sent an receipt of ten cents by A. II. D1xoN & Sox. 803 West Bing St,, Toronto,Canada.--• Scientific Ameri. Sufferers from catarrhal troubles should carefully read the above. (10.22-'88.) Just think washing day made shorter by using London Electric Soap. The fan always moves in the best society. Will positively eure sick headache and prevent its return. Carter's Litnt.t10 Pills. This is not talk, but truth. One pill a dose. See advertisment. Suutll pill. Small dose. Shall price. Sable, Astrakhan and mink will be popular next winter. Don't forget to try London Electric Soap once and you will use no other kind. Allways making the best of things - Mints. Everest's Extract of Wild Blackberry beats the world for Dysentery, &7;,. - Hiram .-Hiram Smith, Forest P.O. The new shade of terra cotta is call- ed the Eifiel. The wonder of to -day is London Electric Soap. When a man drinks like a fish it doesn't follow that he is in the swim. A FACT WORTA REMEMBERING. Mr. Jas. Binnie, of Toronto, states that his little baby three months old was so bad with summer complaint that under the doctors' treatment her life was dispaired of. Four doses of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry cured her. A summer resort phenomenon -the longer a man stays the shorter he gets, 4 bars of London Electric Soap for 25c. The only thing which beats a good wife is a bad husband. Everest's Cough Syrup is the most remarkable medicine I ever used for Coughs and Colds, two or three doses invariably effecting a cure. -Wm. Gillis, Forest P 0. Magenta is not considered an aesthetic color, London Electric Soap will not in- jure the hands or clothes and do more work for the money, try it. The favorite interior decoration at T o is of oak Newport this seasonleaves, If you are tired taking the large old fashioned griping pills, t'ry Carter's Little Liver Pills and take sonic Com fort.. A man can't stand everything One pill ft dose. Try them. "It must not be supposed," said the judge solemnly, "that the prlsloner at the bar lengthens hie wife's life becase elixer. " Ask your!', grocerfor London Elect- ric Soap. Miss Lovelorn: "Did you mean that as a smile at mel" ; 0ldbeaut "No dear it Naas a twinkle of the rheumatism." A new form o£ bodice is called; the centennial coat. None but first --class grocers sells London Electric Soap. "Those who use oitr goods are very much attracted to them," is what apar ors plaster.company advertises. ON THE SURFACE. Skin diseases appear on the surface are are often hunlillatillg to tete se.iTer- er from there. Front, two to three batM- les _o£ Burdock Blood Bitters will cure salt rheum, erysipelas, shin ;les, tetter; nettle rash, eczema, boils, pimples, or blothes, at, the same time restoring the general health. Large plaids have been imported for autunn dresses. Washing made easy and homes made happy by using London Electric Soap. A new collection -box le is this iuscrip tion --"Drop a shilling in the Charity slot, and pull out a blessing:' .A. LINE FROM GLADSTON1.. :lis little sols aged two, was sized: with diarrhea, followed by Biles, two doses of ifoweler's Extract of 1<1''ele Strawberry gave relief ante half the bottle completed a cure. MIN. . Melntvre, (, 1 uItstoae, :tiara, this sheet= kine if a sp,'eltia for all sl1uu1ler colla• - plaints of children oradults. Bed is sale to be affected, by bony women chiefly. London Electric Soap is only made by D. Jliehartls, Woodstock, Trade Mitre Registered, Sailor bats have by no means had their slay. WIIERBAS. Whereas much disuse is caused by wrong action of the stomitell, liver, kid- neys, bowels and 'load, slid whernis B B.. B. is guaranteed to euro or relieve dyspepsia, liver .complaint, kidney complaint, dropsy:, rheumatism, sick headache, etc. Therefore, :Be it resolv- ed that all suffers should nsta B. B I3. alr..d b.. restored to health. Fittoen century dresses are in. order fol' In.season. Washerwoman's friend is Louden Electric Soap. The Princess style of dress will be unquestionable Livor next winter. AT DEATH'S DOOR. My little boy had diaTE!U.ea and e.unla very near dying. ,Alter the failure of everything else we used Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry which caused n quick cure, and I know of two others were cured by the same remedy". Inn s fA ' C. Aro st, Hiller, Ont. The Empire style of collar is in vog- ue for ladies. Insist an your grocer giving you, London Eleetrio Soap, it is the best. 'Well --bred ladles never appear on the street without gloves. QOOD ADVICE. To be healthy and have lots of life and vim, be careful in diet, take plenty of sleep, and 'regulates the bowels, bile and blood with B. B. B., a sure cure for constipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, all blood humors, scrofula and all broken, down conditions of the system. Yalsquez lance is likely become very popular next winter. ADVICE TO ' ROEDER& Aro you disturbed atnigh tand broken ofyout rest by a sick, child Bu1Tering and crying wilt pain of cutting teeth? if so, send at once and get a bottle of Sas. Wisstow's SOOTHING Stan FOR. CHILDREN TEETRINO. 1 is value is 3ncalc;sr . able. Irwin relieve thepoorlitt1c sufferer imme- diately. Dependupon it, mothers, there isno. mistake aboutit. It cures dysentery and dfaa rhos, regulates no 5totnach and bowels, cnreo windcolic, softens the gums, reduces inflamrna- tion, and gives tone and energytothes•ho:a system. Mets. WX SLOW'SSOOTHINGSTET/Prom Cituani x TEETHIeGISpleasanttothe tee testae. is the prescription of one of the oldestandaee: female nurses and physicians in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists through'. at the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. . fEATIIS. HIGGmNs.-In Credition, on 2nd inst., Thos. Higgins, aged 28 yrs. JEWEL. -In Exeter, on 3rd inst., Ellen beloved wife of James Jewel, aged 30 years. Funeral to -day at 2 p. na HANDFORD-In Exeter, on 4th inst., Robert Norman,infant son of Isaac and Rachel Handford, aged 8 months and 26 days. Funeral to- day at 4 p. m. DIETIIS. WILCox'-In Elimville, on 25th inst., the wife of Robt. Wilcox, of at, daughter. JoNEs.-In Winchelsea, on 1st instt. the wife of Mr. J. G. Jones, finer• chant, of a daughter. GLANwTLLE.-I11 Crediton, on 3rd inst., the wife of Mr. Fred Glanville, e a daughter.: FERGUSON.-In Usborne of 30th uIL, the wife of Mr. Ferguson of a daughter. WILSON. -1n Usborne, on 3rd rose, the wife of Mr. Sidney Wilson, •of as • son. CORNISII.-In Usborne, on 29th utt.,tha wife of Wm. Cornish of a son.' WAUGH.-At "Plein Cottage" He isall on 27th ult.,the wife of W. Waugls, hardware mercha i w It of a� rn daFa- 1 ter Usborne, Mr. Samuel Hicks, of 2nd con.' sola his young 'stallion' last week, to lis: Henry and Co. of St. Marys, for the handsome sum of $800. Th harvest The rues is once more a thing a the past, and the farmers • are molt. thrashing. The yield this year is very We have entered upon the Intent . .' of September with'. all it splendors.