HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-9-5, Page 40 THE ter Atirowte. WM. sANDERS, 1 sitar, T'hursday,. September 5th 1889 MARITOB4 CROPREPORTS, Tux; last otii.eiaa,' bulletin of the 3lani- toba goverment on the eondition of the crops of the Preview, publishedfinder the auspices of the Department of Int - migration and Agriculture, contains numerous statements of general inter- est The area of land broken this season was $$135,649 acres, exceeding that of 1887 by 48,205 acres which was the largest broken in any season since the organization of the province. All the counties show largely increases areas 80 0.111/m0 with )887. Of tate tet;ll area broken, 12,740 acre, area In the eastern group, the county of Morris >aot being included; 42,8411 in the south- westertz; 55,920 in the ventral, and 24, 134 in the northwes,erza, The reports of correspondents of the I:►ep:artment justify the belief that there will l'e a yield of wheat of 14.8 bushels to the acre all over the province. The report vary from three bushels iu some tp. to thirty -fire and forty in others, Taken by groups the eastern shows an aver - his s„ . . ;a�,o of 14.5bushels per ,i(xe, the South western, 11.7; th.' central 15.21, anti the northwestern, 173. In the count- ries of Souris River, Rock Lake Turtle Mountain axad Dennis great injury has ben doze to the crop by gejihers. Of oats the yield for the provinve is sow to be, 21,5 bushes per :acre, the aver- atne in the separate groups bei,,;; 22.5 bushels in the eastern,; 1.9.6' in the southwestern; 21.4 in the central :and 22.2 in the northwestern. ',l"he yield per acre is shown to be just one-half that of 1887. In the case of the crap ; of barley it it stated that having been sown even later than oats it suffered from the drought is as corresponding degree and a great many failures re-+; suited. There are many points, how- ever, from which very incoura in.g re- ports have bceu received, but aitogi th er the results will be comparatively light. The eastern ;coupe promises a' yield of 19.3 bushels per acre ;the south western 14.5; the central and the north- western each 1k.7, the yield for the province being 18.5 as compared with :13.9 in 1887. Returns of the condition of the pea. crop have been received from, only one half of the countries in which it is sown. So far as indicated a yield 12,5 bushels par acre is looked for A small flax crop is expected. The no* tatoe crop is regarded as fair. The -total number of farmers in the province is reported to be larger. The total number given is 1:3,320, and the! average amount put under crop by 7,148,628 tons,' or 82,546,604: quarters, Thus the new env is over three mill, ion quarters less than the average, and not fair from the samee quantlty below. last ~-ear's yield. The area of the e op as 26,881,765 acres as compared with an averse of 25,508,000. The report states that food stocks at the end of 1888.89 were, low, in consequence of ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. indifferent harvests in the two previous wears, and large local consumption, LIVERPOOL AND QUEI3EC SERVICE. caused by a partial failure of the earl- ier crops of the present year. Prices in India are higher than they were a year ago, and this rise, together with the lowness of food stocks, will operate against extensive exports. The ship- ments of wheat in 1888.89 amounted to 881,000 tons, or 4,011,057 qrs., and it is expected by the department that they will not exceed that quantity in the current season. The conclusion ar t'ivecl atis, that the past tlirce seeeene li ti e been more or leas unfavorable to: the cultivation and exports of wheat in India, The total quantities of wheat imported into Great Britain in 1€1'38 was 57,211,363 cwts., of the value of 1 1” ?,?,! , a,9. (^ •1. Tire quantities from Brit• countries the quantities were 45,- 630,535, of the value of 417,458,056. The quantities imported from Russia last year were over 8,000,000 cwts,,end' the value over 43,000,000. TRADE IVITH THE I',1�.I'X'l,.11 rat"'e•rie!'"•s+a,ou, ALLAN LINE Finest LIVERPOOL. STEA3IER Friday, April 16 , .. , , .*C11iCASSIA\,,, , , > " 2 T Tlzu,isdati,. �� ,,�� I'AItISIAN,...,.• •i 3Iay. 2 . , . , , , POLYNESIAN- 44 OLY NESIAN, , 16.,.,aSARDINIAN.�.... " 24..,,, •.*CIRCASSIAN ,.. .a: 80,..,.x, 9 PARISIAN..,.,, June 0 ► POLYNESIAN. *5 14 , . ,.:: atOAIiT13AGENI A'?:'' 1* ridey, xA 28. , , .. , *CIRSARDINIAN. , .... - CliASBA Thursday, .July 4,,,.,,u PARISIAN,, 4'/I-1'�F�iL N Friday, �� 19 .. TCARTHAGENIA\ 'Thursday, 2a- SARDINIAN-,, Friday, August 2. , , . *CJRC:LS 1.N —.- Thursday, , . - Thurs(la . Friday, Thursday, Friday, Thursday, 44 Friday,. Tbu'siay. 5" 1'OLVN1'SI AN Friday, Aa 93 rt'AIII'Il<1C1.N1AN Thursday, "" 2y SARDINI1N. - I zie'ley:, Septi*noir(*r 1a ,. *OIIOAS.gl AN Thursday, "a 12 , , ! PARISIAN..., , . l 1"-a,.,,..1 POle' E IAN.• RATS OF PASSAGE BY MAIL Cable 55 In $71 an,7 a sa. cceor,aina; to aceeromo.lat an. Servaante in cabin. re. Fato;,t QUEBEC. Friday May 10 Thauday �' 16. Aa 23 Thursday, ; Janne 6 Friday, FF 14 Thursday, a" 20 as (a 27 Thursday, Friday, Thursday', Thursday, Fr -qday, Tihureday, "a Septerber duly 11 "' 19 as August. a rx Midaye Thursday: October as (a 10 STEAD ,S. 2 1 15 TTETION I c'�°TH!NG Eyes front, j S 1J,IiJi,i WI= MARCH T.7p- �+, W. SOUTHCOTT'SE� �ITARI4, *Q1attiiina and Gents +� PUIt `i=sita SII' StT,SOT,i.L/�E, EXETER, m a 4RTARro o .. Some of the finest goods that eau be secured, are arriv'iug every day. GENTS' FURNISHINGS IN THE LATEST STYLES AT RIGHT PRICE:. A CALL SOLICITED. W. $OUTRCOTTI Corner Main .and. John Street. EXETER,. ONTARIO. ARE Has now in stock SPIIIRG Rq� SUl�IE& cmco S' IN THE FOLLOWING LIN : West of England Suiting! and Trolls cringe, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser- lugs 1. Freneh aand English Worsted Cloths All made up In the Latest Style, a`tt best Rates, . Dickson's Lit t lick Zolo d �A alA..aata t; „ar. S;Vcra ge, $ .,,, netdA`;7 Cita::'aa, $11x7, $tY , 1154„ 'S.xondeel, I1 IX'G1301I, British Board of Trade returns for July are to hand, The value of t)ze« exports to Canada far the month was 4633,326, against 4594,456 in July, 1888, and for the seven months ended 31st Jill)" it was 43,072,920. against 43,064,123 for the corresponding period of 1888. The values in pounds sterling under each export heading for the seven. months were as follows: Horses 56,804 :articles of food and drink—salt, roil: sand white, 31,567; spirits, 32,800; wool, 11,003; articles wheoly and partly manufactured ---cotton piece goods, :3112,969; jute piece goods, 57,455; linen piece goods, 120,826; silk broad. stuff's, 4,51+0; silk ribbons, 1,488; silk, articles partly of, 35,515; woollen fab- rics, 307,223; worsted fabrics, 415,880; carpets, 151,407; pig iron, 49,469; bar iron, 31,899; railroad, 24,626; hoops, sheets, etc., 79,158; tin plates, 10,787;; iron, enst, wrought, etc., 69,511; steel, 67,986; lead, 32,292; tin, unwrought, 10,437; steam engines, 11,267; other descriptions, 87,467; apparel and slops, 85,126; haberdashery, 252,827; alkali, 26,704; cement, 22,997; earthen and china ware, 81,646; oil, seed 42,822; writing paper, etc., 33,521; other paper, 4,800; stationery, other than paper, 13,683. The value of the imports from Can ala in July was 41,469,328, against each is 69.2 news, The eastern group £1,275, 935 in July,1888; and for the seven months' ended 31st July it was £2,772,555, against £2,460,111. The values in pounds sterling of the im- ports for the seven months were as follows: Oxen and bulls, 506,512; cows, 15,119; calves, 46; sheep and lambs, 20,331; wheat, 70,886; wheat flour, 142,111: butter, 30,140; cheese, 4(S,- 273; fish, cured or salted, 224,382; copper ore, 724; wood, hewn, 233,501; wood, sawn, 1,050,978. has 2,558 farmers, with an average area under crop of 49.8 acres; the south -western 3,8.19, with 67.0 acres; the central 4,118, with 70,3 acres, and the northwestern, 2,7:04, with 41.6 acres - The average price of improved land is $9.50 over the province. In the eastern group of counties it is 39.82; in the southwestern, 9.19; in the central, $11. 13, and in the northwestern, 87.80 Prices range for $7.38 to 10.08 per acre In unimproved lands the average price is $5.82. In the eastern group the average is $1.90 per acro; in the south western. $5.84; in the central, 36.30; and the northwestern, .$1.34. Prices range from $3.15 to 10.96 per acre. The percentage of land shown to be occupied in the province is 52.2 per cent. In 1887 it was reported at 43.6. In the eastern group the percentage occupied is 45.3 per cent.; in the south- western, 56.6; in the central, 57.4; anti in the northwestern, 50.5. The' per centages of occupied land range from 77,0 in Brandon, which is the highest, 29 in D'Iberville, ,which is the lowest. The ncrcentages of the land shown to be fit for cultivation in the province is 70.7. In the several groups the aver- ages are, in the eastern, 66.7; in the southwestern, 98.6; in the central. 65.4; and in the northwestern, 74.8. THE IN,DIANNT TV LLAT CROP. The final official report of the -,wheat crop of India has been published. It is represented that the season was en the whole unfavourable for cultivation, as the rainfall, was untimely and uneven ly distributed. In someprovinces it ceased too early and in others too late to admit of the land being properly prepared and sown. The estimated total yield is 6,.510,979 tons, which is equivalent to 29,643,482 quarters of 492 lbs, the weight at which 'Indian wheat is sold in England. This quantity com pares with a four years' average pro- duction of 7,205,500 tons, or 32,805,528 quarters; and with last year's crop of Sale Register. On lot 7, con. 1, Bidduiph, on Tues- day, September lith, farm stock and implements. James Glavin, proprietor James Oke, auctioneer. British Grain Trade. The Mark Lane Express, in its week- ly review of the British grain trade, says:—The sunshine has returned and benefited the northern and western sections somewhat. Elsewhere the benefit has been trivial The wheat crop of Great Britain is reckoned at 30 bushels per acre. The yield in Ireland is estimated at 2,000,000 bushels, mak- ing a total of 75,487,670 bushels. Sam- ples of goodwheat are rare. The values of old are steady. The sales of English wheat during the past week were 26,842 quarters at 31s 2d, against 19,763 quarters at 36s 4d during the corre- sponding week last year. The trade in Foreign wheat is quiet and prices have declined 6d. The certainty that a failure of the Russian and Indian crops will be supplied possibly by large shipments from America makes business quiet. The strike causes stagnation in foreign grain markets; oats, 2d dearer; grinding barley is 3d cheaper: Rye has declined. Corn is 3d to 6d lower" Beans , and peas are dearer. The inquiry is slack. At to -day's mar- ket there was a thin. attendance, New English wheat sold at 32s to 35s. Splendid samples of new Duluth` were quoted at 37s to 38s. Corn was 8d lower except for guaranteed delivery, when 25s was paid. Oats were 6d= higher for future and 5d for delivery: Everest Cough Syrup is the best tthing for Coughs ' and Colds I ever. used in my family family.—A' Dickson Arkona P. 0 °Iry Circassian or other s 'dra Steamers. Cabin, Qzo.t. r, a»d asetnitln,g to aceomula• tion. second t -China, s ,.. :-te ru;>e, �,.ti Return tickets, tau, Stehorwl$aso. Iutcrutealiaate, Steerage. rage. ill. • TCIAe CAttrliA(;R' R' will not carry nz„en;o-s, from this. 'side., Thur, will be no Steamer carrying vasseegers from Queb i May Stat,,Toly Sill, Ann" pasted,, $eisteazaber iStla, Pasaenagerscats sail from Montreal, JOHN SP'ACK ,IAN, the only authorized agent for Exeter, Gat, Look before you Lea AND 33 $ R YOU BUY YOUR rt Building Hardware, Binding Twine, Harvest Tools, OR ANYTHING IN STOVES or TINWARE, Call and see BISSETT BROS.' large stock and get prices. TURNIP and other field seeds a specialty. Cash paid for Eggs, Hides, Skins, and other fain praiuce, BISSETT BROS. QIJALITY IS THE TRUE TEST OF J. H. NORTHCOTT —o—z NOW OFFERING--o-- BREAD, BUNS, CAKES Etc., OF THE BEST CAK Of Every Description Made to Order. J. H. Northcott, ONE DOOR NORTH OF FANSON'S BLOCK Main -street - - Exeter. THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT J. from which this paper is printed was supplied by the TORONTO TypE Fo-u-myrr Dealers in Type, 'Dresses, and Printers' Supplies. J. T. JOHNSTON,. 80 & 82 Wellington St. west TORONTO, ONT. The nu POI rsigned would' inform tla tlliit lac Ws just received his R. . STOCK INO,I.,t U DI X G ULL LINE OF DRQ GOODS, ATS AND OAPS, :'1;D CPOC'1+.- ERI', HOOTS AND SHOE . Those wishing anything in my line tad xt to their advantage to call and inspect lily goods and prices, est Roller FIOIU' always on hand. lighest Price paid for Butter and Eggs, and all kind of Produce, J. 1?. IIOSS 10-22.'88.) J. L SM6V6�COMBE • TffercaItt TaliUt. Up stairs, over H. Spackmcu $ Hardware Store. lie has In stock some °tike finest summer goods to be found on the market. A CALL SOLICITED. J. G. SMALLACOMBE. London Huron & BruceRailway Goma. Non'rnr--TIME T truss—Pas5'nr. London, depart.,. .805 A. :v 423 P. M. Lucas Crossing., .8.47 ..... 5.20 Clandeboye 8 52 ... , .. 528 Centralia.... .... .9.05 5.45 EXETER.... , ....9.16. 5,57 Hensel'. 9 28 6.09 Kippcn ... 9.34.. , 0.17 Brucofield .. .... 9.42 6.26 Clinton, , , . 10.00 6.45 Londesboro' 10.19 7.03 ,Blyth ....1028 7.12 Belgrave........10 42 .... 7.27 Wingham .11.00...... 7.45 GOING SOUTH, Passenger. 1Vingham ........ 7.05 A.M. .. 3.40 r.y'. Belgrave .........7.24 4.00 Blyth.. 7 38 4.15 Londesboro' 7.47 4.25 Clinton.... ...... 8.07 4.45 Brucefield. ..8.26 5.04 Kippen ........ 8.34 5.12 Iiensali. • 8.41 5.19 EXETER ....... 8.56 5.33 Centralia ........ 9.07 5.45 Clandeboye 9.18 5.56 Lucan Crossing,. 9.24 6.02 London, arrive ...10.15. 6:45 FOn scALL- Warmez•s, Gardeners and Florists, A fair sized 'brick cottage containing dining -room, sitting -room, Slbedrooms, en- trance hall, with two good cellars under- neath, large kitchen 1dx20 feet, with wood- shed attached, two, large greenhouses, small stable, good well of' water; with 114 acres of land, all well fenced and in fair condition. This property is within, five minutes' walk of the Exeter post alike. The land willbe sold on easy terms" Apply_to A -ALLEN, Exeter; Ont. April 11, 6 m, MEDICAL. THE CELEBRATED '191i,, LE CARRON, OP PAIRS, PRANCE, HAS ESTABLISHED AN AGENCY IN TORONTO FOR, THE SALE OF, HIS MEDICINES, WHICH ARE A POS- ITIVE CURE FOR ALL CTiRONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES OF LONG STANDING, ALSO YOUTJ1 FUL INDISCR.ETION,EARLY !DECAY, ETC., SHOULD WRITE FOSt IN - %;FORMATION. CORRESPONDENCE CON. FIDENTIAL. ADDBE ,S ALL LF, TTEEESwTO ' THE "E. 13. CRANE AGENCY, ,• CAMERON PLACE, - TORONTO. Lot No.2n, in the amt concesiionofthe town stip ot'1{ilatt4rt.'4ana+ain'tng too aerea. This f:'110 Will ,.a, sulil cbs- p.auti one CAW tetina Tile farm ie bit uaa.tea aaaidaay between S.eaforth awl 1 ,abliaa ,ei the Heron (ir;ave1 .Read. Cienrch aan,l S. ir.A4ai ^within IMP yards of €arca. Soil the best in the county. A sur ,r of F.'xet r v i akllagarop,srties for hale elri taus l et of terme,lu lnilin setae of 11 tiaclin est cleeiratlemsialencee,Iaa ti*W.14, i ,%.n n IF vq-,6•111Vin t h 0v ilti a eor C tr►li alb44tx1tala.ra ' AalaCata l'ee! glaA 4'latfLQ, To Peazalieg T.ansc+ kcei�,ere=. w ccatxappl,o• tion, of 4xs ,. Furaaa.irc'. gtnrcaelsrut tcad lx *t tra•r,155:..n,a•lalit&ns;a9laaauilaiau,e obo 1,10, cal, ,1 lief a to let iat email r(aat. eau. 14170 a 14c3,lta.aaaaitt»�. ,w.M.iutnnras,3 ttbof(1,uotn1rr,,*. Abe" I'erfaarther itasnii ni,,,ra ikriAr to L. .il. Iri(`,RSON, Da rriwtrr.>ttto1er, GIDLEY. THE LEADING itlindecialtor AND Furniture Healer OF THE TOWN I have an immense Stock of Furniture and Undertaking Goods now on hand, ivhicll I will sell at right prices. IJNDERTAKINII A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. S. GIDLEY. IF YOU WANT A �1e�a end Easy Shave OR Meet Hair -Cut, CALL AT THE Centra Barber Shop, Fanson's Block, Exeter A. Hastings, PROPRIETOR Exeter Pkoto sIuaio. Why is it that in other towns and surrounding country they speak so highly of the photo- graphs that are taken in Exeter. And how is it that there are so many photos sent into the different cities of Ontario frons EXETER PHOTO GALLERY Because' Senior's work is as rood ifnot better 'than ,any of the leading galleries in the citiesand their prices are $4' and $5 per doz;, while; they get them at Senior's for '3.00.. •