HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-9-5, Page 3�joHNsToNs V'fLUIDBEEIi C HE GREAT STRENGTH GIVER PERFECT FOOD Fon THE sloK WARMING et IIUTRITIOUSBEVERAGE J 4 A POWERFUL, INVIGORATOR A MY FAIR YOUNG right to step here. Pray, sit down." And One rarely takes part.in a consultation U PATIENT then he directed me to commence the ex-! without learning something ; but I never amination. I peroussed. with minute care- { obtained catch valuable practical knowledge A Good ltaxy ToT.d by a London Doctor, fulness every part of the thorax, and, as from. any meeting with abrother professional before, could .really find nothing abnormal. as ,1 did in that inglorious scene in the, draw- "There ; you perceive that I have tested g with, exactness, and the resonance le every- where perfect."" I made the. remark as a mere matter of form, for I had nab failed to note that the very superior Wee End practitioner had not; condescended, to pay the slightest attention to my proceedings,. but was talking in low tones to Mra Midas Ceetanget all the time, "" Ah, well, now it le my turn," said he, and with the most deiioateely impressive care, placed Miss Muriel again in poeitlon.; nob, as I had done. with the arme crossed on the chest, hut ati fly extended. In place of tell - lag her,to count "" thirteen to eixteon," he gave her a book and directed her to read a dczan lines, and then to Ging the gamut, en ooteve and a half. The mother wen watch- ing all h _ admiration and devou t in m i is ra g g every detail. 44 Ah 1 hmuaph r said the creole ; "" ib seams there ie something—bat extremely I am a family doctor, with a eaffielently arduous if nob over lucrative praotice, chiefly among the hewer middle cline whose homes abound in a netth•ea,tene suburb of modern Babylon. Some year. ago, when I was more of a struggler than I happily now am, I had, by good fortune obtained a' foothold as medi- cal adviser in the household of a wealthy City stock broker, who dwelt in a eppacioue and luxuriant mansion some three miles. far- ther out on the Surrey bills than the then extremelimitof my regular round of visits; and the fees 1 received for occasional calls to Mount Aureo when Mr, Midas Contango had a tcuoh of his chronic tormentor the gout, or his somewhat sentimental spouse— quite a grand dame, however, in her own nties of s s• esteem—wee affeti the nal .ass temetio outrage on the digestive fit -up of her portly person, were so liberal in their ex,ent as to form in the aggregate no inconsiderable proportion of my: modest :income.. Atter my connection at Mount Aurae had continued, to the seeming satiefaction of all concerned, for some two years, I began to receive more in (pent anmmonsea thither, Ward. Tne only naughter of the Contangoe, Mee Muriel, a tine, tail, gracefully moulded damsel of seventeen, who mighb have stood as a sculptor'. model, so perfect was her physique, had returned home for the Cheat- rnas vacation from her fashionable Brighton now on ibis side, then on that. "" noir, bearding schooltroubted with a alight cough. "tack, tick -tack, Hark I do yon hear it ? In .all reepecte cavo VAS trsfitog la geel There is a very appreciable difference;' I eff'eotion, she enjoyed the excellent health do not say ars enormous difference--rte--.but of which bath herparente bad had poaeeaaion. there it la 1' in their earlier days, before the indulgroucee "" For my own part, sir,' I returned, "" I wblehfollow 10 W eelth s wakohad made them cannot, with ell deterence, detect the sl-eght. profitable acquaintances of my own. It wan cab dit%rence, clear enough, toe, to me that Mise Muriel "" Oh 1 very likely ; but there, neverthe. o n o'a throat trouble was purely local leas, it le.—Now acme however ;nia t y , wo erthou .— G g _ P a neverthelear, it was oaarsing Brous alarm to having ascertained the truth about the case the meter and rrdetree8 of Mount Aureo .--.my tem is ebort, 'let rno convince you, I Whir idolised their charming child. The will turn my back to the will and yon dream of the Contango ealatenc=wee to mate shall again 'moues:. .I will tell which aide 1 Muriel. to gems scion of the aristocracy, you Aro tapping upon bythe eteriatloa fn the their reputation for ri`chee havingobtained tound." Ile turned round, and. I percussed them the entree to society to whlc by birth as equally as possible the two aides of the eerl_breeding they were not entitled. thorax. "4 You are on the left aide." Ile r. and Mrs. Midas Contango had both was quite right f In a moment, however, begun to dread that Mies edurier a iadtapeei• my surprise was changed to �admfra- tion would culminate in beano -hide or a time of the fashionable phyalcian a smart decilne. The elighteat cough, the least audacity. Hiaprofesaional--nay,Iyetkepi ronchua, raised the grim and terrible spectre I may more truthfully write it naprofearion- of phthieia, and the beautiful youeg lady al --trick wan obvious onoa h, but performed waeheld to be Inimmiuent danger of =early with math perfect aplomb that I wan duped grave. I, had exelllivad, her cheat with the even whilst taking part is it. Ile heti tura- sloat anxious and minute car. , but could ed hie hack to the patient, to Airs. Midas di:mover nothing to jaatify any feat or even Contango and thyself, but he was looking douhb of the eorrectneee of my dingootis ; into a large mirror above the console which yet, despite balsamica and aedetivea, ex- faced him.1 poecre, however little, in txeaeherene What oould ti do' 1 was mute, The tables ay.rather would cauwe hoaraenelis and a traraitory eough. indeed, these disagree, able eymptolna often manifested thefneelvea without any apparent cause, except, as I judged, the inordinate precautions taken to avert thein, The rooms at hlaant Aureo were always tow hot ; Miss Muriel. was overolothed, could not stir out for a constitutional in the garden withouta roepirator, or take a drive unless bidden in an envelopment of costly fare, When I ventured to hint atthis, the lnverlabio reply et the Contangos was r ""Ah I doctor, it we did nob take this care of Muriel, how long would also be with us ?—the dear child is so delicate." And nothiog I could ray would 1 et opinion, a alter sle n tbo April eueoeeding, when Mies Muriel had been coddled tip ab home for four menthe instead of peing sent back to Brighton to continua her atadice, Mrs C»sntltngo was more than uanally .con. corned About her daughter's condition. The atockbroker and his good lady had overnight held an anxiousdisousalon. I had made my now usual though quite uhnecee Miry daily visit to Mount Aureo, and 31ra Midas Contango wee, in her petroniaing and yet solicitous manner, bowing mo out. I oiled aiming roaebed the door, hat in band, when Mrs. Contango said with. some effort : ""'Doctor, you know wo have the utmost confidence in you ; wm carry out your In- strnotions to the letter; but our dear child "---- "" Yee madam ; only you will perelst in treating her, if T may bo pardoned the simile, too much after Aho manner of a tropical orchid, instead of regarding her as a beautiful plant of English growth." "" Well, perhaps you may be right, dootor; but we are so very anxious, Mr. Coatago and myself—yon see Muriel ie our only child, our sole hope. Now would yon mind our reeking the op -inion of a famous specialist as to the case f" "Nothing would be more proper. Pray, whom would yon like, and when may we arrange, contingent on hie being able to come, to have him here" Mra Midas Contango mentioned the name of a very fashionable and expeneivo London physician with a consultative praotioe con- fined almost entirely to the houses of those who bad been presented at court. He was certainly nob the man I should have chosen, for the faculty rather smiled at his preten- sions to pre-eminent skill ; and his reputa- tion was far more that of the drawing -room than professional, However, I, a humble • if conscientious practitioner, could nob afford, had 1 so desires, to decline to meet him ; and I consented to facilitate grange. mento for an interview at the great man's convenience. The fashionable physician drew np in his imposing equipage at the door of Mount Aureo half an hour behind time appointed was introduced to his patient, making the while profuse apologies for having been unavoidably detained by a critical oase— that of the Dake of Deerwood—to whose house in Mayfair he had been summoned by the Dnoheae's request to give Me opinion as to the treatment adopted by the attendant medical gentlemen. "" What I' said the society exquisite, for such the .oelebrity certainly was—"what !' exclaimed he in grandiloquent tones, strik- ing a theatrical attitude, "" is it that fine consult about ? That e are to youngladyw, supjrb girl, in ouch perfect condition I Come, neaten, madam, that you are only making Inc of us. "" Well," replied Mrs Contango, im- preesed, as she was meant to be, by the importance of the pompous personage who was addressing her, ""I admit ap- pearances are in my daughter's favour and I hope that you may be able to assure us that her condition is not serious; but she is always losing her voice—always cough- ing -and if we were not to take care" A flood of tears drowned the rest of the sentence. ""But," airily remarked the famous dootor, "'my dear madam, why distress yourself ? All may be well. Let me hear from this .gentleman,your family attendant, the symp- toms as he has interpreted: them." I gave the history of the case in a few words. " Well. well; there asoma to be nothing serious; but we must examine the chest with the utmost exactness to decide that." "'Pardon me," interrupts. mamma, "but will you snow me to remain in the room?" ""Of course, madam," : responded .the. favourite of fortune. "You have a sacred in •room of Mount Aureo, in whiohsl was so sadly let down, for a time at least, in the estimation of Mrs. Midas and Mies Muriel �.'ontango. Mise Muriel subsequently recovered her temporarily defective .resonance sufficiently to gladden the hearte of her pareute by mak- ing a merriege—at their coat—into a noble honed. I still have the pleasure of ranking her among my patients, but for no organic or other serious ailment ; and I have it on excellent authority that her haebatd, Vis- count Barrenlands, would be extremelyglad at thine, when he has been inordinately ex- travagant with his unearned increment, if Lady 3furiel's vigour of voice and physique were both a little less robust. BLTQTRIDIMAO TUX nvioimom. difficult to differentiate,—Lob ue hear ' I"l"l: Againxt the Debasement of Eci. wnatpercussion yields." And his style was ecce and Invention. trulyenchanting. Eve to with his At this writingthe -udlcal inquiry in the fingrs was given with a flourish and a State of New York to deterine whether graceful sweep worthy of the most expert or not an electric current is a good onbai- p gesttheealfor the hadgma ' hempen en top o is mined a countessa guests. Thx wee e p gr, ie watched with deep inter- covert: smile, turning to me, he said : est by the general public. Sow it may " There it h. Listen, my dear eventuate we will not undertake to predicr, young friend," ae he heat his digital dram, but: in behalf of the social and material pregress of mankutd dependent; on science and invention, we are bound to utter a protest against the propeeed debae,nont of the--ggrreudeet agency of hwi ne edvaneerrient. Whether killingby an ola«tlie chock would be toe or mre cruel than killingby the ecaffald end rope we do not certitxly know nor do We greatly care, beet we do knowe ad -on of t at t would be a art: hx i 1 d. Llai the . tit fan ler the aoio^co til ra tltilta a .leo c hangman. It is the previzia0 of science to help the race la Akin aspirations, In all .its rnovamerltse toward higher planes of life, In order thee eolentifie diecoverlea and app_i aacee may be in the largest degreebenetictal: to hemeaity, we nem avoid associating them in the public hind with things that are regulaive, with events that excite horror or dread,, with cfrcumetaneee that are regarded as disgraceful. Ever ante Franklin identefled the thunder bolts of heaven with the °teatrle aperitif ?reclined by friction, all the Mee to which eleetrio wee= lees been applied nava been exalted, Ithaa boon make a .hardly bene$- centhelper to mankind, It has brought all nations into close relation.. It has liana and la a leading factor in the edvanceaaent of civilization. Ib has reduced days to aeoondr, leagues to inahoe, in the trausm',esion of intelligens, As a protector of society had indeed been 10 oomplotely turned. tt7;lon , ai aleet crime, if bee won ear= of its brigh-3 No Adeiea Wanted, St. Hater—Halt 1 New Spirit—Can't I come in? St. Peter—I,d rather yon wouldn't, Yon are just oub of college, and we don't want any adviceabout running the universe. —EN. Y. Weekly, me that, I had nothing to say. " Madam, I tenet not alarm you," obsery ed the triumphant epociellee to Mia, Cone tango, who was in biiealul ignoraueo ot the deception; "these delicate gradations in tone can only bo ab arae detected ;liter im- menue preotlae, only by those who examinee rtroam of patient.; but there le somothiag on the MP aide of your dauglitor's chest—no- thing sericul.-41011ttle,indeed,thet hart--naetbingaerlcus--aloltttlo,indeed,thet my young friend here has been unable to find le; but there it fa.—And now, the examination being complete, permit: nsto=await aitothe treet• moor, and then I Must go, or I shall lacer the dlsplearure of a nobly but som .whet Im- patient patient of mine," When wo were alone, I again oxpreaaod my Incredulity, delicately hinting at my obearva- tion of his ruts 44 Tut, tub t my dear young friend," Haid he, testily, "you have not yet grasped the situation.—Now, here you have a. girl whoIatho talons oelfte,aoloatbediatbomanwho aoaghe. and has been hoarse for a long time take. It under the obligations of alolal duty that the hangman in this country is .always concealed, so that it may not be known by whose hand a felon dine, It is proposed now to load all this odium, all this horror, all tufa popular oxeoration on electric eclenoe— to make the electrician the hangman. A Title CaAtion Jakey--"I vete gain' to tellou: a choke fadder. Dar vas— Mr. as y Mr. Orpenheleter (excitedly)—•" Don't you tell no shakes here, Jakey. Der vas two gnstomere in der etore, and if dey laugh de new .nits vou't lasb till dey get to the door,"— IOmaha Republican, A Scared .Editor A rugged farmer stalked into the sanctum with a big whip under his arm, Be you the editor ? he asked. "I am" was the half apprehensive reply. , ' t e'a iler two dollars—send me your napex, for life," he ,raid "Yon ase," he went on, "our daughter was sick and like to die; aha drooped and grew and pale, had headaches, eo appetite, back ached, feet and hands like ice, couldn't steep, hacked withh coaah, and we thought she had coneuulptioa. No medicine helped her till, we tried, that Dr. B'ierce'e Faro . Prescripttoil ;ungifted In oar rete F ander, when she began to mend in no time and m now well and handsome as a rose—pub me down as a life subscriber." Now the editor is.lookiug for another scare, The medicine noes.re. u d ROM a . *< sill of ed as was the farmer a daughter, Teetering the female functions to healthy action, and removing the obetruetione and supproasiona which ceased her trouble. It ie guaranteed to give satisfeetioa, or price (MOO) rotund ed. I€the wck wicked flan fish and thanauffbe er, not a diecour ged, They are fatted for ,,do• struotione thou art dieted for health,— (Thoincs .Fuller, est Iaurelw, No criminal can travel e0 fast or eo far that his arrest cannot get ahead of him. It lighte up the alleys where crime was want to work In darkneesi, It rings bolls when crime attompte to lnvade a bank, a *tore, or a dwelling. It is n0 debasement cf asienoe to neo this agency for provoution and detection of crime, but when the criminal has been brought to justice, when the Jury has convicted the murderer, and the court hes placed him in the bands of the Sheriff' to be kliled, wo submit that it would be each a doba.emeuf to tell the hangman to stop down and oat withbis ropy and direct the electrician to the front with his battery. It will be nrgod that the oxroutiou of a murderer 3e as aeoessary far the pratootion of society as hie arroet, trlal, and conviction. Wo shall go into no Manatee onthatpoint. Taking facto es wo find them in Earope as well as in this oouatry, the executioner is a synonymforall that Ishorrible. So repulsive —then how the deuce oar you gab over the feat by tellsug the parents that there is no oauee for it I Vary likely there le nothing the matter with her ; but why done rho cough 1" " That was exactly vbat lio mother sad to 11 0. , :Against this proteab, and we do so with. a There you aro; and mamma wee quite litre convlotion that our protest; is in the right; there me to la some neer emulator it. We intern:tef oivilizetion, of the advancement may nobby able to lay our finger upon it, for of mooloty in all that contributes to our we mush examine and understand our materialmoral, intollootual and social patients thoroughly very often before we OAn ' ' make out their ailments, and then ono finds the mieohief, booauso you. neo, wa are ex- pected to discover it." "But suppose there really is nothing." well boing.—[tnventiveAge. WgT $FOE FI(.SL, "Nonsense 1 There always ie. Bab even Au Alleged Invention that fes Calculated if there were nob, we are equally bound to to llevolattonize Everything. find it ; for if you tell these anxious people, What appears to be an important inven- I can discover nothing wrong, they will tion has recently been made public in naturally put ib down to your ignorance, Phillips, wee, sage Light, $'eat, and Potter, and send for somebody elee who has know- ledge enough of human nature or enfScienb "eavoir faire' nob to be embarrassed with so small a diffionlby. Now, do you eee my meaning ?'' "Theoretically there is nothing, praoti- oally there ie." " You may put ib so, if so 11please you. Bat I assured you that there is—and there ie—your vigilance and punctilious exacti- tude notwithstanding', a little convenient difference In resonance. The mamma heard the remark, ae I intended her to do ; she has not the remotest idea what it moans— why should she have ?-bub she is perfectly happy now that the pause of her darling's cough has been discovered, because she thinks, the clues being known, the cure will follow. Tne more unintelligible the explan- ation, the more convinced its she of its oor- reetnese. One may remedy, you know, a difference in resonance ; bub how can you pretend to cure a person whom you per - Distantly declare to have nothing the matter with her 1" I began to understand. "Now," continuedthia consummate reader of Society's intelligence, ".1 admit this is nob science"— "Nor what the schools and our academi- cal training teaoh us," hazarded I. "Qaite so, my dear fellow; but swept for once the tuition of a man who has not alto- gether failed in hie profession. What I have taken the trouble to demonstrate toon gratis is a good working rule—smelling a little, perhaps, so to speak, of the shop or of legal tape—but our patrons are satisfied, our patients made happy, our repubationsadvano- ed, oan we wisely permit eo trivial a matter as departure from elavish,adherenoe to what is nib:oalled prinoiple to stand between us and success ?" • "Well" admittedl,a libtle sadly, "perhaps you are right." "Of course, I am, my dear young friend. I am a cynic, bub T aucoeed. 1 have been, for instance, beseeched to meet yen here to- day.—And now for treatment." A little delicate • counter -irritation was suggested and agreed on ; then the fash- ionable physician stepped into his elegant turnout before the door of Mount Aureo, amid the profuse thanks of, Mrd. Midas Con tango, a hundred ;guineas richer for his half.hour's visit. As he shook hands with me, on throwing himself back among the cushions of his brougham, the famous expert smilingly whispered : "You are too modest, my ingenuous young friend : yon have al- ready the science of medicine at your finger- ends ; why net acquire tho art alga ?— Adieu 1" - He ate green cucurbere ; They made hitt quire etek; But he took a few "'eline" That cured hits right quick. ,An easier physaic i, ou never will find Than t?ierco'e email "Pellets," The Purgative kind. Small but precione. 5 ants per vial,. Tell a men that he le A fool and he will laugh at you ; bat tell hills that he le not ar big a feel an he ]coke and he will get as mad ail btazls, A flat Oontxadotiou. ammo ane bee told you that your catarrh ie fnearable. It fe not so. Dr. Sage's O. tarrh iternedywill cure it, It Ispileaaanb to raft and it always does Its work thoroughly. Wo have yet to hear of a oaae le which it did set aezomplieh a cure when faltefully used. Catarrhs. a dleease which it is den. gerous to neglect.. A =tide remedy is at your commend. Avail youraelt of it before the oomplafat mount a mote serious form. Ali druggists, It takes four years for a college to turn out a good student. Bat it frequently turns aub a bed student in leas than throe months. EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL AND HYPOPHOSPHITES, Almost as Pam i mile as Milk, Bo disguised brat the most dcllcatestornaC7e can fate ir, Tientarl able as a F'LESIf 1'1PODuoza. Persons GARY' idly while taking 1Z _SCOTT'S I.1�4' 41Q )nowiedred byPhy.: sielsue to be on FINEST and IIT preparation otos chss for the relief of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, A DEBILITY. GENERAL DE 1 , /lasting Diseasesof U children, and HRONlO CO. Ci Sold ins ed1 DrugOists,, 0c and $1.02. piTENT$ procured. Pateat Attorneys, and experts. rEst dlt6T. Donald C Eldora 4 Co., Torente. mEAt TIERS can mate money during vacation l by eaanvaseing for ono or more of our fast selling Books and Bibles. modelle' liistory of Oraad•+, by W. R. Wiithrow. D -D, latest anal nest edition ever Fubleshed, pricee low, terms literal. Trite for illustrated =colors and terms. W3E. BRIGGS, Publisher Toronto. 'MPH T1C'INI& GOLL}.I;F., ERI.Iph. Ont,—Tele eixtb rehnitetie 3 ear begiva Sept. nd, 4.4 Art Department has teen ladled, in which Drawler anal Weodcaraiug will be Wight by the most noted .peculiar tette I]ansteleo, our bhart- hand Department has aecempllehea phenomenal results. We.1ead Inc van in Practical Esueat'•on. 31 TdbcCOniMICK, Principal, ...AIME LINE STEAMSHIPS. -.a ilinlr esltY between 1Qi TltBaL and I.iMiRlOrL. 8alaoonTickets. giO,$SU. and W. Return Tickets, WI, iso and 9110, eveotding to steamer and accommodation. intermediate ilse Round Tien Ticket*. S64. Staeraget, Y'.v. !Apply W 11[, E. 31131114.1t, Ueoeral Manager Canada 3blp. ping to,, 1 Creme Dom Num, MoaTBLIz., or to Local Aveets in alt Towns aft Cities. TF, TORONTO COLLEGE or 11ltlal0 -It'. Ii. Torrington, Director, opans tta second year on September 5thnext. iltmarkablo and =quivered eaceeae has attended its opera• dans than far, And the basis of musical work adopted as the oollego course, provides for pupils decided superior advantages and ie eminently practical, Thoroughly qualified teachers only are employed. At the college every opportunity le turned to advantage for the benefit of the papIls. The building contain whet but few similar institution. in the world poseeae, a large and complete three mammal pipe -organ, which Is used con tinaallyeaobday for lessons and practical while frequent recitals are given on lb by students, professors, and prominent organ - iota, ouch as the great Frederick Archer, of Baton. Among the other advantages are free violin classes, weekly concerts by the pupils, frequent piano and vocal recitals and lectures on musical history, musioiana, their works, acoustics and cognate sul+jaote. Sand for prospeotue to F. H. ToiBLSOTON, 12 & 14 Pembroke St., Toronto, rnerehants, Butchers, and Traders generally, We want. QQOI# 3iA.'l In your loaslity to plea up CALF SKINS aa. Oath Turnlsbed on sat*atoetary ginsert. 4ddrefa. C9., S., ',4Cv 7a Una Et stat. W. -Meet, TA 8; A 'vulgar man in anything that bappens to him blames others ; a no vice in philosophy blames himself ; a philoahophor blames neither the one nor the other. The Turtle Mountain Region. Thansanda of aorta of choice free govern - ming land, now open for settlers in the TuIkota. Here It le o of no left eterthan oe fuel, the practihecal apand. con-t asstr�le ed the wheat that i okDfirs premium Nieto of nothing hat a piece of gaepipe from ti New OroExposition, Richsoil, 2 inches to 6 iaahes in diameter, ae may be timber in mountains. a taine. good a�hoola, ohurohee, desired, and of convenient lenth to fit a congenial society. For further information, cook -stove or a parlor or other heater, with short legs or stable support to keep it in position. This is placed in the stove with ono end slightly projecting, to which is at- tached a vessel of water with atop cock con- duit from the water veaeel into the pipe. Before reaching the steam chamber the water passes through the important part of the invention, the part that constitutes or contains the great discovery. By means of it the water may pass into the steam chamber, while the steam can not pas. out. The parb of the pipe containing the steam ohamber is within the stove, although a small parb may be without if desired. To tide the heat of a moderate wood or coal fire is applied, so as to heat the steam to a high temperature, say 300 or nearly 400 de- grees, when lb passes oub of a small orifice immediately into the midst of a bed of coals or flame from burning wood or coal, when it le at once raised to the required tempera ture, 400 degrees or more, to be immediate- ly decomposed into its gases -oxygen and hydrogen—which instantly become flame. Only a moderate summer fire of wood or coal will be required the ooldeat day in winter the gaseous flame furnishing the balance of the heat needed in the coldest room. The capacity for reducing heat in burninging five times greater than carbon, or about 2,000 degreee,one may form some idea of the capa- city of this little contrivance; for producing heat. Be increasing the temperature of the gas pipe to about 400 degrees thevapor may e decomposed into its gases before exit from the pipe, and in such oases it is emitted in a jetof blue flame In either case the oxy-hydrogen flame is easily produced and with a very small consumption of feel. Expected Too Muoh, Merchanb—" You think your son would make us a satisfactory errand boy, do you ?" Mrs. Moriariby—"' Whativer 'e do, sor, 'e do it very quick." Merchant (burning to boy)—"James, bake this note up to Captain Centrefield at the ball grounds and be back in twenty min- utes. , Mrs, Moriariby—" Niver mind, Jimmy. Como uhn home. Ib's not a bye they're wantin', it's an angel." -[Life. maps, rates, etc.. apply to F. I. Whitney, G.P. &T.A.. St. P., M. & M, Ry., St. Pani, Minn., or J. M. Huckins, Can. Pass. Agt;., Toronto. BE BOILER INSPECTION i ru *jar�eamoasetotTRUI FUNDStOI:O flat.av O , 2ow retie ox ]reinfect oa lu .lass security. AP,VIy ss► BEATTY, 0 : WICK, BL CKSTOC.K & CAE Barristers ex 1 aolteitors. wellingtoast, tor. Church, (overBank of Toros** TORONTO, 0111T, GHOiCE FARMS FOR SALE IN ML PARTS MANITOBA. Parras,�tromiso acmeng to , witved 041101101* h. paeseeelon. call or write to 0, I. las shim it, Ri ,Arthur's Block, Stain et, 'Winnipeg. fnfornaaa a furnished tree of charge, and settlers a.sistad making .election. Ztr.0 N,E3 "X,rl' T Q T Q.A. INT Ar Cua&Bter R&Tas oP l.nses$T. AND INSURANCE CO. OF CANADA, 1",irtabltshed :tar the prereulicu et eteam ]teller expo. pian by proper laapee*oaa.'Sut tial Cttitratna. lr.G.3l.o., Ttt.Gay. et UoWrio, President, Recti 011fee. Toronto P1t., Toronto, Oat. CONS=' MG ENGINEERS and SOLICITORS OF PATENTS 0x0. Q.irote, Chief reinter. 1 A. iRaaaP,3oe'y.. Ardoial Iambs role CIIICC,IGAR ADDRESS, J. DOAN &CO., e.- 87 Certhrste Ave, • Toroute, Ont.. QUEEN'S LAUNDRY RARE ASK FOR IT, AND TAKE N0 STH BEWARE F M 1 lie.., riadellarii. bxa4ebyynzt4zaxarTorr,R•rSoarco74, ,eopa,erctne orvtig Ido::racar,., WORLD-RENOWNED BABY'S OWN SQA The Book of Lubon. A Man Withoub Wisdom Lives in a Fool's Paradise. A Treatise especially wribten on Diseases of Man, containing Facts For Men of AU Ages 1 Should be read by Old, Middle Aged and Young Men. Proven by the Sale of Half a Million to be the most popular, because written In language plain, forcible and instruotive. Praobioalpresent• ation of Medical Common Sense. Valuable to Invalids who are weak, nervous and ex- hausted, showing new means by whioh they may be onred. Approved by editors, oritice, and the people. Sanitary, Sooial, Soience Subiects. Also gives a description of Speci- fic No. 8, The Great Health Renewer ; Marvel of Healing and Koh-i-noor o ;Medi- cines. Ib largely explains the mysteries of life. By its teachings, health may be main- tained. The Book will beach you how to make life worth living. If every adult in the civilized world would read, understand and follow our views, there would be a world of Physioial, intellectual and moral tants. Thie found B k i �o will be f and a truthful presentation of facts, calculated to do good. The book of Lubon, the Talisman of Health 1 Brings bloom to the cheek, strength to the body and oy to the heart. Ie is a message to the Wise and Otherwise. Lubon's Speci- fic No.8, the Spirit of Health. Those who obey the laws of this book will be orawned with a fadeless wreath. Vast numbers ot men have felt the power and testified to the virtue of Lubon's Specific No. 8. All Men Who are broken Down from overwork or other causes nob mentioned in the above, should' send for and ='read this Valuable Treatiee, which will be sent to any address, sealed, on receipt of ten Dente in stamps. Address all all orders to M: V, Lubon, room 15, 50 Front Street E„ Toronto, Canasta. A.P. 465. At Patti's farewell in Buenos Ayres,, in the " Barber," she was called out thirty-two times, and the reoeipts, were $23,000. .:,.r.T..-..,......,-..M,.9.. ENGRAVING t9' eLL.JONES, FOR ALL WOOD ENGRAVEFt, R AVER ,ILLUSTRATIVE 1NG„,,TREE. 7EA5T1 .KADVERTISING\ PURPOSE s. QJ TORONTO. CANADA BARKER'S SHORTHAND SCHOOL, 45 King Street East, Toronto, Formerly, for aver dre yo*r,,Ptinciptl 01 the Short. nnese1Jniiemit . Tyyewxittairdepartmentnnderrthe management et Mr. 0110. BENGOUOU, agent for the Remington Typewriter. Apply for circular. Mention this paper in writing. PLATE CAN c R and TUMOR Specialist. Private g�ap,�{a Aosp.ltaI.MCMNo ICRknife.AEL, nooM. knfie,. GR. .,' - No.63 Niagara Si,.buffalo, N.Y. ` * :E1 12A.ESCE3 l” E..ILE" U I WO 1 LB, The Rest la the World:. Tau weal° hisses n'iaid.:a the pain Tri 'a!tiro Daeri an rr,s Trutt.* Mart a zt:akM nOr0tin err,,ri ysaia Did)'e4 th gel;. Odd. exam:. tini4 CPI Isial COO .h ro r0KOfitax, sn cashew. Minna s.7 ,tcdon cnetrar. pfeat]w. 1 r3 a a� a aa• tic car• t a a,.tern• ca. ..fess d er ao ra ,.yrs %� s e c>Q et his o:Oover Lad cupful alaerbeat let et i�ssrnsa.Lo. 444.erF.atneus.r ir0a l., 11 in es.0beck/Attu 10, cri:a lie a. A4drk g,r-K2P4, „a tsu..Ltuta a Apo Mikan, beaaren. sl7 ca Rea ST.a R TORONTO. Trial =whine *eat free. Send ter illustrated Catrloeue. Die =owe.goareeteed to live poen. Delivered anywhere In Canada. Largest Stook. Loweet Priers. McCausland az Son, 72 TO 76 KING STREET WEST TORONTO. A Great Life Giver is St. Leon Water ES tea • THE 811:SeT a*IVESTM1MENT Yat the Jamil , w.,+c.l, er PreSeeelor.;l l.ieratye - Wfar 1071a'h > a xLsu Lit E7 years Standard a luthority i .Gov't Printing Moe a" 1 U. S, Su reme Court,. itIsDIgEl7 i , ` : a,ow t 38 Stats Sup'ts of Schools the talirt College Presidents.. lil iy all ria School Books pa- tla Ea t€I this ovary are based upatt Webster, as anti i71e Rag Sr$aaI B k Piltiilatlari,• 3000 more Words an n grip 2000 more Engravings bier ally order Marina Dlcliauary, Towne, June 1st, ]SSD. 1 All you that !eel the want of something to make you happy, and don't know what to try, listen to J. Swraow, Canadian Passenger Agent, PO Sing street West, Toronto. For 24 yearn lbws travelled this continent over and over, but of all articles, meat or drink, to restore health, instill wholesale vigour and rare the spirits, make life worth living, ST. LEON MINERAL RAL WATER le excelsior. Mysolt and lamlly an use it ; would part with any other favourite dainty rather than St, Leon Water. JOSEPH: SI1MPSON. DEPOTS. -Toronto. Ont. ; Montreal, Que.; Que- bec, Que. ; St. Leon Spriage,St. Leon Que C CiLE S'50 Seco ud•nand Sendfar list. A. To LAE MONTREAL. Qon i� a GET TSE ES7� Sold 1.y all llsel-t.*Uer3. lllusttat, 1 lampklet. with specimen rage)). ete.,.ant fe e. G. & 4, =MAN eaCO.,Put 're,3. grin;;•t.ltl,:liana. .Allan Lino Royal Nail Steamships nadtoaytIrons svedl, dF ad Bix ralydderoLtverpacand aua oes from Quebec every Saturday to Giverpool,tyllfas„ at ,donderry to land mane and usesngere tar Eleanwdand Ireland • ala from Baltimore, via Hall fax and St. John's, Na., to Liverpool fortnightly during eammar months, The eta:mullet the Gran. gow ar sell daring winter to and from BAUM;, Portland, Boehm and Philadelphia and during tuna - roar • Qlaw- mer between 41stgo waMontreal ant cel wee gow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Fhbaderl. phis, fortnightly. For freight, passage or other: information apply to A. Schumacher tl Co., Baltimore • S. Canard 4 Ca.,, Zillion Shea 4 Co., St. John'. ed., Wm. Thou* - son al Co., St. John, N. B.; AllTb Allen A Co., Obispo', Love 4 Alden, New York; H. Borrilor, Toronto l Aliens, Rae m Co., Quebeo • Wm. Brookle, Philadel- phia; 11. A. Allen Portland Boston Mfontreai. Provident Life and Live Stock Asso'n CHIEF OFFICE, ROOM 0, ARCADE, - TORONTO, CANADA, (INCORPORATED ) A Mutual Benefit Association. SOLiD INVESTMENT—By paying to the above, Association ONE GENT PER DAY, a person aged twenty-two, and two cents per day a person aged fortyfour can secure Pive Dollars per week while disabled through sickness or a:oident, also for twin and three cents per0iay, persona ed as above Baa secure for their dependants, Five Hundred Dofara11% EMU; of death. 'AVE STOCK OWNERS can provide against Iota by death through disease or accident of their stock. at easy rates, Thoseinterested, send for prospectuses, etc. Reliable Agonte wanted in unrepresented die - blots. WVILLIA15I JONES.' Managing:Director_ Cor!teberation 2Lfte TORONTO_ OVER ASSETS $3 000 000 AND CAPITAL. S IR. W. P. H 0 W L A N D, President. W. C. MACDONALD, WM. ELLIOT, E. HOOPER, {( 3. K. Ii.LCD011TALl,,. AtuUAar. 1Tiag.P.ataerom"Ta. ` MaNAoixe Dirraaroa. '--:,, faders, Matchers and Moulders Combined. ligtEAPHST, `PIIoitout rrLar GOOD MACHINES SIJIET. SHINGLE, LATII and VENEER MACHINES.. Wafei'ous y >, 2' 'gine Works Company, Brantford and Winnipeg. POST BAND -SAW, SAWMILLS. IniNK-REInTING For Elevating and Conveying' SAWS, S, GUNNERS, SWAGES.. Send for Sawyers' Guide.