HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-9-5, Page 1VOL. III. �.
The Mo'sons Bank.
(Chartered byParlialnent, i8ia5,)
NM up Capital ... , .. , , .. $-2,000,000.
Rest Fund. , , , , , - .... 1,000,000,
]dead office Montreal,
Twenty Branch offices in the Dominion
I/aluabfe Farms For Sale.
Two Farms for Sale in the township of Us -
porn?, County of Huron,ad jeining the thriv-
in Village of Exeter, comprising lots 18, in
3rd con., and lots 18 and half of 18, 2n4 con.
of said township. Lot 18 contains 100 dozes
with a comfortable brick dwelling arid con-
venient out -buildings. The other lots i8 and.
half of 19 with good out -buildings. This pro-
Tperty will be sold separately or eribloek.
erms to snit purchasers.
JAS, HODGSON, Exeter, Ont.
Agencies in the Dominion, U.S. and Euro •
73-74.3-.1NT=ral`. UG sale of vaillatik
Open, everviawful:day from 1Q. a, m. toap,, •
•, atwturdays ads a.ut.to II), . gage P roperty
The undersigned has received instructions
to sellb R,b1n Auction, at the Central Ho-
tel, in the village of Exeter, on satunlav
Septeanber7th, la,'la, at 2, o'clock p.np„ the fel*
laving 'valuable virla ge property. viz—West
art of lot 4, lying 41141 being on Oidley street
in the said village of Futter, containingby
adnweatarentant twee-tifths °fan acre of ngel•
There is upon tits remises one alai story
A general banking business transacted
Three per cent, -per annum piloted fox
money en Delrostt Reee,).ta find Savings
Exeter, Jan 2S, 'S8, lia11a1,0e
.Is published every Thursday Morning,
• At tkto Oulce,
11y the fi.,1 NEARS' Pl,BLISIIINO CU'JtP,
QnePollar. per annum if void iu Advance.
qi.. ?ifxlutao
f.a.vor l .stub u =z.
setelf Pntlneed until all arreaaraSes
sane paid. ,A lvertiseznents without specific
ci(rcetiona will ito ppabli.:hcd till forbid and
411arged.accanlinR7yy. Liberal di,rouutmade
for tratusclent advertisements inserted far
IoDz-peried.s. BrOry description of .1(111
.i.'U ITL'; turned out in the J'ane6t stNle,
ndat .foor moderaterates.ub riptioua eta o
..._era* maids Taaxabla to
Vil1ititi11. Sanders,
4'burelc Directory.
TnlvLTT :1rN;Joasa,r. Crtw'nen,--itov, S. P
Robinson, Rector. Sunday Services, It a. m
aud7p.m. 'Sabbath School, :.;)
11/1TIlonl8T Cttrncn--JarnUs:8t.. Rev.
Clement, Pastor. Stanley St•rvices,10.30a.m.
and 0.3o p.m. Sabbath School, 21,t M.
11IAr\'serme,T —Bev. J, Wilton. Pastor. Stlxt
flay Serviee tusofa.nt.antioa!p.m. Sabbath'
School:Laep tet.
PausnY'rl:laTAr G1111.11 'u—Rev. W. ;ronin,
Pastor. SundavSo viees,lia.m. ane ti:dtlp.
m. Sabbath Soltoot, 2.45 a.m.
Pr'ot'e8$ranal C'ol'd$.
Office over Q'Neil'st Batik, Exeter, Ontario,
Nitrous QxiM0 Gas for rainless
tracts teeth without pain l;v giving
Vegetable 'Yelper, or using the now
iouestltotic on the gurus. hakes (Told Fllli
Ings and other dental work the hest possible.
Clues to :Zurich last Thursday in tach month.
East side of Main street, Exeter.
eJ • and Snrgoon. Office and resideneo—
Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Cioderiob
JJ Residence—Corner Andrew and North
Streets, Exeter, Ontario.
m A. AIMS, M.D., O. XL.. C P., EDI'li.•, L,
L. h` P &, t , (Uas ow
L. iii., Edinbur h. anti (llasgow; M. C. P. S.
Ontario; P. T. I. S, Toronto. ;right bell at
office. Crediton, Ontario. Jy12-8
Exeter, upstairs, opposite Centra
Hotel. Side entrance on south --.lames street
leading to the Methodist Church.
' bLIL, :wl. C.1'. S.
Graduate of Victoria University.- Office and
residence, Dominion Laboratory, Exeter.
ry S
�` sBToronto. 0feeand Res t,rico
�«7one block east of Sinn well &
,,,� Iiokard,s
store. Opposite sldat-
ingrink, Exeter, Ontario.
• , — .FI. FITC
Veterinary,* Dc,ntist, graduate ofProf.H.
H. Davidson's Dental School, Toronto. All
work in connection with horses' teeth prom-
ptly attended to., Examination free. Officewith Wm. Sweet. V. S. A. f. teem', V. D.
. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public.
Office- Samwell'a Block, Exeter, Ontario.
Money to Loan.
. of Su reme Court, Notary Public, Con-
veyancer, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan
Office-Fanson's Block, Exeter.
.La itors, Con_veyanoers, &c. Money to loan
at O per cent.
E. V.Ex.xioT. J. ELLIOT
JAMES ORE, Exeter, Ontario, Licensed
V Auctioneer ter the .County. of Huron.
Sales promptly attended to and satisfaction
guaranteed.. dales arranged at this office,
IJBILOIw \ wl'i,r eLc1 ezti. Iicensocl Auct-
11 n�t tk corn tios of Perth and
Middlesex, ai,c ter ai+ a township of•Usborne.
Sales ;promptly •nc1r1 to and terms reason
able: Sales arraLoid at host office, Vl inchelsa
BOSSI'DNBEB Y, Hensall Ontario. Lic•-
. en soil Alwctionecr' for the.: County of
Huron. Charges' moderate and. satisfaction
HOLT, Kb a, Ontario. Licensed. auct-
VY.. ion oor fox the Counties of 'Middlesex
and Lambton, and the townships of Stephen
A d.11ay.' AR sales proni ltly attended to.
Tr EILBER, Licensed Auctioneer for Iay
11. Stephen and McGillivray townships.
Oflice•-•Crediton, Ontario.•
drink liou.e. frame!. ablo, a nnna ler of trust,
trees and a good well of water, There will
also is+ soli nn the same day and date two
lots.'ros.47 and IS ling and being on John containing byy a,lmeasurimient two.
fifths of acre. For farther particulars or.
ply to Isaac Has orono, prop, Jaws.Oke, wrack.
Hay Wanted
The subscriber having purchased 1
new hay press, is prepared to purchase
2,000 tons of first-class ltay, :frs is
the highest marl,,° ' L b Fat)
r ,•w pricy will lie pAid
All parties haling hay for sale will do
well to eonssuit the undersigned before i.
disposing of the sande,
pl sea C11d Stud
E. _.... ■
Additional Locals.
St, Leon Water.
The Great Health Restorer. If you
feel out of sorts, drink St. Leon Water:
ELaxin VITA. for Dyspepsia and Files;
positive cure, George Sanders,
Between Exeter and Elirville, on
Saturday evening, 24th August, a par-
eof clothes. The finder will `confer
a favor by leaving the same at this
Eitlithlifini orbiting.
Bus less men or others in need; of
printing for exhibition week should
Imre their orders early, The ,Anvo-
CATs 1111s in stock suitlble linesofstat=
iQnary and cards for the Qccd$siott.
They ;rail ao it
liiseardine ratepayers held a sheet-
ing and passed as resoluti ► ?w' xequest.
mg the counef to submit a by -
Jaw granting a bonus .of $7,000 and
exemption from taxation for ten years
to Grundy Bros. & Co., of Ian:l now' to
establish at. stove foundry in Railcar -
4reetting. stationary.
tTity Send to New York, Toronto or
elsewhere .for wedding invitations or
cards wrlleu yaux cat;'eget equ1U7 as
good; and elieap al, 11>3(, dome? 'w'� u
3,OVOCa#Tka has -pined to stock some-
thing very artistic inthis line, We
will guarantee just as neat as job as
New fork or Toronto, at very moder-
ate rates. Call: and a,ee what we have.
(lege out s+lt Pilus and NutitNWreIB.
At this period of the year, when
there ial more slams ss in this .end or -
other town than at any other Time
heyear., every citizen should oxer-
ise a personalinterest in ma iut;aining'
perfect cleanliness about his or her
,noses, it is in the interest of every
eli'aett tt n
t (1 his family to lniii
a as
ar as possible the chances of sickness
and disease.
Failing Fruit.
Some people are afraid toeatr it -
p41 lfti ,;
thinl.inr that fruit and diarrhoea are
associated, when, if they understand
the true cause of diarrhoea. they -would
know it was caused by eating meat.
lit hot weather pleat putrefies very
quickly, and during. this process alkaL-
oils are formed which are very poison-
ous, acting" as emetics and purgatives.
It Is true that fruit eaten preen or be-
tween melds will interfere with ili;;eat-
ion and cause bowel troubles; but use
fruit that is perfect ripe at mcal•tinie
and only beneficial results will follow.
Acids pa'eveut calcareous degenerations,
keeping the bones elastic, as well as
preventing the accumulaation of earthy
matters. Fruit is perfect food when
fully ripe, and if it were in tinily use
from youth to age there there would
be less gout, gall -stones and stone in
the bladder.
if you want an easy
shave as good as barber ever
pave just call at E. I1', FISI%'S.
At horning, Ever or busy Noon.
He will tent and dress the
hair gracefully to suit
Ladies' hair dressing done to Perfection,
Stand near the Post Office,
121 order to maim room far our fall purchas-
es which are now arriving, we of-
fer redueed prices in
Summer =rens G -odds,
llfu iliils, Prints, Laces, Dnrbroidorlas, &o,
ipso balance of Summer Millinery at cost,
We have a quantity- of Sugar on Banti
which was tnrelaasetibefore the Heavy Ad-
vianeo wi,ieh we are offering at loss than pre-
a tontwholocaalc cost. Our values in Teas and
Coffees arca-land aro not 'excelled in the
A call solicited and an inspection invited.
f -All kinds of produce taken
in oxchnge.
Butter 14 cents ; Eggs, 14 cents.
Happel & Cleghorn,
6G91C11L111N1I EXiTJ!
S E PT•.9th to 2 i st•
Increased Prizes. Greater attractions and a
Grander displaythan ever before.
Newest and Best Special Features
that Money can procure.
The Greatest Annual Entertain-.
meat on the American
Cheap Excursions on all Railways
Over 959,000 visitors attended this Exhibit-
, ion last ;year.
Entries close August 17th.
For Prize Lists and Forms. Proggrammes,
etc .,drop a post carol to - H. J. E.ILL,
J, J. WI.CLLROW, Pros. Manager, Toronto.
Quite a number of the children in
town have the whooping cough.
We hale been informed that Miss
Linfield, the popular teacher of the
Bronston school, is going to leave at
Christmas, Miss Reith is engaged to
succeed, her.
Mr. and Mrs. Latta of Chiselhui
, st,
were the guests of Mr. S. J. Latta.
Nett week there isgoingto be a
Sunday school convention in Evan-
gelical church.
Rev. J. P. Haunch disci o ife ofr:
lin, are the guests' of Rev. T. Haunch
We, are glad to see that Miss L
is again in our midst.
Lake Smith G un Club.
The fourth annual meeting of the
Lake Smith Gun Club was held at the
Club HIouse, Lake Smith, on Monday
2nd inst. lifenlbers were present from
Exeter, Forest, Thedford and other
places. The principal business done
was the election of officers .and accept-
ing members. The following were ap-
pointed officers for the current year:—
.Pres., Dr. Totten, Forest ; Vice -Pres,
John Taylor, Exeter; Sec: Trews,
Smith, Forest; Directors, J. Spackman,
Exeter, F. Shaw, Forest,J. l" uiler,Thed-
ford, W. Sweet, V. S., Exeter, and John
Taylor, Exeter ; Mr. R H. Collins was
made an honorary member of the club,
and was also chosen as the club solicit-
or.' The affairs of the club are, in a
very satisfactory condition. The sea-
son opened on Monday, and Dr. Totten
and fuller of Forest suceecdcd in se-
curing thirty . ducks. The water is
fairlh1g h and the ricein a is i
Y b very.
thrifty condition, and the season com-
mences with the best prospeots seen for
years. Mr. Iiemberly was re-engaged
as caretaker and
Forest vs. Exeter.
A cricket match was played here on
Tuesday between the Forest and Exeter
clubs. The match was very interest-
ing and some good work was done on
both sides. The following is the the
score: — = „
lst innings. 2nd innings.
VanVolkenburg,b MoDone11,0 c MoD., LE. 0
Monre, b J. Llltot ----------• 1 run out- - - -6
Large, cW.J.B.,bJ.E ......0 1bw.bMcD,S
Livingstone, h McDonelt, ..0 h J. Elliot,..5
Little, b J. Elliot, - 1 c J E, b McD7
Marty 11,c L
Maylor, b McDonell..,..• •• • 4 Bissett,b E., 2
G.Martyn,run out, 0 b McDonell, 0
Morris, not out -7 o 10 3, b J E., 0
Brush, b3:Elliot,.. 3 cIC.,bJE., 8
Cavanagh, b MoDouoll•- -• 1 o F E.. bJ E., o
Scott, (Capt) bEUiot------8 not out,.... 0
Extras 4 3
Totals 24 39
lot innings. 2nd. innings.
W. G. Bissett, c Little, b
Monro--- ------- -----.. 4 not out 10
W. Hardin.g,c Oavanagh,b Maylor,t6
E. Bissett, e Van.V., b blurtyn; --- --0
F. Elliot, run out, ---- 2 '
L R. Carling, . Livingston ---- 4
J'. L.Riot, `(Capt) lb w, Livingstone 1
WJ. Bissett, c Cavanagh, " 0
llonell,; b Martyn, " - -- 3
Manson, c Large, b Livingstone, 2
W. J. Carling, b Livingstone„ .. 2
Hynd,nan, not out, .....1.:..0 not out 7
Extras 7
Totals, 41 17
Council Proceedings.
The Council metursuant to adjourn.-
ment at Town Hall Exeter,Aug.28th.
All the members present. Thc minut
es of previous meeting were read and
confirmed. Moved•by W. ' G. _'Bissett,
sec'd by T. B. Carling' that orders be
granted for the following sums,
1V in.l)own,$9.50 for labour;John Keyes,
$3 da ; D. Taylor, 53,50 ; do; Wm. Herat
OS da Jas. Balsdei , 81.50 do; Geo. Hod-
gins, 85 do; Thos. Hartnell, ,$5.94 do;
Walter Carley, $4.06;. Silas Ilaudford,
$1$.80 (]o, 1 es. J. 13issett, $18.42; do; It
Stanlake, $5.50 do; Thos. Horn, $14 do;
John Moreshead, $6.75 do; Samuel Gid.
ley, 8:2, repairing desk at Clerk's office;
White & Solt, $30, printing voters list;
H. Parsons, 81 for plough; Win, Sutton,
810, charity to S. Fond -Carried. D ok-
ed by J P ek ard,seee'd by W G. Bissett,
that a bd -laws be prepared and submit-
ted to by the following rates, vie: --
!'or County purposes l mill iii the $; for
Tillage puarpones 7 231111s in the 8, and
for hotfoot purposes (; mills in the 8,—
ed. ifol°ed by .1. .fielded, see'd
T. B. Carling. that the lteove and
Tlensurer be authorized to borrow
$204' for current exnellditure.- .1J irried,
The C'ouneil a djon3te(1 fur:, one week
on ifQti(1n of W. G. Bissett, sect' by T.
B. ennui's'. M. Eat.'itStr , Clerk.
Toronto's Great 10x;,osition,
man fa'tlltlxe nue *TEST TWO WEEKS.
In a few days the great Industrial
Exposition, which is to be held in Tor -
out? from 9th to ;),1st of September, will
be in full emotes a aiid visitors will be
flocking to it fi wn an pets of the conn
try. The entries show that the ,Nihon*
in all departments will be larger and,
better than :ever, aiid a long program
of special aattractlans for every day of
the Pair has been published. Sever.nl
nttw buildings lutve been erected dur-
ing the present year and many new
features introduced. Excursions are
being organize(] front many distant
point :in the United States, the Mari-
time Froviateeii find the Northwest, anti.
thorn will be two aipecial cheap, excur-
si0l,s from every point in Ontario. Tho
annual success of this great show is
somethingrren�arlcable; the people
appear o justly take a pride in it, and
Ariake it the occasion of their annual
holiday outing, and there's everyprob-
ability that this year's show will be
aw+ty ahead. of all others loth in extent
ailel'quality of the exhibits, its well its
the attendaaece of visitors. Over 700
horses and 600 head of cattle have
already been entered, and every foot of
spice itt all the buildings has been
applied. for, 'l.'llo great Dog Show will.
be a .-(e. of the interesting features of
rind.,' F :sr, and the Firework displays
will be grander than ever before.
swinging the board or seat upon which
he was sitting slipped and in the fall
the board eau; tat huff and gave pion a
severe rip.
Miss Annie Mcraaig returned from
Niagara where she has been for some
Niagara r szla.
A severe accident happened to Mir,
Sandy Purdam on Monday last, while
worling in the barn at Mr. James
Scott's, Ile was engaged on as beam
and by some means slipped and. fell to
the fioor,at. distance of thirty feet The
injuries her received will, no doubt, lay
hint up for some time.
The young people of Cromarty, 1n -
tend having a ,garden party at the re-
sidence of fair. George Wilson, Crorasar-
ty, on Friday, September 6th, A bola;;-
ball match will be played In the after-
noon, and a musical and literary enter-
tainment in the evening, Refresh- I
inents will be served on the grounds,
The eOltittlittee is sparing no pains to
snake it a colossal success. All are
invited to attend.
NO, 118
.E'ali Fairs,
EXETER, Sep. 23 and 24.
iiiit •1. t p
41e 1, Sop. 26 to 27.
Toronto, Sep .9 to 21.
London. Sep. 9 to 14,
Guelph, Sep. 25 and 26.
Hamilton, Sep. 23 to 27,
St, Marys, Sep. 24 and ..a.
Stratford, Oct. 3 and 4,
Staftat, Sep. 30 and Oct. 1.
Goderieh Sell, 17 to lli.
St, Thomas Sep. 24 to 27.
Clinton, Tues., Wed. *-, Thurs., Sept
24th, 25th and 2tltlt..
Apr, Asa W. Mair, of McGill college
i ;Montlrle, *I, is visiting his friends in this
`(elite .
1i*",.F, fleetly is ha Toronto tontine,
1111 Lafe Insurance In thst Queen City.
Mr. tV..,Jaackson is house from Mont -
111. Thos. Watson had, an auction
sale of furniture cnSatnr4alw-last, We
do not know whether he Weeds le;l4-
ing town or not,
Mr. John Johnston hes returned (rent
a trip to the Northwest. He speaks as"ai
very Voyles.' terms of the eourttrs•auii -,
thinks it the right place for any young
man to commence farming,
Rev. �tfr, Sellery, of Drossels, oeeuplied.
Rev. Mr. Down, of the Eliinville
_ ?nit, deli tered an clognent andtoueh-
n sermon at the Prospect appoint=
d stent, on Sunday last, Ile has gained
the praise of the neighborhood and we
can safely say that he is the best inin-
inter that has been eel the circuit for
some time, and instead of 'being the
jr. minister wv4. think. he should be the
Goaerioh Township,
Mr. Stringer, of Bervpe,'preaeliei in
St, James' Church last Sunb*y.
Agreat matyof our people have
had n rare trait in the way of bear
Mr. Diehl, of Stal,ley,pltathed in the
Methodist (Cole's) church on Stmtlay.
Mr. Geo. A, Cooper hard one of his
fingers badly cut last week at Mr. J. G.
Steep's threshing. He was feeding the
machine and the band cutter inflicted
the wound.
Afr, W. Rutledge of the Bayfield line
had a horse seriously injured by get-
ting its Blabs entangled in a barb wire
fence, Mr. Rutledge will have 100,
tons of hay off 50 acres of ;round, He
has sold 40 tons and will sell about 25
tolls more as soon as he can get at it,
Sonoor. REPORT.—The following is
the July and August report of S. S. No.
2, Hay, -based on conduct, punctuality,
.attendance and diligence of the pupils.
The names are in order of merit:
SEN, FOURTH,—Horner Russell, James
Campbell, lCampbell.
p be1, John
Jt x'. Founru,=Ellen Shirray, Charles
Chapman, Fred Eacrett.
Ti ntD,—David Shirray, Kate Chap-
Rachael Atkinson.
S3COND,-.Annie Northcott, William
Hawvkins, Alice Gould.
SEN. SECOND PART,—Mand Russell,.
Amelia Jackson, Jas. Shirray..
JLN. SECOND P:w1oT,—Ralph Chapman,
Frank Dilling, Joseph Northcott.
FIRST PART—Beckie Northcott,Ellen
Corbett, Edward Dining.
• W. N. JoixNsroN, Teacher.
Miss Robinson, of Grand Bend, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Thos. Handford
at present.
14Irs. P. Boyle and family, of London,
are visiting friends here.
Mr. C. Sanders, of the Exeter ADVO-
CATE, gave our town a flying visit on
Sunday last. K,
11/Ir. and Mrs. T. Handford and Ben
Short, who have been camping at
Grand Bend, returned home. Ben says
thereis no place like the Bend for
14I1•. C. W. Smith and Miss Rollins at-
tended the ice cream social on Satur-
day evening last.
Two of. our }Toting sports gave us a
sparring exhibition on Tuesday last ,
which lasted one hour and forty min-
Utes and then declared it a drawn.
Melvin youngest, son of 11Ii•. Richard
Handford, of this 1 glace, -while swing-
ing on Sunday last, stet with .ft vel
painful accident. It appears while
$tepheu Council,
The oilmen inet in township hall,
Crediton, on Monday 2nd last., all the
members present. Minutes of previus
meeting read and signed; G. Lawson
requested that N lot ,l, con. s3, be add-
ed to Sas and that S7t2 have NS 10148,
con. 9, Request granted..
Moved by Ii. Either, seconded by C.
Eilber, that Mr. hearth examine that
portion of Mud Creek drain as survey-
ed by Mr. Proudfoot and see tont it is
at once completed as per the aayard.—
C,'arried. ..
Resolved that Mr. Wilson's opinion
'he obtained with reference to certain ;: t
drainage nutters on .a 13, and ori r,.1
eelpt of answer to, cell a aplec1•il A:tial4-'
ing if necessary.
Resolved that G. Brown be collector
at $85 per year.
Resolved, that after passing the fol-
lowing orders the council adjourn. to
inset agasin 1st Monday in Oct.
the pulpit of the Rettenbury et
Methodist church on Sunday last. Al
Sellers was formerly* endue Londesboro
circuit some ears ago.
..Mexican Charlie" has been here
with Itis `patent medicine concert and
prize racket and has left the town
,ferrying about $60 of the ;;(]reel money
of our citizens with him. Among the
victims were some of :the shrewdest
and most -close-fisted beads, but they
bit this time,
Raw•. J. Monty, of Niagara. Falls, pre -
;Kited in the Oatatio street Method's
church on Sunday morning last, anti
Willis church in this eveiliug. 0
Monthly evening he addressed It large
and appraicidttw'o Itudienee in the Tom
Ball on the subject of "Equal Rights
It is reported on good, authority that
the Hon. A. M. Ross will shortly '•si n
Provincial Treasurership to accept
lie'managershipof a. Loan Company
iU the city of Toronto, to be .nes't'led
by the Ron. 0. W. Ross, and Mr. Gib-
son, of Hamilton, will be minister of
ednentlon. One thing fa 'certain that
?sIr. 3faw,tt will third: twice Before ,go-
ng to the polis with tx. W. Iios,g ea
minister of education.
C. Helium, repairing culvert, $1.2.5
L. Stanley, breaking stone, C.R. 50
T. 'iV hit,, raid' G. B. C., tenders, &e 14.00
G. Gnmbert, breaking stone C.R. 1.00
C. Wolper, culvert N.B. 1.50
Finkbeiner, stone dins gravel 33.50
P. Winer, breaking stone 8.00
W. Kilgallon, culvert 10 con. 4.00
J. Sharp, 8 culverts 16 con. 6,00
T. Rill„ allon, culvert 10 con. 2.00
C. Christie, culvert 2 eon. 2.50
is B. Union school matter 2.00
Miss Kitty Zwlker is at present visits
lug friends in Strathroy.
McGillivray Cowldd,
Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment in town hall on Fath Aug.1589.—
Present.—W. H. Taylor, peeve; W. L.
Corbett, and G. T. Johnston.Dep. Reeve
W. kohl* and I. Morgan, Councillors.
Minutes of last meeting rend approved
of and signed. Moved by- Cr. T. John-
ston, seed by E Morgan that the here-
after named individual' be paid the
several' amounts thus set forth tiz.--
%V. i1 attera on, gradin g,gr tvi ll]n ;.plaiik
and culvert London town line Meer.
portion $10; J. G. Quarry 5 sheep Af1u
2 lambs killed by dogs,$32; J. Harrison
ay ravel account, 84; W, Lewis, gravel
"rant 12th can., $20; G. Shipley jr.
ravel account $13,05; W. Amos. com.
verseeing gravelling Div. No 5. 86;
Emery,repairin,n bridge W. Williams
town line McGilliv1ay portion, 810.50,
Emery,repairing bridge W. Williams
own line McGillivray portion, $2; J. lonlpson,ov-elseeinp; work front gravel
oad I3idduloh town line MeG. portion,
Z. England gravel ace. stripping and
erseeing gravel pit, 815.25; E. Fair,
ss, cont. gravel grant, i til Con. W. C.
., 820; W. Lewis, repairing bridge 4th
on., $1S; H. Bowman gravel contract
o 12 a
and 13 div, 8<1.,.7a; J. Drum -
and overseeing gravelling Div. No.
8, 82.50; .H. Bowman, stripping and
eking road to 'lfasi:ets gravel pit
IeG. portion 82.50 J. McMurty, gravel.
rant Lintotts side road $12; F. Kelly,
ravel contracts Div. No. 11, 8164; J-
olt, overseeing ;ravelling Div. No. 9
J. Gardiner, gravel grant 22nd con
10.60; D., Poulter, repairing scraper
W. Sutton,repacirinti bridge Sutton's
de road 1st con. $6; B.Pile, overseeing
'aal-elling Div .No. 11,815.25; W. Ana
son, gravel grant 27th con. 821.50;;
Donaldson, gravel grant 4th con.
5; A. Smith, drawing deed and regis,
es for new side road 9th' con., $3;55,
A. Johns' P. L. S. surveying- side'
ad lots 10 and 11, 19th- and 20th
us. 814.50; E. Tait, Butting hills, and
1nb in washout, •Mead s • and Tait:s
roads, 846.75. Moved by W., L-
rbett seed' by W. `Ritchie, that this
until adjourn to meet •in' the 'toy 11
11 the first Mondavi- in Sep: at ten
locka. in.—Ca'rriecl-
WTis FRASER, Tp. Clit*k
Pain n from indigestion, Cl e5t10t1 d 's e Si•
, 3 Lj p a,aiiil
o hearty e,lting, is released at once
taking one of Carte •'s Little Liver
lis immediate) after dinner. el. Don t
1' e tb is.
.Prison Visitor:-' "Was it burglary
ought you 1101,?" hrlSlatl fN(1
:irnl, it was bvllglery; tuy' t.tl didn't
aow his business and th
„ , e fob was
Mrs. Peiney, of Chicago, 18 visiting g
8, 3
at her brother's, Mr. Lewis Stahl.
Mrs. Umback, of Hamburg, is at pre-
sent visiting at her father's, Mr..Dav-id
Dr. Staebler, of Berlin, brother of
Rev. C. Staebler, spent a few days here
last week.
Thomas, son of William Higgins,
died on Monday, Sept. 2nd. Ile has
been afflicted by a paralytic stroke for
over two years.
11 A. Mr. Fitch,
Veterinary Dentist,
of Eeter, will make regular trips to
Crediton every Saturday. . afternoon
until middle of October.
Zurich base -ball club and the home
team played a friendly game on Fri•
day last which resulted in a draw. At
the end of the 6th innings Zurich lead
by ten runs but the home team in the
7th made a spurt tied the score. Dark-
ness prevented nine being played.
A wager WAS made on Monday 'bet-
ween a drummer from London anclthe
captain of the base -ball team that the
captain could not bat any of the firing
mer's balls. The "exhibition" came off
and it proved a surprise party to the
captain, and was considerable amuse-
ment to the spectators.
Friday night or Saturday morning
last Some unmitigated rascals effected
an entrance into Mr: Andrew ''Sloatt'S
stables, Blyth, and mutilated two of his
horses by cutting off their tailsand
manes.' Not content with "this
they committed other depredations,
such has cutting to pieces a set of har-
ness, etc. Mr. Sloan offers a cash re
ward. of 8100 for information that will
lead to the apprehension and convict
ion of the parties who committed tied 'this
post despicable act of cruelty. Re-
ward promptly paid.