HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-8-29, Page 8SOROOL UPPt1EI StationeiIWrappings and Combs, Two frame dwellings adjoining the G. T, R, track opposite the • Seaforth station, belonging to Mfrs. McTaggart, of this. village, were destroyed by' fire on. Monday. • Loss fully covered by _ insurance ha the Gera District Fire Insurance Company. We 'e are in, receipt of >i number of circular pointed steel pens which we received, from the firm of Gower & Co, Montreal,. manufacturers of the above pens. They are made. of Superior material and would recommend there to the public as first class pens in every resneet, We are indebted td the Lucl;now Caledonian Society for complimentary tieket to their annual Caledonian games which, axe,to be held on Septem- ber 11th. The committee announce that the games will be conducted on a large and. more successful plan than, ever before - The .Amateur Athletic Association of Canada will conduct a series of ama- teur gauies and arports on the Reseda;le athletic grounds, 'Toronto, on 28th September, The gauzes are open to all amateurs. .ell information ems be secured from, from Mr. A, 0, Maedonell, Hou, a See., box 2584, Toronto, Ont. Sonne men try advertising as the Indian tried feathers, He took one feather, laid it on a boardand slept ou on it all night, In the morning he re- marked; "White nonan say feather heap soft, white man fool," Some business men invest a quarter of .fifty cents in advertising, .and then because they do not realize a great increase of business they then deelare advertising does not I� Cobs; RETAIL,e2" willl> in Aug- • ustS.—Our be 34AIN-STREET. .1c�c1 INTe s - nets. ;School opened on Monday last, St. Marys' Civic Holiday was Mozkday: Kest, For neat and tasty job work try the APvoc ATz. -#><.L,i3111laa„s,Pentist,tor *Ito best artftkclax t+*etla. M. H. Lovett shipped several cars +o] grain title weekk., Ilarnuzn's circus will exhibit in Lon- don, on 7th Sept. Parkhill will Civic Holiday on Tues day next, Srd pros. Tlzs watering cart 'was taken oil' duty on Tuesday. We understand that a zzew tailor shop will be opened iu town. Mr. Thos. Prior shipped 2 loads of eat tie to laiontrcaal on Monday last. Mr. Jas. Oke shipped a earloaad of cattle to Montreal on Wednesday.. M. T. Ballentynn shipped one ezar, of cattle to Montreal on Tuesday, The Seaforth Sun has redztced in size. A. beekward step Bro. Newlin. ,I�Blf3IBAt',Deuttst.CoMlll➢iasa[t+ afa a eetalty. Office over Q'1,ei1'a+ :Yank, Exeter. Mr. Thos.13allentyne shipped a car- load of export cattle w Montreal ou Wednesday. One day this week :fir. A. Taylor drew at one load over three tons of fiaec, to the Exeter mill. Mr. 3, H. Northcott while delivering bread en Tuesday morning, his horse came neer running away. Cheep Excursions to Manitoba on August 20th, September Brat and 24th, Call on W. J, CARLu cz. Several of our sports took in the races at Goderich and Clinton on Thurs. day and Friday last. On Saturday last, while playing base ball, sir. I. Carling jr., sprained his ankle very severely. The proprietor and boarders of the Central Hotel will picnic at Grand` Bend to -day, (Thursday.) A cricket match will be played here -on Tuesday rout, 3rd prox., between the Exeter and Forest clubs. Brussels got defeated in a ;ante of base -ball an Monday, at Seaforth, by the Galt"club, Score 16 to 10. Our merchants should not grumble about hard tunes now. Dust has been very plentiful for the past few days. A water works' agitation is existing in Parkhill, Surely Exeter is as wide awake and alive to improvement as Parkhill. Several of our base -ball sports took in the base -ball match at Seaforth on Monday last between Galt and Brussels clubs. Rain is badly needed in this section at present as the pastures are almost scorched. Some of the wells are almost dry and people are getting anxious. We are indebted to Mr. Harry Hems for copies of the Devon Evening E Express published at Exeter, Eng., containing an account of his trip from that city to Morocco. Some malicious person stole from Mr. John Vasey on Tuesday evening a first-class hive of bees valued at SS. The subscriber offers a reward for the recovery of the same. The shovel and pie': brigade started out on Saturday morning for the pur- pose of block -paving the gutter along both sides of Main street, with which they are makinyrapid headway. Mr. H. Spackman has just received two tamerats from Detroit, Mich. They are fine specimens. Mr. Spack- man will soon be the proprietor of a museum composed of some valuable animals and curiosities. We were shown a telegram from the -chairman of the School Board of Welland. asking Mr. G. H. Tom to take -the headmaster's work in Welland Model Sebool until Christmas, but see- ine he had accepted a similar position In Goderich he hard to refuse. On Friday last while Mrs. James and Mrs. William O'Brien were driving on 2nd and Brd con. of Hay their horse ran away, upsetting the vehicle and occupants and badly injuring them the former receiving a broken collar bone the latter a dislocated shoulder. What might have been a severe. accident happened to Mr. Malcolm Mc Innis,of this lei place, , 1V while Mlle engaged in threshing flaws, by seme means, let his arm Imes through the rollers which threw him a considerable. distance injuring his arm slightly We are sorry to learn of the illness' of Mr. Walter Carley. He was in cora pa,ny with Mr. Thos. Hartnell engaged in underbrushing on the. farm of Mes- srs. Wood Bros., on Lake Road, and. got poisoned by ivy. 'We.hope to soon head of his speedy recovery. • Sabbath $drool Elseele, The annual picnic of the Triviitt Memorial church Sabbath School took place on Friday last at Bell's grove,,. l'ppen. The weather was • all that could be desired and a very pleasant time was spent. A number of good prizes, were distributed to the different pupils and teachers. A11 returned at an early hour well pleased with the day's entertainment. Couneff i,'roceeeinge. The eouneil.znet at the Town Hall, Exeter, on Aug. 21st., with aril members present except'3ir, Carling. - The min- utes of previous meeting were read and sleeted. Moved by W. G. Bissett, seconded by T. H. YMcCallum, that orders be granted for the following sums, A. Walters, 87.50, board to M, Clark to 20th Aug.; Jas. Creech, 50 ets., charity to S. Ford'; do, $l, charity to John Piper; and ,Albert Bissett, $80, street watering—Carried. Moved by T, R. McCallum, seconded by W. G. ;Bissett, that the allowance to J;' Piper be reduced to $l. per week, -Carried, Moved by W, G. Bissett, seconded by T, H, McCallum, that this council ad- journ for one weeks—Carried, ail, Eacnnr, r, Clerk. Personnt . Mr. John. Brawn loft on Tuesday for Buffalo on a prospeeting tour. -Mrs. Wzn. Pickard, returned: home to Sea - forth. on Thursday, after spending a week visiting Mrs. Kemp G. A. Torr- encu of Berlin, PASS, Agt, Illinois Cent- ral R. R. was here. on Thursday on bust ness.Mrs, W. `; 'al'ez,of Mayville,"Mich, is visiting friends in Exeter at present, =4[r Parkinson, one of our leading merchants, who has been attending the carnival a and nzeretzants convention at Hamilton, returned on Saturday last,- ir. and Mrs, James Ferguson together with family, who took a tour trough different towns and cities of Canada and United States, returned on Thurs. last, Mr. F. reports of having a good tune~"Miss Moekridge, of Barrie, who presided at the organ in Trivitt Mem, church Exeter, Sunday laast,is the guest of Miss Mortiock at present. --.bliss A. Oke Left an Thursday last on a visit to friends and .reiatives at Brockville.— Mr. Ferguson, leaves on Saturday next for the Kingston exhibition and pur poises taking in the different exhibitions Throughout Ontario during the season. Mr, F. will be pleaaled.to eater the want of all persons attending exhibitions were he may be present: --Mrs Joseph Myers, of Fingal', is the guest of Mrs, Samuel Sanders at present.--3dr. & Mrs I Bowerman,left this station on;Menday morning for Kingston where they pur- pose staying for a few weeks, --Miss Mabel Walters, daughter of our esteem ed knight of the last, Mr. A. Walters, who has been visiting friends in Wing. ham, returned on Friday lash,—Mise Polly Bawden, who has been, v (siting at Goderich for a few day returned on Saturday last. --Mrs. Bort Griggsof this place, left on Friday morning or""Que ber.--Mr. Robe, Verity, of the Bern of Verity ,t& Sons, left on Friday morning, for North-west.—Mr. Christi{{it Hag-; Hander of the Maisons Bank,ater spend ing two weeks in Montreal AtliQntbee? returned on Saturday last. --h . H. Ell- iott, retail clerk on G. T. Reis ,tpending a few days in town.—Miss NOvton, of St. M trys, is visiting friends it town, --- Mr. Geo. Bissett and wife edged friends in St. Marys on Sunday and Mnday.— Miss Amey Neaman, of London, is the guest of Mrs, James Pick0d.—Mr, Arthur Pickard, of Petrochsto Eng- land, who has been visiting aVMr. Jas. Pickard's for the past week h now vis- iting friends in London.—MiS' Ella 'V. Master and Miss Adolphus Earns, who hare been spending their haidays in London,returned ou Saturda evening. —Mr. F. Holbein. and son, of leashwood took a business trip to Lond4z on Wed- nesday.—Miss ed- nesday. Miss Clark, of BuMCity, Cal., left here on Tuesday for Clifton.—Miss Bella Acheson and Miss Juia Gibson returned from visiting frien s in Brock ville on Saturday.—Mr. R. . Collins spent Tuesday in the con town.— Miss M. Baker is at preset visiting friends in Crediton.—Mr. C. wicker, c f Crediton, was in town yes rday .—Mr. Bagshot, of the City Mutua Insurance Company, of London, Ont., as in town during the week.—The sses Edith and Ida Gould,who have I e been vis iting friends in Hamilt , returned home on Monday last. iss Tottie Crocker, who has been isiting her mother, returned to St. ys on Tues- day last. The wonder of to -da is London Electric Soap. CaSome of our citizens halve received anonmaus comnzzauication threateuing thein with dire calamity and even murder in some cases. We were shown or.e as few days ago which was issued "Folly," which threatened. the? life of the receiver, but gave no reason therefor, A good clue has now been obtained of whom the writer is, and in future such party will he watched, Nothing is more redlcilions, mean, low or, more disgraceful than to be guilty of a!ending anoumous or threatening 'I communications. All of our townspeople who were crimping at Grand Bend on the Wee shore,' have, returned home. Those of them whose health was inrpairedbefore'' going there have experienced groat benefit while those who went wearied and exhausted leave returned rested and, refreshed. The beautiful lake, the sandy beach, the pine and oek groves which fringe it, farm a delight fu1 change of scenery for time arcus- tonled to the monotony of our level clay lands. The Bend Is now becoming such. a favorite summer resort, that those who spend a few weeks there, have plenty of good company with nil the advantages of a rustic 'retreat in n. pure atmosphere, and all the necessary requirements of life within easy reach. The services In the Trivitt Memorial church as advertised far Sunday and Monday next wibi be of especial interest. The beauty of the grand building will have as additions, tasteful harvest decorations, a wood screen, wreaths, festoons, and texts. Special hymns, psalms and lessons, added to the in- comparable litingy of the Church of England should snake a service to call forth the spirit of thanks In the mind of the most careless. The Rey. W. T. Hill, of St. John the Evangelist's church, London, who is also a graduate of the University. of Durham, England, is to be the teacher for Sunday. Owing to the unavoidable absence of the Rev. John Ridley, of Galt, the Rev. W. Magahy, of Seaforth, has been asked to preach on Monday evening. Offer- tories at all services in aid of church funds. Three services with Holy Com- munion on Sunday, and evensong on Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Miss Mockridge, of Barrie, an accomplished aid talented musician, will be the organist at all services. St. Leon Water. The Great Health Restorer. If you feel out of sorts, drink St. Leon Water. ELIXIR "%ITE for Dyspepsia and Piles; positive cure. George Sanders. Conservatives Take Rotiee. A meeting of the Exeter Liberal- Conservatives will be held in the Band Room of the Town Hall, this (Thursday) evening at 8 o'clock p. m. Very im- portant business to transact and every member who has a list will kindly attend. Good Cutting. Master Fred Stewart, son of Mr. Wm. Stewart, of Farquhar, cut, one day last week, on the farm lately occupied by Mr. Wm. Gardiner, 28 acres of oats in the short space of twelve hours. The work was done with a Brantford machine purchased from Mr. E. Christie of this place. We would like to hear who can beat this. How to Help 'Your Town. Order your dry -goods from London ; buy of peddlers as often and as much as possible; go to some other place . to get your printing done; contribute what information you have to any but your own paper; glory in the downfall of some man who has done much to build up the place; if A stranger comes to town tell him. ' everything is ' over- done and predict a general crash of the town in the near future; .keep, every cent you get and don't do any- thing 'of `public nature unless you can get something out of it directly; Pat- ronize outside papers to the exclusion of your own, and then denounce them for not being as large as the city pap- ers; If you are a merchant don't adver, tise in the home` paper but buy a rub• ber stamp and use that—it inay save a few dimes and make the paper look as if it was published by amateurs in a One-horse town. This ;powder never vd purity, strength and who economical than the or cannot be. sold in eo multitude of low test, sh phosphate poavderk. So RUYILBA.ar a4 POWDER 0 s. A marvel of omeness, More nary kinds, and titian with the t weight alum or only in cane' 106 1'7a11 st. N.'r great slimmer Sale 1 • RICHA.RD • PICKARD'S. Everything must go. it We want the Money and you the goods. Dress Goods, Millinery, Cottons, Moues, Hosiery, Parasols, Embroideries, Prints, Laces, Muslins, Shoes, etc_, etc., etc., at your own prices during this s.le. Everybody should come and secure a bargain. We have the best values in TEAS intown and anyone -wanting a first class article should not fail to give us a call. Try our 20 cent line; it will suityou Richard Pickard. HENRY WELLS, Biewer ai flialsler -ODERIC , ONTAIll:O, liAMTFACTUREIR OF HIS' OWN $(B altil PORTER. XIX Porter a Specially. A GREAT CHOICE OF IAC Ore8Irt & 108 0001 Dri*s —dT I%ridman's. We are p epared to supply the Public through- out the season with Ice Cream, Ginger Ale, Sarsaparilla, Plain Soda, Lemon Soda, Lemonade, Milk -shake , FLAVORED Wi'r'es Lemon, Strawberry, Van ilia, Pine Apple or Raspberry. G. A. HYNDMANI Now BOOT &SHOE STOKE W.II. Trott wishes to announce that he has opened out business in the stand recently occupied by the ADVOCATE, and is pre- pared to manufacture first- class BOOTS & SIOEs for all customers. A CALL SOLICITED. Our motto is good work and square dealings. W. H. TROTT. CONSUMPTION CUBED. An old pphysician,retiredfrom practicehay. ing had placed' in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the..peedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and: all throat and Lung Affections. Also a oditive andra radicalorvous Debility die for 1?R .t anctalLNervons(:odi laints8fterhavin test edits wonderful cura'ive'powers in thou ands of eases, ]las felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows.,'; Actuated by this motive and a de,ire'to relieve human suffer- ing;I will send free of charge to allawho desire it, this receipe, in Garman, French or English with frill directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with s t uni_p nam- ing this paper. - W. A. NOYEs, 148 Power's Block, Rochester, N. Y 1- i0 0 TAB DEAF.—A person cured oaf of D, T . nests and noises in the head of 23 years', standing, byre simple remedy,; will send ,a description of it FREE to any person who app' plies to Nicxocsoa, 30 St. John St. 'Montreal 11 -2S2418, -1v IIFOBTIJNEFfflij!LL O It is said that every person has za, chance onee in their lifetime to make a fortune, and if they allow that time to pass zna.y never have the opportunity again. TEAT TIME HAS COME Yon can depend. 'upon it that everybody purchasing their goads at Parkinson's saves money, by doing so will soon make their fortune. His prices are always down. is Yon arra not asked high prices to make up losses, for debts contreeted by bad. customers; don't you see there is thousands in it. Parkinson's Stock is new and consists of Dry -Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glass- ware, Tweeds, Boots and Shoes, in fact everything usually kept in a first -eines General Store. See his Beek. and Colored Cashmeres from 25 cts, up. You can get the cheapest all wool suit �in�Exeter �made toorder x.�7`�.✓+i�, i Z5MB=IVettom - AIake no mistake, Consult your own interests and examine his stock before making your purchases elsewhere and you will soon save enough for a fortune. Yon can do better at the, Cheap Cash Store than any other place in Exeter. Highest market price allowed for farm produce at PARKINSON'S, First door north of the Town Hall, Exeter. Paximira..sa,,,, • The Sole season. Critical Competitors and cautious Customers are ask- ing the reason for the success Car- ling Bros. are having in selling those neat 66 MAPLE ZE.P" broad 53.75 and 54.00 shoes EVERYBODY LIKES THEM. Everybody who tries them, praises them. WHY? For the sole answer LOOK, AT T E SOLE. Look at the shape of it, the thickness, the quality of the work and the grade of leather. Anyone who knows what leather is, or what the make of a shoe should be, will readily� see , after examining the "MAPLE LEAF" shoes, That 11!J are tile ve BEST Sbes ever offered for the money: They are selling, they are bound to sell. judgment J People of jwill have`t e P :, h best. WE SOLICIT A CALL.