HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-8-29, Page 6YOUNG F01 -14.S.
Some More Don'ts
Don't aypeer indifferent when others are
talking. Liston politely to every one, and
don't interrupt.
Don't contradict any one --nothing could
ruder. If roe do not agree with the
poker, expreas. Tour opinion, of courses
at do it with courticey.
Don't Attempt to be ivitty or smert"
he expense of another. Bemember alwa)s
het conehleratioa for others le the fire;
haracterietio a a lady or gentlemaa.
Don't trite or clean your anger nal* in
'public. Keep them in gond condition by
all meane, bat ou toilet (haw) ohould be per-
ermed in privAte.
Don't play withyonr napkin, or your
for, cie with waything at the table ; when
not eating at with your hands quietly in
your lap.
Catalina Rish With a Bottle.
iEicriv the meal ket of Great GrItalee and e„
eighty. WM, temelend wins Each Oileer. '"'"s Ea; mar: milt: :ileauesiketitv,:bWoubt.en.. There
0 *level p ie ttraet•
ington. A correepondent at the American riding In a rotating oar robe his !deletion of
i• cepg.ptith; etwte:nitetisonasoi :ko:sh:o_riAti:boatugli:aehttle!, it:t:roderie:fann:uto :eakettiniaasetvednieveolvtilerhe: biota:
annual inepeetion and review off Spit need * biting ae.cluairetaneee who have expreoeed
for the British navy the great thew, a the oar ewolono ot hini heretofore withooti
year, there is more Interest in themarceuieea reserve4 An eccentric who jute no
which fellow it. These continue through t hearing Under ordinary oirounuitanoe, found
several weeks, and give abundant macho in
attack ncl defenee, pursuit, ooeeeutration,
bumbareiment,eq,uedroo evolutions, torpedo-
boat practice and, indeed most ef the opera -
this out the other day at the expense of hie
lawyer, and the latter now imenrne the lose
of the meat profitable elient, while the deaf
man thinks he has learned a thing or two.
tions of naval war. East year the nanioareree The hwrier Wha sitting in a car Waking to
began at two points, os on the northern and a friend when his wealthy client entered, and
the other on the southern coast of Irebend, at drelTed intO the Vacant mat besidettile ieeee
eaela ot which a British maadren was found adirlOor* "This old curmudgeon will eene
:xnitelmeyttace4IttieedahAyouthae enuTahaeroxiitteenzaiomnatgoinf erg matoolnestes'autohish.:Idpbairkiniodlc saanidd tthueeyBigoethie.
°etching fielai Rarely a very novel use
for a 'bottle, boy the feat is easily accomp-
lished end afford* a great deal of arnmeraeot
and excitement.
Anne -fiber ot empty aleampagee or beer
hettlee being obtained, each one is to he
filled with and ad oboe unull it will stand
upelght when fleeted in weter. Beth bottle
Is then tightly corked and a Stroeg tapering
aela or 'hickory ;stick. 1$ inches long, *pees -
'ed hrough each corle, this stick hieing a
bright -colored bargee (a three corner-
ed flee) at Oa tip. Next a piece of Wire ie
twisted around rho neck of the bottle,
thet emoot eltri off, 'sod in this Wire 4
large leep a metle to whieh the fielellee la
feavmed, The leugtit et the Hue nmee
depeud entirely uponthe depth of tee water
to be fieOvii; 10 teethtuswehe long enough.
The hooltefor general use, ahould be of
enedinm elee—eay No, 5, Moderately
heavy elehere are attacheti to the Hee,
A swivel will make the eutat -complete,
Although not ebreelutely uemeeary. If the
hottlee teemseivee MAR =things a digen
rimy by prepared at A Cost of 25 cents.
The lawolee, thua hating been medeready,
may be teed in a number of we, They
naey to set in row on the huh of A stream,
or on A pier, ohm to the edge; the hooks
heviteg bee properly baited, are to be drop-
ped into the water. It will not be long
beano one of the bottles will begio to waver
and zee:lively take a mighty leap overheard,
+++win:melee, off and hobbies 47:01u3d it) a very
pectillar umuner. The eacitenterit which A
row of these fieltiog-bettlee will arouseoaud
the gumeiog ise to which bottle will go lire;
hi very aMosing, and net to be detpised as
Owe et' more of the bottles lieviag pepped
off sua been raken in tow by a 11.13, mnee
now be rea eve d ; We can he done by watane
of 4 ?cog stick having three heeks, without
bathe, lae.hed to it, heck to heck ; some one
ol the heoke will ;woe catch lute the bop of
wire around the Peek a the bottle and you
can draw he both bottle and
Where there is e lake or pond at baud wed
a loom avelleble, the bottles rosy be taken
out front shore and set afloat around the
heat. If the fish are at all lively and there
are many bottles to teed, there will be emne
very excideg sport ha chesiug the bottles,
for they will start iu all direction" at every
Where there ia a number In the party
i'ildee " nosy by chosen—two seta of bettlee
being furnbhed, an even number to oath,
and eagle set having a 'leg differing in color.
The side cetclailig the most We wine what -
fiver prize is to be mewled.
Nor sea tithing au additiouel !arrangement
le needed, because the waves cause the bole
tbee to bob up and down so that ibis hard to
*now when a "Isle bites. The flag is brought
into um 1111 a signal. The upright rod is
furnished at ite tip wIth a smell screw•eyes
eknd a stripof tin three Inches long I" hatened
by its lower end to the lower end of the rod
pwallel with it, so as to make a spring -clip.
The flag is fastened to the end of the line,
and is set by being caught in the clip made
by the strip of tin. In this position the flag
is "lowered," as it were, being at the foot of
the rod; but when the fish bites he pulla It
away from the clip and raises It to the top of
the rod, whore it stops, being too large to sm
throngh the eye. Vett the gag alley fly
tobaigbt, and not be drawn into the eye and
.crumpled, his best to sew it to a atreight
bit of wire. haying A loop at the top to whith
the line Is tied.
Another improvement is to paint the in-
side of the bottle *white, by pouring in white
paint and elsaking 11 around and then pour-
ing it out and iettirg the bottle dry. Then
prepare the bottle as deeoribed, and alionld a
large fiah tarn the bottle upside-down, as he
very likely will. it can be readily seen and
followed.—f Wide Awake.
A Talk Ahont Tigers.
operatlora ran else whom, the attaeletng1 scowled at Meneybage,ownheethozu agent
equedrene withdrew from the front of their cor moofrkteblo wooitthwmine.dobwtio worth
mint to
conPPothoees°0tousthares2venciricleecoataadtinoulgneeteTteel yell In his ear. I'm tired of it. He deaf
thence sooth!mol
ward for e distance in the as a et,"
Irish see beim they ...ewe meet, to muff" foe Then the deaf man turned around, "You,
their audacity.
can send no your hill iet the teeming," said This year, like hat, there will be AU at -
ho," and I'm done with Teta
tack frora Achill, and the two principal of31,-„relwYet And companion looked At emu
certt who then took charge of the enemy's oteer ameeednt ereallbsh
Tho set abouttofinetcl,
forces will ohmage places with the two Ad. how Is client
:113ateelllawvrils nerciattueocttleodnetbbley taster ale.oreTtlibeati” "1"91citlYN. due to the Count -emotion of the
noisy motion teethe drum of the ear," mid, the
perede in the Solent as to the real condi.
rieel degree ef tzatemayrr awl shartamatagis ct,hrlishte teruinWhboiemehf et:phi:at ferwireelmolaititoune.
a the Britele navy. For example, the
structural weakness of not a few of the traek caegee the drum to overate, and the
4.4-"urte 1:044nifixtltblbybtheae744Wweabetileomer uWoajblamgadati Linel000'ptIndth414nAekotcharila.thtlieiehry4:Tneulltueleutar:lanilithira7.1e138wineyie4r
tne +fort might to apperent in A fair.weether
review. apeek in a laW VOW/ to A deaf perredt
The eeMpOeitiero of the oppeeing 'beta moving cr ervehleht,
ehewe that the Britielt navy Oen ayave from
iin%rtzteg4+31ryarfeperoyerce4intphoOleraen of Ler; phorwoarn,
while retaining for !belt quite eueugh
strength to &feed the blexela. An recently
Arranged, the Achill tomes were to lecarde
the ormorolede Llemperdow+3,
Amp, Rowe, Detwitation, Menu*, Iron
Duke, and the flagship biorthumberbed, the
firm doe bang of from 9,390 to MOO teet4
and carrying very heavy armor mid punt et
from 35 to 80 tom. The enemy'a =armor -
eel eruleere were to belled° the feat vessels
Little folke are always anxious to learn
'something aboutnaturaibistory and animate,
so they are given here a little sketch of the
fiercest of known animals, The tiger is the
admiration and dread of young people. We
are all familiar with the appearance of its
tawny, striped akin, ita fiermelooking bead
and month and its long, muscular body. It
is one of the most active and agile of beasts,
and has enormous strength. Ibleaps twenty
feet at it bound and can carry off a big ox to
-its lair.
When the tiger is hungry there is no dem-
?ger that it will not brave to get food. One
has been known to carry off a soldier from
' the middle of a camp, nothing daunted by
the preeence of a crowd of men. Many
: years ago tigers were a perfect scourge to
the people of some parts of India, and they
are yet where the settlements are scattered.
They carry off both people and cattle and
• naturally the inhabitants devise all eras of
ways to rid themselyee of such it dangerous
' foe. One of the queereet devices is to
spread broad leaves emeared with gine in
the tiger's way and when he steps on them of
- course they stick to his paws. Hethen nibs
%is paws on his head to get the leaves off
and they stick to hie head and blind his
esyee. He then lies down and rolls on the
• ground howling with rage and when the
hunter hears the noise he comes upl'and kills
the beast.
Like the lion, the tiger can be tamed nnti
'it is almost as harmless as a oat, for, you
Ienow it is only its big cousin. A story is told
• of a tiger that came on a sblip from India,
,randit was so geutle that the boys who were
einployed on the veasel used to sleep with
their heads reefing on its body for a pillow.
The Roman Emperors used to have tame
tigers that went about their palaces with as
much freedom BA we allow to the most ordin-
ary pets. They also used them to draw their
chariots, just as they did the lions we have
told you about. Emperor Nero, the Wane,
one tyrant, who is said to have "fiddled
while Rome was burning," had it pet tigress
'Which he kept always near him. Some-
times, at the end of a feaat, he would point
OCeitit tertsyhtlahdil
The twitnaerew steamer le emooleted with
oue might Altawit the outgrowth of the
triple expetudeu enginee, wick* are as re-
volutionary as the leteat of the trooadads or
the institution et Beeeemer etael, The old
elelos of all the Ikea ewe, fm, behind, ewe
while they may serve thelporpoee of ferry
bomb for many years and yleld comfort to
old.fathioned people, they will not be euo,
ceeded by amy thing like themeelvet, One
Magbleene, Metoote Atotioteoe ot the mervele of the age vs the raiothinery
Calypso, Curlew* nod one °t* two of the ateareete that are fernoue for their
ethers, making from 16 to 20 kooto, besidot speed on the Atlantic. If A loginnotiVe is
the fast guleheehl thwehePPet etta 114ttle. Attached te, " +=Prete" bale and
eau at it rate -of *peed approaching a Mile A
relehte for two or dive:1114MM, *he le with-
argave,another stehetituted, and eve* put
of the ratted ammo° ia closely =endued,
while it la cerefulty provided that the returu
trip la envie with it slow train. Contreet
with thia wbat hi expected at the reachineri
on heard the City of Parts, the Augusta
Vietovie, the Columbia., or the Teutonic
or the Etrerie or Umbrie. Davh3g the bet!
eat voyege sere= the Athena°, that of tbe
City of Paris in May last, her engines were
driven unceasingly during five day ++ and
twenty three hoar* at the Average speed at
eighty•eight revolution' of the *crews per
minute, When Ceptatie Watkins left
Qammitown on the 25th ef last month, and
*tatted on a (lounge fiftrefinta miles abater
then hie famous run—aborter homes, be
ran nerthward where the world some
%miller and come down over the ehoulder of
tho greet globe we inherit,"44king any
poselble chance there might be at fogs mike
crowing the batiks of Newfoundland rib this
imaion—the engines were put At full speed,
and for something over four days they were
driven at the average rate of ninety revel's -
time of the in:owner minute. There was
it verletion from eight-y.31x to nineby-two
revolutions, When the 'unease were open.
ed to be Gleaned the intensity of the steam
would be diminished for it few minute' and
the speed of the "crave redueed to eighty-
six tam" bt the minute. It will be noted
that the average speed was three revolutiens
in two monde, and the screws are twenty
feet In diameter. Ib is aatoniehing that this
velocity oan be ma.intained day and night
without a second's welting, and avoid devel-
oping °zombie° and °rippling heat. no
hot that thirty mon are employed to pour
all upon the bearings and all prate where
the friction 11 severe, will perhaps aceount
in lamb for the phenomena, but certainly
only the greatest perfection of material,
and the most delicate Adaptation of one part
to the other, could provide for suoh a strain
without disaster. I doubt whether so start-
ling it test of integrity and absolute exaoth
tude in 'manufacture t.an he found in any
other machinery. Daring the late run of
the City of Paris the wind was so silzong
from the north one afternoon as to give the
ahip a decided list, elevating the larboard
screw so that at eaoh turn theblades threw
showers of spray with a dazzling rush, far
behind the vessel. There are four blades in
the screw, revolving three times in two
eeconde—so there were six white eurgea per
second dashed to the winds, and a fine re-
minder ot the snowy rapids of Niagara.
To ;Peet this array the British. (quadri:1n
Idlest; nether at armerelada the fiagallip
Hercules, the Redacts, the Warepite, the
Ceugherer, the Neptune, the Shannon the
laviocible: the Collingweed, the Ruper't, the
Ajes and the Black idiluee. It will oleo
bavelfour belted cruisers, the Unciatinted,
Narchstics, Aurora, and GAliktea, two of the
asme clam being magma ttt the enemy. It
will ;ewe the unattended meteor; Modeo.
Melpomeue, MerAthon, Mercury, Forth, aud
Thames, ol from 17 te 20 knot" apeed, and
the guuboete Serpent, Atchewk, Sendfiy,
Spider, and Sherpshooter, of which the last
a:modem +021 knots uuder forced draught.
Ip addltionto these main equadron" there
are fetter than five ;smeller bodice,, cleated
as dtvbiong for nee in the English Channel,
and the Irhh and North Sem, marl on the
Soetch comb, In the aggregate they in-
clude two armoralaa ihips-0141m-line, coven
arraored coitetedefence venal", seven neat --
moved +mutton, eleven gulleboatg, and near.
ler forty torpedo beets,
Even this array does not teke in all the
vend* which -were present! at the review of
Mouday, and possibly in the fired programme
some Additional or different aatignmentemey
be made, some of those eb first detailed far
eervice 'under Achilibeing transferred to the
colors of John Bull, or the nevem, But la
any °sae lb is the Britisie navy that out of Ito
abundant resources furnishboth the hostile
and the borne 'squadron. If Imperfections
are found on either side as the result of the
encounters, they can be remedied without
waiting for a real war to unite remedy too
late. Tlaero Us compensations and, console -
done in Advance for various kinds of Im-
plement developments. Should the ettaok
prevail aver the defence it will be reflected
that after ell English ;kilt conducted it.
Indeed, while the pessimist is already
counting on the fact that British sailors will
surely be beaten, the aptimint la finding
equal Inspiration in the fact also aesured
ut advance that British sailors will be
The Kaiser in England.
Exie the Shah, enter the Emperor. The
lion of Persia has left the shores of England
and betaken himself to France, whither the
German emperor, at present on a visit to lii
august grandmother, our most gracious and
revered Queen, for obvious reasons is not
likely to follow hhn. The Emperor William
is accompanied by Count Herberb Bin-
maroir, whose injudicious utterances at
the time of Wilhelm's accession to the
throne of Frederic, his father, fanned
the feeling of irratibility that then pre -
veiled in England. At the preeentmoment,
however, the hatchet appears to have been
buried and things seem lovely. The Count's
alroy master has taken part in a femily
dinner at Oaborne and has been treated to
the grandest of all the spectacles Eng-
land can offer— a naval review, in which
150 vessels of war took pare, including 30
of the moat formidable line of battle ships
the civilized world can produce. The
Emperor was made an honorary admiral of
the fleet and in the full. fig of that exalted
position surveyed the magnifieenb scene with
complatiency, if not with satisfaction at the
thought that some day all this massive array
of etrength might be arrayed against hhi be
loved ne.terland. But nothing untoward,
beyond some unpleasant weather, ocourred
to in the glories of the occasion and
in the near future the Prince of 'Wales
will return the Emperor's visit and make a
brief sojourn at the court of Berlin, while
her Majesty the Queen has been appointed
chief of the first Dragoon guards of Germcmy.
zooriz AND EVENT&
Sir Edward Watkin proposes, if ever he
geba isle c*Jes keel tunnel out through —ad
thettsa big. Mg if—to rail battle dieeob from
Lenden to Gibraltar, transfer cars by beet.
to 'rimier, and thence sloug the north coast
of Africa, through Egypt, clown the Persian
Golf to Karrachee, and se on to Laloatta
'Kitimat change of care.
The Standard QIICompanyti noyeeteaniere
for carrying oil in hulk, will be ready for
servioe in September. The fdat weed,
named the Deeronne, weslattneleed on the
qbele en uly 2,. atoi has a cepaoity of 4,000
tons. She willha.yeeleotricaliglatiesteamsteer,
ing gear, and triple expenelee eegiees, and
will oarry 1,500,00Q ,galloos, wieleh can be
diecherged ha ten hereto.
Canada has 124,589 Indians, of who
eLeaa are in BrItielt Cohembia, 20,388 in
gaoirOba and the Herthweetere Territory,
17,700 Itt Outario, 12,400 In Qeebeo. 8,000
in Athabaska, 7.000 la Alachtieele dIstriek,
010 KeeWrn Enporre Lend, 4,000 on the
Aro* emus% 2,145 in blew Socitland, 2,038
in the Peace River diatrict. 1,594 In New
leranewiek. 1,lleOln theft:stet-for of Labrador,
and 319 in Prittee Edward bland,
Joseph. Ae Donohoe, of Menlo Park, Vele,
has offered a medal to be given to tbe and
diecoverer on that eoest of every new comet,
and to the first observer who makes A precise
observation of it teleseopic periodlo comet at
any of its expected rotaries+. It le it ourione
coincidence that the eanift week which saw
this recognitioa of teetrenetaleal research
witnessed an offer by 4. Mervyn Donahue,
another Californian, of a puree of $7,000 for
A prize fight between Kilrain and the Ares.
trallen negro, Peter daolason, previded the
eendeat eleteld take plane in Sae Framable%
The new^ law in Connectieet requirieg the
removelef geleen acreeue bee brought about
the following abettor+. "The new eoreen
haw bee produced rather an lotereating and
A somewhat coMplieated eituation b New
Eritelm Mr. Deen'e ealeon le set off from
the restaurant by a pertition So erreteged
that an Sunday and After midnight on week-
days the bar Om be entirely Closed up and
leepereted from the reetattrant. The latter
can tben, by lew, be kept open all the time.
If the partiabn hetweeo restaurant wed bar
b remeved, art as to give * clear view ef the
letter from the etreete the saloon and. the
reetaurant beeome one and the latter ;amid
be eloeed At midnightt ea on Sundays, The
I aituatIon has given ries to it number of
linterviewe between the County Commleeion,
em and. Mr. Dena's, combo; With' A View to
obviating the difloalty.
Assault by an Indian.
MONTREAL, Aug. 29.—An Indian from
Canghnawaga named Jeeeph Sharonhati
was sent for trial to the Court of Queen's
Benoh for a fiendish assault on a girl
eleven years of age, daughter of Constable
Lefort of that village, In the preliminary
investigation the young victim and her two
oompanione, the Mimeo Lstoh, of Ottawa,
who are on it visit at Lachine and Cauglina-
wage, said under oath that the accused
had lured them away from the vit.
lage out of earsabot and view of any
habitacion, and then dragged little Ida
Lefort into it bush. Her compenions
dared not follow at first, but the ohild'e
cries finally induced them to enter the brush,
whence the amused fled precipitately upon
their approaoh. Oa hearing of the occur-
rence Constable Lefort armed himself with
two revolvers, determined, he says, to
Runish the brute. He did not, however,
hnd him at home. In the evening he met
him on the street and took him into the
presence of the girls, all of whem identified
him as the man in question. Lefort raised
his revolver to the prisoner's face, but be-
fore he could fire his wife prevented him
She Was a " Native Daughter.' from killing Sharonhati, The viotim is in
a serious if not dangerous condition.
"So you're going to marry old Jones, are
you, Maud?"
"Yes, Cicely."
The Folly 'of it.
" Awfully rich, hn't he ?"
"Yea, beastly rich."
"But I thought you were going to marry
young Spriggins. Weren't you engaged?"
"Oh, yes, indeed I But he has just guns
abroad for it couple of years. I expect to
marry him when he returns."
"Oa! And Mr. Jones?"
" Humph ! He won't teat that long.
Nothing like having a nice young husband
and plenty Of money, too !"—{Wasp.
An Engliah financial paper relates that in
out to the tigress some one with whom he 11888 391,000 Persons in °Anode, sent money
was diarpleased, and the beast, trained to do by pedal order to relatives in,the United Union bay and Baffin
his b.iddingi would leap upon the tutiottunate Kinfidwn anicmoting to 85,2501000. Them in which American fish
xictim, ana_kill him before the guests' very figures are said to,have been made public by have no right to ply ti
the Pest -master General of England, Herald.
It is altogether beyond belief that it will
be possible for ns to sustain the pretension
of Secetary Blaine that tBehring sea le dis-
tinctly American water; Our maintenance
of mush a theory on the 'Pacific, side of the
continent, hi view of thehdaims we make on
the Atlantic side, cannot fail .to make tie it
laughing stock of all toreign diplomatists;
for, if the United Staf,, s aan claim that
Seining sea, which, dividing America from
Asia, in at certain places inore than it thou-
sand miles in width, is 411, °lined sea, then
there is nothing to prey nt England from
claiming that the Gletif of St. Eawrenoe,
ay are oimed seas
en and whalers
Ir trade. --(Boston
The Old# Oltit.8t017.,
If eve you forgotten the aid. old +dory
Ten whispeted to me on that golden day,
When the 4MA WAS flooding the earth with
Awl hedge* were fragrant and. white with
Onr path led over the 00watt-el:endow,
Where birds gang wally from every tree.
And the way was flecked with +tumble++ aud
ahadow ;
lin ouly the eueehine fell on me.
With the lads and lessee to govern:4)40g,
Viet morn we had tele ter a epece life
And we heard the +mud of their footatope
Where the bewthorn wombed, ebtuedant
Their hearts grew &ladle the golden wrath.
er ;
They gathered the flowers beneetlethelx
feet ;
Ent we two loitered behind together,
iter the old, old story seemed new and
'ie allay thee agein ; and youth and ;redden
Halton away to the catustry read,
To out down the bough* that are blossom
Or help to carry the !vagrant load.
The eunahlue is litioding the earth with
The bird's are singing on every tree;
But you Moe forgotten that old, obi story,
And only the shadows fall on me.
(E. Mootrascest in (lambent, Journal.
Most Terrible of Children,
A vble to the little island of Marken, ht.
habited by primitive fialtbg folk, still wear-
ing the costume In fashion with their fore-
fathers three hundred years ago, was made
memorable by the vexations conduct of the
boys of the place. "I did 11013 mind the girls.
But by and by school broke up, and down
to quay -side rau all the naughty boys
ot Marken. We suffered a terrible persecu-
tion at theirhande, so that the tender-heart-
ed girls pitied us and rebuked, but to no
effect, theirunruly brothers. The Holland-
ers spoil their children, never punish them
and allow them—provided they &ill play
the truant from whoa, for education is a
mama business in this country—to do
pre* well as they like. Should a stranger
—my authority is one of our consuls over
here—take it upon himself to eprank one
of these little rascals, forthrowing stems at
him or otherwise misbehaving himself, the
whole of the parentstiof the locality would
rise in a body and seek that stranger's blood.
A Corsican vendettawould be child's play to
what he might expecte If you value your
life, pub up with insult, robbery, blows, tor-
ture at the hands of it Hollander infant, but
do not venture to chastise him. Of all
the children in Europe the Dutch child le
most to be feared. Now the &eider Zee
child is the most terrible of Dutch children,
and the Marken child the moat terrible of
the Zelda, Zee, and hence of the whole
species. Our position can, therefore, be im-
agined by any father of it large family."
The chief amusement of these boys was pelt-
ing the vessel with stones and brickbats,
and, finally her berth had to be altered to
get out of their way.
She Knew the Scheme.
A pirl with a bundle in her hand was
going up Park street yesterday when ehe
met it girl with it bundle coming down.
They seemed to intuitively divine each
other'occupation, and the fact that eaoh
was out of it job.
"When aid'yon leave ?" queried the first.
About an h,our ago. When did you ?"
"Same time. What did you quit forV'
"Folks had too much company and I
worked like it slave. What did you quit
for ? ,
"Folks had no company nor nothing to
do, and I was getting Mo fat. Don't we have
hard timea, though ?"
" Dreffoi. 11 18 isn't one thing it's another.
I am now after a pleas where the lady is
said to respect her servant's feelings."
"Row nice 1 That means every evening
out—all the beaus yon want—breakfast at
half past eight and eiri company every
afternoon. Oh but it can't last. It's it
echeme to get you there and put it double
wash on you for it starter."—[Detroit Free
, I
Queen Victoriahas justepaid more than
$500 for wShetland pone, widish was recent-
ly much admired at t he Wind ior cattle
aria min llerserrArasoevoy, and wells or
Her XV0Vt1elicee.,
Mios De Voy is tbe only ladyiparaohutiat
in England, and, for the matter of that, the
only one itt tht world that has, made six "me
ceiefol amalgam. She performs with d Pro -
feasor" Higgine. Mina Voy is it young
1,1 e;d4t dn eorat etas no roer,13 abnr gSb2 peeyrthe pal; a it fp ogle: t bus,
regularly out features. She seente tnposseae
no extraordinary physique, and, indeed"
does mat at first eight appear aa. exceptional.
ly fitted to perform it Mak whit* tequires
the exercise of much strength, nerve, skill,
and judgment. 'Yet it is hopotesible not to
°I;mer„ve titaheate awe= or AAA 'EVE,
the fiera-eet Jew, and the determination ex-
preseed in her tightly .compreeeed lips. She
centimes to the posieesion of it strong and
PeXe0Wrearlstsi Atehlev9f4e4ller nmatrol°, v ea and d w her14°p4 re-
formAnoes in raid -ale have proved her claim
to tirst coolheaded skill go necessary to aUQ•
O&M ail it perechutiet. She did not enter on
tie " businees" with A great deal of confid-
ence. She had seen "professors" gebre
drop from the clouds, and thee had crepe
into her =hid *n idea that she might attain
the ettoceee and handsome salary with& com-
mon rum= attribute to those Aeronauts
who, in addition to going up, up, up, oblige
by coming &MN down, dime in safety.
Her drat venture waemade At Mencheeter,
She went up with "Prole/sloe Higgins+, and
at a given signal was !eat off from the bal-
loon wtth her peraehete. it was it bad be-
ginning. She fell with a "rtble" for some
three bombed feet lettere the pereolutte
opens.l. "It WAS ever in ebent hall A oleo -
owl," Me 941, "het it seemed tome like
eternity. For an Wesel; I had the eloken-
ing thought that I would be
en the grouud, and thee the parachute ex -
weeded. It opened gredually ; I fleeted In
the air for ahonl, it 4000MI and then +slowly
descended." Moat of thoge who 'Mt-mm(44
the dement though It a eepitel one, but they
little know of the, -experiences the Fluky
little women had gone through in that brief
half oecond. She alweye Wm the precau-
tion of etrappieg bereelf to the ring of the
parachuM by A. SMAll belt which pewee
under her armpits. T1313 effeetuelly pre -
yenta any ohaece of her being hold of the
macbine and gives her that confidence
whtela done can Melte A eafe descent poesl-
ble. At Liverpool recently Mile De Vey
as high as two mile; and took sixteen
*Mee to =eke the deeeente On the OUZO
OQOASIMA "Probeaor" Rigging! occupied 0%13,
teen minutes be ameba down. .
'Tho soutieruan—aud modem to my, bet
=preside Mies De Wets opinion on tide
pobt—thinks parachuting much safer thee
WIlooeing. With it Whom the gas and the
sudden change* of atmospilerehave to be con-
aidered. In parachuting the only thing de.
mending ettentiou le the machine itself. It
mead be well made constructed sou to open
without fail, ;end warranted not to split
whensubieetedtoenenormous preasureof alr
Of course, given thee qualities, the para.
chute must expand, in the descent and a; ite
come cia be eteered in meetly the SisMe
way AS A yacht nue+ be guided by its 'elle,
there le little or noreal danger. If, hoWaitere
any unforemeea accident oecurred to the
pereolittle, the life of the performer is box.
tome danger, but, with ordinary care and
attention, each a °hence le.rendered extreme-
ly unlikely. Pod. Higgins and Mbe De Voy
ere odraost inundated with. offers of engage,
manta. They have already had to refute fwen,
ty.five this omen and they have donned
to perform in Luellen unless paid £200.
Two Brave Sailors.
In the year 1872a French weal, the Mee
lain% was lying at auohor at the mouth of
the River /tdour, waiting for fair weather
to mom the tar which eeparates the porb of
BayonnefromtheBayofBiscay. Shewasimel-
ed with 500 barrels ofpotroleurn, whiob, just
as the oreW were turning in for the night,
suddenly exploded. The ship was soon sur-
rounded by a belt of floating tre. Tim
nearest vessel at the time was it British brig.
the Anna Bela Oluk, from Ardrosaon. Her
master, Capt. Sharpe. knowing there were
some French sailors in the midst of the
&ram, shouted to QUa et hie crew, lohn
"Come on, my lad I Let um go to their
Without a moment's hesitation these men
biunchedthedingy, and inafew minutes were
alongside the blazing vessel. In this short
interval what remained of the standing gear
of the Melaine had Immune one blazing maes
of dame. Nothing daunted, the British
sailors, with the certainty of incurring the
greatest physical suffering, if not the lose of
their lives, dashed through the floating cir-
cle of fire and laid hold of the rigging of the
burning ship. They succeeded in taking off
two men in ouch it heiplem state from burns
and bruises that they could not possibly
have been saved had their rescue been delay-
ed much lorger. In theperformance of this
heroic act the Englishmen were more terri-
bly burned than the men they rescued. It
was first feared that Capt. Sharpe would
lose the sight; of one eye and his face was
permanently disfigured. Moil:twill fared
still worse ; so severe were his injuries that
his disoharws from the ship was absolutely
necessary. He was conveyed to the Bayonne
Hoepital, where he lay for nearly a month,
at times in the greatest suffering. To show
their appreciation of thia act of nerd= the
British community raised a sum of -860 for
the two heroes.
About Women.
"A. win All is worse with an imputed
blame than,. man with it convicted fault."
No woman, even the most intelleutual,
believes herself bo be decidedly homely.
Man can better philosophize on the hu-
man heart, but woman can read it better.
We are apb to be kinder to the brutal
that love us then to the women that love us.
—George Eliot.
Most of their faults women owe to us,
whilst we are indebted to them for most
of our better quantitate—L=1°1e.
A woman frequently reside the love she
feels], but cannot realist the love she inspiree.
It is universal rule, which, au far as I
know, has no exception that great men
always resemble their mothers, who impress
their mental and physical mark upon their
In everything that women write there
will be thousands of faultagainst gram-
mar ; but' also to a certaenty, alwayis it °herrn
never to be found in the letters of man.—
Madame de Maintenon.
• His Views on Grantrnar.
Little Tommy ---"Can I eat another piece
of pie?" Mamme(who la something of it pur-
,ist)---" I suppose you can." Tonmiy(meing
the point)—"Well, may 1?" Mamma—" No,
dear, you may not." Tommy--" Darn grain.;
mar, any way."
They:are reeking an attempb to acallnle-
the Coanectiont oystete et several pleoea on
the coaattof Sweden. So fat the young oys-
ter. Wave thriven well.
Reports come conetently from St. Peters-
burg of the ever increasing use of napi.tha
dregs es fuel, &sedan manufaeturers and
railways are adopting it itt pistol' of Wood,
and coal, and it Is even utilized for domeitic
purpose', ia stoves of special construction.
14 18 about 35 per tient, cheaper then weed
or coal, and le weariest lei* specie itt atorage.
The floods of this summer hme shown
how great a protection, against the -Inroads •
of water it row of willow trees, may be. The
engineer in charge of the Potoium Itiver
Improvements "eye that where willow" were
planted the land wee protected from wain -
log, and praotically ne clamege wee done,
while in the improved bed nob so protected
there was great lose.
Aoarn4trbiageoenrcooamdptiotttwihe.,itert beoreasike'satPCOEtt
cede Canon„ and extendsixteen miles, until
It reaoleee the very summit of the mountain,
14,147 feet above the level cif the ses.
There in one point. Grand View, Where it
am altitude of 10,852 feet OUP may see the
smoke of a locomotive crossing Marshall
Pate ninety edicts away.
Dr. Hammond elope publeo expeotancy off
short by Announcing that the material used
byDr.y OWflgEr arrd hirnselfe noain
experiments as every seientifio man ie itt
liberty to do. People who lutd decided to
live their live* over Again, when nein et the
eUxir was made Imbibe will have to declare
ail engagements Off.
NOWA froze the Celeetiel Kingdom makes
it known that a Governor of one theChinelle
provinces has forbidden the young men in
his province to wear gorgeously colored end
embroidered garments, A practice whach ho
geyt bsfoollih eudunmanly,end he giveedue
warning to 'adhere, elderbrothere, aedteach-
ere that they will he held responsible for any
diepley of rernatimbla gloating on the part
of the wen14-be dude.
ead the Marxist Congreve itt Barbi cn auty
21 Mr. Cunningham Otahatte * member of
the BrItiell Parliarnents who presided, took 10,
it alikp at the liritha workingmen itt thatie
Word; Speaking On the eight-hour question,
be said: "Tido is the great gnelltion inter,
eating Engliele workmen,. and It is very
diftioult to get them to doweled more, lee
degraded are they by the pipe, the Bible,
beer, and admiration tor the upper oleaseee"
According to the 4, Dnjevnik," a paper
at Sareteff, Bead*, *ere la living
there it Men Wile le 140 years old. Ha
name le Daniel Sarnoiloff, and to was born
at Serateif itt 1749. Ile acted al Adjutant
to Wield Mended Pagetoldff, and took
and took part be the storming of Kenn and
Sizable* andin the boroberdmeut of Semera.
lis wm =Gated with Pagatchtif and
brought book to Shah*, where he was
eubjeotod to 180 blows with the knout, end
emedemned to herd lobar for life in the
!Morten mines. After thirty.eight yang'
baulahment end hard. labor Semollott wee
Permitted to return, to bit native city.
Despite the hardships ot his exile, he is
deeoribed isa still retaining alt bia faculties.
The had effects of the suspension of sys.
tornado laharin -the State Pelson* are shown
in the statement made by the dotal at
Bellevue /kepi talthet more beano criminals
were reoelved from the three Stade Prisons
during the leer titat the omelets were ten -
employed than in any other three year++
previously. 'Five prbonere who hid become
insane ha Auburn Prison, end whose term"
of impthonmeut had expired, were rooked
tihaleanota.het rday, et Believtie Ireemitalfor
minion to the lunatic' asylum on Ward
Interest here in the Salt Trust is merged
just now in a greeter excitement; over the
%inking of a lot of plattei he Cheshire owing.
to great quamtitlei of bine being pumped ae,
one of the earth. Over 1,700 acres hive been
subject to this alarmiug subsidence. One
hotel and two churches hive already been
destroyed and at Wineford Several houses
have sunk 40 that the chimney tops and ridge
tiles alone are visible above the ground,
while the sinkage in the market place is
fully 30 feet. A. new town hall whieh had
just been built on the top of the old one was
completely hurled on Thursday.
The Common Council of Tacoma, W. T.,
has smut a plaintive appeal to Boston for
10,000 women fa become wives of forlorn
male residents of that city, and Wyoming
Territory has sent a similar request to Sec-
retary Busk at Washington. Why Boston
women should be preferred in the one case
does not appear, nor is it quite plain why in
the other the Department of Agriculture
should be expected to supply the Westerners
with wives, as well as packages of seeds. It
remairm to be seen whether the fait that
women have political rights hi the territeries
in question will be regarded by the women
of the East asit special inducement.
One of the most important reaolutions
passed by the recent Labour Congress hi
Pada wag OM to the effect that demonstra-
tions in favour ot eight.hour legislation
should be held simultaneously in America.,
England, France, Italy, Holland, Belgium,
Austria, Greece, Switzerland, Germany,
and Riblike. This is an indication that the
workingmen realize the difficiulty of induc-
ing any one country to shorten the houra of
labour by such legislation so long as other
countries refuse to do so. Induslaial aom-
petition Is now so keen that no nation will
voluntarily handicap itself by making its
producing oapaoity lees than that of its rt.
The Rev, J. H. Camp, an agent of the
American Baptist Missions in Central Africa
who has just returned to the United States,
reports that he followed Stanley's trail for
several hundred mikes, tracking it by the
corpses of the explorer's followers. Hesitates
also that one of Tippoo Tib's Arabs, to
whom Stanley had confided his plans, told
that the latter intended to make the beet
of his way with Emin Pasha to Zannibek,
taking the oa-avan route between the Vial
toria Nyanza and Tanganyika. lt is 'ins-
pected, however, that this was merely a
blind, as Stanley had reason to be suspicions
of Tippoo Tib, and would be likely to
throw him eff his track if he could:
The Sb. Pani " Globe " does not mince
matters in epeaking of the drawbacks of Da-
kota. The State finds an urgent need of
more water to give the needed activity to its
soil, and large areas are entering from lack
of sufficient rain. It is said that there are
Water eouroes not far off whioh cen supply
the drying-np territory with the moisture it
requires, but this irrigation will cost money,
and it is propoeed to ask the Government to
aoMe to its aasistence. The older rattlers
are said to look with growing apprehension
upon it rainlem period thab will effectually
Might the prospeote of Dakota as it wheat.
produchayountry. The outlook is certainly
depressin for the settlers whofind themselves,
menaced y the drouth. Even if the Govern-
ment assent to the cry for help, which is im-
probable the settlers will be better off in it
Ian w ere irrigatice. in not required.