HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-8-29, Page 5EVEREST'S COUGH SYRUP Wry It and CANNOT BE EXCELLED,, be raced of it aronderful curative propertle , Price 20. cent/. The Keit Ssccesstil Remedy ever die. Covered, as it 14 certain= Ito effects and does not blister. Read groot 1>r�o}tii asltserevrra z a fie, Q , 3Iar 3. 1s$A, D#L B. 2. KMOW, Co., Bnosburgh $'alt.. Vt, Oeutienten,-Ibeve Aged, Kea- dn12's Spavin Cure for Spa'trap, andelso tuacesa of lameness and W.) Dints and round ita sure cure In every respect. 1 cordially reoozwnendit to nUhoraemex. Very respec.tf filly y-oure Cilaing, a. Vt.. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURL Sr, TIMMe, P Q.. Apra 2?. is ]lis. 13. 3. Sia?D+wd, Co.. 1;1tgebi .•+It Pens. Y. Ciente have used afew entities et irulir best' dolt's.spaavil) Care on my coil, wines n -as suffering front Leda - eats Os very bad tvrn),fano] can say tlCure latt4yiour ifeudall'e spa+let d rapid Cure, lean re.,c unteneomplcto 1 it as thio �t and Pl ert ellectivc l,ntutenc ihavoever leagdted KEneils seed tttsees the uaiiYYurra FeetfudilYAr4aa. 1. F. Wutat# Fess i. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE' PORT Buret, 414+•. 3Ta Da, is. 3.Mssuat-i.Co..Eue,burnt Fa# vt. octinenaen:4 L ways keep your $eodatll',a Vattvlil COM end Hinter An band ani], they have p. ver failed 1n ; _whin terd ab4l tSpav13 Ot ears tandtTg mamaahfeio3 �p�ae1 n�g'een is rfli rrOf cinema iu .: thejra'ifrslulaB. Yours truib ,. Q'arr.P1'$F. encs at1 tvo bottle, or six bottled for 00. All veuSRtst4 naveget.itforyou, ern /1111 i?o sent to any addretii on receipt of price by the proprietors, lt, 11. 4, PALT.. Cl1..Anosbuegb Witt, Vt. SPLA .11I7 ALL on000iSTS. k., N. y' ;. rrR.A1 ?Ila>.tI.l Try Everest's Laver Regulator liar kisences of the Urex Bidders. do., and Purify, fng of the wed, Price $1. Six bottles. Or $5. For $ale by Ali. LRIGOIn'TS. luaneincttrred only by G. Ai,1f,YgRZST. C1atlitar, Fgr,egr, QA.f, NNYROYAL WAFERS. Prescrdgticn cf a physician wbc has haat a lite long experience in tre:ttim. female diseases, Is men ..---........,----- monthly'with perfect se?ccess by, , over l0,c«''dlaalars. I'leasarit. safe, , effectual. I.tfdi.tt ask oo:rdni . gist for V'ennyr opal wafers WL L Ake no substitute. erInclose pest, ageforseatedp jieutnre, sold by aldruggists,l $1 per box. ,Qttdret CRF411CACO, Auruor 1#cs Fold in Exeter by Pr. Lutz. and druggists veryw'1)a'rt•, Jana.. 2.8. LARBkIIA V.l.. The famous heavy -bodied 411 made only by McCOLL BROS. & Co'y., TORONTO. Use it once and you will use no other. McCoII's Famous CYLINDER 011. Is the finest in, Canada for engine cylinders. FOR SALE BY This 'ear's RTLE lout' Plug Smoking . TITAN EVER. GARTER' ITTLE 1VER PILLS. CURE Sicklleadacheantl relieve all the trembleaclnel, dent to a bilious state of the system, such tag 111 irleP. Nausea. 1)roaslress. Distress atter ra '.. L'aua can the FS,le,.4e, While tia.i neat reluarkatih# lure c11 has been shown in Canog SICK I1eadseiie, yet Caruana] Tari It L,n'rn raw are equally valuable is Calnatapation, etnrb)g end preventing this annoy inscoi1)l4lnt. while they aiso correct all disorders of the stomach. stimulate the liver end regulate tae bowels, Even If they only cured HEAD fiche they would be almost priceless) to those who suffer from this. distressing complaint: but fortunately their goodntt.ir. does not end here, and throw who once try them will and these IMMMI*plI vat'nable in a o assay ways tltnt they will not he willing to do without them. Fut atter all sick bead alb E 1a the bans of *omens lives that here la *.hero We make our prem boast. Our pills euro It while others do not. QAnrate'ta L,rrtt f,tv: n Tf ut�s are very small and ieryeasy to mho, One or two p11111make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, hat by their ',Tale action please ail who use them. in vials at2,5cent s; live for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail WELD MEDICINE GD,) Nae Yot)w Small il11 Sm11 Dm Small rico) THE LIGHT RUNNING IN BRONZE flay' Mug and Package EYTO HEALTH' SUNNI itIAININE HAS Na EQUAL. 'Cn oi:':s till ilso cloggd fit2ut10 of lino Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, sc vying off eraideally without Weakening the sys- tem, all the impurities and foul humor of the secretions; at the crone time Cor- recting Acidity of tho Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scro- rula, Flutteringof the Heart, Ner- vousness, and eneral Debility • all those and many other sinilar Com plaints yield to the happy influence of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Salo by ail.Dcalcr:. T.NILBBItN & CO., Proprietors, Toronto, LADIES ONLY. FRENCH REGULATION PILLS. THE PROVIDENT Life Li Life and Lige Stock As soc ton Head AUG. 1887. Head OlUeei room A Arcade. TORONTO, ONTARIO, In the Life Department this Asso- ciation provides indemnity for Sick- ness and .Accident, and substantial as- sistance to the relatives of deceased members at terms available to all,. In the Live Stock Department, two- thirds indemnity for loss of live stock of its members, Send for particulars, claims` paid etc.. WILLIAM JONES, Sept.8,188, M 11c1xll I)Ir .rvafaa: CITY HOTE ONT Furniture and Undertcikrng. -GO TO- RR R o Andrews' FOR- BED-ROOM R OM AND PARLOR SUITS, SIDEBOARDS AND EXTENSION TABLES, LOUNGES AND EASY CHAIRS, it l;nrgest Wa;<'erooms ijilt town. outside of the Undertalt- i)a all its Branches. I,D'udertacin; ers Ela; sn day sand night. STAND -One door. north of llolson's ]lank, MAIN -ST. - EXETER, !r p s»V E TO MMMOTIERI1S, A Oo111 f ete Hi1,to of the rosreyndsLrhdistfgrgnbfrrylgwih ^ ak Conemaugh pain of cutting teeth? 1f so, send at once and /' (�1� fl VALLEY gQxabQttle(YiAtSa,wl`SL049'�i�OQ71##N4sX&UI' V t■si,rwn tin n 1ros,CSirnxkNT Exl#txG. iia wine is#floaliul, timbre -mug. als , a ht tory of the Dads iateiy. Depend upon It,, =ethers. there is TAO in RTFlltaanaspoxt, Lock haven, Sun- mistake about it. ],loaves dysentery anddiar, xble, lt;vill elievethepoorlittleat#derer,m#Fte.` A a �i bur y� and all the hooded districts in the rinse, regulates the stomnehnbo 'els,cures ,StateofPennsylvania, alsoin Washington w1ndcotic softens. ttie gums,redaceslutlamma, 11. C„ New;York1%faryland,virginie and West 'tion, and Fgives tone anti energy to the whole. Virgule, ell of which caused the total loss of system. MRS. WiNsr ow's $Demi] O STRVP YOI? over fi,002 lives and the deotruetlon of over CiimougNTxtETRISGispleasant tothetaste,alad, $ ,000,000worthofproperty; is the prescription of one of the oldest andbesi ary ;Tx 'JC R11 , . AI. female nurses and physicians in the "United Octavo, 52eei Iry trrat (1.4 with �lsf1 'States, and sdfor Psale by all druggists rb, n,, ll, D wei,Rvfl7t , cegl..ta. .knot 1} 1f 1, complete outfit. 11. S. GOODSPF.ED d CO., Ns w YORK. 41 Yu11- a a� 8 Psi world. r co 25 cents a, ]]lull% edition issued U ust 10th. bye o def Ott all books. AGlaNT$:'t�'NICTED, ,Send 52 pts. for EXCELS ALL OTHFRT. I used one bottle of B. 13. B. for con- stipation and loss of appetite and. it cur ed me. I would not be without it at six times the price, for it excels all others. W'xn, lii'atlton, Galt, Ont. 4 bars of London Electric Soap ft 25e.. You hardly realize that it is medcine when taking -Carter's Little Liver Pills they are very small; no bad effects; all troubles Pram torpid liver are relieved by their use, HOSPITAL REMEDiES. What are they? The growth at intelli nee in medical matters hos given rise to Mand, for a class of genuine, reliable cine. The opportunity of the Ignorant quack, who grow rich curing everything out of a single battle has possed, '.fo supply satisfactorily this demand this list of Miles cites has been created They are the favor- ite prescriptions of the most famous medical raetitionors of the day, gathered from the osLaitais of London, flirts, Berlin and Tien - a, Press iptiens which cost the patients these specialists from 5Si5 to 0100 are sero offered prepared and ready for use at the Ilomina price of one dollar each. Not one of theca. is a cure all; each one has only the reasonable power of curing a single disease. and each one .keeps is contract, Sufferers from Catarrh, Diseased Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Consumption, Itheutuatism, Ilya pepsin, Iver and Kidney Complaints, Fever a►nd Ague, Neuralgia, F'einale Weakness. Lsueorrhecator l;iervons Dability,silould send stamp for descriptive catalogue to hospital Remedy Co., $03i West King St., Toronto, Canada.11Sour druggist doesnetkeeptllese remedieat renaitprioe =rive 'will send direct. London Electric Soap will not in- Jure the hands or clothes and do more work for the one try it 11 money, y , s11YSTIC WORDS. I can recommend Ill•, Fowler's Ex- tract of Wild Strrwberry for chronic dlaoea, as I have used it for two years and can get nothing else that helps me like it. Jane Taylor, Mystic, P. O. This meeicino cures all summer complaints. There is not much sentiment about a Chinese laundrymen, yet ho Baily wrings mens bosoms. LONDON, QN ."�'r Q 1 The Suhaoriber's wishes to inform Farmers and GQ1u rAl i ub1lc the $1 per day. he is Preptlred tf1 furnish 1I1 Stzei and. Bund of 3, J. MidIARTIN, Proprietors. The Grand 'inion Hotel czrz '. - Orrr ...TO Enlarged and improved. 30 rooms elegantly furnished. Tables supplied with all the Delicacies of the season. 8 convenient sample rooms. House heated with trot air. Electric bells throughout. Si PER DAY. L a. TUFTS, PROPRIETOR. Far superior to Ergot, Tansy, Pennyroyal or Endorsed Oxiii+. by the thousand, of ladies' who 116(itl,rxrx MIXSTH IN- Never fail, rolie- ve pain, INS1111 llE( LARITY, Pleasant anal Effectual. frier, $:1. Toronto 3fetlioine Co., Toronto, Ont. 1V ov-2s-s rile Great English Prescription. A successful Iledieine used over 00 years in thousands of cases. Cures Spermatorrhea, Nervous weakness, IS'Otissions. Impotency and all diseases caused by abuse. naaoiui] indiscretion, or over-exertion. [Arras] lx packages Guaranteed to Cure when all others Fail. Ask your Druggist for The GressEnglteh Preecrtptton, take no substitute. Ono package $1. Six $5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address Eure3rn Chemical Co.. 2)ctroit, Mich. Sold in Exeter by Dr. .Lutz, and. druggists everywhere. Jan. -1-3 CHRISTIE'S ® tIERDIAL) L!fl) First Class RIGS And HORSES. ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK- ( SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED T0: Rtommtnsnalcla Telephone Connection. MEW -RIMING MACHINE EIRANCE,MASS' CHICAGO -25 UNION SQUARE N.Y.. DALLAS, SC ILL MO.ATLANTA GA' TEX. nos SANFRANC1Sce.CAL. George Vickers, KirI'ton. ANY MANI 'Who is weal:, x 1 o ran , iiLiilitated who iu his Folly and ign.x u a4 trilled 'away his vigor 'I of Body Mind a 11.,,,tlood,caustngexhaust- t as the Fountains fLife. Head- ache, ea - in drains t o � o d g n chs Backache,la reit. breams Weakness ofMiunery, BashfnlnbsinSociety, Pimples -on the Face and all the effects leading to Early Decay, Consumption or Insanity, will And in -our specific No.23 a postive Cure. It imparts' Youthfu IVigor restores the Vital Power in old ,anclyoung, strengthens and invigorates the Brain and Nerve, builds up the Muscular syst- into `actio the whole physic c tot and arousesn 1 .. P.y .alener of the human frame, With our specificNo.23 the most obstinate case can be cured inthree months, and recent ones in less than thirty nays. 1•7aeh "package con- ' tains two weeks treatment. Price $2. Clues ,Guaranteed. Our specific No. 24 is an infell- able Cure for all Private Diseases ..no matter of how long standing. Sold under 0111 written Guarantee to effect a Cure. Price $5, Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto, Ont, Nov -20-1 WEAK EN and WOMEN Dan quickly cure them- selves of Wasting Vitality', Loet Manhood, from youthful errors, ole., Quietly at home. Book on all private diseases sent free {sealed). Perfectly reliable. Over 20 years' experience. Address- GILDED PILL CO., TORONTO, Canada. LADIES onr "Relief for women" ie tato and always roll able ; Heuer thea Ergot, O;tdo, Toner or Pennyroyal: Pule. LIMOS regularity. Band for particnlare. Address GILDED PILL CO., TORONTO, Canada. BEARDS E Aal toS FORCED ayMagc. holt heads, in e.. Magic. Latest nd greatest achievement of modn edema 1 Most won. demo' discovery of the age. Like no other preparation* Magical, sure, almost instantaneous in cation I Boye with wInekorsl: Bald heads "haired i" Curieae spectacles, bot positive truths. -Only genuine arttale in market, and certain to giro absolute eatiifsctton. Guaranteed. Price $1 a bottle, or three bottles for 52. nub bottle lasts one month. Addrate A. DIXON, Box 305, TORONTO, CANADA. MHAME 610YHNIANI'S PREPHOHTIONS, SUPERFLUOUS HAIR prmarattoythatw1e pare anottly remove eu3orfuou0 hair without injury to the akin. warranted. PIMPLES AND BLACKHEADS permamoneVentdiat, ro. from 10 to SOdaya, Warranted. Pricofore0 dove treatment, 21. ANTI -CORPULENCE PILLS dwhhe Dpotspine, point ieo or of oeSAT seesaw igs . Sortable oruofashionable-AT POLES using ANTI. ocnPILLSloon amonlThe o e no'sioknossaotnin no poison, and never fait.Prlco for on month's treatment, $2;or three months modiaino, 55..' Warranted.. COMPLEXION WAFERS GI0A7ANA NIL7 Mooch the akin, developrho toren, rmlese, Permanentt in effect. Warranted. Price 1 a box, or six for 56. address MADAIEGrOVANNANI, nes Sing street'VYeet Toronto, Ont. 12 Pounds OF WHITE GAR For $19l 2OIbs. Raw Sugar FOR $1. AT THE Extgt Worth Coa. Storg. J. MATHESON. 20 Well Digging Promptly Done and at Reasonable Rates. Residence ad Shop on Ann Street, behind Christie's Livery Stable. A, CALL SOLICITED. JOHN MOORE. Look :..ere • If you want Bargains in Land Rollers, Gates, Hay Racks, or Rakes, -call at the- IDxeior Tuning Putuy. Handles of every description always on her, d. Turning done to order on the shortest notice. Repairing neatly and cheaply done. Circular arae] band sawing done. A number of bee hives on hand. They are the best and handiest bee hive made. A quantity of excellent machine oil for sale. Dry: wood taken in exchange. J. D. VASEY BSSErT BROS LiVERY. First Class Horses and Eigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders>left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS REASONABLE. A TRIAL SOLICITED. BISSETT BROS.. FREEMAN': W Ri4 POWDERS Are pleasant to tate. Contain their 02019 Pur ill t ?l Isasie .i SZl,'C suds ect .i•, uaT. 1J' destroyer ofworenstn Children or Adults: A BABY IN DANGER. My baby was taken very had with diarrhoea, nothing did any good, until I tried Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry -Jam certain nothing equals it, and could pot do without it in time of summer complaint and diarlicea. Mrs. A. L. Buie. Shell river, Riau. Insist on your grocer giving you London Electric Soap, it is the best. ON THE INCREASE. So ineresingly prevalent have scrota, lous diseases become that we 011 the attention of our readers to the best blood purifier and active nown, B. B. 13 which all clogged s ci tations and re movies all l)Inad disea ,'s from n coot 211022 pimple to the worst 5eirolnlon5 ure, Zurich. (,111 Monday last the Sund 2y school, of the Lutheran church, lit#d their pie-- c pir ..t. in Mr. T tylor's grave at the lake.. Geo. E. Buchanan left ou Moodily nlorlling to attend the Iii;h School in Goderieh. Mr. G. Fritz is in town again. Mr. K Zeller is itt Toronto attending. the 11. C. convention of the A, 0. F. hiss L. E. Iiinunch intends Boit , back,to Berlin this week. 1►iiss E. Freed, of Stratford, is the guest; of Mrs. Williams, Division Court) The regular sittings of the Division Court of this county was held last week, His honor Judge Doyle, presiding, The following arses were disposed of at Exeter and Crediton respectively; Leathorn vs. [Ike. -Adjourned until next court by consent of parties. Dick- son for plaintiff; Elliot fur defendant. Gillespie vs. Ross. -An action for damages for the wrongful conversion of four wheels. PIaintiff claimed to have purchased wheels from Swallow Bros. Defendants who held o chattel rinortgage on wheels, claimed and Ask your grocer for London Elect seized them there under. Judgment vie Soap, I. know from Experience that Ever• estCoU Syrup is first class- Geo.l3roc11 Forest P. Q. Washing made ensya and homes runde happy by using Londol'l Electric Soap. -04id yotf fined tiro Celebrated ELECTRIC SHOE DRESSING? If not don't fail to do so at once. It is not a polish but a wonderful leather preservative it will make the finest or coarsest shoe as soft and pliable askid and very easy to the foot. It will make them absolutely water- proof, and ifoccasionally dressed with this dressing will last more than twice as long as otherwise. We Mean What. We Say. It is the very life ofieather. !teen be applied at any time. No trouble Shoe can be polished immediately afterwards. PRICE, - 10 & 15 Cents per Eox. Sold by all first-class stores. Sam- ples mailed -Stamps taken. OLIVER CABANA Jr., SOLE MANUFAOTURER, BUFFALO, N. Y. London Electric Soap ' is only made by D. Richards, Woodstock, Trade Mark Registered. HELP WANTED. By all who suffer from dyspepsia, bill iousness, sick headache, jaundice, liver complaint, rheumatism, dropsy, etc. Lose no time in procuring B. B. B,, nat ore's regulator and tonic. It is a prompt and permanent cure for all diseases of the blood, liver, kidneys, bowels and stomach: To be free front sick headache,billious ness, constipation, ets., use Carter's Lit- tle Liver Pills. Strictly vegetable. They gently stiluulatothe liver and free the stomach, from bile. None but first-class grocers sells London Electric Soap. AN OLD FAVORITE• That has been popular With the peo- ple for thirty years is Dr. Fowlers Ex- tract of Wi1dtrawb r y S e I for all varities l ' t es of summer complaints of children or adults. It seldom or ever fails to cure cholerr morbus, diarrhea and dysent- ery. Everest Cough Syrup and Liver Reg ulator gives universal Btis£aetion in this vicinity, -R. White Crediton• Washerwoman's friend, is London Electric Soap. Not one in twenty wen y are flee froln solve little ailment, canted by ina1tion of the the liver. Use Carter's Little Liver Pill,. The result ]viii be a pleasant Stir, prise. They give positive relief. reserved. Dieltson for plaintiff; (lofts for 'Defendant, Neely vs. L6tnkin,.fiction for bal- ance of an attreourntt 3deleni.0 that !Ac- count paid by note of defendant's wife, and also that plaintiff Ind not furnished Sufficient particulars of his claim,. 'Judgment reserved as to payment of necountf with icai%o to plaintiff to furn- ish flatter jrarticulars Of his Chilli on payment a Wets of the; day, Elliot for plaintiff; Colinas for defendant. Hay vs. Elliot: Aeticln on a promis- sory note. Judgment for plaintiff for full amount of claim and costs. Collins for plaintiff. Matheson vs, Swenerton.--Exarinat- ion of defendant as a judgment debtor. No order nude. Dickson for plaintiff. CREDITON. Sander Ts. Metz-Hertzol garnishee -Action on a, promissory note. Judg- ment for plaintiff against defendant and for garnishee against plaintiff. Dickson for plaintiff, Collins for de- fendant and garnishee. Levan vs. Reidor-Action for a piece of a fanning mill --defence that the defendant was only an agent for another person. Action adjourned without costs until next court. Massey vs. Quarry -Action of reple- vin of as binding machine -Defendant distrained machine for rent -and plain- tiffs claimed machine lulcler a lieu con- tract and lieu notes. Judgment reserv- ed. Collins for plaintiffs, Elliot for de- fendant. Brown vs.ktclsaac.-Action on prom- issory note -judgment for full amount of claim against defendant. Collins: for plaintiff. Brown vs. Ryan Examination of judgement debtor -order made. Col- lins for plaintiff. Brown vs. Vincent. -Action for an account -judgment folrplaintiiffor fall amount of claim. Collins for plaintiff,. ZuRicu. There were no cases, here, the only case on the list being; adjourned by consent of parties. Nen We iDoxa't Want. There is a class of men that are al- ways too big for their surroundings and have a lofty contempt for the little things by which they are surrounded.. A few of these exist in every town ooh village and the lack of prosperity and progress so painfully apparent in malty laces may be traced in their Pcur sinis ter influence. They feel a contempt for everything abort. them and are not slow in expressing it. They never speak well of the place itt -svhich they live but always Sneeringly or Slight- ingly and inpteacl of trying to build It up they are snaking a constant effort' to pull it down. The moment a man becomes so expanded that he finds the place too small for him, he ought to move out and give himself room 16 spread. He need not feel that his lace will not be filled. The man au wliDwi-- takes it may not be so ignorant and conceited J 3 Guth may IL y boyo a leveler head and more common sense.