The Exeter Advocate, 1889-8-22, Page 7IS THE EARTH A BOMB? And Nay We All. be Blown Into Eternity by a Natural Gan Explosion ? New Brunswick, N, J., correspondent New York Herald, of July 14; Apropos of therecent interviewpublished in the Herald with Professor L. W. Thiokatutt of Motu, ohen, concerning the possibility of the up- heaval of the earth caused by a natural gas explosion, I secured from Mr. Thicketun' yesterday an explanation of his ideas, which is as startling as it ie Important. "Natural gas in western i,'onnaylvanie, eastern Ohio and in some other parts of the country," said he, "le one of the things the public is thinking about with route degree of apprehonaion. Capital 1n large amounts has bean inveetod in iia production, or rather in Its eepture and in its application ae a heater and as an illuminator. Millions rrf dollars find prefitablo employment la this manner all over the extensive territory known as the oil regions. "In Pittsburg alone enough naturalgas Is consumed daily to glee sufficient amount of light for the needs of the largest city in the World. North of Pittsburg 120 miles, at Erie,: and all the way between the two places, natural gas is found in nearly every neigh- borhood where proper teats have been made. In all other directions from tide busy and, proeperons manufacturing center gas has been'fonnd In quay tinea apparently Inex- haustible. " A reservoir of 'met proportions, or°rnany reservoirs must have been provided for by range to contain what gas has already est gaped from wells and what is yet deiced away in the bower% of the earth. Exteearivo depeslte, have also been Rued in the weal. ern countriee of our own state, as welt as in penitaylvania and. Ohio, How far the opan- Ings extend below the earth: a surface le not k sown utthe e.. b cavern ;� n torranean o veru or oar erns where gas abounds meet be of great. magnitude. "Gas began to appear In large gr2iaantiee soon alter tale alb wells on Oil eroek were finiehed. iniottel Drake drilled the Bret ell well near Titusville, Pam a during the stints veer of 1859, curl at a depth of slxtylilae 1; feet he etre* oil., 'That wee a pumping and 1. not a flowing well. Brom it .a elnall amount of gait escaped,, as is the caro with meat pump ng walls. Subrequentiy many other wells were opened, thoueauds of them, aoluo pumping and emu flowing, "All flowing walla are gee aR welt as Oil W011.0 In tlowlag wells oil is thrown out by weaving gee. Big 'apoaters' tope to alp• eight or tett ,miles heiow Titusville, along 'the creek,' early in 1S60. Shoea then they have been opened In hundrsde of otherlooafitles from the iouree to thoranuth of the Allegheny river and alongrnaay of IN e -Dietaries, "Among the toast rested and the moat ratable of all flowing wane way the Noble well, seven m1lee below Titusville, shack on May 3, 1808. It began as a 1500 gallon Well. It was a 'boomer' of the first order. Galt and oil came from a creole in the undo rock, 140 feet below the bed of Oil creek, Twenty rode lower down the stream WAS tho C ldwell well. It was a good 700 barrel well. Oil WAS reached in It at about the urea depth as In the Noble wall. By efay 28 the production of the Noble wolf ran up to 1800 barrels and the Caldwell had fallen oTto 400 barrels a day. Before the mid- dle of Juno the latter was me nearly exhaust. that it flowed not more than seven or eight barrole, and the former WAS pouring out a flood of 2200 barrels of petroleum every twenty-four beers. "The Noblo well did nobly, ran about twenty-two menthe, produced over. 500,000 barrels of oil, au immouse amount of gut-- wasted at—wasted on Oil creek air—and then it too was a worthless hole in the gonad, Watcrfilia the place the, gas and oil oaeupied and no one foam danger from thatuarter. "Nob very far from the Noble well thorn Is another kind of a blower. This bee no Water or oil In ib, only gas, and that (tomes out ateaoha rate thatou eau hear it pulsat- ing and fairly pounding a rifle or two away on, a atilt summer evening. This, like other wells, wax sunk for oil, and this le the kind in whioh dangerlurks. This well never filth tap with water :and probably never will. There are hundred, and thousandaaaattered all over the oil regions jail like itr, We Aro anxious to know what sort cf a place Is under oar country where this treaoherous aubsteno1 ooltlee from, "If the Nobltf *ell flirt* oat €60,000 ban, rale of oil and as mfloli ;tie Besides in less than two years, what are these tlrely gas wells doing? What have they teen doing a snore or more years ? Will some One rise do his feet and explain? " Thinking people aro growing uneasy about it. Where does this enormous pro- duction come from, anyway? Where is the vaat gas storehouso or storehouses located? Do theme aubterranean reservoirs fill up as rapidly as they aro emptied? Dem our at- mosphere rush in to take the places vacated, or ie gas forming constantly to keep the leaking tanks full? Will too much of our atmospheremove from the outside to the inside of the earth to the injury or extinc- tion of animal and vegetable life ? "Worst of all, will the air mingle with the gas under our feet and thereby enable it to ignite and explode? If an explosion comes will it blow up all the oil regions from the great lakes to old Virginia, and will the Allegheny mountains stand between ne and all harm? Da oceans of natural gas extend from Titusville to the mountains, and from the mountains to New York. and it is pos eible for these lakes -as unmanageable and as unsafe as dynamite -is It possible for them to be aet on fire at the same instant? " Some of these interrogatories may seem absurd and nob worth the ink it takes to print them or the time it requires to read them; but then, again, suppose they are all pertinent? Suppose the lastone turns out to be a fact as well as a question, what then? "Might not an explosion occur whioh would be simply terrific ? Instead of a torn up and devastated oil field beyond the • mountains, we might have a ruined and frag- mentary planet. No wonder people grow nervous and wish the owners would plug every gasearth." up• v r well'on Y Buried in a Strange Land, TosoxTo. Aura. 16.—On'Saturday last two burials took place at the same time at St. James' Cemetery, under peculiarly sad circumstances. Both were English ladswith ro relatives this side' of the ooean.. Harry Wiggins had been in the General Hcapited nearly a year, a victim of oonsump. tion. and during this time the members of. the Bead Street Bible Class and others sup- plied his wants, and buried him when dead.' Thegother died of typhoid fever after a few days' innate and his funeral was conducted by kind but 'new -made friends. Their eoffiue touch each !other in their grave in a' strange land. Dr. • Pierce's Pellets, or Anti -bilious •Granules, have no equals. 25 cents a vial..; one a dose. Cures headache, oonatipetion, biliousness, and indigestion, 1414,44...11 MOW et the Granada 014:04t114.100* of t2 a Te deettliel €xbilettoa, ilel LEErie BtSINESd COLLEGE, Guelph, - Ont.—The re are no sacations, the College beim in eeasion throughout the entire year. ,its graduates; re meetingwith diet gu b d euece as. k -keep. a& _Ao 1'6 t as b04 p ere, business mana;fera, ehorthand•writexa," court reporters, eta. Individual instruction is a feature of the institution. Graduates ateiated in obtaining 1poeitiiona Addres There is, 1perbapa, Plot a city ou thie matt- a cornet represeatatiou of the grozande and, .rt view, emereeie the %Ioeee breeds oh P i eat that has uredo mine rapid pragrota �, during the nest tentr ars then the city of Toronto, poring that period It has advauo- ed in population from eighty tbou'aend .in. 19707 to one hundred and eighty lhemmed ' i 1889, ebowing an average iucreaeo of ten *lammed a year, and the Qdtoir City stilt continues the forward tnarutl, Peenonaeaat as thla progress :has been, the SOCCOSs which has attendee# 'ho great Agricultural and la. duetrial exhibition, that to held annually in Toronto, has been rgntlly so, during the urea period, having i eached a point la Meg. nitride and impeetauce far bee end tho meet, sanguine autioipetione of ire pramotars.. The attendance of vieitore at this Exhibition, which in 191'9 wee about ninety tbouwsnd, has steadily increased tub year, and lest ear it reached over two bemired and fifty thaneaud. 'Tae aauratier of vieitare has in. Feettun et New $table$, ocotillo(' )a like *proportion, and with the effort* that are now being made by tho Auo•. elation and Manager Hill. le goes without sayhag that tho con'ing .Exhibition of this year, to be bold from the tl:h to tho 21ab of September, will be atilt greater and batter than ever. Tho buildings in the Toronto Fair Grounds cover a lurgo area of ground, unequalled any where el o in Canada, and the Auooiation le expending over $20,000 now in providing additional aeCKIMModation to meet the constantly growing wants of the. Exhi. bition. Now stables on the most improved plan will be erected to a oomrri w1' c canto 2 dditional horses, a new and splendid poultry building and many other additions welch aro considered .necessary. The entire "Zoo" property -las been acquired by the Aesooia. butldfnge; and we also give a view of the new poultry td bol In and a to c I he yc ,onaf t new a abliog, 8 The Agrfaaiteral and Industrial l rchibI. tion befog ?reunited in the lntereat8 of the public- generally, no dem Is beteg altered to make iG thoroughly repreentative and ware thy of their unstinted p1,tronege. The of ject la viol/ only to make each saceeed• lug fair importer to the praeediogoue,: irreepeotivo of -what can be aeon oa the other aide of the Rue, but to cqual if not to sx:ol1 any exposition on the Anreriean Con• duet, The 1?irectore fully rearee that they cenaot dared a.11l, that their petrozna want something greater and better every year, with all tlia`a le new and had -wain to be farina PP the globs, and this 1'R what they appear determined to give them. The noweet Idem are readily adopted and utle mei by the men ozone, The grommet novelties human *kill can deviaa aro se:maned every year, while within the immense range of exhibits, animate end inanimate, the la. Outdid Pair of Toronto may he said to rem - tient the beet prodaetat natural andreauurac• tired, in the Doruitnton, The ,A aocistiee bee oertainly very much tabu proud of, with no Gauge to four comparison Anywhere, Tiro Exhibition le not, as many supporta, control. tool by a joint stock compsny. hat by gentle• men, who give their time and *meet' for notbfng, and their charter provides tee every dollar which is made out of the show must be expended In addidg tot►nd lin rov lug the grounds and buUdingRa, so that the eublla at Urge enjoy the full benefited what- ever' a tietarloe they ,may give tho lnetltution by their anneal p;ttreaare, In addition w the greet expoiiltiolt of lire etopkt esgrietll• hirer, dairy and hortioniturel preclude, manafaotnrce of all kinds fine arts, ladles work, eta., there will kende, many special ioatures of the most interesting eharaoter, full particulars of 'which will be given in the ctfiolel pregame* to be loud shortly. A ,apeotaolo of thrilling iateroab will be Pain's groat bistoriaat scenic prodaotion, the "Burning or Moscow," with grand pyro- technic displays every evening, During the second week the Xnternatipnal Dog ;lb ow will also add a new and into=eating; feature, and in foot, every day thorn wilt be plenty to see at this great exposition that will bo instruc- tive, amuatng and entertaining. The Agri- culturalaid Itortioultural exhibits will be fully up to tho mark, with many additions. There will be about E00 head of cattle on ante0011W110g, Principal,, AUTOMATWG SAFETY ELEVATORS Pat. hydraulic, hand and steam elevators, LEITCH & TURNBULL,, paasensa Eiavator Works Peter.and Queen etreete, 1IAItWi4QN QN P , TORONTO ' OOLLEOE OF MUSIC. ORCHESTR.1 L and (MOAN SCUOOL, Fall Tarin. ctral afar) commebeeaSepteaabes"dila, 15:0 Thoroughinatrues oa In every braneh of panda vocal, ;net, mental and tbooretioal—by the Most eminent teachers ha Canada, C:niplete three manual �ec ire Renege erellerneeteh1th(tr,anin1,rsrime er 1,seou and practice. Orchestra et sp and chorus M0NE} ip'U111ii#+�ito atosaata v low irate of inkiest on 4.1111111, eleseseettrity. Apr7.40 BEATTY, CHADWICK, a1ACKSTO & L1 Barrla*ers 710.1$1011citor$, wallinlionHt, eor, Church, (over net* RtToaeetl&c' TORONTO., ONT. GNOME FAAMR. FORLSAI,F lM ail PART'S 'CP MANITQ8A P,ortioe wishtrg to purettase Irppravecj .lfanito1ilt' y'arnze, tram aor'ee upwar!cle, 'with imn,ad lla possesdon. call or write tR G, 1. b&I1L$ ?i, fa3. Arthur's .Block, Hain et., Wtntid , tin mroished Tree of charge, and sobers aaetaten $a mating eneclloo+, ire ' 0.E1 XsT AT CIIQaaaa-r RATAN or INTERlisaT. .. of Ile aceeasadie to cafe grta, Iaiploma4,, Wine. UARKEi8'V SIIU.IAi ilAf1D F7ili00i14 acital O ace • and, eesrt5flatu granted. Lectures, con• .arts, reeitaia,andvioiincl free. Send far pros, 45 oWin gtrcet Wit, Toren pacers, giving' full particular.., to E 21, 88. 1'OIt8U. f..I0ti. Direelor. bind iriylforover flea years, Prhtaie C of tlm f Ane 14 Pembxoku t.,'Toronte, Qnt heed Inivetut}e t eevyyQreetiti r deothe ries' ageu �et t f ^ G' 0. �t�� dOpLaGr Htent d�e;t 13 managementeiAir.70,BPrYQOU H,Agantfortot IteadngtonTypewrit * App:yfor circular. 3L e&feet Oitapapertriwritin . Able, There wilt e a tamer umber of Tahoe r pthis ya1 r t ban !asst, new and enlarged Pere feclrg.tee ants h+viug boon erected, Tlae eotel outwit r f pr els offered for the coming fair is $25 000, and nearly the whole of that acre ie offered for live atook, dater, aprioaltural and hortioultnrnt peeduete sed ladies work. any of the prpe to the horde depettmene have bran Increaeecj over those of lase year, and among the opecial prizes oiferedfor eheepla $100 by theAmori can. Shroleiire Cheep Association for thatl, breed of _heap. A large amber of sweep stake nee a' are offered, eaptrolally bat the hello depertPleut, Tao p iz:ais the poultry department have been fnoreaeed by the additieu of many POW varieties, and by uiaklog alt the eeatioua for Riegle birds Instead of pafrs. Eotelea for exbiblte in *11 depertnnlente moat be made before Auga%t erc,aants, Butchers, and TratTerS geueraIYa we Want eAQ011)1: ANlayourlocalitptopbektxjc CALF SKINS r na Carla Evaelehed ea, eatistaatury gaarsnta Addre7sa 0,, B.. X'.A.G-E1, $rota Pals. Vermont,, tit e, Boyd Mali Seamon naris§," winter from 1ortlaad *Tory Thnttday amt row roar trout Quabeo every Setturday to turdsy to eepool eatlap,r • 7 st .donderrY to land moils and paeseriours for 8cor,.nd and Ireland ; also trona Baltimore, via Halt tax and tat Jowev,AL. to Uearpooi fortnlrbtly dealer somata ereetha,, The atoa.n ers of the Olse, Tow sr sus dozing winter to and from Ilaittas, eortfarrd, *0=60 elalladelpva and during wow war between tiingow :And atontreal wuskl • Olins gasr and OMMtoa waeklY, rind GIaagow end Philodel7 phla fartaightly. Fax freight, 'weep or other information'a. ply to !s, OchunumbarA,Cm.,. Baltimore; fl,, Maud p2. Co.. ElAWAx Shan 21 Qo.. 61. anbre t, lidd., Wnr. Tacmp. 2O: Co.. S t. Jabs, N. A.;, Aliso a, :Qa, (RUM' Gave tY Oleo; New ora 11. Basilar, Toronto Aileut, Raja a co.. Qua ; Wm, Ilrockis Pbttadel. Rhin: H. A. Allen OrtlAud Boston. Montreal, JET Eloise g o at/re-open I? t22414,18.92. with Ooneervator a of Music added. Ur, t•lAna8c4) toryr, Alrectcr; Warne At2+d laaberoaua ane 31arntoster, a! e *race etae of et I+etfeuerl nevem wilt taws a Brasted antral ails oa the piano. Prot Harlin to dirt Director. .. r7ntate f7tilr lrl?ed, Pprelal asootuutodetioo for swatillet la Hullo cad .Alt. 11'or terms, eta„ addre e the Priaelpell Par.'s Comma, puled at .lira We, attaieted by Kocluutt Mb. Klraaced pu. tber depart. $ era in Canada, TAM*i nacre* aaytxfa lowest Price* 1V4o0ausland,Sone TO 76 KING STREET WEST TOS+ The Penberthy Lair Rowe, Automatio Injector 7P,0GO itt rat to oanide; ittOOS inwain the 'UMW atates,Terri are simple and oast lean lbs while performle:^, the sauna work..Thor 25 lbs. Meant, and work to, TWO the; UM water l?t to IO ft. And mark front ea #as4 11*>reA A,ut neatlo and rastar6lugw1eea eurrent to bollen broken. Head roreircnlar to Hain Qitlee, Deuberthy Injector Co, Detroit, .. tode>s; iYlridsor, Cant, and Detrolt, Minh New rot* ltry ituiltiteq. 17th. Canadians have in this Exhibition en inetitutioe they may well feel proud of Ind take a deep int:rest In, being ono of the beet en the Continent; as those who have visited many of the Larger fairs on the other side of the border readily admit that it will be many years before they canattain to the poaitina of, or begin to compare with the Termite thew. Specially low rates -sill pro & on all the railways during the two wooke of the exhibition, If our readers oontemplete a holiday trip tbia season, they will be afforded a good opportunity of mak. bug it a unoat enjoyable one, if they reserve it .for the thee of Canada's Great Fair, Thole who have nob yet soon the Indnatrlit Fair can bav n e t of a co ce n plon the Ina manse rr!auroras of'this countryand no better evidence of the prospoiity of 'it's p'ople can bo desired than the thousands of contented, looking,well drowsed people who gather 'there f rAlms.% J DOAN to neo, Toronto, 0 1'1 s II You Cannot Keep Cool YOU KE11) STRONG .I BY TAKING' , vr'- lout Life and Live Stock AIsso'a CHIEF OFFICE, ROOM 0, ARCADE, • TORONTO, CAIRITIF 01\CG)U'OUA.TeEI l A. Mutual Benefit A$80101,01°16 tr' B to th SOLID I;1\'h9T:1E �- F yymR a shoes, Aseeelatlou ONE CSNT PER. X, a patina age* tweety•awo, and two cents per day a penesar farrttsy tour can secure Five Dollars per retk w disabled through ;damsel or axICaet, ala; for We and three oaata par day, parsons *god ow above can more tor their dependant., rive hundred Dollard*• eseuteldeath. WE STOCK OWNERS. can provide against lost by death through disease or accident of their Mock. at easy rates, Those interested, sand for proapeoinWir , etc, es Itellable Agents wanted: in untep;apta,t die. I WIL'4IAII JOISE8,11tansgleir;Dt»otoa. beration Lite ToItowaxo tion, and will give much needed epees for exhibition, including the bosh herds in the each year from all parts of the DYlminjen te„ „ ZCo M the new buildings. Tho view given above 18 oouatry, About 800 hood of horeee will bo witness ib, Don't Hawk, Sp,t, Oonah, ALMA LADIES' ooliiiEGE"•, tii1'er dizineaa, indigestion. inflammation of 19fi. VIfoillle% or,xanid. the eyeg, to perform mental work and indIapoeitlon for Has five department's: Literature, Mnaio, bodily labor and annoy and dfagngt your Fine Arta, Elocution and Commercial an friends and accqquaiintancea with your "natal Seance. no faculty nainbere sixteen twang and offenaivo breath and dofultin: thoroughly qualified teachers. Bata run ziOlii $39 to $96 per term for board, furnish- ed room, light, laundry end tuition in all. literary snbeet's including the Clanks and the Modern Languages. 5190.00 paid in advance secures all the above advantages together with instruotion in drawing and piano by the regular teach err for one year. A knowledge of Shorthand, and skill in. the nee of the Typewriter, are opening the way to employment for thousands of young women to -day. Nearly every business office has now employed or is seeking to employ a young lady who can take down by the aid of phonography answers to various letters and afterwards print them upon the type- writer. $12.00 per term, or $150.00' per year in advancerwill pay for board, furnish. ed room, lighb, laundry and tuition (includ- ing use of instrument) at ALMA LADIES' COLLEGE, St. Thomas, Ont. The Alma liehool of Elocution is rapidly growing in attendance end public favor. The Professor is a graduate of the Boston Scheel of Oratory and a meet excellent teacher. Rates for board, eta., and tuition in this school runs from $40 to $45 per term. For 60 pp, Calendar address Principal Austin, A.M. The T>xrtle Mountain Region, efforts to clean your nose and throat, when 17r. Sage's " Catarrh remedy" will promptly relieve you of discomfort and suffering, and your friends of the disgusting and needles, Inflictions of your loathsome disease? The " Avonir Milttaire, " laments as in the case of other nations, that the French fleet is abolutely instal:dent. A Fair Trial is alt that is asked for Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery in all blood taints or skin diseases, eruptions, blotohee, pimples, and scrofulous sores and swellings, " If it don't cure, yon get your money back." Lord Randolph Churchill's proposition that an Imperial loan of £100,000,000 should be advanced to enable Irish tenants to buy their holdings, is ridiculed by the London" Times." The Book of Lubon. A Man Without Wisdom Lives in a Fool's Paradise. A Treatise espeoially written on Diseases of Man, containing Facts For Men of All Ages I Should be read by Old, Middle Aged and Young Men. Proven by the Sale of Half a Million to be the most popular, because written in language plain, forcible and instrnotive. I.'raotioalpresent- ation of Medical Common Sense. Valuable to Invalids who are weak, nervous and ex- hausted, showing new means by whioh they may be cured. Approved by editors, critics, and the people. -Sanitary, Sooial, Science Subjects. Also gives a desoription of Speoi• fie No, 8, The Great Health Renewer ; Marvel of Healing and-S.oh•i-noon o :Medi - eines. ''It largely explains the mysteries of life. By its teachings, health may be main- tained. The,Book will teach you how to make life worth livin g If every adult in Thousands of sores of choice free govern- ment land, now open for settlers in the Turtle Mountain Region of Dakota. Here was raised the wheatthet took first premium at New Orleans ` Exposition. Rich soil, timber in mountains, good schools, churches, congenial oc' e society. For further information, maps, rates, ee.,'apply to F. I. Whitney, G. P. & T. A., St. P., M. &M. RRy, So. Paul Minn., or J. M. Hankins, than. Pass. Agt. WHY VOU SHOULD USE 1LSCOTT'`''�S... E411i 'ETES i O or COD LIVER OIL Mill .•r?YPOPHOSPHITES. Itis Palataate Alt 1dllk.' It is throe times as efficacious as plain Cod Liver Oil. It is far superior to all other so- called Ene tlsionn. It is a perfect Slnulsion, does not separate or change. is wonderful as a flesh producer. It is the best remedy for Consump- tion, Scrofula, Bronchitis, Wast- ing Diseases, Chronic Cough and Sold by aft 1irbaylbta. L'oc. and $1.00, CANCER fere I S rife 1'B Private Hospital. 17o knife, Dook Crete G. at, MCMICtiAnt, M. D., Ne.63 Niagata SC, Bua'alo, N.Y. WONDERFEYL WATER cures n1' METES. y y w. .r. Raymond, journalist, Boston, Mase., Saye: "Was troubled with incipient Diabetes, Indiges. tion, Szo. Tried freely all the famed waters of Europe and America; but absolute relief and cure was ,wrought in me by St. Leon Mineral Water." True, if used treely and persevered in, St,, Leon never fails to effect life-long lasting ems, Patent mixtures are as trash, a momentary delusive, com- pared with nature's pure essence, the sixteen ale- ments of life to the body, the work' of ages, and .evolved by hydrogen ¢a1 from deep Mineral Caverna to earth's bosom. What an amazing study 1 Fresh life springing from the aleft rooks to restore suffering humanity. From this grand spring flowing life we trace compassion on .a sick, fallen race. The 6t. Leon Mineral Water Co., Ltd., Toronto, .Moutreai, ttnebee. LE 4. T. L A N E. physical, , hacks. Murmur,. urr,. Qua and follow our views, there would be a and 14,267 ha world of tntelleobaal and moral A.P. `463: the civilized world would read.: miderstand 14,247 p inLondon, . BI C Toronto. Iso Second•Hand Send for llab. There are policemen giants. This Book will be found a truthful presentation of foots, calculated to do good. The book of Lubon, the Taltemen of Heaith`I Brings bloom to the cheek, strength to the body and joy to the heart. 'Id is a message to the Wise and Otherwise. Lubon's Speci- fic NO. 8, the Spirit of Health. Those who obey the laws of :this bookwill be crowbed with a fadeless wreath. Vast numbers of men have felt the power and testified to the virtue of Lubon's Specific No. 8. All Men Who are Broken Down from overwork or other causes not mentioned in the above, should send for and read this Valuable Trea- tise, which will be senate any address, seal- ed, en receipt of ten Dents in stamps. Ad- dress all orders to M. V. Lubon, room 15, 50 Eront Street E., Toronto, Canada. ensrnwe nATE1ITS procured, PatentAttorneys, and experts,. rEat'd 1867. Donald C Ridout et Co ,Toronto., TEACRERS can make money during, vacation by canvassing for one or more Wow fast selling Books and Bibl,e,.eepecially History of Crnadei by W. H, Withrow, D.D„ latest and beat edition ever published, prices low, terms liberal, Write, tor' illustrated circulars and terms. . WM. BRIGGS, Publisher, Toronto. BENVER LINE STEAMSHIPS. Sailing Weekly between MONTREAL and LId'ER.POOL. Sal000n Th.bets; $40, $60; "aha' X00: Return Tickets, $80, $OC and $110, according to steamer and accommodation. Intermediate, $80 Round: Trip Tickets. $60,'Steerage,`$20. ' Apply to 11. E. MURRAY, General Manager Canada ahlp. p1111 co., 1 CUSTOM HoPS& SQIIA&ID, MONMatAO, or to L; cal Arenta in all Towns and dlttee. ENGRAVING, J•'L:JONES, FOR :ALL WOQD ENGRAVER, ;'ILaft ATiNG. KIN &ADV .171SING.\ 3, GSTREETEASr, '; PURPOSissi TORONTO, CANADA `he Albert Toilet Soap. Coy'a Oat eaf Skirt,Soap p MAKES THE HANDS SOFT' AND TNE' GOMPLEXION BEAUTIFUL. See that the' Cor's name Is Stamped on the Soap rind on the Wrapper' „• Beware.' 01 Imitations: OYER $3,- AND CAPITAL. SSIB. W. P. OWLAND, President. ) LCDoNALD,( Wg. Frrdor', E BooPEI1, J. H. 3IACDOYAL>�y Acre ar. V -P t,raTM- 0 :M- . rissrns I)sncit�, , Sawmills, Saws, shingle Milts, Lath Mills, Veneer Machines; Choppers. lig�la Stationary and Portulil' "1", All sites. Boilers Heatgnnlltya- 7Jmatcnal an w Planers Matchers and Moulders. SawGummersand Saw Swages,. Send for Circulars Waferous Engine Works' Brantford, Canadtx Manitoba Standard —wc x — „qtri F{'1�YY1y .r u,11iilmiiilimi 111111uimil1010mivam111111w II llt1101111umuummoum CI11ffIIIIIII N',.I�y,I� �I�I"ryl l'II II: IIIIIIII"111IIIIIil, 111 'It _ln ei4. ee _ spa 6 i i,I�,rani m^=fT. aaoeau061611 111011°111 aauae SQUARE OR WITH RESERVOIR. MANUFACTURED BY The. Go. tiAMLITON, TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG,