HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-8-22, Page 6LATE CABLE NEWS„ l'IteXaybriok Pase--The Naha Rehietv— Greece Causing Trolthie. The semestiou of the we In EDg1aD1 18 the'verdict in the Maybriek CANN =A the egesaeral opinion seene to be that: though the unfoetemete wenean, was tried for murder she ie to be hanged for adultery. The truth. is kfre. May/nick has, heen a verybad Inman. Lettem that were not TeAd 4-13 the trial show her to have curried:an e member of Intriguea with different men, and t hell ahe wan * depraved and, oenecienceleee wanton. Nevertheless% ehe has the popular eympathy, end is is even poeeible that her lease maY result in a ohmage in the Epglish Vode of Criminal Procedure, so as to allow *tensed persona, to go on the 'al -bawls Mend lie/heir madame. The great lewd review came off success- fully on hienday. The ruler of Geemaey seemed duli iMpressed and mode Nowell ,effeble. e inepeeted several ot the ship!, And talked freely with The einem, exemin- beg carefully every novel feature pointed one to him, and eepecially those improved weapons lately aerved out to some ot the ships. The electrical appliances also de - emended ome share of hie attention, arid so winch wail e conviuced of tttegreat stroath in the flotille tint be is repartee to have • tbat the ontredEuropean powers allied With Begleed cionla defy the world. Eng- land., however, doesnot mean to jell:: any oliele &Mimeo at present, though the leaning -ot Otte 4,10TernMent 14 undoelitedly tewarn the Bator. Little Graeae 14 =Meg deepeote efforts he Wise an inteepationel row over Crete. Telegreauta mostly eneenietheg from Athenie, inve beenTeblihed in the newspayera of Europe givieg boo -curling ecorints of the Terhieh etrociliee lu thee fair Ieleud ; but Ogee stories always turn up opportune- lywhenever Ertaela desires trouhlemBestern waters. Theo- vee se usual groludy exagger. itted. There hese ge,rtainly been Immo throat cutting,Ime it hole= -confined tono aide, for ehe Cretan Chilitelan on handle a loalle OS dexterously and determinedly as hia 11481911141ATI neighbor. The trite has been deliberateiy Mined up byiegitatora from the outelde, and Fetrope is now welting with ilheoecoled teepide. elm to know what me Amble Intends to make of t. Greece proleinee to be auxioue 'to light Tarkey, but Greek valor le largely tempered by diecretiou. All the powers =opt Basel* and Frano have admitted Tuthey'a right -to 'moment the Insurrection and restore order br C' ' rete and tbe Sultan has sent, hie trope to do the work. Tile lime move rote with Beside. wriorigoon.rogetwocalk‘nom0141411110.4110•00.......m.o. WOW Eg OiLitlA. a Iguelson Terlor Te/le Mow Melia ex entree, ante nx the Celestials, peaking of tbe et:sedition of women br Chime lut said it was aimed at bed as that GI the Women In India. The Chlueee lady wee *bin cif from the outside world. Be hid hotel of leeks wila ilaci never ataa a roan except father or brother when very rton, and then their beguiled. Wben iting the Women Were eartied around in a closely owed up Sedan chair. Thie chief offerers from this leoletion were the wo. men of the ttpper clan. They were Ite/tE TO nnTiTtXtir than the women who bad to earn a living and were cousequently more out in the world. Ageln nod nolo thesevemert ramie attempts to take their liven They frequent. ly got bold of their husbands' opium and ,toek OvereloRes of le to eut an end to their Suffeittage. SoMethena the missionaries 'Were called in to bring them sumac!, and the via time made piteoust appeals to be allowed to fife. When a baby girl wee horn elae vetut th.TOWIt Up011 the *treats to die. t she stir. Nivea she was treated much As a oat or dog -would be treated until she vies toad to some- body as a wife. The Chinese beat their wives for giving birth to daugliters. They -wanted eons who would be able to offer anceatral worebip.for them, that they might not be destitute in the Dab world. The enirerings of girls in having their feet tom - prettied were equally cruel. The foot was bent over by imam of bandages till the toes and heels met and such was the agony sat- tered that for years young girls amid not Tut their feet to the ground, but moved maned an hands and knees. The Goapel stentjoy into these detsolate lives, and very teaching were the attachments which these 'women formed for the missionariee. In concluding Mr. Iludzion Taylor said there -wee at present about one missionary for every three quarters of a million in the province he labours in, and appealed for more asaietance. • He Etead. the Bible. Johnny's mother was rather proud of her skill in the haircutting line, and was very fond saf showing it, ranch to Johnny's dis- gust. Being nine years old he was disposed to patronize the barber. The other day when his mother was making the prepara- tions which mardly precede the terrible or- deal which he knew was to make him the laughing stock of his playinatem, he re- marked: "Mamma, I'm not going to have my hair nue to -day." "What do you mean, Johnnie ?" "I cannot allow it, ma. I'm really afraid. It's dangerous." "What on earth are you afraid of, and?" "Why, mamma," said the precocious youngster backing mto a corner, 1"Fm anr- Trilled at you. Didn'e you ever bear what happened to Samson beeline° he let a woman nut his hair t" Hie mother was se thoroughly astonished that he made his eseape to the street before the could say another word. 1111. They Yearn for Each Other. How easily the experienced. eye of the betel clerk detects the secret of a 'bridal eouple, Generally the nufortunates are "pot. tee by their action. It is the expression of the twee as they walk side by skle,or are whirl- ed away en a railroai train, that gives them away. She miles sweetly on her new mas- ter, who smiths back in a loving fashion until every pamenger in the car is "onto" them. They yearn for each other and the dealing is clearly portrayed. At the hotel The aometiraes put on a "front," believing they can deceive the genius who presides at the desk. The clerk never fails to size them rightly. The bride is uanally overaffable to the bell boy, and her husband steps up to the register and writes "and wife" with a great big "W." The clerk asks "hubby" If he'll have a room with a bath, and that personage says "yes" (if he is not dazed for a time) with an emphasis intended to imply his ability to boy out the place if he so desir- ed. Then the clerk "maks him " with the costliest in the house and adds $10 to the bill when he takes payment. Such is life.--(litiffalo Express. YOUNG FOLKS. Sas Rowley. A frog. he would- a wooing go—, Height/ says Rowley—, . Whether his mother would let him or no, With a rolly-polly, gammon and epieach. Height/ 1 ;nye Audacity IteSvisy. So off he eet with hisopera het—, Heigh° 1 +aye Rowley - Md on his way he meta rah, With A rolly-pelly, gammon and 'pined*. Beighe I says Anthony Rowley. "Pray, Mr- Bah, will you go with, me 1"—'• Heigh° toys Rowley— "Pretty Mies Mousey forte Nee I" With,a eelly-pelly, gammon and spinach. Heigh° 1 itays Anthony Rowley. Nose they soonarrivedatMouaey'liflall— Heigho 1 says Rowley -- And gave a loud kneek, mcd gave a land call, With a rolleepolly, gammon and spinach. eleigho 1 pays Aothony Rowley "Pray, Mies leireney, are yon within?" Heigh() 1 Mee Rowley— "011, yes, kind ;dm I'm sitting to spin," Ninth a rolly-pohy gammon and epintsch, lieigho toys Anthony Rowley. "Pray, Mise Molloy, will you give us moan cheeee 1" Reigho I says Rowley— "We'd like a nice piece, if you photo," With a relly-polly, gammon and spinach. Height, 1 PAye Anthony Bowley. "Pray, ;IOW, Mr. Etog, will you give no a WO neigh° I says elowley— "But let it be something thath not very Ioug With, a rolly-polly, gammon and spinach, Reighe I opt Anthony Rowley. "Indeed itilieslefouse," replie4Mr. Frog-- Reigho 1 says Rowley— A cold hae node me aellearee an a With, a, eolly-polly, gammon and apitatedi Heigh° 1 wayeAntliony Bewly, "Since you 13AVe caught a cold," Mies Mangey said.— Heigho 1 says Bewley— I meg uyeet a song that 1 have jot made, Waite Itelly.polly gammen and spinach. says Anthony Rowley. But 'senile they Were all thee a. mem meheizig—. Belem I sap Bewley— A cot and her kittens eame tumbling in, WIth rollytpolly*gatunton end spitieeb. Reighol saye Anthony Bewley. The cat elle &clod the reit by the CrOWA Helen, says Rowley— The kitten" they pulled the little mouse down, Witla a rally.paIly. gammon and spinach. Reighol says Aritliouy Rowley. Tide put Mr. Frog in a terrible fright-- Ileighol says Rowley— iia took up hie hat and he wished them goodoaight, With a rolly-polly, gammon and spineein Idelehot says Authouy Rowley. nut as Foggy was mossiug te slivery brook -e - A lily-white duck came and gobbled blue With a, rollypolly, gammon and spinach /Taisho, oys Anthony Rowley. So there was an end of one, two three Ifeighol says Rowley -- The rat, the mouse, and the little frog.feee. With a rolly-polly, penmen and epinaoh, Ileighol says Anthony Rowley, 11.,••••••••••• Rne0h, Cyrus, Terry. and Ben. Enoch and Cyrus and. Jerry and Ben Were babies together, four fat little men, Four baldhoded babies, who bumped them - naivete blue And aprawled, grabbed, and tumbled, as all babies do; Full of laughter and tears, full °farrow and glee, And big, bouncing bunglers as aU bableithe. AU in the same valley livedithese little men, Enoth aud Cyrus and Jerry and Ban. Enoch and Cyrus and Jerry and Ben Were fast little ohume—till they grew to be men. Eight bare little feet on the same errands flew Through meadows besprinkled with daisies and dew; They were aimless as butterflies, thonehtleas and free As the summer -mad bobolink, drinken with glee. A wonderful time were those careless days then For Enoch and Cyrus and Jerry and Ben. Enoch and Cyrus and Jerry and Ben Grew from babies to boys, and from boys into men. Too restless to ably in the circumscribed bound Of the green hills that circled their valley around, To the north and the south and the east and the west, Each departed along on a separate quest; Ali! they'll neler be the game to each other again. Enoch and Cyrus and Jerry and Ben. Enoch and Cyrus and Jerry and Ben Though companions in youth, were strangers as men; Enoch grew rich and haughty and proud, While Cyrus worked on with the toil -driven crowd; In the councils of State Jerry held a proud place, Bat poor Ben, he Rounded the depths of els. grace. Ah 1 diverse were the Ilya of these boys from the glen, Enoch and Cyrus and Jerry and Ben. Enooh and Cyrus and Jerry and Ben Who oan read the etrong fates that encom- passed these men? The fate that raised one to the ' summit of fame, The fa,te that dragged one to the darkness of shame! ' Ah 1 silence is best: neither glory nor blame Will I grant to the honored or dishonored mute. We are all like these boll who grew to be men, Like Enoch or Cyrus or Jerry, or Ben ' S. W. ose. in Yankee Blade Pessimism. A small boy belonging to a Boston family was the proud owner of a bright red balloon, with which he never seemed to tire. One day he lost his hold of the string and away it went. He watched it for a long time and then went into the house and remarked : "My balloon has gone up to the angels, and 15 will be just like them 50 keep it.' EXVORT OATILB TRADE- The Voyage of Joh. Hawkins - The Xesson Aid. rranDlartd is TreachIng Canadian. lireetlerst The Canadien Gazette has the following t— Ald. Frankland bee just presented a -striking object lesson to Canadian. cattle breeders and feeders of the greet adventageathee now reap from their free entry inte British 'nearkete. Writing from Liverpool en, Jette 0, he polote out that while good United, Stetee buliothe from two to four yems weighing from 1,300 to 1 550 pounds average'have been told Liimpoot at from $0 80to $4.95 per bleared live weight, Cevalhau shipping cat- tle were at the same time being boeglat from $4 50 to $5 per hundred ; and he adds, "I am sorry to say the Cenadiane were not, so good e teineple." BOW, it may be wilted, can this inequality exist? Simply bemuse( Camp:Bann bytheir clean bill of health and the inestimable privilege they enjoy of free mess for live cattle imp 1j- iiih markets, realise from One halfpenny to three farthings per pr ned more than link - ea States exporters, and These low prices( for United &atSatesetockare likely to be maintain- ed, and this is especially felt during the Canadian thipping seam, from the beginning of, May to the end of August. But by their System of early maturity United States breeders and feeders on build op a two-year- old steer te weigh 1,350 pound", heir/ weight, and when slaughtered produce or tuna out 734 pomade of heel, the weights sought after in every pert of Great Britatie, anel not only wanted in preference to larger carcamie hat sold at a slight advenae, To Camino% then, Alderman Frankland ad. dreltieli this pertinent emery se -Why vet fellow the United Stedeidexareple—why keep your *One* longer than eeinsitery if by ore and ;Attention you can tAVO twelve and even twenty menthe iee4 ? Until this Is done Canadians will, be tniulte, fail to do their beet in Iltitiela markets, and, fail to dad the ful Feet te wbieh the (polity. of their let cattle and the immunity el thew herds from disease steuld entitle them. Raison's Rome Dile. Thomas 4. Einem while he Pittsburg recently attendingOlie patent Kill with Wotinghoutieoetei lo.terviewedby aIllepatch reporter, to whom he revealed some of the cheraoteristice of his MOO of living: Yes, I am a hard worker. I hardly ever +deep more than four home per day, and I wield keep thia up for A year. Sometimes I sleep ten hours, but I don't feel well wheel 40. if I could elop eiglat home se moat men do, I weed welto feellh My oyes weeld hurt me, AAA X would hone * tough time to keep awake. I inherit; this from pier father, be is a remokeble old one, eating little and eleeplug los. 1 Inoe often known him when 1 was a boy, to sett up all night talaing politio with a friend or swapping stories. I eitt about a pound a day, and my food is very oimple, ethentieg of IMMO toot, a, litthe potato,. or ;something of that kind, You know woen I am worsting ou anything keep et it night and day, sleeping ti few hours with my clothes on. I never talte them off; don't even wash my face: COUldn't think of such a thing, and In tble Condition I tithe my mole. If I were to remove my elotheowbou I slept, I would get up feeling QUt ofshape and with no desire to go to work. "No. 0° is my den in the laboratory, and 1 shut rayon irt there and huetle. I ;sleep from 1 to 0 in the morning, and then I jump up end go to work again As fresh as whir& This hi aIX the deep I need. Bub I tell you we have lots of fuel in the laboratory. Some time ago I had forty-two men working with me on the itiondeseaut lamp in a big building. Ihiroxl aGerman to play an orgau for no sel night, and we worked. by the muttia. Ablaut 1 o'clock* farmer brought in our knob, and we ate from a long table. At first tne boya ,a(1 eamadif6oulty in keeping awake, and would go to sleep under stamps and in the con nen. We employed watchers to bring theta out, and in time they got used to it. After a while tildn'ti need forty-two of them, and 1 discharged six of them. Well, do you know, I vouldial drive theca away, They stayed there and worked for nothing. Oh, we enjoy this kind of life 1 Every now and then I lure a big schooner, and we go down the bay, my men mad myself, to fish for a few daye. Then we come back and Imokle down to it again,—tSolentific American. The Stmt Pavements of London. There are three kinds of pavement in use in the London streets'save a London letter in The N. Y. Times. The least used atprettent le that of stone. Where it does exist, how- ever, it is much better than those in New York. The atones are long and are set on end,the upper surface being much smaller then our Belgian blocks. Uader these atones is a* heavy bed of gravel and stone, the whole pavement be- ing about eighteen inches in thicknees. The wooden pavements are also formed of much smaller blocks than those tried inNew York. Bat the most exteneively used pavement in London is that of concrete. I saw ane torn up for repairs a day or two ago, and had an opportunity to discover how it was built, First a foundation of atone is laid down in good substantial blocks. That is covered with tar and gravel, and upon this are set blocks of wood -on end , tightlypressecItogether. Over these, cementing them together, and when rolled smooth, forming the surface of the street, is put on the concrete. The entire pavement is over two feel: thick, and is aft aolid as natural rock. It is as smooth as a billiard table and over it the heavy vehicles of all kinds used in London roll smoothly and easily. One never sees a team of horses vain- ly struggling to pull a heavy load out of a hole in these streets. The stream of vehicles moves always smoothly and steadily onward, save when checked by the silent majesty of the inexorable English law represented by the extended arms of an insignificant Loudon "bobby.' The olcver trick performed by the captain of the captured schooner lilack Diamond, ir running away with the "prize crew:, awl quite provoked the New York Sane wheel proceed e to lecture Blaine and notion in the following manner; T/ee seeearet of the l3r31141 sealer litaiele Diamond by the revenue t cutter Rush, the tree:der of John Ifewkine, able apemen from the laeter vessel to the former as salting master and prize crew, with °edam tet tele° the prize into Since, the honorable 0014pm:emit of the priza maw in his bunk where be whiled awey the hours in reading wbile his captUriog captive's Imouglott their Tomei ieto the port ot Vie tcria z all this makes a good. plot fax al opera bouffe." It reflects no discredie on John BaWkino, wbo abed with prudence, but it placea the commuseler of the Rush, the Treasury Department, and, incklentally„ the 'United States, in a rather ridioulousi light. If there was any serimus intention pf tailzg the Black Diamond to Sitka' why did not the germander of the Ruthtake off the crew of the sealer mad put ou her enough of Me Own Wen 50 oil her to the Alaskan coast? If tlaere was no mach beton- then, or the men could no5 be spared, what was the object of such a farcical proceeding as putting elle man on the eeleed veiled and ordering the sealer's Ceptain, not to inter- fere with him 1 The mere inizure of the sealskins, witir a warning to her Captain, would leave been more oneible and dignifi. ed. Whatever Im the rights or wrong* of the United Soto in the Behring See (mato- versy, she ought not to be made ricliceloun Wo hope that Mr. Windom will give orders 'clot the Ruth shall no fignee again In emelt a faree•a4 that 91 July 11, in which John limekiln playedthe leading part. And, by the way, when will the State De- partment take a hand in the gaPle 7, San, ator Eugene Vale, a member of the Sainte Qammitttc an liehill0P4 With Ceuede, told a *Bost= Rereld" reporter lot Sundee thet the ceromittee "did int to any extent tithe testime:ay upon the teleetions that are likely te Arise as te the Behr/lag Sae, bee ceuee it was fele thee the aubicat was ho. meatately in the hand of the State Depot., went." hdr. William F. Wharton., Anis, taut eecretary of State, "eye that the VIM* Vito "has not beearoo an unemotional one." Was the aetzere of the Blaille Diamond intended to yoke the queation internetionalt The State Department °au thank the Tree - eery Depertmeut far a elohly humerous preface to the work of negotiation. Mr. Bleien part muat 11QQ4 btgiii. t would he interesting to how If he agrees with the eeutione (Omen expeeeted by his friend Mr Hale ; "Ido not eat thet the Stet* Deparhnent is incetutarily confronted with the geestion of the Behring waters being conakiered A °lined see, and I do not understand that, whetever may happen in the nature, any semouncee monk, othelel ar otherwiese has been mole committing our Goverement to that propeel time That efficient measures will lie taken to preteet the Otherle,s, especially the own in thews waters, 1 een oU helieve, and I do not in auch a step eee anything offeneive to Canada or Eagland, and indeed it would seem that auchmeasurea would In in the cone Men interest el all =tethering peopleo 11 any late tranattotions in the Behring water; give riles to uegotiatione upon tble lest heels, I tee no remote why these negotiatioua may not be conducted to a harreoeloue end, with. oat et all raising the (potion et the dined *ea." Probably bir. Vele* tuaderetande that it would not leo plain Wiles an thet clotted eea. It is only a atop from the eudaeloue to the ridiouloge, although President Harrison, who la boaapahle of humor, triq not be able to see it. What Steam has Done. A very interesting calculation has recent- ly been made by the Statistioal Bureau in Fourlifthe of the power maohines at present in activity in the world have been erected during the past twenty.five years. The country which promisees the highest amount of horsepower is the United States, with 7,500,000 horse power; then follow England, with 7,000,000; Germany with 4,500,000; France, with 3,000,000 and Austro-Hungary, ,„..with 1,500,000. These figures do not include loomnotivete ot which there are 105,000 at work, with a total horse power of 3,000,000. Thus the total horse power in the world is 46,000000. A steam "horn power" is equivalent to three actual horses' strength, and eaoh liv- ing horse represents the etrength of seven men. Thus the total horse power of the entire world represents the work of 1,000,-` 000,000 men, or more than twice the total working population of the earth. Steam bas than' tripled the entire human work power of the earth. The walls of ice -houses are usually decor- ated with an extensive freeze. ' Duke of Portland gave $20,000. WI-BELEM Willient Butler, a citizen of Hamilton, while en route"' home by the Mtettroion train from °tittle, fell off the platform of the car near Becton and was inetently killed. Rev. PostorkloAdarn,B, A.. of Beinburgb, hae betel appointed prinelpal of Stiouitead Wesleyan College. The by-law voted on at Luoknow to raise $10,000 for water Ivories, was carried by a mejority filly -three. Martin Burke, the Cronin auttpait, bas been identified in Chicago as "Frank Wil. license' who rented the ()Arbon cottage. In the Houle of 'Lords lase night the Marquis. of Salisbury declared that the Government's pollee+ in Egypt would not be altered it hair's breadth. The commanding officers of the 13:11 Regi- ment ef New York have decided that they cannot arrange for it to visit Hamilton dur- ing the carnival. Congressman Felton hes written:an attiale on the Behringe Sea question, in which he agues as Ruesia had undisputed and exclu- sive rights to the sea when she made her cession to tbe United States, all her rights went to the States. The Owns in &attend - It is eatialactory to learn thee at least one section of the world ie setiefied with the harvest prospects. A oablemen states that. "The Scotch agrioulturiete have ensiling faces. According to the reports from nearly all of the 33 countiee of Scotland, the harvest promises to be early and abundant. The orope have made marked progress during the lam four weeks. Rain was waieted and it fell at just the right time. Wheat bids fair to be a fine crop, but only 50,000 acres are sown. Barley looks well, but lb is coneldered a risky crop in Ruch a changeable climate, A million acres are sown 'in oats, which are not up to the mark. There are 20,000 acne of peas and beans, which promise to be re- munerative cope. The potato orop is most certain to be abundant and healthy. Half a million acres are planted in turnips, which promise much better than usual. This has been good hay and poor olover year. on the whole harvest expectations in Scot- land run high. D1TRESB1NG ACCIDENT. I Arithmetic) and Ethios. inanis 'Feet catch in the Wheel of a Della Carl, about six -and -a -half years old, was way Car and is Dragged to IIIsDeatb. asked how much a Men WOUld gain if he OTTAWA, At1g,22.—One Gleason, employ- bought a barrel of flour for eight dollars and Od in the Crown Hill mine, near Backing- sold it for twelve. ham, Que., while on a car which conveys Instead of the expected ansiver--" four phosphates from the mine to the river, was dollen "—Carl said, with astonishment and sitting with hie feet hanging down. His indignation, foot caught in one of the wheels, and. hewas "Why if he bought it for eight donut+, drawn under the oar and killed instantlY• hhime outrt to let tbe other man have it for The body was removed to Buckingham. eight dollen, or ib wouldn't be very nice of Prices that would begin to make one's Another case of ethics coming out instead hair curl, a least a little, were realized at the of arithmetic, : beginning of the regular July sales of Veer- The question Was given, "11 a man bought oughbreds. Lord Roeslyn's brood mares, butter for fifteen dollars, and, finding it fourteen of them, averaged over $5,000. Five damaged, sold it for ten, how much did he from another stud a trifle more. Ten more, lose 2" the property of Wood, the disgraced and out Most earnestly and with deliberate severi oast jockey, averaged $2,500. Several of ty, Carl replied: these mares brought $10.000 or over, and for " But if the batter was bad, the man one by Galopin, with foal by Hampton, the ought not to tell it 1 He ought not to eeu! bad butter.—f Wide- Awake, NISMUANEOlio. Those who are arc" teemed with the peculiar virtues ot A pillow made nom pine straw in relieving sufferers from lung bronchial 'troubles may. not be surprised, to learn that flee, soft pine shavings are an excellent sebetitute. People otea with coughs asthmatic and broneene conap'alete have derived much benefit from eleepiog fora few nights. on. pillosvs ' or mattresem Ailed with pine *having,. The New York Evettin:* World will present ,,,the moiler who It'A's the greened/. number of living ohildren *$.10egold °ate while blame mothers who poixte second, and 'third in the list: will receive respective ly $50 and double eagle, Tito offer is not open to -Cs:41E0ms mothers, but the per mite of average -sized femilies easy con- tent thenneIves with Om refleetion that le 1. quality, net quantity, that be goiug to telt in the next generation. A congress of American natione has beell invited to meet at Waahingtont Qsat- Ade Is not a nation, but a depen- dency, it is claimed, and therefore, was not invited. Why then was nee Great Britain bidden to be represented? She peewees far more land on tine contin- ent tine comptiaed la the United, Solos and her intereste are greater than the major, ley of the other countriee pet together. But ehe is ignored, Why? Beeman the Cougreo la summoned in diseet antagenism to British intereets. Elise .Eieler, Now York, recently ap- plied for a divorce from her husband, whom on two °costa= when he carne home in- toxicated, she hal lecked out of tho MAD% Her complaint Wait that he would wit live with her. Whether Elie expected him to speed the eight OA tho deormet, to mond to the hone -top, or climb la amne other way lilte A thief And e robber, is not arias% She did not get the divorce. Anterlowee grant divorces pretty molly, but they. drew the lino at a woman who comet perceive the loeurnereutelele euttlo of livieg with * venial wile loelte the door liz Ona'a face, The little blend ov4r the W40044104 of whittle it Is said,. the 'United, States end Foto% tiny Inve A Tim*, is called Greet Inagua and lit under the Jeriedietiou of tbe Ilaytian Government. Wee Tinned State has long eeveted it, beceese of ite suitebilety for naval station. commands the chute nel between Cabe and gayti, the poems - Mtn of it woad unable our ileighheta to sCrittieZa comeeenee proceeding toe Bonet Ma And beyond. Ver metier remoin Fratiee has ohm been doirthe of it, 1e to old tint tots before ex-Poseideet Sslemen left; Heyti he propoed to the Goveromeut et Wohing ton that le Shenk). purelnee outrol of the bleed. There is it good dot ot wailing and gnash,- ing.of teeth in the United Soto* among the Blatoo liepnbiletus o'er the fact thin Rowiell Roam, the Peeeldenehs mon, has had 40Me henorpeld him in Englend. A reont deimeteb to the New York "Tribune" old; "The preemie* of Pooh/out 'terrine:4;ton in Lon. don bee 'nee XI:CO.13141d IA 4 worked way by the eeiyaltica. Ile la treated, as e kind of American heir-epperent." Young Mr. Her - risen, neon, doled with the Quo, Lord Salishinv, end* number of Bogludinotablea, and the Republesen Anglophobes tierces the line ere wild with rage. Thie is not lute prising in view of the fad that twiating of the British lion's tell was on of the prooeseee by whielt tho limpublicen viotory teat fell was MM. According to. a report of the Comminion. ars in Lunacy recently preeented to the Brittlit Perliement there were be England and hi ales an the lee of last &tottery 84,340 Ituntice, belug An increase ot 1,007 on the number retatroed in the, previous year. Of the whole number 7.970 wore returned as lunatics of the private oleos, 75.639 ea Pent) ere, =din as eirlininals. To income is minter 300 in axcete of the average lucrative for the proceeding ten years. Speaking of this fact the "Times" *says :--,-, "It is not easy tosay how far this income is dun to a poltive increase of lunacy throughout the emintry, Alla how far it is due to the ttimis. ohm into licensed eatablishmente of mules previously existing bur not previously brought under the eupervision of the Com- mission re," tise State of New Jersey it seems that children eau be melted on account of their parents' debt, and there was it ease of it in Trenton. Four children, of four, sir, eight and ten peen of age respectively, were do- serted by their parents, and while the neighbors were debating what ought to be done, it woman appeared on the then° and. announced that as the parents had bor- rowed .635 from her and had decamped with- out paying her, she meant to hold the ren as hostages for the recovery of the debt, and if the parents ever turned up again they would regnire to pay the loan before she would give up the children. This extraor- dinary claim was apparently recognized as lawful by the overseer of the poor, who in- duced her finally to let the children go for $30. If there is any suoh law au this on the New jersey statute book then the sooner it is expunged the better tor the credit of that commonwealth. A Great Conflagration. Further details of the great lire at Lott Chow come to the Shanghai "Mercury" from its Chung -king correspondent undet slate of May 1. The writer sayet—Over three - fifth's of the entire city and suburbs were destroyed by the fire of April 12. The fire is said to have originated outbid° of the city, near the river, through burning joss paper. The wind blowing strong at the time, some of the burning paper was blown into a stack of dried gram used for fuel, the fire spread. Ing with rapidity in all directions, so that in a very few minutes it wasentirely beyond control. The fire burned for twenty-three hours, destroying 87,000 dwellings. Over 1,2.00 persons perished in the flames and 400 were crushed to death in their efforts to escape. Nearly 170,000 people were °blond to camp out as boob they could, without any shelter overhead, and were dying at the rate of about 100 a day from want and exposure. Lon Chow is situated in the fork of two rivers very muoh the same position ae Chung -king, and is the second trading maze in this province. --(Ex TOR THE COMING EUROPEAN WAR, }seance invaded, Ifluungh Switzerland. Evince io top well guirded emon her Alpine frontier to allow the co-operation of the Italian armies to be of any real ;novice to the German empire, But no seriette obe etreation up te the preeept could, hheder the Indiana from penetrating the tertitorg of the Swiss confederation, and opening up ditece road to the valley of the Rhone be- tween Lvone and 'retie. The Simplon neck would, (lifer a wide and. eiwy ACeeee to se, hi- veding Armee Thie route betweeu DOM° 4.00ola and Brieg 15 an easy ow. The deolivity 34 very graduel, and ' the ground Can b travelled over not only by Wegone, bue by the heavieet artillery, witheue the leeet dititeulty. Bona Donee d'Oaaole. to Brieg the distance Gen be covered by an ordinary stage coat* In nine hoora and a. half, and one can travel it on foot in fourteen - or fifteen homes In this short -levee of time anItalien army ceuld capture the head of the railroad line and of the eetire ;gees leading to the Ereoch frontier., The greater portion of the Sim- plots'and particularly the nrck, Is situated on Ssviss territory. At this strategic the importance of which is manifest, the line of ehe frontier rune along ab abouh ball the height of the 'feline mid° of the witzeriand lime therefore, in her needs the key poop tint, witbout netural MA. oulties, would lead enItalian array into the ve,110, ofthe Saone. Only three old forte are in existence to bar a route so important —the forte of Settee Mautice, a little town of 15.000 irdlehiteutit. attoato4 ab 'dm one trange at the Arlie defile whiehleentometered la pinup the Rhone item ISa eouroo 34 Ulm Geneve. thio point the two rents* and the two Ilium of Pithead coming from, She lake unite. The enormoue rook* of the Dant de Morale on the north and of the Dene do Midi oo. the eeetli COMA Se eleefi to each other thee the Rhone at thee spot pewit through a narrerrgorge, The Ronnese gneW the impottamact at dile post, withal they earn., od Ageueurn. Three lone stertel there to dee feed pm, bat they Laufer from Wog fortMobto) Aucl probAloly would not hold out long againot modern artillery. They constitute the only deferime of the elide° velley. There are no other rodent*. WA even at the Simplon neck. Win the Federal 04Vernment hesitate %beat clotiog tbia daegereas opeuing, which might behigento Swim Territory the fares* directed agatuet Romeo? The heat military writerii ot Sselizalenti believe thin it le coelwary to reek° beet La oloolog tide bile there tit yet tine; and the Swin *DI* en, diegfeied end Itotinike, hold 5505 550 rts of Saint Maurine can be turned. The FedoralGoverument haefertified %int Gothe iaut 18 50* dime nothing with the Sim. pion ; and 5111815 the neck thee Iodised:might to Lyon by paining through Gargewe Log, azne, and Berne. Ring Humbert doe not dream of *tracking the Gothard; he would prefer to turn it, and establialt solidi nue ot operations of which the Slmplon would form the base. There the It* Ian army woula lind en °pert door for its cooperation with a German army combs from Baden and elhartemberg, ea it Wadi avail itself at it rather than break Well to pieCeti itgaittat the Alpe TholEarott Towara Cairo, The Soudon000 have been advancing very slowly dupe they crossed the frontier int* Egypt. A few relies west of the Nile aro rope of Idea hills whiala run parallel with the river for n longed:steno. It is mous thine Mlle that the Idabelat force, is reeking its way north, and from Ids gunboats in the river Col, Wheelhouse canoe the advenoing column aeveral miles long when Wad El Njornin expedition, about 5,000 atroug, ia on tbe much. The rebel muter heshern north of the frontier since the first of this month but much of the time it has rumbled in eaune end .wheu on the 211tVe ite promisee has b. -..en front throe to seven miles e day only. Bath the Soudanoto end the Egyptian forces aro pleying it waiting gismo. Wade - house, with tie black Egyptian troops, num- bering about 4,000 men, es -waiting for the Britieitre-enforcementsvi'hichereharrying to Aasouan. The commander of the Wady Haifa garrison doea not think it prudent to offer battle to the enemy among the hills, though in the fight at Arguin he defeated them. Meanwhile he has ordered the destruction of all the crops on the wed side of the river and at last accounts the fields hadbeen laid. waste more than ball the way to Autumn, and the natives were flocking into the forte at Wady Belie for food. Wad EINjumiel slew progress ia Bald to be due to the fact thin he has been awaiting eupplies of food andre enforcements from Demote. It is possible that when the Britielt and Egyptians are ready for the enemy they will not force the fighting, believing thab the:of- ferings of the mvadera froin hunger and thirst will compel them to tetreat southward over the desert If, however, the rebel lead- er still pushes north or attempts to cross the river, we shall hear before long of another big battle on the Nile ; and unless they are perishing from starvation, it will not be like these desperate fanatics to turn south again before the arms of the hated infidels inflict upon there a crushing reverse. Why 'We Sink in Quicksand. Quicksand is composed (Oddly of small partici:1es of mica mixed largely with water. The mica is no smooth that the fragmente slip upon each other with the greatest facil- ity, so that any heavy body which displaces them will aink, and continue to sink until a solid bottom is reaohed. When particles of sand are ragged and angular any weight pressing on them will crowd them together until they are compacted 18 50 a solid mass. A sand composed of tnioa or soapstone when suffioiently mixed with water, seems'inoap- able-of such consolidation.—(Solence. The Strongest Nan in 31aine. The strongest man in Maine is said to live in the town of New Limerick, Aroostook county. His name is Alexander Willett°, and he is noted far and wide as a man able to oany a Jog, on Ids shoulder with ease. Recently he won a bet by ploking up a newly -felled fir log, forty-eix feet in length, and carrying it130/1113 distance; No two of She other men in the omnp °staid even lift the stick.—[New York Stin4 Won by a Nose "Seems a strange thing for me to say, but, I really won my wife by the similarity of taste in the matter of perfumes. It was the heliotrope in her her little missive that led me to detetmine about wooing her in all ear, nestneeti." , "Indeed 1 Then in the matrimonial raoe you may be said. to have 'won by a —[Yonkers Gazette. A new life of Bruno 18 (0 be prepared by the Vatican. Efforts at phonetic writing are active both in French and Germany.