HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-8-22, Page 5EVEREST'S COUGH SYRUP CANNOT PE 1'f•XCELLEO. Try it and be convinced et its woadeifte marrow properties. Pren 15 omits. Tb. elope Stteeerrful Remedy ever des. poyered, sa it le certain ia, ltti effects and dote Aft buster, Bead proof below. s'rezers "' P. 9., Nay s, leg,T,s,19. J,'gmccary Co., Enosliuigb shift, vt, nentle,uea -I ba}vo used Iten- dell's Spavin Qum forSpnvins and also le?se a of lameness and°. Sttfr•lel itu andtoumd Itasere euronieveryrespect. ecordiaity recommend 16 to all horsemen. Veryrospectfully ,yours, CHAELES T. Blecaers KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE ti: Tlteeete P. Q. a r1122,1SS, .T. Resew. Co., Enosbureh Pas, rt. Geeta a^I bene used A few oottles et yoer gen- vasf ofuitwideltssuringroleave eituiinevery bat!toeneand say mayocptSwan diGtaemoand rapid cure. lean recommend it as the beat,aad et abeffective itnimeut yeeve-•tetndled. P.inelysend res hcokeentitled `ATree- temente e Ru st,'+ wee resecotte me 1.14 wtletilif+eN• KENCALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Zone Senor. Lets., 1St99 i0 tete Da. IL T. F1C,yn;lrs.Co. Snusbura h 1�1U5 wit Qtntletueu;-'• I always keep your ittntiaal'e Spaytn Cts a tett W,.ster on band Mei they leave never failed In whet you state tiley will do 1 IMMOcurr4 abaft Casa at Spevie and alae two creed of .1 UASbone ofyeara }to0lleg,0 0u1, catvblen l beectio to firma from, and heye nettlesn anyal$ns PtdlUtP44In theiroaXaprinti. Tours fru w critAD.0 M4Bg•) . Try Everest's Liver Regulator ger iltseasea of the Liver litdtteys, d;o., and Parity. i tZ of file Blood. Price $1; Six bottles ter 15. Per Sale by ALL, DRUGGISTS, ]Hams fac. tared only by M. X. Ew"E3tE$'1',. cue -vier. 1rAmer. on, PEN wIYROYAL WAFERS. Prescri tion of a physician wehC has ban a life, long experience in treating female diseases. based montlily with perfect snccem by aver 10,Oep lades. 11easant, safe. effectual, Ladies ,ask our4ni gist for 1'oanyroyet Wafers end take do tlubetatate, or #rimless Ste age feeSeaiodepeartleutere. Sold by alt drae"Ists et r box. Ad tees 9zlsi3llGata t, r., Prreor "nen• Sole in Beeter by P. 1iwlt&, .anis druggists ervwhtlre, Jan, 1.8. Prka I perbottle. tlt Fly beideee far ;ss'. AN druggist.. ano%Prcan got %furyou. °violenlbo Rat to asst' eetiresa est receipt of price by tlt4 roprtetorP MS. 8, T. =:t' ALL CO., itembersh Faib lit. 8OI.D D'E AL2* PBUG$I STB. lIXE oii The famous heavy -bodied Oil made only by McCQLI DROSi 14 Co'y1, TORONTO. Me x4 oaks and, you. will 'nee no other. McCofl's Famous CYLINDER QIL This ' 'o ix'e MYRTLE Gut &Plug Smoking Tobacco FINER TAR". See c� &Icklleadacheand relieve roil the troubles Inct.• dent to bilious stere of the system. sorb es Ai�SIN%t, ause&. Dreweintse. Distress; after tvt ng.Pam in Mel -tide, ,fie, While their moist remarkable succesm has been shown to curing SIJK liyet' ra in:tee Ltrrt.F erne Fiy>,a are equally valuable hi Constipation, curing antlprerenttai; this Annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of Rio stothaeh, +itimulato the liver stud initiate the bowels. liven If they only cured Ache they would kat ultumt pr cotton to those. who seer from IWs distressing complaint; here, those -who once te, trim will An 1 these littlepillsvalnnblo into tinny ways, that they will not bit wfities to do wrltltout them. ;]3ut after alt gel; head lit thebOle Of SO luaus *RS that herrta'atera We make our great boau« our pills cure it while others do not. C.tRrra's Lr'zwr> mega mug nr, wrrvsmall and very OAST to take . One or two ills make a dose. They ore strictly vt t.a tableand do net gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please nU who use theta. In veal's nt�K cents; live for al. Sold everywhere, ar zentby mall COM YLD1Cfl R C0., 2ttw Tort. a�' Sma D000l Small Trios, 1 I\' BRONZE ON and Package. Iv, �` Is the anent in Canada for engine o tinders. FOR SALE BY �i Biett Eros. EXZTERI, OXT. THF PROVIDENT Life and Lige Mock gs- so iaa .0111 INCORPORATED, AUG. I,SS?, Iiead ()flea room 0 tread TORONTO, ONTARIO In the Life Department this .As>so- elation provides indemnity for Sick- ness .and Accident, and. substantial as- sistanecs to the relatives of deceased members at terms available to all:, In the Live Stock Department, two• thirds indemnity for loss of live stock of its members. Bend for particulars, claims paid etc. WILLIAM JONES, pt.G, S8. M ANAG1 W 3)IDEGT011 CITYHOTEL �„F;t,1DON, O TAEIO. 1psdAy . & 1.11ieliili'£1,�'ropritioxs. THE LIGHT RUNNING SEINING MACHINE HAS NO - EQUAL. Jnlocka nil the *slogged avenues of the o£$ Bowels, Kidneys and Liver. Carling off gratlualfy :without \v'eala ing tha syts- tom,:till the Impuritie3 and foul Iaumore of the secretions; at the ram, time Cor- recting Acidity of tho Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Sero- fula, Fluttering of the Heart, Ner- vousness, and General Debility ;all these and litany other similar Cemtpiatnta yield to the happy influence of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Sulo by nil Dsafrx:. T.I�II,BUR1 & CO., Proprietors, Toronto. LADIES ONLY. FRENCH REGULATION PILLS. Far superior to ergot, Tansy, Pennyroyal or Oxide Ender.,ed by the thoneauds o ladies who tree thi ut MONTHLY. Never fail, rale- , !viii , 'INSURE REGULARITY, Pleasant 1 ant! Efeeetual, Price $2. Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto, Ont. Nov -29-8 The Grad Ilio. liotel, Furniture and Unclertafdin —GO TO Rowe 8b Andrews A. aomp1ete Bil;tory of the & Conemaugh nhn town LO D Catarrh. Catarrhal Deafness, a Fever, earl!hissing also, a history of the floods —T int Witliatnaport ILotsk ilaveu• -tun- A NEW -HOME TREATMENT, harry and all tlt4 800dod dsLziots in the State of Pennsyleainie, also in Weshinj tee, Il, CtNowvollY1 t4 r tl►nd,Yir iiia anti wire>t ;�ilfrUrerS are not generally aww'stre Yirgzna, sit of t� bre caused t 1e total lo,a of that tt tll8 se diseases aro G 6litEtt;1o11S, UT over 11,WU li.ieep t►n 1 the destruction of over $ O,WO,Qoo worth of pxoperty; that they an dao to the presence of Uy 0E0 'J 7FID,I tltai5, A. awl. tiring parasites 'i n. tee linin„ Pexfi- ee:etro, szsi rages; 111Y$trated with 48 fuft_paya aFlnemayiu s. Price $1.b?,. West brant of ' iatohialr tulles edition zoeued August 1 th. Ivo pay 4itty art A;ticrosevote reseizrclenoweY E'I', nee prolr- til t,frl '1!T$ wAeilEi> sand ;e Qty For eel this to be a fact, and the result is fl- s.000nsPEEnfeOro„New "YORN. at, ars of Loudon Electric Soap for ZSc. taWhftt are your charges, doctor?” "Three dollars a visit," "Well, we don't slant you to come on a. visit, but just stay toil. er fifteen:: --»Hates." Asti ytaur grocer for London Elect- ric Soap. Cou ralescent—Doctor, hoar much do I owe your for saving xnyr life? Doctor Sixty dollars. Convaleseent—Sixty dollarst (with an air of eonvietion)--•It n. ere from catarrhal treul2leS ain't Werth it. should carefully read the above. complete outfit that a, simple remedy has been forma- lateee,wlloreby catarrh„ catarrhal deaf- ness and hay fewer are peruienently oared in from one to three simple a>,p plicaations made at home by the patient oncein two weeks. N., B. ---For Catar- rhal discharges peculiar to females, (whites) this remedy- is a speeifie, A. pamphlet explaining this new treat- ment is sent on receipt of ten cents 'by A. IL Dex,ox $ Stas. 303 West !ling St.,Toro alto, Cana da. -ScientiflcAuzeri- can. London Electric Soap will not in -1 (1O -22;.'S3.) jure the hands or clothes acid do mem Sc:tics are tate oids whines that can ;; work k for the money, try i#. C . Where the, are and steal:), w1 eI ht ' Very few persons eau hold their own aa# #liras )mel tittle. on their first sea 'voy lige, l, Wilehill,, !-lade ells. and hole!,!:: E 'CELS!A,LL 01' HERT, !nada happy Ly rising London TIectriw r r Used one Mottle of D. D. D. for con- 4 i Saltation, and loss a appetite and it calf eel lite, 1 would net be without it at six It is gleam that gOssills,trf, constd'r tilutrsthe price, for it excels All others. (ick unrtalialale wwlzeu whatever they s ty' Wnz. Wanton,. goes. I'OIi: BED -ROOM AND PARrXiR SLITS, Gait, Ont, London Eleettrie Soap is out, Yess.l hugs the shore, made by D. Diehards, Woodstock, . iolitin S. ' lly r sl little &meek on Trade ;!Hark Registered, If a big man in l:llee•lwa,lttics feels as silly as he looks, it's a weeder, h MYSTIC WORDS. hip doesn't giggle , ' I can reeouuueed Dr. Fowler's Ex. Is.une but first•class groc(wrd sells tralcli of 1.Vild Strrwbery= for c;ItrouitF dl -toed, a$ I b.alve ilsed it for twto years SiDT:BtltTlilw, AND TSTEtiSIfIN London Electric Soap. and eau get nothing elsw that helps xrta TABLES, LOUNGES AND j The man who ought to listen and , like it, Jane "Paylor, Mystic, P Q. This EASY CHAIRS. learn usually does most. of the talking, u1evlelee surge ell summer complaints, The Largest War'oroom fawn. Undertaking outside of the Unt1ertakw ers Ililig, in all its, Eratlghes; 013e33, dayr and night. 1TAliD"--tae door north of Matson' Bank. II1AIN-ST. ETH. The wonder of today is: Louden Electric Soap. The Sunday School in Maga. Veil boys, what you taker" Don't forget to try London Electric, Soap once And you will use no other kind. a Often the criminal is like the in on who blows into the loaded gun. Ho sleets the charge so unexpectedly tb tt he looses his heard, Just ` think washing day made rter by using Loudon Electric oap. The man who mows his hay on Sun- day is generally cut by his neighbors. Insist on your grocer giving you Loudon Electric Soap, it is the best. Cx xr•1' 'oz, c rssas a xa Enlarged and Improved. 80 rooms elegantly furnished. Tables supplied with all the Delicacies of silo season. 8 canvoniant sample rooms. House heated with hot air. Electric bells throughout. Si PER DAY, R. J. TUFTS, PROPRIETOR. .rhe Great English !Proscription. A successful Med1eine used over 80 years in ihousnnd9 of; cases. Cures Speriaatorrhea. Nervous 1Veukncss. 2+:t missions, Impotency and all diseases caused by abuse. Plummet] indiscretion. or over-exertion. ['Arran] Six packages Guaranteed to Cure whenatlothers rail. Ask your Druggist for The Grunt Enetish t r Six$3an, take no itefotnte. One package - � R���p t. Six S5, by z>aail. wriro for Pamphlet. AddresRs1:tiroliu C1esnical o., Detroit. iIJIeh. � 1if!) everywhere. eterbyDx. 7iutz, dna ah>;ng ilt$ First Glass RIGS And HORSES. CHRISTIE'S R clemeonzmulocesarmsremcm ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK - SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL ]3E PROMPT LF ATTENDED TO. Terser = M aawos weble Teter/hone Connection. THE LAD1ES' FAVORME. ;;THE ONLY SEWING MACHINIE, c Tel AT GIVES • ' .p.. NEW HOWEE NG MACHINE C� CRRNGE,M�SS CHICAGO -28 UNION SQUARE,N,,'c DALLAS, SC totes tie, sANFRANclsco.CAL, aoQa? . 1-11" ATLANTA GA.' George Vickers, A N T' •s. �lao is wvo tl, ntavnu It taiatatecl,lvlio in lu Folly and ign i t u , trU.led away his Vigor of Body, Minot ..i,.i ,,It.:. ho od,o2using exhaust- ing drains upon -tL, lbuntains of Life. Head- ache, Back auee, )fr„tt t,ut J,jrcams Weakness of Memory, Beshfnlne;v iuSociety, Pimples on: the Face and all the effects leading to Early Decay, Consumption or Insanity, will find in our specific No.28 a postive Cure. It imparts Youthfu -Vigor restores the Vital Power in old anti yo ung, strengthens and invigorates the Brain and Nerve, builclo up the I1Lnseular syet- t sic action tits whole 31 tm and arouses intoy :faro. With our f x110 human r A t Spenexgy o 0 23 the itlost obstinate ease can be 's ieeiflc Y cutred in three months, and. recent Oakes in less than thirty days. Each package con-. tales two weeks treaty] en t. Price $2. Cares t infall- ible 21 is a t specific -No, C+nartsnteed. Our Cure for all Private Disedses no matter 5fhCu of how long standing, Sold under our written Guarantee to effect a dare. Price $5, `Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto, Ont, Nov -;:9-e Kirltton. A WEAK MEN aqnkWIrue Phem selves of Wasting Vitality, Loat Manhood, from youthful errors, etc., quietly at home. Book on all private diseases sent tree (sealed). Perfectly reliable. Over 80 years' experience. Address— Ga1,'nMD PILL CO., TORONTO, Canada. LADIES our "Rollet for Women" ie oofo and slwaya rollabie ; bettor than Ergot, Oxide, Tsnep or Pennyroyal Pills. Insures rogalarity. Hand toxpaxtlantars. Address G ZLDED i'1,LaPi CO,, TORONTO, Canada. BEARDBEARDS FORCEDonsmoothest faces, hall S baldest heads, in BO COM dayar Magic. Latest and greatest achievement of modern science I Most won. awful disoavezy of Out ago. Like no other preparations. Magical,, sure, almost instantaneous in notion! Boys wigs Sous spectacles, but, hairedI" Our heads ine old ea takers! B whiskers! d certain to give truthe.Only satisfaction. u article d. Pri , $ ivo ob otuto forces. Slosl Guaranteed. o erioo S3 s bottle,ss to g or three battles for G3. Eaohbottlelasts one menu,. Address A. DIXON, !los 805, TORONTO, CANADA. MRflRME...6149ANNANI S PflEP dNatl6NS. SIJPERFLUOIS HAIR A prepatatton that wit- ysT ilaf 61 {7 Il permnnonttp remota surnames hair without injury to rho akin. warranted. Pricy si. PIMPLES AND BLACKHEADSperemovermanontd isly from 10 to SO days. Warranted..PrieeforBO days treatment, eL ANTI CORPULENCE PILLS '``t:se mben' ANTI.CORPULENCE omban• point is a m anor of salicith do *bother became it is u neom• Sortable orunfashionable—PAT B0LKS using ANTI n0RPALENc ILLS"iose emonth. easy cause no sickness a contain oo poison, and never failPride Serene monthki treatment, e2; or throe months medicine, Warranted. QIOVANNANI'9+ COPAPLEXIOPI WAFERS' AR9ENIOAL-- Bleach the shin, develop the torn, 1-Iarmiess. Permanent in outer: Warranted. Price $1 a box, or six boxes for ea. ,Add2'dss ibi,A.'D.ilellalE alrOVtLNNAN'x, 290 If.ing (Street west Toronto, out, OF 'WHIFF; 2Oths. iaw Sugar FOR $1. AT THE LotorNorth Gn. Sim The Subscribers wishes to .iuforon the Farmers and General Public that he is Frepered to furnish all Sizes and Band of Well Digging Promptly Done and at Reasonable Rates. ltcsideneo and Shop oll ,ton Shut, behind Chrisiids Livery Stable. A CALL SOLICITED. JOHN MOORE. hoak mere? If you want Bargains in Land Rollers, Grates,, Hay Racks, or Rakes, --call at tile-- E��tier Turalag Factory. Handles of every description always 011 heed. Turning done to order on the shortest notice. Repairing neatly and cheaply done. Circular and band sawing done. A number of bee hives on hand. ''They are the best and handiest bee ]live nate. t1 quantity of excellent machine oil for sale. Dry wood taken in exchange. J. D. V ASEY BSSETT LWEYI First Class gorses and. Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COM-1iERCIA T, MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hnr(tware Store, will receive prompt attention. .TE AIS REASONABLE. A TRIAL SOLICITED. ' BISSETT BROS. — __-WO M POWDERS 41,e peasant lo take. Contain their own j m F:zrect %• . zee_ 1's c sore, .rare ec zdcet_„e ` al destroyer o eof ✓orus in. C.au .sczza' Aazcl's. I 1dt I r. _ neve yen tiled the CalebrAtotl SHOE DRESSING Ifnot don't fail to do so at once. It is not a polish but a wondetful leather preservative it will make the finest or coarsest shoe as soft and pliable askida dvc easytothefaot. n rt' It will make theta absolutely water- proof, and if occasionally dressed with this tire.ssing will last more than twice as long as otherwise. We Mean What We Say. It is the very life ofleather. Itcan be applied at any time. No trouble— Shoe can be polished immediately afterwards. PiiICE, 10 dt 10 Cents per3ior. Sold by all first-class stores. Sam- ples mailed --Stamps taken. OLIVER CABANA Jr., SOLE MANUFACTURER. BUFFALO, N. Y. There is not much sentiment about a Chines.% laundrymen, yet 11e daily lw'i'iii ti WWI basalt!,. HELL' WANTED. Dy all who suffer from dyspepsia, bill iousness, sick headache, jaundice, liver e=plaint, rheumatism, dropsy, etc, .moss no time in procuring I1.1. B., net ulxo s reRgulator and tonic. It is n prompt and permanent eurC for all diseases of the blood, liver, kidneys, bowels and stomach. When a man contracts bad habits his income needs expanding. AN OLD i A.VOR1T1 That bee been popular with the peo- ple for thirty years is Dr. Fowlers Ta. - tract of 'Wild Strawberry for all rarities of summer complaints of children or adults. It seldom or ever fails to curs t•holerr Inorints, rl e . ritul dy sent- ery. name? Evtm well $eater �� it'tt i3 a $ of -ten, makes people siek. .t BABY IN DANGER. My baby was taken very{ bald with. diarrhea, nothing did Any good until 1 tried Dr. Fowler's Eettr,ict of Ind Strzwberry,I ami certain nothing equals it, and could not do without it in. time of summer compl tint and dinrhaca. Mrs, A. L. Buie. • Shell river, Man. tr • -ed a.dull I it ]. 1 d ns t e How lel I et a Io farmer•boti of n pessimist. "By raising cabbage's,' was the consulting' reply. Everest Cough Syrup and Liver Reg Water gives universal Btisfaction in this vicinity. ---11. White Crediton” Father--'lvhat makes you S. estratc- !agentwithmy-moneyl Son—Because ' l didn't thin;; you would like to spend it yourself after working so ]lard forit. This is to certify tilt 1 believe Ever- est Cough Syrup saved my life. -Thos. M;trshlll,'Forest P. O. She (tenderly)—Did the ticg bite you derluig? He—Yes, he did, She roas- suringly)—Well it watpada's dog,d in , 'tett we know be wasn't mad.—Yes but I am. Washerwoman's friend is Electric Seep. Salt Lake City has n mule that can count. No one ever hoard of ,a mule, multiplying however. You hardly realize that it is modeine when taking Carter's Little Liver Pills they are very small; no bad effects; all troubles fram .torpid liver are relieved by their use. Entire dresses of red-satteens timed with cern lances are worn art French country houses and on the seashore. To be free from sick headache,billious ness, constipation, ets., use Carter's Lit- tle Liver Pills. Strictly vegetable, They geatly stimulate the liver and free the stomaaeh from bile. The worst thing to take for a cold is advice.. Not one in twenty are free from some little ailment caused by inaction of the the liver-. Use Carter's Little Liver Pill. The result will be a pleasant sur- prise. They give positive relief. gby' a suc 's speech wasa e following The foo „p cessful competitor for the prize of a foot -race: "Gentlemen I have won this cup by the use of nit'' legs. I truss I may never lose the use of my legs by the use of the cup', • ON THE INCREASE, So.ieeresingly prevalent have serofu the 'all we �thti t become diseases l)e, bons d1s best h 1., 'r to the J • at S ourreaders ot attention blood purifier 'ancl ac,•tivC Down, B. B. B. which, All elogerecl sec etations and .re- :moves ai,l1 blood diseases from a com- mon 'scrn worst moll. pimple to the sore, Loudon The hats c1loaan for out-of-door fj2t- t' rtainm(uts have very low crowns,bnt wide brims, projecting over the fore- head and tapering to .almost nothing,' in the b tek and at the sides. ADVICE TO OIIeTIIEI;S. Are yon disturbed at nightie -Id broke!! °rye= rest by a sick eldld cuitering anti orying•ivith. Pain of cutting teeth ?lt so, send at once tend get it bottle ex ;lues. WI SLOW'S SOOTHINOSTRIIP rqn CHILDREN' TEETHING. ltd value is inealcnb able. It will relieve tllopoorl Ittle eulTererimme- riiatoly. Depend uponit, mothers, there Tena mistake about it. It cures dysentery and dist. Aima, regulates the stomach and bowels, aures wlndoolle, softens the grins, reducesinilaiuma. tion, and gives tone and energy to the Whole system. Idles. WTNsLow's SOOTHINGSYRDPJO$, CHILDREN' T1sL+TNINt is ieasant-to the taste,and is the prescription of one Of the oldest and best female Horses ttnd physieians In the 'United. Status, and is for sale by at t druggists through* oat the world. Pride 215 emits u. bottle. BIRTHS. Bltiowrz l:n. Ila Usbornc, on 10th inst., the wife of Mr Wm. Brownlee, of a daughter. tirynrplt.—Iu Usbornc, on 16th Inst-, the wife of Mr. John Webller of a Sell. McIeixls—In Exeter, on the 19th inst., the wife of -!Malcolm Mclnnis, of a soai. II_ix;r In OiFa, on the 17th inst., the wife of John Hajl, of a daughter. PARSONS—Il Stephen, on the 12th inst., the wife of Samuel Parsons, of a daughter. L .cxx13Tr eta*, ,, thB 1It1tzn st -, the wifC of Richard Eaclett, ofa son. WELss'. ,Ili, Exeter, ; on. the 21st Hist:, Ettie Edith, daughter of Mr. John VVe1Sh, aged 7 months. • Indiana has a double headed baby a� original wt�lv rl ; gi . girl constructed uponnal head at each It 11a1S'L ea < end principal. of its holy and legs' and arms promis- cuously distributee! .between. The ha ever i " children, of wt t t o 111 r hllda l C c they is or are, are, is or, anal, doing well.