HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-8-22, Page 4ceeeereee R VsAL MA WDER yell ,Pure. :a i:s g,t.-t.lcr never varies. A marvel of: ser, u1;ch and se holeiomcate.sa. 'Jlrre'. Creme ,i, dt than the ordinary kinds. and t ? ",? in competitton with the 2cit .dna of low teat, short: weight 1,11=4c,r �LE�i*,fir Fowler, Soli only ui cams, .-•M T >Sa l3sK Na. POW 1,103 Co., icw Watt St. N.Y a August 22nd, 1889 l .r .111.4YDRICK CAS . THE llra.:liuybrielt. sellteneett ;.":.at Liver}?1ao1, by 31a. Justice far the minder of her husband adaninstration of aanienie, is ea- trtordleery iuterest in Eng a;11theatost strenuous efforts are being ua .cl.' on her behalf for tlae our• 01 r4.v - p elltaatg the sentence of the led out. In view of ease is oceupyinr, $o. tteutitan the prominent trnA tllercwitll will bear re - le lint lint in za necessarily emery ssr, The murdered man, Jras. May - v, la Liverpool cotton broker, 'fee. years, The wife. aged twen tlr. vete was rather goof leekilnr +ter it . a bet 1 1iltarried, sola4c :Nan alud ,o t:liill]xen were born unto them. ,r7r11o time previous to the husband's r ]z, it domestic life was anything p11,*:,glut t:n,. Th& husband's eus. St* rL re ed with reference to Axa Comer's conduct with a male ae- eraaantaanee of the family, named Brier- d Be to 'Rich she confessed and scenes en el. On the 16th of March last Mrs. YeAriek telegraphed to a London hot- r3 asking the management to reserve ja. badman. and it was shown that she and .eIntent. eliu immorality :stayed a couple asi'tiays together at the place as man tuna, rsife. She returned home on the 53t13 of March. There was a quarrel, and on the 21st of the following,month Rexi'azssbend. was taken ill. By the I Th of May he was dead. In the in- teeval. between' his illness and death eveonly were the intrigue and assign. altora discovered, but acts of Mrs. liay- 5¢-•cl�'s were noted which gave rise to eeieion, and this suspicion after- eue ds developed into at least a moral ee*` ::este that the food or the medicine �. r slhshit:4. perhaps both, she hard is,; however, both concluded that the deceased had died from erseuie,and they are re supported in thisview: bl- Peof.. Barroat, and by Dr. •fitea,renson, who tested vartoua portions of the body for the presence of the poison, and discov- ered a small quantity. On the other hand, Dr. Tidy -who it is said,. is as high all authority as Sar. Stevensmet ut had seen no put of the body or its con- tents --declared emphatically that both. the systems and the post-mortem ap, pearanees pointed away from arsenical poisoning; and indieated gastritis or, gastro-enteritis, and, the sante opinion wee expressed by far- I fecaututare and Prof. Pa. i L But this evidence for the defence could in no way dispose of the.I g fet , demonstrated, lay analysis, that there was =elite in the body. The pofs,tn being there it roust benatuau]ly eaerred that it was the cause of the death, Having decided upon thispoint the jury :had next to consider whether the poison bad been a . ui nstered by Mr% Maybriele. Her immoral relations Ssi:ia the amen Brierley suggested a nos ileDt*.alt&tive, :and were a en1atee to 1 a•e;iata?iii{ hair cage. She had aalsti hand , ea.. .l:ats quarrel with her husband, S: ]a47 was atearhy trice her :age -he'. being fifty years Ott, while she is only twenty-seven. BE it was her possess, ion and use of arsenic whi4•h the jury heti 'mainly to consider. The poison wigs found ill her possession in v in orte. It was proved during the trial that she had bought fly papers, and ob- tained arsenical liquor by soaking them. She bad a small box labelled. "Arsenic --poison for eats." Several bott1ea iaa. her bedroom contained arsenic, mixed with powered charcoal or milk,ornitro, glycerine: Two f 0 her h� - aul.c ie rch fa were found satured with arsenic, and. stains of the sarue poison was "found on a dressing -gown and apron. The most demag iva fact was, that arsenic wee discovered in the bottle of meet ex tract, which she reunoved from the :sick Male's bedroom and brought back in a surreptitious it inner. Arsenie was al- so obtained by test from a stew -pan which had been used by the deceased. et hie office to warm food sent him by Mre. 1layhriele. Mrs. May grid:. was ably defended by eminent counsel, but it did not avail her, as after hearing Mr, Justice Steph- ens extensive charge, in review of the evidence given during the trial, they returned a verdict of guilt}. The maj, ority of the newspapers which have reviewed the case . acknowledge the righteousness of the verdict, and in the most unqualified manner condemn the outrageous conduct of the mob of sym- pathizers with Mrs. Maybrick, on ae- of the unseemly exhibitions made on the oecasion of Mr. Justice Stephen's leaving the court after he had pro. uounced the sentence of death. Full particulars of hostile demonstration are published in the papers just to hand. As soon as the proceedings were con - eluded the High Sheriff's carriage drove up to the north entrance to St. George's Hall. Here an immense and and excited crowd were awaiting the exit of the judge. When His Lordship, Pneeded by the High Sheriff, Under- heriff, and the javelin Hien, made his ppeeranee, the crowd commenced to ell and hoot. Ills Lordship, however,, ook no notice of the most unseemly bullition, but went to his seat in the arriage along with the High Sheriffhe police, not expecting this extra- rdinary demonstration, were not in ug e force at that end of the hall, but he officers who were there exerted heinselves to the utmost to keep the eople away. This they only partially ucceeded in doing, and hundreds of ersons crowded round yelling and ooting. The horses in the carriage, ne spirited animals, became restive; he coachman,however, gave them head nd drove along Islington at a rapid ace. The crowd followed as long as ley could, yelling, shouting and cry - y out "Shame." Jurors and witness - s were subjected to similiar treatment nd in several cases there were narrow capes from personal injury. That hose who thus misconducted ' them - elves believe in Mrs. Maybrick's intro - nee, we have no doubt; but they ap ear to have been ignorant persons, whose sympathies were easily moved, and who certainly were not in the me position to judge of the merits of lc case as were the learned Justice eforc whom it was tried, and the jury hose unpleasant duty it was to sift the° cts presented in evidence, and, hav g done so, to pronounce the prisoner nocent or guilty. The 26th instant, is the day fixed for Mrs. May brick's execution. Her case is now under consideration of the home Secretary and the lag officers of the Crown. Tho decision of the Home Sec- retary is awaited with much interest. S S°:cit arsenic`. the taking of which } at +C T to 1 t Tl S h fi a p t in e a es th ce p a sa tl fa in in :' a * f.¢ his dath. The post mortem ex :e.* ttion oho .rid clearly the presence a the lawn ox the liver, kidneys and viscera, and rfl-.s,,ssion of the drug was m eel to lE, ,- in a. variety of ways. No nt::.ampt Was made either by the accus- ed or her councel at the trial to deny this latter fact, the defence resting up- on the two o points that the prisoner was 'na tl.e habit of using an arsenical cos- meetie obtained from fly -papers, and that once, at his own request, she put Sao her husband's food a powder which she i! id not know to be poisonous. But she hole theory of the defence broke ;lr-7wn. It was attempted to be shown that death togastro-enteritis, a form etc inflammation of the stomach, produe 1 fYy Tmpure food as well as by poi - $0e, or supposing it had been produced lil ern«soft, in this Inarticular instance, az,laafsed b, a poison, either self -admin fered, or administered by the wife at 'her husband's special request. The medical testimony given in the mum' of the trial was contradictory. two paints had to be decided by the jury, and the first of these was whether death was the result of arsenical poison Xl;b. Dr. Humphreys and Dr. Carter; doetols in attendance upon the de- tkaz dadmitted that they had no idea tbat.it -was a case of poisoning until the ,snggest_on was made to them, and Dr. urcaphreys.stated that had it not been tlae suggestion was made to them, aitid. Dr. Humphreys stated that had it been for the ,suggestion regarding ex _m5e. he would have given a eertifi- Ian t•. to the effect that Mr. Maybrick died cc e gastro•entersti,s. After the analys- ATTElVTI01 A �, Eyes front, A N LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. LIVERPOOL AND QUEBEC • SERVICE. Flaoer LIVERPOOL.. .khursday, Sl May 2. . 10.. 16.. 30.. Friday, Thursday, Friday, , Thursday , L 5 Friday, Thnrsday, Friday. Thursday, Friday, Thursday, Friday, Thursday, ci 44 lc Ju.ae G, Ll 20... 4. l; 11. LS 19., : 25,. August 2 STEAMER, *CIRCASSI AN , , , PARISIAN , .. .... POLYNESIAN.. „ • ..1fC ATHHAGENIAN .1 .SA.RDINI4,N, . ,. . • ,'*CIRCASSIAN .. „ 1 PARISIAN., T • ,. POLYNESIN. ,. • . , 'fCARTI1AGENIAN • .; SARDINIAN .... • • , • 1*CIRCASSI AN .... ,,.." PARISIAN.,.,,.. ,..,� POLYNESIAN .,. .. rfeAR l .1AG ENIA1\ .. , s SAIWJNIAN... . `*CIRCASSIAN. 44 S.,.. p PARISIAN. - . Sl. 15 1 Pt:OLYNE. STAN. kNad;ay, a 23.,, -1 c'u 1'H:,At.L ENI N Thursday. 0 29.- , c SARDINIAN. , Pretty. September O. , ... , niRC ASSIAN . Thursday, RS 12i PARISIAN. , . CC 44 July FRo) QUEBEC. .Friday Thursday Thursday, Friday, Thursday, tL Thursday, Friday, Thursday, f4 Thursday, Friday, Thursday; May 44 CC June Li li LS July Si August SL 44 CC La September ..,: ,.�..+,,.,. 'day, October " 19 . .. , .. i I�t)l. � :. I,EA*T . . • 44 ll RATES OF PASSAGE 13Y NAIL STEAMERS, Qro.o' cio to 7.01,-„.r Cabin, $G0,410 and Vd, recording to :accommodation. Servants in Cabin, $550..Iiiter. mediate, .914. Stce?r.�a„a, M1,*.. neturna Tickets, Cabin, $119, 1.150, $159, Seaoaad CANNA, M. steeraae, 440,00. "EX i,ireassiau or 0th+.r extra Steamrra. Cai,in, Qi , gr1', urul $70, according to nccomada- tion. Seeaud COW, $54. steerage, 1 '. Ilot,arn tickets, v.to,44d$1s9 daterasediate, Steer. -e.$1.1 fiTho CAEXIIA EXIA:` will not 1 carry as�7engera from dila tido. There will IV no $team erearryingpasser' aerafrom Quebec alnr53at,Julylith, August 9111, September lath, 11assengara C8,9 seal frena Montreal. JOHN SPACKKXZAN,a the only authorized agent for Beetel', Out. .10 16 23 QUZQ C mutog W. SOIJTHCOTT'S Clothing and Gezats. 'uTRITIOEI Ter STORE. ExETFR, - ONTARIO. 6 Some of the 'finest goods that can be 14 secured, are arriving every 20 day. 27 T GENTS, FUR•NISI3I\GS IN THE: LATEST STYLES AT RIGHT PRICES. 11 19 25 1. �(� �A. OALIL�SOLICITED. 1i #i a SOU 4 COT 23 and Corner Main John Street, RXETER, ONTARIO. 19 'MARKET SiztvARE 29 27 10 Look AND BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR Building Hardware, Twine, Harvest Tools, OR ANYTIi,iNG IN STOVES op TINWARE, Call and see BISSETT BROS.' large stock and get prices, TURNIP and other field seedsaspec for Eggs, Skins, and other farm produce. BISSE'1rT BROS. QUALITY IS THS TRUE TEST OF ArNEss. J. NSVFHCOTT =o --I EAD9 NOW OFFERING-o--- •9 E Etc., CZ . TIM=7.115 -i .7.-1= Of Ever Description 1 de to Order. J. H. Northeott, ONE DOOR NORTII OF FANSON'S BLOCK. Main -street - Exeter. aseectesecemiesicual THE BEAUTIFUL HD CLEAR CUT ---TYPE:--- from which this paper is printed was supplied by the Tt o:.. E morn T Dealers in Type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies. J. T. JOHNSTON, so & 82 Wellington St. west TORONTO, ONT. CLOTHING A. J S1VR11 EXETER, - ONTARIO, Has now in stock zFn 1 ANS c+0071),. IN THE. FOLLOWING LINES - West of England;Suitlnas and Tams erings, Scotch Tweed Snitfngs and Trouser- ngs. French and English Worsted Clot Ali made alx» in the iiatest Style, at best +�'.�A !• Bates. (eZL . fr4 Dickson's GENERAL STOREL WRi The undersigned would inform tile' Palle that he has just received his bei .No.';, in the tai coucessionnf tlae town 5tiI�{{ 74 firm wail t7e solei Qhca ,and an eas�v t orma ER•.` Tl.,(.ls::7{s.�ttautettu,r.inyhe.vee,ahcatortl4 ■ ST C • owl 1)ubl.au, on the Huron it 4Lv J r d Road. Church and School, within l,lta a'iLzdo at form ship ofilibbert,contaiaiin" 100 acres. Thla INCLUDING A FULL LINR 41~ HPC?: GOADS, HATS AND CAPS, AND CROCK- ERY, BOOTS AND SHOES. Those visiting anything in my line willfindi tto he' t their advantage nt gc+ to call atud inspect lay goods and prices, Best Boller Flour always on hand. Highest Price paid for Butter and Eggs, and all kind of Produce, J. P. ROSS. (10.2'2.' S.) 1. d. SMdt1dCBMBE, jiIBTOiIartt Talior. Up stars, over H. Spackman'S Hardware Store. Re has Ulu stock some of the finest .summer goods to be • found on the market. A CALL SOLICITED, ". G. S1 ,ALLACO I L. London Huron & Bruce Railway GOING Nonru--T London, depart. Liman Crossing Clandeboye Centralia ..... . EXETER..... . Ilensall ....... Kippen Bruceiield Clinton.. .. Londesboro' Blyth . . Belgrave... . Wingham .. ... GOING SOUTH. W ngham . Belgrave . Londesboro'..... Clinton.... Brueefielcl .. Kippen Hensall. . EXETER- CentraliaXETER..Centralia,.. . . Clandeboye . . . Liman Crossing . London, arrive... /ME TABLE--Paass'nr. 8.05 A. et. .4.25 r. air. • 347. ., 5.20 .8.52. , 5.28 • 3.05..,.. 5,45 ..9.16...,.. 5.57 .. 9.28 6.09 904, 6.17 • 9.42 6.26 '000. 6.45 1019. 7,03 10.28 7.12 10.427.27 11.00 7.45 Passenger. . 7.05 A.m8.40 ref. . 7.24 4.00 . 7.38 4.15 . 7.47 4.25 . 8,07 4.45 . 8.265.04 8.84 5.12 5.41. 5.19 . 8.5d... 5.83 9.075.45 . 9.18 5.56 . 9.246.02 10.15 6.45 FOR Farmers, Gardeners and Florists, A fair sized brick Cottage containing dining room, sitting -room, S bedrooms, 'on - trance hall, -with two good Cellars under- neath, large kitchen 1&'o feet, with wood- shed attached, two large greenhouses, small stable, good well of water; with 14. acres of land, all well fenced and in fair Condition. This property is witlrin five minutes' walk of the Exeter post office. The land will be sold. on easy terms. A pply to A. ALLes, Exeter, Ont. April- 11, 6 m. MEDICAL. THE CELEBRATED DB. LE .CAIRRON', OF PARIS, FRANCE, HAS ESTABLISFIEli AN AGENCY IN TORONTO FOR THE SALE OF 1118 111F.DICINES,:WIIICH ARE A•POS ITIVE ;CURE FOR ALL. CHRONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES OF LONG STANDING, ALSO YOUTHFUL INDISCRETION,EARLX DECAY, ETC., SHOULD ;WRITE FOR IIv FORMATION. 'CORRESPONDENCE CON- FIDENTIAL. ADDRESS ALL LE TI RS. TO Tun E. B. CRANE AGENCY, CAMERON PLAOE, --"TORON'O. $QII the beat in the county. A number of Exeter village properties for sale on the beat, of terms, in41u.4liuc some of the moat desirable residences in town. Some property iia the r iliagei of Centaal-s;a, vat Farquhar, which can be "bought, cheap. To Iloardiag iiouaa IteepNra-Ou oomph). tion i a Verity Foundry, 4 n dr1*i, a R Ca�4 } ialatbt' .pj� from i^� is YSa aad4kitioraal`handt are to lac ern* l,layed, •,, How -01u let ata small rete eat. - aide of a iccomodaatiiaga to ao boaaader..4,toout flvt7 tnfuntear Waalk.frcraaa the fouiadry, Forfurthcr particulars aal4lln- to 7..11. DICKSON, rcia 7t17, I. -s . alaLrriatcr, Ex 8. GIDLEY. incE LEADING ndertalter AND Furniture OF THE TOWN I have an immense Stoek of Furniture and Undertaking Goods now on hand, which I will sell at right price& UNDERTAKIHQ A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. S. GIDI,EY. IF YOU WANT A 011,an Ealy Save OR Nat Har Cut, CALL AT THE Central Barber Shop, Faneon's Block, Exeter A. Hastings, PROPRIETOR Exetr Pflto tot1io. Why is it that in other towns and surrounding' a country they speak so highly of the photo- graphs that are taken in Exeter. And how is it that there are so many. photos sent into the different cities of Ontario fro1, EXETER PHOTO GALLERY Because a�.,enioi's work is as good if not better than any of the leading galleries` in the cities and their prices are $4 and. $5 per doz., while they get them at Senior's for x$3.00.