The Exeter Advocate, 1889-8-15, Page 8S0iiE;1 sappy
Wplugs and Combs;.
R S. --Our traveller will be
en route OD first week in Aug-
1.4ocal, IssTews.
—IL L Uilltngs, Dentist, tist, for the hes
nrtitieinl teeth.
John Willis shippeda carload of
they fount a an who spoke English*
nud all was explained clearly. Then,
for their special edification (the Gover-
reor and his ata), I put my Waterbury
watch into as bucket of waeter, and put
six bullets into a elide of 12 int. iiia.
at twenty yards. I cross to Gibraltar
on Tuesday morning by the "ylulez
H„ sier," and take P. O. steamer" Mar-
i" home Saturday .
staler. HARRY HEMS.
To•dey (Thursday) is Exeter's civic
holiday, send ell places ol~ business will
be closed.
Cheap Excursions to Manitolb on
August 220th, September 3rd. and 24th,
Call on W, J. eArtr'sc,
Mr. John Atkinson left on Tuesday
evening ter 'i inghan where he has
eared. a permanent situation.
The bealaw 'granting $10,000 to
establish water works was carried in
Leel n ow on Monday by a, majority of
53, Why does not Exeter follow suit.
We hop that all our citizens will
avail themselves of the cheap excur-
sion to St. Clair, Mich., to -day, (Thurs.
sirable applicants and report.=—Lost,
there being no seconder. Aietion to
adjourn carried. Mover, T Fitton;
seconder, W. Hoskin. J. Guests, Seey.
Connell rroceedlna.
Council niet at town hall, Exeter,7th
Aug, 'tale, all present. Minutes of prey
ions meeting, read and confirmed,
Moved by T. H: McCallum, seo'd by T.
B. Carling, that orders be granted for
the follrviigaanns vizi—Walter Westeott
$13.75, for labor. D, Tay lor,$12,do; Jno.
Moreshead, $13.50, do; Jas Balsden,
$32.25, do; Albert Bissett, $1.5(41o; Jno.
Thompson, �313.5O, do; Wm. Down, $31- e
50, do; S. Handford, $30; Chas Durward
$34.15, do; Walter Carley, $13;75, do;
Jno Keys, $11, do; Wm. Webster,$9 do;
IL Williams, $30, do; John. Gillespie,
$26,25, do; Thos. Snell, $16.75, do; hi,
i,Ielnuis,$12 `00, do; Thos. Hartnell, $18
75, do;Wes, J. Bissett, $81.05, do; Geo.
Ford, $11.87, do, and 67.80 for gravel;
W, T Horn, $7.50, for labor, at ditch at
Ann sat 0, Edwortby, $1425, do; Sam
Gidley, $7, funeral of Maggie McGinn
an Indiigeut, do, $2 for livery do; Jno.
Whitlock, $1,50, di ;ging grave do; Jas
great summer Sale
Everything must go.
want the Money and you the goods.
Dress Goods, Millinery, nery, Cottons, !Moues, Hosiery, Parasols, Embroideries,
Prints, Laces, Mastitis, Shoes, etc_, etc., etc.,
prices during this sale; Everybody should come and secure a bargain.
We have the best values in TEAS in town
and anyone wanting
f rst . class article should not fail to give us a call.
sheepon Tuesday, for the eastern mar- day.;, Fare $L Train leaves 7 a, in. Creech, $b', charity to 'J no, Piper and
d, from
kete. OlUngs v Mt: James
cattle topt Englishaye
rloade ' attendance. to S. mark Carried. The eonstab!e WAS iinnstrueteMay.
SV Sutton $27.50, for ten weeks extras,
* araeelal l� Mince",vex O _% x's 33"1"k*,, ets on Tuesday. They are spposed to to give Jno. Piper $2. per week untd
�* r. be the best that has eyes left this stet- Ifurther order; On request of the Board
.--Are yeti not gosh to tael a in the' iota, of Health the road commissioper was
excursion to St. Clair ori Thursday A Special service, for Children will '
15th inst, be held i>1 the Teivitt Memorial Church •
Den't forget the rtes,?alae e;,:crrr jinn ', next Saen(la; nftsrnvon, when the rector
to St. Clair, :dial., on Civic Holiday, ; will deliver an address to the young
Thursday, Aea:gnst 15th
liessrs. Oke avid Craig shipped fine
loads of extra fine cattle to the English
markets of Tuesday.
-Envelopes, bill heads, dote and
letter heads, notes. receipts, tags. ole.,
neat .•:And cheap at the ADVOCATE
4.. me of cricket will be played here
ay next, between the home
ClintoneIub,comu esacin ; caro ai British. Golualabi,r, was. sworn in
remter, on Saturday. Mr. Robson
ushing poetess beans: "All that As an old Uuronite, and by his advance
1 waist is a, sin;le heart." This would nmont tbia county lute the honor of ha'
seem to indicate that she held the resp racy two of its former residents Prem
5a -0c -queen and king of than suit, and ler—tar enwaay rand Robaeu.
Leek Oat.
Our readers should be cert ecce
in orderiu„ goods from ,,. ...
a number brave been fooled
people generally.
#� arsxeet.
.A. tireeelass cook.. Good wages
Apply at the Cs utraal Hotel, Exeter.
tilt, y e o Waiter..
The Great Health Restorer. If you
feel out of sorts, drink St. Leon Water.
Etrxrn Vzr.s for Dyspepsia and Piles;
positive cure. George Sanders.
ftnront*e Goes oa,
Hon. John Robson, Provincial Secret -
was drawing for the ace.
On Tuesday last a team belonging to
Mr. Leonard Hunter. of I'abornc which
was standing in front of Mr, Jras. Pick.
instructed to remove the filth and de
oris talenfrom the ditch at Ann st,
Mored by T. B. Carling, seed by T. 11-
McCallum, that this council Adjourn
until Wednesday 21st Aug—eaarried.
M. E acrrr*•r , Clerk%
an'o Excursion.
sonic �. cu.rA
he annual 11laasonie Excursion by
rail and boat, under the auspices of
Lebanon Forest Lodge No, 138, Exeter,
A. F.
+gr. A.:i .,will take playa on Thum
day, August 26th, 1859, from. Clinton
to St. Clair and return. The following
is the time and fare ---
Station 'rime Fare
Clinton 6.00 a. m, $1:25
Brueefield 6.24 1,20
Nippon 6.32 1,20
Hensen 6,40 1.10
ENETER 7,00 190
' r ,00
.1 a a
ClandeboR e 7,30 1.00
Denfield 7.43 95
demon 7.55 95
de Park,; 8.15 96
Children under 12, halfrates. The
in readies Sarnia at 1080 a. in, re-
raing,wdll leave Sarnia at 6.46. On
arrival of the trehu at Sarnia, the
gnifieent Excursion Steamer, O. D.
Conger, has been chartered by the
Conraulttee to meet the excursionists
and convey them down the beautiful
River St. Clair, passing over the won-
derful tunnel now being constructed,
1 and having a view of this grand scen-
ery along the banks of the St, Clair,
landing the excursionists at the Oak.
land House, being one of the finest
hotels in the State, having magnificent
pleasure grounds, mineral. springs,,
baths, and various other attractions,
making it oneof the most desirable
places for pleasure seekers to spend. `aa
few hours. Refreshments can be ob-
tatined on board the boat. Tickets for
the Boat can be procured fr"ons the
committee on the train at the very low
sung or 26 cents. The boat -will return
to Sarnia at about 2 p. na., giving am.
plc time for all to visit Sarnia Riad
Port Harron. The committee have
spared neither pains or expense to
make this one of the most enjoyable
excursions ever offered to the people
along the route. Don't forget the date,
August 15th. All are invited to come
and enjoy it sail down the beautiful
St. Clair River.
ard-e store 'ran eneee- but was captured 'teaa, baking powder, eta If you
before any daen ag q �w was done. not buy goods from your owvn merch
as low as any outsider tau come in and
We have«iii our Pos. at heat sell them, you should get some person
staalk tneasnriasg in length 8 feat 6 in., to but for xou. The traveller is allow.
which was ., rclwn on the', farm of Mr. ed from l to $S a day for expenses.
Parallel Sandsrs, of 2nd„ eon. Stephen, , Your merchant's expenses are very
and was well laden with peals. Beat light compared to the above. Se look
this who eau?
Our baseball club go to Clinton on
Friday, 28r8 Inst, to play a friendly
game with the cltib of that place. We
hope to .see our club keep up their re -
verde This being the day of .Clinton
races, up doubt it large crowd will wit.
meat the game
The Cantata,under the auspices of
the Busy Bees of the Trivitt Memorial
church, held on Ti irsd•ty last, was a
decided success. The nttendauce was.
fair and some $;30 realized. The
grounds were illuminated profusely
with Chinese lanterns.
A couple of our village :ports were
at Grand. Bend for a few trays during
the week, on a fishing excursion. They
succeeded in catching some fine pike.
In landing one of the monsters, the line
broke and the boat capsized, landing
both in the river. The water being
deep and the river wide at this place,
they had quite a time to reach land.
future and. yaurehase your goods
sat home.
Baseball S attria.
(n Monday afternoon last, a baseball
snatch was plaayed, between the mar-
ried and single men, those of whom.
were not masnebers of the elute The
rnzatelt was a very amusing one to book
Id, as as great many had never before
caught or batted the bell. Below is the
Bissett .• ..,,.6
Hynthnan. , ,.8
Weeks .,.,,,..5
Andrews ..,6
Southeott ..4
Htirdon. .....2
Sanders. ... , . 8
Senders .., 5
Snell, A... 6
Rolland . , . , 5
Gilley %I....... 0
Davis .. , 4
Snell, 11. J . 6
Knight.,, .. 8
Blllin;;s..... 4
Totalis 41. 40
1 2 8 4 5 5 7 8 9
Mat r'd 5 5 8 1 10 18 2 1 141
We are sorry to learn of the std. mis l Single 12 4 4 8 0 5 5 0 240
fortune whichbefell the .young, dangly- PacnCII's CI sib Wen.
ter of Mr. George Armstrong, who A baseball match was played on the
together with her parents have been grounds here on Tuesday, between
visiting Mr. Armstrong's mother her Charley Stanlev's club, of Lncan, and
for the past three of four weeks. On Parnell Bissett's club, of this place.
Thursday last they went to spend a
few days with Mr. W. J. Vanee,i sborne,
when the little girl got playing around
the pump and at last got standing
upon the spout when her foot slipped
throwing her down on the iron which
is attached from the spout to the main
part of the pump and caught in her
perineum and tore a severe gash.
Medical aid was summoned and the
child is doing as well as can be ex-
We clip the following from the Dev-
on (Eng.) Evening Express. It will
be remembered bylmnny, of the visit
of Mr. Hems to this place some years
ago. He has now travelled over nearly
the whole of the globe and visited
every city and town of any- consequence:
GIBRALTAR, 19 July,1889.
Am just here, after eight days' jour-
ney through Morocco, and I find the
"Evening Express" for Iast Saturday
week awaiting. me. It is all very well,
Master 'Cit,'to poke fun at the revolver
business, but it is no joke, let me tell
you, to be on the north coast of Africa
without one. You have only one friend,
and that's yourself! There is no pun-
ishment whatever for murder, and
• everybody has to hold his own, or go
down! The Moors are a gloomy, vin-
dictive lot. The slaves are the happi-
est of all the population. They are not
expensive. Even young women in
their prime are cheaper than mules.
I had my pick of twenty maidens o;'fer-
ed me at Tetuan for .X16, but didn't
purchase, H. might ht m
y return.
my motive on. m„ HARRY :HRMS.
CENTA, N. Coast of Africa,
Sunday, 21st July 1889.
Dear "Cit,"—Don't you come here!
If you do you will ;et yourself into a
confounded mess! I was seated on the
beach, under the shadow of a big .fig
tree, and making a few notes, when a
guard "ran me in." I am the only
Englishman in the place, and only
speak my, own language; so things
got complicated. However, at last
The game was very interesting from
beginning to end and some good play
ing done on both sides. i'arnell'a club
were heavy batters and this accounts
for the lnrge score. Below is the score a
ESETi.^R. LazoAN,
Gidloy, E.......5 Smith... , ...... 0
Oke...... 3 Cain 3
Eacrett, V 1 Seeli..... .. ... 2
Crocker.. , 4 Atkinson, 11 ....1
Gidley, B .8 Murdy .8
Hyndman 8 Atkinson, F......1
Snell 0 Porte .......... 3
Holman . 2 Frank... ... 2
Eaerett, G 2 McLeod ...1
23 16
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Exeter 5 2 0 0 1 8 1 6 0-23
Liman 1 3 5 1 0 0 0 6 0-16
Public School Board Miatateeaa
The Board met in the Town Hall, on
Ang. 12th, at 8.30 p. m All the mem-
bers present—minutes of previous meet-
ing read and .confirmed—Inspector's
report of the school, expressing satis-
faction with the work done in the oar
sous departments, noting with special
pleasure the thoroughness character-
izing the work done in departments
2 and 4 and giving high praise to the
late janitor, Mr. A. Robinson, and the
trustee board for the good order and
cleanliness of school house read, and
on motion of D. Mills and seconding of
T. Fitton, laid over for consideration at
next meeting. Form of agreement
with janitor read and approved, and a
clause requiring one month's notice of
. q
intention not to re-engage,recommend-
d -
ed to be added. Application :for prin-
cipalship for 1890 numbering. fifteen
in all and ranging in salaries required,
from four -hundred to seven -hundred
and fifty dollars submitted. Mr, W.
Hoskin's motion to accept the applicat-
ion of Mr. G. Tom, at a salary of six -
hundred dollars, was carried by major-
ity vote. Seconder Mr. E. rollick. Dr.
Lutz amendment to defer decision one
weekduring which the Secretary should
make enquiries re other seemingly de -
your OW/1,
Try our 25 cent line* it will suit you.
Richard Pickard.
Mr. Chas. Tom, of Port Hope, is visit-
ing friends and relatives in town.—Mr.
Mcintosh, of Detroit, is the guest of his
brother, Mr. H. K. i k11ntosh.—Mr. G. A.
Hyudmaan returned from Goderieh on
Thursday last,where he had been rusti-
cating for it. few weeks. --Miss Lou
Hawkshaw. of Seaforth, was the guest
of the Misses Hawkshaw, of the Com-
mercial for a few days.—Mr. John Baw-
den, of Toronto, once of this place, is
again in our midst. -Mr. John Leathorn
left on Monday morning for Muskoka
where he will remain for two weeks.-
Mrs. John Cudmore and daughter Alma,
who have been visiting friends in Sea -
forth, returned home on Friday last.—
Mrs. Jos. Senior and Miss Susie Senior
are visiting friends in Blenheim.—Mr.
Robert. Sanders returned home on Fri-
day evening. He visited Detroit, Chi-
cago and Cleveland while away.—Mas-
ter George Sanders returned from
Detroit on Friday eveaiiug.—Mr. C,
Hegnander is visiting at Quebec.—
Messrs. Geo. Heitman and H. Lambrook
left on Monday for St. Catharines, to
attend the Grand Lodge of I. 0. 0. F.—
B. S. O'Neil spent Sunday in Lucan.—
Mrs. Wm. Carling and Miss Attie Fit-
ton, who have been rusticating at Bay-
field for the past few weeks, returned
home on Monday evening last.—Mr. A.
H. Fitch, V. D. has'returned from Niag-
ara Falls, where he has been visiting
for a few weeks. • He is prepared to
carry on the practice of Veterinary
Dentistry in Exeter the remainder of
the summer. Parties wishing any of
the above work done can be a•ccomodaat
ed by calling on him at Wtn. Sweet's of-
fice. --Mrs. Philip Rowtclit% left yester-
day for Detroit to visit friends. --Me
John McKay, of Tilsonburg, is visiting
relatives and friends here just poly.—
Yr. Robt Atkinson,
of Cincinnati,
Ohio, who has been visiting friends
here for the past two weeks, returned.
on Tuesday.—License Inspector Pais-
ley, of Clinton, was in town on Tues-
day.—Miss Jennie Lingert, who has
been in Exeter for sometime, returned
to her home in Centralia on Monday
evening Fred Ila'wkshaw who has
been visiting in Lucan returned home
on Saturday.—Miss Maud Welsh, who
bas been away for her holidays, return
ed home on Saturday last.—
sewer aqd llialsie
VigiS Coluatetuie 844
XXX Porter a Specialty.
No Qre & IGB CUo1 D[ioS
We are prepared
to supply the Public through-
out the season with
Ice Crum, Gingen Ale,
Sarsaparilla, Plain Socia,
Leven.. Soda,Lemonadet
Milk -shake
Leman, Strawberry, Van-
lea, Pine nipple
or Raspberry.
G. Al fa7 f NOMAL
It is said that every person has a chance
once in their lifetime to make it fortune, and if they
allow that time to pass may never have the opportunity again.
Yon eau delved upon it that everybody purebasing their geode
at Parkinson's saves money, by doing so will soon make
their fortune. His priers are always down.
oar acre not asked high prices to make up losses, for debts contracted by bad
tourers; don't you see there is thousands in it. Parkinsen's Stock
is new and consists of'Dry.Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glass-
ware, Tweeds, Boots and Shoes, in fact everything usually
kept in a' first-class General Store. See his Black and Colored Cashmeres
evil 25 cts. up. Yon can get the cheapest all wool suit in Exeter made to order'
2T P =i SCaara
hMake no mistake. Consult your own interests and
xarine his stock before making your purchases elsewhere'
nd you will soon save enough for a fortune. You can do
better at the Cheap Cash. Store than any other place in
Exeter. Highest market price allowed for farm produce at
PARKINSON'S. First door north of the Town. Hall, E teter«
llow BOOT & HO E'
W. H. Trott
wishes to announce that he
has opened.out business in the
stand recently occupied by
the ADVOCATE, and is pre-
pared to manufacture first-
for all customers.
Our motto is good
work and square
The Sole Reason.
An old physician ,retired from practioe,hav-
ing had placed in his hands by an East Indiaa
missionary the formula ofa simple vegetable
remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of
Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma
and all throat and Lung Affections., Also a
and radical care fox
and all Nervous Com plain is,nfterhaving test
edits wonderfulcurative
powers in thousands
of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known
to his suffering fellows.Actuated by this
motive and a desireto relieve human suffer -
send free of ph ,rye to all who desire
it, this receipe, in German, French or English
with. fun directions for preparing and using.
Sent by mail by addressing with stain pnem=
ing this paper. W. A. NOYES, 149 Power's
Block, Rochester, N. Y. 1- 0
PO THE DEAF . --A. person cured of Deaf-
ness and noises in the head of 23 years'
standing, by a simple remedy, will send a
description of it FREE to any person who ap-
plies to Nrcnors0N, 30 St. ,'Toiin St. Montreal
Critical Competitors and
cautious customers are ask-
ing the reason for the success Car-
ling Bros. are having in selling those neat
broad $3.75 and $4.00 shoes
Everybody who tries them, praises them.
WHY? For the sole answer
Look at the shape of it, the thickness, the quality of the work
and the grade of leather. Anyone who knows . what leather
is, or what the make of a shoe should be, will 'readily seer
after examining the "MAPLE LEAF" shoes,
Tial Illeg are roe verg flEST spots
ever offered for the money. They are selling,theYare bind
to sell. People of judgment
ldame t vill have ve the best.