HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-8-15, Page 5EVEREST'S COUCH SYRUP CANNOT BB EXCELLED, 'Ey ik sed ka convinced of it. wonderful curaki»: properdss, Rriso eiata, The Meet It Is Remedy ever dt,Ko' *self, anis Dnecertain In tta erltata told does Reed pivot mow, KENDALL'S SPRTIN CURE. Barnes or Calm= d, SlIIDrs<. lies n:aa or Cent, rn RAT asn Taorrilu Barre !leasers, Xi-itwOolla 11I-,1ioY ;bees Da. B.,1. RaaroArs, Co, Dear Sirs; I have always purchased Yorrrifen. den i $_Ptiviis Cure by the halt dosesttlea I would 1Ek. prlees In lar$er elualetlty. I thin itis, °soot the lieatliniment* oA earth, 14110 used it ca my itablea for three year s- YoprS truly,, Cum, A. Simms. KENDALL'S SPAWN CURL Vitoostri. l;, 4., liorxmboz s. #sSs, DL fl. i. $Rmar,G Cu. Dear Slr4.e I desire to eve you teeth onlid or'PI $nod° lato*o[ your petits:rs$r. v1uCure. 'hove used it for 1.anienessi. Stiff Jniuia :tad $p a�yina.and1 bavafonrtdfLa4screcore,Ioor,li al's rta;oirlrae>ad iS to at1 tee, Seree>a.. your U ly I,. I# Oit.ei.•ax. Trey.Latcndry Scathe,, KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURL s,; wleortoa, t 1'v.iZsTe t1414.IIeC, t9.18$8. n ri1611.esD. tr. cuts 1fa•en ttintsteeirtoFoyrwhat! have done wife sour Ben: Was tipsvin Cure, I have Fared twenty-five horses that lual Sparrina, ten, of Ming Bono, idea afflicted aithit Head. and asvelrof ;Sig Jaw, Wool have ham of year books Aird ftolloweat tbu 0,Ire-Cttcn9, l hate hover Conn; a Case of any vete Y°ttm;,nisi°, A nil' Tintssi . gorse Doetor, KENDALL'S SPAWWN, GURU. Primal per bottle. orsix bet:lister**..AllDrug. tletshove osrriagetittot'a'ou,oratw1ltGoFeat o nay addrA OA rri'elyt of erl:oby the pro rte. cors, Dash, d,>�/npeu Vo. rrsltw itFaltv,l,'t. SOLD BY ALL Ilitvae ;STS. CARTEKS ITTLE IVER PILLS. ED mT P.1$ b4 ▪ k Pri TM iTRAAE Aida$.) • Try Everest's Luer Regulator For Diseases of the Liver ti:ideeyi, ,tkc., sod Parity - rex of the Blood. Prue 31, Scat bottles for $5. For sale by ALL DRINISIKS. Menufactureci only by QM fitskB1iP,6' T,, Camas; Prem,„ Asir., FENNYROVAL WAFERS, Prescription of R physician who Les hast a tiro tong experience in treatleg female diseeety. I.SCSOCI monthly with perfect sateces1 by over skafreffct l. Ladles e_Yourdeg gist for Pennyroyal 34aift:rs mutt 420 310 eahstltute, or f;iclose 1t« egofer del SoldeClldruggists. �rb IIRZCA el1FCATS. co., baa yr old in Exeter by Dr, Tette, and druggists, eSrcrk'where. • .Tari. t•3. Toar/e DZYRTLE cult & Plug Smoking {'I t"` THAN EVER. CURE Sick liest-Who Aird relieve With, troubles Incl. deist to* bilious State At the 'patent, such as blzzineia. Mauston. Drowsiness. Distress after eating rain in the Side. 4,C. While tileirrnext rei::aritable strcccwt ,Las been aboxn its curling SICK Headache. yet CStttri:kt a I.Irrt.a .T,lra11 PILUt ire lii t AetlslyR.anhie vtiingthiannoingcmpleit. curing they also correct all disorders of the stomach,. stimulate, the liver Aad regalato the bowels. xrin if they only cured HEAD Ache they would be almost pricele+ie to those who slitter front this distressing complaint: but fortunately their goodness `toes net end here, andd those who once try theta will snip these little pills valuable in so alai, way, that they will not bo wilting to do without theta. But after AU sick head ACHE is the bane of so many liras that hero ii w; ter° we make ewe greet boast. Our pills cute st while ethers do net,. CAa ISIell Llrn.x LIVET! TILLS are eery $111M1. and very easy to take. One or two pills snake a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do riot gripe or purge, hut by their gentle action please all who utc their. In Tints at 2I crisis; . for $1. Sold everywhere, er seat by niail CAMS liX11101141 CO., clew Tr*. bat I11 Small Pon. Small Prim THE LIGHT RUNNING IN IIRON= ON gaokag� i:!I O...:P A]FD READ THERE IS A MACHINE OIL CALLED ItPIN}fl IT IS MANUFACTURED SOLELY BY 1eCOLL FIRO&3TOR TONT l V3I See that Barrels are blinded with the Trade Mark LARRDTN.E If not, do not take it, as it is only spurious oil they are offering you so as to make more ,none :. out of you. FOR SALE BY lark -26-'SS', Bissett THE PRQVIDENT Life aid Lite Stock As Soolatio.a INCORPORATED, AUG. 1887. Kean Office room. D Arcade, TORONTO, ONTARIO� in the Life Department this Am- bition provides indemnity for Sick - TIM and Accident, and substantial as- irtaince to the relatives of deceased members at terms available to all.. In the Live Stock Department, two- thirds indemnity* for loss of live steel: of its members. Send for patrtieulars, Tanis paid etc. WILLIAM JONES, pt,G 88. MANAGING, Dram°; T it e'es all The clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying c t*t;atIually without weakening The Sys- tem, all the i:npuritioa and foul humors ef. the secretions; et the same time Cor- recting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- dice, Sitit Rheum, Erysipelas, Scro- fula, Fluttering of tho HIeart, Ner- vousness, and General Debility all t11o9e and many other ainsilar Cointtlafnts yield to ilio happyinfluence of BURDOCK BLOOD BITERS. For Sane by ate .healers. T,: ILEUFI1 & CO., Proprietors, Toronto. LADIES ONLY. FRENCH REGULATION PIi.LS. Far superior to Ergot, Tansy, Pennyroyal or Oxide Endorsed liv the tlionaaauits of holies who use their V,i)�'TIHI 1. Never faail.relio- ve rain, INStRI, 1 EOULARITY, Pleasatnt and LiT.'e taut!. Price $2, Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto, Ottt, Nov -29-8 The Great English Prescription. A successful Medicine used over 80 years in thousands of cases. Cures Spermatorrhea ,Nervous Weakness, Emission*, .Impotency and all diseases caused by abuse. Inruronlcj indiscretion, or over-exertion. [Arms] Sit packages Guaranteed to Cure when all others Fail. Ask your Druggist for The Great English Prescription, take no substitute. One package Sl. Six 55, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address ]Eureka Chemical Co„ 3Detroit, Aitch. Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and druggists everywhere, Jlan,-I-8 SEWING PIRCIIINE HS NO EQ UAL. iirnituro and Undertaking. -GG TG - Rowe& Andrews' FOR ,,., ..,... - ED•ROOM AND PARLOR SUITS, SIDEBOARDS RIDS ANI) EXTENSION TABLES, LOUNGES 4�ND EASY CHAIR. T1to Largest Waxeraon s n town. Undertaking outside of the Undertak- ers ere Ring, in all its Branches. Open day aid, night. STAND -.One door north of Molson'8 Bank. MAIN -ST - EXETER, CITY HOTEL LONDON, OENT,t a.:NlO. $3. per aa7 J, & J, 3I0IARTIN, Proprietors. The Grand Union Hotel, cr.,= =. - o=^ru>wxa Enlarged and In1,proveec . 80 rooms elegantly furnished. Tables supplied with all the Delicacies of the season, 8 convenient sample rooms. House hearted with hot airs Electric tells throughout. Si PER DAY, R. J. TUFTS, PROPRIETOR. THE LAD ES' FAvo:20TE, ;;THE ONLYSEWING MACHINE THAT LIVES NEW HOW -SEWING MAC INE ORANGE ,MASS. CH10J1G0 -28 UNION SQUAREN.Y. - DaLi.A5,1 LLL. ATLANTA,GA. WO LOUIS Mo, wses.w,.�.v,.,. sANKRANciCcacia. George Vickers, Kirkton, .N MAN Who is 'e bilitated, who in his Folly oulEl L.. led away his Vigor of Body: Min. . d, causing exhaust. ing drain's uppo ,:tains of Life. Head- ache, Backache, L .,1 breams, Weakness of Memory, Bashfu,ne,s in Society, Pimples on the Face and all tho effects leading to Early Decay, Consumption or Insanity, will find in our specificNo.23 a poStive Cure. It imparts Youthfu IVIgor restores the Vital Power in old and younn, strengthens and invigorates the Brain and Nerve, builds up the Muscular syst- tm and arouses into action the whole physio alen v r frame. 0 of the human With• oar g s' o specific 1�To.23 the most hstinatecase con be cured in three months, and recent ones in less than thirty days. Each } asad econ- tains two weeks trilatm ant. :Price d2.Cures Guaranteed.. Our specific No, 24 is an infall- ible Cure for all Private Diseases no matter of how long standing. Sold under our writtenn Guarantee to effect Cure. Price $5. Toronto Medicine Co,, Toronto, Ont. Nov -29-8 WEAK111 ane 9POlar. oan 6 quiokly Dore them• selves of Wasting Vitality, Lost Manhood, from youthful errors, eto., quietly at home. Book on all private diseases sone free (sealed). Perfectly reliable. Over 30 years' experience. Address-. GILDED PILL CO., TORONTO, Canada. LADIES odr"ReiletfooWomen"1.,ofeandafwoys or Pennyroyal boner theh' Ergot, Oxide, T.ns or Pennyroyal P30.. Insures regularity. Bend for particulars, Addre.e GILDED; PILL CO., TORONTO, Canada.. Bon EAM DSoFFOin GED nyesmoothe.tlln oatann fr; eteet achievement o! modern selene 1 Moet von• dortal dlsure. y o1 thestint Like no other !roparationl Maggfeel, !are. elms instantaneous in l spatulas, but whiskers! Bald : heads "haired el Oadon, epoatacice, taut positive absolute Only gamine erafete in market, and serttln e bs ltles for $ 1. ao Guaranteed. Prio l a bottle. co give a o3 e. or throe battles for sa. Eaahbottlelaete ono month. Address A. DIXON, Box 305, TORONTO, CANADA. MADAME 6101ANI NI'S PflEPAIITIIRS. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR A preparation that sat petimnnantlyy .rented. superfluous hair, without _Injury is Iba .skin, warranted. Price $1. PIMPLES AND BLACKHEADS Peremeved rmanent Ia from 10 to 80 days. Warranted. Prnaatori0 days treatment, Pl. ANTI -CORPULENCE PILLS xs fr Pwtoo e eeDma a. point a matter of lowhether becauseigsm . forableor nfes Lnsble-fray POLES using ANTI. OOR U BN OE PILLS. 1050 Ie Ibe. a month. T cone no 1ss a contain no poison, and never fail. Prico for one mo0a1 'treatment, I2; tit three months medicine. W. :yarrnaEed. 6IOTAN1I II BL: COMPLEXION ' 'WAFERS AxsENIPAL-,.. Bleach the akin, devoloP the term. Hormlxbo Permanent in onset. Warranted. Pride $l a box, er nix boxes for to. Address Iy'ADAm,E GIOVANNANI, „,Ave Sing titreet west Toronto, Oat. EIMA Mita) L) LIVERY !) First Class RIGS And HORSES ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK - SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Terser= Rea ozsa ale Tele!ihone Connection. 12 Pounds OF WHITE s For $1. 2016s. Raw FOR $1. AT THE flt North �n. Rgrin J. MATHESON, . ..Mrs ...., lu t The Subscribers wishes to inform the Farmers ;led General Public that her is P t. n.r edto tul]ti • sly all Sizes tend Kind of Well Digging Promptly Done and at Reasonable Rates. Residents and Shop oil Ann Street; behind Christie's livery Stable. A CALL SOLICITED). JOHN MOORE. hook Here If you want Bargains in Laud Rollers, Gates, Hay. Racks, or Rakes -Call at the -- Dolor Tailing Notor 7 Handles of every description always 011 hand. -urning done to order on the shortest notice. Repairing neatly and cheaply done. Circular and band sawing clone,. A number of bee hives on hand. They are the best and handiest bee Mee made. A quantity of excellent machine oil for sale. Dry wood taken in exchange. J. D. VASEY SegaarargralaaarrSZCalf Sawa B SSETT BROS LIVERY. First Class horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE. A TRIAL SOLICIT BISSET. k. S. F EEIW1J .� S WORM POWDERS Are pleasant to take. Contain their own Purgative. Is a safe, sse,e and effectual destroyer ofworsss in Clczldrest orAdults. 1eet-e�taG.1)=I4 Nave, you tried the CelebratedRi E BA SHOE DRESSING If not don't fail to do so at once. It is nota polish but rt wonderful leather reservative it will snake the finest or coarsest Shoe as soft and pliable askidandyery tessy tathe1'oot. lit will make thein absolutely water- proof, and if occasionally dressed with this dressing will last more than twice as long as otherwise, We Mean What We Say. It is the; very life ofleather. Item be applied at anytime. ;o trouble_ Shoe can be polished tau iediately afterwards. YRIC7l , • l@. & xS Cents per IIor. Sold by ail rat -class stores.. Sam, pies Iuailedaurps taken, OLIVER CABANA Jr., SALE MANt.pFAOTURER, BUFFAI,o, N, sloe o[ llllh!sfi,fla1ui8 1'oo111 cite earliest period to the present tirrtf, Dr if ro's:aw Ilolvrn' Iia,xaitorr :Vow ready. eolntp 4ltein etre 1•talunte, TS'ititsectional maps, plans and index .h book full01'st/tr11Iy; iineldent;i mri tiirlllinm rorrrasrae. 1 ntareIttvaa, ii ars by AU 1111$140r of great repute, mast i nli<othecads Ioiiotory of this ftt'ctlor extant, AGENTS WANTED umuiwn israraret euvvrtal by the volume is rare l R;tndi:erchiefs are tint,, datinty near, vels of colors affil embroidery this SUM - r, and at this moment they are very cheer, MYSTIC WORDS, 1 eau 1•econllnne nd far, Fowler's Ex- tract of Wild Strrwberry for chronic dwooa, as I have used it for two years '� •u1d can get nothing else that helps me a; I like it. Jane Taylor, Mystic, P. 0. Tllis !,meeicine cures ail summer complaints. e Butterflies made of colored, dyed or painted feathers, large as life, and II tilling up with intelligent and O'Ater ,site! settlezo,wbo arenfakrug here •their Iaomes they all wautto knaW'the history of tit country as well 41$ their, friends, tend thoa who have business connections with the; VIM do clot, •o there. Hero i.; a country a largo a% the go thief volurr. mu. ever constitute the foundation of it history. From, $5 to X120 a day Ca15 he made by *gents. Everyone of the hundreds of thout;nais of wotio irate rc'atea1 hi thin country, and an rho history of the world, orle part, with another, IOU hay :this book. Itis who!i�,•unaiascd,ami though furl ofatartlinR.detail. it is thorewgillY sorsnd, vodka' find philosopldea7, Good carnal trorl,rrs detirinu territory ;tb ort a atl}�iylztyPtrxlinctlfnttiy ilia fa order tea rre03( i. in Srrnalay Sella $1.13 Or 41001111/10e rAfttYkeeisit�T satf 'i situ! mote chalet of krritory. Earn it3cn1l term guaranteed. 2 C 00rptrtrnce or «13011(11 re'`,(lilreel as the boots Wit sell •itolf tf yirorperly pirexenteit motive ulr'e our agents thirty flays' bite in lr!rly to drurer olid cored Address, The History Co" 723 Market St roan lerarrainco, t'rrl Y-39 al d bars of :London Electric Soap for 25c, Tau and russet shoes grow in fish tenable favor., Ask your grocer for London Eleet ric Soap. Maize or corn. color is received among other fashionable shades of yeti low. London Electrie Soup will not in jure the hands or clothes aid do more work for the money, try it. The yoke bodice is the favorite fol white wash goods, Washing made easy and homes made !nappy by using London. Jlectrie Soap. Even gingham dresses have parasols made up of the material of the gown London Electric Soap is only made by D. Richards, Woodstock, Trade Mark Registered. Ressda green is one of the most pop- ular shades of this still very fashion- able color. None but first-class grocers sells. London Electric Soap. Mrs, McKay, of many- millions, is said to be fond of grey walking dresses .But for all that gray is very trying tc dirk -pale skins. The wonder of •to-dl.y is London Electric Soap. Pongee in natural buff color is as popular Cls ever for summer gowns an travelling wraps. Catarrh, Catarrhal aeafneas, Hal "ever. A NEW Home TREATMENT. Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or that they, are due to the presence of Living parasites in the lining mem- brane of the inose and ei, staehian tubes Alicroscopie research, however, has prow ed this to be a fact, and the result is that a simple remedy has been ,forma. fated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deaf- ness and hay fever are permanently cured in from one to three simple ap- plications made at home by the patient oncei1 two weeks. N. B, --'For Catar- rhal discharges peculiar to females (whites) this remedy is a specifie. A pamphlet explaining this new treat- ment is sent on receipt of tent .cents by A. H. DixoN & Sox. 803 West King St., Torouto,Cauada•-ScientideAmeri- can. Su l'erers from catarrhal troubles: should carefully read the above. (1-022-'58.) mouuted on spiral wires, are one of the la decorations of summer mats of lace, o tulle, net and crepe. rel HELP WANTBD. a ^ By all who stiffer from dyspepsia, bill lousness, sic!,: headache, jaundice, liver complaint, rheunnatism, dropsy, .etc. Toon no time in procuring 13..B. B., nat ores regulator and tonic. Iz is a prompt and permanent cute for all diseases of the blood, liver, kidneys, bowels and stomach. Pale silver gray. ...owns with ,pine1s, surplice waistcoats and revers,cuffs and collars of tan color, are very od'cetive, , A BABY IN DANGER. la 'fly baby was taken very bad with diarl•hcea, nothing did any good until 1 Tried Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild • Strawberry,I am certain nothing equals it, and Could ,not do without it in time t of summer complaint and atrium ]1II's.A. L. Buie. Shell river, }fan. Seaside parasols are lair;., and mostly • in bright colors, something softened. with: corers or fall of ecru and create . Tam. AN OLD FAVORITE. That has been popular with the pea,. - ple for thirty years is Dr. Fowlers Ex- tract of Wild Strawberry for all verities . of summer complaints of children or adults. It seldom or ever faits to cera cholerr morbus, diarrhtea and dysent- Don't forget to try London Electric Soap once and you will lase no other kind. Pompadour foulards rival other printed stuffs for summer morning and afternoon toilets. Just think washing day matte shorter by using London Electric Soap. The white wool veiling gowns, with broche borders or stripes in white silk, are nlmost as effective as white silk ones broched with silver. Insist on your grocer giving you London Electric Soap, it is the best. White mousseline de soie makes the exquisite and etherial of all white sum- mer festivals frocks. Washerwoman's friend is Loudon Electric Soap, Dotted white mull, swiss,and veiling gowns are in vogue, along with striped and barred white dresses. ON THE. INCREASE. So incresingly prevalent have scrofu sous diseases become that we call the attention of our readers e to the best blood purifier and active nown, B. S. B. which all clogged secretations and re- moves all blood diseases from a com- mon pimple to the worst scrolulous sore. Entire dresses of red satteens trilued with ecru laces - are worn. at French country houses and on the seashore. 1 EXCELS ALL OT err ,RT. I used one bottle of B. B. B. for con- stipation and loss of appetite and it cur ed me. I would not be without it at six times the price, for it excels all others. P r r Wm. 'i W � aflton , Galt, Ont. ery. The hats chosen for out-of-door en- tertainments have very low crowns,but wide brims, projecting over the fore- head ante tailoring to almost lnothin in the bade *Unci a tt1}psiflt)s, Everest Cough Syrup and Li ver Rao Matter gives universal Btisfanction in this vicinity. -It. White Crediton' Very fewpersons can hold their own on their first sea voyage. This is to certify that I believe Ever- est verest Cough Syrup s ived my life. --=Thos. Marshall, Forest P. O. t•So live that when the summons come" -you wont be afraid of the Sher iff who serves you with it. I know from Experience that Ever- est Co ug Syrup is first class' Geo. Brock Forest P. U. The Stealing of an umbrella on a clear day is held Vibe theft by an Omaha Judge, but the stealing of the same ar- ticle on a rainy city is held to be just- ifiable on the ground of self-defence. ADVICE TO MMIOTITIIUS. Are you distortion at nii and broken of your rest by a sick chidd suffering and crying with pain of cutting cacti, ? if so, sena at NTT and et a bottle of Illus, tivlN 8 LOW 's SOOTHING S YRU15 rote CHILDREN TEETHING. ltd value is incalcul- able. 1t wilt relieve the poorlittl a sufferer imme. diateay. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It aures dysentery and diar- rhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures win deistic, softens the gums, reduces infamma. tion, and gives tone and energy tothe whole system. MRs. W,IN SLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP Fon CHILDREN TBETHING is pleasant to the taste,and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physicians in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists through. aat the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. You hardly realize that it is inedcine when taking Carter's Little Liver Pills they are very small; no bad effects; all troubles fram torpid liver are relieved by their use. When a schoolmaster whips one of the girls he hits a miss. When the girl. dodges she misses a hit. To be free from sick headache,billious ness, constipation, ets., use Carter's Lit- tle Liver Pills. Strictly vegetable. They gently stimulate the liver and free the stomach from bile. A pocketbook made of rattles! eke hide which is so repulsive to ladies that they won't touch it, is having quite a sale among married men, Not one in twenty are free from some little ailment caused by inaction of the the liver. Use Carter's Little Liver Pill. The resultwill be a pleasant sur- prise. They give positivelellef. "You say that cognac is the best rem edy for colic? But I find it just ,the. other way. My 'husbaud .used to be troubled s 'ee1 but sinee Il Stlee I11aV0 kept t e cognac in the bailee he complains of colic every day."