HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-8-15, Page 4Absolutely Pur a:r ave stop -having no desire to fightM. Mercier's battle, nor the intention of. traducing an administration, which maintained law and order att a time the ver; Liberals whe are now looking to- w girds the Treasury benches were pre- pared to strengle every principle of constitutionalgovernment, True those who now ag•itatte,hoist the flag of Equal Rights, and beneath its spreading folds. deliberately deny to others the funda- mental principal of Equality ----the right to worship God, or to foster their instit, utious, aecordizlg to dictates of eooeci- Naay, more, they delay to Prostestants the privilege of differing from them, upon a broad constitutional issue; they charge liinistcrs of the Crown, naem- bers of Parlament, all, in fact who do not come up to the standard of excel! Brace prepared by tlieni with being act- uated tt-elated by the basest .and most corrupt p goo ted motives. If there be equal axis, teach, we ask, what would be ate yaw ler t as ger varies. marvel of` ra# #r n=:I and. holesomeness, ?. ore 11.9eit t1A1•b'iract rite Unequal privileges t;,:vuo .areal rhan the ordinary kinds, .and SIL @,, ,,.:p.l nra cr., p.titarara watch the ft 'Ifo cap the .climax, boil!'L' er, these illog ooratit io of low test,sharr weigh »anal, er ' a iii eSatlel eP3R after (ia' denouncing the .,.w 1,.rs. Sold only in Baan. g , ow i.1Xti;'t hVIi 1tt CQ t€4 Wan ;74 ti+ni'ernntnlit,tlae hundred and eighteen 1, ,czl'ry o martyrs end the Governor•Gen en:i.tarn about and odvoe:ite * a Chang,' lin the constitution" --thereby deliberate ft.`;a e* ltiadmitting ah,f.overmnent,represent l atives and ells Excellency, were bound under the law of land, niacicr the Brit- ish North Atnerica Act, to do precisely which was donee: But these malcon• tents go further, They will change the Govei urmentl Whet then? To mainataain Equal Rights, by preventing liberal -minded Prostestauts, all Trench- anadians, and possibly all ROmalt Catholics, from enjoying privileges: win:loafet on+L guaranteed them at' the time of Confederation. Who would. be the frontispiece of such a comabinat• ion? Who t ratoto d in 1 a oultL col sQ t go lye feclin, g that his slumbers miht prob. slily be disturbed by O. kende!; at his daaor,witit the polite invitation to resign be had dined with :r Frenchman or d whin a Cntholies Perils, we leer would discover when too late, nbroldered slippers are not pre- :;ly the foot gear for trampling patriotic to view innlxartea'u rues frN.m throng)* mire! But s©rlonsly apeak'►ng the camped and iiniita4 s!aberc (411 by what right do one class arrogate to motional feeling ain't personal bigotry.' thvol'' lues tete, Privilege of ostracising Liberal lean 4ud and observant ,!nets THE Angus 1 89 XO.T TO B CO3(FO1 TRP, Sir .!valva 'Macdonald will be defeat• ed i' Lots the vindictive cry of the t-;iu. r :tet habitant ,axis the blsataant dem ;gouge, when, in 18.35. Louis Rei! expiated iaas crimes upon, the Regina xr ; I, "Sir ,iaa1/4 Macdonald, will be defeated:" ,,ted;" i YoRV the sonorous thivat of n regret "tla s;* avlae expressed iu 1 r2 . tin at tka? unfortunate habitant of Que- bec could be induced to lora and re - swot lite 1 iw, any severe the Con:siitut- ionl. In bath cases, the A4tnitnisuot A of the day maintained an even lrtalanlc botri eon passion and prejudice an lent and (lixt; . In both cases, people tale si'ctien and one race, deemed it ALLAN LINE. ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. LIVERPOOL AND QUEBEC SERVICE, Fuou LIVERPOOL. STEAMER, !;` rillaY, .April 16 , , ,, , , CIRCASSIA;1T,. hnrsdav, as oo PARrSIAitT. " May 2 , , POLYNESIAN.. " Friday, M } , , TCATHHAGENIAN °a 10 Thursday, 16 ... SARDINIAN- Thursday, Friday, « 2g , , . *CIRCASSIAN .. , . Friday, Thursday, as 80. , , , „ PARISIAN- Thursday,. , Janne . y Fridai, 14, , , .. , , ; CARTH GEN1AN r st Thnrsday., " 20 ..... SARDINIAc . , , Thursday, Friday, a 28.. , , ,.. *CIRCASSIAN , , Friday, Thursday, Jul; 4..... . PARISIAN Thiriaday, Frill ay as 19 ..... , POI,, N1 BAN . I , . 40 ARTIIAGF,NIA1\ FRoaz QUEBEC. Friday 11ay 10 Thilrsday " 16 t, ,, 23: inado aallcwauees for vtoleut expression of sentiments on loth oe s iotas; but neither liberal:minded nor self-respect, atg citiz:l:s of ;any :Prpviuce in the Dominion, mill be prepared to submit Prt+stestants who do not endorse ex- treme action? Ey want right, *wider what law,do they impreach the motives of their neighbors and denounce those who voted in I'arlinannentt By what right, by what authority-, do they con- to the insulting innuendoes of alien,; statute therselyes sole judges of sin - who, after visiting the Governor Gene-. verity, sole custodians of religious fer. your and exponents of robust patron - el There is a medium in all things, and it xn;cy 1,e discovered too Irate far immediate remedy, that all men of sprit, men as truly :patriotic, certainly as sincerely Prostestant as they aro,will rebel against this intolerant and dicta- tort,U system. By conciliation, much may be accomplished ; by extreme and: violent declamation, the reverse must undoubtedly be the result. It is time to„catll a halt, parties aggrieved are privileged to cast their ballots accord- ing ing to their conseienccs; but they have no right as upholders of the constitution under the circumstances to threaten those in authority; they have no right to indulge in unstinted abuse, while at the same time admitting that, unless the constitution is changed, redress by legislation can never be expected. A cynical writer once observed that "'nen will wrangle for religion, write for it, fight for it --die for it; anything but live for it!" Religion teaches charity; religion instils into the heart every ele. men of pure Christianity. Let us have a little true religious zeal manifested in this aggition. Converts are led, not driven;the earnest pressure of the hand attracts; the blow in the face repels: "The wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle and easy to be entreated; full of mercy and good fruits, without partially and without Hypocrisy." yell, irnsolieite d after inviting ltim to express an opinion upon a public ques- tion, now turn about and denounce him in uun eesurod terms. Some of time go as far as to assert that he has identified himself with a political party. 'll,'hy? Because Her Majesty's repre- sentative was candid and manly and courteous? According to logic, such es that advanced -happily limited to the few -every Liberal in Parliament who, by his vote on the Jesuits' Estates Act, siisteine4 Sir John 1<Iacdonalii, rtnirat be considered a Conservative! The thine is so silly; the attitude of the malcontents so puerile, that it might reaiso+ ahly be passed aver in silence+ 'were the example 1:ot dangeraus to so- ciety. and lik.dv to prove pernicious in ito effects upon the rising generation. To bw sure, we recognize the profund- Ity of those who thus insult His Excell- ency; versed in constitutional law, ex- ponents of socio etiquette, wise judges between right and wrong; worthy keep ors of the keys to their neighbors' con- sciences arbiters between God and man who better qualified to instruct states- men or inspire officials holding exhaust ed position? Aside from this, the mon- strous impertinence of stigmatizing P'rostestants who refuse to be dragged at their chariot wheels, cannot be too severely censured. Blind,;unreasoning :fury, does not spring from divine sour. ces. The fountain of toleration, of brotherly love, of Christian sympathy, pours forth no stream of bitterness, emits no poisonous vapours yields no venomout and all -destroying virus. Rather it is a source whence springs alI the better attributes, of charity, all the elevated and everlasting precepts ox human! "superiority -and natures foreign to its benign influence, are not safe guaadians of a people's welfare; these too frequently exemplify the, maxim, that they have just enough re- ligion to make them hate, but nest' enough to make them love, one anot- :iter. Apart from the moral -aspect of the, question, per -se, there are other consid- erations which in all fairness, must be referred to. We do not hesitate to ex - Ness strong and unreserved condemn- ation of ler. Mercier's action,his deiiber- ateinsult"to a vast body' of Prostestants, his 'ungenerous use of power under the guise of a legislattive enaetment: there> B.IETKS. Box -In Exeter, on the 9th inst, the wife of Mr. Albert Box, of a son. EssnuY-In Stephen, on 3rd inst., the. wife of Mr. Samuel Essery,of a son. Morz-In Stephen, on 3rd inst., the wife of Henry Motz, of a son. Husrox-In Exeter, on 12th,inst., the wife of Mr. Henry Husto, of a son. Dn 1RxxG-In Stephen, on 9th inst., the wife of Mr. A. Dearing, of a son. "And how 'did Blifkins become in same? "By absorption. Ile slept for three months beneath a crazy quilt:" An old lady, possessed of a fine for- tune, and noted for her penchant for the use of figurative expressions, one day assembled her gran d-children,when the following conversation took place: -`My children,' said the ole lady, 'lam the root and you are the branches.'-. 'Grandina.,'says one.-`What,my chile!?' -'1 was thinking how much better the branches would flourish if the root was under the ground.' Thursday, ca ‘25,..... SARDINLAN.,., Friday, T .i gi:sx. 2. , .. , ,*CIRCASSIAN . , , Titur;day, ,,..., A t S!AN..,...- Friday to s, 15,,,., 1.'td.1`N"ESLtN. .1 «'*1,,,,. vl A1tTII.1CFNI N'', Titurstioy, 20. , .... , E SARDINIAN. .. tt nt 10 Rrid:n, . September G . , .. 1,IRO 9,SSIAN° Friday, it 27 Tlnursd;ay, ,a 12..... .; F c1 i t16IAN . Thiirsday, October 8 :a 1n..,- P(OL,YNESIAN.# .. <a 10 RATES OF PASSAGE BY MAIL STEAMERS, e t tel, Cabin, aa 7Oo 1 , cccor ling to ;aecon noodaation. Servants Sn Cabin, .,Inter- aedi te, Stecrage, „a. Iteturan Tickets, ails,, $110, #Sas, $150, *cowl Cabin, $60. $terrag.. $4).00. *ay Circassian or other extra Steamers. Ca,bim $7,10,4c), aue re, aceorali»g to accom ls, tion. Second Cabin, rSto Steerage, y$' R Return ttekcts,ao,$tioliancl 1,,g(/. Itltbr*nedintea $OL Steerage, ste. +'fao 0A111t1I GF;..TAX 1vi11 taxi; carry nassenn era from this side. There will bo no Steamer carrying r a ssenngers from Quebeo Uay Sist, Toy ath, August eth, September Istat, raasie,ngers can sail froth Montreal. June 6 ,, 14 is 20 as 27 July 11 o- 19 0 25 August 1 Thursday', Friday, Tlilirsday, Sept tc 15 23 20' uther JOHN SPA.C.MAN, the only authorized agent i4r Exeter, Ont, Look bef re you Leap AND BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR Building ardware, Binding Twine, Harvest Tools, OR ANYTHING IN TOLE ► or TINWARE, Call and see BISSETT BROS.' large stock and get prices. TURNIP and other field seeds aspecialty= Cash paid for Eggs, ides, Skins, and other farm produce. BISSETT BROS. QIJALITY I THE TRUE TEST OF cxIZaPNEss. J. H. NORTHCOTT --o--I NOW OFFERING--o-- BREA , CAKES ,Etc., OF' Tamm= ==s1Sa G2 -C7 ====_ c Of Ever Description Mde to Order. J. H. Northcott, ONE DOOR NORTIT OF FANSON'S BLOCK. Main -street Exeter. THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT o T 'J•mMite from which this paper is printed was supplied by the - TORONTO TYPE FOUNDRY Dealers in Type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies: J. T. JOHNSTON, S0 &'82 Wellington St. west TORONTO, ONT. ATTENTION 1 Eyes fronts QM= MAR W. SQUTHCOTF$ Clothing and. Gents F't1'Fr 'IS INCr STOItE. PNET µR, - ONTARIO, Some of the finest goods that eau lne secured, are arriving every day, GENTS' FURNISFIINGS IN TILE LATEST ST1`LE.r' .T RIGHT FRICI"1S' r A CALL SOLICITED. it}[ SOV RCOT Corner Main and John Street, EX ,7f .1,Ana ,.3R, ONTARIO. SQUARE 3K1ERAL STORE The undersigned would inform the Public that he has just received Inas as SUIJMERSTOCK, INCLUDING A FIILL LINE OF DI's' GOODS; ND CAP.*, AND CROOK. BOOTS .AND SHOES. Those wishing anything in xny lino will find it to their advantage otocal and ins xiet ni ` goods and iia d rices. 1, y g P Best Boiler Riour lay' t ;► s on hands Highest Price paid for Butter and Eggs, and all bind of Produce, J. P. ROSS. (1O.22-'88.) J. L MALLAOMDL jlIeroka$ Tailor. Up stairs, over H. Spackman's Hardware Store. He has in stock some of the finest summer goods to be found on the market. A GALL SOLICITED. J. G. SM,ALLACCZBE. London Huron & BruceRailway GOING Nonrn'-TIMn TAnnn-Pass'nr. London, depart. ..8.05 A. m..4.25 r. M. Lucan Crossing ...8.47 5.20 Clandeboye 8 52 5.28 Centralia .... 9 05 5.45 EXETER.... .... .9.16 5.57 Mensal' .... 9 28 6.09 Iiippen ... 9.34 6.17 Brucefield ... .... 9.42 6.26 Clinton 10.00 6 45 Londesboro' 10.19 7.03 Blyth .10.28 7.12 Belgrave .... .... 10.42 7.27 Wingham ,11.00...... 7.45 GOING SO urnPassenger. Wingham ........ 7.05 A.at... 3.40 r.ii. Belgrave ........ 7.24 4.00 Blyth.... .... .... 7.38. 4.15 Londesboro' 7.47 4.25 Clinton 8.07 4.45 Brucefield.. ..... . 8.265.04 Kippen .... 8.34 5.12 Hensall.... 8.41 EXETER.... 8.56 Centralia 9.07 Clandeboye 9.18 Lucan Grossing 9.24 London, arrive 10.15 5.19 5.33 5.45 5.56 6.02 6.45 FOB SALE_ . 'Farmers, Gardeners and F'lor'al ts, A fair sized brick cottage eontaining dining -room, sitting -room, 8 bedrooms, en- trance hall, with, two good 'collars under- neath, large kitchen 14x10 foot wit], wood- shed attached, two lara greenhouses, small stable, good well of water; with VA acres of land, all well fenced and in fair condition. This property is within five minutej''walk of the Exeter post office. The land will be sold on easy terms. Apply to A. ALLEN, Exeter, Ont. April 11, 6 na. MEDICAL. THE CELEBRATED DR. LE CARRON, OF PARIS, FRANCE, HAS ESTABLISHED, AN AGENCY IN TORONTO FOR THE SALE OF HIS MEDICINES, WHICH ARE A POS- ITIVE CURE .FOR ALL CHRONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES.or LONGSTANDING, ALSO YOUTHFUL INDISCRETION,EARLY DECAY, ;ETC.,' SHOULD WRITE FOR IN- FORMATION. CORRESPONDENCE CON- FIDENTIAL.. ADDRESS ,ALL LETTDR5 TO. TIME E. B. CRAN]" AGENCY, CAMERON PLACE, • - - - TORONTO, OI TiUN G A. J. SELL, Me.A. mt. EXETER ONTARIO, Has now in stock SUMER IN THE FOLLOWING LINES West of England Suitings andTrous cringe, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser= Ings. French and English Worsted Cloths All made up lea the Latest Style,, at best Rates, J. SELL H. U;t tt dor Spic. Lot No. 4^.i. in theist concessio of the town Alsip ofliibbert,containing 100 ;Acres, This farm wi111,.' sold cheap, and on oa;jv terms, The farm na situated told ;ay between tieafort hi and I1a►.biin, on the Harem Gravel Road. Church said School within 1(!0yards of farm, Solt the bast in the county. A.number of Exeter village properties for sato on the best of n ra,s, itac ud?nag sonata of the most desirable reai.1 ace, in tower. a some r,lcnbbuCentralia cr aegnlawueh ae cughhp. To Boarding Rouge l,ce ri-On comple- tion of Verity's Foundry,its calculated that from 15 to 20 t additional dei Eton al b+a n nil aara to lea em- ployed. A lloanse to let a: as snpnll rent can - able of aaccatnallot uak at to xO boarders,,AI+orit five =tanks walk from the fou .lry. Per Aartbsr IRxrtirular:a apply to L.H. DlcKSON. It lth.ls , Barrister, Exeter. S GiOLEY. THE LEADING Undertaker AND Furniture Dealer OF THE TOWN ? I have an immense Stock of Furniture and Undertaking Goods now on hand, which I will sell at right prices. IINDERTAKIIN A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. S. GIDLEY. IF YOU WANT A Ian DasyShave OIt ` Neat Hair Cut, CALL AT THE Central Barber Shop, Fanson's Block, Exeter A. Hastings, PROPRIETOR Exeter Poto Studio: Why is it that in other towns and surrounding country they speak so highly of the photo- graphs that are taken in Exeter, And how is it that there are so many photos sent into the different cities of Ontario from EXETER PHOTO GALLERY Because Senior's work is as good if not better than any of' the leading galleries ' in the cities and their prices are $4 and 'S5 per doz., while they get then!; at Senior's for $3.00.