HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-8-15, Page 1. VOL. IIT. The R olsons Bank, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, ,A,, G ST 15, 188 (Chartered by Parliament, 1855a. Paid u .Capital...". ,>.. $2,000,000.,s Rest Fund,; ... , , , ., ., , , 1 QQO,Q00, Head office Montreal, F, WOLFEF,.STAN THOMAS, GENERAL MANAGER, Twenty 73ranoh of cee in. the Dominion.' Agencies in the Dominion. U.S. and Europe, Open every lawful day from 1!O a, in. to rat., S'Aturdays IDa.m. to 1 lr. uq. A general battkinbusiness transacted Threaper cent. per annum allowed far money on Ileposi Receipts .and Savidge Bank. E.11.. ARCHER, Exeter, Yin 2$, '$t3. `flina;g ,.. THE Deter tt ubliehasi every Thar e i at the (Mee, N,STRV4T, Rail ming, TER. lay tl,eSANDERS' PC'111,LSITINGrCtiMPA.NY. T2'sRMS Cbz S1311SCItIPTION, One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance, *LSO uotso paid. .cieneart..neret T Lt $ rax it p},3'l.Caa,. No paper discontiuueal until all arrearsgen s,raI,d . Advettleaanente x'ithoat specitic dtrections will be publieliect till forbid end rawestaocer%ituiy. ec Liberal d onnernade for tractecient ativertisemeitteiueerted for long peria4G, ')vary deecreption of X013 PRIN. TING turned out in tits linnet style at at b ee sn e era; a:nd,atutQM1urrFtr#x e C oqa aA s era, leo, for advcrti>Stnl;,>>itiI, vrtptlonu, etc. to ins uta 2s payable to William Sanders, Iiditoar lewlrett DIrertory. 1 , .-•Rev. . T1atr,•rx 3I,;KORIA.r, CIIC iC I t3 $ Robinson, Hector. Sundry Servkas, 11 .a, in and 7 p m.. Sabbath School, 240 p.m. . KlxnoPier m Revat. , aR1It .. Clament Ia%tor. . n sey Sercaces,t091 441441 640 p.m.Sabbath School, al, 2 Zm. Xlost Ss1n r Rev. J. Nilson, i'aator. Sun day f3ervicee, nahsll a.m. And 6$O p.rn. Sabbath Scheel IX p. M, Pettierzgsi:tx CneaaeL.-Rev. W. Martin, faster. Sunder Services, U 0.1aa. and 640 p. rut. F.,abbeth School, 0.0 a:, m. • aerates' *net core BIZiTUi its. Office Over O'Hare Bank, Exeter, Ontario, Nitrous Oxide Gan for painless extraction. tel Ii. KINSMAN, DENTIST, L.D.S., ex- „�s��� treat% teeth without rain by giving Vegetable Vapor, or wsin the new Anmsthonetic othe auras. Makes Gold Fi1li inge and other dental work the beat possible, Goes to ZurichlaatThurs:lay in eaahmonth. East side of Main street, Exeter. T B. WHITELY, M. DAC. M., PHYSICIAN f . and Surgeon. Office and residence -- Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Godoriobs -Ontario. R.J. A. ROLLINS. OFFICE -MAIN ST. ]iosi ter oe-Corner Andrew and North Streets, Ezeter, Ontario TA.AMOS. M.D., C. M.L. 0.1'., EDIN:; Xi, • R, C. S., Bain; L. F. P. & S., Glasgow; L. 3C., Edinburgh and Glasgow M. C. P. & S.. Ontario.'. T, l.f. S., Toronto. Night bell at office. Crediton, Ontario. Jy12-8 Du. COWEN. Ok'FICE--iir.4uN STREET, Exeter, upstairs, opposite Centra HoteL Side entrance on south--Jemes street leading to the Methodist Church. T W. BROWNING, M. D., M. C. R S. Graduate of Victoria L'•niversity. Omoe and residence, Dominion Laboratory, Exeter. U7ILLLAM S Wr:ET, VETER- inary Surgeon. Graduate Toronto. Office and Residence one block east of SamweU & Plckard's store. Opposite skat- ing rink, Exeter; Ontario. V ETERINARY DENTISTRY.-A.H. FITCB, Veterinary Dentist, graduate ofProfH. H. Davidson's Dental School, Toronto. All work in eonneotion -with horses' teeth prom- ptly , eewth.Wm we, Examination A ITCHV..D LIL DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR • of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &o. Money to loan Office -Fan son's Block, Exeter. ELLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- itors, Conveyancers, &e. Money to loan at 6 per cent. B. V.ELLIOr. J. ELLIOT ir.AMES ORE, Exeter, Ontario, Licensed Cl Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Sales promptly attended to and satisfaction gueranteeii. Sales arranged at this office. IIT_ BROWN Winchelsea. Licensed Amt. • ioneerfor the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne. Sales promptly a ttended to and terms reason able. Sales arranged at Post office,-Winchelsa 1J•Beused. AuctioneereforIthe County sof Huron.. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. HOLT, IC.hiva, Ontario. Licensed anat- YY . ioneerfor the Counties , of Middlesex and Lambton,and the townships of Stephen and Hay. All sales promptly attended to. TT EILBER, Liconeed Auctioneer for Hay It. Stephen and McGillivray towirships. Office -Cr e d,to n, Ontariw., ROYAL HOTEL, LUCAN, ONTARIO, I• HODGINS PROP, The Bar supplied with best brands of Liquors and Cigars. Valuable rams for $ale.. Two Farms for Sale in the towanehip arias, borne, County of liuron,e.djoining the thriv- ing VillaPe of Exeter, tom rising lots le, in 3rd con.,`anit lots 11 And bolt of 10, fond coo.. of said township. Lot 18 contains ICC acres with a comfortable brick dwelling and con. venient out-bluidings. The other Roteis and half of to with good out -buildings. This pro,. ppeerky will be sold eepara-tely or enblockk. Tessa to sett purchasers. JAS. HODGSON,Exeter, Ont. IliJc!ioii Sale of aiulift Village property. Theundersigned has received instruettonac to sell by Public Auction, at the Central He. gl, to the vinage of o treter, on snturday Septemberith. tail►, at 2 o'clock p,ut_, the fol. gown: valuable village property. v;'x-West part ofiotII, lying ap being on Maleystreet to the sail vilage of xeter, contain by adueea, uretneut two.ffths s,fan acre of lane. There is upon the premises one 1k, story prick House, frame suable, e,, number of tkui trees and a good well of water There will also he sold on the same tlar rind .date two lots, Nas..li and .1 Lying arta being Own,, John street, corltaaninr by admeasurement two- fifths of an acre. `For further pa:eteularet ala- ply to Isaac 1t►NPFuAP, prop. .Ti.anke,,araet. Ha.Wanted! The subscriber having purchased as new hay- press, is prepared to purchase 2,000 tons of first-class hay, for which'. 'the highest market price will beid. Ail parties having lnay for sale se 11 do well to consult the undereignvd before disposing of the same. JAMES OKE. WATCH E. H. Fish' �dYCdisBl�Cq( Next Week. `all Pala, EXETEI , Sep, 23 and 24, Mitchell, .Sep, 26 to 27, Toronto, Sep .9 to 21, London Sep. 9 to 14. Guelph, Sep. 25 and 26. Hamilton, Sep. 23 to 27. St, Marys, Sep. 24 and 25. Stratford, Oct. 3 aiid 4. Staihi, Sep. 30 and Cet.1. Goderich ,Sep, 17 to 19. St, Thomas sq. 24 to 27. Oorbett. Mr. Wm. Currie, of Forest, will proaeh in the Presbyterian chisel} here next Sunda} Two of Mr. George Jones' steels, which are pasturing on the Leask farm,. got into welts last week but were got out without any serious injury.. Miss Amanda Clara;, Miss Marion ar lir. Jan. Laurie drove; to Strathroy last Satnrtlaay e,aoning; and spent `Sunday with :Miss Davidson While driving a 1004 of grain from the Belli to the barn one days last week, Ira. Henry Eggert, of Greenway, toll front the load to the ground ,severely injuring" herself. F Mrs. Jos. Scott, of London, is eyelid g a Week at Mr. Win, Sutton's, h couvessiou, The Sunday School at Ebaanezzt frrn re organized %' nixeaf w4 ith >'wfr Blew aid as superiutond,lnt. Mrs, Wm. Sandera, of Exeter, who sbeen visiting her father .here for ane, returned horse on Sunday The following t 1g ant 1 promotions P rel for McGillivray: -From 4th to tigh school, A. W. Stewart, 411; 3rd a 4th, Sarah Holland, 452, Ella Austin, 4; 2nd to 8rd, Reviled Gilbert, 432, hl Wilson, e ti� . l o 1172 Llai 1 4 1 S. ue it 11 Ilion 370, Amanda Robinson, 969; est. to nd, Minnie Jones, 223, C1ltfordeassialy 226, Jena Wilson, 155. �'1ras. Grr.11}tlnT, Te ieher.. We understand a, "Harvest beans dance" will be giver* in this. Place shortly. We hope it may soon be held as all the young folks are tired of vatitxng. A large number of our townspeople are busy pulling flax at present. Mr, Wut Holt had A bee the other night which was a, very successful affair. A large crowd was present, �6C�t�QIl, Joh -----4,-..--- Ir.1n Trreat sr, i : � collfirled to his I2ouse- 12jr`, W.T. Atnos, of Lieury, was in o on Fuiclay:, Dir. U. Eilber am), wife left yesterday all a trip to Duluth. Miss Lett, of Sebriilgeilto le the est of I1ov. Mn Stabler, daughter of I. Holtzman la reeo ag front her relent illness, The Ladies' Aid held an at (Rill on Saturday evening lags las well .alta+waded.. The many friends of D#iss Carne Geiser will be glad to ,earn tha she: is fable to bo around again. Flava pulling is now over and farmers are busy hauling itintothe Innis. The yiebt is good and the fiatx nen jubilant. Don't forget to tate in the excursion Clair on Civic Hofiday,, 16th, from Centralia tri. Train ioar es Everybody go. ir.Fred Gebanaer was taken sertouss iIl +nal Fridaiy, night with cenvulsiout; Moe Id for as l ty ta his ' life was Ira�iaf �ll'a > hopes :arca entertained of his t,wte" is rising every day aanti our council Mould Mita the sampler they Ins 1►laae°t1 on the street, which debts 1 evero 1t` dcaortand window. ;AICEI TFNDERSaddressad to the under - slatted, anti l, endorsed "Tender for ea- ord arbour Works, will by received until Frlday, the iith day of August 'next, Inclus- ively, for the construction of work* at Me-- ford, County of Grey, Ontario, accordingto a plan and x ,citication to be poen on appioat- ion. to Ur. Hugh Chisholm, Meaford, and at the Department of Publics Warks, -Ottawa, where printed forms ottenslereon bo obtained' Tenders will not be consideree unless made on the form supplied and signed with the *ideal signatures of tenderers. An accepted hank gbeqne Deviabte to the order of tho Minister of Public IVorks, equal to f rc per rust. of amount of trimer, must Ac- company each tender. This will be forfeited if the party decline the contract, or fail to complete he work contrasted for, andwill be returned in case of non-acoopteneo of tender. The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. .By order, A. GOBEIL, Department of rnblicworks, Secretary. Ottawa, 2Oth July,1SS9. DOW' GO THE E in order to make room for our fall purohas- es which are now arriving, 'we of- fer reduced prices in 01111mer =revs Goods, Muslins, Prints, Laces, Dmbroideries &a. also balance of Summer Millinery at cost. SUGARS! We have a quantity of Sugar on hand which was purchased before the Heavy Ad- vance which we are offering at less than pre- sent wholesale cost. Our values in Teas and Coffees are A -i and are not excelled in the County. A call solicited and an inspection invited. s';All kinds of produce taken in exchange. Butter 14 cents ; Eggs, 14 cents. Happel t v Uleghorn, ZURICH. B3riu2loy. Bais vry' iladly heeded h iu t'i 'dCtnitpin e Mr. Slim. Stilly, brother of lain Relit* Scilly, of this patter, is visiting here. The thunder shower of last week was heavy while it lusted ---about five minute'. The Canning Bros.' steam Wester began its sesson'e'work hare on Monday. It runs well. The dry weather is bringing in the peas and oats very fast,. Some fanners will be done cutting by the end of this week. Oats aro a good crop. Mr. Slack is tearing down his black- smith shop at Buffalo and dr:twiner the material of it to Ilderton to use It in the construction of his new house. He is said to be doing a rushing business with his mill. iibbert, Miss McLaren is spending a couple of weeks with her brother itt Hullet tp. 121iss Mattie Willis, of Mitchell is the guest of Miss Minnie Spare at present. Miss Ida Upshall, of Winchelsea, is spending a few days with friends in Cromarty. Mr. Simon 'Chappel, of St. Marys, spent sunday with his father, Mr. -T. Chappel, of the 18th con. Mr, and Mrs. Thompson returned on Saturday from Michigan where they have been visiting for some time. The beautiful shower on Friday eve- ning will be a great benefit to the root crops, as they were drying up with the drought. We are sorry to learn that Miss R. Thompson,who `has been spending a vacation at Cromarty, is very ill with a severe attack of inflammation. We hope soon to hear of her speedy recov- ery. CANADA'S GREAT Industrial -AND- P6R1C@LNgNl FXNJSIT!O$ 9E19 To 1ORIN1TO SEPT. 9th to 21st. Increasers Pries. Greater attractions and a Grander display than ever before. Newest and Best Special Features that Money can procure., The Greatest Annual Entertain- ment on the American Continent, R Cheap Excursions on all Railways Over 250,000 visitors attended this Exhibit- ion last year. Entries close August 17th.. For Prize Lists and Forms. Programmes, etc., drop apost card to H: ,T. BILL. J. J. WITHRROW, Pros. Manager, Toronto. The weather is very pleasant just now. Messrs. Baird and Curry, of Parkhill, were visiting here last Sunday. Miss Kate Barry is home at present on a visit to relatives anti friends. Mrs. Holt and daughter ,.were visit- ing at Grand Bend on Sunday last. Large numbers of people pass through this place every Sunday en route for the lake. Messrs. McLaughlin ,and Baiker, of Mount Carmel, gave us a flying visit one evening recently: Miss Rate Collins and sister, who have been in Detroit for some time past, is at present visiting friends here. Your correspondent has been absent for some tilne. FIe has again returned and Khiva news will appear regularly. , Mr. Alf. Sutton, of Pokereown, was in the village lately to see his best girl. He is getting tired of the Poi:er- town boxers. Civic holiday on August 15th. rerybody should go to the Bend As at! terestieg programme is being pre - ed, to ww i t licaascs� s t ball Ina .ch•--� t mfti4 ltd InCn vs singlaaanen•-.tripping the Light fantastic -Brass band tourna- ment-Bow:ing and swlnnmtng nlatCltes &e. Greenwary. iss Lelia Brophy Is on the stele list 8a i1y s;lithe wheat and barley 1 getherod into the barna, Mr. Thos, Spint warted on.* visit tr Chicago and other western cities las week. The Methodist church are errenging to hold their 16th annual harvest home thank offering dinner on Wednesday, Sept. lath. Mr. James McWilsoli thrashed fer 12. l3Ions last Satuawiay. His wheat turn• ed out better than the average --about 26 bushels to the acre. Mr. D. M. Edwardsand wife, of Ont. room, Penn., spent a creek among their friends hero. They adopted Miss Emma Ramsay and took her home with, them last week. A large number of our citizens at- tended the sacrament services at Grand Bend last Sabbath. Rev, P. W. Jones preached a very interesting and in- structive n-structiv a sermon. Mrs. Henry Eggert suet with a sad accident last week while assisting her husband in drawing ingrain. She fel off the waggon the wheel struck her side and hurt it so badly that Dr. Caw was sent for, and under kis skilful treatment she is getting along nicely and will be able in a short time to be around all right. Clandeboye, John Flannigan has just recovered from a tedious attack of malarial fever. Mr. J. W. Blackwell has just recover- ed from a slight attack of malarial fever; Anson Jones, M. D., has entirely re- covered from it severe attack of mal- axial fever. 141r. Elmer Hodgins, of this place, has succeeded in taking a second-classs cer- tificate. Miss Aggie Lind, a former teacher in Clandeboye, is visiting her many friends here. • Mr. 0, Manning, high school teacher, of Campbellford, and wife, are visiting at her parents, Mr. and Mrs, L. Bice, ofhis t place. ' Elgin Shoff, barrister, of Toronto, is spending his vacation with his father, Mr, D. Shoff, postmaster, of this village.. Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Jones, of Milton, paid this town a flying visit last week. Mr, Jones, who was once principal of our school here, looks as natural as' life. M. C. Horton, of Strathroy, has been. engaged as principal ' for Clandeboye for next .term. Mr. Currie, former teacher, is going to study for ministry. Mr. Walker, G. T. R. agent here, who had the misfortune to get his foot brok en some time ago, 19 recovering as'. rapidly as can possibly be expected. Mr. Johnston, of London, formerly of this place, has returned to keep store in the stand formerly occupied' by Dr. S. J. Hooper, who moved to Nebraska a few months ago. 4$a Oil'aie'- Mrs- Wm. Dewar, of Forest, is the gnat of 1)- ;.Stewart, Dir. Wm. Dwyer, of London, i•,a visit - ,e; at Mr.. Jas, Alexander's Mr. Hooper, of Luean, paid the towel a flying visit on Saturday. Fred ,Arnold, of Mitchell, paid our town a dying visit on Monday last. Ur. Ellwood Lewis is collated to his bed Whig a severe attack of antlarna den. Mr. Will McKay is In St. Catherines represent ose the 1, 0 0. 1. Lodge of this pure, Miss Me?w;eil and Mrs. Foster of De- troit are the gnest of Mr. & Mrs. Writ, Jones at present. Mra,W. J. «'Ilion and Mrs, Henry Wicker. of areaway are visiting friends in this vicinity at ,present. XO.115. The Exeter "tt$s ottr.7 will accompany the Excar, slen to St. Cliffs, Mclu, to- day, Thursday. sty, $i urpcoses, olkege$35federation,1.12;g$35;d to; allals Qthex ran On Saturday night Scott Bros. Furn- iture Factory, Blyth, was discovered to be on Are. The brigade wa,s promptly on hand, but the (ire had gone too far nd though extingui here in el -tort order, ler, the building was Se far horned that neither it or the contents are wor- th anything. Tile front part was / ft standing but the back p;rt was burn- ed down, 'rho amount raised by tho Mcthodlsta of Nile circuit, for the hit lin ercl:;l year, wan by envelops, quarterage and loose col eetiens, ;$4n6. 5t`r• t Mr. Welter .Allen, of Aylmer, has F ions other funds of the thin '* s afar been engaged by his brother Mr Jas. f lowrs;-Parsonagetrustee board, $015. - Allen to place nn several furnaces for' 103 missionary fund, !$117,90; :Bland=ty different people in this t4wa:during the school, $75; sustentat on hand, '211; next few ne iia, Sunday school aid, $1; (-thwart-esti li Dir, Gee, Shipley, of Falkirk diedat fur ci, 5844; general ennferetiee eland, the residence of his son Mr, J Ii, Ship= . X11; Union church rObei, 5415; on - an Sal urdny last at the ripe old a,ge tillgent fund, $3.44; women's nnieSieln- of $6, lila funeral which took place ontry society, 59; college federation, 5' Z Menday last was ouo of the 1€argtst :that alt other 1110110sew, al:1112, grand total 93(1.53. ever went to the Falkirk irk cctaaeter, Miss Flossie McAlpine held a party at the residence of her paareate on Frh- d>#y evening last in honor of Miss Mar- ion reicher, of Forest, who has been her guest for the peat two weeks. About 25 of h friend; f the # eon ted t e1 plether end they spent a pleasant time ptey'1a►g galnc2 of one kind anal another until :10 o'clock. when they went home much pleased. $iddulph 0o11lient The council met pursmud toadjourlt- anent in the ternperauee hall, Granton, ott he 6th inst. All til b n .fii theuhbcrs �pres. ill Ont except Councillor Davis. is . 'Tine fol• lowing account8 were ordered to bo paid; -Jas. Grace, culvert, $3; Vaal. Mtaekay, 2 culverts, 813.26. f1'. AicGee, new culvert, 54; W',, McGee, oversee - Ing gravelitng, 57.50; 11. Reefs, 1'ep, bridge.nd approaches, 612; F. Ryan, contract 42 cords, part pay, 650; Jas. Thompson, work on, gravel roaad, $10; F. Rent, gravel and work, 61.7+; W. Taylor, gravelaf.ceountste8-G0; Conway & McLoughlin, minting gates, 88.60; W. % pokey, spreading gravei, 81.60; Ws Ravington, work on gravel. road, 57.50; T, Recife, culvert, $3; Armstrong & Stunner, tile for draining Jackson's gravel pit, 69.59; J. Chalmers, drawing tile, $1.118; JClhulmcrs, ditching, $221;' John Jermy*11, G•n. tile culvert, 3; F. J. Arnold, scraping water coarse, 82.50; Geo. Seale, gravel account, -61.25,• C. Haskett, gravel account, 66.54; James Luak, ditching, 26 cis.; Ed, Mayo, ditch- ing, 65.50; John Coursey, 82.75; John Howard, gravel coutract, 627.30; Jas. Hodgins, 6 -ill. tile drain, $1.50; J. Stephenson, grading and repairing, bridge, $7.50; T. Coursey, tile, $1.10; R. Sceii, plank, $18.82; J. Atkinson, rep. culvert, 5•#; J. Atkinson, biiance on ditch, $2; F. C. Ryan, balance on gravel contract, 53.75; W. Hays, ;ravel account in full, $6.65; John J. Hays, gravel aaeeouut in full, $11.20; W. Hod gson, grant to road beat, $15; J, Lewis, culvert and repairing bridge and re- moving as Nuisance, $5; J. W. Orme, printing account, $35; W. D. Stanley, expense re voter's list, $3; M. Hodgins, rep. culvert, $1; P. E. Butler, burying body of infant per coroner's order, $4; E. D. Blake, tile, $94.05; Free Press, advertising voter's list (and P. O. order) $8.70; John Barry, 19i cords gravel, $70.55; W. Hodgins, 25 rods grading, $7,50; Jos. Baycroft, 88 rods grading, $11.40; Carty & Arnold, 25 rods grad- ing, $7.50; J. Perrin, 1* days shovel- ling gravel, $1.50; E. McDonald, grav- el account, $30.80; 1T:MeRoberts,drain- ing Jackson's gravel pit, $23.50; D. Westhnau, stripping Jackson's gravel pit, $2.25; T. Duffield, tile culvert, $2; A. Gunning, 2 tile culverts; $3; Jabez Milson, 26 rods tile ditch, $7. The clerk was ordered to - prepare a by.law to confirm the levying of all municipal tax, for the present year. The council adjourned to meet in the court room Clandeboye, on Monday, , Sept. 2nd, at 10 o'clock a. in. -W. D. STANLEY, Clerk. County Notes. On Saturday night Scott Bros.' fur- niture factory, Blyth, was discovered to be on fire. The brigade -vas prompt- ly on hand, but,the fire had gone tbo far and though extinguished in short order, the building was so far burned that neither it or the contents acre worth anything. The front part was. left standing but the back part was burned down. The amount raised by the Methodists of Nile circuit, for the last financial year, was, by envelopes, quarterage and loose collections, $585.86; the var- ious other funds of the church as fol- lows Parsonage trustee board, $615.- 10; $615:10; missionary fund, $117.90; Sunday School, $75; educational fund $8.44; sustenation fund, $2.41; Sunday School aid, $1; general conference fund, $4.11.; union church relief, $2.15;; contingent fund, $3.44; women's missionary soci- est Friday night Mr T F. Johnson, barrister, of .Blyth, and fir. Shaw, of Clinton, started from Blyth to drive to Clinton, wad when about two utiles from there their Moret took fright, ran into toiditch mot theba l. l.w Mr. Johnsen was tinily butt es lasss nnconsaious for some time and was picked up front the roadside by some parties who happened along n and took hien to bile boarding house in Blyth, when. Dr. Slogan was called In and put several stitches in leis l,t,ad. He to doing as well as Call be expected. We are called upon to thee:dela t death of another old and rt'ie1 lected res, of*e_ - isalt f S �t indWest Yawva Igo h theFemal- e' re, pt ole e'Thuhnaa Taggart, His remtinewere peacefully* laid to rust in the Dungan- non cemetery on. Sabbath last. 'The . township elerk, Mr, R. K. Biller reedy - ed the sad intelligence of the death of Mrs. . Welch last week; Slie wits sent to the home of incurables in Toronto about two years ago, and was a. 'highly respertcd and cid reshlent of thisplaces death teaming toter relief at the hood old age of 85 years. The roulaiana of the late Thos. Jognt were followed tel . to their last resting place in Bethel cemetery on Sabbath last, by fa 'arose concourse of friends end relatives. The widow and family have the sympathy of the entire community In their sud- den:and sad bereaavement.. Wit ala Tumors Rncntenr x MADE. --'Who made you? inquired a lady' teacher of a lubberly boy, who .had la sly joined her class.' I don4t know,' said he. 'Don't know? You ought to be ashamed of old! Why, A boy fourteen years oldk?t' there's Dickey Fitton --he's only three -he can tell, I dare say. Conte hero, Diekey. Who made you? --'God.' lisp- ed the infant prodigy.. -'There?' said the teacher, triumphantly, St knew 1h would remember.`' -;Well, he onghterS said the stupid boy ''taint but a little while ago since he was made.' 'Jim,' said a little boy who was boast- ing of his father's new house, ave have such a fine portico, and mahogany doors, and plate -glass windows, and on the top is a cupola, and it's going to have something else." --What is 111" asked the interested companion. 'Why, l: heard father tell another this morning that it's to have a mortgage an it: Everybody dislikes the dentist -at least they show their teeth whenever . they go to his office. A man may not be afraid of danger, but he looks down in the mouth. when he prepares to descend into a mine. Wisdom does not always come in the yellow leaf, but you'll generally findit ill the seed. Put mosquitoes on duty Sunday s ariti they would beat policemen at the work of finding open bars. You can't say, in the words of the Mikado, when the mulling dew evap- orates, that it will never be mist. A man who was arrested the other day for stealing an umbrella tried to get etottb by saying that he was laying something by for a rainy day. The world is full of people who are like the foolish hen that broke the shell ' to see what Wei the matter ueith the chicken; THE PENNANT RACE. The following is the standing of the different clubs in the International pen- nant race up to Tuesday night:-- Per- Won. ightsPer=Won. Lost. rent. Detroit.:..,.. , . ,. ,,. 60 23 .6 Syracuse. 47 33 ' -587: Toronto .. 43 , 33 .565 Rochester . `. 41 38 .519 Toledo 35 40 ,466 London .. .. 34 43 .441. Buffaslo 80 50 375 Hamilton . 30 50 .375