HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-8-8, Page 7ireeee H:OTTSEHOLD.. Life's .Lesson;, How often dons it happen, in tis oheneiing world of ours, So full of ligeb and sunshine and singing birds and flowers, What days whioh dawn moat oleariy, most beautiful and bright, Are those wbioh end in stedneee and sorrow dark as night. Oft,when all Beane brightest and life one' summer day,, We dad, in one shorbmo vont, the brightness swept away; .And where before wan annshine and Hope's fair flowers in blooms, Are now but clouds ars3 tempest and mid- nlght`a deepest gloom. 'Tie then, when we are groping our way ehadowa grim, We hear a sweet voice calling, "Cast all year cares on Sim Who for the weak, and wavy, the tempted and the tried Indeed, for all Sia'B victims, has suffered, bled :and died." Oh l what a ray of aunshino do these few words impart What thrills of joy and gladimes brirg to our burdened hearts And thus a truth is taught we ever after prix: away with sprigs of cedar, The odor of cedar••is so disagreeable that the moth will net deposit its eggs where this odor is at all strong.. The odor of camphor and coder only prevent the moths from laying their eggs ; if the eggs were laid before the gar- ments wore put away the odor will not prevent the hatching of the eggs. The best way to destroy ants ie carefully to follow thein, and discover their most if possible ; then destroy the entire community by dmakland one ourin cre in ao9es teaspoouiulrough the ef bisulphide of pouring arbo nand stamping down on the ground, The fumes of the enbetauce will. destroy the whole community. He Rad Learned Soreethinae One day Patrick ()Vermeil, a little Irish boy, took hia dinner to aohool, and it was eaten by cats whale aehool was in aesszon. The next morning heate long after the others were through, and, being asked why he was eating so long, as be seemed to have no appetite, said: " Why, the cats took, my dinner yesterday, so Ian going to put it where it will be safe." .A Coe or No Pay le what the Proprietor's cf D.. 1?leroe's Golden Medical Discovery guarantee to those who use than wondertal medicine for any b,00d taint, or thuunore, eruptloo, Pim' $air Dressing. pies, blotches, scrofulous ems or awellange. It is bad for a woman to soak her hal Wormy returned if it don't benefit or care. with water in her daily bash, and yet she Ona Horne soar. --.First lady--." Dc take may do it With impunity and even with that seat. I don't mind atandieg a bit," benifit, if she pursues the proper after treat. Second lady-," No you take iv, You are meat. The daily wetting of the hair of the older thank" Au ominoue silence, duffer, head fiiy41•li parasiuo growtba on the hair, which az. okd gentleman pole into toe neat and unless the hair is well dried before it zs coiled up le will become $our Winch to iii; Jobe Smith le the happiest ream that I injury, and give: au affeneive odor. The know,. hair may be wet daily with impunity, pro- Bet wasn't he bine, though, notsbreo months wiled a.f ter it is wiped ae dryas oselbie ib ago f 3? 1? l� r is soaked with alcohol and briskl rubbed `My wafer tannin down stat as fast as, she with the hands. The alcohol stops the par- carr,, g as•tic growth,and is, vs, orating carries off And the doctors can'. help her," d t hi a o p „ i p ,and hent rp the last of the water, thea preventing all poor man tendency to sourness and enabling the hair Almost cried as he thought of the poor, stiff- to be pet up prompgtly. 'ring wife The disease of tho seal tehicia roan es Who deemed to be scale iter old os, " Smith, I know joet how you feel," ae a friend to whore he told his sad r "- r eatery, iy wife was troubled prec►se,g as yours %, .I don't jaat understand i:, because Iiia nl`' a woman, but her bask pained her, end sae oral .. d f d e aims of rd, a Yet .. 3 m -down f .el td,, a p , && d general weakne<a and I know thaw she: wad eume those dieeaaee women are subject; to, and bad 'eel bad. too. I read. about Dr. T'ierce's l:.ivorite Prescription. one day, and ileo Arab time I was at the drug store I bought a bottle of it aed took home to her. It work- ed wondere, In a ebort UM° elle said elle Mt like another woman, and ane began to hope that there wall relief for her, after all, .Sae kept OH taking the medic:see for e. time, and now eho'a well. Gat n bottle of the "Preecrip, wife," tion and try fit on your Wate,' s I will, ansa, Smith, .laud he did, and it cured her and tbet''e why he's ao happy to• day. p p cg b tip 'i5a , dandruff eventually produce helium and That oft our deepest sorrows erebleasinge in frequently quickly. Persona who want to disguise, preserve their fine heads of hair have to Tan Houserreee n give them the aaane good.ettantioa theyglve To Drive Out Ilial. 1 bavelet a moegatlto bar. nor a screen door But m house, saga llerberb A.1 inlay, in g -.z ,. "" t" IaR...a Globin llelaooran read ob erre areeel om anye earn eve yn d fisc,a n ray �gnitoea about it. 1 learned the scent of cccsafndwarfare against these paste when vin; Inthe swamp.. of Loaiaiana, where, eumtuer or winter, moseuitooe mann. For some years life was arnerrdurable, and no meal could; ire eetom In peace, But all at *nee there was a change for the better. ki Baa end:ecreena were often, out of plane, but tbd a wan almoeb an hulumuity from inaeeto, I wan batching at the time, and had just changed my coloured boy. The newcomer explained to me how he kept the " erittera" Way* He barna email paecee of gum camphor ou the coal' atone, and used a secret preparation Ire galled "" sadektilo. When A got married and Dame tel Aifsaouri I Imparted the secret to my wife, and as there is leo patent en it that I know of, I would advise all fellow'enf'erere to go and' do likewise. The gum camphor alone is aulpio for the purpose„ and need only be used two or three times a day. Making Over an Old Black Ea. I heel a black silk, *aye a ledy, that wan no good enough .ler a nice dress end It hadOne lustre olio throw awn a fi tee . , aad summed to be of good weight:, but proved on wearing to be the kind that cracks on the seems and hems; in fact, the hero et the flounce around the bottom cracked apart the firat time I wore it. I rpeuaged to wear It for two years, however, by diluent care, and then tho question arose what to do with It. Fortunately, lace gonna wore jueb then the rage, and I bought nix pars of fine wool hoe. lefty -four inches wide, tor a dollar a yard, to cover the milk. The walatwas worn out under tit "arms and also the sleeves. I took nut leo aloevoe, and ripped the eeame. of the walla as 'far down as tho worn places extended, sub away the wornpart and pima- od in with now, being meadmeadt0 have the throad of the geode run the memo way, thew, stitched it carefully and pressed it, and you could not no the seam at ail, It looked' like a fold of the silk. The sleeve was piein ed in the came way, as ] did nobheve enough' silk to make new under parts entire, I then ripped the rest of tho seams apart, cov- ered each piece pith lace, basted it, and seamed tho batque together again, Alamo and all. Then I took all the trimming from the skirt, flounce and all, leaving it perfeotly plain from bolt to braid. Over this I pleat- ed the lace (the width of the saes making the length et theaskirb,) in lull deep planta, fastening ib only at the belb, and reeking it full enough to fall in do p folia the bate tom. On ono aide, I caught it up slightly, and at the point where it was caught, put a fall bow of moire .ribbon with four long loops and two ends. I have worn it in this way two years, and it looks as good as new, as the lace preventa. the wear from Doming on the Bilk, which ie as lustrous as at first. Just now, when black lace is more fashionable than ever, i a good time to adopt this plan. If your milk is not very good and oven needs piecing, you can make it over, and it will pay for the cost and trouble. I have seen a breadth pieced acrosss, and the seam did not show through the lace, especially as the pattern was not very open. One should be guided in this respect by the appearance of the silk. Where the color and lustre are good, an open pattern of lace is preferable, as it looks ligh er and softer; but if the mals not very fresh looking and nods a good deal of piec- ing a thicker pattern that will cover the silk better, is more: desirable., This is a cheap dress if one bas an old silk, as it needs no trimming or buttons, and just now a lace dress is very stylish. other valuable posseeaioae, It there ie much endrt . ate o d il' lir head ahoatkd nava a thorough rough drowsing t+lice a week, A. dressing should commence with the ea -rani use of a email toothcomb antic all dandruff insight is re* moved. Time should be followed with n thorough waehhsg with warm water and white oastile soap. Bvery portion el the alp should be well rubbed and afterwards every trace at the soap should be washed away with nmderattly waren water. Glass Mouses and Other Possibilities. The future of the gins industry in the United Staten la encouraging, for it is only sinco the war that the manufacture of polished plate has grown up ; and there are now running, or building, enough fur. nacos to auppiy all that will be need in the try, ft ie within the last ten yearn Haat the mauufaoture of cathedral and rough plate has been thoroughly established, at prat diepatiug and now controllingthe home a ket against EnglandBel e m r a a is tau and gnal, Tim Improvement in wiudow•glass bee also been greet, and there are workman and manu- eutnrera who think they see the rising sun of much better daya and a much better Aineriean glace. The concentration of cep - lad in powerful concerns meet certainly lead to changes In the system of labor thee are bound to Tenure a more finished pro - v new hie rec ntl vented da t. .,A, e s ire In Germany ba oa d. to add mervolonely to the power, of the antroscope, A Yale profeaaor aanouucca the Invontion of a perfect acre - nettle telescope lens. Legends tale of tiieloat invention of"mal- leable glace." Maritsa it maid to heves die* oouragod agenlus who found alto saoret by beheading hlm,fearing tho innovation would reduce the value of gold, It is also recorded thab ©ardtnal Richelieu was presented with e beet 01 malleable glass by a chewiest, who purposely let lb fall into fragmenti, and mended.tb beforohia eyes .with a hammer. The Inventor WAS promptly rewarded by per- petual imprisonment. keen hie Ingenuity should ruin the "%mated intoreeta" of k renolt manuleetarore. But if glade may not ape the mutate in malleability, It may imitate them in another rospocb just as important. Amore fortunate Frenchman (3i, de le Beetle) has within a few years introduced into Egrope a. transmuted glans which, he claims, may displace casts hon. if It fulfils his expects - done it will mark a now ore In Mass, and the old adage "as brittle ne glass will be euperaeded by a now . one, "as tough as glass." By hie process railway sleepers, fence poste, drain pipes, tanks, etc., are oast In moulds end so toughened by a bath in oils to be stronger than iron, though much lgbt- er, and costing one-third es muoh. But It is quaebioned whether his remains roach what is Household recto. The July bulletin of theHatoh experiment station of the Massachusetts agricultural col- lege relates to household pests and is hereby summarized. The buffalo carpet beetle is destructive to all kinds o woolen goods, but does not injure cotton, silk or lace curtains. The beetles emerge from the pupa state in. March and there is more than one generation in a year. They are more abundant on the second and third floors than on the first. They are,eppften found feeding upon the woolen linWthat has acoumalated in the �Deka and unlees this is cleaned out they ay come, up and eat the carpet along the line of. the cracks cutting it as completely as if had been done with the scissors. It is desirable before putting the carpet down to saturate the lint with benzine or kero- sene. The beetle usually lays its eggs under the exposed edges of the carpet. This may be prevented by washing over the edges of the carpet and 'a few inches of . the under side with. corrosive sublimate in the proportion of sixty: grains to one pint. It May be re- membered that corrosive sublimate is a rank poison, ' The beetles are, attracted by the bright red figures of a carpet and it may be well to spread pieces of carpeting where red is the prevailing;color saturated with corrosive sublimate on'the bare floors of closets. The insect destroys woolen fabrics only in the larva stage. larvas of the bacon beetles are fond of food containing fat. Dr Hagen says that if pieces of old cheese be placed in a favor- able alteration the beetle will be attracted to and will be very easily destroyed. An material subject to the at cloth mo h may be preserved b, " Have you a clear about you 1" "" No ; I don't buy auy now." "Met 1 and why, then',' "Belau*o I want to break you, of the habit of smoking." SdOO Reward offered by the proprietors of Dr, Sege'e Catarrh Remedy for an securable °Me. AR this beat English etstlonery eteuspitag is now dans ire white or gold. The Turtle Moria :sin Region, Thousands of Acres of choice free govern - me lend, now opals for settiera In the Turtle Mountain Region T eta Rg n of k)akota. Hord, was raised the wheat that took first premium at o I Orleans Exposition. Rich soli, timber nmountains,goodschools,churches, eongeuielsociety. l; or further luforinetiaa, maps, rates, oto., apply to F. T. Whitney, G. P. & T. A,, St. P., L. Ii» 1d. Ry., St. Paul Mum., or J. M. llnokiae, Can. ,Pane. Agt. Toronto. The Back of Luton. A' feu Without Wisdom Livea in a Fool's Perediee, A Trachea especially written on Dlacaaes of Man, eontaining recta For Mend All Agee 1 Should to read by Old, Middle .Aged and Xounlr Men, Proven by the Salo of Half a Milian to bo the moat popniar, baoauaa written to language plain, forcible and Internotive, traottoel reeent• ation of Medical Common Sento. Valuable to Invalids wire are weak, nervous and ex. handed, allowing now means be, which, they may be cured. Approved by editors, critics, and the people. Sanitary, Sooial, Seicnco Subjects. Alto gives a description of Sped - fie No. 8, The Great Health Renewer ; Marvel of Healing and Soh•1•noor o :Medi- cines, It largely explains the mysteries of life. By its teachings, health may be main- tained, The Book will toaoh you how to make life worth living, If every adult in the civilized world would read, understand and follow our vlewe, there would be a world of physical, intellectual and moral claimed for the process. The undeveloped giants. This Book will be found a truthful toughening, processes augur astounding changes in the future of glass. "" Glass houses" may become the triathlon, and we may have to reverse our 'proverb about them, for they would be bomb -proof. Al- ready transparent glass brioge are made. Extending the poesibitities of glass a little further, why may nob we build the entire structure of glass 1 The walls might pe Demented blocks cast like hewn stone, bub translucent, . and of any color. One could thus inhabib a huge pile of amber or of gigantic game. The windows could be multiform, some of them telosoopie, bringing distant things near, some with knees or mirrors guiding the focussed sun's heat for culinary end comfortable purposes, others straining out the light or chemic rays. Tapestries, furniture, and utensils might be made of the universal material, The whole would be more endurable than granite. No o harmit lightning would shun it. fire could , g g eblossomingfrom this miracle - loos substance, may be realized by an Alad- din whose lamp is of giase,—[Harper's Mag. azine for July.] Gave Themselves Away, They were three pretty, charmingly dressed, graceful young ladies, which ac- counted for the three gallant young men. They were over the bay, and finding that they had some time to wait for the traits the three young ladies determined they would go and call on some other young lady who lived close by. They told the gentlemen to wait for them, and they swung gracefully up the road—a pretty picture. They knew all about the picture ; they knew than the six male eyes were. following them, and they made themselves as attractive to the six eyes as they could.' One of the gentlemen called out after them : "Look out, or you'll lose your train 1" With one accord, as if at the word of min mend, they came to a dead halt, and the three sweeping gloved hands caught hold of three beetles, here are momenta in life too tutored, too awful for description, and one of the most awful moments in a woman's life is when she thinks the bank of her dress has given way. It was another awful mo- ment that followed when the young ladies realized that they had.given•, themselves away.—[San Francisco Chronicle. 'Grace's Guess, Graoie, aged four, being'kept indoors on account of the rain, became restless, and, to take up her attention, was given a piece of finished sewing from which to piok the bast- ing threads. After working busily for half an hour she was called to the dinner -table. After eating a few .mouthfuls of string bathe It she said : "I geese God forgot to take ane mating threads. oat of theca beans," WHY x'•413 SHOULD USE SCOTT'S LSION oz" COD LXV OITA wreak HYPQPROSPHITESe It is Palatable,, as lark. It ;s three times as a `loaokou.. as plans Cos. ;river Oil, It is far superior to all other so- called, Emulsions. St is a , � erfeot Emulsion aces not separate � or change, :tis wonaerfal as a fleshria c p r, ll e It is the hest resaeay for Consump- tion, wcrofaia, Eronohatis, ,Wast - ng Diseases, Chrenta Cough. an0 Colas. Sold by all Druggists, 00c. arta $1.00. pATCVES procural. Patent Atti orneys, end experts. g,t'd 1€1, Monet 4. 0 RidouS 4 Co., Toronto. A GREAT LIFE -GIVER IS - 1 T. LEAN WATER. Leads of testimony as %oltnwe; i have wed St Leon. Believe it lobeboth curative and retre•htng,—stay Josh Paris, D D. Sone, biueele, flesh and blocd—nothing on the European continent to equal this builder -up of poisoned. wasted humanity; $t Leon ieto such better than Ott—Ds SYsasat.. Oared of dysrepela. Was a sksletgn; am nest .aa and strong --W E Powis, ie vino. Send In yosr ordersor go to the Springs in quebee the %antala of freak We, rigour And joy, ,_ f T1JE ST. LEAN MINERAL CO. Termite. Montreal and Quebec, YYYNAN Q� and Tumors CURED; no kola A C zrA book free. MA. MCMICHAEI,, A r T.a • No Or Niagara SI., H4Tolo., A.Y. i►i11RAC IiEtieese rake money durlmg vavetiea by eanvaa •ng far one or mere of our test Belling Socha and 1i:bl a especially History er C'mda, by W. Ii- Witbraw, D.D. latest and pest edition ever pbadd pcarn.nd emNcrw Publisher, Tenantsern" 31 GfoSr, -fee ' .1Pkf etenINP.II ,COLLEGE., ouelpir, TA • c a sen r -bee .r anile tRe011eab op,. T . air, . g tr les aare$on trot he t t'es entire *,: ay, It* eradaiatee are meatinessv,7 d, nee/Wed sreetess cs boalc•lieam era, matinees maw-: rt blaotthaod,Writers, court repaream eta. leint sal scamsaunt is 4 feature or tlss, institution. Ufa luetes a elated la ohtaiolofi po3.itiers. Adansa Il. st 67010110E. Frfoctpal, presentation of facts, oelouleted to do good. The book of Lubon, the Talisman of Health 1 Brings bloom to the cheek, strength to the body and joy to the heart. It is a message to the Wise and Otherwise, Lubon'e Speci- fic No. 8, the Spirit of Health. Those who obey the laws of this book will be crowned with a fadeless wreath. Vast numbers of men have felt the power and testified to the virtue of Lubon's Specific Ro. 8. All Men Who are Broken Down from overwork or other causes Mot mentioned in the above, should send for and read this Valuable Trea- tise, which will bo sent to any addroas, teal - ed, on receipt of ten cents in stamps. Ad- dress all orders to M. V. Lubon, room 15, 50 Eronb Street E., Toronto, Camila. BARKER'S SHORTps i) SCHQQ i 45 1 fug Street East, Toronto, Yonnerly.farever tire :seam PrincipaSof the tenets hand Innateta in cmerle en wltli ti.e Cans,dian zed. nese llai rr ty 3 ,. T, sr.e;1rm depparerareait under the muuegeman el I .d%. f £. GJJGlt,ageattorkla Reu to se. pnvrikr .epp•t for citealar, eieutticu this paper in errantee AUTOMATIC SAFETY ELEVATORS Bat. byrdrnul nn, need eel Et:aMslesastera, LR$TOH TUc' NBULL, Gtua+Iiao EltratduT.iQT queen etei Ilan Lime Royal Ian Steamship; p S.a111n, during winter trona Portiaud every' Ttiuraday and iiiittax everySaeurday to Ltverpocl, and in ensn. mer Nrorn?Quebee every Saturday to Liverpeel,c,&Iline ad L .,denderry to land melte And paseengera for Scoa.aad atad kefa id ; mien trona Baltimore, via tt311. Is and 5t. John's, N. F., to Useapool "tcrtnightiy darin¢ summer menthe. The etcamers ol the plea. goow :tr ?sell during winter to and from Halifax, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia ,and daring ,nm - mer between Giargow and Montreal; weekly" &las• e ow and Bodden enemy, sill onagewr and Bitliedel• pine fortutzetiy. For free:lie pesaage or athcr Information apply to r:Sta A Sehureaer B Co., Saltimnre; Q. guano -o Co,, Dee tax Shea 4140e.. St. John"e, :iEd,. nem. Theme. John, N B.^ lin '$gee SOUt, J Allen a CO.,Cc. C' l Co.,AGo , , , e 1 L.cve a .Alden, New York; 1!. Bendier. •Toronto; Allen. See to Co.. Qcebee : Win, Brockie, Phfladei• plum ; Ii. A. Allen ronsiod Easton )scatted. Prolid.eut Life and tie Stock lsso'l csIsr OFFICE, ROOM 0, ARCADE „ TORONTO CANADA (wog' ,TEP ) a A, Natant- Benefit Association. SOItW riVEdT]Xld1NT—By pa&r to the shave J.aoelatton ONE CENT PEP. liaY, a peraanaged twenty^two, and two cents per day a person aged fortirtour can secure Five ,Dollars per /reek while as is o axident ss, o wg disabled ttanlokh s bnesa r al tor k o and three eat per day. persona aged as above can secure for their deli endants, 37ireliemdred Dailan la event cfdeath. LIVE STO4.'E OWNERS can provide against lose by death through diosase or Incident rt.their aleck, at easy rates, Thaseinteies.ed, Pend ti ' 'aspednaes ate el ati a Agents vented to oureew. leed dip• trjefetusrt,R a81 Ltt d sttoaa li y t0ivi ris T SEATS CHA:DWICK.D CKSTOCK & CAL aalarr9sters an I Solicitors, tysllingtOn Rt., Aur. Ounce, (over Bank of larreekir TORONTO. ONT. CRO)CE FARMS FOR SALE 1R All. PARTS O MANITOBA. Pattie.,. wishing to pant , .se improved Msatiatel= Faunas, from sores upward$, with, immedhite, poseeeslon. call or write to G. ll. Ihl#tL84N, *Ohara Stook, Main et., Winnipeg. nnloirmali ie furnished tree al charge, and settlers assisted far making selection, g0 3 y 71 'Sr "3",' C% IA Q 1d AT Cenasee hem or Drawn ALM Delivered aut'where in Coned.. LargeetS newest Prices,. IVIcOausland & Sou, 72 TO 76 KUM STREET WEST TORS, IIAL iiIA pp A r Sr t'1DAPD fa IJ7' For sappiyin>~ acuatantly pare and freak wato foit the following, purposes, alta— Pumping Water er. ',;'key are for Stock, I perfectly ars. rasa Ziii ddipAe, taef uniform.dan tel s eaa a,F srAeae to ,,i,: Geared fiiDr, rsbr,fteutting $ iassfpteg, tbreald's% OW. lug waod,;irfnd- lug core,. AN etc. A1ece Mora - facture -Rot feed naraa-facture-Rotfeed grindert,lra; lla1 tools. iraa wood Parc oda tulaiiseci snibrae. TAMP sad ental Water apply blataxl, Cate Prise; *refs 8rotcetioo; ;atlon, erica, cries, ge. slice - rainio¢ Lars Lands, These eele- brated Wind. - mills are made Immo one man to fortyhetree-paw.'- UNWARY Ton ;otlantttts paper. NV M .firs 9.. 1,� . f'.t'lt#l;;,at1'tfl.llG ",l.fx;alC3illS,�,.', EQ''''`Alt. , ''It WOOD ENGRAVER, ll.tsasttltl,Tivt 4oltarilaSrtas:ExlTAsr- &ADVERTISyi. GNi PURPOS,es.. TORONTO, CANADA. :1w7 ADIE$aflOLLEQE IIAMILTON, ONTAERIO ONTARIO, S1vdl re -open SEPT. f, with CONSERVATORY 0 ; 0 ER. z, aeration T( o rTo„' ns, 31 M.',1 adde.1 Very r d,7 in a t^ rd, ^$3 000 OC)0 MUSIC tl . S c Inge tic bit rd, a F t7 I.an; uoges, acicnra, dtsslcand e1rR Etas over ,40 traduatee in Colla„ a tourer" akin For Teens, &a, addre.Ss the Prlaclpal, A. 1$1111 i, pan., LIG. ALMA. LADIES' COLLEGE. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, All Graduates' of Alma Fine Arts College aro legally qualified to teach in Public and. High Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Me= ohanios' Institutes, and the Arta,Sohoola of the province. Last year Alma passed 116 out of 137 can- didates m the Provincial Art Examinations, took the only four full Advanced Certificates given in the province, also 6 full Primary Certificates and won 2 Gold Medal (.ertifi oaten. Alma's reoord in pasb years bas been nn - equalled in the Fine Are work and she now stands unrivalled in this respect in the Dominion of Canada. Her Art room and apparatus,areadmitted- ly the beat, in Ontario, and her staff of in- struction unsurpassed. _ A number of graduates of Ahna Fine rt School have received Collegiate appoint- ments in ppoint.ments'in Canada and the United States. For 60 pp. Calendar, address Principal Austin, A.M. A. F. 461. BICYCLE 150 Second -Band Send far list. A. T. LANE. Mosrasst,, Qtraa Artificial Limbs ;Form CIRCULAR ADDUESI., J. LOAN & iCO ,. S7 Northcote A.vo,, • 'Saronto, Ont. EATER LINE STEAMSHIPS. T Sailing' Weekly between MONTREAL and LivtlitPOOL S Sof): Return Tickets, $80, 831 end $110, according to steamer and: aeeommodatiou.. ' Intermediate $30 Round Trip Tickets, $80, Steerage, S20. Apply to 11.E. MU1tIIA.Y, eieneral Manager Canada Ship, ping Co., 1 CUSTOM Sousa SWAMI, MOs'raser., or to Lal •A,feenta in all Towne and Cities. QUEEN'S LAUNDRY BAR ASK FOR 1T, AND TAKE NO OTHER. li E OF IMITATIONS. 8 WAR ale Mark, hfodebyTit KeelerarrTotem' Soau+Coy, Pao hinStOns or T115 lieaxittare WORLD-RENOWNED BABY'S OWN SOAP. Mer�ciaantso Butchers and Traders generally, We went a GOOD sial,' in yourloeality topick tip CALF SKINS or us, oesb Ournisted on aatlataeinry gearanb Address, • C. 8- 3?. .Saha limos 1 su, enn: t, U. B. , The Penbertliy INTRON'BD ,, , ,. Automatic1ejector Standard M21, a V �`` e,. , r r' ltl 000 31r we in cantata ,-5,000 The :u 's .'tut in uneto the united States. They ...st aril simple and cost ices than ——a O AL Yx -- other makes, white performing the same work. They start easy at d,5 lbs. steam, and work to 1501bs; Lift water le to 20 le, and work from a bead xa well. .Aertomatic and restarting when current to boiler is broken. Send for circular to Main Office. Penbcrthy Jnjectar Co., Detroit, !Melt. Factories, Windsor, Can. and Detroit, Mich Mention this paper. C. M..iI'1►atk. AND CAPITAL. A RIR. W, i'. HUW'LA3TD, I'zesiaeut. 17P3I. F.fd.10T, H nooisn, T. R. 4CiMtM,if . watmanetctrtrs. M+uuasa"go Du+aeror.. EIRE -PROF CHAMPIONS. With Upright or I�iorizontal Boilers. 2, 16, 201 a� Suitable for. all work. and o H.P. Thrtahing. Sawing,, 3 Brickntaxun¢. cart. Traction Engines 12, 16 and no Horse -power.. STREW -BURNING ;ENGINES. For the North-West. fiend for Circular., • "'acerous Engine %dm C Engine BRANTFORD Arto WINNIPEG:; If You Cannot Keep Cool YON CAN KEEP STRONG - BY" TAKING THY ONLY WISOteGn1T IRON Seeilenal Wheel 'Wind 11101 mule. Strong, durable and power- ful • never wag blown down. Super- ior to all others, both geared and for pumping. Do not invest money in a J.AB LEY MAN'F'R & PATENTEE. PAT. 1887. wooden mill when an iron mill can be purchased as cheaply. Will give one at wholesale prise where they are not represented, War- ranted for two years: Write now for price list. This ad. may not appear again in this paper. Aosta WABTsn. Address 3. ABTLEY, Mark11ale, Ont. CHATHAM FARING MILLS. t i l 1' i 1 11 as n , ..s: This Stove is pre eminently the moat succeesful Coal Conk in the market, Like its sister Atone, THE URI11vall, ie has an fadiv anality o£ its own, aad�£alfils every claim We nada for it when putting it on the market. It can ba fitted with a water front. Wood linings are supplied for Sommer ase., -- MA.NIIFACTURED BY — THE E. & C. GURNEY CO. (Lc") TORONTO, ONTARIO. out the Bagger. 17,100 now in ase.. 1600 of these. Mille leave been sold this �� year already, They will be exhibited at ,all the:leadinersers. Wz Toronto, Ottawa, .,,n i �r,l yn Kingston, - r ; ton and London. 't. d, dpi Surpasses •othtre'inu the matt. .ket. Do not: buy until you get my eiraulars and infor. (nation. Our Pat- ent Bagging Appar- atue at•entBaggingAppar- atue eaves time and abor. Will bag 60 to 80 buehe,3 per hour,and can be ttaohed to any of the machines made by us during he last four,yeare. A¢ente Wanted. M A NSCN CAMPBELL MA,N'R, CHATHAM, ONT - � l D THY ONLY WISOteGn1T IRON Seeilenal Wheel 'Wind 11101 mule. Strong, durable and power- ful • never wag blown down. Super- ior to all others, both geared and for pumping. Do not invest money in a J.AB LEY MAN'F'R & PATENTEE. PAT. 1887. wooden mill when an iron mill can be purchased as cheaply. Will give one at wholesale prise where they are not represented, War- ranted for two years: Write now for price list. This ad. may not appear again in this paper. Aosta WABTsn. Address 3. ABTLEY, Mark11ale, Ont. CHATHAM FARING MILLS. t i l 1' i 1 11 as n , ..s: This Stove is pre eminently the moat succeesful Coal Conk in the market, Like its sister Atone, THE URI11vall, ie has an fadiv anality o£ its own, aad�£alfils every claim We nada for it when putting it on the market. It can ba fitted with a water front. Wood linings are supplied for Sommer ase., -- MA.NIIFACTURED BY — THE E. & C. GURNEY CO. (Lc") TORONTO, ONTARIO. out the Bagger. 17,100 now in ase.. 1600 of these. Mille leave been sold this �� year already, They will be exhibited at ,all the:leadinersers. Wz Toronto, Ottawa, .,,n i �r,l yn Kingston, - r ; ton and London. 't. d, dpi Surpasses •othtre'inu the matt. .ket. Do not: buy until you get my eiraulars and infor. (nation. Our Pat- ent Bagging Appar- atue at•entBaggingAppar- atue eaves time and abor. Will bag 60 to 80 buehe,3 per hour,and can be ttaohed to any of the machines made by us during he last four,yeare. A¢ente Wanted. M A NSCN CAMPBELL MA,N'R, CHATHAM, ONT