HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-8-8, Page 6•-e-nere`e"'""""o"'"*I'wee
rupted the king.tCones in here aucl get your
Ass Karl sprang eagerly forward to obey
Ta voyage to siolobetind.
sic@ .119 away on the River of Dreams -
Ohs lite Skioper with eye* or brown,
Art the firedly's torch in the twilight gleams
And the garieli elm goee dowo ;
AR" boa floats over the grimy town
To Slentherlend, and tte eilver see t
Thefolde of the Skipper's etsesWy lawn
Are no whie theet
'hem aro angel -birds la the warra, atill air,
And the ehipper laughs with her eye
r4 they sing to her old movie awe, t ard
To the heat at their wine of down;
They sing of A Erince of high regown
Wag Priecees ever so young end fair;
Bet where ia ill* Princess haa eve a ort,Wn
lake the erown of tier Role browe hair
Comatiea storra o'er diver Sea
That ebbe on the Deem:ten' Lend;
And the a/yet-birds fade ont to the lee*
Of Sete otogratir Slataberetneed ;
/a there a Rarbor, by angelsplanned,
Prom all storm% whatever they he,
From the wicked feirleeef Siumherleed
Ana the Wares la int eilver sea T
Ilp like a flabli COMAS the little brown heed.
Ana the brown eyes only ewe
Idaeltet ot silk, OuteProad
ari ter ocean of dimitY
But We featleoly the Skipper will ilea
WI% a Sett little hotfoot By bo the ehere the leaneed rin her bee
TO the Earth cf "hit:thee': Be43-'1
JO= PAUL, Beeseen,
King Fredeeick's Settee
Oise Stuntaer moreen, A greet many yeare
ego, a boy waa lyieg soiled Aelesspone beneh
In One Of the retSuS at SeemSouel (the coun-
try .pelleie ef the King of Petiole) with all
elotitte on. Vern pay clothe* they were
from ;he trim blue lecket, with ita embroid:
ared cuffe and ohittleg bran buten, down
to the *mart ohoee with their wellpelithea
Steel buckles. But" the peer little foliate*
face was nut WI gay- 04 hie rinse by any
Meace, 10001ked. *Idly Tale, awl AS %MA
ssed tired aa if be bed boeu up all night.
84 iudeed he ited,for teugholci Riese Peed.
treick. who amid worn from 4 in thernoreing
till it at right witheut et enrieg a bit the
ozone, sea:oda:es turget that hie peer little
pagenesy wee not a* stroegaa btuteelf, sad
would eft= keep him on elute till Keaton
asleep teen steer fatigue, eat min appear -
ea to taxa dorm now.
Allen once *bell rug therply ha the next
mom. At thet aignel the peee ought to
UT* jumped vp ad gone la to motive his
ordere for the der, m he hid to the first
thing every menden, no matter at wine
hour be lied gerei to bed. But lot wee ea feet
mleep that he never beard it; and the bell
rely again *till more sharply without any
Then the door of the leper room opened,
end out come A very arrenge fissure udeed.
It was a smell, lean, grey -hatred old num
ina thabby uniform coat aod A mar of long
rielleg boots, which looked rut though they
had not been elmund for month; end so if
he were not untidy enough already, he bed
*sneered the whole trout of his coat with
mull, which fell off in fikkel whenever he
Els face might hive been carved In stone,
so old aud herd did lb look; hut in the
=fast of it there slammed An eyis so large and
bright mad piercing thet it teemed to go
rig ; through every ono upon whom It rest-
ed. But for this commending giant* one
would moat likely heves taken him for
beggar, and have wandered visa businese
Ludt a slovenly old follow could have in the
palace at all.
But in reality this teener. thabhy little
old roan wia no othertl nth King Frederick
of Tiniest& himself, the greatest general and
stateamen in the world, and famous through -
(rat 4ii Europe under the name of "1red-
tri8k the Greet."
Ono could see by the flash df his eye
and the sat of his herd ,old, month,
as he came striding ant, that he was
very angry at being kept waiting, and
-thee terrible molding awaited the
poor little (page, who lay sleeping there ea
peacefully, knowing nothing et all about it.
Bub as the kinga eye fell upon the lad'a =t-
ool:scions face his mood seemed to change.
"Hum 1" muttered he, with the very
ghost of a smile flickering over his iron face.
"Bow famously the young dog +deeps 1 I
only wish I :mild have tuck a tan now and
then. One can see that be hasn't got to
worry birneell about governing five millions
of men, or carrying on war against five
nations at once. Bal whatesthis ? '
A crumpled sheet of coarse paper, which
:seemed to have dropped from .ffatl's hand,
was lying on the floor betide him.
The king picked it up, and these were the
Ent wards that caught his eye, written in
the shaky, straggling hand of a very feeble
old woman:
"I thank you much, my dear child, for
the money tbat you bine ao kindly sent me,
which has been a great help. Take your
old mother's bleating for lb,. and Nee that you
elwaye do your best to be a worthy and
faithful servant to onr maeter, the
whom God bless and preserve."
as be read that sirople message the soldier.
king's grim face softened as no one had ever
eeen it soften before. Perhaps' the memory
of his own mother, dead years ago, rose up
in his mind once more; perhaps he was
touched by the old woman's prayer for him-
aelf, or by the dismovery that this had been
the boy's last thought befere he fell asleep.
"Were all my subjects like that," he
murmured, "1 should be the luckiest king
in Europe. And so he has been saving
money from his wages (and poor enough
wages they are, I am sure) to send to his
mother, Well done, my boy; thou'rt a true
Freesia° 1"
At that moment Karl moved slightly, as
11 about to wake.
The king noticed it, and a new idea ap-
appeared to strike him, which must have
been a droll one, judging from the momen•
tent twinkle that lighted up his stern eyes.
"Yea, that will be the best way," said he
to himself, "and a fine 'surprise it will be to
Stepping back into the room *hence he
had hatred (which certainly had very little
"royal luxury" about it, for it was almost as
bare as a cattleshed, with no furniture save a
,battered old deal table and a broken chair),
Frederick hunted in the table drawer till he
rummaged out a well worn writing -case,
from one of the pockets of which he took
three gold coins. '
These he slipped into the page's pocket
along with the letter, taking great oars not
to awake him in doing so. Then he rang hie
bell violently and called out:
"Karl, come here 1"
The :there., stern voice effectually routed
our hero, who started up at once, and drew
back in dismay as he saw Frederick's keen
eyes fixed upon him,
"Pardon, your majesty, pardon 1" stam-
mered he. "1 was"—
"Never mind about that just now," inter-
. *
the money oad been. pat loosely :nth
hie pocket, rolled out Again. and felt ring,
ing and chinking epee the Acer,
eetege, yeeee mon in cried Frederick*
"Too ought to he a god desa richer thoo
am if you can Afford to Any your money
about Ill* that,"
00h, she 1" cried the boy, imploringly, "I
don't bROW anything about Sint money.
I don't indeed, 1 Somebody mute have
meant to ruin me by petting lb lath my
Pocket, and thee awing that I had stolee
"No," said the king, gravely, "tint money
te God's gffe to you, to help you in assisting
Your mother. Write and tell her thee'
knew all about her, and that ru take care
of her and you tee"
loa King Frederick kept hia weet,
what Explorer Muir isteassafaeteden $e.
14 Alaska.
John Muir gays that he has by AU Meanil
completed his exploratione in Alaska, and
that in regard to certain eleplouit remain*
there, the bridging of Behrieg$0,,, and
other mettere he hopes Iowa to mid info -
made°, that will be of greet value te oelence.
Although, the bridging of Behring. Strain
ha* heeu widely ridiculed, Muir is mellued
to think thee such a feat will Pee day
aelempliehed. Ho says;
"Senator Staziferd'e girdle of teel armed
the earth vie Behriug See is A perfeetly
feasible tehelee, Behriur Strait's Can be
bridged. It is gran sixty lace sterots in the
narPOWebt piece, and there ere three itfiaude
terry Meng in it. This woulddivide the
bridge u iota frier /division?, But boidee
this, the -water is very Shall4W. TA risan
plane it is oat over twenty feet deep,
undertake to say that if a term was mon
emeigh to take one ef our California rod
wood trees in his hand he could pat it down
mysibete over the -04:0- !olio of Ifelwing
Sea and yet have 100 feet of it left Above
the water. Thia thews how VAST it would be
to bridge the straits. The only trouble
would be from floating icebergs, but chat
could be emily overcome by ointruotieg
ewinnieg bridgea, like they have acme the
river ot Chleage. In this wig the stain
meld be kept clear all the tiro, and traina
of MS CaUld run right aleug.
"There are ea smog stooge things in
Aimee," added the discovexer of the Muir
glecier, "thet hove r ot TO COMO to the
knowledge of the radio that one who has
Seen than heillate, where to hegira Ele,
phaet nooks are found ell over the great
valley of the 'Yukon. As a matter of hot,
they are found averywhoe throughout the
greet weeteeaa slope of Alaska. Demo and
Sir Cherie,* Lyle startled the world by au-
etoeueiug lint hairy from; eitipluoite were
fogad wedged emery the Siberien icebergs
but soreely aueberly knowa that throughout
Alaska are the roma= of conutless thou -
minds of nix:indoor. Yea can dig them out
tind find the on the surface everywhere. I
saw htiudredet of them, poseibly, on my Ian
trip, and I ren now anriotilly trying to eta
up thine to cemplete my investigetionte be
thick ere the elephant remelt:* that the
=Wive Indians, on findiug theta hurled
partite!), Intim grouse), decided they Were
some hied al greet melts that burrow' in the
mill. Thin ix the story giviseme. I olleeted
lOof remalue. The oollectity of ale -
Aimee tusk* every sunnier 1st a regular bush
ness in Siberia joie over Behring Sea. Wo
bora jest as mug of them on the Alaake
side a* they avo had in Siberia. Ages ago
greet herds of elephants roamed over these
there*. Perhape they existed down to a
comparatively recent data, too, for the hairy
bodlea and wellspreeerved bones were evn
dences of that,"
Common Sem in the Pulpit.
If there is one place whirl more than all
Often demands the soundest of oommon
sense on the part of thee who occupy lb, ib
is the pulpit. And for this if for no other
remote, that eastern has racial:it& that the
preacher shalt base; full control at the pro -
coalmen. He is "bird alone" for the time
being, and bas things ell his own way,
none venturing to question hie statements or
reply to his reasoning. Hence 10 18 desirable
theta man placed on what is reelly a "
very place" should have common genie of
the eoundesh If he has not, the likelihood'
are that he will cover himself with shame in
the eyes of sensible people and bring disre-
pute, so far as the stations of one man can
do so, upon an home:able calling. An
exempto of pastoral imbecility is reported
from a mall town in Iowa, The preacher
was young, green and zealous. He had the
holiest horror of everything sinful and moat
blood -curdling notions 08 00 the amount end
degree ef sinfulness in that portion of the
vineyard where hia lot had been cast.
He seems to have been an admirer of the
Sam Jones type of revivalist, and to have
formed himself somewhat after that model,
for he started hie campaign against Satan
by a terrific onslaught from -Ilea pulpit upon
the virtue of the women in the place. Some
earnest reformers have contented themselves
witb atinging rebukes against certain classes
of women even when they 'wished to be
most thealrical, /t might be the ultra-
fashionable let, or the unfortunate mill -
workers, or servant girhe or some other class
of women. Every now and then some piet-
ist crank of none too holy imagine:Hon gate
his name into the papers by some such
sweeping denunciation. But nothing would
do this young theological David, so fair and
fresh from °allege hells, but an attack on all
the women in the town between the ages of
sixteen and twenty-five, not one of whom he
said could be called a virtuotia woman. It
is not surprising to hear that even ecclesias-
tical privilege could not protect a man
againat the consequences of such brutality,
and that the foolish author of the Blander
had to leave town toescape a coat peter and
What: we want mostly, in the opinion of
the New York Times, is not so mnoh an ex.
tended market for disposing of our simples
crops, but cheaper methods of produotion.
If oar vaat crop of corn am be grown Mae
cent a bushel cheaper than it now is we
should save $20,000,000, annually on^ that
atop alone, _
The reoent beery that Dr. Brown-Sequard
had discovered an" elixir of youth" clid
not at first receive much oredencee but It
deems to be a fact that the famous physician
Iran announced snoh a discovery, Pie claims
that by hypodermic: *motions of s. liquid
distilled from certain parts of animals he
has made himself fen years younger. Info
now stated, moreover, that Dr. V, ariot, of
Paris, who ridiculed the idea of such
thing, has experimented withthe fluid on
three enfeebled men, and Is almost othevinceil
that we are on the eve of 4 discovery by
which weakness and disease can be swede.,
eated, (rhienernes of these two men alone
prevent the whole affair being looked hem
ase a hoax, and the scientific and medical
world will &wait with interest some precise
statementfrom them of the nature of their
alleged ditoovery.
Violinas or IMPULSE.
minoylfea wish an rarneii Desire to Xive
Aro forced re Ale bY safe
Then are enieidealaunedue%94iciolee, and they
heve been written abent ana commented OA
so nincli by people who "serer can account
ece leen doreg so unleast tiny are inesure"
that postibly it le too mesh like thrathiog
cid strew ea letting the mill do that that
some one has said Pan not le done, -"grind
again with the water thebhee_pareeVeato
telt of eome of the peculiensuoides or at
tempts, or dwairec to attereptthat hey° come
eerier the writexa personal Otervetion.
in V* Areb piece the ateetton cae be
triethfully made that one-lialfef these -called
euieldee are not eniciden. bee emotional ID -
voluntary accidents. Try, auseng your
hientle to find one wise hao nit at same Ulna
tsr 148 life had an lesane deeirito throw him -
elf ofX oi "an high eminence ewe eke- finer enieend the Admiralty to report on
self under a rapidly paseisig nain or allow
Lomeli to become entangled in the large
sirive-wheel of some immensemecteee and
you will find that they have 14 4 Mao luid
Eome snob. experience. UenY ieen Who tell
of 4trOggiee with irresistible degree to =eke
way won eeeeineeee ape tie* eeteieg aro and undo efficiels Omezig, Renee
itebut if we happen to ion e fiend by the born* Stettin* Wilhelmshaven and
The petition of the pereees arrested and
the wide ramifioatioint of the fraude have
oat A thrill of indignation and shame
tbrrargheilt the Empire.
day'e talk in tfficial Circles repreSectir
the Emperor as furieue. He le mid te have
sant telegram after telegram to the highest
aisle/an, eegerdieg the ;wetter, Mar
Cramer, A highly pieced ciliate), at
KW, le reported to heve committed
goiotao Attet, his arreen It is anted
that he was found bleeding to death
in hie cell, hawing opened the VOUS IA bis
Wm; ancl.that he died while beteg hiker) to
hetipitel The ;Wish/eke Airuny arinQUOCCS
the etreet Of the chief conteelter of the Kiel
workehope ena of a promineot sliereinut 91
Minden who for mann years haa been *up-
plelog Atone for the Kiel and Wilhelmehav-
ea stelae, Ttienere layrioned in Berlin.
The tioverity of the =tom pronounced
on the forty-eight miens convicted at Erce-
lan of
rioting dewing the neeut otrike there
will probably Iced to ten appeal to the
Brower. The pritemers are All Ander Wen,
ty yeere of eget and A number of tbeill iire
net more than oixteen yeses old.
• An attleie lathe "North Gomm Getette"
on atriko ahowean 00410044 cheese al front;
ou Vie pot of the Government; toweede tbo
Ouleere. It argues that the recent ;Mime
were a Auinliceb abuse el the tight of oldie
Om, Stash efficial newepepers concur arid
Predict tint the result of the Commission of
BnielrY tato the tailspin' grionece will be
nil mei that the Gayer/mu/at will Cease tti
interfere beyond ampprendes breaches ot the
Keleer Willie!" turieue—The Naval Sew
dohs tilt illYeatieated-The Eugliab
Porcludo tko Ocraiens from .A4ice,,
Emperor WflUar arrived at Wilhelm -
shaves tire Other moroing, As the imperial
yeent wee sighted enteelog the Towle eeletes
were fired by the wer-ehipe in the harbor
and by shore hatteriste. When Rio Majesty
dieetaberked e. guard of honor on the quay
nreonted swine ma the bend played the
ireecerse row,izs
eluding iscets of vititorse were aeseMblea to
greet the Emperor. Rio Majesty is bronzed
ZOI .4 -vigorous looking.
Withirt an hear atter his arrival the Em,
the arrest of officiale in co/election with, the
navel fronds. !Several efficiale left Kief te
eight for Whet/nth/gem The papers are
obligee to meintain reserve and meord only
the fact that, the erreste eXtend to contract-
anicide route we forget
and, endeavors to fieht eff the disk(' to do
away with himeelf arid like tie oyerogo
OcrOner'S Pre we bey; biewelf white
laboziog uuder a At of temperery hennitye
Tide verdict more than hell of to titne le
wroug. It should be " eeeidents1 aulcide
brought On by the victite'st iealeility to resist
raorbid levoluntaey frapelee,"
young mem was reoentlylcillealln ficb.
=heti village -whom can tine vordise would
We covered, Be had repeatedly UK me of
the etregole he bed with himself When ever
he etood00 the platform of A AtMIAA while re
train, WAS 'passing. "joleng"eald he One day,
"if sandhi/3g eta happeen to me closet let
them my that I wan ereey. I have as hoppY
IMMO al the inn ablilegi 00. mid MA tdested
with as interesting a family of little ono as
you would fiad in a =outlet' joereetreUefor-
tueately for me I allowed myself to he talk-,
ed into bUying o Imine ill the euiretba and co
that account find that I hare impend upon
royeell 0, daily etreggiewith theebydrehead-
ed roomer eetiedeetructioa. I eau net hip
ie. Beery time I go ueav & rallwey tnek
hue moires/A mioiatrollable doh* to throw
myolf under the W1401444 tile passing tube
They ;Mil tO say "Cernateme, omen tuesu
with a voiee el oramend *et I have, up to
the present time, beea Ole to resist, but
fear that my power of resistance is weaken -
big midi obeli sou aim way. If I do, aid
men, I want you to eight the tusenitythee
end explain my le -allege to nay Mende. Of
mune I might move into the city end hem
had it OA my tengrus'e end tA Eaggttt it to
my wife, hat *hie ereuld moesoltete explen-
Mims eud only worry the little women. I
may succeed iu fightiog off this !eolith cle-
sire, but if I do not end ant eve: picked up
on a shovel I want you to let tha world
know it was not n euicide, but en accideut."
I premixed thet tide ehould be dam mad
tried to mike lien of whet I celled hie ba-
ba barn Ile trailed a elakIy, fatnt, AA*
laughtewin it smile and walked awey. HOU
an hoar Seto I was told that he bad 6, own-
=Med enfold ; thrown hiratelf
had steeltbila bid behind a water ter*, end
as the trait dialled by flung blmselt in front
of the engine and beau ground so fine tha
he had to be gathered together with a
People could not understand in And
finally all, with the oception of myself, be-
lieved tlitit the cornerti eery made no mit-
tele when they brought in a verdict of sui-
cide while imam
I told my *tory, bur it did no good. Ilia
friends -and relatives could mot sea how a
men could bo other than insane who killed
hhoself when he had everything. that the
heart could with for. Hie wife =telly AO.
knowledged thee oho did not what to hear
any one !ay that her poor deer husbend's
Dr. Peters bee sant a letter from Best
Atria to the Cologne "Gazette," in which
he ammo the &glide Admiral Freeniantle
of setzleg the Petera expedition enamor
Non after the expedition hea lauded out-
side the blecinda limit*, although the
vend had AO co/Oahe:id of war aboard.
The eclogue 4°Gaatto" deolaree that unless
the Government apeadily edopte declaim
mom rea the English. will completely exclude
the German from Central Africa.
4"" r`"'Ogr'- .
'instinct* et theitte-Wrba7Ilhonali.
len ale Ist the fat dim..
10 1* rather a curious reflection that in
those countries whore women's right* are
most completely non-exieteut, tbere the
specially wounely dritisn of Worms's are the
roost grossly neglected, aye ,the "Porn
nightly Review." Travelers in Bop% for
inatance, tell an that when the belh call the
hour of prayer every man stops whatever
work he Le engaged In and prestretes
himeelf to Allah. No women Ulan any
notice of the sound. She is too low in the
scale of humanity to make her tribute to
the almighty worthy of aoceptances, ' She
radio lathia resin/Maimed with the brute
tabid was not effected, as eh° knew full well 1 creation. She isnot withdrawn from her
that lie would not have lc/feller in the boob domestic duties by theolaine of religicompon
her time mei thought.. And yet the same
ble way he did if he had nob been insane.
The foregoing account of one men's Wen. travelers tell re that one of the horrors of
ity to resist the morbid, desire
t°d* a*tue" Ethae ePhtiiitnidrietesuffr.Theilitehefearpoor
tteeitifroline vrcreat-
thing horrible le only one caire in ihousande.
If th.e struggles that ate going an daily, Made
sometimes by nearest and dearest friends,
could be laid bare the experts 'would he a
Irightful one. In a certain building in this
-city whicia frequently visit there es a large
rotunda. Around this- rotunda runs a nixed
staircase, the bannister of which is low and
is seeds to continue oa after leaving the stairs
f w
at the sixth floor and acts as a guard rail for oevery live children ho are born die due -
the top floor. It is altogether too low and Jog infant:1y, end of there who ;survive one
any six,footer felling against it would prola isa every twenty is blind. nig it being
" thereughly ramicelirse " with a vengeance,
ably fall overbite. the pit of the rotunda. I
and point* an instructive moral as to the
censequenoes upon the character of women
of this denial of liberty, education, and re-
sponsibility. The harem life of oriental
ladies of high rank is dell and vecterne to
the last degree. They play with their jaw -
els, eat sweetmeats, and emeke Ripen, and
thus their day passes. If their oheldren are
all they are hopelessly bewildered and utter-
ly unable to take care of them. They cling
with touching reverence to any average
English or American woman who may hap-
pen to visit them and implore her aid in do-
ing the simplest kind of nursing and moth-
ering for the ailing children. Nothing as-
tonishes orientate more than the position of
women in England. A Chinese mandarin
has lately published, his views on this sub -
jean Women,he saya are even helped at
meals before men, 14. his country the men
eat first, Efala when they have quite finished,
if anything is left, the, women are Allowed
to have it, Another eastern, Seri Ahmed
Khan, was amazed to find that the servant -
girl who waited upon him in lodgings in
London could read and write; and he record-
ed his deliberate opinion that the little scrub
in a London lodging, "oompelle4 to work as
maidaervant for her living," was in real-
ity superior in nearly all reapeots to Indian
ladies of the highest rank. "Sudo" he
adds, solemnly, "is the effect of education."
urea are incrusted by dirt and sores aud are
swanning with vermhe Children are fre-
quently seen lying in their mothers' arras
with nix or eight Mel in ea& eye. Oplo
thalmia and various kinds of blindness aro
of course very prevatenb, although death re.,
leases an enormously large proportion of the
children from their *uterine. Three out
• bave heard eeveral of the men engaged on
the sixth fioor of this building tell in a
snatter ef fact (but to me horrible) way of
the desire that took possession of them
whenever they approached this guard rail to
and must confess that I have found myself
edging away from it, with the indistinct,
undefined, inexplainable fear that I might
throw myself over if I got too doge to it,
and have told others, who spoke of having
experieneed the same feelings, to let the
world know that It was not a premeditated
suicide if I should ever he picked up at the
bottom of that pit a shapeless, broken mass.
There is a young man in the city of Chi-
cago who has a dread of the bridges and al-
ways takes to the wagon -way when he
crones the river. He has been fished out of
the muddy, at:jokey water at Clark street
bridge once, baying thrown hiroeelf over the
rail. When brought to terra firma he could
not explain why he had jnmped over. "The
desire took possession of me and I did it ;
that'a all," said he, when questioned about
it. " I had jumped about a foot when I
Wished from the 'bottom of my -heart that I
hadn't," he continued, "and now, to avoid
4 repetition of that act, I alwaye take to the
middle Of the road when crossing the
Suicides (so called) are indreasing at an
alarming rate, and opposite , the name of
many, a Man who is alive and well to• day,
with brIght prospects, good health, happy
home, and everything on earth to live for,
this word " suiollde " will be written as the
cause of hia death,' when he was eirapiy the
victim of one of these irresistible impulses.
Killed by a Shark.
JAORSOiqVILLS, Fla., July 28..—Ed. Roe, a
young Eirglishinan, while swimming in the
Cumberland sound with fifteen other boys
rem Ferdinanda was struck by a shark,
which bit off the calf of one leg. Roe Wag
aken into a best at once, but bled to death
Anxious to Pletute.
Afiatreionitngtegiinittantsno:e klavvidab°01°ab!asingrt Mee Young bride-" I hope you will
model your conduct upon that of Mr. Oldboy.
ttaokinr a man these waters.
He is is paragon husbands. Why, he tells
his wife every thine that happens, e
St. Peril ' Minn Will have an idectrio , "I'll do better than that, my dear.; I'll tell
street railroad ten miles long. • 1 you lots of things tine never happen,"
' Her Nephew'a Paris Experience,
" So you've been to Paris," said eSlia.
Burnbleton hernephew. "1 sepose ye saw
all the sights V'
"Yea,I guess I took in most of them."
"Did you see the place where they made
Paris green ?"
"No ; but I gob acquainted with a lot of
fellows who have been very successful in
making Paris red."
' The old lady simply remarked that ahe
had never heard of that color before.
. ,
Air Traveliege
If Aerouseat Hegan bee lust his life in
trying to navigate the air with the Camp,
bell eirsbip, as now teems probable, it will
add ono more fetal accideat to the teeny
which have happened la carryingon this
feseineting bustness- g3 crai
ft n which
Hogan sailed tesraY wes the result of years
of study and experiment. The balloon parb
wee egg-Mr/pea, with the long axis lying
horieentally. To this, was attaohed a car or
basket, .thaped much like st rowing shell,
Their Abundance * aower eireotee-e.
Pleasant Placelialhick *Steep.
"11 ever you should baPPeo g° 49wa
into lower Mexice," said L. T. Stanley. the
electrician, to a New York Sun man, * and
ehould notion that your bed was set up on
leverted tin pares, se von have seen the four
corners of pore cribs fixed to keep eat rate
iced that the bed had a Sheet etretcheci,
with e, tudder at one end, a peopeuee at the above it, running te a peek to the top like
other apd winge, or SOS, on the widen tee the reef of a heete, elen't say A word but get
truir4pcol;q13the iantga tfiColA 114;liginBatoiathteheawiratoeur. t la e gziog t t suzieenpliad,!, goto41;74. go/ wyr ansbaosubloOlt
oa in 1783 that the air could be navigated- Y°° and
Since the Mootgalfier brotheridemonstrat, ab:Atrheso.,:droactiholltiltgolicewliArbocaloanitiuetiameobtsioher otoBroytobtiilb000bvyer
ten/meters/hie efforta have beeu made to turn 3,94 win beer the 04me drop anti ron and
the feet tO 801116 practical use. Men with a
Vilna for, invention have been attx-aeted tzlmbl'4 "4 It•Wgne:nb-glroit brloffri, °Tor an/
irresistibly to Olio faechtating field. The 4-z.°P, '4'9/ 09%
certainty that fame ane fertoee wait the lAto14) phxik. phuk, on the fleer. Don'tt gee
Mee who demonstrates that the Mr COD be UP ;'cl?eott,eYell Tight' tilink Yen wore
wifely ma definitely ,,,,tgated has hamsan struck erste iiguterang as seen as you put
more have =Used theiMielves in health aed
irresistible lecentive to effort, and et-anY ).00,9179foeuatai,°enu/i4h4etfiegp".etet‘°: :ctervicohnanthee"4t
pocket by puraulog the fleeing phentone of teellri
hiny,raneda for
theo. t Clanir ahnasd &offeectatingv: ethwat• .
Atmospheric travel. The reaOlts, however,
have not enetided the labore, "%Too *chow, Scorpions are just about as plenty there, -
been, 40mpom to codas itself tueemeauta d, ityrpairg ex:t4entnatbowiiitui:luzbeesalnaktte:Itaghat.witThie:
wtdob, hoped so much from the aeuoeut bee aboute AS flies are At 11.0030* Whey hide by
ItiorgerthbejfeeatithebilMitt; owthmora enziigeraotitoto pwraso
spur on the end of it. Ib lieko 10
John Le Mounteie, of Troy, N. y., and, " get la bed „with folks, and If ib Wartlet
18 generally the case, lie obtained the lease tor the tan pees on the bed posts it
eel*IneelefgUlaellidgea texelearte4feeartl §TxePe4httriatazat' 7:1:11tW44,1•Tribil liuPtherahceld wgeebeain't rowolftehd
glo /dome wy1othn
wovid drop on you from the ecU-
iag. When you got up lu the morning you
wail he apt to ged a few querns of deed
acerpions lying oe the Goer tri hone of the- -
bed: They ell committed Weide. After
teyneg to get into heti with rite* few tilllAO
And being tinahled eff tha 4heet4 eVig`Y thne
or ;gapped by, the tin pent* they get instel
ian stuck their etioger in their 110AdO ansi
/sod Whet theratelven A novice will
CarOltilt suicide on the elightot promeetieu.
ir Iran 4 temper as hot and as quick as hero.
sem an A UitObAll tire., If one scorpion iS
pasting by another ego era hopperte to teach
althorn% a fight at (Mee awl two dead floor -
mans are the remit. Pot 100 acoploas in an
theleaure sled throw is little Mack or a little
piece *1 dirt among them awl the nor -pion
that le nearest ti, where the etiek or dirt
idle will turn eon tip hie riper into WS
uesrest eel/tither mid talon -thin two mode
the entire 100 will be mime up la the fight.
The way their Wagon wea c1aW4 ansi lege
will 0,y te a eight to twee Ae keg AX there
it One ecerplou alive the flgist goo miler if
tem faun, jultago tee iterehe the) mot aue happeus to survive t o rather nicety -
nine be will ite.le in said lime it out with
exoerimenter has loot hes Woe
haefratatelf end e first thing he karma he ie
"18 la 4 feet that esorpions, or aleenne
as the Idexions call them, are at ortein
scason. of the year an numerous elnent, an
They aro within the weeks of the
balwesut the tricks of the Ulm on the
iloor, Whig inside your summits, thirties
everywhere with loonceivable
their tails, which hold the sting, ready to
tly up with dangeroas effect tyou the slight-
est promotion. Turn o comer ot A rug or
telde-spread auct you diaturb a flouriebing
colony of them. Shako your Awe* in the
morning sod one they flop. Throw your
bath sewage late the viewer exid half a deem
of them dart mit of in cool depthe, into
whit* they built& themsolvee away dating
the night, It Is not after: thet you See one
of the reahogeneehma reptiles that Is more
than two inches long, hut they sometime*
thaw up with the formidolle proportions of
a five -Leah 'myth and all that it implies.
There is a 'mailer variety than the raehoen
any scorpion. This one it; yellow raid ten
times more vicious end deugeroun It is at
midday that the bite or Oleg of them VAnOt. A
moue little pests is roost feared, al the
natives say lb la then most poisonous. The
deecrted old mines of Durango era simply
:scorpion hives. They have bred and itioreas-
ed there mulleturhod for /naturism. A few
yore ego the government took allele! notice
of their deadly preeenoe end placed a bounty
on theno which la paid on the pteeentation
of a toorpiones tail end 01 cis at the coffin of
the government; agent, Many ziativoe curry
a braes tube, and in cane oi m bite frora a
mos -pion it is pressed over the wound, on
which it ants like the bleedinieoup of a sur-
geon, and draws the poisoned blood out. A
hollow koy has teen need eueassafully 'in the
mime tray. Victims of the yellow scorpion's
bite have been known to lie for days ia COM.
vulsione, foarniug at the mouth, and with
stomach end limbs awo/len as in dropsy.
°there buffer no worse consequenosa than
they might from an ordinary bee sting.
Brandy taken until stupetaction tollows is a
favorite remedy for scorpion bites in Mexico
ammonia is also glean with good reaulta.
There le nothing the Mexican or Texan fears
more than the yellow or Meek soorpien of
Durango except the bloating rattleanake of
Staked plains, and that is probably the :nose
deadly reptile on the American continent."
oercaau naigue Rrcrn 800 esrua a CO4 tunorci
and eguetwerthy current; tif air blowing Bean
weird, aud that a balloon would be welted
steadily in that direction 40 long as le re-
maired in thee etmoopherin grata. He
believed that a, belloon properly onuernoted
could Invented by We current wifely arid
surely APrOPO Usa AtlAtIticl 9Ceals, To give a
preetical tlemeoztratien of hie theory he
Made AA ateerwien from St. Loule in Jaly,
11e50, with the !Mention cif batty some-
where on the AtiatitIe coast, lie did lend
lo Jtilereou Comity, N. Y., after * journey
et nineteen hoUra end fifty ea/elutes, tinily
treveled 826 toilet,
This voyage of La Meant**, wbkh was
the loereet definite voyage ever made in the
air, did probably more to Admen the science
of wont/Wee than tog ether ono event oleo
the niontgeltere gent up their hot air -bailee..
Bet little Frog:ties bite been Ando Once hie
death, aud the problem whether &nihilist
on lie vegeleted mid erepelied leentit at far
from befog /totem:1m ever. Certainly furen
tOrlt ama eirouente will not be eumouragesi if
Stroog hoid woot.
At the alarming of Leitelm, drably the
Russe-Turkieli Wer, Genera Skoheleff or -
dared an *Moor to leeda bettalion to a oete
tido point. The mon marched on as log as
there Were buildloge to shelter there (mai
tin Turkish fine but when they Can* *the
open ground they bolted, for an eldvaineh
apparently, meant the eaultellation of the
Just; et thet moment the men 14W Shobel-
leff tidies calmly ot a walk across the fatal
epee. while Wand hiro idiot euri shell
edit/tied forlornly.
In h fight, shortie panne of theTtelkann
the praetor Verestchagiu ;says that the rain
of betide was the mot murderous he ever
experteneed, though he had been several
Smell:rider heavy fire. In spite of the
duper, he watched Skobeieff weak slowly
along, hie boucle buried ill the rooks/toof
his overcoat. The whistling ballets did not
oause hitn to bend hie heed moo; his leo
way quiet, and hie oyes mogul.
"Now we know whet tenuity the gaunt-
let meenee' said he to the artist, ea a turn in
the road sheltered them from the bullets of
the Turk.
"Tell me, honestly," said the arthin "have
you really so morietorneel youreelf to war
that you no longer fear danger ?"
"Nonsense," replied the Roden General,
they think that I eta breve and that I AM
afraid of nothing; but I coulees that I ant a
coward. But I have made lb * zule never to
bend down under fire. If you owe permit
yourself to do that, you will be drawn on
• farther thari you wale Whenever Igo into
• action I my to myself that thin time there
will bean end of me."
But though courageous under fire. the
Rosier. General was a coward at head -guar -
ten. Before bie troops ha &heaps appeared
in as full areas uniform, with his hair neatly
trimmed and ecented. But in the 'presence
ril his saperiora he wore a worn-out coist, a
cloak 'ranging all awry, and a cap combed
down on the hack of his head. Re seemed
embanseed, AEU efraid hie elegance might
give offen3e.
This hero of many battles was auperati-
time. Re believed in leaky end unlucky
days, refused to sit down with thirteen at
table, jumped from his seat at the spilling of
a little salt, and left a room in which three
candles were burning.
What a bundle of contradiction in man 1
A general with a will that enables him to
walk slowly across a babtle-field swept with
bullets and ahell, hut not strong enough to
keep him in a room where three candles are
burning 1
Travelling Under Peas Pretence.
Tonozezo Aug. 7.—A man named Frank
Gifford, who has 'been travlline the city for
tho past few weeks under false pretences,
was up in the Police Court the other day for
assaulting his wife send was remanded until
'belay. He came to the city a few month%
ago and called on Col. Gratettetrepresentiny
himself to be a norecommiseznal offizer 111
the army. He brought MiVeralpapera with
him, one being a note from Major Bond, of
Montreal. The Chief took an interestrin
him, , end asked President Munn, of the
Veteran"' Society,to look after hintrant,see
that he got employment. :Gifford also called
on Magietrate Deniton and got into his
good: grates, being employed byhirn to
take , charge of the cavalry heroes at the
enured drill. On the strength of his new
acquaintanceship Gifford borrowed some
money and by misrepresentation induced a
woman on Sirnooe streetne marry him after
three days, courtship. • Her unwillingness, to.
keep him andied with cash incurred his
wrath end he assaulted her, for which she
bad him arrested. , ^
^ Over 3000 •inanuriceipte competed for the
" Lothrop Literature Prize. " Of these but
three hundred -were admitted as far seethe
The latest revelations concerning 'Egypt-
ian antiquities come through the research of
Prof Neville of Geneva, ^made at Bulbastes.
Bubeetes was the /Apra city on Bast, the
catateaded goddess. , It was supposed, that
its great temple had entirely disappeared,
but iSt. Neville discovered extensive remains
of it, and etrikirig, 'proof to show that the
pyramide of Cheops and Choterenmust have
been ineexiiitence at least by 370013. C., or
about 6,;000 yeare acme The liyheori, or
shephaed - kings, came from Babylon or
lesesapotainie in the twenty-third wintery
B. 0,
A Pig Mistake.
A merchant when articulation has a decid-
ed tendency isa the direction of a lisp Bad
engaged a clerk who was not aware of hie
vocal peculiarity:
"John," said the merchant who wish-
ed to lay in his winter stook of pork,
"go out and buy forme two or three thaws
and pigs."
"Yea, sir," said John, mnoh elated at the
John returned late at) night, looking
as though he had perforend a hard dayes
w°411151d you get them e" asked the mer-
art of them," was the reply.
"1 bought all I weld find; bub there were
only eight hundred to be had!"
"Eight hundred 1 Bight hundred Whet,
thir ?" asked the astoniehed liaper, e •
. "Eight hundred pigs," was the reedy.'
You told me to hey two or three thousand
pigs ; but they are not to be found."
"Two or three thousand pigs 1 I did not
tell you to do any such tupid thing.
thaid you thould 'buy two or three thews
and pig's 1" exclaimed the merchant
"Thetas just whit I said," lanswered the
clerk. "Two ,or three thousand pige; I
bought all
uincl4undo'" 'began to Ave the
origin of the Mistake. It was apparently a
costly joke; but there was no remedy. The
pige had besu fairly bought, and there was
no way but to make the best of is bad bar-
gain. -The &enters, were duly paid for and
shut etre to be fattened for market. It so
happened that pork took a sudden rise at
that time, and the merchant realized a large
profit on his involuntary inveatrnent.
A Musician's Tact.
A musician brought to despair by the poor
playing of a ladY in a room above his own
meets her ono day in the hall with her threeyanolcl child anct'says in a most friendly ,
•manner '!Your little one there plays quite
:well for -her age? I hear her praottoe every
day 1"