The Exeter Advocate, 1889-8-8, Page 5"E",0,112ETIIIEDSYRUP Wry It 44:4 to convinced et its wonderful curative properties Price tb cents. The neat Ruccessfel Remedy ever dfscov.. cred, as IP certain inita effects and does not blistcr, Moad proof loelow. KENDALL'S SPAWN CURE, OM= OP ClIARLES SliTnag, MZSEDMI, Cfr'it=ariiri BX Alia TROTT= Bunn rtosses.). Bissweso. lu.s. Nor. 20, M. Pt, Tt, J. KErtnarx,cp, Dear Slia: I have ravrays purcbased yeur Neu- 44Pa Spavirt Cans by the halt dereL4 eorkies. • *rigid nice prices ln larger tplaallri• A la 040 Ot the best linintente 014 earth, I have wed iG crony stables for three years. You trulY, COLS. 41-. SX7Xore. KENDALL'S. SPAM CURL peocortais SLY.. lioreraber 1034 2.)2.13. rxxosts. CO. Meer 6Irs desire waive you testimonial of my goo 01411m:tot your gelalall'aSPaYlneltre, bawl uSed ID for IstrueuessStff i.lonsts esti Yin% soli bare tou'ea Alt snre cure, loom.. teems:mut It to alibersemen. You:stress A. It, citUDPV• ManagWtroyLawiary stables, KENDALL'S $PAVIIi CURE. . ..m, Wt IOX Yore, Oates Pec.19,,fs53. r,liell'Ijolurgteiltifeit CItt giZtt(1-11:VrZeh,4'tlibbageo49 t eatrave bones that heti eioavins. tea or -'''• i ne Ea.:m.3hi attnelP4 witll .1lR 11 Cad and (wooer Ilia Jaws slate; hove hate (moor your Ss and roller:el the dirsettoss,1 bare never G a case Pt any li;usl. 'tours taily, Assusw Vfalrffe, Home lesson KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE , ree ti. per bottle, or rilx1)ut the for ts, All Drug* gists bevel; or eau set t Mr You, or It will be seat r 13. 13.3, a.,-,VPU!, Drzlatii•te1.1122?Vt?' SOLD PA' ,.s.r..14. Dit17GeI3Ts. cnt.kpx*Rfc.) Try Everest's Liver Regulator -For Diaeasei of the Liver Kidneys. 1., and Ramp lag of the Mood. Price $1. Six bottles for 0, For We by ALL DAVGGIsTS. Manufactured only by O. M.BliEREST„ Coasts; FoisitliT., fOrr, cs os r o 1 MCCOLL BRO, TOR01103 ORTI • 1 - I I See that Barr& are branded with the Tracb Mark., LARDINE AD! THERE A a MACWIIE OIL WILLED 114 1• IT IS MANUFACTURED SOULY BY MEENE.E,TONE.EWEE.‘ YROYAL WAFERS, 11Q of a, playsielanwbc has had fife Jog experiences ip treating female diseases. Ls used reentli/7 with perfect success by over 10,0DOlatin•s, kleasent, safe, effectual. Lacfice aSkyottr drug: sG Or Pennyroyal Witten: ana Ice no substitute. or InclOse Posts Aso for sealed particulars. Sold 7 all ciruselsts, Stsner bOV. Addresti EUREKA.011Clif0Att CQ.,Durater CATERS MU, IVER ILLS. Sola i eter by D. Lots, and. druggists erywhere. ,144. nib Teal T Out Pivig Smoking Tobacco FINRR THAN RIVER. KS; reliace sli the troubles fact. dela to ops814118 At the totem, such ea PP:rises% Nausea. Drowsiness. Distress after **Ong, Pain In the Shle, tt:c. While their most remarilabIS sesshsss /l4.3 bees shown in curing OCK Headache. yet C.,107Clea Lirrtx Linn l'ILLA ow, etornlly valirciclo » t'ensupation. etuirig mid preventing this annosing complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stornach, stimulate the liver tied regulate the bowels. Erma it they only cured HAD Ado they Nrall111 be. almost priceless to those who ostler from ibis distressing complaint: but fortunately their goodness does not end, here, and those who once by Ikern trill find MeseHIUe pth veinal:le in so many rayon:et they will :sot be -stung tb do -alwaut them. But otter a sic::hd ea la thebene ot so many lives that hem Is wIlore we make our great boast. Our pills cure tt while others do not. Csarett's Urns Urns Plt.T.11 areverysmrdl and vary way to take, One or two pills make a dose. They aro strictly vegetable ataldo not gripe or purge, but by their gentle actiou please all who use then:. In vials ;ASS cents; five tor $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by mall CASTES =MOWS CS, Illy Tea :Mall la Small loll, hall Not ONZE ON aob, Plug and Paolcage. If not, do not take it, as it is only sputious oil they are offering you so as to make rmre money out of you. FOR SALE BY July -26:88. rdZE1TElt. THE PROVIDENT Life and Live Stock 114- Rowe 86 Andrews Catarrh, Catarrb.al Deafness nay rover, A NEW HOME TRFATMENT, Sufferers are uot generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or that they are doe te the presenee living parasites in the tieing Mehl- brane of the nose and eustachian tubes Microscopic researchemerever, has Ivor - ed this to be a fact, find the result is that a simple remedy has been foram- lated whereby eoearrit, catarrhal deaf - ad hay fever are permanently eared in front one to tame simple ap- plications made at home by the patieut °mein two weeks. N B.—For Catar- rhal discharges peculiar to female (whites) this remedy is a specific. A pamphlet explaining this new treat- ment is sent on receipt or ten cents by A.11. Dixox & Soer. 80a West King St, Toroxito, Canada,—Scieuti fie Ameri can. Furniture and Undertaking. —GO TO— sociation, INCORPORATED, AUG. 1887, Read Mee room D Arcade, TORONTO NTAR104 in the Life Department this Asso- eiatiou provides indemnity for Sick- neSS and Aecident, and. substautial as- sistance to the relatives of deceased members at terms available to all.. In the Lisli Stock Departineut, two- thirds indemnity for less of live stock of its members. Send for particular; claims paid ete. WILLIAM JONES, Sept.0,'88, Me•seorao RUOTOR •••••••tmoo*.......•00........•••••••••••••••••••••••••~ CITY HOTEL LONDON, ONTARIO. THE LIGHT illitifliNG SEININGMAE tfuloc'eei el the aimed :sevens of Om Bowels, Kidneys sunci Liver, eaxreing oft 0104111y without weakening tom &J tiro impurities end foal humors; of the secretions; at the seem time ,Cor - reciting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt R11911I11, Erysipelas, Sero- fula, Plutterin:g of the Heart, Her- Vonsness, and. General Debilny all those and many other Similar Complaints, yield. to the happy influence of BurpocK BLOOD BITTERS. For Sale hp alt Dealers. T.ELBURIT &-CO.,Proprietors, Toronto. amMENNE.W•womenneeneomenmmee.mome" LADIES ONLY. FRENCH REQULATION PILLS. Zar superior to Ergot, Tansy, Pennyroyal or Oxide. Endorsed by tbo thousands oiladies who use them MONTIILY. Never fail, relie- ve pain, /NSLIRE BEGHLARITIt, Pleasant and Effectual. Price $t Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto, Ont. Nov -20-8 rhe Great Eiroeliilt 1PreseriptIOn. A successful Medicine used over 80 years in thousands o zases. Cures Spermatorrhea, Nervous Weakness. Emissions, Impotency and all diseases caused by abuse. Iiimirosil indiscretion. or over-es:ertion. [AFTER] six peckages Guaranteed to Cure tchenatt others ficiiL Ask your Druggist for The GreanErtellell Prescription, take no substitute. One package SI. Six tis, bv mail. Write forPamphiet. Address Eureka Mei:steal Co.. Detroit. NIch. Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and druggists everywhere. WIARTIN, Proprietors, EI•61101.....ENEEIMIE.4,001*E0110.11•11041.1.4114E.VENWEEIMEMP.E1.110601.10.Ell• The Grand Union Rotel FOR -- BED -ROOM -kND PARLOR SUITS, SIDEBOARDS AND EXTENSION TABLES, LOUNGES AND EASY CHAIRS. .ITETTIT.E,""E" —Washing made easy and homes made happy by using Lmaten Eleetrie Soap. This is to certify that I believe Ever- est Cough Syrup saved ipy life. ----Thos., Marshall, Foest P.O. —London Eleatic Soap IS °ally made by D. Richards,: Woodstock', Trade Mark Registered, THE INCREASE, So incresingly peeve lout have saran lolls diseases become thwe ka atcalk the attention of our readers to the best blood purifier and active poem, B. B. B. which all (flogged secretatione and re- moves all blood diseases from a ODA- imon pimple to the worst scrolelens sore. • _Another old resident of Stanley town- ship has passed away in the person of jr. Thos. McIntyre, of the Babylon line. Deceased had been. ailing for sours years with rheumatism arid. other dis- eases. His reroaias vim interred ht Bayfield cemetery on Wednesday last, Sufferers from catarrhal troubles Should carefully read the above. (10-22-'88.) .11.0.•••••••1. Th Largest Warerooms iii trudertaleing outside of the Undertala ers Ring, in ail its Branches. Open day and night STAND—One door north of Molson's Rank L&IN.ST. - - EXETER. •fL 4. • The Subeeribees wishes to inform the Farmers fold General Publie that he is Prepared to furnish .U11, Sizes e and. Rind of •:*:E1 'arC7 Weil Digging Promptly Done and at Reasonable Rates. ilesienee anti Shop on Ann Street, behind Christies Livery Statile. A CALL SOLICITED. • JOHN IVIOORE, CT.4=b-T=0.1\T, OZTW.S.Z=CD Enlarged and Improved. 80 rooms elegantly furnished. Tables supplied with a the Delicacies of the Seit$011. 8 convenient sample' rooms. House heated, with. hot Air. Electric bells throughout. '• max $1 PER DAY. a. TUFTS,. PROPRIETOR. amsmemliammitolsaufs••••; - CHRISTIE'S gt7tiVarAtItz. THE LADIES' FAVORITE. :THE ONLY SEWffitifitit • 'THAT GIVES see efi NEWHOMEIVING MACHINE GI3RANCE,MASV, CHICAGO -28 UNION SQUilfitillX• DALLAS. itts.• ATLANTA GA TEX. VD LOUIS ram• UNFRANCIDee.CAt. sf.08. C Y George Vickers, Kirkton. ANY MAN Who is Weak, Nervous, Debilitated, who in his Folle:and Ignorance has Trifled away his vigor of Body, Mind and, Manhood, causing a:Li:at:st- ing drains upon the,Fountains of Life. Head- ache, ElackachesTreedfal Dreams, Weakness of Memory, Bathfulness in Society, Pimples on the Face and all the effects leading to Easy' Decay, COnSuMptIon ‘)r Insanity, will find in our specific No.23 a postive Cure. It imparts, Youthfu iViger restores the Vital Power in old and young, streng,thens and invigorte8 the Brain and Nerve, builds up the Muscular syst- tm and aro:foes info action the whole physic al ertergy of the human. frame. With our specific 23 the most obstinate case can be cured in three months, and rodent ones in less than thirty'days. Each package ' conA tains two weeks treatment. Price 52, Cures Guaranteed. Ouitipeoific No. 24 is an infall- ible Core for allPrivate Diseases no matter of how longstanding. Sold iinder our written _Quer* tee to effect apart:, Price Er. Toronto 041.4k, 0:PS4:Toronto, Ont. • Nov_ 211-8 ?sgies'•: miconerornincm.rogialemr9.0•0 WEAK INEN'q'ttk7°M7hta: selves of Wasting Vitality, Lost illanhood, from youthful errors, eto., quietly at hem'. Book on all private diseases sent tree (sealed>. Perfectly reliable. Over 30 years' experience. Address -- GILDED RILL CO., TORONTO, Canada. LADIES our "Relief for Women" le wife and always reliable ; better than Ergot, Oxide. Temp or Pennyroyal Pain. 1 . Bend for Sartfealars. Add e _"0900 =tamp RILL 00.,ITORONTO, Canada. BEARDS FORCED on lanoathest faces, hali on Won't heat% in BO to 00 dept. Eagle. Latest and greateet achievement of modern science I Meet won. derful dlreovery of the age. Like no other Dreparationt Magical. aura, shoot Instantaneous in Ration I Boor: with whiskers! Dodd beads •thaired Ourtoun specie e, but positive truths. Only genuine attics% in market, and certain toelizir ?gate% Vo'grgrolibGottrealtegturfg:$31..Ald'atitsist A. DIXON, NV. TORONTO. CANADA. , ox , MilliME-C111111111111'S SUPERFLUOUS HAIR A,,,,Dgrillriverel.7.1 wAhont leis:: to GM arteasted. • P9 be PitAltES AND BLACKHEADS Pc=e4i 15 IromlOtoSOdays. Warranted; Prieeforle &ye treatment, v. ANTI-CORPULENCEPILLS'fol'orZte Vatag"gfltle.giuddirlaTiefarginc" CORPULENOR PILLS' iota 11 Dm e month. whey cause no eicknese ; ontain no mime, and never tail. Price lor one mouth's' treatment. 59; or three Menthe medicine. 55. t)mpLEXION_ WAFERS. °;111121;1111;.t.' Dteciels,tiMakin, develop the form. Harmless.' Poonnon 'in east: Warranted', Pelee 511 box, or lit bores Mr OS. 4144Tans•NERMISCIS OFIOVANNANE, Elsa wrest West TossittO, Oat. COMMERCIAL) LIVERY I), First Crass RIGS And NORM: ORDERS LEFT AT THE ILAWX- . $11.A.V% HOUSE OR AT. TIIE STABLE Witt BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. mee.cpxz.e.lAe • Telenlitihn Connection. • • , I , • • , I 408aulimmermuscr....1 11.! If you went Bargains in. Land Rollers, Gates, ,•. Hay Racks, or Rakes, —call at the— raotory. Handles of every description always • on hand. Turning done to order on the shortest notice. Repairing -neatly and cheaply done. Circular and band. sawing done. A number of bee hives on hand. They • are the best and handiest bee ' hive Dude. A quantity of excellent machine oil • for sale. • Dry Wood taken in exchange. 2 P unds. OFWHITE HITE ROMS.Sugat . FOR $1. AT THE seaseseeta toe eeireerealeeeetelreasee" Have Ton Wed tit* Celebrated LEcripi SHOE DRESSING? If not don't fall to do so et enes. It is not a polish but a wonderful leather preservative it will make the finest or coarsest shoe as sof't• and pliable es kid and very easy to Ore foot. It will make them obsoletely water- proof, and if occasionally dressed With ties dressing will last more than twice a% king as otherwise. Wo Mean What We Say. It is the very life of teethes, Iteen be applied at any time. trouble— Shoo can be polished linmedletely afterwards, PATCH, - 30* 20 Cents por Box. Sold. by all first-class stores. Sam- ples meiled—Stamps taken, OLIVER CABANA jr., seta MANUFACTURER, SUFFALC, N. Y. 0. • areereareme 011041......100.1.111•11101•••••••••••ii and -were followed, by a large aureber of sorrowing relatives ad. •frienda Rev, J. Hart conducted the funeral services at the house and greve. Ile leaves behind him a widow and family of grown-up sons and daughters te mourn the Ices of a loeleg aral tender husband. anti father. — 1 AISIVICE TO 310T1lEttSf Arc you illstarben at, ulgin ena brool isof pug rest hy a stoic child satferti.s. suit crying vItlt pain of eutting teeth ? if. so. send at once and got 4 bottle of Mill, WLSOLOWSSoOratra seem. FUR Cifu,Pitaii TisErittab. its value is isealeal. able. itwillrellevsthopoorlittleauffertirmstnee di:Italy. Pepena epee ft. MOtilors, I LOYO iisno relsraire About it. et curve dyssaters aml mete wee, regulat es the Atom:soh end be wets, sures Wilide0110,50itellii the glInlai ruelnOce i nliairt ma - Glens and giVelt Mae and energy to the wtOl4 igstens, li as, WrisssovriS SocalliS0 Sri xi* it viz CUILIMEss TRATIlll87018 pleasant to tlioUtst o.aad la the prescription of Ono of the oldest an d beat Ilimale nurses and physieians iit the United States, and later sale by all druggists 'brawl* Pat thal wort. rate° 20 laenta f., Wttle, \ )11sloill of Elitist' Cola% rrou, the earliest _period, to the Present time. 13r I-WM:TM How= Benson Now r eatly, complete In One volume, meta sectional maps, plans and i'ii'. Abook fall of startling Incidents and thrilling r °mance, A. inittehless work Lynn author of great AT pt(', and In *We the conlY hisitors' of tubs section extant. • 1. A Yankee pedlar, with his earl, over taking another of his elos on the road, was thus aildressetb—lfaile, abet do , you carrel' 'Drugs and, analielned,' was the reply, 'Good,' returned the '4 other 'YOU may go 1-ile ql- I earns 1 , . , , . , eravestoues: . —beast on your grocer giving you -London Electric Soap, it is tb o be,6.1. That tired, languikl feeling aid dull headache is very (Use green We. Tate ' two of Carter's Little Liver rim Wore tiring, and you will dad relief. The never to do good, J. D. VASEY AO Everywhere. The messyssaemessss.ss.ssuswsysse severed by this adults. It seldom or ever fails to eure A negro visaing under a scaffolding where some redairs were grew; on, a brick fell frons above on his bend, and. was broken by the fall—S Mile) N''ery cooly raised his head and ei�ed 'Hallo, you white nein up dar, if eant don't want your bricks brolte,just keep• 'era off my head! AN OLD FAVORITE. That has bemipopulnr with the peo- ple for thirty years is Dr. Fowlers lex- traet or Wild Strawberry for all verities 3 a el of summer complaints of children or r t dlling up with intelligent anenterprisingd eluderr morbus, &urban. and cleesent- is rapidly sottlers,wbo are making hero thcir homes ery. they alt want to know the history of the country no voiles their friends, apd those —4 bars of London Electric Soap for Who baye business connections with theta who do not go there. Here is n country as largo as the Halted Statossaild this volume, must -Over Sonstitute the fouudation of its history, From $5 to $20 a day can bo made by agents. Everyone of the hundreds of thousands of people interested in this COulitry, and in the Is:story of the world, ono part with another, will buy this book. it is whollynxibiased,and though full of startling dotall,it is thoroughly sound, praetioal and, plalosophicaL Good tamest workers desiring territory hmad appleseinediatay, and la order to secure It in - stern* send $1.253or a complete caltrassitto outfit and Immo choice of territory. .Extralitieral terms guaranteed. NO experience or capital reouired, as the book wilt sell itself if properly prevented, and we give our agents thirty days' time in which to deliver and eollect. Address, The History Co., 723 Market St. San Francisco, Cal • st saofsmainimatt.4101•12••••••,........• • ^ BISSETT BROS LIVERY. First Class Jtorses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS •- REASONABLE. A. TRIAL SOLICITED. BISSETT BROS. •••••!....nem•sn... 2fia A gentleman Itivving, a horse that ran and broke his wife s neck, was told, a by neighbor that he -wished to pur- chase it for his wife to ride upon. gNoe said he X intend to marry againmy- BXCELS ALL OTHERT. used one bottle of 13, andB. B. for con- stipation lees of appetite and it cur ed. me. I would uot be without it at six times the price, for it excels all others. Wm. Watiton, Galt, Ont, —Ask your grocer for LondonElect rie Soap. TOD Wren. Iaisnetax.—"Now, Pad- P-Sel dy," said a dandy, to an Ieish labourer, Electric Sonp. in your life, and I will treat you to a wonder of etp-day is London "Tell vie 'the biggest Ile you ever told.—The xotor Gons POWDERS . eir,4 fleasaat to take. Contain their own •Purgative. Is a safe, sureand efeetteel • destroyer ofwat-sas Cla dreg er Ades s. A BABY IN DANGER. My baby was taken very bad with diarrhcea'nothing did any mood until I dried Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry,' am certain nothing equals whiskey punch." "An'be me soul," re- torted Pat,"yer honor is a perfect gent- leman." MYSTIC WORDS. I can recommend Dr. Fowler's. Ex- tract of Wild Strrwberry for Chronic it. and could not do without it m time diaoea, as I have used it for two years ofertiminer 'complaint and diarhcea. and can get nothing else that helps me • Mrs. A. L. Buie. . like it. 3ane Taylor, Mystic, P. O. This Shell river, elan. . mecicine cures all SiiraMer complaints. —None but. first-class grocers sells London Electric Seep. . • A lata professor was one day waRie Ina near Exeter, wheri he met a well- known. 'natural.' 'Pray,' said the pro- fessor, 'how long can a man live with • out brains?'—'I don't knew,' said Jim, scratching his head; 'how old are ynie • Three young Bayfield, lads had a narrow escape from drowning, last. week. I know from Expe'rience that Ever- est Coug Syrup is first class. Geo. Brock Forest 1'. 0. —Don't forget- to tr3rLonclon Electric Soap once and you will use no other kind. To get relief from indigestion, bilil- ousness; constiption or torpici liver with outdisturbing the stomach or purging Little Liver Pills, they will' please 'Just look at my tongue!' she persisted. the bowels, toke a few doses of carters yOU . what does that need? -1 think thet look at it—look at it! Nov say, —Just think washing day made shorter by using London Electric • —London Electric Soap will not hi - jure the hands or clothes and do more work for the money, try it. 'Doctor' ' said a lady, want you to prescribe me.'--slifere is nothing the raatter, madame said the doctor, said the cloctor' after feel her pulse.; 'you only needrest.' 'Now, doctor,just oap. During the thunder litorni winch iousness, sick headache, jaandece, tver prevailed last Saturday evening, a log complaint, 'rheumatism, -dropsy, etc - barn situated °R the farm of Mr. --Au- Lose no time in proeuring B. B. B., at drew Sloan, adjoining the village -e'S regulator and tonic. It is a prompt needs rest too,' said the doctor. HELP WANTED. By all who sUffer {TOM dyspepsia, bill Blyth, was struck by lightning and burned to the ground. A large quant- ity of hay had just been stored therein, togetherwith som.e farming implements were consumeda BY the strenous' forts of a member of villagers others, a large frame barn adjoipiegf was saved Loss considerable, but Dart 'e bead out and addressed there thus: ly covered by insurance e, what do you stand there for like a They make one,feel at though life is couple of blockheads, gazing at my al - worth living. Take one of Carter's Lit- fice? Do you take it for a church?' tie Liver Pills after eating; it will re- liedyspepsia; and digestion, give tone and vigor to the systena. and permanent etire for all diseases of the blood, liver, kidneys, bowels and stomach. SUAR.T—A la wv er som ewhat dis eust- ed. at seeing a couple of Irishmen, loolee ing at a six -sided building which he octupied, lifted cp the ivindow, put, hie "Faix,' answered one of them, was thinkin' so, till the Divil poked his head out the windy.'