HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-8-8, Page 4gyhy,}.yO'�LL:w EpiOH :.aseurrEW shit of his self-sacrifice and devotion to national duty, It tickles the vanity of some who would otherwise remain in obscurity, to And audiences applauding their philippics and cheering their groundlin; oratory. Such men do not pause to think; they have heard it .as, sorted that the voice of the people is the •voice of God, and forthwithimagine their utterance inspired by holier fire. than ever before warmed thein, It is true that. at times, the voice of the people may sound as the voice of God; Fait to be that it must be a wise end'. potriotie and honest voice; not the wild howl of demagoguelsoa or the screech ins of as multitude whose proper sphere, would not bo within the roathns of com- mon sense. With the opinion, of thous ands who object to a peeular measure, we can sympathize; but there is a class which eaanuot be trusted,because if their A oJ'wa Pure policy prevailed, it would paean blood This powder sever varies. A. marvel of shed, it wotlltt mean anarchy, it would parity, strrngtln and who!.=,oink X res, lien 11tl rights unequal than the ordinary kinds. anent cannot aaIIu►rrzsort., wwith, tpxuc .°rlli1eg4S, To s' y that onebssshouldreeheeea noirest, weight Go *VIVA aoniX4 j r control legislation, one class dictate how fzaen shouU vete, one claw become the Itis:adadna of tlaa' aetions of Parliament an1a1 the iI era? s of Provincial Legis- taitlal as, is to say deet the e'er; nun Ma proto re=vere the Constitution, are prepared to weeken the pillars whereon it rests. The issue is plain; those who think the problem. can be solved by anatlla•natising Sir John Macdonald and helping Mr. il'ilfred', the Laurier and Mr. plonore Mercier. are'at Beaty to try the experiment. The as THE Thursday, August NORT.II WE:+;i'';t?lOaRE ._ Tns marvellous pro ,fir.'_ North-West Territorie4,1,rel; exelnplilled by railway development, . it ration has already secured to Mr.:nter- and the readiness with widely soeuritiee der the eb vices of a new lease of pow - floated for construction, arae taken up a er, ;and after the Ontario elections are in English money markets. The appli u over, probably ;further si ,niflcent cie{•et cations for six per react. mortgage1 ma, induce the ue.isonabe Div ',t=s,r. tS.al, o il ,pus ;an leek 3 d eek the ro Laud ovc p C0., of Lonalon, have alae ;lily ensured !again. the success of the loan. The file issue of bonds is for $72..7.030,001) the ti tai being slant S44+0,, The eta Appetit., Lon; Lease alndSaslka:t hewed.. Paailreml and Steamboat 0.11111 slty Wes ° TAIL {laity between some Consera-� incorporated in ilei; a, by AR At t of a olives :read Willy dyed-inword I iln- I'.lrli'i►aletlt tithe Dominion of CanadaQ T.s as to the Jesuits' agitation In com= for the paurp se of co►;ail.' stituei;a res l;trr;ly Conservative is way frond Regina. the (.41,:.:a of the something peculiarly significant; but ati i Northwest Territories, and a , 1: wh at Nelms MOW' suggestive, is the t on the Pacille I';'lilwwi►y, , ,357 hail's 'a4 o.sr of . utter :absences of excitement in Reform SYiilnple, to Saskatoon and Prince Albert. whew Opposition mem- Albert. a .list•tnce of ala:tit 230 miles I bers voted with the Government. Not rallies to I.aug I. eke ;aro cuni►pfl:<t+:tb nipple is tills, rv:able in suck eontrles aaa allyl the rt mein irtr 227 miles (about)ambton West, South tiddiesex,Onear lo are under cousteuction by the contrzet West ►and other patriotic litS es,tvlaere ing firm of J. Ross Se Co. The prospect - the so-called Liberals resign supreme, us gises interesting ileums of the en. Lnt where Conservatives are strong: torprlseand its future operations. The theca the Liberal carpet tlag;er rolls ny will, as the road is eoiupleted, the whites of his eyes to heaven and be entitled to an annual subsidy from thanks God he is not as other men. The the Government of Canada, for #rtes• constitution must be sewer, and this port of Government traffic, of ;x 0.000 can only can be accomplished by elect for twenty years. This subsidy will be ing Independent men who will rote paid over direct by the Government to agaaiest everything French and every thing approaching Romanism. With what oily cunning they coudea►ice party isle, with what fervid hypocrisy they pat disgruntled Conservatives upon. the back, and cheer then as sanious of their country! Then the bulgeing mouthful of pious platitudes Is emptied upon their audiences and having in- duced a score or two of flippant hot- headstoforeswear party allegiance,they tramp Koine, chuckling over the even- ing's work. This is the picture as it is painted from nature and applicable to - nine -tenths of the Liberals touters; who having for twenty-five years abused Sir Bohn Macdonald and his supporters and for ten years unsuccessfully en- deavored to drive them from power, now wheel about and purpose to stab the great leader of the Conservatives in the house of his friends. Do we hear Mr. Wilfred Laurier, or Mr. Ed. Blake,, or Sir Rd. Cartwright, or Mr. Macken- zie, anathematized by these Liberal orators? Certainly not, for should the Liberals, through these machinations secure power, every mother's son of those who were instrumental in break- ing the ranks of Conservatism, would claim reward at the handsof their par- ty friends. ar-tyfriends. Verily, it is dangerous to eat eggs in the dark, so is it a question able policy to take enemies -into one's confidence, without first testing their professed sincerity. Ref nue SCS the agents of the loan as trustees for the bondholders. All the trait, beyond the above amounts to be paid for by the Government tariff rates. The com- pany are further entitled to a grant,as the railroad is completed, of about 1,400 000 acres of selected lands. A. sale of a considerable portion has just been; concluded, the proceeds of which is to be paid to the agents of the loan, and will Le sufficient to provide the balance of the interest on the above bonds, 1111 - til and including; the coupon due 1st February, 1896, In order to permit of a proper development on the traffic during the first few years after thecoln pietion of the road, the company has negotiated a lease to the Canada Paci- fic Railway, whereby the latter com- pany agrees to work and maintain the road until Feb., 1896, free of any cash recourse for loss, if any, upon the Qu' Appelle, Long Lake, and Saskatchewan Railway, the Canadian Pacific retain- ing the receipts, other than the above mentioned subsidy. On the first of Feb 1896, the Canadian Pacific will, on giv- ing six months' notice, have the power of calling in and paying off the above bonds at 110. The railway will run through what is termed, the fertile belt of the North-West, in which district the Government have reserved lands, out of which the Canadian Pacific Railway are selecting about 8,000,000 of acres of their land grant. :UNREASONING COND.r MNAT, ION Does it ever strike some of thosewho are not vi�figiiig and abusing Sir John Mact' a1d, that they are allowing their p ejud-aces, and not common sense, to nspire such action? By what right. we ask, are such 'men justified i1 'con .. stituting themselves judge, jury tine] witnesses? Is it 'honest to denounce a statesman because he as a states- man, and: refuses to be a time serving demagogue? There are those who delight in being able to censure a great leader, although the prosperity they. enjoy is to a great extent the re - LOST. Lost, in Exeter, on Monday evening last,a gold plated vest chain. The find- er will do a favor by leaving the same at this office. BIRTHS. C.AItLiuG.-In Exeter, on the 6th inst., life wife of Mr. T. B. Carling, of .a' , cl t ighter. R rnii'-In Exeter, on the 2nd inst., the wife of John Piper, of a daughter. DIEATHF3. BIssETr.-In. Exeter, on the 7th inst.., Fanny Amelia, infant daughter of James and Rosena Bissett, aged 4 months. Funeral today at 2 p. m. ALLAN N 1 ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. LIVERPOOL AND QUEBEC SERVICE. I'i~o)t LIVERPOOL. STEAMER, Friday„ April 16 CIR,CASSl 4 N-. , . Thursday," , 25 PARISIAN CA May 2. . ..i POLYNESIAN.. ,, Friday-, " 1a , .. , IfOATRITAGENI,kN Thursday, " 16, ..,, SARDINIAN- ,,, Friday, a• 24 .. '►CIRCASSIAN .. - Thursday, R; 30........PA.RISIAN.....,.. " June 6 POLYNESIAN.., Friday, " 14 . ifCARTIIAGENIAN Thnrsday, " 20......1 SAROIN1.AN., . Friday; II 28. ; *CIRC.ASST S Thursday, cI Friday, Thurscluy , Rao3r QUEBEC, Friday May Thursday u. 11 Thursday, June Friday, Thursday, /, B Thursday, July Friday, �c July 4 PARISIAN , .. , , .. Thursdays u 6' 11 POLYN.E STAN - .. ' ,August a: 19 m 0.ART1IAGENIAN. '• 25..... ,.. S ARDIIIA I.... , Thursday, Friday, August 2.... ,.'*CIRCASSIA .... ; Friday, tt Thursday, u S PARISIAN.. ^` 15 POLYNESIAN. Friday, " `23 ... , ` o CART$: GENE4b3 Ther flay, 29 { SAI IN1 �N. Fritley, September '{6 i;*CIRCASSN. , Thursdey, 1.... , " 19..... POLYNESIAN. ,. RATES OF PASSAGE BY MAIL ST PERS, Cabin, $ $70 and £F'• ceeoricng to ammo an iada tion. Servants in Cabin, g5A Second Ctt,au i u $ieerago', $n', netnrn Ticlietss, 4abin, 5110, $t3a, $t50. $toou4Laiup, $tial. °ily Circassian nr other extra Steamers. t'a1,14n.S; a,$ a,Al a.5 5, according to aceomada. tion second t i1.9n1 S.N. Steerage, VW. Return tickets, 0.101$110.4114 $1$o, ,Second Giles y$,l.l Srerrak.c.Sis• VAR #i.is=FK lA'-4 win not x arra r sseugere from this side: Theraw l p�ss win be no Steamer carrrnug passengers il.om{� attsba.o may slat/Jell 5th August September rmsenficrs con Kalil from 3tontreai y y • & ' h, Sajrteititxr 14th. 10 16 23 6 14 20 27 11 19 25 1 15 23 Thursday, " 29 " September 5 JOHN SPAOKMAN, only authorized agent !or Exeter, Ont. Lookbeforeyou before you i1 AXO BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR Building Hardware, Binding Twine, Harvest Tools, OR ANYTHING. IN `SES or T t .i WARE, Call and sea 4SETT BROS.' large stock and get price. I P and other field seeds a specialty. Cash paid for TUR Hides, and other farm: produce. ISSETT OS. QUALITY IS - THE TRUETK&T OF CEEAPrrs. J. H. NORTHCOTT -o--I NOW OFFERM o BREA : ►F, BUNS, CAKES Etc., OFA nE3=ST Of Ever Description M de to Order. J. H. Northeott, ONE DOOR NORTH .OF E4NSON'S BLOCK. Main -street - Exeter. THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT s from which this paper is printeel was supplied by the fioRaTTO TYPE Dealers in Type, Presses, *mid Printers' Supplies. J. T. JOHNSTON, 80 & 82 Wellingtp„n St. west TORONTO, ONT. ATTNTION I CL°IlHiNG Eyes front, A j sNELL QM= MAX4011 W. SOVTHCOTT'S Qrl �+�+ othing and Geentson msTzszuzle EXETER, ONTARIO. Some of the finest goods that can be gemmed, are arriving every day. GENTS' 1a'U1 NISld1NGS IN T1JJ LATEST STYLES AT EIGHT PRICES, A CALL SOLICITEn. W. SOT O: � C TT Corner lain and John Street. EXETER, ONTARIO. liTARKET SQLTARE GENERAL STORE I w t amain„ st. EXETER t ONTARIO,. Ilan now instock nQ RPUMM Efl IN THE FOLLOWING LINES: West of England Snitings and Trous cringe, Scotch Tweed Sltitiaags and Treuser- lugs. French and English Wonted Cloths All wade up. in the Latest Style, at best Rates. A. J. 5t. L4 Lim . Dickson's )t&toff Tho undersigned would inform the P'ub'iie that lie leas just reeei{•eel. om hie a STOCK UDING UL'L LINE OF DRY GOODS, ND OAPS, AND CROCK- I300TS AND SHOES. Those wishing anything in my d itline will tinray their advantage :, to, redia aura: luspe4A my goods and prices. Best Roller Flour always on hand, Highest Price paid for Butte and Eggs, and all kinin of Produce, J. P. ROSS. (10.22-'88-) J. C. MALLA, jIlerGoeLIit Tailor. Up stars, over H. SoukmQU's Hardware Store. die has in stock some of the finest summer goods to be * foiuld on he market. A. CALL SOLICITED, a ll G. A7idlCALLACOM BE. Landon Huron & Bruce Railway GOD1G Nonxa-Tulle TABLE-1'6.Sen London, depart . .8.05 .t. at..4.25 P. al. Lucan Crossing... 8,47 5.20 Clandeboye 8.52. , .... 5.28 Centralia.... 9.05 5.45 EXETER........ .9.16 5.57 Hensel' .......... 9.28. 6.09 Kippen 9.34 ... 6.17 Brueefield-..... , ..9.42 , . 6.26 Clinton.' 10.00 6.45 Londesboro' .....10.19 7.03 Blyth ... ...10.28 7.12 Belgrave........10,42 7.27 �Vingham .......11.00. ; . , 7.45 GOING Souza. Passenger. Wingham ...... 7.05 A.ltt3.40 Prat. Betgrave .7.244.00 Blyth 7.38 4.15 Londesboro'...... 7.47,:.. , , 4.25 Clinton. 8.07 4.45 Br a ce field ......... 8.26- 5.04 Kippen • 8.34 5.12 Hensall..:.. ., 8.41 5.19 EXF,TER ... ' 8.56 5.33 Centralia r.....:. 9.07 5.45 Clandeboye ...... 9.18 5.56 Luean Crossing.. 9.246.02 London, arrive ...10.15 6.45 PAR slam Fanners, Gardeners anis Florists,. A fair sized brick cottage containing dining -room, sittingg=room; :1 bedrooms, en- trance hall, with two good cellars under- neath, large kitchen 14x20 feet with wood- shed attached, two large greenhouses, small stable, good well of water; with 1;4, acres of land, all well fenced and in fair condition. This property is within .five minutes' walk of the Exeterpost office. The land will be sold on easy terms. Applyto A. ALLEN, Exeter, -Ont. April 11, 6 m. MEDICAL. THE CELEBRATED DR. LE CARRON', OF PARIS, FRANCE, HAS ESTABLISHED AN AGENCY- IN TORONTO FOR THE SALE' OF HIS MEDICINES,' WHICH ARE A POS=. ITI`E' CURE FOR ALL • CARO `NIC' AND PRIVATE DISEASES OF LONG STANDING' ,ALSO YOUTHFUL INDTSCRETION,EARLY DECAY, ETC., SHOULD WRITE Fon IN- FettedATI0et.' CORRESPONDENCE CON- ADI>RESS ALL LETTERS TO Tan E. B. CRANE. AGENCY, CAMERON PLACE, - - ',• TORONTO.' Lot No. 2, in the 1steoncessionoftheto'" slip of lithbert, cent sin' ng lii0 aeres. 1 farm will he sold cheat'. and on easy ter The farm issitnwtte<lusidaybettiveeot tnfort and Dublin, on the Limon erurpl Ro i'hur'h a1,d. Selnnol {within l'.►8 yards of farm, a 'oil the lest in the county. £Exeter village pproperties foac +,e rt of teen ,including some of est des attle residenets in town. oano propsrtyiin thovilla es of Gentr. 0, ll"iiarInbar, which van baafibought rhea To Boarding House keepers -ori cum' a► of Verity's Foundry, its valt~ulatctt t,.: oin 18 to ea additional hands are to azo et oyed. A llouti.e to let at a small rent es,n le el&mom ()darting a to to 1searders,.&,rani 'o minutes walk from tbofoundry. rfilartbvr ptrticutars aerie to cera %tin, IIsi. Ti.11. P1C7,SON, Barrister. Ex S. G1DLEY.; THE LEADING dar AND Furnture Dealer OF 'THE T N ? I have an immense Stock of Furniture and Undertaking Goods now on, hand, which I 'will sell at right prices. URDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. S. GIDLEY. IF..YOU WANT A ` Clean hivi OR Neat Hair Cut, CALL.AT THE Central . Barber Shop, 'anson's Block, Exeter A. Hastings, PROPRIETOR Of 13 0$0 f 511110 'Why is it, that in' other " towns and 'surroundingcountry they speak so highly of the photo- graphs that are taken' M Exeter, And how is it that there are so many photos sent into the different cities of Ontario from EXETER PHOTO GALLERY 2 Because Senior's work is as goodif' not better than any of the leading galleries, in the cities and their prices are and $5 per doz., while; they get them at Senior's for .$3.00.