HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-8-1, Page 6Of the Death, of Theodore Xoight. Bv linseen HA-xt,,AND, iTSCR "NEW YORK, HERALD. CHAP.= UT, ree3eateci, with the aged a mae who mil. trus I own 1 hed Wen impreesed mod stserredity *4FAX,'ts hhearing.. aOtly SO,' .-. io whet he said or by hie mauner rd owing it wyoa—you foeget, peebape, who "eta it?." In toy wootiee I fergoe the tan:tepee eXeel, , gow e - oe e e - If . 4' 00 ;§tXIMIZiNqr perteetie 'tea eaid et. - leat: retwona h heel to large againsb tem, A *helve et o yirl vete to ?went of ally wiser roan then I, however, ebetoviog hew emeneetz word thee felt !ewe Ilia lite ve tt it iie subeeet stelemed his interlecuter would le oneeea seneole or peeposteree. ^ ' have dropped it. loteodueing 24 PPw one- 1 , yesor ' coneuetion the word o ' ,eten never eeese et bitterly to reproach 'It wee to trf m zayeote fpr. my !guy be pereoteg be If ote. that' ephlied theme tonna It waen't meant egeavvenatien had, stomat1 at that poietlirere.agY" e e, o the acts the grin" that follOwed it would yowa e4 we et anyfietwative OW very 'poise -14y tower have been otennittee, etritetl°4 44'4 h .°411- 1°4'1. In neY onwleomf amid : —"Welhevera to I "The lere Of a -zewile' referred to wee da 'Whet 9f let Why shea ould yfear death so e faeueee gateway, threugh which it was def. With; IS there co be efraiti a 7. Yee. indlelette fieult 10 g.6 loraded. camel to- passeedifacidt, ably, eaeh rootheee BOA of us mydie et any hie etk you, but noimeseeable, It raeaese t thomeot. Bet why Should we, dreee death, waer,erore, that the average rich noel may elariok from deeth ? The bodily weeny, eve]; 114've nenle aliaoltY gettil3g int° the li-lng^ li enineme. mutbe of lees duration; and done ed Inneoen. beesthee the averege rieh ete for the inture life, if therein Oleg We taVO man, -la aPi, to in hone prized awl wagoner- ne reezen to expect that it will heiworse than ont.,"' the preeeen" " A. deosie and a sham, Norbert," Knight Piet the pelot 1° cried cried; "invereed by euoloving eceleelutice, "Ah, there la Huighte "Pbe tutors life t Yen sey, le there theMaelvea rials to ea. of reconclitug ieisee. I enz eonvieced the:0 ix" their uraelariulan lexlirieta to guide ebeede et "Wella ehete ee It What oi it 1 What I fail CbrIg1-41'447 " theY ?awl loft Aceerd. vitae ettadow ot.reoaca bavc you for inmate. time isi virtitally meseatinslese, and I think We t° aaaereVena je wilY YOU shavld fear in. ihl °7' tbet teadluge Chtiet'a declera. that ie wili ha bee, end -arable then the ‘hell he 531°131'1°11.tra3 r133reQhlint,fto 81"74 frg meant something when2o ee.00eeee1 Ie is not 4 C14034e4 Ot ltnegioteg, New, "-We"' "4141' 4.'144"na a ""1“(;14 43413:4 We 11(4W here!'' „ , .e. deeet e it is a nietter 9f denial:towable feet. ft11,4,teee131 447 rre'' As lb 14414111111.4114$ Igietlqivlareast:t44104t Ira 11.41:41-104 r*OcciabecOyei4bc100 "4rii;e'r, lb ii noretematage. it never day right, torturing le like a col of annla ba" 16'n 64 meant 137 Q1131It" The oua fice eroe with we utter horror owl 44"4n t-13413 411 414 Vita' 8914 and had' rekin 044 et 4 ,04411_14 the future lito my ,em. withoetv,ellutrimlnetien, ere deetimed to per 0,on ea ee ban &hoe le neeestrous. I ewer rse Pain person I looleed et bum. is t000 Was liviel, Irb°"T',w132,4,14"44 the c°13t3133'7'' Me ll were drawn heok notil they expos, '„,„, 111"'"`—'"."1* gel tee teeth. Hie 41)gera Were cielleiled. ti'. But algfi a7,117 laa4aLtafalYta$,advaat lile eye a Waxed fixedly at the Wallin trent -A-sr,'-',„fic-' - ---- --4 ---- `''- c'e -ot him, with a light to tinemtbat wee:a:nob 16 "' -'"''''''4 " WO% r ant une, wad I will maintela reanieeel. the caraway. It was meezeta literally ; it le " Reit I Whet? Whet1 Good lard, literally true. It le easier for a camel to go Noighte whet ails yea; To make yeateak like theta to make you leek Wee *eel Are threuh 'a° e7° °I a aaedia till"' for a "1313" yap IMplipg me? Are you acting? Ge eet, man, togvoter into the kiegdom of God." yea itateeliel Hell i What do you think ," Whle_eeb le a' Ma", e,,R.atql°,u °,....f. Ycl.a,r Fe* moo Knee -emu, not mew% by tee ratutest “ I ow. ot boaus,ont ror ..tba 411=1,, elgiallA of men ergU4 1 ebeekl be eerie:tie 'Tau a meant" nor mu I imbeellet 1 mon whet I lay t° h°&reerur aP3'33143,41' theertzleb* TU Ye°411'%e_re wbehluttleh examdr, Aftex my death I shell 7' '".14 a "%ra'al.' ."4"" 4 1144134'4 '19 ietereetegl to know what oire.oneetances you, hind myeelf to hell."' "May e be twateuttg to oak a ,auoe, CAA alleget, weivieg in euppore of it. But, that for the moment, there** numifeet way 44 Tetouey tf yeettekeee auto! your di:Denizen. Yon believe your. Idea I' 'Very- via Sleme wino leave you be- ryleteitlsneao&t11 to hgeleUi 4"41L11 vni31: lin ...dal° titk` raved la hell 111—you who, of ell rationel. - — and et` - ei -- -- e--- --- --- give date, need lo be the vetaterneastr it to the ra;t1 it / 00 a tt **34w 'out ;u7 wiedom heath. Sittee MY then 4 lo ertre of It, cai—enu -n1 eeuhl° 4417 oyes were :awned to the obvietw, I never ' * t ' '"" 44 r 4‘ II nu well, ee wes mere of e ratiouellet then wheat pleck. '-'4*• v4o Wwo 'wen V" 411114 leek ins 131, ray courage.' eared to fouow my roe. he courage of your conviction:, and hell will serve you hied:. If a', men sees hie salvation NA to the fearthent depth le would lead me rcocankett rite neeemity, tbe bum. taugible before him, but is too Weak to and thou grasp it, he has zo one bue himself to blame realleneres of hell. leleclare, Knight, I thlok you are lOeing IL he le '" dr'reued*” _your mina, wino reactionary taw le ;bet? "Oh, Norbert, you axe 'Attu:mese iteelf. Tease of no who are eulighteued, lo thie ago '1414°44113111t134t 7°4 13're* 7018 "neelre by the word et tbo workre deceiopments bee° tem dear. ' riebee neeterial riehee only. iy, that given any peetenee faun elk et allTheo indeed I wield give to the peer. But thee would not mend matters bang ern&liest it meet be hot a greduel and netural segued degree. Tim poor would remain as poor ne 'to tbia life—e, Weed continuation of it ever ; I should stlithe *slab mien. Materiel that the Rout will tregio there -where It %it off et- that it is the height of abordity to Ngelarh le 41:lain* 11 le 341- lithiltel ber expe2lt an immediate and lam:muse tousle. wealth—Ely wealth et 2°41 eurl re4:4—vibieh dames me. That I can oeither sell nor ex* tion to A heeven or to ik hell. Yet you. ---i away, nor *equator, nor in 147 wise %Welt . Do you Ilve in the nIneteenth oeutury or aro nor get Ad of. That la entailed open me. you Reordering lax the ignorance and t a Solent as I drew the breath of life in ibis m -U 'Pa:Liahler: at the twelfth! You Intik of u"eep shall boa rich man, anti tbat ia orny, •hell. Well, taking hell for greeted. what t deronetion. Superior perm and eulture. °riles aro V°° 1PaY efirw134e abaalY "Ina the love of the woman who to.morrow will beve yen Cazarattlafi that 7°4 deer`k Yeltatell be zny wife, refirtementvirtuone predisposi. doomed to hell?' done—there is ray weidtb.—Iommohalienate "None that I know of. I have committed i er erao crimes, to my knowledge ; and I believe 'looked at the men in amazement. "1 nay wont eine have been venial. But tit... at glee you cp.": / flefeeed, s. so „wen ma is neither bore nor there orrether—noonat oomreaboaa te, you mote tbee you. we agate. le jut the point. 'I will speak of thet to be damned for your virtues I It's a pare. in o moment. What strikes me at peseta. t tiox which I OW4 myself unable to cope with. is the eublime conceit of * those of us who Go an. / ern welting to be convinced that are enlightened." Vk. 'hat now *ed ePedel you aretzet inseno." Native Sheep of America. 'revelation heve yoa reeelved—you who "I said at the outset, Norbert, that you At the time the Spaniards Arid visited are ereightened—thet you derma° with would probably not understend me, I "id* South America there were no tothosia In the estozh oonfidenee eta such outtplecency the too thee perhaps it would be better for mature of lutule lite! Oh, the comforteble yen If you should not understand me; better "country which ezeotly corresponded to the sheep of Europe; but they found in Pent and the fiettering theology of mewl The for your peace of mind, I meant, But in the regions of the Andes several species future life Shell he but a guttural and gradusil then, on ascend thoughta, I said, it is per- of anereeee to which they gave the tame sequel to this life—a logics' coutinutation haps always best in the long mu to recog. sheep—earszerea de Zatierra—but which the of it. We shall begin there Where we, left th itg here_ entooebly, easily, without break, ties and confess the truth. Thus far you aborigines celled the name, e alpaca, the have not understood me ; I will show you guanaco, and the 'vicuna. The two -first- without violence 1 I tell you, man, in the the truth so vividly that you shall not for- named varietlee were even then nowhere to 'future life every valley ellen he exalted and get nor doubt it over again. If you like, he seen inc -wild state, but were domestic "every moontahe and bill deli be made low, ete,a I I make that stipulation; — on ; for I warn animals in the eery -ice of the natives. anti the crooked ehell. he made straight, and '•"'" you beforehand that the fruit of the tree of While there is a general similarity between the rough Yieeee Rhein" The" la na rem°°' knowledge is bitter, and that if you haste these several °lessee, yet each ono :teem to sus pupae, no euetice, no excuse, for a of it it will poison your life as it has poison - future life which shall be but an espy and chocsee." foem a distinct genus. The llama and the emu lightly, "I guess I alpaca are of vedette oolere, and sometimes comfortable continuation of Shia ; so that L ed,re,eiefeeeeZde,„feir nu.," who have the start arta advantage here, s'hall can aTtellet, "'t !Tackled. The guanaco and the vicuna are have the eternal stark the eternal advantage generally of a:single color—brown,approach- over yonder poor devil at this moment be - "At your peril, reniember. Well, here; lug to red. The llama and the alpaeaaresad ;ging, or perhaps stealing, ori t may be even g you cried out rise now, the expects to be to be so reeigned)to theirstate ot domeeticity murdering in thetreetsIn the etreets, damned f or his virtues I' and you derided that they are scarcely able to take care of e . 'Ntell that for a paradox. Thereby you showed theraseives or live in a oild state. The orbert, shivering leader he open sky, d and soul low and evil an that on these subjects yen have done no in- guanaco and vicuna order the -wild state. 'body and min 'Ioathsome, while I sit here in my siege how% dependent thinking; that you have swallow - before my fire, well fed, well olad,elean an ed whole the empthusks of formulas which 'virtuous eta beloved. The valley must donatitute the diety of thane people who take Good For Evil. ',exalted, the mountain and hill laid low- e'heli their creeds at gecond hand, their theologies Cto asaid that wiee men leave more to learn 'the crooked must be made straight, therougu by hearsay. Yon showed that you still pro- of fools than fools of wise men. Probably plainest plain. They that sow in tears she fess the ethical doctrine which deetne it meet he meant, that, bane who, they would learn reap in eel. There must be a heaven and and proper that a man should be rewarded more. Everywhere the wise man is theapt no hell to correct the inequalities, to atone for for the good he does and punished foe the learner; and the lesson of avoidance is one -lere. Hell I Heaven 1 Of course I don't _ thilIaled 1" which wisdom will ever glean from the exhibition of folly. While the examples of evil; saved for his virtues mad Ihe netieee that We are in tlia° mfd°t1 °f his sius, Now 1 say that is indeed e. pwadox <if music and glory. osv man who has a sen of fair play, bead:nue la laga°v* rePeglient to the feeling° ai every good and great men are powerful howenning us to love and ..to imitate their excellenolee, mean a hell of fire and brimstone, a heaven on of the spirit ; twoiongpeaonsit.ea 11:olni and ei sible to the mind of every man who will give those of an oppoeite description may eon.- - For consider a little. It proceeds upon` oise a warning and restramng effect. The : the mil," the matter two minuteet of fearless thought Haight had spoken with such mincer- cruelty which excites horror andindiguation the assumption ot a free will,—a free will,. ity it wale impossible not to take him and consequent moral reeponsibility. •passion. The selfish:tees which appears in But mai lead us to cultivate kindness and corn- . seriously and answer him reepeafully. t„.., a- few PrinaiPtee ef ouch repelheot features may cause us to Therefore I said: —"Well, granting all that, v'" who know ..granting helliime.ven—everythieg you wish there is no such thing, that there can be no dread and shun it. The fretful and peevish science, you know as well as I do that —I have not yet understood, and I am suoh thing,Aust no such thing is conceivable stimuilltemper so disagreeable to witness, may in mars, , as a free will, nor, therefore, a a nt tosh- be elieerful and patient. ,larticalarly interested to learn, why you . anticipate hellas your inclidvival let . You moral responsibility. You know that we Toe sight of dienesty, with its lamentable tell me you are guilty of no crimes and are one and all of lie under the iron and all remits, may be the turning -point in the . and that your worse sins have been venial. exclusive dominion of Necessity; that we sc,tricb rectitudswerve from areer of one just beginning to I, who know you pretty well, should say can no more help doing what We do than we e. Certain it is that we may, bar- - that you have led a singulegly moral life• can help being what we are, .Aceording to le -we will, in eome of these weys, reap yeas of good from the evil that Is MI around 'Why, then, hell for you?" the law of Cause aud effect, you know that 118. bleme for hie deformity theta the grenadier xas. -16-Td-TERT-B6 Bi.accriart, is to praise for tate haedsome figure, You I — k oee word, that we do not make eureelvee. If I am en idiot it ie eine t,e thy 1:a° trailSereleeeetivro:leoehotiedeereeziln, Ine heredity oodflY environmene lz av gs n 2 given roe this eteocteee on;toi When a realm hew heenne thoxoughly Peet it is dee to lay heredity and myeaviree. ' hypeotteed, geeit a writer in, the New York ment., which hove eiveo row ;bet steuoture of World, let le but- an autmeetere moving. bride. By the same SAGA* if I nin heaVe acting, thinking et the will et the. erePtterg it ickbecause slay heredity ao4 yenewoo. who eha produce any seeetition thet he may met have 'shaped, me thus ands°. if I am debire. Ile Pen deetroy sengatiort Awl pro - hero hs becauee my hersolley 04d eee. ea, owe owned° arsestheahe The Anon ot Virenelent have eestped me se :hoe the& Is I subjeOt wen be bowed tegether, drsewieg the tiger to biome who waxes wroth ee the Scone et Mood Oen, the peer hornet help it? 111 Plate peehet it e because I Omelet ib ; 81 l'ent a throat it 4 b000uoo Cannet help: it ; if I Care' a life ee re hecense. I can, nothelp it write *,.gooa 1)0914.: 4 4 be, be Orem An the Mel Call iteketwat gave ' tee operator, yet the feiotesteehteperleybim thread. through, the lieeb. awl the victim will remain au minuted spectator. Yoe: ease Teuder any sense bYperesethetio that ba' tense pain will be fele at the slightest toeclo Olvery sense tee lutenelOed, though no cues 1. omelet help , Ai ruin my li through A folly of my own eommitsion ie because I canuet help it- -14 AO case am I ro h/eme, in PO case to praise, voetoe Nemo., sit,, and yoa obtain Heredity eve Ras/Irma- ment-aehrell and eon. You knew ali this as well aa I do. Now here is whet I mutt yeu to expiate ,—If yonder wretehed wife heater, thief, cotthreate liar, beeotted tenth, if he ill rot lolaroe for his mholoings, piece he catunot help them, einee he is the peer prisoner and vietim Tieeeeeity, whyel beg N018 to explaie, why sheuld he be damned for them? Why not es juetly dune hoe for the color of els hair V' 'lest eo Why, Weed r cried Aly deer Haight, you, /ewe expended a vase dee) of energy mad ingeouity knocking over IN man of straw, I We not said tinat he hold be damned. soy 40 Cone aboula be damned, 0110 the very notion of bell is be iteelf intolerable, Bee ceebeiely can't eee why, if the vioner iee't to be &mewl her his Ales the virtuoue man should. be damned for 'hie virtuee. Ile caa't help it, either. As justly datum blue for the ohm of bit heir," **No, ; etep there. TOO go 4 step too few You forgew you igtalre, thorn:Acme" of fair platy, of tRrn and tura Omit. For one A:mm*4010A with me open the world. ArOUI41 US; couteninlate lit* the lite drum in which we awestattne. Seel Nue fit A world In Which One rue, *make not to himeelf, but thenlie Neoculty--te bit heredity. and hie environment—to his birth, to bislutserited feaultiee tied predispeeltiowe to his education—growe upto be healthy In body, atreDa in intelleet, virtuous in bit IMPuisee hePOYe rich; Tighe it may be, in the roet4ial oerofeets of life, but tether to epiritizel wealth, he hia :deer nOnscierlUOA his bfgh mei able mitad, histeendieretle bomb, ha the love and the respect which he te enn powered to win of hie fellow* And here, Nothert, here in thie mime world, another man timulte uot to himself, either, but than" neizz to New:Jetty, to Dia heredity and his envirouneent-ehle birth, his litherit^ ed faeulties end predisposition', Me educe. tion—growe diseued in body, onn lo mind, danreved la soul, A 001,114, tier, onnzieal despised and rejeeted of all demure enema, pur In ell the good • things of life, poor in spirit. Now them —there is AA Obvio4s. woes, terrible in - judo% there not? Horrible to think of, eorrible to atbnit, yetebeolutely undenieble, Yea will go with me in saying the% A bleed ourdling, soul siokening letjustice. And in view of it, one of two tillage we must believe is true—either this world is a mons. treaty eroded end governed by an arch devil; or else somehow, some time beyond therein:, the injotaloe eppellit no here ;nut be amended, atoued for, wiped out. Either this -life dame is & wanton tragedy of woe and evil—an ad hettical speobeele de. vista for the gratification of the exch fiend— or else in the fiith sot, the aot upon which the Curban ot deals shall rile, etuttiee *hall come upen the scene, and exalt the -valley paid ley low the hill, giving to the poor wretah who has had his bell of pain and evil here bit fibs at heaven; to me, who levemadtkieney. heeven beret my taste of hell. They that sow in tame shall reap in joy, eeed vice verse. Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blamed are the poor Hz spirit:, Tor Useless le the kingdom of beeven. Into that kingdom It is easier for a ulna to go through the eye of & needle than for a rith men to enter." imprard.L FEDERATION., Uatil Within a very few years, the accept Tht Canadian North-Weat. no Set Sches but a Natural DeveloPulcut cd ophlions as the thera0ter of the Cana Like (tie British Constttution4 firma lierthwes14 was that, except as e hunt 09! igitrtOluendiraifal. fart veenartgowenwitneuall; fiotrrawou people have, as a general rule,* most Wade. qin51 tide° nea04°agt ul adialampuduavienforti tfen ;el: :um:71;0:e iztici: uol s to thitt territory. and as a veldt have Ala- Tealed tO tile world the extetenee of a vette regiettpeWesaing a highly fertile sell eed a genial suramer climate, le a latitude sorpelso 10$1Y near the Polar sirele., It has been NhoWA that Motet ean be nth all *flown or iheigeaemet idea of which the 0)30114 „grown at Fort Soupeme, ine She Lord. fiersoheil, in the absence= of Lord Rosobery, presided at the annual dinner of the Imperial Federationista in London, and his principal ePeech is thus eeported in "The Coles:glee and. Judie Tne oheirmao. Lehl Hereehell, on rising to propose the toast of the evenieg--" Lope- riet Pederetinee-eweareceiveel with loud and prolonged theees. He said there weeenet* few perukes wIto reseeded the Imperial Itederetioo Lonna With derision end con- tempt and who looked open it eimply as the embodiment of an Mee, it was notat leeXee wee the etObeaintente that these geokeeem liver, in latteede Ot 05r. -er etglte ituedred and saxty-two note(' north of the verthero bouedary of the Iloithd Statee; that barley le* sefe crop at Fort NerMAIS. on the same rims in latitude 6.5 C.; awe thet petetoee ecu be groom with fate SIMMS w*tbeuhe Artie zone, 1-1 is* revelation to be illfOrMed that the Poses River 044014 which Ilea hetween 5a and 59 4' Agrakla tude, "almost semi torrid ; it is the region, el the peewee The Peace River is a feeder to the great river and hake seldom, of wielele the Mac- keezie is the outlet, The MacirlfnZie base lug source in the cireat Steve Lake, a Teat Wield see., Sorrier le mageitude, end emptiot iete the Arcade Oulu, efter CoUree of one thensand (Me heahreil With the great lakes whiole drOinsi eta the tributary riven received by themin tOrng lt feral* eneef tho mostextenswe waterways he the werld. BEM the mune ed tile VOW& -Weer In the Mounteine el Britielt Womble to the queen the diatenese upwerds of two thoulead doe imadred railer', azei for the greeter pert et the way the aevigetime exeelleat, fp vome plawie tor the largeet deeming. The Athateause ia author river of tide ehetem. It is 4 them:and MOPS leeg, and ezoptiee its weters into the halte ot the Mae Puree. Which, in ita WM. Asole an oetlet to Great Sieve Lake by mune of the aileve River. The rivers named iteW ter oearly two theueemd relies thrOngll A region highly adapted to, egricialtare, The Cauediati Sen. ete Committee repots that they, with the Seek:401mo. Bitter, drain arl area of eight hundred and sixty thou:owl Panne Mtlea ef "which time tt$ a peeeibto area of three'llundred, azt4 eixteeo teemeoul grieve milei—over two beedred, Acrea-,. suitable fetV Wheat." If *hi* le even epproximetely -comsat* ita lowing upon the food upply of the heedreds of reillieras et people who wiU hehabit North Ameriee within belt ceaturye at present rates of %creme, gten hardly be over-etti. rooted.. The whole area IOWA to Wheat in the United Stade. lu 1889 wes, according to the report* of the Department of tura, tbirteemix milliou mots, On firet consideration* it WM score in credible thatoonditione fevorableto egthiele ture can exiet eta** bight hititudes, but whoa the expleuetheo hes be= given, the will be heated Abeteectly urges. A wide velem, great waxen* et Taman et head heeet A watch lo his hand can be heud. at a die. *Aid that Regletel wee the aeguet Muee of thirty' or forty leo. distinetly. end mother, iestead of dell dog further apart. located SIMI *than the eultjeet is bliodfalded thould be drawn into closer mail more in. hiernorY is goads exeeedinglyaeVate, *9 that- titillate eel:tameable,. (Obverse) To hellere Wino wfifell in a normal state are forgotten that with this cleeer eittatitmehip there would are 'easily remembered and eeeellecl. A be ae inereue le. weity of ego:Womt. and ac - 701,1141 -eau who had lost a Mall article Wee tion for the benefit of the eetire BelPire eenee to remember where he had it last and Was an idea weiele cold well be described was sent for it, end returned With itiaa a ae a grand one. He differed from hie feleods Matter Of course, though be had searched who 'had previoneiy spoken the the ;subject' long and neinfully. for it -when i* *perusal of a practical echeme oi federation, for he otate ef mewl. It se impossible to hepnotize rejeiewl thet adheelon to tne leegne. involved an Idiot; het not lennosuibles to hypootiee a the eeneeptaseee. of 14? 4.911041.0., II it diti. its feehleattonded pereee, awl, there se A nee of meta -diem wcuid probably be rough lent thaa it ieelleeted in that zespeet which peetnteee they new- were, (lietax, hear.) Ile teueted, developmeet to gull to Amite:mu mid meatal moreover, that ehe lenge would. never strength. have a scheme which. eoadel be called the ie ea,„ bo emee the hestremeat or many echeme of the league. ontil that scheme lutd. oriolee. AO the request tat A pbyeitien present en almotit certainly' of: immediate realrgation. 1 suggested to a rung lady whotte 1 bed (Rear, hear') The *abject was of lemmatize hypnetieed OW; the was uttering with 4 414FAXt44C0 1,40, ditlicalty, end there were Imre theeat awl pueumoule, and thcatehe had 401nA Who aoid that ouY aoherne was an ina- e. high. farce and was ill. Iferpelee increeet peeellailiqe For the Negate, therefore, to ed Se "rapidly diet in theepace ot title menet pin ite fel* to one 13articular plan would the physdelau eeld that) the i4Ore444 was at be te retard rather -than 0 eaVenee the ob- the rate of forty beate to the zninote, It is etzet they had in VieWs It/ Wee MO by Tell - My epleitnt that I could here hilted her by tiletien and ditenselote, and after the metter lecreeeing the hearth antilop, eredicleet a play. had love theeoushlv threshed out road one- eiciee would have eignecle eertideete ot doeth sidered, that we etteald, ever arrive at a by pnenonerda or paralysis or the heeete eadteete affording e reageltable Apr:It= ity She was Of a geutle, kludly diseoaltiou, of Miccess. (Hear. beer.) He doubted, end yet, hypenetizeil, would yes:emit mur. too, whether the time load yet coma tor der et the ;winger's, direetlea ev. readily ea the sennomuing el such a ooniereacc AS elle WOUld eet AO Rea. A. paper dagger has beea auggeeted, for men Would, mine to was pieced in her baud and who wax inetruee. it Witil their iniode not made up, with ea, to um a, pereon present, end the Stabbed erelkeMee Crude and undigeetee, end if the him with hut little healtatien, ma OR being coeference Were to pert without any preoth awakened had no remembrence of doing. the cel reault the scheme of Imperial Federation deed. She would have committed anoide would be a great fleet latrther cif retalle Wien with the emote indiffeeeace am she commItted theo at prekeute (tiler, beer.) A fiefli.r.0 the reorder and media ne pie% :against it. for vela a confeeeace mut COMO freln the The etory OM catnese from Franca that suth Ualeules* mid wheo thee doeire was ono e thin was done mad that the operator Wino UntnifeAlte4 be trusted there would be every commended the Waldo is to be banged for with on the pert of thou who bed the men. reader is ail A robAle thin, whether the ageraeelt of colonial effeire lathia omotry to story published le ate Waal= or a fut. meet the duke. Oleo, bur.) He wee, A beadle:are man who could be hypnottzed however, by ;to mune sure thee the scheme would write.* check at the 00404444 Ot 010 would be realized at the outset as a eat gym. operator aril then forget ever booing dome met** eelletilee ePhilea at op" to ell tbe it. Wales, for such a 40b0410., bOWOVOr 0441. T1AO whole phenoetiena of faith ouzo mad Plebe and Wend maw,- Weida he elit ot bhie otetalledChrietien science lie la the domain many with the chereetter and scope of the of this new IlltlUCe. Whatever there le in Britith semetitatiout Ali ti. e developineets thought treneferenee is bares 4.4.4444.444.4.4.44444.4.4444.44.44 and changes whistle that otnietitutleu tt ;endorses:to had bent th, neat of intend Me zappeere plain meough. Patilfie eables. geowth, aud he believed that Imperial Roth M is well known, elevation shove the soa eretiou ii it wee to be realized, wculd coma level Inis & Potent efface in determialoz tem- , peratoge. The Cenedith Northwest is much lower then the Western States, For a dile tattoo of fifty mile* out of the Reeky Moen. Mine -the avarege elevation above the Nee levellof the Malik Peoltle RellWei it eve thousand feet. At we go northward there le * gradnel detcent, =tit when the Ideekenzle River Valley is reached, the altitude I' ouly three hundred ;teat 181. asserted thee this 411 - !crane° of altitude h email to tiairteen da. greet: of latitude. If a clue examinetioa of any good map of America lemade, it will be seen that no greet river enters the P40150 Ocean along the coast of Caliendo. and Oregon, and, as most people know'the mountelas form & lofty barrier to the WATM Wind4# which sweep eastward over the Pseitio. But iota: at -the northern boundary of Oregon, the never come when any one of the Wank° Orderable Elver debthelite and still further 'Would dears to separate from use but if north, A aborb distsocie above the interna - ever there should be a nearly unanimous tiobeideoeindeey, tho Fraser /ewer empuest wish in any one of them to part ounproay, its floods into Queen Cherlotto Sound. we should not be need or foolish enough not Tnn •numerous tributaries of these great to let that separation take piece with good rivers penetrate far into the mounteins, to will. Sepsretion, however, would be& lose, far, indeed, that they interlock with the no less to die Iliother count-ry then to the upper-bran:then of the Saskatobeiven, which oolony—perhaps evade more to the latter gown into Letts vtionlyes, and of the than to us. Tbe union width existhd in- Athgthases, and Peace -Diverse already spoken volved no serious hoyden on the colon. of. . les, it did not hinder their free and Through the passes thee formed, the Pact - natural development, but 'it glee them ..a go winds, the Chinooke, as they are oak& tie with the historic last' It 2°°u° fina their way one 018. he Canadian planes them zubjeots of the eeritish Bmpire, and carry a genial :summer oma ler be - whose gooa name and noble traditious were yond 'the Arctic cirole. as much theirs ass ooze ; and to break them- In addition to. he Pacific windis, thssre is a selves from that continuity, to detach them- constant current of air, vrarmed oath° plains loaves from that historic past. would be to west of the mississini, flowing northward. them a great toes would be likely to dwarf Cenada hes all the dleadvantage resulting their ideas and aspiratione, and to make an the eosa 2turentfrom the Polo -region, L less, great Sean they would •otherwise as passme down over t abrader it drives the be. (Cheere.) lie dedrwl•t° ee° thie bend isotherma lines ier below the latitude of common interest, affection and go..ed-will they *coups* in Euroex. Ite is only a just made stronger, firmer tala more vigOrous compensation, therefore, that the -waem even than it was to.day ; and. it was hetanso currents, Which ascend to supply the ye:mace' he believed that" the ImperlaWraderation at the North, should render the climate of League did nuoih. to stimulate •and rendee tie oteeeefen Northwest:, for a large pert active title community of sentiment, and in- oOthe year, very 01l 18. . - terest and !egad, that he dedared that even An important influence in deterniining if its practical resabs were au small as- its the agricultural capability cdthis north land enemies, predicted they would be, it wieuld -la the length of the summer days. In the yot hove well justified its existence, (Ap- centre og the Peace River country, the long- est surnmer`day iv seventeen hours tvienty. L Neat Bit of Sentiment- 1:114Tuhsee'to) ast was drunk with enthusiasm. eight: minutes long, that 4 from sunrise to Brander -Matthews tale e good story of rapid and vigorous growth. eunset. The prolonged sunlight promotes the ethical influence of tee Bast on the wild Drunkennees in Belgium Belgium still holds. • its own as the moot 11 18 zerecognized fact that all plants are oua woolly • West? A - 311114 33°8twlianz drunk.en country a Europe. Oa an ate.ratee produced their greateet perfection at the reared beneath the brow of Beacon Hill and each- men, , women, and child- consumes northern limit of theezone which they ohar- educated at Harvard, went to Texas and yearly 240 quarts, of beer and thirteen Out:* actenze. Wheel:, oats and barley are 'es. turned cowboy. He rapidly shook off the of spirits. It: may be that 13evarians drink eentially the products of the north temper - outward resemblances of tenderfooted Kest- more beer than. that, and 1150 18118 more ate zone. Henna we would expect to find gian , reoord is ,tiorivalled.' The government ItalTiratudiens twitheierregrtheetttoeosti. piteirofnef nieocnesinsarylalfgohr sombrero as wide as the widest. 42 1b spiriese but taking -both together the Bel- em habit. Rough.beortled, leother-elad, Colts on his hips, he was as wild as the, is at lest aroused te a BOOOO Of the evils' of bheir growth can be found. , - It is therefore • wilde4t. Yet within hie bosom, still bulled the athation, and some restriotive.laws are, not a matter of eurprise that the heat wheat the flame of Boston culverts and refinenzeot. to be put in force. The right to collect by shown at the Centennial Kxhibition in Philp,- . One day he was riding'. veith e. stranger legal process debte incurred in ,:drinliing delphia was grown in the Peace River across the prairie. Tuening big head Bud- houses -has been abolished; it is forbidden .valley.-10has. H. Logan- in 'Youth's denly (he waS elightlyeshesed) he - saw' lab tO 841 CirjPi4. .00 persoes vendee:10 Ovens of Companion." ' companion made a suspicious motion toward age, ,and to ion., any ono itquori until be' is 1 . his revolver and shot him. , The stranger drunk IS thade a crime.' The effect of these .., Tried to Make Him at Florae. his h'ip pocket Without hesitation he drew, dropped like a log. The elowboy dismounted' laws, will be looked for -.with interest. It, ? ",You couldn't give me, a 'Smite of two and looked at the body of his viotini. - Y eati Beereel fail to bo Inc annci. ' ,- ,rooms with a bath -room acljoioinge could "I' wonder if he waa really going to ' "shoot, • -• e. oti l'' asked a outs and -esthetics neo h te peoket. • ., ' , '. ; shirto. All, Material will ihrIniv, some ; " A which r. „ from ougtornere about the *shrieking of their " A suite of rooms." Yes. we have had a good deal cf complaint "A what 11 stoked the dazed Montanian. Montana hYotel gpropri'eter. . -9 Y Turning the body over he discovered a 'How,to•Wash•Flainiel Shirts.. ' , 7of a NI .. , „ „ me !" ha soliloeuized., "I'll see.", . , , fixate of whiskey protruding from the "Poor fellow I" sold he be a tone of re. we.generaliy allow , half an inch for flannel, "Why, it suite of rooMe—e, pehlor and a ganreitn. n o'clen` vte mac, eanad,rna issetnektiee.maIn'veatktihila/ andif 11 he properly eveshed,there Is no tea. bed chatebah. " '. fie wasn't going to shoot me ; he was going son'whY it shoulda rink perceptibly, after How many is there of you ? asked the to invite me toleave a;c1tink. '1/4' Well," 4e, High% that. The. primer way is to settee the gar. dczld deaidlord. ed,drs.WIng ..,hts sloeve 'aerosts his mouth ment in 'hot •soripsuds—never rubbing it-- " No one is with me." and 'put it repeatedly through a wringer. "And you want two full rooms to your- 'theniaat wiafeS of the'deceascd sball be res. 1 -The garetent. should never be wrung with self, and a bath-reorn ,thrown in? Well, if pecced.'".=-WaShington Poet, • ' -the hands and never put in cola water. - you'ain't got the cheek I don't know who has. Here; maw, show this chap up to that little room over, the kitchen that ain't got but fOttr. beds in it. ' He wants to be kkclex. peiy:ate,„ he does. :And he wants winath, 'hie, soyou give him a sasser of soft soap and the towel, efter the rest is done with it, and then show him where the pump,is. Tbie ain'e ex- actly Boston, but when a gent: from the Hub favours me with dora'nybe gets the best we got, he dose. "—lrerake s Magee/se. (TO DE CONTI:KIRI)) If le million dollere have rattily been pledged in San Francium for leying aeon telegraph to Honolulu, it le A good start. Ferhepe its first effect will be to etir Bri. tish Columbia, Australie aud New Zealand to plait &head their own' larger project of the sung kind, Their :table is to go from Vencouver to the Studetich Islands, theme granola/ Wand, thence to %mos, thence to the Fiji", thence to New Zeskand, width aleesady unmated by wire with Mitt:dia. Tbis is nob the shortest route trout the Do- minion, bleb lb is shout the most advauthge, one, It Lode in two neutrel groups, the ilewelime and the Omuta, eithough its other interreediete stations tend the terirainal paid' are British. Bat vial two telegraphs to the Sandwich balms& pey I Witi even one t Thera vise a meaeare to the Fiftieth Cowes, subeid:zing the Amer -loan esolzerae on the ground of its stretegic advantages; bub theta is no likelihood of its being *tie - costa The present Activity in the project is probably due'to the hope of atntioipating the intereolozial plan, and absorbing the business by being first on the ground. ebout a the ume wey—by blow degree!' and iu different forms WO regadad the be divIduel 0004104. Whatever the ehareoter and the destee of the federation of Um future might: be, the subject was eurrounded with dliSoultiee, end it was the duty of the haegue to enooureso disoutionuel to foster interest io the queetion both at home end in the colonlee. Already, in four vets, it hes dorm muck. The day bad gone, he believed for ever, when Um colonies were regarded as an eneumbrence, or even with inetiffeeenee—dhear; hear.)—and ita pureness: had been scoelerated by the station of this Jenne. (freer, hoer.) The league Was keeping alive the idea oi closer union, and it had brought home to the inind of our colonial fellovoeubjects that we do °are for thorn, and that we do desire a closer union, (Rear, bear.) Be trusted the dey might Sharp Teeth. -Yankees aro ingenione, but they have not yet dieeovered everything. Mr. Eden dee. (vibes an amusing trick of the Chineee Um - men in Australian watere, whichit is doubt. ful -whether any Cape Cod akipper would ever have thought of trellis-. Before the net wag dragged. up I had natio- ea several curlew: black switches appearing above the surface. They puzzled .= not a lit- tle until I discovered that they were the toils td "stiogarees." These are large, flat fishea like the skate,with a prodigiouslylong tail atoned near- the base with three long, serrated spikes which they oan raise or de- - press at pleasure. . e The atingarees ere very troublesome irs net, for if you haul slowly enough to give. them time they fastekupon the bottom by suction, and it takes a carthorse to pull them off, ' , The Chinese managed them very cleverly at each times, however, getting hold of the end of the tail and biting it severely. The pain, lauppose, oausee the fish to relax its hold, when. a sudden jerk broke the spell. 44Ass I gold a moment ago, the very point what I do ie the unavoidable result of what , a the matter lies right there. I am rich, e e am at the moment when I cle it ; and you' 'Norbert. and it is easier—it is easier for a know th' Edi whet I am at that •moment ie Wrong Desires. , , camel to vo through the eye of a needle than the unavoidable result of my heredity and The responsibility of any wrong action my environment; in Other words, of nly two Isegius long before the action 'itself is -com. sets of experienest—my prronceptual ex- mitted ; it deals with the source and the perienoes—that is, the experience of my an- growth of motives. It is not enough to say °esters bock to the beginning of Wee and my we should resist the motive which urges no postooneeptual experiences --that iI4, my ex- to do wrong. This is of spurge true ; but it is periences Sinethe 'planting of the seed also true that we should not have permitted "Outh what V demended Height, turning from which I eiteeng- You know that I an the motive to attain such strength. We know he"Such—oh, well, you know, that's utterly nor for my intellectual abilities,. them I am us next month' or next year ; but we can. so 1,200 roubles ($690) fora pair of ',nighties - : n large, surprised eyes 011018 2217 face. noMore Accountable for my moral,cheractet, not what particular temptation may assail A Rutai;n obleman has recently paid Reducing the Surplue. emareaeonable. Thatts nonsense. Bei:muse for the structure of my body or the color of 'order our ',resent life ea to weaken wrong Tom—Hello, Tagg. What's that sign on gales that are said to render delightfully a man ehaness to be rich—beemme ha has my eyeS. You know that this sinner , ie Oeeires, and withdraw the force of evil lona- your front door for, "No Admittance Ex. various national melodien. , . , • —be must be excluded from the Ithigclom of man ia to praise for his good 'deeds ; that the Tagg—There have been so many young ericans that tinge who have not engage London is so crowded , with visiting Am- cept on BusinesS ?" inherited. wealth or legitinmetly acquired it no more to blame for his sins than the good no . , Goat Oht you know an well as I do that's idiot is no more to blame for his infirmity This is the 'time of the year when the su- men calling on my daughters, and their their rooms in hotels beforehand stand a preposterous." than .the philosopher is to enrage for his gar barrel is hardly a mMeh for the straw- vigits have been 80 'fraitterig that I have charce of having to :deep in Trafalgar oPereasonable? . Preposthrotud" Knight genius; that the hunchback is no mere to berry box, • adopted this means to regions the surplus. , tenare, -$ for a rioliman to enter into the kingdom -of Goole' losb patience. 4th come Knight," I pro - lofted, "You don'b EMMA to say that you believe such—such--" I hesitated for a