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The Exeter Advocate, 1889-8-1, Page 5
EVEREST'S COUGH SYRUP CANNOT BE EXCELLED. Wry itand be convinced of lis wonderful curia properties, Price 25 cents, 641 gi The Meat S cceseful Remedy ever 41soor, *red, as It is certain *nits effects and. docs Dot buster, Bead proot belop, KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Owren os Cannes A. Surps:a, Damp= Off CLEVELAND BAY ' tA-N.�D..TRO ..uorruBltan 3lvirarts, wWR ILL., Nov, , 1 b . D1t. B. Z. KENDALL Co.EL Dear Sirs • I have always purchased your Sea- da11's Sppa_vin: Coro by the halt dozen, bottle.`, L would bice prices in larger quantity, I think it is one of the best Utitinenta on earth. I Bare IRpod It cn my stableYount t1' truly, off C1L&S. , SNrnr.a. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. KEIMtLt Cu.xa, 2d. B., November 8, 11458. Dear Sirs ; t ilea ire to give you testimonial of my a got opintonot your Kends 's Spavin Cure. I have used is for Lameness, Stiff Jefute and S avine. and I have found it a aura curs, I Cord- alIv recommend 1t to eithismemelr, Boned truly. b,M-On.PF t1'., MantserTroy f,auAdry titeblex, KENDALL'S SPAYIN CURE, 8,iK? Winos Comm; Onto. Dec. la. tees, .DS. 31. ,y, KrnoS. L CO. (lents; I feel it my duty to ssy what T have done tet Your 1Cendplle 8Pavhz; Vane, 1hava cured wenty-llvo ;torero that b"d Sparine, ten of fug hose, nate amlcted with ktil lived anti yen or Di Jaw. Since 1 have hatumor year oke end Dig the directions, bane never' OSta. easeet any kind. You truly. on uaiDl ior:. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE" Priche $t per nettle, or six nettles fer$6, All3rag•. Gall t tor t gists ave is oro usa.it o you,orltrvikippei,en. ,tore. 3address 1 z*non Ai,Ga, oaburr'gth al)S, vt.te. SOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS. a*,. I__ •a A kle, (TRADE MARK.) Try Everest's Liver Regulator execs of the Liver Kidneys, arc., and Purify- ingis laK of tltFeoz S 1 y ALL DRUGGISTS. Six s for t5' Iifinufacttirod only. by GEO. 31. EVEREST. Omuta; Posts; On., PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Prescription of a physician who has had a life long experience in treatingfemale diseases, Is used Monthly with seperfect success by over 1000 ladle*. Pleasant. sate, effectual. Ladies ask ourdrul:- gist for Pennyroyal Wafers and take no substitute, or inclose post- age for sealed particulars, bold by tttt druggitts,$liser box. Address, EUREKA CHEMICAL L CO., Darnel^ .Iron. Sold in -Exeter by Dr. Lutf, and druggists verrwhere, Jaya.1.8, STOP ND READ ! THERE IS A MACHINE OIL `GALLED IT IS MANUFACTURED SOLELY BY McOLL BROS., TORONTO, O}ITI See that Barrels are branded with the Trade 3Iark, LARDINE If not, clo not take it, as it is only spurious oil they are offering' you so as to make more money out of you. FOR SALE BY Eissett Eros., EXETER. . e This Yea's MYRTLE cuter Plug I,NER THAN N EVER« Seel CURE Sicklfeadacheand relieve nil the troubles last - dont to act-dontto a blltoue ;tete of the system, ouch u ;Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness. Distress after rating. rain !n the Side, t>;c, While their most ralnarkablesuccess Int been shown in curing SICK headache. yet CARTER'S LITTLE Lurie Flue andpreventing tlhisannos ngcomplatnt curing l while they also cornett all disorder" of the st mace, 'amulet. the liver and regulate the bowels. Fran It they only cured HEAD Ache thea would bo almost priceless to those who "utter from this distressingcomplaint: but fortunately their goodness oes not end here, and these who once try them will. And them little pill" valuable in ao manvways that they will not be willing to do without thorn. But after all sick Lead ACHE la the bane of so many lives that hers to vrhere we make -our great boast. Our pale cuts it while others do not. CANTER'S LITTLE Lawn Pitts nrevory small and vary easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action filease alt who use them. In vials at 1G cents; ve for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by maJL CAI= 3IIDIOINS OD., ltaw Tort. hal NI, Small Don. Small irk THE LIGHT RUNNING SEWING MACHINE HAS NO - EQUAL. THE LAIDIES' FAVORITE. 'THE ONLY SEINING MACHINE �. 'THAT GIVES Pill fECTS 'T:1:5'"4111 III NEITHOMESEENG MACHINE C11RANCE,MASS; CHICAGO - 28 UNION SQUARE WI:. Ales, YCL ATLANTA GAS TE%. R'LOUi. Mo. .vOR.s •nH, SANFitANgCcO George Vickers, 1 IN` BRONZE ON Each Plug and Package. THE KEY TO HEALTH. 1 Kirkton. ANY MAN Nervous,Debilitatedin his isWeak who Who Folly and Ignorance has Trifled away his. Vigor of Body, Mind and Manhood, causing exhaust - i drains; upon the Fountains of Lite. Head. ac te, Backache, Dreadful Dreams, Weakness Of MamOry, Bashfulness in Society, Pimples on the Face and All the effects loading to Early Decay, Consumption or Insanity; will find in our specific. No. 23 a postivc Cure. It imparts Youthfu (Vigor restores the Vital Power:in old and youn g., strengthens ;and. invigorates the Brain and Nerve, builds up the Muscular syst- tm and arouses into action the whole physic alesaergyy oi'tlio human frame. Witoury un specific No.23 the most obstinate case can be cured in three months, and recent ones in less than thirty days. Each package eon- tiins.two weeks treatment. Price $2:Cures guaranteed. Our specific No. 24 is an infall- ible Cure for all Private Diseases no matter in un our written of how IOnystand, ,(+,, Sler Old l r Guarantee to effect a Cure. Price $5 Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto, Ont. Nov -29.8 Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys end Liver; carding oft.gradually tit lodt weakening the sys- tem, all the Impurities and foul humors of the secretions; at the sumo time Cor- recting Acidity of the StomacIh, , curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia,. Rea -cinches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scro- fula, Fluttering of the Heart, Ner- vousness, and General Debility. ;all these and many other similar Complaints old to the happy influence of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Sal4 by alt Dealers. T.?I1ILBURN & CO., Proprietors, Toronto. LADIES ONLY. 1 FRENCH REGULATION PILLS. Far superior to Ergot, Tansy, Pennyroyal or Oxide. Endorsed by the thousands of ladies who use them MONTH LY. Never fail, relie- ve main, INSURE REGULARITY, Pleasant and Effectual. Price $2, Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto, Ont. Nov -29-8 The Great Engish Prescription. A successful Medicine used over ao yeasts in thousands of cases. Cures Spermatorrhea Nervous' Weakness, Emissions, .Impotency * and all diseases caused by abuse. [nrsoas] indiscretion, or over-exertion. [Arms] Six packages Guaranteed to Cure when ab others Fail. Aak your Druggist for Tite Great English Preaerlptlen, take no substitute. One package E1. Six $5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address Eureka Chemical Co., Detroit, /Rich. Soldin Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and druggists everywhere. 3an.-1-8 WEAK HIEN `ul W°rli' em. quickly port. them• solve' of Wasting Vitality, Lost Manhood, from youth/n1 errors, oto., quietly at home. Boole on all private diseases sent free (sealed). Perfectly reliable. Over 80 yeara' experience, Address-.. GILDED PXLL CO., TORONTO, Canada. LADIES °tlt:"Itellef for Women" ate and always relloblc ; bettor thio Ergot, Oxide, Toney or Pennyroyal Pao. Insure" regularity. geed for particulars. Address GII.DBD NUJ. CO., TORONTO, Canada. July -26 -'SS. THE PROVIDENT Life and tic Stock As- sociation. INCORPORATED, AU0.1887. Resin Office room D Arcade. TORONTO, ONTARIO. In the. Lifts Department this Also- elation provides indemnity for Sick- ness and Accident, and substantial as. sistallce to the relatives of deemed metnbers at terms available to all., In the Live Stook Department, two- thirds indemnity for loss of live stock. of its members. Send for particulars, claims paid etc. WJLLIAM JONES, Scptne88. MANAGING G DIIIFCTOR. BEARS FORCED enemootbeetforte.boll on ba eat heeds, in au to SO ddym. Marta. Latest and greatest' achievement of modern seIsneei Most won. artful discovery, of the age. 1Ake no other preparation, Magical, sure. almost instantaneous in action Boa with Whiskers! Bald heads "haired r Onions spectacles,' but positive truths. Only genuine artlele in market, and certain to give absolute satisfaction. Guaranteed. Price 11 a bottle, or three bottles for 52. Each bottle lasts one month. Address A. DIXON,' Box 305, TORONTO, CANADA. BE NUTIBIS. MIIIME 61011N111111'S P P SUPERFLUOUS HAIR 'I. Prepsr*ttee lost win permanensi remove euperauour bait 'without iaJiuy. to the'Okla: warranted. Prise $1. PIMPLES AND BLACKNEADS°:mo: au4 from 10 to SO days. Warranted. PrlceforSO dsyl treatment, lL ANTI-CORNJLENCE PILLS ! r na:e peoy1q whore embon• Dint ilia matter of solicitude whether: because it le eneom. ep unfashionable -FAT TOLES u -'+ANTI. CORPULENCE E Cnfahie ,.n� no gar L&NOS innoPILLS" icon It lbs. • month. 1. They 1 noe one no contain no poison, and never tall Price ldr one month's treatment, e2; or three months medicine, •a. Warranted. .OIOpANNANi'8�. COMPLEXION WAFERS AIaSENIOAI.- Bleach the skin, develop the form. Harmless. Permanent in effect. Warranted. Price $1 a box, or six bores for 50. Address L'TADAME QIOVANNANI, o ROA Mug *Street West Toronto, pat. CITY HOTEL LONDON,, ONTARIO. $1. par _da 1 Furniture and Undertaking. —GO TO— MEDICAL. THE CELEBRATED DR. LE CARRON, Or i'Ai 1$, FRANOE, RAS ESTABLISHED A24' AGENCY IN TORONTO FOR THE SALE OF HIS 3SFIiXCINES, WBICII ARI; A POS- ITIY1;:. CUit roil, ALL CHRONIC ANI) PRIVATE DISEASES OF LONG STANDING, ALSO'YGUTHEUL INDISCRETION,EARLY DECAY,, ETC., SHOULD WRITE FOR IN- FORMATION, CORRESPONDENCE CON- PIDENTIAL. ADDRESS ALL - LETTERS TO Tun E. B. CRANE AGENCY, CAMERON PLACE, - - - - TORONTO. Rowe & Andrews' TIED-JtOMI AND PARLOR SUITS SIDEBOARDS AND EXTENSION TABLES, LOUNGE'S S AND EASY CU.AIRS, J. & j. 11c IARTIN, Proprietors. The Grand Union Hotel, Enlarged and improved. 30 rooms elegantly furnished. Tables supplied with all the Delicacies of the season. 3 convenient sample rooms. House heated with hot air. Electric bells throughout. S1 PER DAY. R. L TUFTS, PROPRIETOR. �CHRISTIE'S. f RY STABtF COMMERCIAL) LIVERY First Class RIGS And HORSES. ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK - SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Term= c Rea,mosz.able Telephone Connection. 12 Pounds OF WHITE For $1. aoibs.0 Raw Sugar FOR $1. -AT THE LsotIr North Geo. Store. J. MATHESON, ALESM E WANTED to canvas for the sale of Nursery Stock oN SALARY ANEXPENSES or COMMISSION Steady :employment,. Apply at once, stat- ing age. /Rio to lois 11orr, .1. 8. Neeete 4CO., Rochester, N. X. June 6,-8t. The Longest Walt ei'ooltus Undertaking outside et the Undertak- ers Ring, in all its Branches. Open da and ©p Y a night. STAND. --One door north of Molson's Bank. IAIN-ST. - EXETER, The Subscribers wishes to inform the Fatrnterlralld General Public that 12e le,Peeperetl to furnish all Sizes n d Kind 0 a f .MeV 1VZ mss Well. Digging Promptly Done andat Reasonable Rates. Residence anti Shop on Ann Street, behind Christie's Livery Stable A CAL% SOLICITED. JOHN MOORE. s • Look Here? £;you want Bargains in Land Rollers, Gates, Hay Racks, or Rakes, —call at the— Dolt Taring ractory. Handles of every description 'always on hand. Turning done to order on he shortest notice. Repairing neatly and cheaply done. Circular and band sawing done. A,numher of bee hives on hand. They are the best and handiest bee hive made. A quantity of excellent machine oil for sale. Dry wood taken in exchange. J. D. VASEY BISSETT BROS LIVERYI HOSPITAL REMEDIES. What are they? The growth of Intelli genee in medical matters has given rise to a demand for a class el genuine, reliable medicine, The opportunity of the ignorant quack, lite grew rich curing everything out of A single batty* has pawed, To supply satisfactorily this demand this list of reme- dies has been created They are the falOr• ite prescriptions of the most humus medical practitioner* of the day.. gathered from. the hospitals of London, Pans, herein and Vien- na. Prescriptions Which cost the patients of these specialists from 82.5 to 81O() are here offered prepared and ready for use at the nominal price of vire dollar each. ,blot one of them is a cure all; each one halt only the reaoonable power off curing aeinglo disease, and each one keeps is contract. Sufferers from Catarrh, Diseased Lungs. Bronchitis, Asthma, Consumption, Itheumatisn, Dye. popes, Liver and Kidney Complaints, Fever and Ague. Neuralgia, Female Weakness, Leueorncneaor Nervous Debility,ahould send 'tamp for descriptive catalogue to hospital Remedy Co., 3U3West King St., Toronto, Canada, If your drdgeiet dote notkeep these remedies remitl?rice and we will Rend direct. First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE. A TRIAL SOLICITED. BISSETT BROS. 6 DVORill POWDERS Arc- pleasant to take. Contain their own Purgative. .Ts a sac srwe aotd c ectual dest>?ayerofworras alta ClaildreatorAdults. British Grain Trade, The, Mark Lane Express in its week ly review of the British gruel trade sa;rsr--The tendency of English wheat is in favor of sellers, though business is inactive . The crop is well, meowed and new deliveries in fair milling char acter are expected early in September. Last year there were few deliveries be- fore Michaelmas. The sales of English wheat for the past week were low 40,- 746 ,7446 quarters at 303 per quarter,aga.inst 23,209 quarters at 32s ed. for the comes ponding year. Foreign wheat is firm, with tan advance at Liverpool of Sd,allci at Londou of Gd; Russian, California and American red winter aro most in request. Barley, oats and Corn are firnl and round; corn is 6d dearer. At to- day market. .English and foreign wheats wore active, but prices were maintain- ed. Flour was 6 pence higher. Oats were slow. Rice was 11 Slliilang hi ;her. Linseed advanced 6d. LIl g PATHER LIKE Sala- -itI say, ,old fellow, what .is ,your politics:" stid ono friend, quizzing another. "Conserva- tive, my father was a, Censer w ,Ittt ,'" h eplied. "And what iS )'0111' rehltIQW?" eousid,ered, "Prtestestennerel my Lather was at PrOStefita2it," was the atnswer. and why are you a batcht,k8;r"t,aid the other ABeeaese my father was at—oh, confoui d It I don't bother lite with your stupid duesttQn$." AN OLD FAVORITE' That leas been popular with. the ,pee- pie for thirty year Is Dr- ?*ole iers Ea;- tract of Wiid Strawberry for all verities of summer complaints of children or adults. It seldom or ever fails to erre cllolerr morbus, diarrhoea and dysent- ery- -The wonder of to -day is Loeeloll, Electric Soap. There are 28,729 thieves over f6 years of age in Eugland, This Is to certify that I believe Ever- est Cough Syrup saved my lige..----"hos 'etlrshall, Forest P:O. There will be a. Tesler exbibide n next winter in London, Eng. ---Washerwoman's friend is London Electric Soap, At the last ceii us Paris ealit.onrted 98,O80 Horses and 38 mules. 1•: crest Cough yrilp sial Lit•t•1'lll�g uliltor ,gives' univer,,e al Jitisfactiolt iu this vin iility.-•-I:. White Creditors:. Sir Thomas D,1k,in, es. -lord mayor of Landoll, was buried in a p leer cutiin. ON THE INCREASE. So ineresingly prevalent have Ser(lftl loos tiiseeteeS 1)d+CO1fe th'it w0 call til" kittent'On of our 1'*aldere t'(1 the best blood purifier and active Innen, D.E. B. whieh ell clogged seeret;itioas :ante rt1- moves all blood, diseesee from. a. com- mon pimple to the worst scrolulouri SOM. A sixty=ane point(.' salmon hits been. fished out of ".peverit by al Mr. Fennell, ADVICE TO MCTUEUS« Are you disturbed atnightsut4 broken of sent rest by u r(ck ddld atincriug antieryli'gwirh paha ttf Cutting' teeth"? If an. send at Mite and get *nettle of E1t8,WL7AtOli'1 $S14rat3:M%lsum rein Citir.lirtr:?t Tairritato. Ite value is inoaticuL abet,Ail sxllltelitvotbepuoritttlesudererttntne• dlat(3'e. Repent! t2It01111. nu,Uiw..thet� 1Arto mistili;o about.11. It cu1.0 blas. ntcrg and aiislk Oahe. regutatea the stomach and bowel* cerea. windoollc eotteirsthearuttra,reluce"3,, noir, and irlve" tame ante etieriflttotiitssxtl.l(a t1a "stem. Afad. WI llIo SSOOTutattlSrit k't1,R I1IL1Jltt^��i'TIKTatli(g1;plt,uo&nt10 tltaate.auU fa Ilse ps.;scrlpllon ofone ottireloidcetitntifeast fatnalta tiursea and plltyaitrlana to 'tern Milted »Melena, rind fa'for sato by alt drrlgalsla tllzwui,br nt too world. PrIa. S cent" a battle. —None but first•eless groins sells London Electric. Soap. Wit and Honor. A nESPoxSrlLE NEc*RO,—A short time since, in one of the most splendid of the New York hotels, a pompons nen not wishing to take his meals at the table d'hoto,had them served in his own room. Being somewhat annoyed with the airs of the negro servant who wait ed upon him, he desired him, one day at dinner, to retire. The negro bowed. and took his stand directly behind. the gentlemen' s chair.' Supposing hila to be gone, it was with some surprise that a few minutes after, the gentleman saw him step forward to remove the soup. "Fellow," said he, "leave the room, 1 wish to be alone."—'"Scuse nee, sare," said Cugeee, drawing himself up stiffly, "but I am responsible for de silver- ware." HELP WANTED. By all who suffer from dyspepsia, bill iousness, sick headache, jaundice, liver complaint, rheumatism, dropsy, etc. Lose no time in procuring B. B. B., nat ure's regulator and tonic. It is a prompt and permanent cure for all diseases of the blood, liver, kidneys, bowels and stomach. —4 bars of London Electric Soap for 25c. A TALE OF A TUB.—"Mrs. Grimes, lend me your tub." "Can't do it—the hoops are off -its full of :suds -beside I never had one -I washes in a barrel,and wants to use the tub myself -besides I've lent it to a neighbor, who hasn't returned it." I know from Experience that Ever est Coug Syrup is first class. Geo. Brock Forest P. 0. —Ask your grocer for London Elect- ric Soap. They make one feel at though life is worth liyin, . Take one of Carter's Lit- tle Liver Pills after eating; it will re- lieve dyspepsia, and digestion, give tone and vigor to the system. British people drink annually five pounds of teapee head per annum. The French average is only half an arms t. To get relief from hidi;.istion, onsuess, constiption or torpid liver with out disturbing the goatee!). or purging the bowels, frolics a few i1)sil„s of Carters Little Liver Pills, they will please you. A succession of unusually frequent and heavy thunder storms in Paris has led people to blame the Eifel tower as the cause. --Insist on your grocer giving' you London. Electric Soap, it is the best. A BABY IN DANGER, My baby was taken very bad with diarrhoea, nothing did any good until I ericd Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry,Iand certain nothing equals it, and could not do without it in time of summer complaint and diarh(ea. Mrs. A- L. Buie. Shell river, Man. The latest eccentricity in the evening costume of the jelimessc doree in Lon. don appears to be the wearing of a white tie with a thin edging of scarlet. EXCELS ALL OTIIERI2. I used one bottle of B. B. B. for con- stipation and loss of appetite .and it cur ed me. I would not be without it at six times the price, for it excels all others. Wm. W itlton, Galt, Ont. Four hundred and forty-two men have gone in for honors at Oxford, against 446 Iast year. New college sends forty-seven candidates and Ba- liol thirty-four. —Don't forget to try London Electric Soap once and you will use no other kind, It has been found that a nickel bul- let will go through a man, where one without will stop short, and England will hereafter nickel phtte all her bnl- tets. —Just think washing day made shorter by using London Electric Soap. There is a giant rose tree in Roostoen Holland which has held 6,000 roses at the same time. The owner, Mine. Reg - nen, considers it one of the great won der of the world. —Strashing made easy and homes made happy by using London EIectric Soap. The Parisians, it is said, are shortly to have the opera and drama laid' on to their houses, like gas and water,by;the theatrophone. The cables, it is stated, will puss through the Parisians- sew- ers. —London Electric Soap is only made by D. Richards, Woodstock, Trade Mark Registered. A Frenchman tried his flying mach- ine, in the suburbs of Paris the other day. He flew off a bare, and it will be several months before his broken leg will allow him to canter around as blit- hely as' before. MYSTIC WORDS. 1 I can recommend Dr. Fowler's Ex- tract of Wild Strrwberry for chronic', diaoea, asI have used it for two, years get and can nothing else.that het 's m e like it. Jane 'reeler, Mystic, P. 0. This y mecicine'cures all summer complaints.. A PllasiCIAN ANSWERED.—A physic ian passing by a gravestone -cutter's shop, called out: "Good *morning, neighbor; hard at work I see. You finish your gravestone as far as 'in memory of' and then wait, I suppose,to ee who wants a monument next." "Why, y, � s replied the old joker, e 7 p. "unless somebody's sick, and you are doctoring 'em, then I keep: right on. That tired, lan„atrd feeling and dull headache is very disagreeable, "Take two of Carter's Little Liver Pills before retiring, and you will find relief' The never to do good. The aggregate regate trade of the Domin- ion1 b for the twelve months ending June 30th, exclusive of the Province of British Columbia, shows an increase of $6,000,000, this increase beide' derived chiefly from imports. —London Electric Soap will not in jure thehands or clothes and do more -yore: for the money, try :it.