HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-8-1, Page 4POWDER Absolutely Pure* pie of publiw - weighing of farm produce, J with a uniform method of market .days in each week for cash transactions, instead of truek in store goods, for butter, eggs and all far,n, productions is much needed, so as to make public competition with equal rights at all produce,buying stations and market places. Therefore, this institute respectfully urge the municipal councils r,f Shelburne and Dundalk to arrange so that farmers with their wives and ddaugbters and the public shall have the use of market halt aecornmodatien .during ,the ferenooxw of one 1 ter more days of each week to make cash hales and purchases as herein indicated and Published, That all municipal cauaacils hag' act ;acserdi11g14 Front, the above it will be seen that they want to do business on n cash. haSIS. There is something novel in • oris. Farmers generally rant to do bnsia les^ on a prolonged erei• dt basis, ALLAN LINE. . ROYAL, MAIL. STEAMSHIPS LIVERPOOL .AND QUEBEC SERVICE. Fawn LIVERPOOL, STEAMER '" 25 April 16- , . , . , *CIROASSIAN.,, Thursdlaiy , PARISIAN.: , . , lf."y 2 i POLYNESIAN: .., FridThuraysd, ay, 16 10 . TCATRHAGENSARDINIAIAIQ N.. Friday, '"24 l*CIRC,ASSIAN Thursda , "" $0 PARISIAN June 6 ...... POLYNESIAN. Friday, " 14 r,TCARTHAGENI.A.N and retail Piei',hants throughout the Thrlrsday, " 20 '! SARDINIAN, Thursday, cortntry have been for years endeavor t Friday, °" 28 CIRC t SSI &N _... Friday, tog to educate theta th' 'd Thuisday, July PARISIAN Tliulsday, Ftwlui QUEBEC.. Friday Nay 20 Thursday* c" 16 za. Thursday, June 6 Friday,. Thursday, a. to ,. is idea. This powder never varies. A marvel oti Eastern Ontario they are .sotueila 1, Fri h thny "" 0. purity, strength and wholesomeness Idore economical /ham the ordivary kinds, and,!. more successful. In. many localitie9 Thursday, cannot lbs 60,1.1 hue con,petiiton with the d multitude of low test, short weight aleaun der they get easit for their butter and eggs ul Friday, Phosphate powders. Solei nniv tis cans « . Thursdla\', ituNbl,Bd*,IN a rownelt. Co•,iel (watt st. ti.it' 'rutin \o1'thern and lila extern Qatario' ". 1110$1/ Of OW biisine$S isdone hi trade i'. While 'one of the 'merchants may o . ��T tursk.la j, , 29 . SARIIN-IAN. . " " 19 Z,it to the farmers exchanging their Friday, September t4`011CASSIAN ,.,, FritlaY,, 27 „ produce for cash, the majority will Thurcydasy, "'12, , l PARISIAN.- , , , . , T'eursday, October $ agcy with sus that it will pay them ' i "" "" 19 . , . , , , l P( LY'NFSIA.13 , .. "` "" 10 ' better in the end. In butter for install RATES OF PASSAGE BY' MAIL STS . + S, Cabin 4:ik .rc�raapb, , , atetairil Tickets, cabin, IIIA. $014 We, fi•aondcalbila, sse THE 'i ' , ' A DERS."Editor, Th ur°1 flay, August tat, 1 ," 14, 20 u 27 July 1p n1 " 19 25 POLYNESIAN , , , A6. August, 1 CARTHAGENIAN " 25 ` SARDINIAN.... Thursday, ug ust 2, .. , , '.#CIRCASSIAN . , - Friday, 8, ,,-: PARtISIAN',,.,,,, `litumsday, to 1a POL'U ESIAN, 4 September 5 " 23 ."iCA1tTHAG1 NIAN! "" 15 a 23 u 29 c9" i p ' ' y antsy cd., the 1cat,.st difficulty SQl nit'1'e11aa11ts 11.11'6 to meet with is ill C'"bin, ti a►, S-0 anti s), ye -copilot: a,n„ to xaccammadation. ServasRts incabii, ;SeFon # �t �ti $t3iNs S N u ;g'raci'ng it, A,s we all':now, the 1114- .piv t"ir'ea,salan or other extra Steamers, Cabin, ;r0,, r+o,anil i7e, sccordiu to sceomada• Fit. h platy Of us have to pay the sum Itrice'it"eQ,n,t er igr�$ bin, 1$144. 'steerage, 440,. I eturat 'kets, e,$tto,ene . Second cabin, 1 statement, ill detailed „r fol' all e.ades of butter 1t'we do 'Hilt t'llie cAIVATAI ENIAN will 'not carry passengers fve t135a vi4e. Them will be po. \1'C at once get hallo trouble with the Steamer earryiag pvassen;,ere froRa Qnebec 21 s. - 3uty 5th' A[tgu t th, Septembes7t3t11. loess of the Past•O1lice l s Task: from the date of its open r farmer's wife who brings .in butter so Y a that it is net u'trrtlt'w1tl1.tl1 two to JOHN SPAOKM N ilrg tlolri°Ii tdy the doe of the fiscal year i published, 00 the 50th Jung*, 156 , four cents per pound. at the prevailin the. only authorized amt; feel` the end of the first complete fiscal yen, price for choice butter. -Canadian he )tads` was open for business, the j arud r, total taloillt to Qlecredit d j i turd ; watu 8866$14.26. .C, Ten years later, ;10th n IT IS \OM quite evident that 51r. k1. Ju,ne,1 +i'9, the amount had rk-etehcd tdl Hippo, the popular Reeve 4 nay, will $3,105,1,9a$0; and on the F,0;h June i be the Conservative standard bearer at last, at the close of the iisezil year lgtTA." the next local election, for this riding: t'9, it was $23,011,42 2,57. The Rule: The; (+oleo could not have fell on a and Ruin party never cease telling us better Hutu, as Mr. Happel le widely that the Government's fiscal policy has known throughout the ridings, and he impoverished the people; and yet we would prove to be tt very strong condi- find that at the present time there date, He, is a veer 11bcral alluded stands to their credit in thio etving.s man, and will iwike one of the best institution n *um of nearly twenty l^r`presentaitives that could possibly be million dollars Imre than 'w•ns found sent from South Duron, We hope that there the lust fiscal year the Liberal when the time arrives that be will party Wes in lower. Autl a proportion- consent, and should he do so, we are ate increase of savings is reported from confident he will be triumphantly re - other institutions which are open to .re- i turned. ceive deposits at interest, rc fact 'which speak volumes for the general and sub- HEATHS. aatxntina'I prosperity of the great ems of Irk :A -In Exeter, on. 28th inat.,Mahala the people of Canada. This number of veal, beloved wife of Jahn veal 'branches ofthe host-ofiieeSavingsBank aged 4,5 years and five days. open in 1869 was 213; iii 1879 it was 297, and at the close of 1».-89 it was, 11ARH1iED, 463. The average ainoilirt of the de- ZIENr•.RTO\,--BOTIIAcltr:R,--At St, posits made last year was; 4i$17.07, The rr John's church, Detroit, on'1Vedues largest amount deposited in any year day July 17111, by Rev, 'W. Hans, wa,Sin 1877, when it xeached$8,270,011 Thos. Henderson M. D., (formerly Last year the amount deposited was ' of Hay) to Miss Rosa Rothacher, 7,926,6'14, In 1878-79, the .'Oast year eldest daughter of Jacob Rothnehcr the Liberals were in power, the amount Lam" deposited was only 81,973,243. The number of accounts open in 1869 was 7,212; in 1879 it was 27,445; and in 18- 89 it was 113,123. The amount of interest allowed to depositors in 1809 was $21,094.72; in 1879, 8110,912.56; i and in 1889, $341,92L79. The aver- age amount standing to the credit of the depositors in 1809 was $118.80; in 1879, 8113.14; and in 1889, 8203.41. The total expenses of management last year, including salaries, compensation to postmasters, inspection, printing, stationery, etc, was 851,954.46. The average cost of each transaction to the Department in the year 1869 was $3.23 4-10-,1879 it was 80.24 5-10; and in 18- 89,80,20 7-10. The percentage of cost of management to balance due deposit- ors in 1869 was $0.67; in 1879, $0.51, and in 1889, $0.22. The only losses sustained. between the opening of the bank in 1865 to the close of the fiscal year 1888-89 were $6,156.67, in 1878; 8391 in 1882; 8341.49 in 1886; and $150 in 1887, the latter two items being the result of burglaries at country post - offices. This branch of the Post -Office is certainly ably, efficiently and econ- omically conducted. The statement thus cursorily examined is one upon which the Department is to be Congrat- ulated. CASH FOR PRODUCE. 'rhe fanners of the township of Mel- ancthon met last week and formed a, Farmers' and Ateclianics' Institute As- sociation. Otte of the principal subjects discussed at the meeting was the pub- lic weighing of farm produce and market days. In this respect the farm. ers of M2elancthon have taken a step which retailers throughout the country should encourage other fanners to fol- low, ; To use, the words of tits associat- ion, they decided ff That this"inst'tate believes that ;justice exalts s nc..tion, anti that the British princi-, JIIRTI[S. FA1IN'Ett-In. Stephen, ou the 28th nit, the wife of Geo. Fahner, of a daughter. HICKS -In i'sborne, on the SOth alt., the wife of Samuel Hicks, of a son. Yeats -n -In Usborne, on the 31st ult... the wife of Mr. John Frayne, of a son. Hanvnv-In Ucborne, on the 25th alt., the wife of Thos. Harvey, of a daughter.. LEAT1ORN-In Exeter, on the 31st ult. the wife of John Leathorn, of a daughter. $istorij of Dllils Oo11llIijia From the earliest period to the present time. BY HUBERT HOWF.Y BANCROFT Now ready, complete in one volume, with sectional maps, plane and index. A hook full of startling taeidente an 1 thrilling romance. A matchless work by an author of great repute, and is also the only history of this section extant. AGENTS WANTED area covered by this volume is rapidly filling up with intelligent and enterprising settlers. who are making here their homes. they all want to know the history of the country as well as their friends, and those who have business connections with them who do not go there. Here is a country as large as the *United States. and this volume m ust ever constitute the foundation of its history. From $5 to $20 a day can be made by agents. Everyone of the Hundreds of thousands of people interested in this country, and in :the history of the world, one part with another, will buy this Took, It is wholly un biased, and, thoughfull of startling detail. it is thoroughly sound, practical and philosophical. Good earnest workers desiring territory should apply immediately, and fa order to secure it in - staidly Scald $1.25, for a complete eanI!a.simg outfit, and nem choice 'o territory, Extra liberal terms giiaranteed. No experience or capital required, c"V the boot" will sell itself it properly presented, and we give our agents thirty cloys' time iri which to deliver and collect. Address, The History Co., '723 Market St.. Pan Francisco; Cal.. Jy-6a St. Sale Register. In Mensal'', on the 3rd inst., baker's supplies; sale to commence at two. o'clock, R. E. Slack, prop., Ed. Bossen- berry, auctioneer. r, On Look before you Leap. AND BEFORE YOU BUY. YOUR Building ar . ► , Bing Twine, Harvest Tool , OR ANYTHING IN STOVES or TINW Call and s� BISSETT BROS' large stock and get prices. T U R N t. P and otherapid seeds a specialty. Cash liaid'for Eggs, Hides, Skins, and other farm produce, BISSETT BROS. QUALITY IS THE TRU TESY OF GE3LApNESS. J. H. NORTHCOTT - 0,--I .NOW.OFFERING-o- BREAD, ti CAKES Etc., OF TI $=ST . C17,723.1.1=1"7". 40.1211..1K. Of Every Description Made to Order. J. -H. Northcott; ONE DOOR NORTH OF FANSON'S BLOCK. Main -street - - Exeter. THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR OJT - i - T 1 1 K:--- frorn which this paper is prisate was supplied by the TORONTO TYPE FUMY Dealers in Type, Presses, and. Printers' Supplies_ JOHNSTO 80 & 82 Wellington St.' west TORONTO, ONT. ATTENTION 1 Eyes tont, QtrIOE MARC I TQ - W. $:Q(JTHf OTT'S Qlotili,n;g• and Gents, EVEITISZINCI STORE. EXETER, - - ONTARIO. -(0)- Some of the finest goods that can be secured, are arriving every day. GENTS' FURNISHIl\GS. IN THE LATEST STPRICESALE AT RIGHT . A CAL11 SOLICITED. E SOUTRCOTT, Corner Main and John Street,. EXETER, ONTAO, MARKET SQUARE GENERAL STORE The undersigned would inform the Public that he has just received his �jj� ,, � 1w St1 R TOCK INCLUDING A FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS, HATS AND OAPS, AND CROCK - 'ER, BOOTS AND SUM. Those wishinganything in my line mill find it to their advantage to mail'. and iuspect my 'T0 a goods All4e s. rt P Best Roller Flour always on 'Bluth. Highest Price paid for Butter and Eggs, and all 'rind of Produce, J. P. ROSS. (113-22-'88) J. L iMALLACOMD, JII&c!iaiit Tailor. Up stairs, over H. Spackman's Hardware Store. Re has in stock some of the finest summer goods to be found on the market. A CALL SOLICITED. J. G. SMALLACOMBE. London Huron & Bruce Railway GOING NORTH-TnIE TABLE-Pass'nr. London, depart.... 8.05 A. M..4.25 r. X. Liman Crossing...8.47 5.20 Clandeboye .8.52 5.28 Centralia. , - - 9 05 5.45 EXETER.... .... .9.16 ..... 5.57 Hensall .... 928 6.09 9.34 Brucelield , , .... 9.42 6.26 Clinton ..:. 10.00...:. - . 6.45 Londesboro' .10.19 7.03 Blyth .10.28 7.12 Belgrave ........10.42 7.27 1Vingham .11.00 7.45 GOING SOUTil Passenger. Wingham ....... 7.05 A.M3.40 P.M. Belga i ve .. .. 7.24 4.00 . Blyth.. ,, .. ..... 7.88 4.15 Londesboro' 7.47 4.25 Clinton . , . 8.07..... 4.45 $rucefield 8.26 5.04 Kippen , .. , 8.34 '5.12 Hensall.. 8.41 5.19 EXETER :........ 8.56 5.33 Centralia ..... - . , 9.07 5.45 Clandeboye 9:18 - 5.56 Lucan Crossing . 9.24. 6.02 London, arrive ...10,15 6.45 FOR SALE_ Farmers, Gardeners and Florists, A fair sized brick cottage containing dining -room, sitting -room. :9 bedrooms, en- trance hall, with two good cellars under- neath, large kitchen 14x90 feet, with wood- shed attached, two large greenhouses, small stable, good well of water; with 1% acres of land, all well fenced and in fair condition. This property is within five minutes' walk. of the Exeter post office. The land will be sold on easy terms. Apply to A. ALLEN, xeter, , Dxete ,(int. April it, 6 m. 6 rpo THE DEAF. -A person' cured of .Doaf- . m iSs and noises in the Bead of ZA,' years' standing, by a simple remedy, will send a description of it FrtEE' to any person who ap- plies to Nicrtor,so>r, 80`81. John St. Montreal ti-tt-is$.-ly. For Sale or. to Rent. The subscriber offers for Sale or to Rent, that desireable residence on Huron street, consistingof a frame house, with 6 rooms. therein, a'good well of water, about, two acres of land being lot 98.' Possession im-. mediately. ~Perms reasonable. Apply to EDWARD GILL, or at this office Apt -set , CLOTHING A. J. SHELL, 1/Zeoi 1. St- EDETER - ONTARIO, Has now in stock SPE 9NVMfl C -C 0=S, IN TEE FOLLOWING LINES ; West of England Suitings and Trous erings, Seotch Tweed Snitings and Trouser ings, French and English Worsted. Cloths All made up in the Latest style, at Vest Rates. A. T. SNELL. L. H. Dickson's Listo�Rea� tt Io i11. l.otto.2>, in the istconcessionotownship ton shipoflii4bert,eontiiining too acres. Thi$ fare, will be sold cheap, and on eauy terms Tho farm is situated miday betweenbeaforth and Dublin, on the Huron Caravel Road. Chnreh and School within looyards of farm, Soil the best in the county. A number of Exeter village proporttes for sale un tho bet of ternis,iucluding some of ttt most desirable residences in town, Some property in the villaa es of Centralia.. and: k atriubar, whish ean be,l,out ht cheap?, To Boarding Rouse keepers -On cout1it than of Verity's Foniitirbitacakpaated itiawA *OM IS to 20 *atditionitl hande are to be ern- ploycd, A Iiou>e to lot at a small rent eau. able of aeeornoda ting S to to boarders. Abo,,1 Ave minutes walk from tlic:foundry. 1'or further particulars apply to dlarch7th.lss9. f,A}Il{CKSU�7oter, S. GIDLEY. Tt Ji: LEADING Uniciertaker AND furniture Dealer OF THE ... , TOWN . I have an immense Stock of - Furniture and Undertaking ,Goods now on hand, which I will sell at right prices. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. S. GIDLEY. IF YOU WANT A Clean ani Ess 5hi Y ` OI{ Neat Hair Cut,CALLATTHE Central . Barber ' Shop, Fanson's Block, Exeter A. Hastings, PROPRi +`T.OR Exolor POto Sivalo. Why is it that in ot1er towns and surrounding' country they speak so highly of the photo-. graphs that are taken in Exeter. r And hova is it that there are so malty photos sent into the different cities of Ontario from; EXETER PHOTO G-ALLERY Because Senior's work is as good if not better than any of,` the leacli.iag ; galleries in the cities ancl thein prices are 84 and $5 per doz., while they get them at Senior's for 83:00.