HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-8-1, Page 1__7 A VOL. 111. TTR S EXETE R, ONTARIO, PAY) AUGUST I Is8g* The Molsons Sank. PAY rent ground� 740TV4 �y W. 0. the 901404, together with a bout, 15, Everybody in , this neigh (Chartered BL%Wtk n4ed by T� R Wliuc, that tons of Ray, -wag.oll, f an ning borhood are I am told that they make. bett 111011till of rift h, be n - pecitfon otiAer Implement-. mill, and confident, that should Mr. Uappeil the, ebeese in the north tl�114,7404" do herbi paid U I from MeIlOar Qf and a , I 3�est 1�apital_._ %>,,000,000. Insurance On the popular Reeve -of Hay, Co. utest the elect is that so? .4 gW large bqJ141p, lid- number of ratepayews QU tile mtents, M. !on for the Ontario 11QW100Q1 , N"tice'a x4ing for the, Tboft)�neseonld be r�eou quito plain ridiuc, that be wMUgi.31atUrQ In the Yes; the�r Make better eko'fto tkorw W044 affloo Xontrool. r , rOM C' CaMy everything heretofore exigtijig betwoext the unoev ,IUtQu in small quantities,, but on *Owholo I as F*X And Liiniliarifterchan . t's-doin and eggs Ill sople p,"U Mr� MPpel '$ 000' Of thO thinlk F. W0LVF4R$TA ' *1 before hint. N THOMAS, F4q., uess1nshtp%AkTow tonit 1 . I ve in the mmqrawford d daughter, of God. strongest men In the, rljlpg we make tilerregood**vose thalk nshipof Stepbe,& villagc� wwo'rca4l. and of lfuron, under the firni Xoi'04 byi W. 4G. eri�h, 4re an %ndvAm. o wit*- tin 9 friends Ill town. a they do, er and Zwiker, w thew Bissat that the. prayex of the petit"on Ile who as disolved, on .1 man of sterling ability and 9 1 by mutuAl co &ve'00 of our townspeople aro cakV o How do you account for., VAN? 0 ceS i the X?omInJ _, be granto&-Wot seconded. No an Ile T lie, is an old tried 01), 0 � oiled gpon,gs h �A . _-iiker retiring IVOYA s by 9 their bolidays jilst UqW, servant, ,. hristlan Z orp Intont. U. and Bu an bnsiness.,Ai'llich, Will be calif by J. Piekard, Mr. W. d" nt* T. IL NVell, it is said they Imyo better wnt� oudod Ill el"jud ecolerulghts them- which is Samuel and Jolln'Switger. ho, 4TO s that no, action ill tW mat 0r.- edall Iiiihilities 44 MA bft� U1 Cooper, contractor has ect . greU consideration, !it cheesek maL, AtA UdillgFA of tli,4 la I oarried, Moved by T. x X404114m, Zeturiled home front the NOrtlJ'VYe$t, Open. ovory lAwful aAY tram w i� ln,tlia p, T)atd�tt . he - To, of Sterbon Ibis that the grant to ft ffadtbbr Ing. wpCcts for crops been ou. r. m. I$th(&Youky� . �l Clarke be,'dts(vn- I AM front the lietghborhood of Exec. christiAn Zwlk tinued, the coustabIla IM14tig" reported� roLmIgNi, hf,- vollid hare stayed until Arr.August Hillaud wife, spent Sun, I er, what do you think of that locality k I ,or faW I for -it) banking business trausacted Wituese, Signed 4 dt that he (Clarke) judulged in spWituous. day in Zurich. elleese mg& 'Caut' per xwnum allowed for Hemy Eilber r liquor. -Not seconded. r tone Is 90ttin readyl 3liSsElizabeth has returned better in the Province o No There Is u , -889, to autho ladTxens! for Ills GOderieltlactory by Ina;onflet, London. front and I am surprised that there U no, uring org-an frames in wood 'Tr.'i Eilber And sister �,pent Sit.-afty to borrow t -Of this, te-yeas 1�iactoryiu the immeftate vicinity of, ;=0A redl i 3� Two Farms for Salo in jhq township ofV corporatiou to jumt eurrcu i U1111s. t Qxpe)IR4 near tile pl,11111 was duly real ! 18 thii tile Exeter, Jan .8, 'ft. conutv I and Imssed, 4, t A (An �atGraudllend. the thrly is oxfooete in- I'Ma"o at* rxeter. commising lots 't. 9-11116 Of base- Ur. Chrls'2wilcor Is sVildlit; hfs h. oil lar, -01; faetory in Outar!0- 3i�Tcou,,Rid lot's 18 418, U 0. J. Picka I)t ved. here between th are other and ba f of 10, .9 , Van, 4, days In Detroit. There. �s. ill tile neighborhood, THE OKS014townsbir. 10tiscoutniusl nor Moved by T. It, NeCallni4, seconded by 11meter =4,�Vjin touten Ms. W. G, Bigoett, that witl4a,comfortable brivk dwelling *,% ( I Ur, Reedees brother, of neiv U-.4mA Of R`Oodstock as Iargo but none larger. JL— th% Ciluncil AdPurll A I umor wIls 011fraTit ill tOU'll, that burg, is at present ll�lying him a, visit. � It would bD Ive)) $11 vielr of theabove until Wednes*ay Avaust; 744 ot a IVAS Miss 1 StOteinento for some of our- hi fe"y N411 h6 �Old "Pgz;�WY PT 0 log. 040c); p� m-­­­00rf;Q;t of St. jjar�.S, lahed everv, Thursil VMS no truth present tile guest Of Miss Bedford. and welklthA S ON, N-vo t 0 r, 0 n t. rd. F"wRAW, 0. lavu. rto W eltizens to tali -4 tfie matter Into V.Zlderatfoa. Cheese. w-,1kIng is "Mr baseb.111 Flax gulling 18 110;r the order of The fast growing to be ono of the g�eat aln lcnoeL�ed the Golle the ril- DOWN 00 te' oraugswotell Aolsbayslnutbstwwkj)y a-Roro of moneywakl�g industries of 0141710, 126 to 14 vith one iftning's to spare. Prftddal voutrol: ot tho THE T of orgaoJ4�ng, An Mr. John Lewis and daugilteri, Effie ilud a GUIPTIMN. There is sonto talk A English alarket should be a atfululus wo bo, Craig. mad from, to usto moro f aliv develop what Is at Dollar #r aull'am if p%(d In Advaucg� Ai 01,00 if ttotsa FS , id. 'U, this could 4 done $Uo. Present 149,P -Ing -4, little for the want of hav��* ;a *4VVVf--�- zz in ord"1111401, M41cQroorAlor9tw fallpurohax., 011 Saturday List -a horse belonging enterprise. It would be no Itarni for oh Aroilow AM lug, We, of- And Broi*ensbire T, t��,Isa qm� V Viss Sadle Rosser Is visiting friend$ to Sims 'thOsebetter posted than for reducell �1�rtqq* 14 TW i�ndoaxad Iffiddlogox men .11M at London. away,,' - , the writer, to 41111148g.09 the cart slight� gIVA this sUl*0 vootilation, well satisfIed with the trvatment, aer, cartatchael"Of Ixtrolt, is On all 4knearage* Mumma =reas (2Fooq4,, yeee tu gutst of e\-'.N1aVOr Stewart. Of Zurich, played a bage-hall matell with r.*i4,, Adverti"erliout* without Ivvd at tho hands of the Nxtbir X &Q, br0hreAQU 010 M_ X SatUrdAY 14.4 the,"Corn $talk$," ollikv9od kmrding 8*. Z11*r* QUUt1fta40 Also tAlglip.0 of ftlnraer Milliner'r at j�'#U *Stor U Volutyre, of Glencoe, was tj %e,,,JfA to m9ulted fit a t for XV. lioury, at Torouto, W. X ri %. 'Every deseripti4x& of JOB TUtill- Craigion Ion =,T Z, ­ 4% -victory Jor the home. tea1% $core ri M., IN turned On' I the flne4t stylli. SUIDARSI orl^0�1�1 140 IU, Intabloon in U* JA'a be""d 4 (40tity of SO �ty for solno 44)-^ RINIo Mr- 81130deton Rey. of Toronto, was to 11. gar OIL han 901111 Xr. Jeakins, of GWorich Townsh oro c4or ertfsbog, V*iZiptioust oto. to which WI% Ing Uls friends here 4ast week. Mr. Powar4 of the Imperial 01rculat. �1 In .0 '74 0 to SMed fiefore thy Reavy V Reum Zillion & UP* rlgpo raau%l_' llis a, cow whose appetites"nis k(tLde- vilucowhir"Ve are 0 ffering *�t less Olanr". f, 'Miss McArthur, of Undoill, is the Ing Library, Of'r0rontohasestahlished chlre thera Is nothing like leAtIlM Acturers Toronto, TV till, S.andevs" C1940.4 aro.t.taud alro not excet4l In the trr�st of mrs. Ar. G. "nipler. a library. 'A largo number of voluines lyb ether She 6W,)l)QWe4 It WhOle sot of r4dUAV, County. H41=11 U *. LWIU bo re-or,"nixod - -------- ----- IV A'Plillsoltelted and An. inswation invited. 011 XQnds'_V I)VenIng AUJ;� i5t1t wlien We Mrs. Beltz, of 1AD4011, IsV13.1tiox her is 011 hAnd and as the terms Am so IOU, Narness or Aot depopent will not 10er, 'ehurru XD'All kinds ofproduga twk undw"Q's I# M, vr*,�er vill N- everyone should px1ronize it. but the only thing that 84vad on Tvivllry 11RU0111AT, earnea.-Rov. 4. F In oxellMige. comemembm. UAM- �Ulhell, of Strathroy, spent leather strap finding Its Way Into her no Inson , . Rector. $Rudas $trvIces, It 1%. M And District MAstar FWtorwill be praII- $U`444� with his unoleUr. G. A, Millell, shwood. CAP1010118 AtAw was tho fron. buekleat_ *1117,11k m: s4bbath $010611 "-), A in, Butter 14 cents ; Eggs, 14 cents, tacked to It. XXTROPIST Iter. B. Waterffarry"Mright, of Toronto, is 5,11ss Grape 13 home on a visit to her I Mr. Tho& Uolutyre, of the Aal)ylon element, rAstor, Sund�LVYS Hand & 0190orn, UlOXV04 oflaW auntllm FA. Shannon. 4000V meetin- NkAll 1* held In- parents: 4- ZUIUCIU. Line, Stanley,, another of Huron,$ hon- . .......... Mr. F. 1101bein has his now residence ored pioneers fuls departed this life. W-) 3t;kIx.%-rXuXT-,U"V- J� Wilson. jpastoo Sun tu, Uetuwisi cllnrZ oil, Sunday next. nearly completed. ,Jay 1v 6,� IAV� . lu, 61KI 1teturim. Mrs. 181afth And KM r"Vett Ile died'on Monday avening lost llsr- gifiliol =v 1,4 M. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln, Of#ort I.-JUron, diaymd. This intenin 14tAt U Dot t'ho Aim Robertsoxv, fortnerly a milliner )jllss Schroder, of Port Huron, ls,jiere Ing rellob6d, the gold Agoof 7$� years. Africa A#G. X Aritolds, is tile guest Of MISS On It visit �V. J�r#rtlnj %ftut to Central todowissiollaq thing. Bvrt Robillson. to friends, 116 bad been a resident of Stanley for RL%1tor6 sululsw Sh rvices, I I V_ ill. And 0,% IN work. Mrs. Lincoln soon; gickened 4nd VION Drow, of Exeter, anti, Frazer, 5tr. G. A. � I I W Opt Mr, Joseph Snelps now, Usldouca 10, over fortyyearij and wag respected and 60bath school, 0.43 is. in. Vi ited out 4 fastnearluScompletion., It will be a crusted by all who knew him'. no WAS dled and Ur. Lincoln started for *the OftAndo"I are r"IcAtIng at 9- W- Unkrupt st"-k in the unoccupied Ilor- very handsome A 41ODSWent metaber of the 51atho4ist coast, hoping to return home, After U01niaWs for a fev d4J& "of the Post ofam. P4ce. -Us be , died At th fe. was well in lina vro*&I'lonol var4m. Journey lug, six wee oburchard his ff VmV. -1, a Air., TAlok SmAID has - lit nearly, IV, a notice th4t DrV WIW, has lert tile w, aslonally, W 4 tirot Us. Birks, of London, Is spend- 16thconand moved. to, the 14th, witero Ith"sWofesslOn- ITO hAd- lAft In, zillustation, And, X lmkl.A�I throe doys fin cutting his 1118111 1 wbo,1e6rJ0SFQLU I# � nthIs I'Acatipit with his father, the poor health for almost a year. ded wLi MTV. uac-00; Ill remainin, the future, Wrks, pastor of the, M. ru. 'Utherl, SmUlOw Tile tror W. Win. Date, of the Huron RoA Or Te Ore. , tioll �AM ye;y Nek,�deterniln �-. I I 6SL Sec . # 011 ;R. Tueftrinlith, sold 1��t had ot tattla $00 Ofto over 011*41111 ftuk4 Exato 0 01 ed t4 sefid Air. and Mrs, 1, 010 =Wly Appoint. 6 whtat �rlll, Y, Iola, *u aver- tile OtI Nitrous Oita* aks for painlo ti's only child home, So JIL fin Vrg, ' so 90 eajun f thistirenit to, E'llis and dftughter�, of, Brant- Age crop, W11116 the 01tts will be att 11n. NVIII-NdUan, of, Goderich, ter $Sowed to the clotifing of the ad In this urch last Sunday evening 4, are v1siting ntNir. J'44ij Car4er. Malice crop. d;t�r, which averaged r20 a head; or title four-year-old orilball, on which ou`s� About 41 cents a pound. The", am forthosecoadtima, Ruling captured One llay lately, allorse driven by 'Air was ivritten the neeesSftry dIM'etionsk: _tfie R.Rjpt VANIDENT19% L -Us ex- .0* w'ho Hugh Oilchrist, who woliat one jo considered to b c the fluest 4=ttle th day 4,14 Arm lotted by as -41A 11 on troats tooth Witbout1*lla1)v8TVIn#:and sbe wa$ St4lLrted towards America good -will of the J* all huVincent to0JZ frikht; and ran away lit tile country this year. Mr-Dalix isa, Anxistiletfa 01A 01Q gum S. Ulkol (40111 FIlll I he roach, aroundvisiting big Mends lit tilts sect- No serious dtimage 9& YegeWblo Tavor, or uAing Ilis novt In Xavh last " (At Tuesday s speak good things In Ills praise. tilne the greateit Tory in Craigs, is upsetting the rig axid dumping out tile good feeder a; well as;k good formier. Jag# Avork 010 110st posslille. 0d Port Huron safe and sound, havill- Mr. and 11m G.W. Holmhu mad rhin- occupants, W41s There Isa big, plloofr�Ady cash paid Goes "112""11110 Ily, paid a visit,to their obt frlan4 Rey. done. Mt .140 or WiNtree metet. travelled 6,000 miles alone. Mr. and Mrs 11arry Arnold, to Huron hirmers for cattle and borsw W. IL Gana and f4milyf of 1.0,0118. of Ron* Some of our residents in this vich)ity every year, andone of tile most pront- While there they fical0ed at 1;ke sall,whoivere v1g'tfng their -parents have been playing a little sharp lit flie isill- lL'VVRXTSrAY1 V.D.10. it.. rHY's'IOrA-.,V We would call attention to the cray'. Whittaker and report having � 11 1 features Is that this 1,5 vemly ill. Andsargeola.. offloo and re'j" good (Irl' "'It week, returned on Monday bark line Intely, by placing, stumps in creasing, Tile more grain thatis fed I ll 0;:� Oil portrait fraud which is being work- time. e W. S$tVq tllltAlfr _ G. u U In stre-ts ille 110,46 � to,their bomo.. R..T. A, It0LLtA\`& V X ST. nesid c arn r ndrusy-8 d orth Street$, Exe �r, Out 0� a Zowl in) G 0 ta I. t. or uto. I belt ai WSO . r n, t a. Tylg-8 0.VFICF.--AUTX ISTREET, D` coMeEte'r-, upstairs, 0 osito Contra Hotel. street leading to the Methodist Church. W� BROWAqING, M. D., M. C. P. s. a�ra`d.at. of Victoria, t7ilivorattv. rasidence, Dominion Laboratoij, r W=LIAM SWEET, VBTRA- inary Surgeon, erraduato 'Toronto. Office and ftesidence olle block east of samwell, & ffA-Vickard's store. Opposite S'klvt- Ing rink, Exeter, Ontario. VETERINARY DENTISTRY.—A.R.FITCH I Teforina Dentist, graduate fprof, H:Dayidsou'sleutal School, Torionto work in connection wit], horsesy teeth pr ,ptiva endeato, Examinatioufroe ; Office with 1#.. Sweet.Y�S. A.H.PITCH T.D. ,LH. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR' . of Supreme Court, Notary public, Con. x0ter. a 11 neytel"n -VLLIOT.&8LLIOT,BARRISTEIIS,SOLIC- J.Ld itors, Convoyanoers, &o. Money to loan at 6 percent, B. V. ELLIOT. T. ELLIOT TAXES ORE, Exeter, Ontario Licensed CP Auctiobeer for the–County, "of Ruron. ,Sales promptly aftendetl to and'satisfactiDn guaranteed. k�&16B arrangoil at this office. BRI60 Milihfthclsea. Licensed Auet� t e Counties of Perth and Midalesex, also for the towuship of Usborne, Sales promptly attended to and teriftsreason able. Sales atranged at Post office, WiFelielsm f EBOSSEWBERRY,Rensall Ontario, Lie-, w ensed Auctioneer forJh6 County of Huron. Chirgesmoderate and satisfa8tioil guaranteed. WHOLT, Klilva, Ontario.' Licensed atict- : 0 loneer for +he Counties of Viddlesox 0 6na�Larntton,1nd t'he town9hips,of SleThen Mud Ra. . F. All sales, VrWnptly attended EILBER,Licensed'Auctioxioer for 11 SteplIen and V�Glllivray towns 'aps' Dffic6�Crediton, :R OYAL HOTEL, 1 LUCAN, ONTARIO, a L. HODGT�iS,. PROPT. e The Bar supplied with best bxanas . qfLiquorsan(lQiga", e(t by Means eirculars sent out ofrer. Ing to furnish for nothing life sized nice circuit allt, ever ;shin, condif It 0, flour- both linancially INTessrs. Ward And Gunn. have com. u. ust not use your father-in-law like this. on the farm, thisMOTe -raill will tile farm prod'ate. oil porti: cra", aits & living or 'ad do friends from photographs �rovided that ion and spirli'unvy. luenced.-pulling, their flax. They lmve Beverifl. gangs out through the country. A large number of our residents In. tend taking in. the ino"q excursion Mr. John Douldn, of tbe!2 nd con. of Stanley, the portrait IsAllowed to be exhibited Its a specimen of their -work. The Hibbert. A)trSamitelBixtlerirliah,,isbeeu for the past six years the managerof the to St. ClaIrAlitU, oil August 16, which is beinz held under the auspices of lit e seems to be making a, success of the breeding , of Zliropshiredown, tacredLy treasured photo is sent And transport business bore,left forGlencoe Ubation Forest LodgeNo, 1813, A V. sheep. Last week he sold eleven ewes hild $0011 C01110s back A. notice that it suit- Mr. and Miss Brools� of on. Mondavwhere he purposes going Ill the colinnissioll business. A. INT., Exoter. rams, most of them Iambs, to an -American, who purch9sed them for Able frame must be ptirelinsed from them, A price list from which to select Wcrc the guests Of Xr.'Wm. Butler, sr.., On Sunday last. '.Nfr.Gqa.T.Jobnstoli, Deputy -Reeve 'V,P-)�reeding­ Notes on Cheese iTUr. purposes, and 'realized vmzr ReCOMPanYbig 010 notice. lit the end Harvesting hassUirted in full blast of.XaGillivray, who was charged -with satisfactory prices. He still has a, number of eyeellent young sheep of onereceives a course picture executed and the general report is that crops are' having, improper relations -with his While away during the holidays I this Ilreed for,'Rihich hellas refused, as by some journeN nlau ,,lrt1st.,, It is Inclosed Ili tawdry f remarkably good. daughter a young woman LbOut had the ploasu re,- through the kindness $L),5 cacb. Ili his flock. he ills A rame, covered Avith metal which soon tarnishe& I'll(. Mr Thog. Roggarth, wbo, has been very -low 'with Inflammation for Some twenty - two veal's Of age was tried befor� P. 'Iff. Rriestly of Rev. W. H. Gane, of Lyons, of visit- ing some of the cheesl; factories for it ewe which is yet young, And from which In two he has price chargo for tile irmile afFords a round the tinte, is ,gain improvilng� We hope On Saturdayand was honorably acquit- which the southern counties are fam- years made the snug suin of 476. This pays 'better transaction. As profit oi ' I sluillar circula rs have been sotit to Ixtr soon to see him aroinid again. ted. This case apparentlywas it con- cocted scheme on the pari of his wife to ous.- Being in conversation with the manag.-ers of these institutions I thAll raising fall wheat, even at 40 ',ur. ties Ili this localitv,we desire to caution -a inst listening Weare informed that 741r. Harry� speare, Of Seafortil, formerly of Crom.- Pill him and secure for herself. possess� Pro- pounded a series of questions and re- bushel peracre. Dunk -In has also Sold toslNlr. Johnston, of Lakeview, a. our readers ft to any -of these, s0lem4os -who go About f1cojin , artyhas taken to 1imself A partner fo r ion of his faTITr, but She- fOrt111Iftte)Y played the wrong cird,and to -day ),11., cei red invariably tile same answers in m�A,ard to the ge;ieral features of eheese very line superior ewe lamb. all they do business With. The ivorlid is but the time life in tile per Son of Tiliall, J` Page� Of st. Marys. We extland our Ifearty Geo.T.Johnstonstands; as the most . nialzingand its value as an industry in farmers Oil Tuesday afternoon the 22nd ult, 'Mr. Morrison, of the 18th pretty good bag not quito arrived when companies tire wishes of a long amilhappy life to them. Pop ularman in McGillivray. which are, or should be, greatly interested. I had the pleasure 'had con. of Hullet, rather an expensive runaway ac - formed to paint portraits for nothing An entertainment will be held in tile Centralia. of visiting tile Harrietsville factory, eident. He left 01hiton having au old Co eurx0ocedinag. Methodist church, stallh,son riwdaYT, conducted bvMr. Robert F4eey, one of gentleman nained Martin Ila the buggy Tile Council met punquant to adjourn- at the. Town Hall, evening,August2lid,when omo beauti- fill views oil the life and, death of. i � The fall crop is not -very good around the oldest aild -wealthiest chee;0malers in Ontario. The follow!Dg questions with him, just as they 'srey goin- a down the slqe on the base line near Q ent Exeter, on July 4th, 1889. All members present. The Christ will be-shownon camvas, All this sectipli this year. Basizerviiie were put to Mr. Facey and his answers tile glaug, liter house, the- snap on the minutes of previous meeting read ard a rerespectfully invited toatterld its n, ! 1-47. S. has moved to town to the same will be of intereft and,' I b reaching strad gave awayand as the confirmed. Moved by W. G. Bissett, very interesting-, time is looked for., again. . hope, profit to readers of the ADvOCAT.8 buggy pressed oil the horse it caused it seconded b y T. B, Carling, that orders Mr. t. A. Pearsall has been I n Toron in this community: to run away. ' Morrison did his best to Ile anted for the following sums, viz: Blintall. to, for the past few . days' visiting �ri-Mdg. How long have you been connected with this business - here? P'lill the horse up, and might have Auc- ceeded had -not the front *axle brolwn,, "'g.%own, $1.25, balance for street U'aterimg 1888. do., labor, $83; John, 0. C. Rance is laid up with mal- Two carloads of cattle we re shipped This is my, twenty-third seaso' n. and the speed of the horse threw tile Xooresh6d, �11.81; Malcolm McInnes,, arial fever, at Rat Portil from this station last week. One was What is your daily produce and 'In buggy and its oczupants over, against the fence and injuring $18.76- Walter Westeoft, $13.13; John llles�te, $36.66; iambs Baladen $30; iday on Frid, Civic Ito] ay no. xt. The, shipped by'Mr. T Prier, of Exeter, and the other by Mr. B. Conghlin of,McGil- nual sa.1,es? Our average make is 40 cheeses p9r 11dr.- Martine somewhat about the chest. Tile hoize 1 SilasUandford, $84.50;.Richard Will-, big crowd will Uely go to Toronto. livrav- day and our annual sales amount to becomin—go free from the, bagg ,: ran g-gy am$, $3150: John Thompson, $7,50; The petitions for the disallowance of about 040,000. the along the road to where it is crossed by th Albert Bissett, $6 labor -,and $40 street e Jesuit Estiates Act 1rora the own Zurich.. Do you, sell direct to the, English railroad, and jumped the east cattle �vatering; John Key6, $10-50; Win. have been for*arded to the gener.41, market and what is the present price? tank guard, ran,along., the track. wea-, tile is Webster, .09-50; - Walte I see r Carley, $1 3'75; ed 73do. Ford, $,19.37,; Donald retary at Toronto. - They are sign- by nearly nine tentlis of the r�to- The flax gang are very b1lsv just We gellergily sell to local noents. who ship to Eli land. Our last t,les 9 alongbrid&e, and the horse V 0 galloped along the ties oil -the brid" Taylor, $10. 0; Geo, Hodgins,$10.36;Thos.,H, payets. Dow pulling the sedson's -rop. were 9 ets. per pound. iintiLl it -%ras nearly over, when One 0j 13. 5; James Creech, $80, part salary, Alvilt the most amusing tiling -V�o Happel & Clegliorn sells more snowr cy 17 Which do you consider tile more its legs dropped through one of the I charity to S. Ford, $8 charity to Jno have heard of for a long time was, the for $1 than any store Ili Zurich. , profitable, cheese making or butter opening's e a like a, pipe -stem. =pp,�Is NP . et", Wrft. Sutton, $10 charity to S. N -d- Aspott Walter8, $10, charity to law ivs Record dictating �constitutiona.l to VAitou McCarthy. We don't I-IaTv6stin is proceeding . -nicely Thp, fall. wh"eat )AII be an averaget making? brid I consider cheese making more pro� While the lying Oil the goe the south bound express came aarhe.—Carrie1' On application imagine J.. , it will have any, effect in yield, litable because it'requires about as wbbWn,6,, around, the but the curve, f Mr. Archer permission was !grantcd changing the great VAltoll's, vi iews. The,Huron Hotel's improvements are as milell milk to make a pound of butter sharp it'does to m I a1w thre . e."pounds of obstrucilon e5,e of the engineer noticed the and lie bro-ught� the traht 0 use the Council Chamber of the Town lall for Sitnday School purposes,of tile ed The town council. have recollinlend- that'a contr�et Ile made with' tile fast; mearing completion. When flifish cheese, ed, this will be one of the finest hotels and to butter would need to r1lle � ,x stand withilia few, feet of the hurph of E4 ng);lnd for $1.50 1�er month Oakes 'Oil Organ'lbo.f' brligbting�tlle' town as bi,1-1iiroh,. high as 2 or 27 ets. beast"which: 5 1pare to con with cheese. an was edo'ed o"T the bria ga d shot it to end, Ito sufferin --s. It was 61-D tile first Slind - ay in Atio-ust - �with� otion, of IV." ;.�&Rissott, se conded, b.v anuum. electric at, the rate of $660 per This y Im,ptirebigs One day h',st 111e0k 'Ile Avere shown a Butthose who mal�e butter have the worth abont $17.5. B.:CarhD 1�,08011 S6,�eet fro 111 Mal� cd,� t he, old wool I and will- ttll�e field of ofas bolonghig to Mr. Hartinan $kiili Happeli which consisted of aboitt hven- tflat? railk, is th,oriv no advantage in 0 Will 11111 t i st 64 to be �911.avelled,and the bout I& loads ofscreeningsto be dum,p- !hands. electric,"light plan t offAir- ty, qws� A h,,wdf-a1 wis plifled and it '( � The process of butter mahing �s gilax'Tits The Austro-1-1-migarlan cavairr r( -- are to be armed with r,3v6lve rs d near the Fol)Osed gutter � On X*1il On Saturday night last lighioninig- ill a x -) io - C e, 1� o ), hichus with,out the harder root. U`ii-�,6ats tllat'llr- Rtippel import vaJile than cheese 111"ll-dil'o. and the havh)g of the skim_m'11, -over is cartrid1res of e.�­ht millimetres treett Tfie base ball alld evicketchlba struelt-the sked for a orant to enable, them to near M, barn of Mr. Chas.' Dls'nej�, t1mesvIlle, wid b-nrPe&t1v,.'i. in 1 I T1 ed wevyoill�l Ulzo to S-afficier't t'11. 'ful &nli hr"'q'. P10.4 I P nih—f—�'l— not eali�er, to 1110ze up tile differenee in those that is, the, sana`e cartrid-e as N eln C, e usecl � for tll(, �, 1, lich -r r pe�`Itil) .