HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-7-25, Page 8• sQ44W11067.... RINAh. raxicei 4.. VW,. QS P LT V Absolutely Puree. ^ is powder znvec Varies ar,ar aIl ref F sity, strength and -x 2:olosornuc•zrrssMore txa:z4ma :4 than the ordinary inn a .+➢.0 r. nnot Rio sola in rnp etit ore with the Ia`Atttn,deot' 'IOW teat,short 'veigbtalum nr eta l pct pnn.dersBatt orale *r ceras•, :era 1 s N31.<��. $'s tirx,t,114'a ,.la�.l\`.i9" 4r, :1.1'' EXETER MARKETS Wheat leer bushel , . teats.,,....,, • ••..... .• 211 to `,fh Ci ayee geed, ,1:00 to 4.70 fla per doz..- . , , 10 to I IPitatter, Pools ... 17 to 1 Butter, Crocks......ito 1. Potatoes per hush .. 20 to ,Vany per too.... , ... , R f.).2.5 to 1 OL SU 11 Statia nery, �lugs and Cay sarf,e it - bars of London Electrfe Soap for 25e, -The Presbyterians pienteed yester- day. -Ask your grocer for London Elect- ric Soap, --Frogging parties are all the rase n1arv, -- --The wonder of to-dtty is London Electric Soap. ---The berry picking season is near- ly over. —Washerwoman's friend is London Eleetrie Soap, Wheat and barley harvesting has eonintenced, —None but first-class grocers sells London Electric Soap. —Rev. Father Kelly, of Oli i, was in town on. Friday. —s€.1(..letill n s, neutist, for the best ai'tincial teeth. --Mr. Joust Slater and wife spent Fri clay with -ye editor. —News items ere as seareea as, white crows this week. -1Ir. Charles knight, of St. Thomas, 11n ,lye . in ore la, —Dr.. itton, 4f CTandeboy e, was ill ton ti on Saturday evening. Mr. G. H. HS ndnaau is rusticating eat Ba fiche .and Goi1erich, Mr, Dunseath, of St. Mew, -vas in town on Friday last. yir. Cartlingls, of Brockville, is allug a few days iii torrn, insist on your grocer giving you ,. :-oaaadau I l.etio coag, it is the best. _Ml H Happel, the papular reeve of Hey, was in town on Friday. -Our livery staple people appear to doing quite at business, Some of our correspondents are w»s, :end others are in the flay Hold. Mn Geo. Soaatlicott, of -Toronto a few days in town last week fiarget to try London Electric d you will use no othe f? LEZALR ad RETAIL, J. GRIGG Our traveller will be on hest week in Ally 3c[AIN'i-STREET, t. Lean. tR'tater. WI Great Health Restorer. If yore Seel out of sorts, drink St. Leon Water. �l'il.EYittVIT.1•: forjI)ysjaepsia and Piles; ?positive cure. (3eort a ;welders. Carling Bros. iuwc changed thein advertisement in this issue Read a, —miss Emma B twcien left on Satur- day' for Toronto, where she will reside in foresee, -Aker, George Bailey, of Loddon, spent Sunday in town visiting his many friends, a-h[essrs. Wood & Bellentyne ship- pedfrom, Howell a carload of lies cattle on Saturday. -Mrs E. J. 1►zeRobert, the popular insurance agent, Loudon, was in town during the week. —London Electric Soap isonly made by D. Richards, Wooalstoei, Trade stark Registered, —London Electric Soap will Clot in jure the hands or Clothes and do more work for the money., try it, Mr. Hugh Spaekman,wife,IIr. Geo. McLeod and Miss Annie weeks return- ed Saturday evening from Owen Sound Envelopes, bill heads,, note and letter heads, notes. receipts, tags, etc., neat and Cheap at the A.uvoeaT.n. Jaffee. —Our base -ball club cusses Cut V ie. torkn s at Ailsa Craig on Ttrarelay hast. They beat St. Meta's and Lamm clubs, seeming the est prizeof a silver cup valued at 05. The score can be seenin ;mother column. —This is the season of the, year when the new hired man seizeth the pitch fork and trieth to Gift ain ri:hobton ofhaay. The lank suappeth in twain in his hand he hangeth on that which remainetll to him most lost frantically. " His heels dy up in the air .811d he stiiketh the earth with his back violently*. His employer OM laugh and elasie and that hired malt don't swear. well perhaps not if the boss is a member of the church and would not approve, but if it is other- -vise that employe exhausts the Vocab- ulary Satan neer The erop reports issued from the u of Industries are Most saatisl'act showing the spring and fall wheat growths to be most 'promising, and ofM bar crops fair or above the average. It was thought that the excessive" rains in the early part of the season would have bad a very bad effect, but the subsequent fair, and warm weather offsets any damage that might have been done. with plentiful crops their should be an increased and healthy trade this fall, and in looking forward to such a realization the business coin- munity has every reason to be hopeful. —On31Onday evening Inst, Messrs. Snell Bros., butchers, head a raising of a 'tine cowstable, at which a number of Invited friends were in attendance. After choosing sides for a contest the frame was soon. erected. After the above was throawhwith a foot -ball match took place, of which John Ifynal- lean and Chas. Snell were captains. After choosing sides the game was (started awl was very interesting and basted about two flours, until it was dark, and resulted in favor of the for- mer by a. store of four goals to three. Then came the neeessary 'wants to supply the inner man of which all partook freely, after which all :retirees to their respective homes satisfied with the evening's enjoyment. --An exchange presents the credit system in the following light: The credit system is the greatest curse with which the farmers and the laboring classes contend. It comes like a thief in the night, .It robs home of its .freedom of its luxury, happy faces and its in- tended likeness to that other home not made with hands. It robs the farmers of free thought and speech. Fettersnnd cramps the faculties until there 'is no outlet or inlet to reason, and for this cause he becomes an inmate of an asy- lum. His, master, the creditor, lashes him with those fearful instruments, debt and mortgage, until he is often driven to the grave of a suicide. It robs his wife, to whom he is pledged by all that is endearing and sacred. It robs his offspring that bind the bonds more firmly; these are the gifts of God, who created them for in his own image. Drop it as if it were a poisonous adder It's sting is worse, for its poison will taint generations to come. Its arsenical nature will effect the character of nat- ions. .- Mr.1'a. B. Verity, left on Seturday Niagara, to attend the NiagaraAs- Just. think washing day made Tlortear lay using London Eleetric —Mr. Robert Sanders left on Tues. day for Detroit. He will visit Chicago before his return. —Washing made easy and homes made happy by using London Eleetrie Soap. �Mrs. S. C. Carter,of Blue Lino office ger in Y., is the guest of Mrs, G Jaas. Fairbairn at present. i;. ntilings,Dentist,t;otctfillings nspeelnity. Odle© over O'Neirs Hank, Exeter. R6 --Messrs Wood and I3allontyne ship- ped. a earloaad of thus cantle to the Montreal .markets on Friday last. School ra•oatr.t 1t>rua.e -•--M. A. II. Fitch Veterinary dentist, 'The ?assns met in Town Ilall on theleft on 'Saturday for his home, Niagara 20th inst. X111 tate members present. Fatlls,where 11e will remain :for aCouple tr. A. lto1ixSoli's resigtnitiou read and of weeks. areeptea Tenders to be invited for —Messrs. I3issett Bros. are busily caretakers position up to 5 o doa,1: ; engaged putting on the metalic roof Friday evening Next, on motion of T ' a,ii the storeroom at itfessrs. Verity's Fitton and seconding of Dr. Lutz. J. 1 foundry- Gniuuaw, Seeretary. r alines .ray: On Monday evening Capt. Howard i,Th returning from his Tarin in ,bray township with a load of stay, his team viueh was standing near the bridge en the 4th eon., took fright and run sway. The horses ran about two utiles before they were stopped. The xtrir er was dumped off, likewise all the baa No serious damage done. trtrefinalReturns. The schedule of convictions at the Catluty Judge's criminal court and general sessions of the peace for Huron, for the six months ending July 1st, Bast, show that of fourteen cases tried, in thirteen ti verdict of guilty -vas ren- dered, and only one found not guilty. This light list is a very good record for so large a county. The list comprises eleven larcenies, one burglary, one false pretence and one assault. now to ,slake a Rand Grenade. A Georgia physician writes to a At- 1anta paper that the solution used in the hand grenades now offered so ex- tensively for sale is easily and cheaply staade by taking 20 its. of common salt, 101s. of sal ammoniac (muriate of am- monia. to be had of any druggist) and iisolve in seven gallons of water. When dissolved it can be bottled and keptin each room in the house. In case of fire one or two bottles should be thrown with force into the burning place, hard enough to break themand the fire will certainly be extinguished.. ae ztvie Holiday. 011 Saturday last, a petition was cir- culated around the village, praying 'that the Reeve would proclaim and set apart as Civic Holiday, Thursday, Aug 15th. The reeve as therefore declared that day as civic holiday, and a mon- ster excursion, under the auspices of Lebanon Forest Lodge, No. 133, A. F. as A. M., is being arranged. The excursiotewill go to Sarnia and take the boat, which ;will be waiting,. and proceed to St. Clair, Mich, This will be the beet excursion•of the season, ,'and aaif'orrl all a chance to go through the. telrbrated Oakland House and beaut- iful pleasure grounds. Everybody cried wait until August 15th and tale at 'The Cantata. The cantata under the auspices of. the Guild of Trivitt M emorial Church, 3rhicl: w s held on Thursday evenin last was poorly attendees. The cantata practical joker or malicious falsifier was one of the best ever rendered in who may think it rather a clever. thing the village, and it deserved a larger ionse. The promoters of the affair deserve reu eh credit for their untiring i:fl'orts in bringing the canata to such a degree of perfection. —We understand that our base ball club are trying to arrange a series of ganies with the Brussels team for the gate receipts and the championship of Huron. —Our cricket club goes to Clinton to- day (Thursday) to play a friendly game with the club of that plaaee. This being the first of the season we wish them Success. —An effort is being made to estab- lish a driving park association in God- erieh. The first annual race meeting- is eetingis expected to be held during the latter part of August. —Mr. L. H Dickson and 11. L. Bill- ings paid Seaforth a visit on Friday last. They witnessed a great champ- ionship lacrosse match between the Seaforth and Stratford clubs. —The following letter was received by an undertaker. "My waif is ded, wants to be buried to-morrer at woner klock. TI nose ware to dig the hole— by r the side of"t the other two waifs. Let it be deep." —To one who loves the beautiful in nature, now is the time to take a walk out in the country. The trees are fully clothed in their beautiful garb and the fields are waving with the crops of grain. All nature is rejoicing, and so should man. —This item, going the rounds of the press, is sound enough for more pro- minent notice: "A man who never told a lie,a woman whose tongue never got the better of her judgement and a man who could publish a newspaper to please everybody-, are the three social white elephants which would be lead- ing cards in the circus of the world. • —The Provincial Exhibition will be held in London from the 9-th till the 14th of September. London has won a world-wide reputation in the matter of getting up excellent shows, and the extensive arrangements being evade leads us to expect this to be the most successful one ever held. There are a number of new and special 'features. —A man recently was heavily fined for sending false news to JocaI news- papers• The mutgistrate, before whom the case came, pointed out how much the proprietor of a newspaper depend- ed on the good faith Of its informants i in localities where he might t have no personal knowledge to gnide him. The to take in. a newspaper in this way Will for the future be wise in remem- BIRTHS. berin that it is, a dangerous game to^ play, even if the editor is neitherug-, Hann—In Offa on the 23rd' inst. . t1 minions nor a good shot, p b a �4 wife of Mr. Patrick Hall, of a.'Sen. Wit and Humor, We buried him darkly at dead ofnight The grief a foot thick on :our faces; We planted him deep, so he couldn't come up To bet any more on the races. The schoolboy thinks that a switch in the hand would be twice as good: in the buse. For stealinga pot of flowers from a grave a colored man in Savannah, Ga., was recently' sent to jail for one year. The almost incredible statement is made by a South Florida man that is hasrained more or less in the vicinity of his home on the 20th of May for the past nineteen years. Abraham Shearer, of Canada, con- cluded to run away from his home and wife. When..' he reached the train the first person ; he encountered was Mrs Shearer, who has been stimultaneously seized with the same notion. A man who died lately near, Sparta, Ga., could repeat the naives of all the Senators and Bepresentatiues in Con - „less from the beginn•nb of the govern meat. Yet :ill this never brought him an engagement in the dime musuem and wast'worth a;dollair to him. great 3..niffier Sal At iJ�LRD P1014.. Everything lutist go. We want the Money and you the goods. Dress acyls, Millinery, Cottons, Gloves, Hosiery, Parasols, Embroideries, Prints, Laces, Mccsfifs, Shoes, etc.., etc., etc., at your own, prices during this sale. Everybody should come and Secure a bargain. We have the best values in TEAS in town and anyone wanting a first class article should not fail to give us a call. Try our 25 cent lines Richard HENRY WELLS, RFOIITUtIEFOfifl Brewer 8411110131er GODERICH, ONTARIO, MANUFACTURER OE Wells' GeI8rate Jile aq� PORTER. XXX Parter a Specialty, A GREAT ° T C OICE 0]? loe Gro108 OMR & . h —AT i' yndman's. We are prepared to supply the Public through- out the season with Ice Cream, Ginger Ale, Sarsaparilla, Plain Soda, Lemon Soda, Lemonade, Milk -shake ; —FLAVORED WITH— Lemon, Strawberry, Van- illa, Pine apple or Raspberry. G. A. HYNDMAN. Novi [10T SHE TO E W. H. Trott wishes to announce that he has opened out business in the stand recently occupied by the ADVOCATE, atud is pre- pared to manufacture first- class BOOTS & SHOES for all customers. A CALL SOLICITED. Om' motto is good work and square dealings. W. H..TROTT. CO11TS1Ji1PTION .OERED.. An old pphysioian,retired from practice,hav- ing had placed in his hands by' an East Tndia missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy fpr the speedyand permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all j! throat and Dung A ffections. Also a positive and radical eure for nervous Debility, and all Nervone Com plaints,after having test edits wonderful curative powers in thousands oi'c8ses, hasfelt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by . this motive and a desireto relieve human suffer- ing,I will send free of charge to all who desire it, this receipe, in German, French or F.nglish with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail.. by addressor with stainpnam- ing this paper. 2 W. A. o ras, 149 Power's Block, Rochester, N. Y. 1- 0 0 It is said that every person has a chance once itt their lifetime to snake a fortune, and if tate; allow that time to pass may never have the opportunity again, TEAT TIME HAS COME. Tau can depend upon iia that every body purchasing their goods at Pnrkiuson s saves money, bP doing so will soon make their fortune. His fences are always down, ]4eau re not asked high prices a up losses, for debts contracted by bad customers; don't you see there is thousands in it, Parkinson's Stock is new and consists of D.xy-Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glass- ware, Tweeds, Boots and Shoes, in fact everything usually kept in a first-class General Store. See his Black and Colored Caaabmeres from 05 ets, up. 'yon can get the cheapest all wool suit in Exeter made toorder Make no mistake. Consult your owii interests and examine his stock before making your purchases elsewhere and you will soon save enough for a fortune. You can do letter at the Cheap Cash Store than any other place in Exeter. Highest market price allowed for farm produce at PARKINSON'S. First door north of the Town Hall, Exeter. 'ail i sen., They are riot Dear. Nobody has yet said that of Curoods. They are Cheap. Look at them in awry light, Weigh them, Measure them, Try them any way You will, they are in- disputably cheap Goods. So Cheap are they that a great many who hear about our prices say at once THEY CAN'T B N; GOOD Why can't they-? Can't they be good because no other merchant has yet made such prices on good. goods. Again why can't they? Must we follow the old dollar squeezing method in prices. Must we tag after those -who sand*ich their goods between two prices and call on the Public to eat the sandwich and give thanks? Not much. We don't follow anybody, we lead or loose. WHY THESE GOODS ARE GOOD You should hear the inflection with which the skeptical buyer says these words. He clid not believe us but he is bound to believe his own senses. There is no going back on the evidence of sight and touch. You can't deny our cheapness, and one purchase of our goods must make you admit that GQOD. nd C go together with us. Have you made the trial? When are you going to - make it ? Its about timeou learned the truth b ,� y your own practical test. TTER and • Taken in Chan • e• CARLIINTG BR