HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-7-25, Page 5EVEREST'S COUGH SYRUP CANNOT Pe EXCELL• D, Tv it seri be convinced wif leo wonderful cu,iw i rel prapertita, files $6 menta.. The ilio* Snccessful fespedy ever .It eoj'... Or60.43 it bUikr. a4 too Aglow a sora KENDALL'S SPSIIIN CVRE. Osncr" op Mamas A. Enna; Betattnnor cpirm ARtt Bar .43D TuorrOtO MAMA Soughs Alt. B. J. a1'=7roALL Emcwoon, ILL,, Nov. 20, sass. o. Dear 8ara• 1 harp always purchasedo�uarl�Een-• sail's Spavin Cure by the halt dozen bottles, A would ilke prices lu larger quantity. I thirds it la One of the bait Pollnow* on earth, t have aged aQ en nhy otabita for three Tema. 7fouratruly, Cads..A-SlaPaAs. KENDALL'S. SPAIN CURL Emma -Elm, X. 7i., izoventber :KM. $.. Pel. D. s. trzooALr.Co Deter slim; l dka1n to glvo you teatimertlat of my teed ogtulouor :OW eri<dat'tt1 pavla Care.1 have used it Tor Tameness, stint JA1uts *ud Stravints,and1 bavofound. itasure cure. Xeordt, ally recommend it maid tioreenaen. Yours truly. A. H. ouzo._ F. 2ramkter Troy Laundry $tabled. KENDALL'S SPAYIR CURE sm. Wn i''Plr COMM OAlo,1)ec, It, MO.a. a1. T IS;R%atut . CO. Heats: 1 Areiitrer duty Men' valeti hares done Alt your a►endall a Spavin Cure. 1 Is cured ent flue horses that had 'Stowing. tett or Lttplr;yBoue. nine afttictedwith Iit lead and Tenor 7Il drill► BrttceItem@hetmoneortour oeke mat followed Ute dlreettona.I :izave never Pat a CABG of any kind, A.x1}Rr-w 1.043214X9uta trul2: 1oraq 1)octo . KENDALL'S SPAYIII CURE. IalleeSt riar#tgalioratx betties for$$, Art Ares• (t *ad.,na el ptorpoticite#ytt yrronarot tore. DR.,11. d.lCtttsttti•t,Qo.,Xnosnu Skl,VA lrs'Vt. OLD BY ALL DillIGGISTS. CARTER' ITTLE iVER PILLS. CURE Sick ir'eadecheend relieve all the troubles tad, dent to a bilious slate of the ;Salem, such tea Overruns, Nausea, Drowsiness. Distress atter rating, Pain in that Side,, fie. Walt, remarkable success has been Shawn in curing Ire:Wachs,. yet (*,retreat's Lrrrt.0 Urea Pats are equally valuable in Constiputon, curing and preventing this Ann as log complaint. while they also correct ail disorders of the stomach, etimulato the liver ani reguleto, the bowels. even It they only cured H Ache t)evo ]d boalmostpriceless t those *utter from this distressing mplai but fort nato their sa odnesc cis not i nt here, and those rubs once try them will find these little pills valuable in so many 'ways t hat they will not bnwilitmta to do without then;. But, after all sick bend fs tho bane of so many' Rues that here is rv;tere wn make aur firont boast. Our pills caro it tchilo others do not. GAnrsa s Lava: LIVL'R PILLS nrescry smolt and very cagy to take. /)no or two pills malto a dose, They are strictly -vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentles action fplease 81! who use them. 1 vials at 25 cents; ive for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by nail CASTES LEDICINSCO.,xd R Tett. Small DORI mall Prim THE LIGHT FitliiIMG SEWING MACHINE HAS A1® E titr;JAL, Try Everest's Liver Regulator Per Dismay of the Diver Kneen. #cc, and Purity. leg of the Blood. Price tris 1$ x bottles for 16. Menuft .t lonlly by 4, 14$gGUiiiTB, +hare. ai, XYDR1$T, Guslitsz, volae; Oti'r. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Prescription of a physician who has bad a life long experience fa treating female dteiaaaer Is used Monthlywitikpvrfect success by over 10,00elIdh-tt. Pigment, safe, efectaill. Ladle* ask your drug - eat_ for Pennyroyal water; end tt&k AO tatbititute. or inclose pest, allg dteors ell li�tee pgsra.�fi.d&14 CX streen Ev F. 013XX Cp L GO.1 pskraor tcx Sold in Exeter by Dr, Luta, and draggistx Verywhere, dan.1-8, 'hs 'gear's YRTLE out Plug Smoking Tobacce PIKER THAN BNTR. ONZE arcl, Package. Unloc',:1 an the closgoc'i avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys end Liver, fig off eroduahy witlu'ut weakehune the aye- ten;ail the impurities null, foul liurncri of the secretions; at the 1 amp time Cor- recting Acidity 01' tits Stomach, curing Biliousness, 'Dyspepsi4t, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness or tho Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Juin.- dice, Salt Rhatt::l, Erysipelas, Scro- fula, Fluttering of the heart, Ner- vousness, and Genera. Debility tall those and many other similar Compleunts viols to the ]rnppy� influence of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For ,Savo by ei; Dealers'. T.TIILBUiU & GO., Pi,opriAtors, Toronto. LADIES ONLY. FRENCH REGULATION PILLS. Far superior to Ergot, Tansy, Pennyroyal or Oxide. Ela1or;nd iar the drum -rands of`ladies who use them MONTlfL' . Never fail, relie- ve rain, INSURE REI! \RITZ, Pleasant and Effectual. Price $2. foranto Medicine Co., Toronto, Ont. Nov -20-8 rite Great R English. Prescription. A successful iafedleiae used ever 30 years in thousands of cases. Cures Spermatoprhea, Nervous Weakness, Emissions, Impotency r^t and all diseases caused by abuse. [n>:rnnsj indiscretion, or over-exertion. t.FrEal Six packages Guaranteed to Cure tehen all other. Fail. Ask your Druggist for The Grant EngSloh I ce..rreption, take no substitute. One package 81. Six 85, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address Eureka Chemical Co.. 1tDetroit, finch. Sold Fin Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and druggists everywlhere. Tan, -1-8 STOP AND READ! THERE IS S MACHINED& CALLER R N" IT IS MANUFACTURED SOLELY BY McOLL RROSIJ TORONTO ONT3 I See that Barrels are branded with the Trade Mark, LARDINE If not, do not take it, as it is only spurious oil they are offering you so as to make more money out of you. -FOR SALE BY July- 6 8. Bissett Bros., Era E maiiratw: THE PROVIDENT Life and Live Stook As- soolatiou. INCORPORATED, AUG,1887 Head Office roolixi, D Arcade. TORONTO, ONTARIO In the Life Department this Asso- i;ltime provides indemnity for Sick - and Accident, and substantial ;1s- 1 o to tial relatives of deceased t terms available to all.. 'e Stock Department, two. orris indemnity for loss of live stock its members. Send for particulars, Is paid etc. WILLIAM JONES, '88. 3IASA.01 rr DIRECTOR, CITY HOT LOI M ONTARIO. e p day' 1 J. a J.:4Ie IAItTINt I'eoprictor r The Grand Upon Rotel C 17-.11 01, . — 02,7= ciST D t'lilarged and Improve s0 rooms elegantly furnished. Tables supplied with all the Delicacies of lire season. 8 convenient sample rooms. House heated with hot air. Electric bells throughout. Si PER DAY. R. J. TUFTS, PROPRIETOR, CHIRISTIE'S N RV matt ,a.w First Class RIGS And HORSES. ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK - SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. 'Textus maeae.ema :o.o. Telephone Connection. THE LADIES' FAVORITE. ':THE ONLY SEWHII MACHINE ,__� THAT GIVES NEWHOMES1N. MMACHINE C:CRANGE,MASS: CHICAGO -28 UNION SQUAB N.L'' DALLAS. tlTLOUt! Mo ATLANTAGA. TEX. sAeresectCCO.cAL. George Vickers, Kirkton. ANY MAN .Who is Weak, Nervous, Debilitated, who in his Folly and Ignorance has Trifled away his Vigor of Body, Mind and Manhood;causing exhaust. ing drains upon the Fountains of' Life. Head- ache, Backache, Dreadful Dreamy, Weakness of Memory, Bashfulness in, Society, Pimples or, the Face and all the effects leading to Early Conine-teflonDecay,Conine-teflon or Insanity, will find in our specific No.23 a postive Cure. It imparts • Youthflt IVigor restores the Vital Power in old and young, strengthens and invigorates: the Brain and Nerve,,builds up the Muscular syst- tm and arouses into action the whole physie al energy of the human frame. With our specific, No.23 the most obstinate case can be cured in three months, and recent ones'in less than thirty days. Each package con- tains two weeks treatment. Price $2. Cures Guaranteed. Our specific No. 24 is au infa il ible Cure for all Private Diseases no matter of how long standing. Sold under our written Guarantee to effect a Cure. Price $5.'l'oronto Medicine Co,; Toronto, Out. Nov -29-8 WEAK MEN • and WO XUN ora quickly cure them- selves of Wasting 'Vitality, Lost Manhood, from youthful errors, etc., quietly at home, Book on all private diseases sent free (sealed). Perfectly reliable. Over 30 years' experience. Address— GILDED PILL CO., TORONTO, Canada. LADIES otrr "Roll tor. Woman" is eafe and always ralisble ; better than Ergot, Oxide, Topsy er Pennyroyal Pills. Insures regularity. Bend for particulate. : Address GILDED PILL CO., TORONTO, Canada. BEARDS FORCED en smoothest fame, hair on hal oat heads, in So to pe days. 1dsgie. Latont and greatest achievement of modern 'science 1 Wet won• serial iI.sovery of the age. Like no other preparation! Mo&;cal, sure, almost instantaneous In action! Bose with whiskers! Bald heads "hoircdl" Curious spectacles, but positive truths.Only a 67eia Market, and (merlin n reabsolute satisfaction. iaiaat: Pilon t • bottle, f throe bottles for SM. Each boctlelesteone month. Address DIXON, Boa 305, TORONTO, CANADA. II�D(M 6101(NNAN1'S PDEP►DITIDIS. SI'PERFLUOUS ARIA A preparsUoa that n perm[nent1y . temovs an�erfluotu hit' wlthtout Enaury: to she skin. Warranted.' PIMPLES AND BLACKHEADS permaaentl tt menti la ham halo aadsys. Waptanted. Pricetoraadaya treatment, aL ANTI•CORPULENCE PiLLS per the°° patois whose uncom- olat is a matter oisollcitudo whether becauseusing It 11 nneam. Portable or unraahlooable—FAT OLSB u sg CORPULENCE PILLS" lose It Ibt a month TheANT/. e no sickness; conthin so poison, and never tail. Price for one month's treatment, its; or phren menthe medicine, 36. Warranted. COPEi 4IOVA trANr'B— M e in Opp WAFERSBlg Meech the akin, ted. the form. Ror six bo Permanent lgetteot. Warranted. Price til s bei, or six tiaras for riff. address MADkbXE GIOVANNANI, 296 ZI ug Street West Toronto, Oaf, OF 'WHITE aQlbs. Saw Sugar FOR $1. AT THE D:11,111 North Gen. tioro„ J, MATHESON, Furnitur and Undertaking,1 GO TO- . Rewe & Andrews' FOR DED -ROOM ANI) PARLOR SUITS, SID)1:O:1RDS AND EXTENSION TABLES, LOUNGES AND EASY CHAIRS, Until I' , st Iii:.rerooli; town. 11 outside of the, i.'liilertak e;, in all its Branches. clay awl zight. STA ;U - (fait' sifter nor:!; of Aoiwoali MA.i .Sep, • - EXETER, ; The Subscribers wishes to inform tine Farmers and fleneriti Public that ha iii Preptlred to furnish ail Sizes 1St, s tlllti Kind of a.l► 1,aa ae Well Dinging Promptly Done and at Reasonable Rates. 'tuitlellce allil Shop oa affil Street, behind Christie's Livery Stable. A OALI,, Sl )LTCITEI), JOHN MOORE hook ere? If you want Bargains in Land Rollers, Gates, Hay Racks, or Rakes, —call alt tfilr tt�gt� r•� I t �i1l'actory. Handles of every description always on hand. Turning done to order on the shortest notice. Repairing neatly and cheaply done. Circular and band sawing done. .A. number of bee hives on hand. They are the best and handiest bee hive made. A gnaiitity of excellent machine oil for sale. Dry wood taken in exchange. J. D. VASEY BJSSETT BROS LIVERY. First Class Horses acid Rigs. SPECIAL 'RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE. A TRIAL SOLICITED, BISSETT BROS. ...-w--,.�.e/P}M.e-. •....�wnwF*Yv445M'H�r�r!fl�Twn,,PP^TT:,pn v COMPARATNEWORTH or BAKING POWDERS. 'ROM 0,120olutelp ).• *'Q'1D'Ss 'whin zrelt,,,� : &1 'Ol3D'S) heag, taela,..a *lD$E, S .r r!ew.er.e•. '' C = intra 14110r)ltt...:.. :113114410 reWil,025*-411....1110110 »ATIs, and iMTIS' LiolOWNaltompos- �1l(� �P!ar l ate , (AtTELR�ejm, rawdrtarbb 'IOR MitIttleeliningalKOMIMPOPIN �fiart„lJr.eeao". •wr.-ere-r.w•.,i ss SNOW num (graft's) .r.e. aa�taall�'-.wrr. +,,e•.n'rewe e.r+ - , '}} Ei,t� s+�r(Anndret t a 3•..... . �aA�.V�attFh,'ta.e e e men-„ r.,..,.e- Itaaiar:rS metes• ttoewe 0we-.! +�,� Diuwaatae taesa$=w+z2. Itvx.�p ,uµ{s wtle24..a.0011 azroaTs or (*OVER$KENT OREMISTS Pmrlty and Wholesomeness *film Royal ung Powder.. "I Imo tentedaI7ackage or Royal. Baldeg 'Powder,. vehicle I ptlrcilsl:ed su the fl�ktA market, alas saki it composed of pure and wheleeoille Itlgredielnts, It IS U erpea)ia O tartar powder of s ,hi h degree of merit, and dues 404 eout*ttna either if= or plio11p1t1tea, or other !opt out substances. F.e fi. i.QVl rb.Ite. (fit aISdatttcE`heprPowder is l;bleteIy pare. The royal oklpgroweruuneand hear reliable Wang Powder offered to thepttblie, U, A„ MOW, Pb, D "The Rood Batkifig Powder is purest iu quality and b?gbeet Its at;engtb of ay baring pewter of which.I have knowledge. Nat. '. Q L fit12, 44 % The Royal Baking- Powder eivedh# e bighe,t award over ill competitory ah eelAmerican InsC rld !tion, 71 the ; at the Centennial, Philadelphia, 1870; at e New Yore;, and at State Fate throughout the country. ill) other tutiele of ittffean runs il38 ever received Alert nigh, emphatic, nasi 'etre: 'renal endowment ir'ont ezuilte t ClICAllsta, pllyikisws, =teeth/Ls ;and emphatic, $ealtlt ell over the world, Iiern.-i'he above IDIA,Onin Illulnitea the comparative wortb of various Baling,' IOhrders, asp Qltown by Chea11ea1, analysts and experiments made by 1'4.0, Pel OUT'.. 4. pound can, of each powder was taken. tact+ total iravc'la;n,;' itowerr or vohlrao IA each eau calculated, the remit, lleiaag as iadlestell. This praaaeal test f .r Werth. but 114rot. 13cbedler only proves what every observant mummer of the. Royal Baideg Pounder known by practical experience, that, while it setts a fewer*miss per pound snare than ordinary kinds, It Is tar more seonomloal, be&idea at.'ordiaag the *di ed- 'ag'e of bitter work. AI. crude trial of the rival u:rteg 1'owdt;r vrlil eoul'io e a uy lair minded person of thee?. feet . *While the diagram allows antro of the ahem 'powders to be of a compsr'atsreey high degree of strength, it is not to he taken as indiestiee!bat thevitave any value, .ill alum powders,uo matter bow high tlaeirttreti tb, ore to liarvoiaiv'4 satl;:atg rl►us MEDICAL. TUE F.i,LEBRATEP DR LE CARR( OF zuns, FRANCE, HAS i.ti`v;3I1i IShIBI AN AGENCY 1N TORONTO FOR TUE SAL; OP HIS M1•:i)XCINES, 54147('11 .4111' A POS. WIVE CURE FOR ALL CDROM(' AND PRIVATE DISE MrsCFLON(tSTA NiiiN(L e ALSO yorr BF LINDISCRETH!\ Y .h101.t DEC.AS.`,z,Tc., fiire r n r . t t\ l4I rl•. 1 l 11 I N. F01t1IATz©ti.. CORIRI:S1' )Ni'ENl E CON- FIDENTIAL. Al7ipatESO .',LL 7,F.TI5113 TQ TIM E. B. Cxt.L\l. tIExl'1,, G L?,f7:'R0N PLACE, - ALESME WANTED AIM= Ti) Mte'z'R'a lt.. Are you distntbetlaL,i1gI7 t.u,¢ t7tvekltu chY a ,t Ste' a rick chilli euil'r rrr t;, r.4t'1 er;h°vt (5 ttaitaa �l1.1115 tpf Ctlttlna teeth; Xf Ott „�.Ntl t.. 0nC..Y'-7I:#. ,etttllfpttlE%atT t0:11;1tk8:T7';tr tilt Cult,AR1Ur '4lanTTrtliu. I1,s y,t,tto )Y irr.lievif, rabic. It,snitrotle'rethepoorllttlt ,,:tall'. re •arum ot!3to: Dtpentt upon lt, mut ht t a, ;law lotto mistake about it. it cures tiybontrrs arprlC,xr rhTa, regulated the stomach and howells shirr,: ,wiedcotic,softenstlhegalis,i,,rr,ineeailltfalmom• ,tion, and: hives tone one (marry totbeswhoa/ amen). Mao, lea, tvlxsx nw'p'r Sclarnllta tixlrrilv)ae, ,.,. , l.11i.sl2� 7 lits ! T r trxofs pleasant. .tttthota.tclaatC lis the prescription. of one of the olttestlntl#0sL fi!rnate llttrSell and physicians in the ret ttse',f States, and is for sale by all tirttagr.;lutly diva ^Ile O a ttio Fo 1 d Erie* ae a t ats *bottle. b ttto, fi ALSOI2J) 1101' to canvas for the sale nt Nursery Stock ON SALAI311 ANi)r\i'IINSE,orl COMMISSION titers d employment. y e p otfnmpt. a\pply nt GMT, rtrtt- sng age. .Th ffr in tihfr paper. J. 8. NELLiS It CO., 11,1cl/cater, N. Tune ii, -•St. $03 RewIng•Meadhins ,,. To at one* rltnrii t' �+s'1,, trade In Alt parts, by rrp' I 'x, t glaring oar machines t 1 ,son; mode where the people ten -.._ i %�:?j•. a.: . tptrm.trnatiltsend frt. e t11. p posers in r ch loro;aty th..ary+ ret se,rion-meclana mule in the ,rarld,t,th nil the atta.imnnrs. lYtt oH,,i,,u,eodr'reea a tri?rte lino of oar ccetly amt ratuatle art samples, is return eta ask that yea show ghat we send, to t1,o.e who mar call at Vat home.mtd otter 4L menthe all ,hell l.rr ome t, or own property. The grand a t h na is mode after the `irir t r whit.It sure run out K;f :ems to ran out itsold : r't., 4,z m nit We altartnn net, and nor eels fm FREE re, `rnnrbi Haat th e4 mo,tu e - !Fd Fit au.. 0oinail .the gest,' train: e, hto capital usetanee- eure free Instructions gists. winse g.whowile to ueatrl .e nod the tun free the bast rwaar•mer sho n the h rjn and tin. finest line orwncks of high art ever shown io^ethrrin A;nericn. vRIL'17E 45CQ., lies a,&0,.liuguat:l, 1111!µe, Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness, day A NEW HOME TREATMENT. • Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of jiving parasites in the lining mem- brane of the nose and eustachian tubes Microscopic resea:rch,hovrevcr, has prov- ed this to be a fact, and the result is that a simple remedy has been formu- lated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deaf- ness and hay fever are permanently cured in from one to three simple ap- plications made at home by the patient once in two weeks. N. B.—For Catar- rhal discharges peculiar to females (whites) this remedy is a specific. A pamphlet explaining this new treat- ment is sent on receipt of ten cents by A. H. DIXON & SON. 303 West King St., Toronto, Canada.—Scientific Ameri- can. Sufferers from catarrhal troubles should carefully read the above. (I0,22-188.) WM Bella Gold Wateb Sold for 8100. until lately. Ram ASS Metah'in the world. Pstfeet timekeeper. • War - 11 Muted. Scary Solid Gold Bunting Cases.: Both ladion' and gent,'eidei,wath works endcases of antral eValue. 4 One/Personfnfro ctc t. antent,tan arone ne trop, together with ourr llogge caldera., ld sable lino of I[wmehbold $maples. These a mplest, as _ moll as the ora send match,'peew them in moth. .d shown end r tbhaat hope Spat bmMille for itt ecome r a r wn prop,rte to those who may haat naso, they, run. yore own receiving. the LL 'itch ndp wnee at onta.e p bb euro prs,freighthe 'Address and $AYtplcs. We ay ell ct rise, frn(ph4 eta. Address Stinson do Coes RIPX $l , 'eluant, l9Maajtc. f REEd68AN WORD POWDERS EfiS fire pleasanft to take. Contain their own Purgative: Zs a safe, sure and efcctuel destroyer ofwor,ns xrr Children oreidu4ts. Three years ago I had /iv vein - plaint and. indigestion. Notltini; did me any gOO(1 until I tried B. B. B. lee my medicine. John Vlowd. Darlsesvilie N. B. B. B. B. regal ttt-, Ow liver. The women of ('hit'1=;() have eS*i3.1a- a lisht'd 1110 first eollege of pr,acticai arts for women. in this Country. It is design ed to1>; i' v • ' l women aL ' I. a 11 r41A,e Lafuitiliii into the avenues of business lift, .bleb as the law, railroads and "tileissue awe." FREELY I .1?D, Der. 'l't'1n. Mann. of tett zw,f,t I lave used Dr. .Foul icer s Extract of Wild Strawberry in my flintily with titre very best results. I r'e.colutndl.rd it to In\- family and think it the be4t. raia'le cine in use for all summer complailzt diarrhtra, dysentery, ete. An Indian in the Everglades Floris it is said, is still holding in slavery al,- groes ,Lr7,,loe) that were bib' when the war broke out. THE ACCIDENT CAPITAL. Quebec, I have been troubled asitia indigestion for the past two years ant! have tried many medicines witlenif avail. I tried B. B. 13. and can: say there 15 n0 equal to it. Thos. O'Brien.. B. B. B. cures dyspepsia, billiouslieaa and eonstiptation, A CLOSE CALL. After suffering for three weeks form, Cholera Infantum so that 1 was not ex pectecl to live, and at the time would even have been glad had death called me, so great was my suffering, a friend recommended Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, which acted like magic on my spstem. But for this med- icine I would not be alive now. Joan W.BRADSHAW, 933St. Paul St., Montreal, P. Q. KELLY'S CROSS, P. K I; Kidney complaint and bad stomae]s troubled me for years, but I was earl by taking less than one bottle of 13. B. B. For my present good health I owe my thanks to B. B. B., writes James Gorman, Sen. I now form experience,that Everest's Cough Syrup is first class. Geo. Bratsk Forest, P. 0. gentle goodTheir actionand effect on the system really make tinea a per- feet ierfeet little pill. They please those wire use them. - Carter,s Little Liver Pills may' well be be termed' "Perfection"'. Will bo fora nll< nn excellelit remedy for sick headache. Cater's Little Liver Pills. Thousands of letters front peo- ple who have used them prove this fate Try them. l Do 'not despair of curing your • snick: headache when you can so easily ob- tain Carter's Little Liver fills. Tltc will effect a prompt and prenianentetire • Their .action is mild and natural,