HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-7-25, Page 4THE elder AbralCrtte. Wee. $ANI ERS, Zditor. Thursday, 'Jul, 25th! 1889, .0,1'SZ3'Q.N4ST:'. The Reform Organs aro howling, daily about the responsibility °t'#ze Dom- inion Government in not disallowing- the isallowingthe Jesuits' Estate Act, for the sole purpose of infiueucing public: opinion against the government at the next general election, in the hope that Mr. Laurier and his leading lieutenants, who, by the way, voted with the Gov- ernment on the question in the Rouse of Commons, znayy come into power. R is worthy of note,however, that not one of them hes a word to say in, regard to the responsibility of the Government which framed the meestue and carried it through the Provincial Legislature, That Government is "Liberal," and, consequently, it escapes the 'MIN -me criticisms: of the organa,, which, while anxious that the Dominion Govern- ment should be turned out of oft= ;e, a4t1- pear to be quite satisfied, indeed aux- ions, that Mr. Mercier and his colleaagu. es should; continue. to rule in the Pro- vince of Quebec, This fact proves their dishiiuesty; for if they wero gen, uinell* sincere they would demand Haat their Liberal blends in that province should take the earliest opportunity presented, them of administering, to Mr. llerc;iez his political quietus.. The Rxeter Board of Trade, CONSTITUTION AND 11Y-LAIVS, '� E ' a 0113E(.7. -This organ= • - a AAt A, I f1liJl~(.`T+ T s �, 1� satiau shall be called "The .Exeter Beard of Trade.' The object of this Assoc= ation shall be to promote the commer- cial interests and, the general welfare of the Village of Exeter. Mraingesuie.-Any person eonnected with the business interest of the village shall be eligible for member- ship. mbir- shs . Members shall be elected by' ballot at any meeting of the Board provided they have been nominated by Resolution of the next preceeding regular meeting, it shall require a I'4 two-thirds vote of members proemi to ere:t au applicant tomembership. ESTE FEE AND ANNUAL Sl'u- seallTlox.--The entr,inee fee sha=ll be $1 payable on election, and the ;sub-, sevuent annual subscription shill be $l payable at the (tate of the annual 'ener.tl nleetina. 00=;Nall :c .--The officers of this Board shall be e, Presideut, V iee•Pr si- dent, Secretary and Treasurer, who, with six other members shall form. the putty, It shall be the duty of the. Secretary to give notice of all meetings and to attend all meetings and keep a record of their doings, to conduct cell conxe, spofdenee, and to carry into execution all orders, votes and resolutions not otherwise- Golninitted, to keep a list of the members of the Board, to notify, ofticors and members ai their election, to notify member* of theirappointznent en conteeittees, to furnielt the chairman_. of each committee with a copy of the vote or resolution under which the committee is appointed, to an to the Treasurer all fees a4 soon as received. It shall 1 ra 1 be the duty of the Treasurer to keep an account of all funds belong- ing to the Board, to pay all accounts approved by the President and Secre- tary and to present an audited State* Moat at each annual meeting. The .Council shall conduct all the Waimea : of the Board and report its proceedings for approval at each gen- eral nxeetieg, The Council may drag up petitions or memorials and may present themat once or if they think proper may submit the same to the .Board at any general or special meet- ing. All petitions and memorials must be signed by the President and, count- eesigned by the Secretary, It shalt be the ditty of the Wendt to present a ar€port of their proeeedinga at each annual general meeting. Rus 9s' Waren von ME>A'rticus.• Every member who shall have oeess' ion to speak shall rise and address the chaair. All mottoes shallbeaalade in writing, An persons who have once epaken to anytnotaon, except the mom who shaall have the privilege of closing the deba=te, shall, prior te;speaking amain, obtain permission from the cha=ir. A motion to Adjourn shall always be in order. The chair may et any period of the meeting announce that the subject 15 open for conversational discussion, Oneret or BUSINESS FOR Rl a>±"iriz,rr write; B0, RD,--11eading of ,miuutos of previous ineeting. Proposal of new mem=bers, Baallcating for new members. =leading of correspondence. Reports of Council and Committees, Notices of motion, New Business. • rutin ished business. Election of officers. Onnue or BUSINESS I;'Qlt MEETINGS OF THE COUNclt..®-Bearding minutes of previous meeting. Reports of Committees. Petitions, memorials, drafts of letters or bi I.rws to be submitted for approval. t nt aishal business. New business, Consialeratiotl of accounts, F FI : a t z; TUE "n 9 P, � eF l 5 Q TII YEAR 1118 ;)I) R. II, Archer, President; J. Parkinson, Vice President; E. Roberts, Secretary; B, S. O'Neil, 'treasurer; John Fanner, John Grigg, R. H. Verity, H Spackman, L. H. Dickson, John Elliot, Council,. Council of the Board, Oaten- Er.r;tixlo` or.Oen Eas.-The officers 'Miss Mary Carson is visiting friends and members of the cottncil shall be elected by ballot at the annual general meeting. any vaeaney* occurring in the council shall be filled at the next! general meeting of the Board. ZEnrixes,--'r'he annual general meeting of the Board sheli be held on', first Wednesday in May at 8 p. nt. A general meeting of the Board s`uall be held on the first Wednesday of every month at 8 p, ru. General meetings• of the Board or of the Council m.iy- be called by the President, or on a requis- ition to the Secretary signed by six members, but no special meeting of the Board shall be held at less than three deys notice. Qeontee-Twelve members shall; form a quorum at meetings of the Board; should no quorum attend with- I in fifteen minutes of the time, stated two neeting shall not be held. Six shall form a quorum at meetings of the Council, _Meetings of the Council shall be open to all members of the Board but they shall tate no part in the proceeding's. AaLIeete+1i)eT OP THE Cif:CMrrTia\ A lri BY Letts,- The constitution and by-laws of this Board can be amended only by a two-thirds rote of members present at a general meeting provided also that notice of the motion has bean given at the next preceeding general meeting. STANDING OP afEmD sRs.-No member shall be permitted to vote or speak on any question until he shalt have paid. the annual subscription and signed the constitution and by-laws. Any member whose subscription is in ar- rears shall be ineligible for office and should the subscription remain uupi id for three months, having in the mean- time been notified by the Secretary, such member's name may ba dropped from the roll Ly a two-thirds vote of members present at any general meet- ing of the Board and any member refusing to comply with the by-laws of the Board may be expelled. by a simi- lar vote. • BOARD Or ARBITRATION. -A Board "of Arbitration consisting of six mem- bers =nay' be elected at the annual meeting; in all eases of arbitration one'arbitrator shall'• be nominated by each party interested and one arbitrat- or shall be nominated by the Council. DELEGATES TO DOMINION Bonin.) of TRAnn.-Tine delegates to the Domin- ion Board of Trade may be elected; by ballot at any general meeting: DuTins or OPrli;Eus.-It shall be the duty of the President to enforce the constitution and by-laws of _ the Board, to regulate the order, of meet- ings, to inform the 'Board of the °pro- ceedings of the Council since the last meeting, to receive and put motions and', to inform the Board of any matters affecting the. interests of the munic;i in .Blyth. 'Messrs. P. Kelly* and .Judge Toms were in town lust week. There is some talk of organizing lodge of True Blues in Clinton. Mr• J. W. Irwin, grocer, is advertis- ing. for large quantities of live fowl. Mrs, 'Bele is spending a few weeks with friends in the Township of Um- iak. A large number of our townspeople attended the champion lacrosse match on Friday last. Miss Bella Cree, of this place, has taken the position of telegraph operator" at the Point Farnl, The Rev. Mr. Craig preached in Brantford on Sunday last, and will preach hl Woodstock next Sunday. Mr. Robert Fitziroes returned .home from his trip to the Northwest on Fri- day evening last. He likes the country well. An Equal Rights Association has been established in Blyth. We under- stand one will be organised in Clinton shortly-. The Rattenbury street Sabbath School picnic was held this week in Wigginton's grove where a most en- joyable time was spent. Mr. E. J. Hill, M. A, has tendered his resignation as teacher in the Col- legiate Institute here having obtained a good position in the Guelph Colleg- iate Institute. Our Civic Holiday will take place on August 2nd, when excursions will be Tian from Clinton to different points, one of which is advertised to Toronto at the rate of 32.00. The Presbyterian and Church of England Sabbath Schools had a picnic at Goderich on Thursday last. Over six Hundred went 'by train while a large number drove. One of our local papers did not men- tion Mr. J. L. Hughes' address at all, the other one devoted about six :lines to`t,which goes to show how some of the newspapers aro devoted to party. A test has been made in France to see whether the color of,::a horse had anything to'?o with his 'ehiracteristics. It has been dehoestrrted thiltainysuch idea is all nonsense. ' Pedigree and ear l r training. have all to do ,with it; and color nothing who never. A resident of Palatka, Fla., while'' in Clay County s=wan entire family`work ing in a five -acre field. In the middle of the field was a plow,to which was hitch ed the old man, assisted by the son and den ghter,t'ie mother of the latter doing; the plowing. ALLAN LI E ; , ROYAL MAIL' STEAMSHIPS. LIVERPOOL AND QUEBEC SERVICE Fume LIVERPOOL, Friday, April 16. Thursday, g 25 " May 2,,... Friday, se 10 Thursday, to 16 Friday, i, 24, .- Thursday, a 30, , STEAMER. Fnoax QUEBEC. • CIRCASSIAN.,,, .. PARISIAN POLYNESIAN,R OATHIIAGENIAN .. SARDINIAN. *CIRCASSIAN . PARISIAN,..,,.. POLYNESIAN', "i•CARTIIAGEHIIAN SARDINIAN, ... - . i*CIRCCASSIAN PARISIAN - POLYNESIAN . POLYNESIAN .. . fC.A RTHAGENIAN , SARDINIAN..,. . , *CIRC: IAN - PARISIAN.,,„ POLYNESIAN. ,. TO.ARTRAGE,NIAN SARDINIAN. , . «. *CIRiASSIAN , , , , PAEISIA'N. Friday, Thnrsday, Ia`riday, " 28:, Thursday, July 4» .. , 44 ec 11.;,.. Friday, li 19� ..“4. Thursday, " 25.,,,. Friday, August 2..... Thursday, 8.,,,, K « Friday, " 23,..,, Thursday, « 20,.,,... Friday, September 6,6,.,.. Thursday, " 12,,,,, June 6,, „ " 14,,,,.. :Friday Mai Thursday 4 k 4 Thursday, Thursday, zr a yi a Thursday, July Flriday, �4 Th1lxy, s, August June 1 Thursday, ,s Friday, Thursday, K September 44 44 Friday, " Thursday, October 44 K RATES OF PASSAGE BY MAIL STEAMERS. 10 16 23 6 14 20 27 11 1e 25 1 15 23 29. 5 19 27 3 10 412.0-Ooo to S03.7ron000.1. Cabin, $36, $,O and $Ba, vccordiug to accommodation. Servants fly Cabin, 5q, Inter, medi,ito,$31. Steerage,$2P: notura Tickets, Cabin, lice, $* O, 3L n. ;Tntsatatedaayte,:$5O. Steerage, $MOO. 'k3y Circassian or oilier extra, Steamers. Cabin, $lit, PI, awl MO, a4acordiug to orrsriaa- tten. intermediate, $30. steerage, $aft Return tieketa, eee,itLP,+rntsise. Intermediate, AGO, stcera e. Goo. 'The CAR1H3flENIAN will net carry passengers from this fide. nacre will ba no Steamer carrying passengers from Quebec Stisy Stat, July 5th, AngostSth, .September isth• I'acsengexs can sail from Mantrcai. JOIN SPAO+MAN, the only authorized agent for Exeter, Ont. o before Leap. AND BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR Building Hardware, or Binding Twine, Harvest Tools, OR ANYTHING IN STOVES or TIIITWARE. Call and see BISSETT BROS.' large stock and get prices. TURNIP and other field seeds a specialty Caspad for E4gs, 111 es, S and other farm produce. BISSE - T ' OS. UAMTY IS THE TRUFFK?T0F ILIDNE S. J. H. NI?''TiC'ITT -o-I NOW O11F.LRLNG--o-- e9 Of Every Description Made to Order. J. H. Northcutt, ONE DOOR NORTH OF EANSON'S BLOCK, Main -street Exeter. THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CU mossi•TYP F;m-- from which this paper is prim tec was supplied by the TAPE mum Dealers in, Type, Presses, :and. , _ rioters' . ,� Supplies; J. T, .JdHNSTON, 80 & 82 Wellington St. west TORONTO, ONT. ATTENTION! Eros, int, QUI= MAR W. SOUTHCQTT'S Ciotbing and, Gents MINIM= STORE. EXETER, - - ONTARIO. Some of the finest goods that can be, secured, are arriving every • day. GENTS' FURNISHINGS IN THE LATEST STYLES AT RIGHT PRICES - .d.. CALL SOLICITED. SOUTRCOTT, Corner Main and John Street. 'TER, ONTARIO, MARKET SQUARE GE,11ERAli STORE The undersigned would inform the Public that he .has just reeeived his { SUIIER w s STOCK, INCLUDING A FULL LINE Or Dior GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, AND CROCK- ERY, BOUTS AND SHOES, Those wishing anything in my line will tate a z , thin til d«it,ge1 tq call l and. inspect my goods and price Best Jolzelr Flour always on. Land. Highest Price paid for Butter and Eggs, and all kind of Produce, J. P. ROSSO (10-22.188.] J. G. ALLAMN jIIercka$ tailor. Up stairs, over H. Sp ekma is Hardware Store. He has in stock some of the finest summer goods to be found • on the market. A CALL SOLICITED. J. SMALLACOME. London Huron &. Bruce Railway 'ter GOING NO1:TIr-TI3i AIlLE-Pass'nr, London, dep:trt ... 8.05 A. 'it Lucan Crossing. .8.47 5.90 Clandeboye .8.52 5.28 Centralia.... .... ,9.05 5.45 EXETER.... ....9.10. , , 5,57 Hensill..,. 928 6.09 Kippen . - 9.34 6.17 Brumfield , .. ... 9.42 • , , , . , 6.26 Clinton , , • . ...... Lonclesboro' ......10.19 7.03 Blyth 10.28 7.12 Belgrave 10.42 7.27 Wingbam 11.00 7.45 GOING Soilxu. Passenear. Winghtim........7.05 'A .x3.40 1,31. Belgrave ._. , , .... 7.24 _ 4.00 Blyth... 7.384.15 Londesboro' 7.47 4.25 Clinton... 8.07 4.45 Brucefield .. , . . , 8.265.04 Kippen .,,, 8.34...... 5.12 Hensel]. . , - 8.41 . . 5.19 If -METER. ... , 8.56. , .... 5.33 Centralia .. 9.07 5.45 Clandeboye 9.18 5.56 Lucan Crossing.. 9.24. 6.02 London, arrive . , .10.15...6.45 FOB; SALE Farmers, Gardeners and ]Florists, A fair sized brick cottage containing dining -room, sitting -room, 3 bedrooms, en- trance hall, with two good cellars -under- neath, large kitchen 14x30 feet, with wood- shed attached, two large greenhouses, small stable, good well of water; .with 11/, acres of land, all well fenced and in fair condition. This property is within five minutes' walls of solthed Exeteasyer pmosts, of ceAptl. , Thyyeto land will be on ter A. ALIAJ xeter, Ont. April lir 6 m. TO THE DEAF. -A, person cured of Deaf.• . tress and noises in the head of 23 years' standing, by a simple remedy, will send a description of it FREE to any person -who ap-, plies to 111Cuo1.so1f, 30 St. Sohn St. Montreal' Por Sale or to Rent. The subscriber offers for Sale or to Rent, that desireable residence On Huron street, consisting ofaframe, house, with 6' rooms therein, a good well of water, about two acres of laud being lot 98. Possession im- mediatye,ly. Perms reasonable. Apply to r UWARD GILL, orat this office OLOTHINE A. J. S1EL1, 2s.,ix _ st. EXETER ONTARIO, Has now in stock PRFSIIMMII IN THE FOLLOWING LINES 'Pest of England Suitings•and Trans cringe, Scotch Tweed Suiting's and Trouser - lugs, French and English Worsted Cloths All made up. hi the Latest Style, at best Rates. A. 3. SNELL.. L. H.Dickson's Lit ffli 'kato dor Sale. Lot No.22, in the Iatconces8ianof the town ship of Hibbert, containing IOP. acres. Thon farm will be sold cheap, and en eaey term* The farm is situated miday betweenh *forth, and ilublin, ou the Baran (travel Road. Church and School within ioP yards of faros. Sail the best in the county.A is sal=e number the est or t,ernis,ineluding Boole of the most desirable residences, in town. Souzo property inthe villages of Centralia slid Farquhar, which can be bought cheap,. To BoardinIroese keepers -On coltsp�e- tion of Verity's F Foundry, lits, l nl , CNC 3 N#b em- ployed. 75, to atz�- I,,loyed. A House to 10 at a small rent can- able of acc.o nodating Sto In ho rulers -Abort #Ivo minutes walk: frusn the foundry. For farther particulars Apply to Vomit t1e.1sSfa. I,, U. Ds BarrCt r, E,,Neter, S. GJILEY� THE LEADING zatl. alter AND Furniture Dealer OF THE T N ? I have an immense Stock of Furniture and Undertaking Goods now on hand, which I will sell at right prices. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. S. UI't'LEY. IF YOU WANT A Sean al Day !ivcShIft OR ■ Neat Nair Cut, CALL AT THE Centra. Barber ' Shop, Fassson's Block, Exeter A. Hastings, PROPRIETOR Exeter Pftpto Sllldio. Why is it that in other towns and surrounding country they speak so highly of the photo- graphs that are taken in Exeter. And how is it that there are so many photos sent into the different cities of Ontario from EXETER PHOTO GALLERY 1-2 Because Senior's work is as good if not better than any of the leading galleries in the cities and their prices are and $5 per doz., while they. get them at Senior's for $3.00.