HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-7-25, Page 3TOtilq(3- FOLKS, laiia 411P 14.01;AElg$, BY AOS B. WELLS. Baler was thirteen. So woe Tommy, Billy had tred hate end freeklee, Se bed Tonimye Tommy wan entitneieetie tousologtat. Sc wan Billy, It Wee in tire atteipoou of the early ante= metier eit elm feout yard, Ceemutit had 'hut kelt We charm, MA the ebendmieel belle end nualete ley absnt theret 0119w 4•4 TOW htICIne getting on, 131111 t'' geld Temmy, lueueleuely Wiring ep heels on the geese. " Pretty well, bay Ceeropiad hoe be- gun, to epin. I'm decidedly gled, lilnot bave to get leaves fed him any more,. Ile wee ouch ail eater I fiour are_ yonra• "The last of my s Ajeaes came out to. day. A fiue fellow. The meet theemileent ails I have in my cellection. Yoand 4 new larvA to.dey on MAO, whlte clever. A big few (toe, Black god white, "It40,4 woo7 beer,' ia it I" "Guess not, the It might be, Did 1 abom you that as etretcherial ot wooliy beam' of mine t Well, 4111 ten you thet 1 forgot te ea ep the dithers of water it wee standiteg lot and the ante at riddled it I There holt A Perfeet seeelmenleft." "Thatee too ba,d, But you needn't green hie, Tommy, ray limo le gone 1 It mate roe sick to thbek of ite 1 foenel euetz needs it yeeterday, and to.day I picked j3ev4ra1 musetine beet/es out of ie. Ida juet heoglegtogether. I meee to keep cgeolde ofattelwillue he my Cesee the thne after tins, "atertiust ;pomp to get awn* more large meths., Billy, did you ever try the ;scheme the leet eutomolegtet epeake of—ereeerbag tree with rein owl inolaseee, you know, end !eking off the mothin the 1491111ng? " egg identieel thirg 1 leet.'e try Ithe tree end Matting 4 wild dive foe the Ohm, while Pally Widigneatly end excitedly eprang forward to heed off. Allah for entemologleal Izest and !identifies selathuesal Tommy trip- ped cetera peejeetieg root in. hie taind,hurrya and Deane hetily, with outateetehed, items, against the rurmaudanolessen covered teee 1 Toe greet dheropia, startled, made pee vigorcee and ancceesini ittetter with wide, eels? "seisms., and escaped from its stacker hotline, ,With a cry of ee*peir Billy threw deivie the lantern and leaped after it a few feet iu the clerk, coming up sharply, ere he leuew it, ageletst Tereroy's profitIette, but aleundeetly atiCky hickory. Clothes and treeetrnek parteti liegerieglY. VMelly die, ergaged, Billy weet beeh, plehedup the len- teen'and ease tM 4111 flickerieg light on e weebegeee object, facet hende Med Poet Yet', low with the uneomfortedele enteitaaee. Billy stood with eticky setae akin:the, and saki ae majestieelly aa hie molassembesmirehed countenance permitted: e!*Tonstny Shepherd, you ought to he eSnarned of yourveli. 1 from BMW O11 and, for evermome 1" To 014 T9MMY genhi Peke AO reply. The oat was glowing with :Norio and greeu and already brighe with the herald gleams et the adVancing, brin es two Wretch- ed yootlut, with draggled Pete and. empty colleetbig bottles, 4aftly opened the gates of their reepeotivelteMee, Net ail the water IA the Gion coold Melte their *the* any. Oleg. tut sticky, stiff mid uncomforeacite thee water had evidently been freely end; nor could it renktritt the wooderfal odor, own - pounded of Molesses MA tsly-ram, As their eihtelte biter said; "Zee bayeitever Were .0 meet before," Bet they weds+ up for title ineherinernele of their temper, and Billy peaty enneeked that, aelde trete hie own troebese he was glad enough that A fellow who, like Tommy, did het tare to etick to se bargain, ehoulti be mule to aticle to * tree 1 right* When ,TO.Afght V "Yes, eight eft Where'll we get the m, Tommy "I zee get that 11 you'll get the =Ow see." "Well, 1 wills beent140 1 don't 'knot wh.ere te get Auer zone without golog to the ealcen for in and 1 went do that." "or I either, of course, beteg tho um here After ;nipper, told wo can rate t thee. Aud le* eereed it On Kerne trees down in the Glen. It wee't he dietuthett there youkuow." " illeright, Now 11 beat 7on Another glum of eraquet," "You cen't do it: It le !Ater temper, eked the two ar agate, Blily with quite a lug*1*11 imam the nominee of which eerioes breech, in hie tin hank Tommy with a venwr email bottle. Whitta thet, Tommy! The near " " There" Mighty little ef ft. Where'd you get it I" "Drug Mose ; sad yea wouldn't thiok little if you lead to pity for Let:* look at the India. Wily, Tommy Shepherd 1 Vile is tn.:turn I" 44 Weil, thea's lam, Isn't it, Billy "12 isn't the kind mew get thank on Why, the rum is to make the meths drunk, you know, Tommy, and then they stiek to 420 raolesses," 44 Weil, how do you hum heettrum wendt melee them druok 2 Ineeets 'don t get drunk In the num way men do, ot coUtie. Let's mix them." The Glen was a Wild ravine near the town, broad =dwell wooded alocg the bottom'them:mit which wound e. taeutlfal Uttle streetn. DaWet theeeeky eideleth the bucket of the precious liquid wee eately borne, end two trees aeleoted scrota the stream, 4 hickory by Tommy, an milt by Billy. Them wero liberelly anointed t.ud the bucket teamed cleat, "Blowing wIth lot:unto and wild honey, ' ecuresuredBilly, with vague rerniniecesom ret Sabbath -school Inman!. "These trees are /owing with the wild, honey eart, tenyevay.' "Huh 1" mad the better trammed Torrany "That Isn't rig.les 1" "What le, thea 1" "What'll we come down herotoonorroW I" said Tommy, directly and quickly. The conversation hem drifted into more Absorbing topice and prolimlnariee for the morrow's campalqn were arranged. Whe morning twilight bad not yet bright• lined the eastern sky 'when a longdrawn shone of "Thous 1' was heard outside Tom- my's window, lifting many a head from the pillow along that quiet' street. That ory was the two boys' long establiehed signed, being the specific name of the largest butterfly 01 that neighborhood, rather rare and difficult to capture. A white apparition glimmered dimly at Tommy's window, and a voice, dreadfully. sleepy for all ite owner could do, made answer, ".Ajax 1" a signal adopted in honor of the morn beautiful and aerated amone the papiyoa. A °Atka Year, ie at loot itornewhet 4100014 that tho year 1859 Is else of those whites; students af the Setipturee, who give themeelvee es, Wally to the study of the prophecies claim as a critical year in the history of the ;aid. Aceordiug t them this world Is rapidly haeteedeg tO a Cage, end the emu) denouemeet has been elwera advanced by ogee, each stage in its Itegiemlog being marked eft hot ite predeemeer by Conte eonvaleion 14 the morel and 14011W-44 eXperiettett Of revelries/. Certein deductions; there mad oeletuatiorte from the propteeiee of Dahl and (Ahem leeve led uonie highly respeetehle authorities to welder 1869, ea 311 haleilityt one of the momentaue • the world's Weer, And What de ly find. Well. on the European Imre ttee prophet:law meg he "up. utret we lade state of teosiou weald be difficelt to pamdiel for beak. Wer edam of ovum en, pleuty of thou Ammo w beet yearly OCenrrette04 for g the, The clouds hese gathered om Ontily, and some d the quiolter-witted ye heard or thought they heard the tumbilog ot the thuseder ; hat the lo de have slicer &periled, and the um pm* has ;hone from e deer sky upon the much relieved petiolate But notwith deeding this, a feeling has never been far away thee these things were ell premonitory of e future etruggle. Jetta* cooddenee Wee felt thet these Intervale of pews end quiet. nese were anything het temporary, The Govt.:410u bubo= grawlisg thstthe ;adios of Berope are walking over a voleeno, the erase covering ot which grows tbioner every dem. Ornineux foreboding' hive op premed the hearts dram Though "perm, peaces" him bete moa, the eir hut been her. cloned with preparations for war, utitil now, more ;timed than over before, tlao cantluent of Batumi Is one vaat oarep of termed men, waltiog for the signal. And withiu the last week or tie° events eeern to bavtebeen haat ening. The cloudon thehorizon eye deeper and more +=Inoue than ever, and two men a beteg watched by the world with an r of awful intensity, for le seem" as If with hem lice the deelsion whether or not the rivers of Europe are to run with blood. These two are the Car of Rumia and the Emperor of Germany. AU proleselons of Maudlin e se to the contrary t otwithstand them two sovereign" are on the brink of an open rupture, melees all the newepaper oorrespondents in Europe are so far astray as to be contemptible. The Czer lb seems bas deliberately intuited the Enver- or, by spending a. couple of hours In the railroad station at Berlin, without sending any tort of a greeting to hie brother Hing. The world eagerly mite:hest° see hove •the hot-blooded young -German will counter the indignity. Amolteer fact, supposed by the leaned in the usterpretation of such things to be full cf foreboding, is the °haulm tion of an anonymous pampleh which says that in case of war Bavaria need t ot be relied on to fight beside Italian troops, and that Austria will have all she CAD do to pre- vent or suppress uprisinge among thee 41VE Slavic: populations. And so the hell -broth goes on bubbling ha the caldron with pre- monition of toil and trouble and awe pre- plexity to the weary nations. Amid all the storm and atrees 12 in comforting to believe that the hand of one who is mightier than the mightiest man, holds thehelm and guides the ship. Meanwhile it is pleasant to know that a little romance mingles with the sterner as- pects of European lite, and that a daughter of the Peince of Wales is engaged to be mar- ried, Not to a poverty-stricken German Princelieg either whom the British na- tion wili have to support, but to a bonny Scots lord with broad acres of his oft, and a purse full enough to satidy any girl, even a princess. Lord. Fife is a lucky man, who masdperhaps turn out to be the animator of a line of English kings, for failing the Prince of Wales' sone, the lines of descent will be through Lord Ftfe and his royal wife. The proopective marriage is said to be very popu- lar among the Britisher!' who are intensely relieved to find that another German lairdie is not to be fastened on them. A'pause, during which a bird woke up, and ventured on a fear experimental chirp. Then the front door was eoftiy opened. and & hastily attired boy emerged therefrom, bearing a butteifly net, and a wide-mouthed jar charged with oyanide of potassium, for the reception of the expeoted Fey. A simi. lady equipped young gentlemen a aited at the gate, with one hand up to stifle a yawn. A not unnecessary lantern made a yellow oircle on the side -walk. Through the town they passed with steps involuntarily subdued cub of respect to the steepen on either hand. Outside of town the unfamiliar hush of early morning still farther quieted their voice& "Now don't forget, Billy," maid Tommy, when they had climbed the ISA fences.; "All the moths on the hickory are mine." "And all the moths on the ash are mine." "Yes. We meet keep cool, or some of 'em will get away. My! I hope there's a "tuna" on mine, and a "Polyphemus 1" "And I want an "Io" and a 'Prometheus, and a "Cecropla 1" They stumbled down the dark side of the ravine, the edgee of whose rooks the com- ing dawn was hue beginning to show. An owl hooted mournfully near by, and in the stillness the ripple of the brook 'sounded startlingly distinct. Carefully throwing the light on the stepping -stones they crose- ed the stream with unwonted slownese, and made their way to Tommy's hickory. Tlae lantern was held up and the hancllee of the nets firmly graved as they approached the tree. Alas 1 What a boor up] a flees had seized 'the insect tribe? Save a flimsy little moth or two, with gummed and ruined wings, the trunk was bare of lepi- dopterous life 1 Their hearts had been beat. Ing fast in expeotation. They were now heavy as lead, especially Tommy's!! But Billy's ash remained, and Billy's hopes again rose high, as they drew near. Nor was he disappointed. A superb Cecropia flapped his great winga before their eager eyes, a dozen smaller fry made the trunk bewildering el ith moving winga and hints of color in the lantern light, and, as they sp. preached, from the direction of Tommy's tree flew a great green tuna moth, and settled down opposite the Cecropia, " That corn e from my tree! That beaker shouted Tommy, rushing impulsively amund A .DEADLY ENOOCNTEH. another lion or a bear was approaching, felt cart*, and xo it preyed ' it was a I have often met old hunters who htkve ' .--,..„ - , , Q . ,--e -arge4t °-1 had ever arinrIT and ne or the I heardof battles betweeim the grizzly bear--- cl the immeneet tome paehmt cf the 1 ,.._ _"He leered himself suddenly out of the au Itocky Igettateine ' hut 4 hem poly once i !oed of the little etreern, only a few yerde keewie a Man wfue'had Men leech a combo. ' Earn t,halihad aurt the elk. e had "been Serge** At/Semen of the ---te United i "eavelsine up the bed of the creek,e-as beam Shaw). Oevaity, 771) Ora I met in Wyoming . °NA do m a shallow stream,—and attreet- me of a hero Aght between 4e 014 gph e end him coming hed emerged to tiee what the 1 edat---ee beret it,—neer Cooper Meeetaut 4`d laY delight lee took in the eltuetion At that time he wars etemetmo et reee tionleePhembled toward the belligereot petit, while on, a hunting expedition in 'SO, told by the snarls of the Ilene who had heard two moutitain hens Whieh he had d emelt- in" w" aboalt several year !Wore. eta glaeoe, aniwithout a, rainnWri Itetilta- 1 Fetterman. A party of citizens bed Pied "114g,1_14g hia haeree growls; with their swage MO from St. Paul, elien„ to hunt thei SpaNrIag". big' IWI! the]] 4e Plentiful in .geeterrt —A, bad beard that the meusitein lion W Wyceung, and the eergeent. one of the Nroula not run from a gazzly, btit did not believe it, and despite the inadui threaten- ing et the two before me, I expected to PO *outlive W47 40. tile rthmirette bear came itg, imagine my astonishment when, as the gemaly °bargee Within leaping distance, both of the panthers sprang open him bat entlF, "I could not properly' demethe the scene which foltowee ; both braes pounced upon the geizzly tooth and ef ati, and elated' with beat hunters in his regiment, was allow- ed to go with them, taking a - email demehMent of !Mama to tome after the %%rapt and Mite eve of the pine, The Patti' had beha leuatieg elk among the feetegie of the Caspar rope and nese ' the, great megesel mountein which is their chief teiterm when the adventure befell Men "I killed en elk," stid lee, "early eee morning, ant as I often did te regioe winee hehimeneuell of !pry a Serfage oat:MO 44 Made le Where it fell, for beer, belle There le with in'ense excitemerit. nothing the big hears el thie region, aro "The grizety eeerea as the two aplomb, lolecietteil, 'heel atteady, at eel tizoo, 044 14411444 Rpm beepohoe eheek tbe there were grizely or selvemtip beam, I lefe Mur MO, and my whole body pelehle more fend et than a Weehly killed elic or a eiraok him; bis as he came up he tete a eiteing . . ensile lion from hie ehoelder. But the thoseve anoer, *ht n. ms hy leatturg thie way. awe matehteg ha the beams et tee male lieu held hint by the throett hut tewhY deei elks. hedY alohlithe hearts belly. and Ws bind 4444 *44430' "Perehed comfortably in the israuches of lege trete iver eg with lighthIng-like ?peed an evergreen* or lying Upon the tep of some high rook withie a few zed, ot your bide, Fe114 hear 91)411ed atasatb WOW, and WO such 4 deePerate %dental(/' the hillieg rye" " bo turned /44 wan alctowba and 9t arwy. good gun, wen heovy dON6IMArd F14 etrove to catch ble enter*. otmody nerve aro au that it rgsllut,4. u attempt, but at the PAM momeut he naught probelely won't feet e greet fleet e been 4'444 ;41114 errible' 414wit wbriab aaemaa fells to coulee #wrauyte %ace eheaulmal hetween there "Thli ame had ale elk in $411t Tfteltort reined MS held of the 1/04/444 Snell * Spot end With j hat Etat serrouelmge neck, threw baek headt wed aught to es Iwoulti bey° ;selected cold have had writhe 190114 from the bear, It would heve full choice. I ahoe it In the act of &Mktg., at, one high with hht, hadnet thes female lieu mandi basin ef water the bed of a—milleet, 7 a deeperete vein !maned /lentil 44 which cut beck into the foot ot old. Oesspar etrettely epee ;he beet; of the besee neek bleuntaire The side of the melange an that hews* forced to drop the mars and turn either hind wall rutted with deep gorge,* to her., leading luto the melon, gimideg ehlek. Over end ever they relied ebout ate elk eta elnetered Around the heads of theee Wow!. Timg clewed, hie sacietore at 444 ravines, While the bottoms, whetever vege, other with deeponefaeel envie awl growl.* tation ertuld tithe hold, were grown to wit. Sometimes the inarWee On top el se lieu, and Iwo, cermet and bullborry bushes, It Iva" again both Roux were on tap at him, just the plat* for hew, and eheir sign was ''The grimly weeld Whet One Qf thent 4• pleutiful at 1 bed ever Seed it me:weave, suddeuly le his hers fereertee, hear it dawn The epot wee may a tulle from our upon the paned In the effeet to emelt tied mop, sea wheal ewe holt my heat) bito the lite out of it, thee feeling the teeth —for wo hunted singly or In terelimnd. threes of the abet which would invartiddy nate AS the netien took tue-1 found three of the upon the heck ot his neck, the lettaieted Ste Peed men. Wang late dinuer. 1 told remoter would law hle hold, and whirl them of me omen, and inviux1 them to go nporktinkt 0114, with me, amities in welt for beets that evea. "Son, le one of these whirl', caught Ing. They declined, declarieg thee they the eteeller and gave her soh a ter. hadn't low ivy beau, and, therefore, dide'e able bite before the melee etteele—which feel °Med upon to bunt for 'em. wet, 11104 from behind as usual—could induce him meat, they mild, to paler ell the stvey to Telma* her. thet the lost 'send' oomplete, grizzlies in the resin, and put my eartten. ly, sedate* limping away, evidently butte iar baud on 'mu. 134141ao male lion immediately took the de - "Se about three a 010014 1 went up to imbue dodged elmete the grizzly, and perhalt; alone, 1 bound it auclieturbed, . e cued inyoeu lir the erevioo ledge at lespea eamly out reach of his furious; °Wages. law, that bruinhed the hese et tock, some thirty rade dist:tete which peel bit tion 1 teached by making a ladder of dry the light and we' likely to nesintsiu poles that leKtemonfusorne Mfrs of a recent Advantage ; AA I Was far more munition, decent paerkannetebip, laud et aaala With WI teethe aw Re felled hie you ere fresh. els the Imeineee timot you the llea's belt just Wow the shoulders In A The Only Thing He Wanted, 44 Prisoner at the bar," said the Judge "is there anything you wish to say before sentence is passed upon you ?" "No, there is noddle' I care to say; bat if you'll dear away the tables and benches long enoughfor me to thrash my lawyer you Can ere me a year or two extra." itabovit.,10 y hid risco wee Teeoogy titmice* to secure the tremendous beast safe from *tette* o St bear) ehou d 1 he then 1 wee to get the lion", 1 armed aro lucky enough to lure one within Idiot, as it ubponVal wbeibtleutam?hoWabitiourshmerrea baeriaturngevede was fully fifteen het from the base of the ima ledge, at a perpendieular height. broadelde in one of his !mhos et the lion, 41 found the creek, le wheel I cede Luckily the first:abet haled bine. *Watch myself .2 1011 leugth, *moba cone ,44ThellOnt more frighteued at the report fortablepleed that I concluded to watch all 0E tliii gull than he had beep at the bear, night, presided no bear lama to rny beat bounded ierotethe creek, and though I fired two theta at him before ho got out of eight Eimer. 1 had nob long to welt, however before Iwo; treeted to the moat thorough 1 missed him. The Pule got off ecot-free, as weetech ex I do not think the bear had given him mare patierdietubreeilling surprlee of gamy . than giber scratches'but 1 followed the fee iite hod tam, hooter, an hoer, lad the male, and overtook her la A Crippled condi arm had just sank behind, the moutitaina d'm so" bed a mile uP the canon ; a aiagla hawk of me, so that their shadows had hullethilled her."--tl:outlis' Companion. mewled over the tops of the lower ones in -4. Iran; when 1 head the sound of aoft footefelts just on the other side of a Raman Dives Offered ass SaoriSca After fringe of bullberry holies, whick skirted the Death or an Area Lfrican ring. the stream above the spring where my elk ley. I pricked my ears and looked Losnos, July 2te—By tete advices from sharply for the game thW e est coast of Africa 12 1. learned that et It000litoon1.ei t!whielt from the muffled Ruud. wa or three beers tannin down m°111 r"°162g "(14113° h411 jUet tIllen P1' he the interior, A few months ago the old king of Eboa "I had no thin:to speculate ea the nature died, and, as is onetomary, traders from New of the animals, before there bounded in sight two big tawny rnountainaions 1 They were Calabar wane up to pay their teepees to the new monarch. On their arrival the racing down the canon, jumping .sidewise traders found the 'In Jit" rites, performed and running against each other ta a. way on the death of the native king, still in two - that was, no doubt, intended to be playful, gree, and about forty victims had been and 1 was just about to atop one of them with a shot from my dile, when In the same sacrificed. The old king waa still lying in an open grave large enoughto aceommodate breath each of them =plat 6 scent of the nine of the departed ruler e youngest wives, elk's carcass, and emme to a sudden hilt. Who had been murdered in the most cruel • "They stood fax e moment with head" manner. Each of them had her anklets and erect, oars pricked forward, and -tails switch- wrists broken, so that she could neither big eagerly, their yellow eyes gleaming and walk ner crawl. In this enctimed condition, scintillating, the white apote on their breasts and suffering most exerted:Whig pain, the offering a splendid target if I had meted to poor creatures were placed at the bottom of shoot at oncm They were fine, deck animals the grave, seven of them lying aide by side. with gloom coats, far more importing in looks, The king's body was then placed on them in and much larger than the panther of the is transverse direction. Then the two re - East and South, and I was anxious to hag mining women were laid by his side. both of them which I thought I might They were left without food or water to make sure of doing if they attacked ray bait, wait for death, which, however, it is said, as I might easily bore them both with a didnot come until after font or five days of single elicit from my 'at inchester express if intense sufferieg. In the meantime four they got In range. men were stationed around the grave, arm- " They hesitated but an instant, a /seer monde rather, then leaped the channel of ed with (Aube, ready to knock backward any of the women who, deepite their tortures the stream with catlike jumps, and approach. ed the elk, which they cautionely sniffed and their pain, might manage to crawl to the side of the pit. with pointed DORM I rejoiced at the pros- In other puts of the town other human peat of mewing snob magnificent cats. esorificee were taking place. Suspended "One of them, the larger and a male, came from various trees were the bodies of several up to the bait first, snuffed It over, licked tha men. They too, were undergoing agonizing fresh blood about thaneck, then with a ted. deaths, holes having in most eases been bor- den proprietary air he maunted the calmed ed through their feet near the ankles. with his forefeet, gave a satisfied purr, that sounded like the muffled chumming of a Through these holes ropee were drawn and partridgea wings, and switched his tail the men tied to a high tree, head downward and left to die. about with a snappirg moticn at the end, just: as a oat with a freelocaughd menet) in ' ner peeve mtht have done. A Child's Remade for a Mother's Grief. " The female took her turn at licking the Not many days ago a gentleman had taken bloody neck; and snarled her oat-plessure at affectionate leave of his wife and daughter the prospect of a gratuitous feast. They aid for a three months' trip abroad. The child, not seem to he in the least hungry, fax they a lovely little girl of two and a half years, made no move toward devouring, but:after otood by a chair with her thumb in her snuffing and examining the game for a bit, sat about scratching leavee and dirt month—a favorite pastime, and, to her, a they envoy-edpanacea for all her childish ills. She watch. over it, wiht the evident intention of her mother for a few moments, saw the big or hiding it for future nem "Thinking my time had now come, 1 tears filling the lovely eyes and dropping one shifted my petition carefully, and brought by one from her cheeks, then went to her t aide, awl in a coinforting tone, looking pity- raygun to beanon them, waiting only for ingly up to her farm, eaid ; "Mamma, suck HOW PEOPLE SLEEP.. Sionelettree*tiee Dream Stetistic* cleame , by, * wiesmet Weiversity. An lett:mete:4 levatigetion upon the itimee mileiett *Mope:41e been ro*tte :leder the Ansel:eels of the V411Yersiry Of Darpath, Rastia. Some )4) eirenlers were lent out with %image of qeite derteite qesiatiows, whiela were ensweeee with equal emelt by 151 etre dente, 113 other melee, 142 females. The result for the two tedee were AO diff4eAt *at theY demand, operation, iage the etn, 4geo tom ,a 13.94t9gRAPBAIF ChM iPtargMar jag aa -A $peopa etedy. The Bret pzoblem that wee proposed mute the relation between the irequerey 444'010 vividnees of dream* It aPheath thet 62.0 per ;eat, of them, who dream every, night ereeisti vividly, 60 0 per coek el those whe dress= freenteetly, and only 20 a per acne, of theat who ()resin eel- eleaa ehttevioa thet the yield:me of eleeame increaime very rapidly with their freleeocy. Next, how 5the mteesIty et sleep related tdt frolgsnoY dree.mse Oi the ate - dente who thorn nightly, 68 per cent. hews a next ;deep land °lily de per cent. have a deep sleep) ; of tholie dreseneng fregueetlee 40. per teen.% tirOlge fire _Wag Seidel% MS per eerie, peeceritsaite for the ether maks are 6$ 8, 42 I, and 393 and for wo- men, 78,40 and de per Cent. eaaelade* then, thAt frtqaent dreams are A inc of of light 'sleep, thoughthe relation is far from 41111VerSal, regard. gee' Went= hive 73 per ,CeAt. of their numberhaltatlletie telateeraT ar frequently, while stadont have 00 per con end othee melee 48 per cent 41gob, 03 per tatillt, Of the Weteen steep lightly and only 42 per Q046., of litedehtm and 44 per twat. of other males. We can. o'ude, thee, thet mama have * very emah lighter sleep then mere mei *et their dreame Are proportimmtely MOM fregeent, Atuether cesieleelose the evideece of which oo detailed at; present, is the est we grow obberottr &ooze hews:tie leo frequent, but loop beeemeelighter, as effeetesg intuit sity of sleep more thee, frequenoy of dreamt tdhe author regards the students 44 Ili the perfect of maxlinene deem:Meg (20 to 24 years of Age). The deep sleep el ehildbecel (hese tre to frequelicy' of dreams) is then Mut .helenced by the leroeuieg of dreame due to go, The nvidisem ef drools *holm A eitniter relatian ta age mei este thewousen dream meet vividly; the Cudeet,* beteg yoneeer then the other IneashaVe more vivid dreeme. The pewer eememberieg dressiest ia PAO dreams is Ave dependent epee vivid, • aud frequeriey of deeming I 5AO, cazoliegly greatsat la women wed greater In Cadent* than la more wititure Et/CD. The I ivellnees of TILZr-MOTtaar• N'ATOrtiti o promineet featete of won= and you*, teem thee to be awaited oat aithecentetire agent in the produetion of dreams. The due, ethic of sleep should naturally he Meted to rim habit of dreaming, bee hi the rota no au* volition eon be ellecovered. la the wo. Men, however, It newts thee those who dream frequently sleep mealy an hour homer than kW*" who ;Odom. dream. Thie differ. nce hi regarded tie duo to the feet that mete are more oder duty to break store their altep and thus vitiate the stleastice. This 1.Corroborated by the freemeney with Mitch the men who dream ire queutly dealers them. "elves tired In the mornieg, imitating ite complete *leap. Theueed of sleep le greater In women then la men, the duration of sleep ,behig poser and the percentage of tired mom lug end. evening and of not tired. beim 3to Zola 2 to 3 respitotIvely com ared to the mem Studote !sleep teener ee leas tired than other men, The time :leaded to fell ;Weep Is Shouts the same In :all three chain— 20 8 minutia for the mere 17,1 minutes for atudente, end 21.2 minutes for the women. In each este, however, it hikes longer for thole who are frequent dreamer& aud light "tempera to fall asleep than puma of opposite oharsoterietica. Eight per cent, of students sleep uninterruptedly through the night, 70 per mat. of other mon, and only 43 per mint, of women. Light sleep and frequent dreams luorease the interrapt. often of deep. The power of fallingasieep et will is pomemecl, by few. It is greater In youth than in age. Twentreleht per cent. of men, 19 per cent. of otudents, and 20 per cent, of women sleep in the afternoon, indicating A tasking up of insafficienb sleep on the part of the men. The effect delver= habits upon mental work is also evident. an opportanity to melee one bullet kill or Ile Alternative in Store. cripple them both, as Ifeared that the tinhurt Fond Father—My dear girl, another new one would get out of sight before I could get drees 2 You must think your poor old father a fair shot at it. ia made of money. "Suddenly, the big one threw himself up- lashlonable Daughter—Now, papa, don't 1 on the elk with a harsh snarl, his hair riming be came This is so becoming that yonshould I or, end, hie ears told baolt, and hie tail m be delighted to see e in it, It is very styli* switching viciously as he lay at full length, i now—faille p,-3, his head turned away from me, eVidently Fond Father -1f you keep this up I will watching some object down the canon. The home to fail Americahae. A bee belonging to a warm that a Dorset. eh ire farmer was atte,mpting to hive gor down female, too, advanced nearly beside him, her hair sticking out like bristlee, and her angry snarling was deeper and more threat- ening than his, 44 At first I could see nothing. of the in- 'oo fum 1" As if nothing could so much com- fort her. —Pesten Courier. He Was So Absent -Minded. emith is a geed fellow, bub BO minded. The other day he went to a wee- ding. After the ceremony, as guests were discussing wedding -mate and champagne in the drawingmoom, Smith got Into conversa- tion with the 'bride's sister. "Oh, we had such a difficulty in finding a house for them," said she. New York houees are so dull, and mamma wanted Nellie to have a little sun," the man's throst ana stung him, and, the tender againet which this fierce threatening "Ye -es" said Smith, as he helped himself throat swelling very rapidly, 'the man died. wee launched, but I more than suspected RS to more champagne, "bas she settled on hie of suffocation, ' nature, and my excitement E0130. Either name yet ?" Tlie Coefeeeion Auk i4 the Lstahlishe ed Meech ef Scotlaed, At the tete General Aseembly el the jeark "of Scotland,. the forroola which all miasma, have tit sign ma oh:lined= area coositlerably telexed- Henceforth a gerierel approbetien of•the ClanhIgnion of teeth will he expeeterl, butane ;ameba evient eny let partiesther dewed/tee ; while, still further, a distinction is nevr made between the sub: emcee of that Cenfesshot, Which le to he emproeed, and the details, which coo be ro, heeded at the discreldoe of each. This On. Yenient errengerneet ought eurely ievoiee no preetical hoticlage even the west semi., rive of eontscieneee. 'Veen Otte modificetive being orris4a wlsisls 10 WA4 by niejerity of eluetv, Beinelpel Canuingham congretuleted /self end. hie lirethree en Whet had been time, **O.deolwred that mow they would be Ole, tet "lookpeople le the lime like leo:mid'. Mee." TIMISEVRO DREAM SELDOM or ideep deeply, aro better disposed ler work in the forenoon than light sleepers and frequent dreamers. The forenoon seems in general to be the preferred time of work. The statiatice regarding nervousness confirm the accepted fact that this is greater among student" then other men sh large. It le, too, a concomitant of light sleep, and fre- quentdreame. As to temperament, thephleg- matic people are quite constantly deep sleeping and infrequent dreamers. Fically a contrast between teachers and professore of the same average age shows the effect of the occupation. The teacher with hie daily toil, has a lighter sleep and more frequent dreenes, while the professor, leading a com- paratively congenial and wordless lite, is a deeper sleeper and a lees frequent dreamer than the teacher. Why liktxmod tile Sheep. Terre tree *fellow la* certeda eeighitort heed ia New Jereey who wee etmegly ess, peeme of cheep etealing. There Were agood teeny :ewes of the mysteeient ilieeppeerance • che mttntook frosu eke ibof the ferw ere, welch were traced to inc door; het, tieing very eethd and logenfoue chap, he geeeradly eneeeeded In proving au alibi, or some other defence which reduced the charge to in suapicion. At last, however, farmer riding throogh. the toed* pereelved themepected *sheep thief eteelieg theough the mimes; ode gear looking around wee thets one was near, walked up to *deck atheism, end delibelately knooked over the Ivrea end fetteen At this Memeut the fernier Toile up, end oonfrontieg the thief, exclaimed; "Now, air, I have got you You met ;et eft; you wr el.egut in the eon" "Whet sett ' indignantly hiquired the thief, "Sheep stealing," wax the ocagdoaa reply. yea 'had better mioa how you, charge reepeatelele American °teem with oche. crime 58ebeep etesiing," replied the geutlemmt with a peneleare for Tent tenie " Now, will yoe deny that eew yea kill that *beep 1" leaked the farmer, "Not wm the prompt newer. "I did kill tem, mei Pel do it Wain. 111 hill itoytiody's *beep that, Wes me A* 1 san gong pomeatly along the read V* Superfluous.—Book agent—I should like to show you our new cheap edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica. Vermont farmer— Mister, you needn't show me any 'cyclopedia% My boy graduoted from college this week, The extraordineser rusk of English °smite to the United States thin year is attracting a great deel of attention. llitherto English- men have made their investments in that country chiefly in the West, in agricultural propertias and cattle ranches, but of late they have turned their attention largely to the New South, and, as our readers are aware, are besides actually striving to ac- quire control of entire American industries. One reason of this sudden desire for foreign investments ie undoubtedly the conversion of the English national three per cease the holders of which now find themselves obliged to accept two and three-quarters per cent. To very matwelaolders of console this ineaus a serious loss of income, and it fa not eurpris- ing, therefore, thab they should look abroad for a better field for the investment of their °what. One effect which the brutal murder of Dr. Cronin hoe had ia to atir up an intenae feel- ing in Chicago Over the supineness in the past of the police authorities in suppressing mime and punishing criminals. Chicagoans mem resolved to °Image the state of affairs, which must be pretty bad when one of the locee papers, the "Herald," can tornark "Burglate ena murderers have held the day. Well-known burglars have leaned agsbast lamp. posts, enjoying a freedom alaich they had forfeited long before. Of. deers of police have wielded power, and yet 'were themselves burglare. Officers of pollee have insolently *awed on the robbed the penal colony for Great Britain, as well as a robbery, on the dead .the deed of blood," l'IR'ce of refuge fax American boodlers.— [Pittsburg Chroniole-Tele raph. The eemmunitty whiat has permitted such a disregard of law and Oder has simply been I , putting a prerahata on atierchy and murder Mize or corn color is revived am ong other of the worst kind, 1 fashionable !Mules of yellow, The Eliz'r orLitet renal milog to A by the 7P, leetion reeently seientlit, M. cla Academy of ha" prepared * oo feeeli doses of vital en ee *bettered by eget or . yea WM there Is no public recent of lee trial ae reopperative and revitelizing agent, all thee ean be mid Is UM it le narioeiraSy oompopeded of revolting materials. The playeicitoghte it Is stated, 002 out cereals; perm of living eta. malt, such gulaea pigs. the pieces of quivering dean, posiuded together by the pestle end mortar of pheusreceutical cam - mere", an undo into* kind. of plate with water, The %sauce of Me convened is then Inlet:Weeder the "kin of the petteati with a eyries. einaler to time employed by the votaries of morphine. h needle's to say that the results et 1.1. Brown Saguard's experiments are welted with enema* by elderly Pewits.— eLondon Telegraph. The PrIrmess gown, either abort or trained le the roles of tbe doe' in Patin Mince TO Mammas —Aro you digitated, nights aud brokest of your rest by& sick child suffering mid crying with pair' of Cato ting Teeth. If so send at *nee and get a bottle of "Mrs, NC inalow's Soothing Syrup" fax Childree Teething Its value le remark- able. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immedistely. Depend tpon it mothere; there is no mistake about it. It cum Dement tory and DIarrlo a, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures Wind Collo, roftens the Oucm, Induce leflerranetion and gives tone and energy to the whole system. “Afra. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" fax children teething 5 plement to the testa and Is the preemption of ona of the oldest arid best female physiciame and nurses in The Mated States. Price SI bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mu% Wneseow's ScOn=0. STAVE" an4 take no other kind. There is No Explanation. When a man tits at the end of the mat en an open horse car, one a woman wishes to get In, he gathers himself up olosely and allows her to pass him, or, in rare miles, he step" out and lets her go in more comfortably. In either case he keeps the end of the seat. When a woman sits at the end and a man appears she gathers herself -up into the smallest poughle apace so that he may pass her, and—he does not do it 1 He aireply stands on the step and waits for her to move over, and bo a moment she does it. Inwardly sbe doubtless wonders Why It is that while women move over for men and pass to the inside seats fax them, MOE do not do the same fax woman. There are many things in life of which the only explanation im be come at is that they are as they are, and this is one of them. —gloom n Courier. 1.1•1•10... lints al Satisfaotion. Mr. 111 eeriefull—', You seetn quite en- grossed in that book, dear. You havena uttered a word tor the last hour." Um. Virearieful.--" Yes, I've been enjoy- ing 'The Silence of Dean Iffaidend.' I notice yon don't speak a word yourself either.', Mr. Weer iefull--" Beelines I've been en- joying your silence, dear." He Wan t Afraid Of the:Dog. e Mira Sweetlie—"Algy, dear, I have got 11 dittreetirg piece of news for eGil. Pa has d one and bought a large dog." Algernon itightfie—"where didhe get him?" Mite Sweetlip—"Of Mr. Brown." Algernon ,Tightfit,—"Oh,l'm not 'Afraid." (Sotto voce—"I made friends with thee dog vrtien 1 was courting Amanda drown.')— {Burlin gton Free Press. A Penal Colony, The United States does not get quite all the roseate assieted to emigrate from Euro- pean countriee. A young man convicted of felony in an English court recently was let off from punishment on his friends promising to send him to Canada at once, The Do- minion is therefore playing the part of a