The Exeter Advocate, 1889-7-25, Page 11
NO. 11
7`he Molsons Bang. i
iGaltart eyed by Parliament,rs55,) �� , F
ip wave N140
.Paid u1? air 2
� p t._l.. .z. 8�,090,000i .�
Hest Fund , 1000 000
Read office Montreal,
Twenty Branch offices in the Dominion.
Agencies T the Dominion, ` 5
e r in o nnu L . , and A as ei' n o a Europe.
g . ur pe
Open every lawful clay from 10 a. m, to. a R
mi.* Saturdays x p. ua.
A gaperal banking business transacted
Three per cent, per annum allowed for
Money On Begesit Receipts and Savings'
voter, Ja1n 28, Manner;
le paatinalht#cl Avery Thersalaay storelee,
at the Office,
z�Mf I -sTlz 1,T,
$r thoSeeiDERS' Ineentertnea co'efr'A ee
=item OF 8t.nesvuese EON.
One Dollar per annum if pliid in Advance.
*t.otaifPot so paid.
'.. ,*..yrs
Nog aper discontinued anti; all arrearage'
rro latch Advertisements without siceeltio
(UCC(fl i11 1I. aubli.lied till ''abler and
chiargedacsordingRly, Liberal disc want mode
for transmient, aa- verti-niaua:an is inserted for
ton ppce+riods. Every deseraptfaah of JOB'
PAINTING turned out In the finest ''tyle,
sand. at Moderate rates. Meg iic'1,iraoncvord.
ors. kc. for aaiverti in,,, sulorriptions, ere. to
be mode payable to
ViIIliatan Salu err,
Ciaurclh »rector`•.
Tarvtxr MEMOAllT. Crtimear.--Rev. S. F
Robinson, Rector. Sunday Services, it s.><ah.
*Ad 7 la in. Sabbath School, 2$) t,. m.
Ia(£rtionisr Cart+nets--J', 1lev. B.
Clement, raaator. 'Sunday Si^rvlces, teal a.m.
and RA) para. Sabbath. School, 2 p.m.
Ma1XSrxrb r -Rev. J.'11 iison, Pastor. Snit
day Se/Wee-1,01W R. m. and fi99 p.m. fiabbaath
School 233 p. m.
i'A1rSATTk:ra1a.trnruen—Tinv. W. Martin,
Pastor. Sundayservlees,it aa. re. and U.50 ln.
ran. Sabbath School, 9.45 a.m.
4 d'
Office over O'Neil's Dank, Exeter, Ontario,
Nitrous Oxide pas for painless
tracts teeth without pain by giving
Vegetable Vapor, Or Zinn the now
Ana,athotio on the gams. Makes Mold, Fi11i
Ingo and other dental work the best possible.
Goes to Zurich last Thursday in eaolh in o nth.
East side of lain street. Exeter.,
• . and Surgeon. Office .and residence—
Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Gaderich,
.!J Residence—Corner Andrew and North
Streets, Exeter, Ontario.
rip A. AMOS ALB., o X. L., C. P., EDIN.; L,
• R. C. S., Edin: L. F. 1'. & S., Glasgow;
L. M., Edinburgh and Glasgow• M. 0. P. &S..
Ontario; F. T. M. S., Toronto. Night bell at
office. Crediton, Ontario. dy12-S
J_J Exeter, upstairs, opposite 'Centra
Hotel. < Side entrance on south -,James street
leading to the Methodist Church.
T **BROWNING, M. D., M. C. E S.
Graduate of Vietoria University. Office and
residence, Dominion Laboratory, Exeter.
YV inaySurgoon. Graduate
Toronto. O'fSee and Residence
ne block east of Samwell &
Pickard'' store. Opposite skat-
ing rink, Exeter, Ontario.
Veterinary Dentist, graduate of?rof.}I.
H. Davidson's Dental School, Toronto. All
work in connection with horses, teeth prom-
ptly attended to. Examination free. Office
with Wm. Sweet, Y. S. A. H. Exxon, Y.D.
JJ. of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con
veyyancer, Commissioner, &e. troney to loan
OSioe—Fanson's Block, Exeter.
itors, Conveyancers, &o. Money to loan
• at 6 per cent.
TAMES ORE, Exeter, Ontario, Licensed
cr Auctioneer for the County of Huron.
Sales promptly attended to and satisfaction
guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office.
11BROWN,Witchelsoa. Licensed Anct-
. ioneer fr tiro Counties of Perth and
Middlesex; also for Ilio township of Usborne.
Sales promptly attended to and. terms reason
able. Sales arranged at Post office, Winchelsa
EBOSSENBERRV, 'iensallOntario. Lie-
. onsedAuctioneer for•the County of
Huron. Ohargosnzoclorate and satisfaction.
T ROLE ,Khive,'Ontario:, Licenseetauct-
✓ . ioneer for the Counties of Middlesex
and Lambton, and the townships of Stephen
and Ray. All sales promptly attended to.
• Tff EMBER, Licensed Auctioneer for Hay
Al. Stephen and McGillivray townships.
Office—Crediton, Out xriu.
Notice is hereby given that the partnership
heretofore existing between, the undersrgne
as Flax and Ian:obermerchants. doing busi-
ness in sulpha, Township ofStephen,Couuty
of Huron, under the firm and name of Switz„
er and 2wiker, was disolved on thetoth clay
by mu
consent. .
C rasta 'n �wikar retiring from sd
and Wetness. which will be continued by
iaLeab1tcR$d,tneiLclwit who
standings of the late Arra..
Dated. at the Township of Stephen this
area day of,;oly, A. seises.
Christian 2wiker
'Witness signed Samuel Switzer
HenryEilber, John Switzer
Va1ua1aio ramp for Salo,
Two Farms for Sale in the township ofLrs-
borne. Counts of Buron,a i joluipc rho thrnv.
i in" Village of Exeter, comprising lots is, le
Sr+ con., and lots or and half of i9, .tech cora.
ofsaid township. Lot's. contains in/ Acres,
WW1 .i. comfortable brief: dwelling and con,.
venient our.buildirkgs. The other lots 15 and
ban' of 19 ivitl, goof oat.badldina;s, TWA pro.
petty ` will be sold separately or erablacla
Terser to snit purchasers..
AS lIODOSDN,Exetor, out.
A,1sa Craig,
Adams spent Surety ill
ting friends,
zait'h, of LUCall WAS the guest
of Mrs. John "Morgan last week.
Master Walter Kirkland, of Paint
Edward, is visiting Mr. John laforgan,
Miss Smith, of Lucan, is visiting
around among her friends here At
Mr. Jac Meneio Will oce upt the pu'
pit in this Presbyterian church, Nairn,
ziext Sunday.
Mr, Matthew Parkinson, of the Ryer-
son school, Toronto, paid Craig a visit
last week.
Mrs. W. M. Shocbottoru and her son
Frank are away on re visit to friends
;anal relntives in Niucardineh,
lubseriptions anti advertisements
for the M vatlA'r1a eau be left with
Walton, the Ailsa Craig paws agent,
Mr. Shephard, of Werdsville. COMO
here after his standard bred colt one
day last week which was raised by
31x. John Eynon.
The following is the sem:
Eaerett 2 b., 0 0 2 0 0.0 1 0 1-4
Anderson f, ,0 0 Q 2 0 0 0 1, 0 0-3
McDonellc#, 00.2000000.-2
Carling i, f 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0-3
Elliot s. e. 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0.3
Bissett 3 b. 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0-2
Tait R. 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 00-8
Shipley 1 b. 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0-3
Enigltt r; f: 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1
Totals 0113 0 0 2 7 0 1-24
Two base bits, 14; three base flits, 4;
base on ball 3, s'ouble plays 1, Eacrett
and Shipley
Nolan r. I, 1 0 1 0 0 1 Gs() 1-4
McIntyre a a. 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1-2
hieDenell 2 b. 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0-3
Welt() Lf. 00.0 0 0 0 0 0 1---1
"TeNay e. 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0---3
Toole e.f. 001000000_-1
Nellie 1 b. 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1-3
IMTura 3 b. 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1.8
Told. p, 01 1 0 0 0 0 0 1-a8
Totals 1 4 '7 0 1 1 2 1 0.23
Time of game, 2 hours, 15 minutes,
Umpiree Ma ay and Ward.
Aleraaia-z;oozz tarns.
At two o'clock the famous °'Irish
Nine," of Lucent, stepped on the dia-
mond with theirivascott master, Willi-
am Ayter Stanley Butler, a young cel -
red gentleman of that rioted village,
and were followed shortly after by tine
Thedfard boys. This game was void
of iuterest as the curves of Shears, the
Leman pitcher, mystified the Tlleddfoxd
an so badly that .they were Unable
ossa a run, end at the end of the
innings they tossed up the sponge
and surrendered the game to their
infghty opgoueute. The following is
the ricer%
Miss Bella Anderson, daughter of
Dr, Anderson, left hero on Tuesday for
Toronto where she will be the guest of
the lion. G. W. Boss.
Mr. John Alexander had the mister
tune to get a piece of steel in his eye
last Wednesday, but we are pleased to
report that his optic is rapidly getting
The Sclhool. Board are having the
Pubilo school painted, both inside and.
out,' they also intend placfrar, a hot air
furnace in the basement so as to heat
tine rooms in the winter.
Messrs. Aikens, Clarke 4nd McDon-
ald, of St atbroy, spent Sunday in
WWII, and while hero 111r. Clarke be-
came suddenly ill but
e-caniesuddenlyillbut recovorc,l anti%
eiently to be able to return home.
Mr. John Bowman, .just east of the
village, had a large barn raisin; on
Saturday last. After the boys had
succeeded in putting the frame work
up, Mr. B,, with his usual generosity,
tapped a couple of kegs of the needful
and 'allowed the boys to Saturate their
stomachs :until everbody were satisfied.
.A runaway occurred On our main
street on 'Monday last. It appears that
Mr. Bowman, our butcher, was taking
a calf hone to kill, but before he went
home he had to go to his shop,and leav-
ing his horse to stand on the woad
while he did. so it became frightened a t
something and made a bolt down main
street at a terrific rate, turning around.
H. C. Munroe's corner the wagon cap-
sized and tossed the poor calf into
Munroe's hotel. With the exception
of the damage done to the calf nothing
serious occurred
' A grand Base Ball tournament was
held here on Thursday July 18th, in
the base -ball park adjoining the vill-
age. fully live -hundred people at-
tended the games, and there is no
doubt but everybody who witnessed
the different games were well pleased.
After the clubs arrived, at ten o'clock
a. M. a procession was formed headed
by the Ailsa Craig brass band, under
the leadership of Mr. Win. Robson, and
they marched to the grounds. After.
arriving a couple of selections were
played by the band the first game was
called between St. Marys' and Exeter
St. Marys going to bat and scored one
run, but Exeter was unable to follow
suite and St. Marys piled up another
four runs, then in the second Exeter
scored their first run, in third innings
St. Marys made seven runs and it look-
ed as if they intended to tare home the
"boodle," but when Exeter went to the
bat there appeored to be a win or die
smile on the faces of the boys as they
picked up the willow stick, and if ever
a pitcher was pounded unmercifully
poor Ford, of St: Marys, received it in
this the third innings, as Exeter made
thirteen runs ;;after this innings St.'
Marys was completely demor%rlized, but
they managed to secure five more runs.
between this and the eighth innings,
while Exeter made eight in the ninth
innings;St. Marys went to bat with
everything against them, but they
surprised the crowd by making six
runs, and Exeter had to hang up one
in the ninth innings to win the game.
Black p.
Merrecitlh e.
Cameron 2nd b.
Donley r. f.
McEdwards c. f.
Ginn 1.1.
Traver 3rd. b.
Voodlsa 118. e.
North 1st b.
Shears p.
Wood. c.
E. Collins let b,
Q'I\oil 2nd b.
Porto s, s.
13awkstraw 8rd b.
Collins 1. f.
Fox c. f.
0 0 0 0 0-0
O 0000-0
O 0000-0
O 0000.0
1 1 1 0 0—;
O 1 1 1 0-3
O 1000--1
O 1 1 0 1-3
O 2101-4
Out blacksmith is doing s rushing
Alr. G, G. Essery's livery is kept busy
just now,
Cricket is the order of the day. Our
boys are talking of forming a club.
Tho eenses of this place were taken
lately. The population anlolrnting to
about 200,
i t School entrance exam/palm,
Below we give the names of those
who were sueeessful at the High School
Entrance Examination, held here. The
total number of marks for the different
subjects is 78,5, the number 'required to
pass 807 and one third in each subject
`'hose recommended have obtained ever
3071naarke but have fallen below ono -
third in some subject. The marks of
those who have failed will be sent to
their teachers by the Inepaetor. Mag-
gie Bell, 4b3, S. 8, No. 1 Tuekersuaith,
Den ; Smillie; teacher; Mary Curry 381.
8, S. No 3, Hay, Geo, Brown, teacher;
Rosa Hauch, 413, 8. S. No 7, Hay, Sam
J Latta, teaehor; Addle Y, Jeekell,
405, Blanche Jecb el1,503, James Horton
403, Nehion Noddy, 303,Norman Keddy:
442, Frank Mitchell, 380, John Swan,
390, John Tapp,380; S. S, No 1 Usborne
Wua. McKay, teacher; Mary Robinson,
304, &S. No.S Stephen, Frank Turner,
teacher, Cassie Tod, 370,"S. S. No. 5 Me-
Gillivra y Alex. Tod, teacher; Wm fkhg,
shave, 892, Edmund Shapton, 590, S. S.
No. 8 Stephen, &, W. lIotham. teacher;
John "Douglas, 551, Donald Manson,4L2
S. S. No. 0 Hay and Stanley, R.B. Ross,
teacher; Asa, Nestle, 445, S. S. No. 2 Cols
borne, Tiros Elliot, teacher; Thos Rus-
sell, 500, S. S. No u Usborne, Forriie,
Tluie Love, 880, S. S. No. 8 Stephen,
Frank Turner,teaeher; Edith Steinbach
408, S. S. No. 7 Hay, S. J. Latta, teather
Joao Curry, 070, S. 8. No. 8 Hays, Geo.
Brown teacher.
On Monday morning last, a young
son of William White fell into a kettle
of boiling lyeand gotterriblyscaalded. It
appears thatthe young lad just got out
of bed, and Mrs. White had just stepped
into another room, and the little fellow
in walking backwards fell into the ket-
tleof lye which bad just been lifted off
front the stove. He is scalded fearfully
but the doctor has strong holies of his
0 0 0 0 1--1 Zurich,
Errors 4; base hits 7; two baso hits
3; three base hits 2; home runs 1; base
on balls 5; struck out 8.
'Umpires, Ward and McKay; scorer,
At 4 o'clock Luean and Exeter Dread
each other for first place, Lucas went
to bat and captured eight runs, when
Exeter dropped in and banged the
little globe all over the field, snaking
nine runs. After this innings Exeter
played a rattling good game only al-
lowing the Lucanites to get four runs
while they scored twelve themselves.
The following is the score:
Faacrett 2 b. 1 010 0 1 0 1 0-4
Anderson c. 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0-5
McDonellc,f. 100010000-2
Carling 1- f. 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-2
Elliot s. s. 1 0 0 0 1 '0 1 0 0-8
Bissett 8 b. 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-2
Tait p. 1 0 0 0 '0 0 1 l7 0-2
Shipley 1 b. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1
knightr.f. 000000000-0
Totals 9 0 2 1 4 2 2 1 0-21
Two base frits, 9; home runs, F. And-
erson 1, Eacrett 1. base on ball 2.
Shier p. 200000000-2
Wood c. 1 0 '0 1 0 0 0 0 0-2
Csilins 1 b. 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-2
O'Neil2b. 000000000-0
Hawkshaw 8 b. 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-2
-Collins 1. f. 100000001-2
Foxc.f. 100000001-2
Ellisr.f. 100000000-1
Porte s. s. 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0.0-1
Totals 800112002-14
Times of game 2 hours Umpire Mc -
May and Ward.
The groat feature of the games were
the heavy batting of the Exeter and
St. Marys.
In the second innings of the St.
Marys and Exeter game a foul ball
landed among the spectators °striking
Mr. Will Shipley in the face.
The following newspapers were rep-
resented:—The Exeter ADVOCATE and
Detroit Sunday Sun by Mr. W. T. Wal-
ton; Parkhill Gagette, by Mr, J. W. Gre-
en; Lucan Gossip, by Mr. Bryant, and
the London Advertiser, by Mr. Will Mc-
Tait, the Exeter pitcher, is anexpert
at tossing the, little sphere.
The farmers around here are busy
cutting their fall wheat,
Mr: J Lewis, of Adare,paid our town
a flying visit on Sunday,
The fanners are busy cutting their
fell wheat.
Miss E. Dyer of Exeter, is visiting
friends in town.
Mr. 8. J. Latta and family have gone
to visit friends in Chiselhurst.
Last Thursday the A. 0. F. of this
place held their annual picnic at Bay-
field.. A very pleasant time WAS spent.
Oa Saturday last the Crediton base-
ball club played a match her with the
Deetahlanders. The Creditors boys
played a good game but the game re-
sulted in favor of the Deutchlanders.
The score stood. 13 to 17.
Messrs. Edward Sanders and Robert
Sinale spent gunday visiting friends
around Dashwood.
One day last week as'a land survey-
or was in this section surveying some.
land for the .Canada Company some of
our residents were passing and seeing
the surveying instruments 'concluded
that it was a photographing outfit and
asking the surveyor what he charged
for taking their photos, and getting an
answer that he world take them free,
they at once repaired to their home,
which was about a mile distant, niado
preparations and then returned to be
taken, when;- to their utter disgust,
they found out the truth. •
The Society of Christian Endeavor
intent" having a lawn social sometime
about the end of this, or the beginning
of nest month.. The brass band from
Seaforth is expected.
• The Rev. T. 0. Thomson, late pastor
of Union church:congregation, now of
Yancouver City, along with Mrs. Thom
son, have been visiting their old friends
here for thepast few days. On Friday
evening last he gave a very interest-
ing and instructive lecture on British
Columbia for the benefit of the Sabbath
Sehool;,andon Sabbath morning occu-
pied, .with great acceptance, his old pul
pit. On. both occasions the congregat-
ions were large, On Monday evening
prior to their- departrire•a farewell roc-
',til was g iven by the lad -res of the eon-
gregation at the residence of John
Esq, Stanley, The• tables were
beautifully set with china and silver-
ware, While' the viands, as -usual, were
ofrthe choicest kind. The evening was
spent in social chit-chat, speeches and
songb s, all rejoicing Mlle privilege of
rnectincr and ,all regrettin.the- neces-
sity of parting. After singing the dox-
ology and pronoun61g the benediction
the company of nearly two leaudred.
separated, wishing Mr. and Mrs. Thom-
son the divine blessing, guidance and
Mfrs, Stuart, of Toronto, is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Dr, Stanbury.
Lawyers Johnson and Campion of
Goderieb were in town on Tuesday,
The ;Musses. Cowan, of Warsaw, N. Y''.,
are at present visiting among their
friends here,
Last Thursday quite a crowd of
Americans, many of whom were from
Detroit, ,arrivedd at the Commerical Ho-
Miss Maud :Shephard is enjoying the
beautiful prospect Qf river, harbor and
lake here„ being on a visit to iter uncle
Mr. T. I Jewett.
A picnic of some of the Clinttan Rat-
tenbury St, Methodist Church young
people was held here on Tuesday, and
they seeined to enjoy themselves very
Rev. Mr. Ryan, of Florence, preached
as Very flue sermon last Sabbath in
Trinity church. lien andhis wife and
family intend remaining here for the
Our tailor and his assistant o
enjoy a shower bath out on the main
street every once in a while, We wish
our reeve would see to having bath
house erected for such as these.
Summer visitors are coming along In
limited. members. The hot weather will
likely a=ura a large addition to thorn.
Our hotels rand 'boarding houses are
prepared to give them every attention.
Among the guests at the Clinton
House are.—.Mrs. Alex, Williams, the
1M1sses. Watsou, of Seaforth, ;iiia. and
"Mies O'Neil and Bay, of Clinton, Miss
Gibson, of Toronto, Mr. Taunton, wife
;end family, Nester Frank Bullard and
the "Misses Brierly, of London.
Fa inial,
The roads aro alive with berry p lek-
ers all bound for the swampsof plia.y
and Stephen.
Hawing is about finished now and
harvest will soon be on and looks well.
especially the spring crops.
George spends his Sunday evenings
art the brick house now. This means
something, as Geo was such a bashful
Quito a number of our young sports
spent 12th of Juty at Exeter, and re-
port having had a very enjoyable
We notice John goes north very reg-
ular now. He is probably thinking of
the long winter nights that are corn-
The farm lately owned by Jas. Gard'
ner •saris sold on Saturday last to Mr.
Robt. KelIand, of Exeter, for the stun: of
55,800. This is considered a cheap farm
and in a good localify.
Miss Mary McFalls is visiting Mr.
Geo. Hodgins this week.
The wife of. Mr. Jas. Carroll, of the
Sauble Line, presented. him -with a fine
brand new baby boy,on Tuesday of last
Mr. Stewart McFalls (Young) who
has been suffering with a very severe
cold is recovering and able to be around
Miss Maud. Dempsey,Miss Mary Cave
and Mr. Wm. Coats, of Usborne, were
the guests of Mr. d, 'Mrs. John S. Atkin-
on on Sunday last.
We notice that the teacher of Eden
pays quite frequent visits to a certain
con. of McGillivray of late. There must
be attraction Jim, eh.
Farmers are very busy now finishing
up the haying. It has been exceedin
ly fine hay season and a large amount
of excellent hay has been saved.
This is the season for "berry -pickers"
They can be seen every day in every
direction 'pending their way to the
wood and returning with their loads of
the precious fruit.
Mr. Rd. Blackwell and Stewart Hod-
gins have just finished the harvesting
of the largest flay crop handled by any
two mein on the 2nd or 3rd con. They
have cut and saved about 48 acres
of hay in the space of two weeks. Dick
Says the hay is a great paying crop.
and that it takes hien and Stewart to
handle it.
Considerable excitement wascaiisecln
2nd con. on the eyeing of the 12th,by a
pugilistic encounter between two light,
weights of Biddulph. Time was called
at 11.30,the principals entering the ring
shook hands and began. Nine bloody
rounds were fought, when Harry was
completely knocked out. The fight
which was for fun, was proceeded ° with
without interference of the authorities
and the -sillies being given to the vic-
tor all left for home. Harry on a lively
This is to certify that I believe Ever-
est's Cough Syrup my life. -Thos, Mar-
shall, Forest P. 0.
M1 CGillivray1
council met pursuant toadjourn-
silent, on July 2nd, present, W.H. Tay-.
lor,R;eeve,W. L. Corbett and G,T, John
son, Dep Reeves, W. .Riteitie end E.
Morgan, Councillors, ralentea of .last
meeting read, approved of, and signed
Moved by Cr.'1. Johnson, een'd by E.
Mo gan,that the slim Of y..0 be expend-
ed i gravelling u ilk Seal's road,
e n an eels 1
S silex a. T.
g' :
Denney, Comnoissioner Carried.
r Moved by G. T. Johnson, sec's. W. L.
Corbett, that the Reeve and Treasurer
be and hereby empowered to borrow to -o
thousand dollars to meet current ex-
peaases.-.Carried, Mo' -cd by G, T. John
$on, seed by W. L. Corbett, that the tp,
engineer he instructed, to examine the
t water coursewest of Menear's s hill on
the Plain gravel road amt. report at
next meeting of comseil,--.O axried.
Moved by G. T. Johnston, Sce'd by W.
Ritchie, that the request of W. Glen-
dinning soliciting the services of the tp,
engineer to examine the water course
grievance on s. i lot 11, con: 10, be
complied with the engineer to report to
the I'aeeve.—Meed by G. T. aohhson,
sec'. by E. Morgan, that the Reeve is
hereby commissioned to have hill on
Charlton's side road put in a proper
state of repair.—Carried. Moved by W
Ritchie, seed by W. L, Corbett, to .st
tial following amounts be mid the ser
eral individuals as set forth, viz;.—T.
Howard, building culvert, gradin and.
gravelling, Biddulph w g
, I h town line 11ct�.
north" 808' .43; J. S. Smith CQuhUIYssi01L
er,pgravel grant, Lees' side road 829;
M. Regan, putting ill. 2, concrete cul-
vents and tilling in old site N. 13, $12;
T. laaland, gravel eontracts,div, 0:,7 and
S N. B, 8,60; J, Steeper, gravel ace.,
working; at end overseeing, gravel pit
N. B., $16.25; J. Steeper, gravel ace.,
working at and overseeing gravel pit,
829.81; T. :Appleton, gravel commission
er N.13., We.; W. Mawsou, gravel ace.,
attending pit and making road,$20; W.
"Iarrirsen, statute labor returned undone
1tiS-ii9,87,50;J. McGregar.gravelgrant
"24th con, l888-89,871; J. Belling,gravel
grant N. B, west of Green way 1. ().,$22'
a0; G. Settles, gravel ace.,818; S. Lends-
brough, gravel contracts div. No. 6, 7
and 8,$102,80; J. li,umohr.graavel gr:gnt,
7th eon. w. c. r., $25;11. file, repairs on
Parklsill road, $11x5; J, Young, ditch-
.. oir 420th con.,$7.60; A. Muuroe,turn-
piking on B;ilsdwiu's side, road, $7,75,
A. Munroe, repairing ditch on Mr, Vi.
ear's bill, 5Oe.; D. Wiudsor,gravel grant
Windsor's side road, $15;.1. Ellis, grant
West William's town line, $20; II. Bald-
win, gravel grant Glendinning's side
road, 815; C. Poor, building culvert
West W'1'iili:11ns town line Mete. ,portion,
82.50; A. Sin ith grading,culverting and
approaches to bridge Bloomfield s. r.
J. llarskett, cutting hill Bloomfield s. r
87;50; J. Witherspoon, grant Whither -
spoons s. r. 830; P. Ryan, concrete cul-
vert at I)oyles main gravel road, 88; W
Scott, concrete culvert 21st con. per en-
gineers award, 84.50; It. Sellars, gravel
commissioner div. No. 7, 85.; Durr Bros.
gravel ucc, $40; J. Lynch, 2 sheep turd.
2 lambs killed by dogs, 818;1). Farmer
Sep School No 1 equivalent toLegislat-
ive grant,$18.50; H. Qunrry,Sep.School
Parkhill equivalent to Legislative.
ee'rant, 861 R. Seili, plash, sec,, 819.05
7.'. Quinn, gravel contract div. 9 and
10 N, B., 842.40; J. Morton,1 sheep and
8 lambs killed by dogs, 812; J. Foster,
evcling rod for tp. engineer, 821.35; J.
. Lewis, reparing Slack's bridge, $7;
H. Bowman, gravel contracts div. No.
, 4 and 5, 8109.60; 3. Amos, overseeing
gravelling div. 6,85; W. Morgan,gravel
contracts div. No. 1 and 2, 858.65; T.
Canning, overseeing gravelling div.
No. 2, 83.50 J. Doylc,overseeing gravel-
ing div. No. 1, 82.50; T. Itees,repairing
lack bridge, 84; A Bloomfield, over-
seeing gravelling div. No. 4 concrete
culvert4$650; B. Miliigan,gravel grant
2nd con., 815.10;; W. renriee, gravel
grant 16th con., 815; J. Lewis oversee -
gravelling die 8,85 ;13. Doyle,turn-
iking on Lewis' s. r., $3.50; J. Light-
foot, turnpiking on Lewis' s. r., $17.50;
Mawson, turnpiking on McPhee's s.
., $6.75; M.Doyle, turnpiking on Me-
hee's s. r., $3; J. Torr<ance,turnpiling
n McPhee's s. r.; x9.75; J. Breen, grav-
e1 grant 20th con.. $20.50; M. Doyle,
urnpiking on McPhee'ss. r., $8.50; A.
with, reparing road scraper, 25c. R.
eil, gravel grant Kelly's s. r., $39.50;
W Smith, tile ace., S13.38 ; W. Smith,
epairing silver creek bridge, 826; J
aterson, ace. for castings and moulds
r concrete pipes and repairing' pile
rivers, 851.82; T. Lewis, ditching on
ewis' s. r. $7 A. Morrisey, turnpiking
14th con., $$11.—Carried. Moved by
Morgan, seed by W. L. Corbett, that
is Council adjourn to 'Sleet in Town
all the lst Monday in August at ten
clock a. m. --Carried.
-Myr. FriAsE.a. Tp. Clerk.
The season of green fruits and sum-
mer drinks is the time when the worst
forms of cholera morbus and bowel
complaints prevail. As a a e o•
1 y s fc� nerd,
Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild' Straw-
berry should be ktpt at hand. For 30
years it has been the most reliable rem
Everest's Cough Syrup and Liver
Regulator give universal s,atisfaetion
in this vicinity, -It. 1 'bite P
Crediton P.