HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-7-18, Page 8i�lleiAl,ZNV .:�
ssder never oar: d r arcs r of
v, -t eu °n,
oraieai orlon She oral/ears Sin nn .aTu
ot ho soli to comp tattoo avatr, the
as wtc v4 lore test, short wei„ ltt 4h73m oa
r� etc rw,s,.a:erg U , Ial�* tai (canon
: at r i1'49L *:• 11-!'
Wheat ort r bushel $ SO tta 8
a'„acli}- ,... .,, 'ratan
e e is . .. ..... , tn', to
1'a ,s»'b3 to
ver Seed deo to •I. a!
.4,zege gi?'r doze. ..151.41111• . 10 to 1
Butter, Reels—. c 1 i to 1S
Posen :ee pee bushNee- eer ton.
passed:—Adoption of morning session
minutes To give due consideration
to claim. made by bliss Williams, Clin-
ton, substitute for Miss Gill during
elle filar see mouths of 1588 for excess.
time taught beyond the half year, said
(.bairn beteg bes •d on the proposition
taught to the teaching day of the
year. To secure information from
secretaries of surrounding vilheges re
salaries, number of departments and
qualifications of principals. To adver-
tise au the 'Mail' for' principal quali6.-
cation not lower than second grade
certificate. Eeaniina►tion of nuatonai-
cal chart exhibited by Mr. B. Nash, of
Crediton, said chart meeting with
,strong :approval. Granting the use of
the school 1►a11 to the Trivitt 3leenorial
church ora, paymetat of $1 tier month.
Making the amount to be ;asked for
school purposes $2.500 on nnotiar). of E,
Penick, seconded byT. Fitton, in place
I of $2,UOO as per motion of D. Mill and
seeonnded by C. Moskin.
J. Guam, Secretary.
41, reoazeer Late at Rest.
I On Monday least, one of the oldest
Ipeerseeers of this section laenss'tI :nay
..d » .:T being
as a AL 1
t4 rein the throng, t be
fl r, �
io Mr -George o r
an the persen fSr.,
t w dzax la•atk reviled the ripe old :age. of 72,
a e to anal 5 months. He head been ail- ,
hex for over Es year past, mid his (earl''
ti, a+ not uneepeetetl. lie was 'bora L.
Cornwall!, England, santefirst sow telt*
•ht of day on the 11th dray of Feb-
—4 bars of London Electric Soap for
-Ask. your grocer for London Elect-
ric Soap.
Mr. Chris Baldeon has returned to
the village.
—A. E. Peters, of London Advertiser
spent Friday in towru,
---Miss .Susie Senior, .of Toronto, is
visiting friends and relations in towit.
—Mrs. G. Find left here on Tuesday
for Durlaana where she will visit Welles.
-WaeshinQ made easy and homes •���
Made happy by losing London Electric
Vile want the Money and you, t1.e goods.
Soap. e7 �7
Great 3
mer Sale
Everything must go.
---Mr. Wee Snaith anti mother left Dress Goods, Millinery , , Hosiery P Embroideries
here for Hamilton on Tuesday morn-
ingy CottonsGlovesy Parasols ,
Prints, Laces, Muslins, shoes, etc_, etc., etc.,
—we are indebted to tfr. John Par-
sons, of Winnipeg, for copies of the at j=011r Ov ri prices during this sale_ Everybody should come and seems
Winnipeg Sun.
—Mr. J. Clarke, representing the
Goderich Star was a caller at the
malars , 1813. When quite young lee
.e a pereenticetl to the trade of ear-
laeeteran;. shortly after serving his
,a1,1r,Jata1 a allip, he married ,'a 'bliss
11<twee y am). migrated to Comsat in
• year 1$42, aud ended where the
vzt of Cobantarg now stands, it being
15 to 1G then a vers smell village. He here,
20 to 15 followed his occupation for short time
5 to
10.00 a when he h:ad the xnisfortuue to loose
his wife, and heated two small children,
daughters, were left to mourn the loss.
He remained in i ohourgiewyeareafter
e Melt h4 married 1lissl'hilaapp;a George
aud shortly ;after removed to thine see*.
coca, After getting settled down here,
elanttinued his profession until his
s became able to take the respousi=
iesof the business,he then allowiug
m full control las he was unable to
dune it. IIe wee alwaaya as hard 1
working roan, find and alf««able, a de
voted Christian and a strict adherent
to the Bible Christien Church, now
Methodist. lie was much respected by
all who happened .toknew him, and all
1a'ill be sorry to learn of his death. The
funereltooklace yesterday afternoon
to the )'Neter cemetery, and the re-
m'uus were followed by a large con-
course of sorrowing friends and relat-
ives. He leaves behind a wife and five
grown up children, two sons and threes
daughters, to mourn his lou, all of
whom have the sympathy of their
friends in their hour of atllictien.
Oreat Ile altit Resfia, *r: If on
of sorts:, drink St. Iron 'C'l'atter.
int Veer, for Dyspepsia auPel s:
is c. curt. (teem Seeders.
'Mr Cantata,.
This eTltlrreillyq evening the grind
Clonus e "The Ffora er Queen" or "The
>t'onenetien of the Roe," will bewilder-
ewildera:al in Drew's Opera House, under the 1
:inspit•a,s of the ladies' Guild of the
Trivitt Memorial elaureh. TMs will be
a rich treat, and everybody should at-
tet duty to chronicle they
r. James Ccaleb Melutosh,
laielt'is:lt az,lall melancholy event occur.
cat on Smelly ry night hse ;at a the advan-
tell aged of eighty years. I;Ice has been
eery poor hes altit for some: time It est,
lout, uta ono was aware that death veers
veer. Ire was able to, be ;arottud on
Sat -artily us listed, and on Sunday
morning about two o'cloek was taken
fel a ith ittflaamen ttiu.n and during the
venieg butcumiaed to its fatal (el'ects.
.Ike was much rwespeerred by all who
knew w him. Ile leaves behind to mourn
his loss a kiaaat faithful wife and sev-
eral grown up ;children. The sorrowing
friends hrvae the sympathy of allitxthis
(heir sad bereavxaroitt.
Sheep ante rig Serape.
Cru Thursday last Daniel clicks, of
Usherette, had six reputable farmers of
the soma townshipbroughtbefore
Snell and li/chanaxl, charged
lith damaging ami injuring his(Hicks)
.sheep and pigs. llieks claimed that
en Sunday, the '7th inst., his sheep`rere
on the public highway and that the
defendants, coming upon them, chased
and caught hold of several of themand
caused them serious injury. The pros•
caution filed to satisfy their worships
that :guy of defendants hard been guilty
sf any such Sabbath desecration or of
the alleged impropriety towards the
sheep and, the six cases against the
:defendants were summarily dismissed
with costs against Hicks. His worship
Buelianan administered a sound good
lecture to the; parties regarding the
very ultaaeighborly condition of affairs
in the locality. R. H. Collins acted as
counsel for prosccution and L. H. Dick-
son as counsel for the several defend-
Connell proceeding<
Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment at town Hall 10th July. Present
Messrs. Pickard, McCallum and Carling
Mr. Pickard was chosen chairman, on
notion of T. B. Carling, seed by T. H.
McCallum. Minutes of previous meet-
s -ng read and confirmed. Moved' by T.
II. McCallum, seed by T. B. Carling,
thatorders be granted for the follow-
Rng sums, viz:—Jas. Creech, $1.40, for
saw; do. 4G,charityto John Piper; John
Keys, $2, labor; D. Taylor, $7.12, do;
Ino. Moreshead,$6.18,do; Geo. Hodgins,
$7.25, do; R. Williams, $16.50, do; M.
McInnis, $2.50, do ; 'Wm. Webster, $4.50
Thos. Hartnell, $11.62 do; Walter West -
Cott $8.28, do; Jas. Balsden, *16,50, do;
Albert Bissett, $4, do; Wal. Carley $11,
do; John Gillespie, $15, do; Wm. Down,
$15, do; Chas. Dorward, $16.50,do; Silas
Handford, $9.90, do; John Thompson,
$15.60, do; and Wes. J. Bissett, $27.47,
do. The clerk reported demand for
$488.58 for general county purposes.
Moven by T. B. Carling seed by by T.
H. McCallum that this council adjourn
meth Wednesday the 24th inst., at 8 p.
an. --Carried.
M. EMMETT, Clerk.
Public School Board.
MOIMEN k SEssxorr.—The Board met
OD July 15th. General' inspection of
school hoose and grounds by•the entire,
board. Adoption of minutes of last
meeting with exception of assessment
choose which was ordered to be cancel-
led. _ Adjournment. .[ournment. Evn G Sissio:�.-
Heid in the Towyn IIall at 8.30 p, m.
ail the members being present. Items
—Don't forget the Cantata to.night.
—'floe -wonder of today is London
Electric Soap.
Washerwotnan s friend is London.
Electric ,Soapy
<-et.L.D1111nt ae,Dentist, ter the beat
artificial teet1a,
—Mr. Walter Edgar left yesterday
for the States.
-Mrs, Arnold, of Parkhill, is visiting
friends in town.
—Mr. John Gould has closed the saw
mill for the summer.
--None but first-class grocers sells
London Electric. Soap.
—The haying season has commenced
and the crop is a fair one.
—The weather has been particularly
line for the past few days.
—TheRev. D. M. Thnnsry is spend -
iia a few in town at present.
---:Urs. Robinson, of Forest, is spend-
ing a few day with friends here.
—Insist on your grocer giving you
London Electric Soap, it is the best.
-Miss E. Zwiker, of Crediton, is
spending a. few days with friends here.
—Just think washing day made
shorter by using London Electric
—Don't forget to try Loudon Electric
Soap once and you will use no other
-11.. it. Billinrs,Den list.
Goldjaillin s
a specialty. Office over O'lieil's ,Bank'
—Mr., Mrs. and Miss Miners, of Point
Edwards, are visiting friends in and
around Exeter.
—Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Carder jr. of
Rutland, Vermont, are visiting at Mr.
E. Buckingham's.
—Large crowds can be seen wend-
ing their way towards the berrypatch-
es every morning.
—Mr. T. W. Hawkshaw, is confined
to his bed with an attack of the con-
gestion of the lungs.
—London. EIectric Soap is only
made by D. Richards, Woodstock,
Trade Mark Registered.
-We have the best values in TEAS in town
oI ee Ora. Friday.
and anyone wanting nom' a
—?hiss Inman. head milliner in the
OM Established House, is spending her
.st class article should not fail to give tis a call.
5 last Cu
, who hasi 0
�'Msuit o,
been here visiting for setae time pest,
has gone to Mitten to visit friends. ! r��Ir, lassoes Crs�ech 'r. Deft town ia�ta is ear Piokardevening^ fi r Dashweed where: Int has
p 1
�t?titrcxl al permanent situation ':AS :t
---Mr. Joseph llyeaee of Fingal, is at
present in town, lie was in aatteed'an-
te to the fuueraal of the lam George i 1 ENRy
VoS a'.
—Miss Annie Stacey, daughter of Mr
l iaisre
Thomas, '1}rh
Thos. Stacey, Hardware ;� exch ant of St ; � k
is visiting r cIte cousin � 'W.
D. Weeks of this place.
—W. Bro. H, Spiekmau left on Mon-
day for Owen Sound, to attend the l �^1
Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and aae GOD H,
cepted Mason's of Canada.
—Miss Attie Donnougb, of Goderich,
who has been the guest of the Misses
Goons for the past few days returned
heal( on Mauday evening last,
—On July 12th we load a call from
Erns. F. It Wright and S'anauet Cn d-
rr'elU, of Dondon, W., J. Wilson,of Green
ably and The,. Gilbert, Alio. Craig-
raig•b asebaall club goes to Ailsa
emir, tomorrow to compete in the
tournament there. «o are tistl
that our boys will carry off the 1aurals.
-Mr. M. M. Rosebrough, of Toronto,
Ls spending a few days in town; Mr,
Rosebrough was at ono time,a resident
of this place, having been principal of
the public school..
The Rev. D. Bueharuui and, wife,
of Toronto, are visiting, friends in town
atpresent,prior to their: departure for
'Stratford, where he will take charge of
a congregation there.
--Mr. Isaac Short, of Ja'lraetaine. Arl
zone, Is -visiting* friends here. Ile will
be remembered by malty of the old
settlers, having bean a resident of this
place a number of years ago.
Vlis' Oiorate Pia ani
— Capt. Geo. Kemp, has been appoint
ed agent of the City Mutual Fire Insur
ance Co. of London, Ont.
—London Electric Soap will not in-
jure the hands or clothes and do more
work for the money, try it.
- T. H. Jones, D. D. G. M., S. O. E. B.
S., of St. Thomas was a caller at the
ADVOCATE office on Friday Iast.
—Miss Minnie Sheere,of Parke ill,who
has been visiting friends here for afew
days returned home on Tuesday.
-Me J. P. Clarke wife and daugh-
ter left hereon Tuesday for St Paxil,
Minn., , where they will 1
sit friends.
— We understand that a cricket
match will take place here shortly be•
tween the Exeter and Bayfield crabs.'
--Mr. W. J. Clarke, of Toronto, arriv-
ed here on Friday last to take charge.
of lois brother's stole during his absence
in, St. Paul
—Mr. Walt Edgar, who bas been in
uncle Sam's domain for some time is
here on a visit to friends. He was at
one time, in the employ of Mr. James
Pickard's at the old established house
— Mr. Wm. Nugent, Lander the cm.
ploy of Dr. Browning as druggist, left
yesterday for Palmerston where he will
visit his brother for a short time after
which he will go to Michigan and spend
a few days in that State,
—On Monday afternoou, some hum-
er left his horse standing in front of
the market in charge of a. boy. The
horse commenced to kick and started
oX on a full run. The boy let go of the
lines but at once grabbed them up
again, and in a few minutes had the
horses to a standstill.
— On Tuesday last while Mr. David
Rowtcliffe was engaged in rating hay
on the farm of Mr. Jas Pickard, he met
with what might have been a fatal ac-
cident. It appears he rose : from his
seat on the rake and just then the
horse stepped forward throwing him
back over the rake and in the fall
caught one of his legs in a part of the
rake and holding him fast. Had it
been a skittish horse no doubt it might
lmve proved fatal, but he escaped with
a few bruises and a sprained back.
PAnxees.—In Ailsa Craig, on 16th
Inst., the wife of David Parkers. of
a daughter.
Knrlxy-Xn Centralia, on 17th inst., the
wife of Spearman Kenny, of ason.
liftec1ELL—In Crediton, on the 16th
Inst., the wife of William Mitchell,.
of ti son.
MGINTOSIL.—In Exeter, of 14th inst.,Jas
Caleb McIntosh, aged 80 3 ears.
GEISF'u.-ln Stephen, on 14th, Inst.,
Mrs. Adam J. Geiser, aged 59
Voseee.—In Exeter, on -15th inst., Mr.
George Vosper, aged 72 yrs. and 5
Woon—In Usborne on 15th inst., Wm.
Wood, aged 69 years, 11 months
and 15 days.
The season of green fruits and sum-
mer drinks is the, time when the wore;;
forms of cholera, morbus anti bowel
complaints prevail. As a safeguard,
Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw-
berry should be ktpt at hand. For 30
years it bras been the most reliable rem
There iz a, grate deal of artyfishall
honesty in this wooly; it wants a heap
ov weteein, and should be labelled
o 0
XXX Portera
IN Magi &IccooI Drinks
We are prepared
to supply the Public through-
out the season with
Ice Cream., Ginger Ale,
Sarsaparilla, Plain Soda,
Leon Soda, Lemollade , ,
Milk -shake
Lemon, Strawberry, Van
illa, Pine Apple
or Raspberry.
Ihw 9008 & TOflE'
W. H. Trott
Wishes to announce that he
has opened out business in the
stand recently occupied by
the ADVOCATE, and is pre-
pared to manufacture first-
for all customers,
Our motto is good
work and square
4.n old physician ,retired from practice hav-
ing had placed in his hands by an East India
missionary the formula of °, simple vegetable
remedy for the speedy and permanent Cure of
Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma
and all throat and Lung Affections. - Also a
positive antiradical cure for nervous Delail.ity
and all Nervous Complain ts,afterhaving test
edits wonderfuleur ativo powers in thousands
of cases, has felt. it his duty to make it known
to ,his snffering fellows. Actuated by this
motive and a desire to relieve human suffer-
ing,T will send free of charge to all who clasite
it, this reeeipe, in German, French' or English
with full directions for preparing and using.,
Bent by mail by acl.dressty_with stampnam
ing this pay7or. W. A. NgoYi:s, 149 Power's'
Block,hothestor, N. Y. r- C:
It is said that every person bas . a chancy
CO in their lifetime to reaal;e a fortune, and if they
allow that time to pass may never have the opportunity
Yell can depend upon it that overybody purchasing their goods
,rt Parkinson's saves money, by doing so will soon make
their fortune. Itis prices are always down.
uu aro not asked high prices to make up losses, for debts contracted b. bale
easterners; don't yon see there is thousands in it. Parkinson's Stock
is new and consists of Dry•Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glass.
ware, Tweeds, Boots and Shoes, in fact everything thin^ 'usually
kept in' first-class General Store, See his Black. and Colored Casheres
bona 25 ets up. You can get the cheapest all wool suit in FAO( r blade to order
i take no mistake. Consult your own interests and
examine his stock before making your purchases elsewhere
and you will soon sa' a enough for a fortune. You can do
better at the Cheap Cash Store than any other place in
Exeter. pS1„he t market price allowed for farm produce at
PARKINSON'S, S, 1i iist door north et' the Town Hall, Exeter.
For any ban to claim to
Make money by selling at a loss..
Sts simple to say it and simple to swallow it.
If the farmer raised only grain for grain what he planted he
would starve. If the merchant sells his goods dollar
for dollar at the price he bought them, he
is out m time, labor and expense.
and we live by our profits, but we don't prey on the public.
Our price is actually lower than the much bragged up
of others. If they sell below cost they
paid big prices. Bad buyers don't
make good sellers. Cood
goods don't have to be sold
below cost to get rid of them.
Our Goods are food.
They pay us to handle and you to buy
We don't have to bribe our buyers
or sacrifice our sales.
at fairest prices. We don't
crowd you to buy. Take
them or leave them.
Highest price paid for