The Exeter Advocate, 1889-7-18, Page 5EVEREST'S OSUMI SYRUP CANNOT 8F EXCE4L50.. Try it and be ocievinee4 of Hi nrenrThrtH curative properties. Woo 22.00nts, The Nest Successful 'Remedy Iva Cocker, ored. as it is certain in its effects and does not baster, Read proothelow. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURL Osamu or C171004,3 A. 42414; RuzDs* CLEVELAND VAT Arm Taormau BA= TieRSEIL 'Xi-Nov.40P. ha, Hors*, Da. B, ICarnots, CO. Dear sirai I have alwaye purchased your Ken- dairs Smola Care by tbe bag derma bottles. X would like prices/A larger quantity. I think It le °neer the beat Hrdinenta On eexth Ib,.ve ett my stables for three years. Yours truly. cuss, A. Srrara KENDALL'S SPAWN CURL Ifitoostml, N. M. hlOYember 114 KulnTer,r+Co,, Dear Glr/1 L dalre to ere You testimmtial of ray good opinion of Your 'gentian's anavin Cure. 2 have used is Mr Immenees. sow Joao' loot staying& StVL L have found, it a elne CUre Leona, Atli recommend 11 11) all basemen - Taro *rely. A. IL atturier. Wiumger TroT Laundry MAW:, KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. HART. WRITON cOlnOPTN QutOrPo; V; lese• sae, 11.3. ueereue. op. L61„,t,„; Ilect Meer ditty to saY what! haverlene Itte your Reeentes emelt% cure. I have cured woos:five homes that had apitylve. ten ot tinstitone.utue aMtetal with Dig *lead and venet Hie dna'. Sinai I bevo bed /moot your kg and renewed the clirectioas. Xhosa never t a ppm or any MAO. TOW* trIATP Aimitaw Telarcii, Mao Doctor, KENDALL'S SPAVIN OURE. wee 51 per bettle, or six battles ler 55, Ali DNS, gists here it or cariket it for yell, Or it will be sent to any eddressen receipt of price by Hie Peetrite tors, 74.,B. *I, 4X%. co,. Dueshureb Faits. vt, SOLD Or ALL DRUGGISTS, F7;11' Ail; (BADE, HARK.) Try EYerest's Eller Regulator Tor Masa of the Liver Hideo*, fe,„ and Purify- tng of the *Ike& Prlee *1. Sig bottles ter 55, s, For gale by ALIA mummers, Mauutacturod only by QED. 11, EVEREST. Omuta; Fosse; Okr. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Prescription of A physician hashed a lifo long experience in treating female diseases. la Used 431011thlY with perfect success by over 10,000 ladies. Pleasant, safe. effeeettal. Wiese seeYeerdreg- gist for Rennareyat Wetter* mid Mee no eelastitute. er legless u tor eealoti lueticuesni. EO.€1 by druggist% taper tem. tdttr.st1 REVIllersek.elfeelieAts VG,, limner Iuij. Seta in Exeter by Dr. Lutz, end druggists everviehere. Jou, ies. CARTEKS MIX IVER PILLS. CURE Siek Ifeadeehis entire: ere all Um trail/441nel, dent to A bilious state of the system, inch ati Disrinesa, NeURIL Drowsiness. MOM; After faller, rate to the Side, &e, While their most remarkable lowest has bioaehOW11 SO curieg SICK ticaeleebe, eet CARTER'S Id...LELrrrit Pius are equally valuable in Constipation. curing and preventing thia anpoying complaint, 'dine they 440 Correct all disarders 0 the alerimeh, stimulato the liver it regulate the 140wels. Xren if they only mired. HEAD Ache they would be almost priced' SO thole who suffer front tido distressieg complaint: but fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those who once try them will And these llttl11pfllOvaluable lu so many ways that they V/111 not be willing to do without them. Nut after all sick head ACHE it Sleben* Of $0 many liVea thet here tsw,herti we Make our greet -boast. Our pills cure it while others de not. CART/1RM La= fame PILLS are very *Mali and very easy to take. One or two pills make a doge. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, hut by their gentle action View all who use them. In 01 25 cents; five for $1. Sold everywhere, or sant by Imam OLIITZ11 /11D1011,1111 CO., llsw York. ball ?il1 I111:1n11/rice, This Year's YRTLE Cut8t Plug Smoking Tobacco FINER TITAN EVER. See TOP AND READ! There is a Machine Oil call e RI)IN IT IS MANUFACTURED SOLELY BY McCOLL BROS„, TORONTO ORT See that Barrels are branded with the Trade Mark, LARDINE If not, do not take it, as it is only spin:ions oil they are offering you. so as to make more money out of you. FOR SALE BY Esse Bros., MEDICAL. TRE c.ELERRATED DR. LE eitanolf, OY PARIS, ru&breE. RAE ESTABLISHED AN ADE/COY IN TORONTO• FOR THE SALE OF $I� aminoms, wmen BE A POS- ITIYE CURE FOR AU, CHRONIC AND PEIV'ATE DISEASES OP LONG STANDING ALSO YODTHFUTAINDISCRETION,EARLY DE0Ale, ETC., SliOrLD WRITE ,FOR IN- PQRMATION CORRESPONDENCE CON- FIDENTIAT4 Ribbert. The township is all alive with berry pickers. Mr. W, Thompson is spending, a few days in Parkhill. The Misses White spent Sunday with 51r. B. Ruston, of Exeter, 3jr. Mingle Speare, QE Woodstock, is visiting his parents /agar Croznarty for ADDRESS ALL LSTTERS httime. CAMERON PX.ACE, - — - MON". ied the pulpit of the English church, T" /3" CRA" AGE7-WY' Sitil:lien. Craig, of Clinton, occurs - Stara, last Sunday morning Revd.% Penhale and. Deivo of the Elittiville eireuit, spent Tuesday visit- ing the friends of Prospect appeintment. Mrs. Alex Boyle left last week for Lanark where she intends stayhig for to eariva,sfer the sale of Nursery -Stock ON . _ . sSinAtgeLAvgZelfroitiliDryrettitAlFyrrabincaIS,S4ItOa,NtSD1110 time for the g,00d or Der Reath. Mr. Thomas %bate and daughter, e B. NEWS & CO„ Booliester, N. Y. coborne report of haviog spent a dune 6r -St. pleasant day last week Willi tel old ; friends Mr and Nrs. Gullet 0 StatTa. Will be found an excellent remedy ; ' for sick headache. Cater's Little Liver Pills, Thousands of letters from peo. pe who have used them prose this fact The hay harvest is now in full ()pa- is. French, scientific paper describes a Lopentrt,arnaffree as to its be- retaarlable earthworm which is quite'a • coi:etnuosolsare • nicin AlasQtruealiaatial .uThe avueareifeer Messrs- Bryant Bres- kr""e• °Pened ti inches in diameter and six feet in length. ALESME WANTED Luca. THE PROVIDENT Life and Lie Stock As sedation. 1 IN BRONZE ON oh Plug arta. Tao o. THE KEY TO HEALTH, INCORPORATED, AUG, WV, Ileal (Mee room Areade. TORONTO, ONTARIO. In the Life Department this Asso- elation provides indemnity for Sick Furniture and (Indertaking. --GO TO_ Rowe 86 Andrews new prntin4 office Do street and propose issuing the first number of a weekly paper nest week. Be'. Father Connelly interred two If you once try Carter's Little Liver respected members of his congreg Ition Pius for sick headaehe, billionsuess ;or in the cemetery attached to the church. cePstiPtiett, Yen win never 1/e, without Monday, •Messrs. James $hea awl them. They are purely ven'etable; !Miehael Sweeney, small and easy to take, Doter forget We have not yet been inoculated this• with the third party ertze in this neighborhood. It appears the bone Whole volumes hav bin writ praizin and sinew of this section of thi country the hutY h,_en.tentrnenti nns3 Yet we are died in the wool Sir JQ1111 A. *liter - prone to eeieave that Who Mita anti Will IDA lifitOR 10 ally 1110Var, FOR Faze it the most ham the most hav the Anent having & tendency to injure hi* EP -ROOM AND PARLOR surrS, ieast of awe. SIDEBOARDS A'alD EXTENSION TABLES, I,,OUNGES AND • The fall wheat is DOW past any dan- Pergaii,,ve rente,dies f ,eer of being damaged and f4st appro- •gisirg" WAY te gentle ne"41331 4//" 4"elting maturity. It is adtuitted by ari4 EASY CHAIRS, mild effects of Cater's Little Liver Pills p.urays dicit axeraae, yiO4. Nom IA, The Largest wareroporns ill•If you try them, the,y will certainly•UNC(F-S of any similar crop for the raise all 4.11111111allt yal, With the, frC. tOW11, please you. Last ten year& Sprifv. cereals al.so ince, ness and Accident, and substantial es- thltlerlahing outside ef the iSlIdertak. sistauce to the relatives of deceased members at terms available to all.. In theUve Stmt.! Department, two- thirds indemfor loss of live stock. of its members. Send for particulars, CWIOS paid ete. WILLIAM JONES, Sept.08. MANAD IND DIRECTOR THE LIGHT RUNNING SEWING MACHINE H AS. NO EQUAL. THE LADIES' FAVORITE. THE ONLY SEWING MACHINE THAT GIVES 17Ehil:E:t t9Arkriter 0/1 NEIIIHOMIC MACHINE GIIRANCE,MASS CHICAGO - 28 UNION SQ1.1ARE, FOS NX. DALLAS. 'Li" ATLANTA GA. TEX. Et LOUIS Me. SANFRANCICCO.0 5 st,.E George Vickers, Kirkto ANY MAN Who is Weak, Nervous, Debilitated, who in h Folly and Ignorance has Trifled away his Vig of Body,. Mind and Manhood, causing exhaus ing drains upon the Fountains of Life. Hea ache, Backache, Dreadful Dreams, Weakne of Memory, Bashfulness in Society, Pimples the Face and all the effects loading to Ea Decay, Consumption or Insanity, will find Our specific No. 28 a postive Cure. It impar Youthfu 'Vigor restores the Vital Power In o and yo un g, strengthens and invigorates t Brain and Nerve, .builds up the Muscular sy tm and arouses into action the whole phy al energy of the human frame. With o specific 1'o. 21 the most obstinate case can cured in three months, and recent ones less than thirty days. • Each package co tains two weeks treatment. Price 52. Cu Guaranteed. Our specific No, 24 is an info -6 ' iblo Cure for all Private Diseases no mat of how long standing. Sold under our writt Guarantee to. effect a Cure. Price 55. Toro Medicine Co., Tor( into, Ont. Nov .21 re? 'Unlocks ell the clogged avenues of The Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying oft gradually withentt Weakening the aye. tein, ell the imptiritics Mad foul humor.: of the accretions-, at the Sting Dine Cor- recting Acidity of tha Stomach, curing Biliousness, DYsPensia, Headaches. DIzzlne0, Ileartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt Rhoum, Erysipelas, Scro- fula, Fluttering of the Heart, Ner- vousness, and General Debility loll them, Anamany other similar Complaints yield to the happy influence of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Salo by tat Docatra. T.MILBUM&CO,Proprietors, Toronto. LADIES ONLY. FRENOH REGULATION PILLS. Far superior to fagot, Tansy, Pennyroyal or Oxide. Endorsed by the thousands of ladies who use them MONTHLY. Never fail, relie- ve pain, INSURE REGULARITY. Please:lit and Effectual. Price II Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto, t. Nov -10-8 rho Great English Prescription. - A succe.ssful, Medicine used over ,-,-- ittt 50 years in thousands of ca608. V 1 „ , Cures Spermatorrhea, Nervous ' i acme Impotency ' t'" and !_ittgateRaresseause7d by abuse. 1-'" ' tnerossi indiscretion. or over-exertion. [Arm] •Six packages Guaranteed to Cure teben *II others Fail, Ask your Druggist for The Great English Prescription, take TIO substitute. Ono package $1. Six $5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address Eureka Chemical Co.. Detroit. Melt. Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and druggists everywhere. ter -VZ V. . 0.4 URESCOUt - r s BAE -10 t 1r • - .-, 11S-' Got3ps - is )r. " ss nt ly Ln$50, tS ' 10 Ur be in 1.- .... 11- • en' to 1 8 E• --mni,„1 MEN OUR GILDED mavouLpvF L060gradient', IttiVenele salting from the time, Excesses, Price $1.00 six,,r^..c, ,-;-.., Ult,11;ttf:etrigliet2.• when you WOMEN NO. 2 CURES General Debility, Price 14100 six boxes for Six boxes No. 2 INSURES It safe and Ergot. Oxide, Prise 32,00 extra ; 8 boxes Mill PILLS° ertIotdst; Errors Overwork per box, oats p or $5.00: cures %Ways Tansy per $5.00, ' Igo 0 II PiLL No.1C.... RES a I LI TsYerm andanniltasPes re: of Youth, Theisero. 01 EIP011111. postage 8 Gents extra; 10 be cured tor 15T _ FEMALE EAKNES W S Nervous Hewitson, ero. b ox, pos tage 8 cents extra postage 25 cents extra. the worst eases. REGULARITY reliable. Dotter than or Pennyroyal Pills. large box, postage 6 cents postage18 cents extra. 119 MIST VI TORONTO mu ols remit datums CITY HOTEL LONDON, ONTARIO. $1 per day. J. & J. MelLUITIN, Proprietors. ,..1111411111Z111, The Grand Ullin Hotel, era Ring, in all its Branches. OPCM day and night. STAND -One door north of Molson's Rank. AIN.ST. • - EXETER. CM.12ik-r=7•T„ Otsr=-12.=0 Enlarged aud Improved. 30 rooms elegantly furnished. Tables supplied with all the Delicacies of the season. 3 convenient sample rooms. House heated with hot air. Electric bells throughout. S1 PER DAY. It J. TUFTS, PROPRIETOR. CHRISTIE'S COMMERCIAL) LIVERYi) First Class RIGS And HORSES. ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK- ( SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Terr,mz Mearzonf..8.1:51.a.. Telephone Connection. 12 Pounds OF WHITE SUG The Subscribers wishes to inform the Farmers ;tad General Public that he is Mein:red to furnish all Sires and Kind of I= "CT IVZ 'Wit -Digging Promptly Done and at Reasonable Rates. Residence and Shop on Ann Street, behind Christie's Livery Mal& A. CALL SOLICITED. JOHN MOORE. 400k Here? A, Buffalo paper says that if the city oeptiou et *me /448. Goo, „wok 1,24; 1144 "14111°11V stolen .ftwe it by bosd. r! rather delicate for this seasen ut tbe lets during the last twenty-five yeirs. Mr, AL J. C. Damon, Postmaster at London, District Deputy Grand Master of the United Order of Workmen, pa5,1, an official visit to the brethren of Lucan lodge on Monday evening. The lodge was assembled in full force, Ifesides & that the sum would pave every street in the city and keep theta in repair for ten years, If you want Bartialer in Land Rollers, Gates, Hay Racks, or Rakes, —eau at the— Bator Tuning %dory. A SOLID FACT - Three years ago I had liver com- plaint and indigestion. Notlimg did 1110 any good until 1 tried B. B. B. os number of visiting brethrout tel reeeiie my medicine. John Flowd, Barnesville him* ergauizetlui is II" a .verf N. 13, 13. 13.1.3. regulates the liver, flourishing condition, numbering, at present about 65 mee mbrs.•Bestdes Handles of every description always on hand. Turning done to order on the shortest notice. Repairing neatly and cheaply done. Circular and band sawing done. A number of bee hives on hand. They are the best and handiest bee hive made. A quantity of excellent machine oil for sale. Dry wood taken in exchange. ' J. D. VASEY ROMs. Raw Sugar FOR $1. • AT THE Dzotor North [len. Ztoros MATITESON. •MflITIONIIIIINf•CMICHOIN...,,I • He had clerked it in a shoe store, -......-... 1 other routine business ids Worship And called in society's mad whirl. ! v'lle(*sscli the hliti°"1" 14 five now Throughout the beguiling wino= , einalidates. After the business of the Ile courted a saltloving girl. lodge was concluded the members re FREELY USED. paired to the Central Hotel and enter- tained his Worship with refroshment* SIVilirlr Strawberryusthe best st3 le of "mine Mr. Wm. Mann, of Ottawa ,Ont.,writes PrePreti in Dr. bill?olawl,eirtt'snuele. tNNI:litchttlowe rest" of the Central, very best resUlts. 1 retommenti it to iny family and thiuk it the best medi- cine la use for all summer complaints, diarthrea, dysentery, ete. Tho criminal who undertakes his own defence when brought before the Mr. William Frazer gave our town a ly. court rarely acquits himself creditab- ...... flyiug visit on Sunday last. THE ACCIDENT CAPITAL. ineigestion for tlio past two years and these parts to celebrate Quebec. I have been troubled with have tried many medicines without Berry time has come and large num- avail. I tried 13. 13. 13. and can say hers of our villagers ean be seen Wittl- pdeariteuhges.in the direction. of the berry A number of our Centralia sports at- tended the raising on Wednesday. la the evening they tipped the light fan- tastic toe. Centralia. The hay crop around her is very good. Mr. S. B. Windsor is busy shingling his new house. Friday last being the 12th of July, quite a number wont to Exeter front BISSETT BROS LIVERY. First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders 'left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE. A TRIAL SOLICITED. BISSETT BROS. FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS Are pleasant to take. Contain their orwr Purgative. Is a safe, sure and efeetud destroyer ofzoorms Children or Adults. there is no evel to it. Thos. O'Brien. B. B. B. cures dyspepsia, billiousness and. constiptation. "Take away the soda fountain!" 'Toms the maniac's horrid yell, As he sat with reason clowded. In his narrow padded cell. A CLOSE CALL. After suffering for three weeks form Cholera. Infantum so that I was not ex posted to live, and at the time would even have been glad had death called me, so great was my suffering, a friend recommended Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, which acted like magic on my spstem. But for this med- icine I would not be alive now. JOHN W, BRADSHAW, 393 St. Paul St., Montreal, P. Q. The Prince of Wales has written a letter strongly supporting Prof. Pasteur and advocating the universal muzzl- ing of dogs. Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness, Iay revel. Mr• H. Towle has returned home from the North West. Ile looks hale and hearty and as though the west ha& agreed with him. Mx. C. Baskerville has returned front Oregon, where he has been for the pist few months. He reparts everything booming in that country. Mr. Rd. Elston of the 2nd con. had. a barn raising on Wednesday. T. Cave and H. Mitchell ehoosed sides and. re- sulted in a very close race though slightly in favor of Herb. (We have repeatedly stated under this head that we would not insert "drives" or "personalities." We hope those who write sucli audforward them to us for publication will discontinue it. Send. news or nothing. Ed.) A NEW HOMLTRFATMENT. Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the lining' mem- brane of the nose and eustachian tubes Microscopic research,however, has prov- ed this to be a fact, and the result is that a simple remedy has been formu- lated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deaf- ness and hay fever are permanently cured in from one to three simple, ap- plications, made at home by the patient once in two weeks. N. B. -For Catar- rhal discharges peculiar to females (whites) this remedy is a specific. • A pamphlet explaining this new treat- ment is sent on receipt of ten cents by A.. H. DixoN & Sou. 303 West King St., Toronto,Canada,L-Scientific Ameri- can. Sufferersfrom catarrhal troubles should carefully read the above. (10-22-'88.) ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at -night and broken of rive rest by a Sick child suffering and crying witla pain of cutting teeth? if so, send at once aril get o 'bottle of lies. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING. smier POE Cumnume Titanium Its value is incalcul- able. It will relieve the poorlittlo sufferer imme- diately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery- and dials. item, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind col ie, softens thus -nine, re d aces intim:ma- tion, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. MIDS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING Sraur WOE. CHILDREN TEETHING' s pleasant to the tastemxidl is the prescription of one of tbe oldest and best female nurses and physicians in the 'Unite& States, and is for sale by all druggists through. out the world. Priors 25 mints D. bottle. Everest's Liver Regulator has prov- ed the best medicine I ever tried for impure blood and liver complaint -John Jones, Hillsboro P. 0. Every man is "hunting for a girl" until he is married. Then he takes a, rest and his wife begins. "I cannot play on the batjo, sir," He said, with it blush of shame; But braced right up and said, "You bet I can guitar all the same." A New York paper says that two of every three women thatone meets in the street no longer wear bustles. '