The Exeter Advocate, 1889-7-18, Page 4THE eXtter gkbttocute. WM. SANDERS, Editor. Th1.1rSday, J1y 1861 1889. WE 4POLOGISE. /n our columns of last week appear- ed a communication signed by "Spec- tator," which, if we had noticed, would net have appeared, We were very busy with the 1.2th of July celebration, thua the blunder. We hope our North- ern friends will bear with us this time j and kindly overlook this mishap. NI?. CHARLTON OX TUE Mr. John Charlton, M. P., was one of the speakers at the Orange demon - Oration held at Essex Centre on the 12th Of July. He delivered a very long- speech, a large portion of which was taken up with a discussion of the Jesuit question; but Mr. Chariton would not hare been true to his nature if he had rot introduced polities into his oration. After speaking strongly on the Jesuit and French questioas, taking suelt dine at Sir Joint Mae- donald as he could convveientiy work in. he bored his audience with a tedious dissertation on tho question of rum. atrieted Reelprovity, teking, advautage of the presence of a large number of Conservatives for the purpose of im- pressing them with tha beauties of his Free Trade hobby. This portion of the apeech was eitatacterized, as most of Mr. Charlton's, speeches are, by puffing the 'United States and befit fling, Canada. Mr. Charlton is never supremely happy as apoUtielan unless crying dewn Canada and landing to the skies the land of his Ala tivityn That he took advantage of an Orange demonstration Atteciled by men belonging to both political path.; to lecture his audience on the subject of Unrestrieted Recip- rocity proves that the sueeess of the Reform party at the next general election is a untter upon which he has set his heart. He is persuaded that the antialesuit agitation now in pt.ogress will work to the disadvantage of the Government, and, vonaequently, in favor of the political party in whose firmament he is a burning and shin ing light; and therefore he is making the most of the disallowaaeo question in the Interests of Reformers. Every- body knows that if the Govermnent were defeated, Mr. Laurier and twelve other men who voted with the Govern- ment would take the places of Sir John Macdonald and his colleagues, aud where the particular advantage of the change from an anti -Jesuit point of view would arise, is one of those things which, as Lord Dundreary would say, "no fellah can understand." Let Reformers only triumph -let Mr. Limier and and his friends only secure the reins of office, and all will be well. That is the grand object for which the Toronto Globe and Mr. John Charlton are working; and in this ease -the end justifies the means." Ailsa Ora** Mr, McFarlane has pat a new roof on our new post office, ('isiz holiday and baseball teurna- ment to -day (Thursday,) Mr. John Morgan spent a. coupe days in London last week, Mr. Harry Hodgins, of Loeclon, is at present at Mr. John Eynon's, Mr. Rodgins, of the Southern States is at present visinng Mt John Eynon: Mrs. Christopher Walkerais at pres- out visiting in Strathroy and vicinity. l‘fr. MeArthur, of London, is the guest of Mr. W, G. Shipley at present. Mr. Wm. Robson, has returned from his visit to friends in and about lidera ton. Master Joseph Panell. of London, is at present visiting friends in this Owe. Mr. McGeorge, of Stratford, is at gprieseesn. t fixing up Mr. EulakeY's On n " Rev. Mr. Scott, of Brecksdale oecupi- ed the Presbyterian pulpit last Sala, bath, M. D. J. White and family have re- ; turned from an extensive visit in Wat, 4erloo Co. Miss Mary -McLeod, of London, has beer, visiting he parents here for the past week, Zifr. Hector A. Munro, ,of Chicago, paid friends in this place a 4ying visit last week. Mr. Wu. Munro sprinter,of this place raid his many friends in Exeter a visit St. John, N.B., and Halifax, N. S., are arranging for attractive summer ear, nivals, that in the former city to com- mence on the '22nd July, and that in the latter on the 5th August. Each car- nival will last one week. There has just been distributed a re- turn to an order of the House of Com- mons, giving the names of the vetrans of the war of 1812 now living, with their place of residence, and the amount of their respective pensions. The total number is 104 -in Ontario,, 42; in Quebec, 52; in New Brunswick, 4; in Nova Scotia, 1; in Manitoba, 1; in the United States, 4. "THE country is not prosperous and the people are' being ground to the earth by intolerable burdens of tax- ation," exclaims a Reform journal which hs seldom anything good to say of Canada, but any amount of praise for the 'United States. Poor country Unfortunate people ! Now, everybody knows that the allegiations which ap- pear with uniform regularity in Re- form journals regarding the condition of the country and its inhabitants are simply false, and are intended to mis- lead; everybody knows that the con- trary is true -that there never was a -time in the history cf the,Dominion when it Was more prosperous, or when its inhabitants'08 a whole were batter of than they are at the present time. No amount. of misrepresentation ran convince the people that such is not the fact. But as their friends are not in power the organs regard. it as con- sistent with the, highest standard of patriotism to „proelaim te the world that Canada is abthtt the 'Worst country on the faco'of thd- earth to live fist week, Mr, Jones, school teleher, of Granton, was visiting Mrs Dun= Stevenson last week. Mr. Hugh McDonald, of this place, spent Sunday last visiting his brother in London. Wm, Shipley, cattle buyer, is at present staying in our midst buying cattle for exportations. Miss Bedford, our popular milliner left ott Monday last for 13arrie where she intends to spend her holadays. Mr. Jno. McKaaacaptairt of the 'Stars' has, we are glad to report,fally recover ed from Ids recent serious illness, Mr. J3. Harrison, of Harrison .4; M Coll. of the Franklin House, Parkhill, paid Craig a visit on Tuesday last. Mr. David Parkers is the happy pros- sessor of a bran new baby girl. The event oceured on Tuesday morning last. Miss Joanna. Campbell who has been teaching school at Jura, for the past term is at present home on her hali- dtya. Mr. David Wyllie on Tuesday last took a magnificent view of the .Ailsa Craig job printing office and its em ployees, Miss Friend, of London, paid friends in town a visit last week, John in- tends to return the compliments next Sunday. Mr. Duncan Bell, of the firm of Bell and Morgan, has been suffering for about a week with the enlargement of the talkasity. The new flour mill is ready for the Machinery. We hope to see it running in a very short time as the farmers are patiently waiting. Mr, Donald ItleICey, operator, is at present relieving agent at Ripley. Mr Cavanaugh, of Forest, is stationed here during Dan's absence. Mr. Wm. Huiekey, pumpman of the G. T. R. had the misfortune to let a heavy piece of iron fall on his foot crushing it coasidembly. Mr. Wm. -Moody had his house newly painted this week. It now presents a lovely appearance and if Wm. had a better half he ought to be happy. Mr. Elvin Shoebottom has taken a position in our enterprising job print- ing office. Will seems to be a great hone at turning out good, printers. On Friday last our Sabbath school held a union picnic on Mr. Shipley's flats. A. large number spent the day there and the band furnished excellent Mr. Prank Leslie, typo, of Aylmer, spent last week visiting in Ailsa Craig and vicinity. He left on Monday last for Port Huron where he has a position waiting for him. The Northern Fair Association of Ailsa. Craig have decided to hold their fair on the 10th and 11th of October. This year's fair will be the grandest af- fair ever held in this place. Mr. Wm. Cameron, w10 has been vis- iting friends and relatives in this place for the past two week returnedto his home in Brantford on Monday last. Will made quite a number of friends while here. Mr. Geo. 'W. Munro, formally of this place, but late of Brandon,has,returned home. While out there George was chief of Police but had to resign on ac• count of ill health of his wife. We are glad to see George and the family in our midst again. Quite a bit of excitement was caused last Monday evening by a horse get- ting tired standing on the street and starting for home After the farmers smash a new fuggy or something worse they will commence and put their horses in the stables. I really believe I would not be Alive. at this time hid I not used Everest's Liver Regulator. -B. Schoular; ',Forest P. 0. ALLAN LINE. ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. LIVERPOOL AND QUEBEC SERVICE. Fame LIVERPOOL, STEAMER, Ftton QUEBEC. Friday, April 16 Thursday, " 25, 4" May 2.. Friday, " 10 Thursday, Friday, Tharsdan It might be of some consequence To some one if we say, The man has eertainly horse sense Who knows when we say neigh. Some fine folks pay their bills with resignation;some with' money and ot- hers not at all. Friday,Thnrsay, Friday, Thursday, 60 Jima 6 _ " 14, 61 20. " 28. - July 4 " 11 *CIRCASSIAN... Friday May PARISIAN, „ Thursday POLYNESIAN..., tCATHHAGENIAN 1 , SARDINIAN Thursday, *CIRCASSIAN .... Friday, PARISIAN.. . Thursday, POLYNESIAN, - a tCARTHAGENIAN SARDINIAN. . • - *CIRCASSIA,N PA,RISIAN...... • Friday, 10 Thursday, Friday, August 2... Thursday, " 6 " " 15... Friday, Thursday, " Friday, September" 6.- Thursday, 44' 12... Thursday, Friday, Thursday, " August tCARTHAGENI.A.N SARDIN NIA. . Thursday, 4t *CIRCASSIAN - Friday, " PARISIAN, . Thursday, " - POLYNESIAN. - September fOARTHAGENIAN .. SARDINIAN, -. *CIRCASSIAN , PARISIAN POLYINESIAls . RATES OF PASSAGE BY MAIL ST June a 0 July 14 44 0. Friday, 44 Thursday, October a Qw.ce4onl t:I.Y.nn-0-7,9x4. Cabin, ila, $TO and $,S4), cceerding to accommodatien. Servants in Cain, $5). Tater, Public that he has just received rootato,$sk Storage,50,. Return 'iet, Cabin, $1101 $13a, $150. Intermediat,e, $80, 1418 Steerage, $19.00. *13,v Circath ssian or oer extra Steamers. Celan, $50, $0, awl $70, according to accomi.ifia. tion. Intermediate, VA. Steerage, $20. fteturix ticiteta, $0151100441 $1O0. Intermediate. • STOCK, Steerap $40, " T e C t SS er$ free% thia side. There !'O no u ATTENTION 1 Eyes Front Quick March -TOE--- W. Clothing and Gents ,o rtntzumuNa STORE. 16 EXETER, - - ONTARIO. 23 -(o)--- S01118 of the finest goods that can be u mewed, are arriviture every 14 day, 20 2711 GENTS' FURNISHINGS IN THE LATEST STYLES AT RIGHT 19 25 1 A CALL SOLICITED. SOUTHOOTT it. 2$ Corner Main and John Street. 29 EXETER, ONTARIO. 5 1.0 8 27 10 MARKET SQUARE GENERALSTORK The undersigned would inform the t 11 • • V 1111) carry pa Wig Steamer carrying passengers from Quebec May $isti 50:4 ust.9fl, SePtomberIM. Passengers can sail from lieritreat. JOHN SPACKMAN, the only authorized agent for Exeter,Cnt, Look e oreyou Leap. AND BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR Building Hardware, Binding Twine, Harvest Tools, OR ANYTHING IN STOVES or TINWARE Call and see BISSETT BROS.' large stock and. get prices. TURNIP and other field seeds a specialty. Cash paid for Eggs, Hides, Skins, and other farm produce. BISSETT BROS QUALITY IS THE TRUE TEST OF CIIMAPINTESS. J. 11. NORTHCOTT -o--I NOW OFFERING -o - BREAD, BUNS, CAKES 3Eto., OF THE 3:B=ST GrC.T.23.ia==- 40.11A..1K. Of Every Description Made to Order. S. H. Northcott, ONE DOOR NORTH OF FANSON'S BLOCK. Main -street Exeter. THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT ---TYP E:-.. from which this paper is printed was supplied by the - TORONTO TYPE RITINDRY Dealers in Type, PresseS, and Printers' Supplies. J. T. JOHNSTON, 80 & 82 Wellington St. west TORONTO ONT. INCLUDING A FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS, EATS AND CAPS, AND CROCK- ERY, ROOTS AND SHOES. Those wishitt„,o. anything in my line will find It to their advantage to call and inspect my goods and prices. Best Roller Flour always on band. Highest Price paid for Butter and Eggs, and all 'find of Produce, J. P. ROSS. (10-22-'88.) SMALIICOMD plerollattt Tailor. Up stairs, over H. Spackman's Hardware Store. lie bas in stock some of the finest mummer goods to be found on the market. A CALL SOLICITED. CI. SlYEALLACOIVEBE. London Huron & BruceRailway GOING TABLE-Pass'xir. London, depart . ... 8.05 A. M ..125 e. Liman Crossing...8.47 5.20 Clandeboa-e ..... .8.52 ..... , 5.28 Centralia.. .........9.05 5.45 EXETER .9.16 5.57 Hensall 9 28 0.09 Kippen 9.34 0.17 Brucefield .... 9.42 6.26 Clinton. 10.00 ...... 6.45 Londesboro' 10.19 7.03 Blyth . 10.28 7.12 Belgrave........10.427.27 Wingha m . 11.00 7.45 GonsIG SOTJTH. Passenger. Wingham .... 7.05 a.m._ 3.40 P.M. Belgrave ........ 7.24 4.00 Blyth 7.38 4.15 Londesboro' 7.47 4.25 Clinton . 8.07 4.45 Bruceeeld........ 8.26 5.04 Kippen 8.34...... 5.12 Henstll 8.41 5.19 EXETER.... .... 8.56 5.33 Centralia .... .... 9.07 5.45 Clandeboye ...... 9.18 5.56 Lucan Crossing.. 9.24 6.02 London, arrive .. . 10.15 6.45 POB BALM Farmers, Gardeners and Florists, A fair sized brick cottage containing dining -room, sitting -room, 3 bedrooms, en- trance hall, with two good cellars under- neatirclarge kitchen 14x20 foot, with wood- shed attached, two large greenhouses, small stable, good well of water; with 114 acres of land, all well f.incecl and in fair condition. This property is within five ininutes' walk of the Exeter post office. The land aria' be sold on easy terms. Apply to April 11, 6 m.A. ALLEN, Exeter, Ont. rp0"THE DEAF.- A person cured. of Deaf- ness and noises in the head of 23 years' standing, by a simple remedy, will send a description ofit vital: to any person who ap- pIies to NiciroLsox, 30 St. Tolin St. Montreal t1-22-13.-Av. CLOTHING A. J. SELL, St.. EXETER - ONTARIO, Has now in stock SPRING AD UMICR IN THE FOLLOWING LINES: West of England Suitings and Trous erings, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser- ings. Premix and English Worsted Cloths All made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. A. 3, SNELL. L. H. Dickson's tiltoMmIL;titoforZall. Ttot No.22, in tho 1st co.ncesoianof tho town ship of Hibbort, containtng too acres, This tam will be sold cheap, and on easy terms The farm Is eituatedmiday between Seefert11 and Dublin on the Huron Gravel Road. Church and 'School within 100 yards of farm. Soil the best in the ootutty. A. unru'ber of Exeter villaga properties for sale on the best of terms,ineluding setae of the most desirable residences in town. Some property in the villages of Centralia. and P4rq,µ144r, which can he bougheheaii. To Boarding Rouse iceePers-On eorople^ Von of Verity's Foundry, its calculated that from 15 to 20 midi tiOnal bands are to be em.n. played. A Reese to let at n small rent care, able of accom oda tint; 8 to AO boarilers...kbelltr Ove udnntes weTh fron the oust r). Ferflirther particulars apply to L. H. LICESON, l'tb,Ift9a, Ilarriater. Exeter. S. GIDLEY. THE LEADING Undertaker AND Furniture Dealer OF THE TOWN? I have an immense Stock of Furniture and Undertaking Goods now on hand, whieh I 'will sell at right prices. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. S. GIBLET IF YOU WANT A loan in aiy Shave Oil Neat Hair Cut, CALL AT THE Central Barber Shop, Panson's Block, Exeter A. Hastings, .PROPRIETOR Exeter Plot° Sta. Why is it that in other towns and surrounding country they speak, so highly of the photo- graphs that are taken in Exeter. And how is it that there are so many photos sent into the different cities of Ontario from EXETER PHOTO GALLERY -SZTi-7.772"? Por Sale or to Rent. Because Senior's wdrk is as The subscriber offers for Sale or to Rent, Shat desireable residence on 0 , street, consisting of a frame house, with 6 rooms therein, a good well of water, abont two acres ofland, being iot 03. • Possession im- mediately. Terms reasonahle. Apply to EDWARD GILL, or at this office • Ap,1--Sm good if not better than any of the leading galleries in the' cities and their ,prices are $I and $5 per doz., while they get them at Seniors for S3.O0. .1 5